larray = array(); $this->larray[] = "l_name"; $this->larray[] = "f_name"; $this->larray[] = "m_name"; $this->larray[] = "login"; $this->larray[] = "pw"; $this->login = ""; $this->pw = " "; $this->uid = -1; $this->admin = 0; $this->last_seen = new DateTime(0); $this->last_host = "unknown"; $this->prefteam = 1; $this->theme = $tutos[themes][0]; $this->ly = $tutos[layouts][0]; $this->lang = "auto"; $this->tz = $tutos[defaultTZ]; $this->offset = 0; $this->disabled = 0; $this->updatepw = 0; $this->acldefault= array(); # see same checks in login.pinc if ( defined('useldap') && ! function_exists('ldap_connect')) { $tutos[useldap] = 0; } if ( ! function_exists('imap_open')) { $tutos[usemailboxes] = 0; } if ( ($tutos[usedocmanagement] != 0) && (("Off" == ini_get("file_uploads")) || ("1" != ini_get("file_uploads"))) ) { $tutos[usedocmanagement] = 0; } # Allowed Features are defaulted by config.pinc $this->p = array(); for ( $i = -1 ; $i > -100 ; $i-- ) { if ( isset($tutos[$i]) ) { $this->p[$i] = $tutos[$i]; } } # Allowed Features via team memberships $this->teams = array(); # Start of week $this->weekstart = $tutos[weekstart]; $this->workday = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6); # Default all holidays foreach ($tutos[holiday] as $i => $f) { $this->holiday[strtolower($i)] = $f; } # Default all iconsets foreach ($tutos[rowiconsbefore] as $f) { $this->rowiconsbefore[strtolower($f)] = 0; } foreach ($tutos[rowiconsafter] as $f) { $this->rowiconsafter[strtolower($f)] = 0; } # Disable all namedays foreach ($tutos[nameday] as $i => $f) { $this->nameday[strtolower($i)] = 0; } if (isset($dbconn)) { $this->tablename = $this->dbconn->prefix . "people"; } # # initialize custom database fields # $this->init_custom("people"); } /** * Read in a user * mode = 0 id is address id (default) * mode = 1 id is user id * mode = 2 use in user_overview */ function read($id,&$obj,$mode = 0) { global $g_hash; if ( empty($id) ) return; if ( -1 == $id ) return; # if ( isset($g_hash[$id]) ) { # # Hashed # $this = $g_hash[$id]; # return; # } if ( $mode == 0 ) { $query = "SELECT a.* ,p.*, as u_id FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."addresses a,". $obj->tablename ." p WHERE = ". $id ." AND = p.adr_id"; } else if ( $mode == 1 ) { $query = "SELECT a.* ,p.*, as u_id FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."addresses a,". $obj->tablename ." p WHERE = ". $id ." AND = p.adr_id"; } else if ( $mode == 2 ) { $query = "SELECT p.*,a.f_name,a.m_name,a.l_name,a.birthday, as u_id FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."addresses a,". $obj->tablename ." p WHERE = ". $id ." AND = p.adr_id"; } $result = $obj->dbconn->Exec($query); if ( 0 != $result->numrows() ) { $obj->read_result($result,0); } else if ($mode == 0 ) { $a = new tutos_address($obj->dbconn); $a = $a->read($id,$a); if ( ($a->id == $id) && ($a->gettype() == "address") ) { $obj->f_name = $a->f_name; $obj->l_name = $a->l_name; $obj->id = $a->id; } unset($a); team::obj_read($obj); } $result->free(); return $obj; } /** * Read all a result */ function read_result(&$r,$pos) { global $g_hash,$tutos; $i=0; while($i < count($this->larray)) { $f = $this->larray[$i]; $this->$f = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "$f")); $i++; } $this->id = $r->get($pos, "adr_id"); $this->birthday = $r->getDateTime($pos, "birthday"); $this->last_seen = $r->getDateTime($pos, "last_seen"); $this->last_host = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "last_host")); $this->uid = $r->get($pos,"u_id"); $this->admin = $r->get($pos,"admin"); $this->disabled = $r->get($pos,"disabled"); $this->prefteam = $r->get($pos,"prefteam"); $this->lang = strtolower(StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "lang"))); $this->tz = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "tz")); $this->theme = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "theme")); $this->ly = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "layout")); $holidays = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "holidays")); foreach($tutos[holiday] as $i => $f) { $this->holiday[strtolower($i)] = 0; } if ( strlen($holidays) > 0 ) { $h = split(",",$holidays); while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($h) ) { $this->holiday[strtolower($f)] = 1; } } $rowiconsbefore = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "rowiconsbefore")); foreach($tutos[rowiconsbefore] as $i => $f) { $this->rowiconsbefore[strtolower($i)] = 0; } if ( strlen($rowiconsbefore) > 0 ) { $h = split(",",$rowiconsbefore); while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($h) ) { if ( $f != "" ) $this->rowiconsbefore[strtolower($f)] = 1; } } $rowiconsafter = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "rowiconsafter")); foreach($tutos[rowiconsafter] as $i => $f) { $this->rowiconsafter[strtolower($i)] = 0; } if ( strlen($rowiconsafter) > 0 ) { $h = split(",",$rowiconsafter); while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($h) ) { if ( $f != "" ) $this->rowiconsafter[strtolower($f)] = 1; } } $namedays = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "namedays")); if ( strlen($namedays) > 0 ) { $h = split(",",$namedays); while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($h) ) { if ( $f != "" ) $this->nameday[strtolower($f)] = 1; } } else { foreach ($tutos[nameday] as $i => $f) { $this->nameday[strtolower($i)] = 0; } } $wd = StripSlashes($r->get($pos, "workdays")); if ( strlen($wd) > 0 ) { $this->workday = array(); $h = split(",",$wd); while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($h) ) { if ( is_numeric($f) ) { $this->workday[] = $f; } } } $this->weekstart = (integer)($r->get($pos, "weekstart")); if ( !is_int($this->weekstart) ) { $this->weekstart = $tutos[weekstart]; } if ( !is_numeric($this->disabled) ) { $this->disabled = 0; } if ( $this->lang == "" ) { $this->lang = "auto"; } # # read custom database fields # $this->read_custom_result($r,$pos,"people"); acl_read($this); acl_readdefault($this); # acl_raise($this,$this->id,$tutos[modok]); $g_hash[$this->uid] = &$this; # $g_hash[$this->id] = &$this; team::obj_read($this); } /** * Read and set the permissions this user has * feature permissions have an ID < 0 */ function read_permissions() { global $tutos; $q = "SELECT * FROM ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."acl WHERE obj_id < 0 AND adr_id = ". $this->id; $r = $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $n = $r->numrows(); $a = 0; while ( $a < $n ) { $p = $r->get($a, "perm"); $obj_id = (integer)$r->get($a, "obj_id"); $a++; if ( ! isset ($tutos[$obj_id]) ) { continue; } if ($tutos[$obj_id] == 1) { $this->p[$obj_id] = $p; } else { $this->p[$obj_id] = $tutos[$obj_id]; } } $r->free(); # read team permissions foreach ( $this->teamlist as $i => $f ) { $t = new team($this->dbconn); $t = $t->read($i,$t); $t->read_permissions(); $this->teams[$t->id] = &$t; unset($t); } # hardcoded (CHANGE THIS !!!) if ($this->isadmin()) { $this->p[usedbs] = PERM_ALL; $this->p[useuser] = PERM_ALL; $this->p[useteams] = PERM_ALL; } else { $this->p[usedbs] = PERM_SEE; $this->p[useuser] = PERM_SEE | PERM_USE| PERM_MOD; } if (isset($tutos[useaddressbook])) { $this->p[uselocation] = $this->p[useaddressbook]; $this->p[usecompany] = $this->p[useaddressbook]; $this->p[usedepartment] = $this->p[useaddressbook]; } return; } /** * Save the permissions of this user * feature permissions have an ID < 0 */ function save_permissions() { $msg = ""; $q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."acl where obj_id < 0 AND adr_id = ". $this->id; $this->dbconn->Exec($q); @reset ($this->p); while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($this->p)) { $q = "INSERT INTO ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."acl (obj_id,adr_id,perm) VALUES (". $i .",". $this->id .",". $f .")"; #error_log($q,3,$tutos[errlog]); $this->dbconn->Exec($q); } return $msg; } /** * return a list of all known users and teams * parties == combined list * t_parties == teams * a_parties == users * indexed by the Adr-ID */ function readKnownParties() { global $tutos,$lang; if ( isset($this->parties) ) { return $this->parties ; } $this->parties = array(); $this->t_parties = array(); $this->a_parties = array(); $t1 = "( ( = ". $this->id .")"; $t2 = " a.adr_id in (0,". $this->id ; $sep = ""; $tids = ""; if ( count($this->teamlist) > 0 ) { $t1 .