#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: sitecfg.pl.default,v 1.2 2006/07/25 20:08:04 psims Exp $ # # Source File: sitecfg.pl require 'genutil.pl'; require 'logger.pl'; $ipfilter = ""; $acceptpost = 1; $acceptget = 1; $allowmultilogin = 0; $blockrightclick = 1; $forcehttps = 0; $autologout = 3600; $clientDir_umask = 0775; # octal, for creating new client dirs $mmautontfyfrom="autonotify\@actscorp.com"; $mmautontfyto="support\@actscorp.com"; $SYSTEM{Version} = "4.00"; $SYSTEM{'ipfilter'} = $ipfilter; $SYSTEM{'acceptpost'} = $acceptpost; $SYSTEM{'acceptget'} = $acceptget; $SYSTEM{'allowmultilogin'} = $allowmultilogin; $SYSTEM{'blockrightclick'} = $blockrightclick; $SYSTEM{'forcehttps'} = $forcehttps; $SYSTEM{'autologout'} = $autologout; $SYSTEM{'acceptpostchk'} = ($acceptpost == 1) ? "CHECKED" : ""; $SYSTEM{'acceptgetchk'} = ($acceptget == 1) ? "CHECKED" : ""; $SYSTEM{'allowmultiloginchk'} = ($allowmultilogin == 1) ? "CHECKED" : ""; $SYSTEM{'supportedimagemedia'} = "art;bmp;gif;jpg;jpe;jpeg;png"; $SYSTEM{'supportedaudiomedia'} = "aif;aifc;aiff;au;mid;rmi;snd;wav;"; $SYSTEM{'supportedvideomedia'} = "avi;m1v;mov;mpa;mpe;mpeg;mpg"; %CONTENT_TYPES=( "aif" => "audio/x-aiff", "aifc" => "audio/x-aiff", "aiff" => "audio/x-aiff", "art" => "image/x-jg", "au" => "audio/basic", "avi" => "video/avi", "bmp" => "image/bmp", "gif" => "image/gif", "jpe" => "image/jpeg", "jpg" => "image/jpeg", "jpeg" => "image/jpeg", "png" => "image/png", "m1v" => "video/mpeg", "mid" => "audio/mid", "mov" => "video/quicktime", "mpa" => "video/jpeg", "mpe" => "video/jpeg", "mpeg" => "video/jpeg", "mpg" => "video/jpeg", "rmi" => "audio/mid", "snd" => "audio/basic", "wav" => "audio/x-wav", "other" => "text/html" ); $osnt=0; $pathsep = "/"; $colsep = '&'; $fieldsep = ';'; $idmax = 1000; $hostid = 4; require 'smilib.pl'; require 'cybertestlib.pl'; require 'maillib.pl'; # # THIS IS DEVELOPMENT SETTING *ONLY*! DO NOT COMMIT THIS CHANGE!! # $docroot = $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}; $docroot =~ s/\/htdocs\s*$//g; $urlroot = "/cgi-bin"; $pubroot = join($pathsep, $docroot, "htdocs"); $graphroot = join($pathsep, "", "graphic"); $graphurl = join($pathsep, "", "graphic"); $cgiroot = $urlroot; $cfgroot = join($pathsep, $docroot, "cgi-bin"); $archiveroot = join($pathsep, $docroot, "archive"); $secroot = join($pathsep, $docroot, "secure_html"); $logroot = join($pathsep, $secroot, "log"); $resptmplt = join($pathsep, $secroot, "template"); $dataroot = join($pathsep, $secroot, "data"); $questionroot = join($pathsep, $dataroot, "tests"); $testgraphic = join($pathsep, $questionroot, "graphic"); $testroot = join($pathsep, $secroot, "tests"); $testpending = join($pathsep, $secroot, "tests", "pending"); $testinprog = join($pathsep, $secroot, "tests", "inprog"); $testcomplete = join($pathsep, $secroot, "tests", "complete"); #$mail_server_domain = "mail.actscorp.com"; $mail_server_domain = "localhost"; #for above line, for Unix use smtp name from /etc/rc.config, for W2K use domain name or #IP address where TestManager is running $PATHS{'graphroot'} = $graphroot; $PATHS{'graphurl'} = $graphurl; $PATHS{'cgiroot'} = $cgiroot; $PATHS{'pubroot'} = $pubroot; $PATHS{'logroot'} = $logroot; $PATHS{'dataroot'} = $dataroot; $PATHS{'secroot'} = $secroot; $PATHS{'logroot'} = $logroot; $PATHS{'resptmplt'} = $resptmplt; $PATHS{'questionroot'} = $questionroot; $PATHS{'testroot'} = $testroot; $PATHS{'urlroot'} = $urlroot; $PATHS{'archiveroot'} = $archiveroot; $PATHS{'download'} = $download; # # This require MUST BE AFTER %PATHS because it calls routines in SMILIB using # the paths from above to load English as the default language. # require 'languagelib.pl'; ######################################################################## #################### UI Utility Settings & Functions ########### ######################################################################## $UI{ERROR_FONT_COLOR} = "#FF0000"; $UI{ERROR_BG_COLOR} = "#000000"; $UI{OK_FONT_COLOR} = "#00FF00"; $UI{OK_BG_COLOR} = "#000000"; $UI{PCNT_FMT} = "%.1f"; # format for percentages (see perldoc -f sprintf) $UI{DATETIME_FMT} = "%b %e, %Y, %l:%M %p %Z"; # format for datetimes $UI{DEFAULT_AVAILON_HR} = 0; # 0-23 $UI{DEFAULT_AVAILON_MIN} = 0; # 0-59 $UI{DEFAULT_AVAILTHRU_HR} = 0; # 0-23 $UI{DEFAULT_AVAILTHRU_MIN} = 0; # 0-59 # end with True because this is a require file 1