#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: creportsf.pl,v 1.11 2006/10/19 17:35:29 psims Exp $ # # Source File: creportsf.pl # Get config require 'sitecfg.pl'; require 'testlib.pl'; require 'tstatlib.pl'; require 'qlib.pl'; $FORM{'frm'}=""; &app_initialize; warn "INFO: " . __FILE__ . " running.\n" ; print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; # ACT-C-004&Test Statistics by Test User Filter ### DED 10/24/2002 Added Filter-by-Question functionality if (&get_session($FORM{'tid'})) { &LanguageSupportInit(); $REPORT{'rptid'}=""; @rptdefs = &get_data("reports.$SESSION{'clid'}"); @lbls = split(/&/, $rptdefs[0]); foreach $rptdef (@rptdefs) { chomp ($rptdef); @flds = split(/&/, $rptdef); if ($flds[0] eq $FORM{'rptno'}) { for $i (0 .. $#lbls) { $REPORT{$lbls[$i]} = $flds[$i]; $i++; } } } $REPORT{'rptid'}=$FORM{'rptno'}; &get_client_profile($SESSION{'clid'}); &get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}); &print_report_header(); if ($FORM{'filterbyques'} eq "on") { &print_question_filter(); } if ($FORM{'specfilter'} eq "on") { &print_report_C_004(); } &print_report_footer(); } sub print_report_header() { my $i; # C_004 $FORM{'rptdesc'} =~ s/\+/ /g; $faction="$cgiroot/teststats.pl"; $ftarget="rptwindow"; $fparms="\n"; $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fparms=join('',$fparms,"\n"); $fjscript=" function onWdwLoad() { var oform=document.rptform1; } window.onload=onWdwLoad; "; if ($FORM{'filterbyques'} eq "on") { $fuserjscript=" function rptform1_submit(oform) { var ans=\"\"; if (oform.question.selectedIndex == 0) { alert(\"You must select at least one question by which to filter!\"); return false; } if (oform.selanswer.selectedIndex == -1) { alert(\"You must select at least one answer by which to filter!\"); return false; } for (var i = 0; i < oform.selanswer.options.length; i++) { if (oform.selanswer.options[i].selected) if (oform.selanswer.options[i].text == \"No Response\") { ans=\"\&\"+oform.selanswer.options[i].text; } else { ans=ans+\"\&\"+i; } } oform.answer.value=ans; } "; } else { $fuserjscript=" function rptform1_submit(oform) { return true; } "; } print " $REPORT{'rptid'} - $REPORT{'rptdesc'} "; print "
\n"; print "$fparms\n"; print "
$CLIENT{'logo'}   $FORM{'rptdesc'}

\ \;
"; print "
\n"; print "$TEST{'desc'} ($TEST{'id'})
\n"; print "$xlatphrase[745]
\n"; } sub print_report_footer() { print ""; if ($FORM{'specfilter'} eq "on") { print " \n"; } print " \n"; if ($FORM{'specfilter'} eq "on") { print " "; } print "
"; print "\n"; print "\n\n"; } sub print_question_filter() { &build_question_select_list(); &build_question_answer_list(); $fuserjscript=" function show_question(question) { var jqid=\"$quesid\", jqtxt=\"$questxt\", jqans=\"$quesans\"; ajqid=jqid.split(\"\&\"); ajtxt=jqtxt.split(\"\&\"); ajans=jqans.split(\"\&\"); for (var i = 0; i < ajqid.length; i++) { if (ajqid[i] == question.value) { document.rptform1.questxt.value=ajtxt[i]; ajqans=ajans[i].split(\"\;\"); lajqans=ajqans.length; //document.rptform1.questxt.value=lajqans+\":\"+ajqans[lajqans]+\":\"; for (var j = 0; j < lajqans; j++) { document.rptform1.selanswer.options[j].text=ajqans[j]; } document.rptform1.selanswer.options[lajqans].text=\"No Response\"; for (var j = lajqans+1; j < document.rptform1.selanswer.length; j++) { document.rptform1.selanswer.options[j].text=\"\"; } } } } "; print "\n"; print "
Filter By Question

\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; #print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; #print "\n"; print "