= " OR t.team_id in ("; foreach ( $this->teamlist as $i => $f ) { $this->parties[$i] = $lang['Team'] ." ".$f; $this->t_parties[$i] = $lang['Team'] ." ".$f; $tids .= $sep . $i; $sep = ","; } $t1 .= $tids .")"; } $t2 .= $sep . $tids .")"; $t1 .= ")"; # # users we may see by special (ACL) allowance # $q = "SELECT distinct u.adr_id ,d.f_name , d.l_name FROM ". $this->tablename ." u,". $this->dbconn->prefix ."addresses d , ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."acl a WHERE ( = a.obj_id) AND (u.adr_id = AND (a.perm >= ".$tutos[useok].") AND ". $t2 ." ORDER by l_name"; $r = $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $n = $r->numrows(); $a = 0; while ( $a < $n ) { $id = $r->get($a, "adr_id"); $l_name = $r->get($a, "l_name"); $f_name = $r->get($a, "f_name"); $this->parties[$id] = sprintf($lang['AdrFormat2'],$f_name, $l_name); $this->a_parties[$id] = sprintf($lang['AdrFormat2'],$f_name ,$l_name); $a++; } $r->free(); # # teams we may see by special (ACL) allowance # $q = "SELECT distinct , from ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."teams t , ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."acl a WHERE ( = a.obj_id) AND (a.perm >= ". $tutos[useok].") AND ".$t2." ORDER by"; $r = $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $n = $r->numrows(); $a = 0; while ( $a < $n ) { $id = $r->get($a, "id"); $name = $r->get($a, "name"); $this->parties[$id] = $lang['team'] ." ". $name; $this->t_parties[$id] = $lang['team'] ." ".$name; $a++; } $r->free(); # # Members of our teams # $q = "SELECT distinct ,a.l_name ,a.f_name FROM ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."addresses a, ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."adrteam t WHERE t.adr_id = AND ".$t1." ORDER by a.l_name"; $r = $this->dbconn->exec($q); $n = $r->numrows(); $a = 0; while ( $a < $n ) { $id = $r->get($a, "id"); $l_name = $r->get($a, "l_name"); $f_name = $r->get($a, "f_name"); $this->parties[$id] = sprintf($lang['AdrFormat2'],$f_name, $l_name); $this->a_parties[$id] = sprintf($lang['AdrFormat2'],$f_name ,$l_name); $a++; } $r->free(); # Self $this->parties[$this->id] = $this->getFullName(); $this->a_parties[$this->id] = $this->getFullName(); return; } /** * Add option to array */ function addOption(&$array,&$show,$pre,$id, $f, $multi, $exclude = -1) { if( $exclude != -1 && array_key_exists($f, $exclude) ) return; if (isset($show[$id]) && ($show[$id] == 1) ) { return; } $x = "\n"; if( array_key_exists($n, $parts) ) $parts[$n] = $x; else $people[$n] = $x; } else if ( $o->getType() == "team" ) { $n = $lang['Team'] ." ". $o->name; $x = "\n"; $tlist[$n] = $x; } } /** * Ask for People (list all people teams the user can see) */ function askPeople($name,$pre,$multi,$project=-1,$any = false) { global $lang; $this->readKnownParties(); $rlist = array(); $plist = array(); $tlist = array(); $show = array(); /** * If a project is given, we first show the users having a role in * this project. This will be used from task_new... */ if( $project != -1 ) { $project->readroles(); @reset($project->role); while( list($role, $xf) = each($project->role) ) { if( isset($project->role[$role]) && is_array($project->role[$role]) ) { @reset($project->role[$role]); while( list($i, $o) = each($project->role[$role]) ) { $this->addOption($rlist,$show,$pre, $o->id, $o->getFullName(),$multi); } } } } $r = ""; return $r; } /** * Checks if this user is allowed to use a feature */ function feature_ok ($feature,$level) { global $tutos; if ( !isset($tutos[$feature])) { # echo "NO1 |". $this->p[$feature]."| ".$feature; return false; } if ( $tutos[$feature] != 1 ) { # echo "NO2 |". $this->p[$feature]."| ".