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cloud-L7.001&esa&0&&A simple exercise for __________ the future is to subtract something that's ;important today and fill it with ;something else. Take an important thing away and ;try to fill it with something else and you'll ;start to think out of the box as opposed ;to thinking sequentially. &predicting&&01:17<br>A simple exercise for [predicting]<br>the future is to subtract something that's<br>important ;today and fill it with<br>something else. Take an important thing away and<br>try to fill it with ;something else and you'll<br>start to think out of the box as opposed<br>to thinking sequentially. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.002&esa&0&&The central cloud is where a lot of ;the __________ gets done for our mobile devices and its also where a lot of data information gets stored. ;&processing&&02:22<br>The central cloud is where a lot of<br>the [processing] gets done for our mobile devices and its ;also where a lot of data information gets stored. <br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.003&esa&0&&02:30 When we do a Google ______ or ;whenever you type something in on your ;phone that little stream of information ;goes back to the cloud it gets processed ;and the information then comes back to your phone.&search&&02:30 When we do a Google [search] or <br>whenever you type something in on your<br>phone that little ;stream of information<br>goes back to the cloud it gets processed<br>and the information then comes back to ;your phone.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.004&esa&0&N&To some degree your mobile devices ;are a terminal display vehicle of ;what's happening in the cloud itself. ;So we're living right now in a very ;___________ model of the world.&centralized&&02:37<br>To some degree your mobile devices<br>are a terminal display vehicle of<br>what's happening in ;<br>;the cloud itself.<br>So we're living right now in a very<br>[centralized] model of the world.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.005&esa&0&&A text message doesn't go directly to someone, it first goes to some data center that serves as the central ;___ and spoke. ;&hub&&03:05 A text message doesn't go directly to someone, it first goes to some data center that serves as the ;central [hub] and spoke.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.006&esa&0&&Prediction: It won't be ;mobile devices, but the Internet of Things (IoT) that is going to truly ________ ;cloud computing and put an end to what ;we currently know as the cloud.&transform&& 03;27 Prediction: It won't be<br>mobile devices, but the Internet of Things (IoT) that is going to ;truly [transform]<br>cloud computing and put an end to what<br>we currently know as the cloud.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.007&esa&0&N&The coming change is that the ____ is going to become a ;lot more sophisticated, not with mobile phones but broadly speaking with the ;Internet of Things. Examples are self-driving cars, drones, and robots.&edge&&03:39 The coming change is that the [edge] is going to become a<br>lot more sophisticated, not with mobile <br>;phones but broadly speaking with the<br>Internet of Things. Examples are self-driving cars, drones, and <br>;robots.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.008&esa&0&&A self-driving car it's effectively a data ;center on wheels, a drone is a data ;center with wings, and a _____ is a data ;center with arms and legs. &robot&&04:02<br>A self-driving car it's effectively a data<br>center on wheels, a drone is a data<br>center with ;wings, and a [robot] is a data<br>center with arms and legs. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.009&esa&0&&IoT ;devices are collecting vast amounts of ;information and that information needs ;to be processed in ____ time. ;&real&&04:24 IoT<br>devices are collecting vast amounts of<br>information and that information needs<br>to be ;processed in [real] time.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.010&esa&0&&The latency of the network and the ;amount of information means there isn't the time for that ;information to go back to the central ;cloud to get processed in the same way ;that a Google search gets processed in ;the cloud right now. This _____ is ;going to obviate cloud computing as we ;know it.&shift&&04:30 The latency of the network and the<br>amount of information means there isn't the time for ;that<br>information to go back to the central<br>cloud to get processed in the same way<br>that a Google ;search gets processed in<br>the cloud right now. This [shift] is<br>going to obviate cloud computing as ;we<br>know it.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.011&esa&0&&A _______ board that's inside of ;a luxury automobile. not a self-driving car, has about a ;hundred CPUs in it today. A self-driving car in ;the not-too-distant future may have a ;hundred of these boards with maybe 200 ;computers on each board, so that the car becomes a data center. &circuit&&04:47<br>A [circuit] board that's inside of<br>a luxury automobile. not a self-driving car, has about ;a<br>hundred CPUs in it today. A self-driving car in<br>the not-too-distant future may have a<br>hundred ;of these boards with maybe 200<br>computers on each board, so that the car becomes a data center. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.012&esa&0&&Think about connecting thousands of cars ;together creates this massive ;___________ computing system at the edge ;of the network.