You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1460 lines
43 KiB
1460 lines
43 KiB
8 months ago
* Copyright 1999 - 2004 by Gero Kohnert
* CVS Info: $Id: task.pinc,v 1.12 2005/01/17 05:11:26 saraj Exp $
* $Author: saraj $
# include_once 'file/file.pinc'; // never load modules directly
define ('TASK_PRE',0);
define ('TASK_RUNNING',1);
define ('TASK_FINISH',2);
define ('TASK_OVERDUE',3);
function gantt_get_bar(&$task, $n, $depth) {
global $tutos,$font;
$over = false;
$name = $task->name;
$start = $task->s_start->getYYYYMMDD();
$end = $task->s_end->getYYYYMMDD();
$vol = $task->volume_done; #not used in coding, I guess...
$planned = $task->volume;
$todo = $task->volume_todo;
$comp = $task->getcompletion();
$worker = $task->worker;
for ($i = 1; $i < $depth; $i++) {
$name = " ". $name;
$name .= " [";
$sep = "";
foreach ( $worker as $w => $f) {
$name .= $sep . $f->GetFullname();
$sep = ", ";
$name .= "]";
#----workaround for presentation
#if ( $todo == -1 ) {
# $todo = "100 %";
#} else {
# $todo = hour_format($todo,2);
if ($tutos[jpgraph_old] == 0) {
$xx = array($name, hour_format($planned,2), $task->s_start->getDate(), $task->s_end->getDate());
} else {
$xx = $name;
if ( $comp > 100.0 ) {
$over = true;
if ($task->milestone == 1) {
$bar = new MileStone($n, $xx, $end,sprintf("[%.0f %%]", $comp), 0.5);
} else {
$bar = new GanttBar($n, $xx, $start, $end,sprintf("[%.0f %%]", $comp), 0.5);
if ( $over ) {
$bar->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, "red");
$bar->progress->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG, "red");
if ($tutos[jpgraph_old] == 0) {
/* Outline first level tasks */
$bar->title->SetFont($font, FS_NORMAL, 8);
if( $depth == 1 ) {
$bar->title->SetFont($font, FS_BOLD, 8);
return $bar;
/* Recursive adding of project tasks */
function gantt_addTasks(&$parent, &$graph, &$count, $depth) {
if ( $parent->getType() == "task" ) {
$graph->Add(gantt_get_bar($parent, $count++, $depth));
foreach($parent->tasklist as $i => $f) {
$graph = gantt_addTasks($f, $graph, $count, $depth+1);
return $graph;
Function gantt_draw(&$parent) {
global $lang , $font, $tutos;
# If we use a non western laguage encoding force the use of truetype fonts
if ($lang['content_encoding'] != "iso-8859-1") {
$font = FF_ARIAL;
} else {
$font = FF_FONT1;
// Standard calls to create a new graph
$graph = new GanttGraph();
// Titles for chart
$graph->title->Set($lang['TaskGantt']." ". $lang['forphrase'] ." " .
html_entity_decode($parent->getFullName()) );
// For illustration we enable all headers.
if (isset($graph->scale->actinfo)) {
$graph->scale->actinfo->SetColTitles(array($lang['Task'] ." [". $lang['TaskWorker'] ."]",$lang['TaskVolumeFull'],$lang['TaskS_Start'],$lang['TaskS_End']));
/* TODO: we could use locale */
// $graph->scale->SetDateLocale("fr_FR");
// Change the scale font
$count = 0;
$graph = gantt_addTasks($parent, $graph, $count, 0);
// Add a vertical line for the current day
# $vline = new GanttVLine(strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time()));
# $vline->SetDayOffset(0.5);
# $graph->Add($vline);
if ($tutos[jpgraph_old] == 0) {
} else {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* get the latest and earliest datetimes
function task_calc (&$obj) {
if ( ($obj->getType() == "address")||($obj->getType() == "team") ) {
$recursive = false;
} else {
$recursive = true;
$obj->max_end = new DateTime(0);
$obj->min_start = new DateTime(0);
$obj->sum['volume'] = 0.0;
$obj->sum['volume_done'] = 0.0;
if ( $obj->getType() == "task") {
$obj->sum['volume'] = $obj->volume;
$obj->sum['volume_done'] = $obj->volume_done;
if ( count($obj->tasklist) > 0 ) {
foreach ($obj->tasklist as $i => $f) {
if ( $recursive ) {
$min = $f->min_start->ts;
$max = $f->max_end->ts;
} else {
$min = $f->s_start->ts;
$max = $f->s_end->ts;
$f->sum['volume'] = $f->volume;
$f->sum['volume_done'] = $f->volume_done;
// For address, we have to only count the work done by $obj...
