configureWSDL('sugarsoap');//, $NAMESPACE); $server->wsdl->addComplexType( 'contact_detail', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', array( 'email_address' => array('name'=>'email_address','type'=>'xsd:string'), 'name1' => array('name'=>'name1','type'=>'xsd:string'), 'name2' => array('name'=>'name2','type'=>'xsd:string'), 'association' => array('name'=>'association','type'=>'xsd:string'), 'id' => array('name'=>'id','type'=>'xsd:string'), 'msi_id' => array('name'=>'id','type'=>'xsd:string'), 'type' => array('name'=>'type','type'=>'xsd:string'), ) ); $server->wsdl->addComplexType( 'contact_detail_array', 'complexType', 'array', '', 'SOAP-ENC:Array', array(), array( array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType'=>'tns:contact_detail[]') ), 'tns:contact_detail' ); $server->register( 'create_session', array('user_name'=>'xsd:string','password'=>'xsd:string'), array('return'=>'xsd:string'), $NAMESPACE); $server->register( 'end_session', array('user_name'=>'xsd:string'), array('return'=>'xsd:string'), $NAMESPACE); $server->register( 'contact_by_email', array('user_name'=>'xsd:string','password'=>'xsd:string', 'email_address'=>'xsd:string'), array('return'=>'tns:contact_detail_array'), $NAMESPACE); $server->register( 'search', array('user_name'=>'xsd:string','password'=>'xsd:string', 'name'=>'xsd:string'), array('return'=>'tns:contact_detail_array'), $NAMESPACE); $server->register( 'track_email', array('user_name'=>'xsd:string','password'=>'xsd:string','parent_id'=>'xsd:string', 'contact_ids'=>'xsd:string', 'date_sent'=>'xsd:date', 'email_subject'=>'xsd:string', 'email_body'=>'xsd:string'), array('return'=>'xsd:string'), $NAMESPACE); $server->register( 'create_contact', array('user_name'=>'xsd:string','password'=>'xsd:string', 'first_name'=>'xsd:string', 'last_name'=>'xsd:string', 'email_address'=>'xsd:string'), array('return'=>'xsd:string'), $NAMESPACE); $server->register( 'create_account', array('user_name'=>'xsd:string','password'=>'xsd:string', 'name'=>'xsd:string', 'phone'=>'xsd:string', 'website'=>'xsd:string'), array('return'=>'xsd:string'), $NAMESPACE); $server->register( 'create_opportunity', array('user_name'=>'xsd:string','password'=>'xsd:string', 'name'=>'xsd:string', 'amount'=>'xsd:string'), array('return'=>'xsd:string'), $NAMESPACE); $server->register( 'create_case', array('user_name'=>'xsd:string','password'=>'xsd:string', 'name'=>'xsd:string'), array('return'=>'xsd:string'), $NAMESPACE); function create_session($user_name, $password) { if(validate_user($user_name, $password)) { return "Success"; } return "Failed"; } function end_session($user_name) { return "Success"; } function validate_user($user_name, $password){ global $server, $log; $user = new User(); $user->user_name = $user_name; if($user->authenticate_user($password)){ return true; }else{ $log->fatal("SECURITY: failed attempted login for $user_name using SOAP api"); $server->setError("Invalid username and/or password"); return false; } } function add_contacts_matching_email_address(&$output_list, $email_address, &$seed_contact, &$msi_id) { global $log; $safe_email_address = addslashes($email_address); $where = "email1 like '$safe_email_address' OR email2 like '$safe_email_address'"; $response = $seed_contact->get_list("first_name, last_name", $where, 0); $contactList = $response['list']; // $log->fatal("Retrieved the list"); // create a return array of names and email addresses. foreach($contactList as $contact) { // $log->fatal("Adding another contact to the list: $contact->first_name ($msi_id)"); $output_list[] = Array("name1" => $contact->first_name, "name2" => $contact->last_name, "association" => $contact->account_name, "type" => 'Contact', "id" => $contact->id, "msi_id" => $msi_id, "email_address" => $contact->email1); $accounts = $contact->get_accounts(); foreach($accounts as $account) { $output_list[] = get_account_array($account, $msi_id); } $opps = $contact->get_opportunities(); foreach($opps as $opp) { $output_list[] = get_opportunity_array($opp, $msi_id); } $cases = $contact->get_cases(); foreach($cases as $case) { $output_list[] = get_case_array($case, $msi_id); } $msi_id = $msi_id + 1; } } function contact_by_email($user_name, $password, $email_address) { if(!validate_user($user_name, $password)){ return array(); } global $log; //$log->fatal("Contact by email called with: $email_address"); $seed_contact = new Contact(); $output_list = Array(); $treeResults =Array(); $email_address_list = explode("; ", $email_address); // remove duplicate email addresses $non_duplicate_email_address_list = Array(); foreach( $email_address_list as $single_address) { // Check to see if the current address is a match of an existing address $found_match = false; foreach( $non_duplicate_email_address_list as $non_dupe_single) { if(strtolower($single_address) == $non_dupe_single) { $found_match = true; break; } } if($found_match == false) { $non_duplicate_email_address_list[] = strtolower($single_address); } } // now copy over the non-duplicated list as the original list. $email_address_list = &$non_duplicate_email_address_list; // Track the msi_id $msi_id = 1; foreach( $email_address_list as $single_address) { //$log->fatal("************".