&distributed&&05:21 Think about connecting thousands of cars<br>together creates this massive<br>[distributed] computing ;system at the edge<br>of the network.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.013&esa&0&N&We are entering the next ;world of distributed computing just like ;we saw in the past that's kind of ;returned - it's literally Back to the ;Future on where processing gets done ;because of these very very sophisticated ;endpoint _______.&devices&&05:31 We are entering the next<br>world of distributed computing just like<br>we saw in the past that's ;<br>;kind of<br>returned - it's literally Back to the<br>Future on where processing gets done<br>because of ;<br>;these very very sophisticated<br>endpoint [devices].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.014&esa&0&&We're collecting real ;world data about our environment, whether ;that's vision, location, acceleration, ;temperature, and gravity information ;through sophisticated _______.&sensors&&06:00<br>We're collecting real<br>world data about our environment, whether<br>that's vision, location, ;acceleration, <br>temperature, and gravity information<br>through sophisticated [sensors].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.015&esa&0&&Up until now computing has fundamentally been humans typing ;things in via a keyboard, or a computer generating information from a database ;or generating log files, or whatever, but ;this is the first time where we're starting ;to collect the world's information and ;that data is _______.&massive&& 06:22 <br> Up until now computing has fundamentally been humans typing<br>things in via a keyboard, or a ;computer generating information from a database<br>or generating log files, or whatever, but<br>this is ;the first time where we're starting<br>to collect the world's information and<br>that data is [massive].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.016&esa&0&&Real world information coupled ;with the idea that real-time data ;processing will need to occur at the ;edge where the information is being ;_________.&collected&&06:41 Real world information coupled<br>with the idea that real-time data<br>processing will need to occur ;at the<br>edge where the information is being<br>[collected].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.017&esa&0&&Since collecting real ;world information on a self-driving car ;includes images, let's say as part of ;an image there's a stop sign and a person in the cross walk. To send that image to be interpreted in the ;cloud before deciding to stop, the car may have ;blown through the stop sign and run over ten ;people before the cloud came back with a ________.&response&&06:56 <br>Since collecting real<br>world information on a self-driving car<br>includes images, let's say ;as part of<br>an image there's a stop sign and a person in the cross walk. To send that image to be ;interpreted in the cloud before deciding to stop, the car may have<br>blown through the stop sign and run ;over ten<br>people before the cloud came back with a [response].&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.018&esa&0&&The notion of ;real-time becomes a very important ;ingredient given the massive amounts of ;real world [information]. ; ;Looking at historical trends in ;computing. in the 60s and 70s we started with mainframes as the beginning of ;the modern computer era and that was a ;centralized model. We then tried to move to a ;client-server model in the 80s and 90s ;and that was a distributed model mobile. ;Cloud brought us back to a centralized ;model and believe it or not we are ;returning to an edge intelligence ;___________ computing model.&distributed&&07:18<br>The notion of<br>real-time becomes a very important<br>ingredient given the massive amounts ;of<br>real world [information]. <br><br>Looking at historical trends in<br>computing. in the 60s and ;70s we started with mainframes as the beginning of<br>the modern computer era and that was ;a<br>centralized model. We then tried to move to a<br>client-server model in the 80s and 90s<br>and that ;was a distributed model mobile.<br>Cloud brought us back to a centralized<br>model and believe it or not ;we are<br>returning to an edge intelligence<br>[distributed] computing model.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.019&esa&0&&The Internet ;of Things actually drives us to an ;entirely new dimension because computers ;are no longer attached to humans. ;Imagine a world where there will ;be _________ of devices, then the challenges of ;management, security, data, and all of the ;issues of distributed computing are challenges we will face in the not-too-distant future.&trillions&&09:03<br>The Internet<br>of Things actually drives us to an<br>entirely new dimension because ;computers<br>are no longer attached to humans. <br>Imagine a world where there will<br>be [trillions] of ;devices, then the challenges of<br>management, security, data, and all of the<br>issues of distributed ;computing are challenges we will face in the not-too-distant future.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.020&esa&0&&Machine ;learning actually catalyzes the edge ;adoption. There's massive amounts of ;real-world information that requires a ;machine learning approach to decipher ;the nuances of the real world, so the ;only way that we can look into an image ;or look into the massive amounts of _____ ;is with machine learning. ;&data&& 10:01 <br>Machine<br>learning actually catalyzes the edge<br>adoption. There's massive amounts ;of<br>real-world information that requires a<br>machine learning approach to decipher<br>the nuances of the ;real world, so the<br>only way that we can look into an image<br>or look into the massive amounts of [data] ;<br>is with machine learning. <br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.021&esa&0&&Machine learning algorithms and the ;___________ employing machine learning ;will run at the end point.