#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: tmasterp.pl,v 1.5 2006/10/17 14:39:59 ddoughty Exp $ # # Source File: tmasterp.pl # Get config require 'sitecfg.pl'; require 'testlib.pl'; $FORM{'frm'}=""; &app_initialize; if ($FORM{'outputto'} eq 'html') { print "Content-Type: application/x-doc\n\n"; $bDisplay = 0; } else { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; $bDisplay = 1; } if (&get_session($FORM{'tid'})) { &LanguageSupportInit(); if ($FORM{'clid'} eq '') { &get_client_profile($SESSION{'clid'}); &get_candidate_profile( $SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'cndid'}); } else { &get_client_profile($FORM{'clid'}); &get_candidate_profile( $FORM{'clid'}, $FORM{'cndid'}); } &get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}); &get_test_sequence( $CLIENT{'clid'}, $CANDIDATE{'uid'}, $TEST{'id'}, $testpending); &CreateMasters(); } sub CreateMasters() { if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy') { @skilllevel = ( '','','','' ); $itemdescription = "Survey"; } else { @skilllevel = ( 'Basic','Intermediate','Advanced','' ); $itemdescription = "Test"; } $oshowqid = ($FORM{'showqid'} ne '') ? 1 : 0; $oshowsubj = ($FORM{'showsubj'} ne '') ? 1 : 0; $oshowskill = ($FORM{'showskill'} ne '') ? 1 : 0; $oautoprint = ($FORM{'outputto'} eq 'autoprint') ? 1 : 0; $oblackoutthrowoffs = ($FORM{'blackoutthrowoffs'} ne '') ? 1 : 0; $onoradios = ($FORM{'noradios'} ne '') ? 1 : 0; $tcolor=$FORM{'ocrtextcolor'}; $printwidth = 640; $titlewidth = 260; $titlecolwidth = 190; if ($FORM{'prtwidth'} ne '') { $printwidth = int($FORM{'prtwidth'}); $titlewidth = int($printwidth / 2); $titlecolwidth = int($titlewidth / 2); if ($titlecolwidth < 170) { $titlewidth = int($printwidth - ($titlecolwidth * 2)); } } $refpage = ($FORM{'showgraphics'} eq 'refpage') ? 1 : 0; if ($refpage) { $showgraphics = 1; } else { $showgraphics = ($FORM{'showgraphics'} eq 'ON') ? 1 : 0; } $ocrstyle=($FORM{'ocrstyle'} ne '') ? 1 : 0; if ($ocrstyle) { $scoreboxwarning = "MARK THE CIRCLES UNDER THE CORRECT ANSWER LABEL FOR EACH QUESTION USING A \#2 LEAD PENCIL ONLY."; } else { $printscoreboxes = ($FORM{'showscoreboxes'} ne '') ? 1 : 0; $scoreboxwarning = ($printscoreboxes) ? "DO NOT MARK BOXES TO THE RIGHT OF THE QUESTION. (FOR SCORING USE ONLY)" : ""; } if ($FORM{'showdates'} ne '') { $testavailabilitydates = "Take On/After:
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Master: $TEST{'id'}.001
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Date:\ \; "; if ($bDisplay) { print ""; } else { print "____________"; } print " \ \; Name:\ \; "; if ($bDisplay) { print ""; } else { print "______________________________"; } print " \ \; Email:\ \; "; if ($bDisplay) { print ""; } else { print "______________________________"; } print "
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\n"); # } # } else { # $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$jidx].","$txts[$indexs[0]]
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\n"); } else { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_]."," $txts[$_]
\n"); } } @cansord = (); } else { @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); @ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse); $trash = shift @ansopts; @albls=&set_answer_labels($anstype); $keyresponse = ""; for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $cansord[$ansopts[$_]] = $albls[$_]; $qanswermatch = join('',$qanswermatch, "$cansord[$ansopts[$_]].\ \;\ \;$txts_wro[$ansopts[$_]]
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\n"); } else { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_]."," $txts[$_]
\n"); } } @cansord = (); } # $colspan=1; $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"
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\n"); } else { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_]."," $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
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\n"); } else { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$albls[$_]."," $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
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