$feature; return false; } if ($tutos[useacl] != 1) { return true; } #internal feature of a module if ( $feature < -1000 ) { return true; } # check users permissions if ( ($this->p[$feature] & $level) ) { return true; } if ( ($this->p[$feature] & PERM_ALL) ) { return true; } # Check team permissions foreach($this->teams as $f) { if ( ($f->p[$feature] & $level) ) { return true; } if ( ($f->p[$feature] & PERM_ALL) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * set the login name */ function setLogin($value) { return $this->setStrField("login",$value,"Username"); } /** * set the language */ function setLanguage($value) { return $this->setStrField("lang",$value,"UserLanguage"); } /** * set the theme */ function setTheme($value) { return $this->setStrField("theme",$value,"UserTheme"); } /** * set the layout */ function setLayout($value) { return $this->setStrField("ly",$value,"UserLayout"); } /** * set the timezone */ function setTimezone($value) { return $this->setStrField("tz",$value,"UserTimezone"); } /** * set the Password */ function setPassword($name) { if ( $this->pw != $name ) { $this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "Password" , "old" => "*", "new" => "*" ); $this->pw = $name; return 1; } return 0; } /** * datetime of last login */ function setLastSeen($value) { $x = $this->setDateTimeField("last_seen",$value,"UserLastSeen"); if ($x) { // search for modified data and patch it foreach ($this->modified as $i => $f) { if ($f['field'] == "UserLastSeen") { $this->modified[$i]['obj_id'] = $this->uid; break; } } } return $x; } /** * host of last login */ function setLastHost($value) { $x = $this->setStrField("last_host",$value,"UserLastHost"); if ($x) { // search for modified data and patch it foreach ($this->modified as $i => $f) { if ($f['field'] == "UserLastHost") { $this->modified[$i]['obj_id'] = $this->uid; break; } } } return $x; } /** * set the disabled flag */ function setDisabled($value) { return $this->setIntField("disabled",$value,"UserDisabled"); } /** * set the admin flag */ function setAdmin($value) { return $this->setIntField("admin",$value,"UserAdmin"); } /** * set preferred team (not set via user_new , but when using the calendars) */ function set_prefteam($team) { if (is_array($team) ) { $team = $team[0]; } $x = $this->setIntField("prefteam",$team,"forphrase"); if ($x == 1) { $this->update(false); } return $x; } /** * get the admin flag */ function isAdmin() { return ($this->admin == 1); } /** * Save entry */ function save() { global $current_user,$tutos; $msg = ""; if ( $tutos[demo] == 1 ) { return "Sorry Demo does not allow change of UserEntry
"; } $q = new query($this->dbconn); $q->setTable($this->tablename); $q->addFV("login",$this->login,"STRING",20); if ( $this->updatepw == 1 ) { $q->addFV("pw",$this->pw,"PASSWORD"); } $q->addFV("admin",$this->admin,"INT"); $q->addFV("disabled",$this->disabled,"INT"); $q->addFV("lang",$this->lang,"STRING",5); $q->addFV("tz",$this->tz,"STRING",30); $q->addFV("theme",$this->theme,"STRING",10); $q->addFV("layout",$this->ly,"STRING",30); $q->addFV("weekstart",$this->weekstart,"INT"); @reset($this->workday); $h = ""; while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($this->workday)) { $h .= $f .","; } $q->addFV("workdays",$h,"STRING",60); @reset($this->nameday); $h = ""; while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($this->nameday)) { if($f == 1) { $h .= $i .","; } } $q->addFV("namedays",$h,"STRING",60); @reset($this->holiday); $h = ""; while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($this->holiday)) { if($f == 1) { $h .= $i .","; } } $q->addFV("holidays",$h,"STRING",60); @reset($this->rowiconsbefore); $h = ""; while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($this->rowiconsbefore)) { if($f == 1) { $h .= $i .","; } } $q->addFV("rowiconsbefore",$h,"STRING",30); @reset($this->rowiconsafter); $h = ""; while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($this->rowiconsafter)) { if($f == 1) { $h .= $i .","; } } $q->addFV("rowiconsafter",$h,"STRING",30); $this->save_custom_fields($q,"people"); if ( $this->uid < 0 ) { $this->modified = array(); if ( isset($this->newid) ) { $this->uid = $this->newid; $q->addFV("id",$this->uid,""); } else { $this->uid = $q->addFV("id",-1,"NEXTID"); $this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "UserCreate" , "old" => "-1" , "new" => $this->uid, "obj_id" => $this->id ); $this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "created" , "old" => "-1", "new" => $this->uid, "obj_id" => $this->uid ); $this->acl = array(); acl_default($this,$current_user); acl_raise($this,$this->id,$tutos[modok]); acl_raise($this,$current_user->id,$tutos[delok]); } $q->addFV("adr_id",$this->id,""); $query = $q->getInsert(); } else { $q->addWC("adr_id",$this->id,""); $q->addWC("id",$this->uid,""); $query = $q->getUpdate(); } $this->dbconn->Exec($query); #$msg .