&applications&&10:20<br>Machine learning algorithms and the<br>[applications] employing machine learning<br>will run at ;the end point.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.022&esa&0&&Prediction: In the future much of the processing in this new world will move out to the edge and that's ;where most important decisions will be made. ;The centralized cloud will become a place ;where _______ occurs and where important ;information gets stored.&learning&&10:41<br>Prediction: In the future much of the processing in this new world will move out to the edge and ;that's where most important decisions will be made.<br>The centralized cloud will become a place<br>where ;[learning] occurs and where important<br>information gets stored.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.023&esa&0&&At the edge there's three things that are happening - ;sensing inference and ______ ;&action&&12:00<br> At the edge there's three things that are happening -<br>sensing inference and [action]<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.024&esa&0&&OODA (i.e. OODA loop) stands for Observe, ;Orient, ______ ,and Act.&decide&& 12:25 <br> OODA (i.e. OODA loop) stands for Observe,<br>Orient, [decide] ,and Act.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.025&esa&0&&The idea of this OODA loop for jet fighter pilots was that it prioritized agility ;over _____, and the same is true about this ;new edge computing paradigm. &power&&12:59<br>The idea of this OODA loop for jet fighter pilots was that it prioritized agility<br>over [ ;power], and the same is true about this<br>new edge computing paradigm. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.026&esa&0&&Sense centers will ;include cameras, depth sensors, radar ;accelerometers, and will be __________ ;generating massive amounts of information.&everywhere&&14:25<br> Sense centers will<br>include cameras, depth sensors, radar<br>accelerometers, and will be ;[everywhere]<br>generating massive amounts of information.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.027&esa&0&&A self-driving car generates about __ (numeric) ;gigabytes of data per mile. ;&10&&14:36<br>A self-driving car generates about [10] (numeric)<br>gigabytes of data per mile. <br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.028&esa&0&&A Lytro camera, which is a data ;center in a camera, generates ___ ;gigabytes of data a second.&300&&14:50<br>A Lytro camera, which is a data<br>center in a camera, generates [300]<br>gigabytes of data a ;second.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.029&esa&0&&It's not just complex devices like a car ;or a camera, sensors will be in just ;about everything. Some day _______ shoes will have sensors and that collect information processed by a ;machine learning ;algorithm with a very fast loop in it. It's going to ;notify you to shorten your stride while going up a hill, or compare your performance day by day. ;&running&&15:00<br>It's not just complex devices like a car<br>or a camera, sensors will be in just<br>about ;everything. Some day [running] shoes will have sensors and that collect information processed by a machine ;learning<br>algorithm with a very fast loop in it. It's going to<br>notify you to shorten your stride ;while going up a hill, or compare your performance day by day.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.030&esa&0&&Typically when massive amounts of information based on the world around us is being collected ;at intervals, it will be handled out at the edge because it is too much to be pushed back to the ;centralized _____. ; ;&cloud&&16:10 <br>Typically when massive amounts of information based on the world around us is being ;collected<br>at intervals, it will be handled out at the edge because it is too much to be pushed back to ;the centralized [cloud].<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.031&esa&0&&Information from edge devices ;will eventually be aggregated in the centralized cloud where ;additional machine _______ can take place. ;This learning is going to be propagated back ;out to all the edge devices and that's ;how things are going to get smarter. ;&learning&&Information from edge devices<br>will eventually be aggregated in the centralized cloud where<br>additional ;machine [learning] can take place. <br>This learning is going to be propagated back<br>out to all the edge ;devices and that's<br>how things are going to get smarter. <br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.032&esa&0&&So cloud doesn't ;completely go away and this ;new model will really take cloud computing to a whole ;new _____ . ;&level&&18:58<br>So cloud doesn't<br>completely go away and this<br>new model will really take cloud computing to ;a whole<br>new [level]<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.033&esa&0&&One prediction is that sensor data explosion will kill the ;cloud as we know it by producing massive amounts of data that the existing ;cloud _____________ will not be able to ;handle. ;&infrastructure&&19:20<br>One prediction is that sensor data explosion will kill the<br>cloud as we know it by producing ;massive amounts of data that the existing<br>cloud [infrastructure] will not be able to<br>handle. <br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.034&esa&0&&As ______ proliferate they will produce huge volumes of geo-spatial data. ;&sensors&&19:50 As [sensors] proliferate they will produce huge volumes of geo-spatial data.