$single_address); add_contacts_matching_email_address($output_list, $single_address, $seed_contact, $msi_id); } //to remove an erroneous compiler warning $seed_contact = $seed_contact; //$log->fatal("Contact by email returning"); return $output_list; } function get_contact_array($contact, $msi_id = '0'){ return Array("name1" => $contact->first_name, "name2" => $contact->last_name, "association" => $contact->account_name, "type" => 'Contact', "id" => $contact->id, "msi_id" => $msi_id, "email_address" => $contact->email1); } function contact_by_search($name, $where = '', $msi_id = '0') { //global $log; $seed_contact = new Contact(); if($where == ''){ $where = $seed_contact->build_generic_where_clause($name); } $response = $seed_contact->get_list("first_name, last_name", $where, 0); $contactList = $response['list']; //$row_count = $response['row_count']; $output_list = Array(); //$log->fatal("Retrieved the list"); // create a return array of names and email addresses. foreach($contactList as $contact) { //$log->fatal("Adding another contact to the list"); $output_list[] = get_contact_array($contact, $msi_id); } return $output_list; } function get_account_array($account, $msi_id){ return Array("name1" => '', "name2" => $account->name, "association" => $account->billing_address_city, "type" => 'Account', "id" => $account->id, "msi_id" => $msi_id, "email_address" => $account->email1); } function account_by_search($name, $where = '', $msi_id = '0') { //global $log; $seed_account = new Account(); if($where == ''){ $where = $seed_account->build_generic_where_clause($name); } $response = $seed_account->get_list("name", $where, 0); $accountList = $response['list']; //$row_count = $response['row_count']; $output_list = Array(); //$log->fatal("Retrieved the list"); // create a return array of names and email addresses. foreach($accountList as $account) { //$log->fatal("Adding another account to the list"); $output_list[] = get_account_array($account, $msi_id); } return $output_list; } function get_opportunity_array($value, $msi_id = '0'){ return Array("name1" => '', "name2" => $value->name, "association" => $value->account_name, "type" => 'Opportunity', "id" => $value->id, "msi_id" => $msi_id, "email_address" => ''); } function opportunity_by_search($name, $where = '', $msi_id = '0') { //global $log; $seed = new Opportunity(); if($where == ''){ $where = $seed->build_generic_where_clause($name); } $response = $seed->get_list("name", $where, 0); $list = $response['list']; //$row_count = $response['row_count']; $output_list = Array(); //$log->fatal("Retrieved the list"); // create a return array of names and email addresses. foreach($list as $value) { //$log->fatal("Adding another account to the list"); $output_list[] = get_opportunity_array($value, $msi_id); } return $output_list; } function get_case_array($value, $msi_id){ return Array("name1" => '', "name2" => $value->name, "association" => $value->account_name, "type" => 'Case', "id" => $value->id, "msi_id" => $msi_id, "email_address" => ''); } function case_by_search($name, $where = '', $msi_id='0') { //global $log; $seed = new aCase(); if($where == ''){ $where = $seed->build_generic_where_clause($name); } $response = $seed->get_list("name", $where, 0); $list = $response['list']; //$row_count = $response['row_count']; $output_list = Array(); //$log->fatal("Retrieved the list"); // create a return array of names and email addresses. foreach($list as $value) { //$log->fatal("Adding another account to the list"); $output_list[] = get_case_array($value, $msi_id); } return $output_list; } function track_email($user_name, $password,$parent_id, $contact_ids, $date_sent, $email_subject, $email_body) { if(!validate_user($user_name, $password)){ return "Invalid username and/or password"; } global $log; //todo make the activity body not be html encoded $log->info("In track email: username: $user_name contacts: $contact_ids date_sent: $date_sent"); // activity: $email_body"); // translate date sent from VB format 7/22/2004 9:36:31 AM // to yyyy-mm-dd 9:36:31 AM $date_sent = ereg_replace("([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)( .