= acl_save($this); #$msg .= acl_savedefault($this); #$msg .= history_save($this); return $msg; } /** * Update Password function added for vtigerCRM */ function update_password($new_passwd,$uname) { $this->pw = $new_passwd; $this->login = $uname; $pq = new query($this->dbconn); $pq->setTable($this->tablename); $pq->addFV("login",$this->login,"STRING",20); $pq->addFV("pw",$this->pw,"PASSWORD"); $pq->addWC("login",$this->login,"STRING"); $query1 = $pq->getUpdate(); return $query1; #$db->query($query1,true); #$this->dbconn->Exec($query1); } /** * Delete entry (that is easy as long as the address still exists !) */ function delete() { global $current_user; $msg = ""; unset ($this->modified); $msg .= acl_deletedefault($this); $q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->tablename ." WHERE adr_id =". $this->id ." AND id = ". $this->uid; $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "UserDel" , "old" => $this->uid, "new" => "-1", "obj_id" => $this->id ); $this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "Delete" , "old" => "user", "new" => $this->uid, "obj_id" => $this->uid ); $this->modified[] = array ( "obj_id" => $this->uid , "field" => "Delete" , "old" => $this->gettype() , "new" => -1 ); $msg .= team::obj_delete($current_user,$this); $msg .= parent::delete(); return $msg; } /** * get preferred team for calendar selection */ function get_prefteam() { if ( strlen($this->prefteam) == 0 ) { $this->prefteam = 1; } return $this->prefteam; } /** * get preferred number of displayed weeks for calendar display */ function get_prefweeks() { if ( !isset($this->prefweeks) || ($this->prefweeks == "") ) { $this->prefweeks = 4; } return $this->prefweeks; } /** * get preferred icons * $mode = 1 --> icons before grid * $mode = 2 --> icons after grid */ function get_preficons($mode = 1) { $ico = array(); if ( $mode == 1 ) { /*foreach($tutos[rowicons] as $i => $f) { $this->rowicons[strtolower($i)] = 0; } if ( strlen($rowicons) > 0 ) { $h = split(",",$rowicons); while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($h) ) { $this->rowicons[strtolower($f)] = 1; } }*/ if ( $this->rowiconsbefore["see"] == 1 ) { array_push($ico,"see"); } if ( $this->rowiconsbefore["mod"] == 1 ) { array_push($ico,"mod"); } if ( $this->rowiconsbefore["del"] == 1 ) { array_push($ico,"del"); } } else if ( $mode == 2 ) { if ( $this->rowiconsafter["see"] == 1 ) { array_push($ico,"see"); } if ( $this->rowiconsafter["mod"] == 1 ) { array_push($ico,"mod"); } if ( $this->rowiconsafter["del"] == 1 ) { array_push($ico,"del"); } } return $ico; } /** * per page update */ function update($initial = false) { if ( isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) { $lh = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else { $lh = "not set"; } if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ) { $lh = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } $this->setLastSeen(new DateTime()); $this->setLastHost($lh); $q = new query($this->dbconn); $q->setTable($this->tablename); $q->addFV("last_seen",$this->last_seen,"DATETIME"); $q->addFV("prefteam",$this->get_prefteam(),""); $q->addFV("last_host",$this->last_host,"STRING",20); $q->addFV("creator",$this->creator,"OBJ"); $q->addFV("creation",$this->creation,"DATETIME"); $q->addWC("login",$this->login,"STRING"); $query = $q->getUpdate(); $this->dbconn->Begin("WORK"); $this->dbconn->Exec($query); if ($initial == true) { history_save($this); } $this->dbconn->Commit("WORK"); } /** * checks if the given day is a workday for this user */ function isWorkDay ($wd) { return in_array($wd,$this->workday); } /** * get the type of object */ function gettype () { return "user"; } /** * get the type of object */ function gettypeid () { return useuser; } /** * get the help index */ function getHelpIndex () { global $lang; $r = ""; $r .= "

". makelink("help.php?p=glossary#user",$lang["User"],$lang["User"]) ."

\n"; echo $r; } } ?>