>>>>>> $oCustomView = new CustomView("Activities"); $customviewcombo_html = $oCustomView->getCustomViewCombo(); if(isset($_REQUEST['viewname']) == false) { if($oCustomView->setdefaultviewid != "") { $viewid = $oCustomView->setdefaultviewid; }else { $viewid = "0"; } }else { $viewid = $_REQUEST['viewname']; } //<<<<>>>> if (!isset($_REQUEST['search_form']) || $_REQUEST['search_form'] != 'false') { // Stick the form header out there. $search_form=new XTemplate ('modules/Activities/SearchForm.html'); $search_form->assign("MOD", $current_module_strings); $search_form->assign("APP", $app_strings); //viewid is given to show the actual view<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>> $search_form->assign("VIEWID",$viewid); //<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> $search_form->assign("JAVASCRIPT", get_clear_form_js()); $search_form->assign("ALPHABETICAL",AlphabeticalSearch('Activities','index','name','true','basic',"","","","",$viewid)); if(isset($_REQUEST['query'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) $search_form->assign("NAME", $_REQUEST['name']); if (isset($_REQUEST['contactname'])) $search_form->assign("CONTACT_NAME", $_REQUEST['contactname']); if(isset($current_user_only)) $search_form->assign("CURRENT_USER_ONLY", "checked"); } $search_form->parse("main"); echo get_form_header($current_module_strings['LBL_SEARCH_FORM_TITLE'], "", false); $search_form->out("main"); echo get_form_footer(); echo "\n
\n"; } $where = ""; $focus = new Activity(); if (isset($_REQUEST['order_by'])) $order_by = $_REQUEST['order_by']; $url_string = ''; // assigning http url string $sorder = 'ASC'; // Default sort order if(isset($_REQUEST['sorder']) && $_REQUEST['sorder'] != '') $sorder = $_REQUEST['sorder']; if(isset($_REQUEST['query']) && $_REQUEST['query'] == 'true') { // we have a query $url_string .="&query=true"; if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) $name = $_REQUEST['name']; if (isset($_REQUEST['contactname'])) $contactname = $_REQUEST['contactname']; if (isset($_REQUEST['date_due'])) $date_due = $_REQUEST['date_due']; if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) $status = $_REQUEST['status']; $where_clauses = Array(); if(isset($current_user_only) && $current_user_only != ""){ //fix as requested by Fredy for getting the proper behaviour in Activity Search array_push($where_clauses, "crmentity.smownerid='$current_user->id'"); $url_string .= "¤t_user_only=".$current_user_only; } if(isset($name) && $name != '') { array_push($where_clauses, "activity.subject like ".PearDatabase::quote($name.'%').""); $url_string .= "&name=".$name; } if(isset($contactname) && $contactname != '') { //$contactnames = explode(" ", $contactname); //foreach ($contactnames as $name) { array_push($where_clauses, "(contactdetails.firstname like ".PearDatabase::quote($contactname.'%')." OR contactdetails.lastname like ".PearDatabase::quote($contactname.'%').")"); $url_string .= "&contactname=".$contactname; //} } if(isset($duedate) && $duedate != '') { array_push($where_clauses, "activity.duedate like ".PearDatabase::quote($datedue.'%').""); } if(isset($status) && $status != '') { $each_status = explode("--", $status); $the_where_clause = "("; $val = reset($each_status); do { $the_where_clause .= "activity.status = ".PearDatabase::quote($val); $val = next($each_status); if ($val) $the_where_clause .= " OR "; } while($val); $the_where_clause .= ")"; array_push($where_clauses, $the_where_clause); } $where = ""; if (isset($where_clauses)) { foreach($where_clauses as $clause) { if($where != "") $where .= " and "; $where .= $clause; } } $log->info("Here is the where clause for the list view: $where"); } // Buttons and View options /*$other_text = '
'; //*/ if($viewid == 0) { $cvHTML = 'Edit | Delete| Create View'; } else { $cvHTML = 'Edit | Delete | Create View'; } $other_text = '
'.$app_strings[LBL_VIEW].' '.$cvHTML.'
'; // global $task_title; $title_display = $current_module_strings['LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE']; if ($task_title) $title_display= $task_title; //Retreive the list from Database //<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> if($viewid != "0") { $listquery = getListQuery("Activities"); $list_query = $oCustomView->getModifiedCvListQuery($viewid,$listquery,"Activities"); }else { $list_query = getListQuery("Activities"); } //<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> if(isset($where) && $where != '') { $list_query .= " AND " .$where; } /*if(isset($_REQUEST['viewname']) && $_REQUEST['viewname']!='') { if($_REQUEST['viewname'] == 'All') { $defaultcv_criteria = ''; } else { $defaultcv_criteria = $_REQUEST['viewname']; } $list_query .= " and activitytype like "."'%" .$defaultcv_criteria ."%'"; $viewname = $_REQUEST['viewname']; $view_script = ""; }*/ $view_script = ""; $list_query .= ' GROUP BY crmentity.crmid'; //Appeding for the recurring event by jaguar if(isset($order_by) && $order_by != '') { $list_query .= ' ORDER BY '.$order_by.' '.$sorder; } $list_result = $adb->query($list_query); //Constructing the list view echo get_form_header($current_module_strings['LBL_LIST_FORM_TITLE'],$other_text, false); $xtpl=new XTemplate ('modules/Activities/ListView.html'); $xtpl->assign("MOD", $mod_strings); $xtpl->assign("APP", $app_strings); $xtpl->assign("IMAGE_PATH",$image_path); //Retreiving the no of rows $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($list_result); //Retreiving the start value from request if(isset($_REQUEST['start']) && $_REQUEST['start'] != '') { $start = $_REQUEST['start']; } else { $start = 1; } //Retreive the Navigation array $navigation_array = getNavigationValues($start, $noofrows, $list_max_entries_per_page); // Setting the record count string if ($navigation_array['start'] == 1) { if($noofrows != 0) $start_rec = $navigation_array['start']; else $start_rec = 0; if($noofrows > $list_max_entries_per_page) { $end_rec = $navigation_array['start'] + $list_max_entries_per_page - 1; } else { $end_rec = $noofrows; } } else { if($navigation_array['next'] > $list_max_entries_per_page) { $start_rec = $navigation_array['next'] - $list_max_entries_per_page; $end_rec = $navigation_array['next'] - 1; } else { $start_rec = $navigation_array['prev'] + $list_max_entries_per_page; $end_rec = $noofrows; } } $record_string= $app_strings[LBL_SHOWING]." " .$start_rec." - ".$end_rec." " .$app_strings[LBL_LIST_OF] ." ".$noofrows; //Retreive the List View Table Header if($viewid !='') $url_string .="&viewname=".$viewid; $listview_header = getListViewHeader($focus,"Activities",$url_string,$sorder,$order_by,"",$oCustomView); $xtpl->assign("LISTHEADER", $listview_header); $listview_entries = getListViewEntries($focus,"Activities",$list_result,$navigation_array,"","","EditView","Delete",$oCustomView); $xtpl->assign("LISTENTITY", $listview_entries); $xtpl->assign("SELECT_SCRIPT", $view_script); if($order_by !='') $url_string .="&order_by=".$order_by; if($sorder !='') $url_string .="&sorder=".$sorder; $navigationOutput = getTableHeaderNavigation($navigation_array,$url_string,"Activities","index",$viewid); $xtpl->assign("NAVIGATION", $navigationOutput); $xtpl->assign("RECORD_COUNTS", $record_string); $xtpl->parse("main"); $xtpl->out("main"); ?>