\n"; print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; } sub print_report_C_004 { my @filelist = &get_test_result_files($testcomplete, "$CLIENT{'clid'}","$TEST{'id'}"); my @converter; if ($SESSION{'uid'} ne '') { my $imaregistrar = &get_a_key("cnd.$CLIENT{'clid'}", $SESSION{'uid'}, "registrar"); if ($imaregistrar eq 'Y') { foreach $rotator (@filelist) { my @cnd = split(/\./, $rotator); my $creator = &get_a_key("cnd.$CLIENT{'clid'}", $cnd[1], "createdby"); push(@converter, $rotator) unless $creator ne $SESSION{'uid'}; } @filelist = @converter; } } else { &logger::logerr("No SESSION{uid} set!"); } my @colhdrs=(); push @colhdrs,"right:$xlatphrase[744]"; push @colhdrs,"left:$xlatphrase[745]"; push @colhdrs,"left:$xlatphrase[746]"; push @colhdrs,"left:$xlatphrase[747]"; push @colhdrs,"left:$xlatphrase[748]"; push @colhdrs,"center:$xlatphrase[749]"; push @colhdrs,"center:$xlatphrase[137]"; push @colhdrs,"center:$xlatphrase[692]"; push @colhdrs,"right:$xlatphrase[361]"; my @dataflds=(); my @unsorted=(); my $row=""; my @qsumry=(); my $user=""; my $joint="\&"; my $colhdr; my $colalgn; if ($FORM{'mofm'} < 10) { $FORM{'mofm'}="0$FORM{'mofm'}";} if ($FORM{'moto'} < 10) { $FORM{'moto'}="0$FORM{'moto'}";} if ($FORM{'dyfm'} < 10) { $FORM{'dyfm'}="0$FORM{'dyfm'}";} if ($FORM{'dyto'} < 10) { $FORM{'dyto'}="0$FORM{'dyto'}";} my $datefm="$FORM{'yrfm'}\-$FORM{'mofm'}\-$FORM{'dyfm'}"; my $dateto="$FORM{'yrto'}\-$FORM{'moto'}\-$FORM{'dyto'}"; for ($fidx = 0; $fidx <= $#filelist; $fidx++ ) { $user = $filelist[$fidx]; $user =~ s/.$TEST{'id'}//g; $user =~ s/$CLIENT{'clid'}.//g; my $history = get_testhistory_from_log($CLIENT{'clid'},$user,$FORM{'tstid'}); if (not defined $history) { $history = get_cnd_test_from_history($testcomplete,$CLIENT{'clid'},$user,$FORM{'tstid'}); } else { #print STDERR "$user from log.\n"; } if (not defined $history) { # no log file entry for this test #print STDERR "$user inferred from $testcomplete.$pathsep.$filelist[$fidx]\n"; my $mtime = (stat($testcomplete.$pathsep.$filelist[$fidx]))[9]; $history->{'end'} = $mtime; $history->{'start'} = $history->{'end'}; } $completedat = &format_date_time("yyyy-mm-dd", "1", "-10000", $history->{'end'}); $displaydate = &format_date_time("dd-mmm-yyyy", "1", "-10000", $history->{'end'}); if (&date_out_of_range($completedat,$datefm,$dateto)) { next; } &get_test_sequence_for_reports( $CLIENT{'clid'}, $user, $TEST{'id'}); @qsumry = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2}); &get_candidate_profile($CLIENT{'clid'},$user); $row=join($joint,$row,"$CANDIDATE{'nml'}"); $row=join($joint,$row,"$CANDIDATE{'nmf'}"); $row=join($joint,$row,"$CANDIDATE{'nmm'}"); $row=join($joint,$row,"$user"); $row=join($joint,$row,"$CANDIDATE{'selfreg'}"); $row=join('&',$row,$qsumry[0],$qsumry[1],$qsumry[2]); push @unsorted, $row; $row=""; } my @sorted=sort @unsorted; @unsorted=(); my $rowcount=$#filelist+1; print "

Filter By User

\n"; # Print check box to reverse the exclude feature to an include feature. print ' ' ; print "Exclude Selected Items \n" ; print ' ' ; print "Include Selected Items

