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blkchn4.001&esa&1&N&Through resource sharing and consolidation, ;blockchain applications offer the advantages of ;simplification by logically centralizing ;processes while mitigating multiple negative ;effects of operating over a ___________ ;_______.&distributed network&&Through resource sharing and consolidation, ;blockchain applications offer the advantages of ;simplification by logically centralizing processes ;while mitigating multiple negative effects of ;operating over a distributed network.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn4.002&esa&0&N&Part of the security of a blockchain is derived ;from the fact that recorded transactions are ;_________ and immediately propagated to all ;copies of the ledger residing across the ;network, creating a permanent historical ;record.&immutable&&Part of the security of a blockchain is derived ;from the fact that recorded transactions ;are<br>immutable and immediately propagated to all ;copies of the ledger residing across the network, ;creating a permanent historical record.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn4.003&esa&0&N&____________ means once a record is added it ;cannot be altered or deleted, ever.&immutable&&Immutable means once a record is added it<br>cannot be ;altered or deleted, ever.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn4.004&esa&0&N&A digital ________ can be tangible or intangible ;property that one party either owns or controls. ;The information recorded for each transaction ;includes all the related documents like ;contracts, orders, invoices, pictures, ;certificates, or other artifacts, which remain ;viewable to ;permissioned parties forever.&asset&&A digital asset can be tangible or ;intangible<br>property that one party either owns ;or controls.<br>The information recorded for each ;transaction<br>includes all the related documents ;like<br>contracts, orders, invoices, pictures, ;<br>certificates, or other artifacts, which remain ;viewable to<br>permissioned parties forever.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn4.005&esa&0&N&Since blockchain applications function across a ;peer-to-peer ;network without a central hub, copies of the single ;shared ;ledger of these chained blocks of transaction ;records are ;replicated and synchronized across nodes around the ;network, ;which is why it is called a ___________ ledger.&distributed&&Since blockchain applications function across a ;peer-to-peer<br>network without a central hub, ;copies of the single shared<br>ledger of these ;chained blocks of transaction records ;are<br>replicated and synchronized across nodes ;around the network,<br>which is why it is called a ;distributed ledger.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn4.006&esa&0&N&A blockchain ledger is either open to the public, or ;requires ;__________ to access.&permission&&A blockchain ledger is either open to the public, or ;requires<br>permission to access.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn4.007&esa&0&N&Permissioned blockchain applications are far less ;___________ ;to design and manage than public implementations, ;and are ;rapidly expanding into numerous other industries ;like medical, ;pharmaceutical, the food industry, insurance, and ;manufacturing.&complicated,convoluted&&Permissioned blockchain applications are far less ;complicated<br>to design and manage than public ;implementations, and are<br>rapidly expanding into ;numerous other industries like medical, ;<br>pharmaceutical, the food industry, insurance, ;and<br>manufacturing.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn4.008&esa&0&N&Blockchain has improved global money remittance ;through the use of smart _________ ;and automated banking ledgers.&contracts&&Blockchain has improved global money remittance ;through the use of smart contracts and automated ;banking ledgers.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn4.009&esa&0&N&The actual business contracts and related ;documents and files are embedded into the ledger ;making a ;permanent ________ for each transaction.&record&&The actual business contracts and related documents ;and files are embedded into the ledger making a ;permanent record for each transaction.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
blkchn4.010&esa&0&N&The blockchain industry is relatively young. The ;company __________ has ;been credited for bringing a new paradigm and the ;second ;generation of blockchain technology.&ethereum&&The blockchain industry is relatively young. Ethereum ;has been credited for bringing a new paradigm and the ;second generation of blockchain technology.&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.