org.dmia&006273&XML2&6.0.0&&&XML2&&&&N.Y.N.N.N.N.N 0.1.o.o.o.N.0&XML2.001&XML2.002&XML2.003&XML2.004&XML2.005&XML2.006&XML2.007 &?0=0?1=0::undefined.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0::undefined.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0::undefined.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0::undefined.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0::undefined.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0::undefined.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0::undefined.0:1:1:0 &?xxx?1::&&?0?xxx::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?0?xxx::&?0?xxx::&?0?xxx?xxx?3::My enthusiasm stems primarily from my relationship with Tully-Wihr. As you guys know, although TW is not my only customer, they are definitely my largest customer and a seamless software system between them and I would be very advantageous for both of us. It is exciting for me to have the opportunity to work with them on this project, and then in the end be able to work with all other distributors who choose to go this direction. If there is any way that you folks can take advantage of the situation between Tully-Wihr and GKM, we would be very happy, and honored, to help. TW uses TopForm and GKM uses BFE. Donny Not Scored by Definition