id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags wac02.001&tf&2&N&The mascot or the symbol of the Linux movement is a Penguin.&TRUE&FALSE&The Penguin indeed the symbol used to represent Linux.&&&&Trivia.0&&&& wac02.002&mcm&0&N&Customer interest in Linux is being fueled by which of the following characteristics?
(check all that apply)?&- There are no software license fees for Linux kernel and basic applications;- A very stable system;- Platform neutral ;- Customers can contract for new function or build it themselves;&- Enhancements are single sourced ;- Developers are part of a professional organization;&Enhancements are not single sourced.
There is a community of developers all over the world, but they are not formally organized as a professional organization.
All other statements are true of Linux. While there are no software license fees, user may want to pay for support and enhanced security.&&&a&Function.1&&&& wac02.003&mcs&2&N&This is a picture of the person who originated the Linux movement. Linux started as a hobby, became a project, and then took on a life of its own. What is this person's name?&Linus Torvalds&Linux Thompson;Ray Noorda;Lennox Lewis;Len X. Diegel;&Linus Torvalds was responsible for the Linux movement. Linux is derived from Linus' UNIX&&&a&Trivia.0&&&& wac02.004&mcs&2&N&The message of this IBM e-server picture is peace, love, and linux. Can you identify the location of this building?&outside the NY City Port Authority&directly across from Microsoft Headquarters in Redmond, WA;Helsenki, Finland, where Linux originated;This is a fake photograph;outside Union Station in Washington, DC;&This is a real photo of a building located near the NY City Port Authority&&&a&Trivia.2&&&& wac02.005&mcm&0&N&Linux is being used for which of the following types of computing: (check all that apply)&- Web serving and web infrastructure applications;- File and print serving;- Specialized business transaction applications;- Scientific and technical computing;&- A single copy can manage Massively parallel processor (MPP) computing;&Linux only recently began supporting multiple CPUs. It is used for all of the things listed except a single copy of Linux cannot manage a massively parallel computing environment.&&&a&Function.2&&&& wac02.006&mch&0&N&Match the statement with the company.&- IBM;- Sun;- Caldera;- Red Hat;&- Announced it would invest $1B in Linux in 2001.;- Shelled out $2B in stock to purchase Cobalt Networks.;- In 2000 acquired some assets of Santa Cruz Operations.;- Founded in 1994, dedicated to open source.;&Sun purchased Cobalt Networks, a company specializing in server appliances that run Linux.
IBM announced it would invest $1B in Linux in 2001
Red Hat was founded in 1994 to be a company dedicated to open source.
Caldera was also founded in 1994, became Caldera Systems in 1998, and acquired assets of SCO in 2000.&&&a&market.0&&&& wac02.007&ord&0&N&Please put the following events in order starting with the earliest:
(use the numbers 1 - 4 for your answers, with 1 = earliest)&- UNIX originates at Bell Labs ;- Project GNU (GNU is Not UNIX) started;- Free Software Foundation created;- IBM embraces Linux and open source movement;&&UNIX originates at Bell Labs in 1969Project GNU (GNU is Not UNIX)started by Richard Stallmand in 1984, and he started the Free Software Foundation soon thereafter
IBM got serious about Linux and open source circa 2000&&&o&history.1&&&& wac02.008&mcs&0&&Which of the following statements is false?&Microsoft will have integrated support for the Linux file system into Windows 2000 by EOY 2002.&IDC estimates Linux will become the #1 server OS in 2004 and states it is #2 today.;Linux is supported across all IBM eServers by Red Hat, TurboLinux, and SuSE distributors.;Linux is supported by IBM Global Services 24x7x365 across all IBM eServers so customers can install mission critical applications.;&The Microsoft statement is false, the other three statements are true.&&&a&Facts.2&&&&