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blkchn6.001&esa&2&N&In the first video you were asked to imagine ;four things, which pertained to 1 - the food ;chain, ;2 - buying a car, 3 - being certain our vote ;counted, and 4 - having a digital ________ that ;was no longer represented by a userid and ;password.&identity,ID&&In the first video you were asked to imagine ;<br>;<br>;four things, which pertained to 1 - ;the food <br>;<br>;chain,<br>2 - buying a car, ;3 - being certain <br>;<br>;our vote counted, ;and 4 - having a digital <br>;<br>;identity ;that was no longer represented by a <br>; ;<br>;userid and password.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn6.002&esa&0&N&The presenter suggested that "we all have about ____ ;userids and passwords that we carry around in our ;little heads."&150&&The presenter suggested that "we all have about 150 ;userids and passwords that we carry around in our ;little heads."&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn6.003&esa&0&N&In the example about his daughter being carded at a movie theatre, he didn't like the fact that by showing her ID the attendant, he commented "its good that you are a ______ ______."&blood donor&&In the example about his daughter being carded at a movie theatre, he didn't like the fact that by showing her ID to the attendant, he commented "its good that you are a blood donor."&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn6.004&esa&0&N&The presenter said, "Blockchain is and will change our ;______ _____ and that's what I'm passionate about."&everyday life,everyday lives,every day life&&SThe presenter said, "Blockchain is and will change ;our everyday life and that's what I'm passionate ;about."ince anyone can view a public ledger there ;will always<br>be concerns regarding lack of ;scalability - the inability to<br>handle large ;volumes of transactions concurrently&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn6.005&esa&0&N&Blockchain is a team sport because no one entity can have exclusive control, so ;at its foundation a blockchain is a business _______. It's other two building blocks are digital assets and ledger.&network&&Blockchain is a team sport because no one entity can have exclusive control, so<br>at its foundation a blockchain is a business _______. Its other two building blocks are digital assets and ledger.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn6.006&esa&0&N&It is inefficient, expensive, and someone is ;vulnerable whenever multiple views of "_______" exist.&truth&&It is inefficient, expensive, and someone is ;vulnerable whenever multiple views of "truth" exist.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn6.007&esa&0&N&In the second video, for the acronym SME and SMEs, the ;E stands for ________.&enterprise,enterprises&&In the second video, SME stands for Small and Medium ;Enterprise.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn6.008&esa&0&N&Having a blockchain between banks, allows them to offer more ________ facilities to small and medium businesses.&credit&&Having a blockchain between banks, allows them to offer more credit facilities to small and medium businesses.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn6.009&esa&0&N&The respondents to the Juniper survey reported identified settlement, land registry and digital ____ currency as ‘best fit’ opportunities for blockchain deployment&fiat&&The respondents to the Juniper survey reported identified settlement, land registry and digital fiat currency as ‘best fit’ opportunities for blockchain deployment&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn6.010&esa&0&N&According to the research author: “In many cases, ;systemic change, rather than technological, might ;be a better and cheaper solution than blockchain, ;which could potentially cause significant internal ;and external __________.”&disruption&&According to research author: “In many cases, systemic ;change, rather than technological, might be a better ;and cheaper solution than blockchain, which could ;potentially cause significant internal and external ;disruption.”&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.