&To perform oversight for mission support functions key to the operations of CERDEC. This support encomposes facilities and property accountability management.::&The ability to be able to organize, provide guidance and delegate to the workforce. ::&I believe through communications with peers and leaders to work out challenges of a very demanding job.::&By observing those around her and assessing the out comes of tasks assigned and tasks completed. Additionally on the effectiveness of how the task was completed. ::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::In certain situations she has been known to have outburst when comments are not in her viewpoint. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::Somtimes pressure does not allow her do the job consistantly. Leaders influence a course of action that she otherwise would have done differently. I would say she needs to put her course into a logical manner to help leaders/management take her course of action more cosistantly. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::Her willingness to listen has lead to success with those around her.&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::True, but sometimes crosses the line.&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::Knowledgable and smart enough to ask when clarification may be required. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::Yes, this is done very effectively. She is not afraid to ask for input/guidance.&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::I believe she collects input from others to better understand what is need to complete a tasks. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::Yes, but sometimes in manner that detracts from the proffesional she is. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::My observation are that her team are comfortable enough to take ownership. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::On some occasions personalities play in and impact the team members.&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::She is overtasked which takes her in different directions that impacts the amount of time for the team. Fortunately she has done a good job at surrounding herself with a team that has good experience/knowledge of their jobs.&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::she seeks out ways to doing things better. Unfortunately, I think sometimes her leadership is a bit over bearing. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::Yes, but sometimes accepting feedback can be a small bone of contention. &1. Controlling her tone when others do not agree.
2. Listen open minded and consider carefully what her team has to offer.
3. Evaluate her presentation to leaders in manner to help influence a decision that might not be in the best interest of mission. Polite, well thoughtout close door session. ::
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