<?php /********************************************************************************* ** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License * The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger. * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger. * All Rights Reserved. * ********************************************************************************/ require_once('include/database/PearDatabase.php'); //require_once('adodb/adodb.php'); $fldmodule=$_REQUEST['fld_module']; $fldlabel=$_REQUEST['fldLabel']; $fldType= $_REQUEST['fieldType']; /* echo 'module is ' .$fldmodule; echo 'label is '. $fldlabel; echo 'field type is ' .$fldType; */ function fetchTabIDVal($fldmodule) { global $adb; $query = "select tabid from tab where tablabel='" .$fldmodule ."'"; $tabidresult = $adb->query($query); return $adb->query_result($tabidresult,0,"tabid"); } $tabid = fetchTabIDVal($fldmodule); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) { $fldlabel = stripslashes($fldlabel); } //checking if the user is trying to create a custom field which already exists $checkquery="select * from field where tabid='".$tabid."'and fieldlabel='".$fldlabel."'"; $checkresult=$adb->query($checkquery); if($adb->num_rows($checkresult) != 0) { if(isset($_REQUEST['fldLength'])) { $fldlength=$_REQUEST['fldLength']; } else { $fldlength=''; } if(isset($_REQUEST['fldDecimal'])) { $flddecimal=$_REQUEST['fldDecimal']; } else { $flddecimal=''; } if(isset($_REQUEST['fldPickList'])) { $fldPickList=$_REQUEST['fldPickList']; } else { $fldPickList=''; } header("Location:index.php?module=Settings&action=CreateCustomField&fld_module=".$fldmodule."&fldType=".$fldType."&fldlabel=".$fldlabel."&fldlength=".$fldlength."&flddecimal=".$flddecimal."&fldPickList=".$fldPickList."&duplicate=yes"); } else { /* //Creating the ColumnName $sql = "select max(fieldid) fieldid from customfields"; $result = $adb->query($sql); if($adb->num_rows($result) != 0) { $row = $adb->fetch_array($result); $max_fieldid = $row["fieldid"]; $max_fieldid++; } else { $max_fieldid = "1"; } */ $max_fieldid = $adb->getUniqueID("field"); $columnName = 'cf_'.$max_fieldid; //Assigning the table Name $tableName =''; if($fldmodule == 'Leads') { $tableName='leadscf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'Accounts') { $tableName='accountscf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'Contacts') { $tableName='contactscf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'Potentials') { $tableName='potentialscf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'HelpDesk') { $tableName='ticketcf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'Products') { $tableName='productcf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'Vendor') { $tableName='vendorcf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'PriceBook') { $tableName='pricebookcf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'Quotes') { $tableName='quotescf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'Orders') { $tableName='purchaseordercf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'SalesOrder') { $tableName='salesordercf'; } elseif($fldmodule == 'Invoice') { $tableName='invoicecf'; } //Assigning the uitype $fldlength=$_REQUEST['fldLength']; $uitype=''; $fldPickList=''; if(isset($_REQUEST['fldDecimal']) && $_REQUEST['fldDecimal'] != '') { $decimal=$_REQUEST['fldDecimal']; } else { $decimal=0; } $type=''; $uichekdata=''; if($fldType == 'Text') { $uichekdata='V~O~LE~'.$fldlength; $uitype = 1; //$type = "varchar(".$fldlength.")"; $type = "C(".$fldlength.")"; // adodb type } elseif($fldType == 'Number') { $uitype = 7; //$type="double(".$fldlength.",".$decimal.")"; //this may sound ridiculous passing decimal but that is the way adodb wants $dbfldlength = $fldlength + $decimal + 1; $type="N(".$dbfldlength.".".$decimal.")"; // adodb type $uichekdata='N~O~'.$fldlength .','.$decimal; } elseif($fldType == 'Percent') { $uitype = 9; //$type="double(".$fldlength.",".$decimal.")"; $type="N(5.2)"; //adodb type $uichekdata='N~O~2~2'; } elseif($fldType == 'Currency') { $uitype = 71; //$type="double(".$fldlength.",".$decimal.")"; $dbfldlength = $fldlength + $decimal + 1; $type="N(".$dbfldlength.".".$decimal.")"; //adodb type $uichekdata='N~O~'.$fldlength .','.$decimal; } elseif($fldType == 'Date') { $uichekdata='D~O'; $uitype = 5; //$type = "date"; $type = "D"; // adodb type } elseif($fldType == 'Email') { $uitype = 13; //$type = "varchar(50)"; $type = "C(50)"; //adodb type $uichekdata='V~O'; } elseif($fldType == 'Phone') { $uitype = 11; //$type = "varchar(30)"; $type = "C(30)"; //adodb type $uichekdata='V~O'; } elseif($fldType == 'Picklist') { $uitype = 15; //$type = "varchar(255)"; $type = "C(255)"; //adodb type $uichekdata='V~O'; } elseif($fldType == 'URL') { $uitype = 17; //$type = "varchar(255)"; $type = "C(255)"; //adodb type $uichekdata='V~O'; } elseif($fldType == 'Checkbox') { $uitype = 56; //$type = "varchar(255)"; $type = "C(3)"; //adodb type $uichekdata='C~0'; } // No Decimal Pleaces Handling //1. add the customfield table to the field table as Block4 //2. fetch the contents of the custom field and show in the UI //$query = "insert into customfields values('','".$columnName."','".$tableName."',2,".$uitype.",'".$fldlabel."','0','".$fldmodule."')"; //retreiving the sequence $custfld_fieldid=$adb->getUniqueID("field"); $custfld_sequece=$adb->getUniqueId("customfield_sequence"); $query = "insert into field values(".$tabid.",".$custfld_fieldid.",'".$columnName."','".$tableName."',2,".$uitype.",'".$columnName."','".$fldlabel."',0,0,0,100,".$custfld_sequece.",5,1,'".$uichekdata."')"; $adb->query($query); $adb->alterTable($tableName, $columnName." ".$type, "Add_Column"); //Inserting values into profile2field tables $sql1 = "select * from profile"; $sql1_result = $adb->query($sql1); $sql1_num = $adb->num_rows($sql1_result); for($i=0; $i<$sql1_num; $i++) { $profileid = $adb->query_result($sql1_result,$i,"profileid"); $sql2 = "insert into profile2field values(".$profileid.", ".$tabid.", ".$custfld_fieldid.", 0, 1)"; $adb->query($sql2); } //Inserting values into def_org tables $sql_def = "insert into def_org_field values(".$tabid.", ".$custfld_fieldid.", 0, 1)"; $adb->query($sql_def); if($fldType == 'Picklist') { // Creating the PickList Table and Populating Values /*$query = "create table ".$fldmodule."_".$columnName." (".$columnName." varchar(255) NOT NULL)"; mysql_query($query);*/ $adb->createTable($columnName, $columnName." C(255)"); $fldPickList = $_REQUEST['fldPickList']; $pickArray = explode("\n",$fldPickList); $count = count($pickArray); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $pickArray[$i] = trim($pickArray[$i]); if($pickArray[$i] != '') { $query = "insert into ".$columnName." values('".$pickArray[$i]."')"; $adb->query($query); } } } //Inserting into LeadMapping table - Jaguar if($fldmodule == 'Leads') { $sql_def = "insert into convertleadmapping (leadfid) values(".$custfld_fieldid.")"; $adb->query($sql_def); } header("Location:index.php?module=Settings&action=CustomFieldList&fld_module=".$fldmodule); } ?>