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.035&esa&0&&Existing cloud ___________ will not be able to handle data volume or rates. ;&infrastructure&&19:50 Existing cloud [infrastructure] will not be able to handle data volume or rates.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.036&esa&0&N&Peer-to-peer networks are utilized to lessen ____ on core network and share data locally. ;&load&&19:50 Peer-to-peer networks are utilized to lessen [load] on core network and share data locally.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.037&esa&0&N&The edge devices will use a ___________ computing model ;to connect trillions of peer-to-peer devices, and thereby create new security challenges. ;&distributed&&20:00 The edge devices will use a [distributed] computing model <br>to connect trillions of peer-to-peer ;<br>;devices, and thereby create new security challenges.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.038&esa&0&N&Managing trillions of devices and processing _______________ information together without the knowledge of a ;centralized information pool is going to be one of the opportunities or challenges of this next era of ;computing. &information&&20:25 Managing trillions of devices and processing information together without the knowledge of a centralized ;information pool is going to be one of the opportunities or challenges of this next era of computing. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.039&esa&0&N&Data-centric programming reacts more to the data itself, so the next generation of coders will be more ;mathematicians and data analysts as opposed to traditional coders who know if-then-else logic. Humans ;will label data and computers will _____ from labeled examples.&learn&&20:35 Data-centric programming reacts more to the data itself, so the next generation of coders will be ;<br>more mathematicians and data analysts as opposed to traditional coders who know if-then-else logic. ;<br>Humans will label data and computers will [learn] from labeled examples.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.040&esa&0&&As processing power of edge devices increases, look for _____ to decrease. ;&price&&21:55 As processing power of edge devices increases, look for [price] to decrease.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.041&esa&0&N&Data-centric programming is reacts more to the data itself, so the next generation of coders will be more ;mathematicians and data analysts as opposed to traditional coders who know if-then-else logic. Humans ;will label data and computers will _____ from labeled examples.&learn&&20:35 Data-centric programming is reacts more to the data itself, so the next generation of coders will be ;more mathematicians and data analysts as opposed to traditional coders who know if-then-else logic. ;Humans will label data and computers will [learn] from labeled examples.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.042&esa&0&&As processing power of edge devices increases, look for ____ to decrease.&price&&20:55 As processing power of edge devices increases, look for [price] to decrease.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.043&esa&0&&There's a transformation of the type of ;_______ that we're going to be needing in ;terms of managing this particular information. &talent&&21:00<br>There's a transformation of the type of<br>[talent] that we're going to be needing in<br>terms of ;managing this particular information. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.044&esa&0&&The iPhone 7 has 3.3 billion transistors while transistors the original Pentium ;processor in 1993 had 3.1 _______ transistors. ;&million&&22:08<br>The iPhone 7 has 3.3 billion transistors while transistors the original Pentium<br>processor in ;1993 had 3.1 [million] transistors.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.045&esa&0&&The first lidar detection system for a Google ___ was ;$75,000, and in a few years dropped to below $500. &car&&23:03<br>The first lidar detection system for a Google [car] was<br>$75,000, and in a few years dropped to ;below $500. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.046&esa&0&&Lidar could drop to 50 Cent's in the not-too-distant ;future, That's what happens - power goes up by several orders of magnitude ;as price comes down, making it affordable to place _______ in everything. e.g. every shoe, eye-glasses, ;etc. ;&sensors&&23:23 Lidar could drop to 50 Cent's in the not-too-distant<br>future, That's what happens - power goes up ;by several orders of magnitude<br>as price comes down, making it affordable to place [sensors] in ;everything. e.g. every shoe, eye-glasses, etc.<br>&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
cloud-L7.047&esa&0&&Moving from five billion devices to a trillion devices that need to be _______ and coordinated together, ;represents the opportunity of a ;lifetime for those who want to work in IT. &managed&&23:47<br>Moving from five billion devices to a trillion devices that need to be [managed] and coordinated ;together, represents the opportunity of a<br>lifetime for those who want to work in IT. &&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.