\n" ; &print_report_dataextract_header($rowcount,@colhdrs); $jsarray = ""; for $i (0 .. $#sorted) { @dataflds=split($joint, $sorted[$i]); print "\n"; for $i (0 .. $#dataflds) { ($colalgn,$colhdr) = split(/:/,$colhdrs[$i]); if ($i == 0) { print "\t\t"; } else { if ($colhdr eq "Self-Reg") { print "\t\t$dataflds[$i]\n"; print "\t\t\n"; $jsarray .= "$dataflds[4]:"; } else { print "\t\t$dataflds[$i]\n"; } } } print "\n"; } $jsarray = substr($jsarray,0,-1); print "\n"; $jscript=" function self_reg_onClick(oform,exc) { var jsl=\"$jsarray\", jsa, n, s; jsa=jsl.split(':'); for (var i=0; i$jscript\n"; @sorted=(); } sub print_report_dataextract_header { my ($ncount,@cols)= @_; my $colhdr; my $colalgn; my $i; print "\n"; print "\t\n"; for $i (0 .. $#cols) { ($colalgn,$colhdr) = split(/:/,$cols[$i]); print "\t\t\n"; } print "\t\n"; } # # # sub get_test_sequence_for_reports { # There is a duplicate, and better version of this function in testlib.pl. &get_test_profile($_[0], $_[2]); $trash3 = join($pathsep, $testcomplete, "$_[0].$_[1].$_[2]"); $msg = ""; if ( ! open(TESTFILE,"<$trash3") ) { &logger::logerr("Unable to open $trash3: $!"); $msg="failed"; print "\n"; $msg = ""; # Clear the hashs. Otherwise the calling code will process the current contents. %TEST_SESSION = () ; %SUBTEST_QUESTIONS = () ; %SUBTEST_ANSWERS = () ; %SUBTEST_RESPONSES = () ; %SUBTEST_SUMMARY = () ; } else { @seqlines = ; close TESTFILE; $isubtest = 1; $iidx = 0; $iaryidx = 1; foreach $seqline (@seqlines) { chop ($seqline); if ($iidx eq 0) { @status = split(/&/, $seqline); $ifld = 0; $TEST_SESSION{'clid'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'uid'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'tstid'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'state'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'dscl'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'profb'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'id'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'profa'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'srvy'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'ntfy'} = $status[$ifld++]; $TEST_SESSION{'emlcnd'} = $status[$ifld++]; @status = (); $iidx++; } else { if ($iaryidx eq 1) { $SUBTEST_QUESTIONS{$isubtest} = $seqline; } elsif ($iaryidx eq 2) { $SUBTEST_ANSWERS{$isubtest} = $seqline; } elsif ($iaryidx eq 3) { $seqline =~ s/\%0D\%0A/
/g; $SUBTEST_RESPONSES{$isubtest} = unmunge($seqline); } elsif ($iaryidx eq 4) { $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{$isubtest} = $seqline; } $iaryidx++; if ($iaryidx eq 5) { $iaryidx = 1; $isubtest++; } } } } @seqlines = (); return; } #wac merge v - this code commented out because replaced the calls with EFL changes # # $patterncount = CountFiles($directory, $pattern1, $pattern2); # #sub CountFiles { # opendir (GDIR, $_[0]); # @cdots = readdir(GDIR); # closedir GDIR; # $ncount=0; # $crmmask1 = "$_[1]"; # $crmmask2 = "$_[2]"; # foreach $crmfile (@cdots) { # if (($crmfile =~ /$crmmask1/ ) && ($crmfile =~ /$crmmask2/ )) {$ncount++;} # } # @cdots = (); # return $ncount; #} # wac merge ^ ################################################################################ # # Subroutine Name # GetTestHeader # # Description # This subroutine returns the header of the test file # # Inputs # $clientId -- The id of the client to search through # # Outputs # None # # Returns # @testFields -- An array of fields in the header # #adt080401############################################################################### sub GetTestHeader { my $clientId = $_[0]; my @testList = &get_data("tests.$clientId"); my $testHdr = $testList[0]; my $testFields; chop( $testHdr ); @testFields = split( /&/, $testHdr ); return @testFields; } #adt080401############################################################################### # # Subroutine Name # GetTestsByOwner # # Description # This subroutine searches through the test definition file of the given # client for all the tests that are owned by the given user id or are public # # Inputs # $clientId -- The id of the client to search through # $ownedBy -- The name of the owner of the test to search for # # Outputs # None # # Returns # @tests -- An array of tests owned by the given user id # ################################################################################ sub GetTestsByOwner { my $clientId = $_[0]; my $ownedBy = $_[1]; my %currHash; my @testList = &get_data("tests.$clientId"); my @currField; my @tests; my $testHdr = $testList[0]; my $testFields; my $testCntr; @testFields = &GetTestHeader( $clientId ); for( $testCntr = 1; $testCntr < $#testList; $testCntr++ ) { #print "$testList[$testCntr]
\n"; chop( $testList[$testCntr] ); @currField = split( '&', $testList[$testCntr] ); for( 0 .. $#testFields ) { $currHash{$testFields[$_]} = $currField[$_]; } #print "$currHash{'ownedby'} - $ownedBy

"; if( ( $currHash{'ownedby'} eq $ownedBy ) || ( $currHash{'ownedby'} eq "" ) ) { push( @tests, $testList[$testCntr] ); #print "$testList[$testCntr]
\n"; } } return @tests; }
