]*)\">/", $val, $sub_key); preg_match_all("/]*> ]*>(.*)<\/td> ]*>(.*)<\/td>/Ux", $val, $sub); preg_match_all("/]*> ]*>(.*)<\/td> ]*>(.*)<\/td> ]*>(.*)<\/td>/Ux", $val, $sub_ext); foreach($sub[0] as $key => $val) { if (preg_match("/Configuration File \(php.ini\) Path /", $val)) { $val = preg_replace("/Configuration File \(php.ini\) Path /", '', $val); $phpini = strip_tags($val); } } } ?> vtiger CRM 4.2 Installer: Step 1
vtiger CRM

Step 1 of 5

vtiger CRM



Welcome to the vtiger CRM installation

This installer creates the vtiger CRM 4.2 database tables and sets the configuration variables that you need to start. The entire process should take about four minutes.

Kindly note vtiger CRM 4.2 is tested on mysql 4.0.x and PHP 4.3.8 and Apache 2.0.40 . Support for PHP 5 will be provided in future releases

For installation help, please visit the vtiger CRM support forums.

vtiger CRM Registration

Please take a moment and register with vtiger CRM. Your name and email address are the only required fields for registration. All other fields are optional, but very helpful. We do not sell, rent, share, or otherwise distribute the information collected here to third parties.

Please see http://www.vtigercrm.com for information on additional functionality, support requests…