ASCII Standard Comma Delimited Text Files
ASCII Text Files can be generated any common text editor, such as Notedpad in Microsoft Windows or the DOS Edit program, or the 'vi' editer on Unix systems, or by exporting spreadsheet data from popular spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel, Lotus, and others. All major databases provide features or utilities to dump data in ASCII delimited or fixed length formats as well.
This format separates each data element (or field) by a comma with each row of data (or record) separated by an EOL (End-of-Line) character. Test delimiters for individual data elements (fields) are only required if the data element contains commas (,) or double quotes (").
As an example, if the specifications calls for 5 data elements named id, pwd, fname, minit, and lname, the text file could contain:
1. The first line containing the data element names is optional if all data elements in the specification are included in each row.
2. Jane Doe has no middle initial but the specification requires the minit data element, so the absence of a minit is indicated by the two consecutive commas between Jane and Doe in the row.
If the file only contains required data elements, the first line should include the names of those elements included any data row in the file and in the order in the same order as the data elements in the data rows.
For example, the data does not contain Middle Initials for any data row AND the minit is an optional data element by specification, the data used in the first example would appear in the file as:

Data consisting of Letters (A-Z, a-z) or Numbers (0-9) only.


Administator/Candidate Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.
Required Name Min-Max Length Accepted Values Description
Yes uid 3-20 alphanumeric uid is a unique 4-20 character identifier for each user/candidate/administrator on the system.
Yes pwd 3-20 alphanumeric pwd is a 4-20 character password associated with the uid that the user provides for validation during login.
Yes nmf 1-20 alphanumeric nmf is a 1-20 character first name associated with the uid.
no nmm 1 alphanumeric nmm is a 1 character middle initial associated with the uid.
Yes nml 1-20 alphanumeric nml is a 1-20 character last name associated with the uid. Rules:

Global Group Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.

Global Test Definition Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.

Global Test Question Definition Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.


Candidate Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.

Public/Private Group Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.

Public/Private Test Definition Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.

Public/Private Test Question Definition Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.


Private Test Definition Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.

Private Test Question Definition Upload File Specifications
File Format: ASCII Comma Delimited Text
File Layout: 
Uploaded files must contain data elements for each row (record) in the order shown in the table below and Required elements MUST be included, optional elements may be left blank but the comma delimiter must exist for it unless the data elements are named in the first row of the file.


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