*$)", "\\3-\\1-\\2\\4", $date_sent); require_once('modules/Users/User.php'); $seed_user = new User(); //$log->fatal("about to retrieve user id for $user_name"); $user_id = $seed_user->retrieve_user_id($user_name); //$log->fatal("done retrieving user id for $user_id"); $seed_user->retrieve($user_id); $current_user = $seed_user; require_once('modules/Emails/Email.php'); $email = new Email(); $email->description = $email_body; $email->name = $email_subject; $email->user_id = $user_id; $email->assigned_user_id = $user_id; $email->assigned_user_name = $user_name; $email->date_start = $date_sent; // Save one copy of the email message $parent_id_list = explode(";", $parent_id); $parent_id = explode(':', $parent_id_list[0]); // Having a parent object is optional. If it is set, then associate it. if(isset($parent_id[0]) && isset($parent_id[1])) { $email->parent_type = $parent_id[0]; $email->parent_id = $parent_id[1]; } $email->save(); // for each contact, add a link between the contact and the email message $id_list = explode(";", $contact_ids); foreach( $id_list as $id) { if(!empty($id)) $email->set_emails_contact_invitee_relationship($email->id, $id); } return "Succeeded"; } function create_contact($user_name,$password, $first_name, $last_name, $email_address) { if(!validate_user($user_name, $password)){ return 0; } global $log; //todo make the activity body not be html encoded // $log->fatal("In Create contact: username: $user_name first/last/email ($first_name, $last_name, $email_address)"); require_once('modules/Users/User.php'); $seed_user = new User(); $user_id = $seed_user->retrieve_user_id($user_name); $current_user = $seed_user; require_once('modules/Contacts/Contact.php'); $contact = new Contact(); $contact->first_name = $first_name; $contact->last_name = $last_name; $contact->email1 = $email_address; $contact->assigned_user_id = $user_id; $contact->assigned_user_name = $user_name; return $contact->save(); } function create_account($user_name,$password, $name, $phone, $website) { if(!validate_user($user_name, $password)){ return 0; } global $log; //todo make the activity body not be html encoded // $log->fatal("In Create contact: username: $user_name first/last/email ($first_name, $last_name, $email_address)"); require_once('modules/Users/User.php'); $seed_user = new User(); $user_id = $seed_user->retrieve_user_id($user_name); $current_user = $seed_user; $account = new Account(); $account->name = $name; $account->phone_office = $phone; $account->website = $website; $account->assigned_user_id = $user_id; $account->assigned_user_name = $user_name; return $accountid = $account->save(); } function create_case($user_name,$password, $name) { if(!validate_user($user_name, $password)){ return 0; } global $log; //todo make the activity body not be html encoded // $log->fatal("In Create contact: username: $user_name first/last/email ($first_name, $last_name, $email_address)"); require_once('modules/Users/User.php'); $seed_user = new User(); $user_id = $seed_user->retrieve_user_id($user_name); $current_user = $seed_user; $case = new aCase(); $case->assigned_user_id = $user_id; $case->assigned_user_name = $seed_user->user_name; $case->name = $name; $case->assigned_user_id = $user_id; $case->assigned_user_name = $user_name; return $case->save(); } function create_opportunity($user_name,$password, $name, $amount) { if(!validate_user($user_name, $password)){ return 0; } global $log; //todo make the activity body not be html encoded // $log->fatal("In Create contact: username: $user_name first/last/email ($first_name, $last_name, $email_address)"); require_once('modules/Users/User.php'); $seed_user = new User(); $user_id = $seed_user->retrieve_user_id($user_name); $current_user = $seed_user; $opp = new Opportunity(); $opp->name = $name; $opp->amount = $amount; $opp->assigned_user_id = $user_id; $opp->assigned_user_name = $user_name; return $opp->save(); } function search($user_name, $password,$name){ if(!validate_user($user_name, $password)){ return array(); } $list = contact_by_search($name); $list = array_merge($list, account_by_search($name)); $list = array_merge($list, case_by_search($name)); $list = array_merge($list, opportunity_by_search($name)); return $list; } //echo "".create_contact('admin', 'sugar', 'sweet', '').""; //echo "
"; //print_r(search('')); //echo "
"; //echo "".create_account('admin', 'test_account', '111-111-1111', ''). ""; //echo "
"; //print_r(search('test_account')); //echo "
"; //echo "".create_case('admin', 'test_case'). ""; //echo "
"; //print_r(search('test_case')); //echo "
"; //echo "".create_opportunity('admin', 'test_opportunity', '10000'). ""; //echo "
"; //print_r(search('test_opportunity')); //echo "
"; //$log->fatal("In soap.php"); /* Begin the HTTP listener service and exit. */ $server->service($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); exit(); ?>