if( $obj->getType() == "address" ) {
if( $obj->creator->id == $obj->id
|| array_key_exists((int)$obj->id, $f->worker) ) {
$obj->sum['volume'] += $f->sum['volume'];
$obj->sum['volume_done'] += computeWorkedHours($obj, $f);
} else {
$obj->sum['volume'] += $f->sum['volume'];
$obj->sum['volume_done'] += $f->sum['volume_done'];
if ( ($min != -1) ) {
if ( ($obj->min_start->ts != -1) ) {
} else {
if ( ($max != -1) ) {
if ( ($obj->max_end->ts != -1) ) {
} else {
function tasks_clone_recursive( $tasklist, $newpid, $owner, $diff ) {
global $tutos;
foreach ($tasklist as $t) {
$oldid = $t->id;
$oldacl = $t->acl;
$t->id = -1;
$t->p_id = $newpid;
# add time diff to make dates relative to project's beginning
# real dates are not welcome
# set previous permissions and raise for current user
$t->acl = $oldacl;
$t->modified = array ();
$t->modified[] = array ( "field" => "CloneEntry" ,
"old" => $oldid ,
"new" => $t->id,
"obj_id" => $nf->id
if (function_exists('files_clone')) {
files_clone( $t->dbconn, $oldid, $t->id, $owner );
tasks_clone_recursive( $t->tasklist, $t->id, $owner, $diff );
* a task (something ToDo)
* @modulegroup task
* @module task
* @package task
class task extends tutos_base {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function task(&$dbconn) {
global $current_user,$table;
$this->p_id = -1;
$this->parent = -1;
$this->plist = array();
$this->name = "";
$this->desc = "";
$this->volume = 0;
$this->volume_done = 0;
$this->volume_todo = -1;
$this->worker = array();
$this->s_start = new DateTime();
$this->s_end = new DateTime();
$this->r_start = new DateTime(0);
$this->r_end = new DateTime(0);
$this->state = TASK_PRE;
$this->diff = 0;
$this->milestone = 0;
$this->email = 0;
$this->tablename = $this->dbconn->prefix .$table['task'][name];
$this->tablename2 = $this->dbconn->prefix .$table['taskworker'][name];
function exportXML_body ($only_ids = false) {
global $lang;
$r = parent::exportXML_body();
if (!$only_ids) {
$r .= "<name>". utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($this->name)) ."</name>\n";
$r .= "<desc>". utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($this->desc)) ."</desc>\n";
$r .= "<p_id>". $this->p_id ."</p_id>\n";
$r .= "<volume>". $this->volume ."</volume>\n";
$r .= "<volume_done>". $this->volume_done ."</volume_done>\n";
$r .= "<volume_todo>". $this->volume_todo ."</volume_todo>\n";
$r .= "<state_id>". $this->state ."</state_id>\n";
$r .= "<state>". utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($lang['TaskStates'][$this->state])) ."</state>\n";
$r .= "<milestone>". $this->milestone ."</milestone>\n";
$r .= "<email>". $this->email ."</email>\n";
if ( $this->s_start->notime != 1 ) {
$r .= "<s_start>". $this->s_start->exportXML_body() ."</s_start>\n";
} else {
$r .= "<s_start/>";
if ( $this->s_end->notime != 1 ) {
$r .= "<s_end>". $this->s_end->exportXML_body() ."</s_end>\n";
} else {
$r .= "<s_end/>";
if ( $this->r_start->notime != 1 ) {
$r .= "<r_start>". $this->r_start->exportXML_body() ."</r_start>\n";
} else {
$r .= "<r_start/>";
if ( $this->r_end->notime != 1 ) {
$r .= "<r_end>". $this->r_end->exportXML_body() ."</r_end>\n";
} else {
$r .= "<r_end/>";
foreach ( $this->worker as $i => $f) {
$r .= "<worker>";
$r .= "<id>". $f->id ."</id>";
$r .= "<name>". utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($f->GetFullname())) ."</name>";
$r .= "<type>". utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($f->GetType())) ."</type>";
$r.= "</worker>";
return $r;
* read a resultset
function read_result (&$r, $pos ) {
global $current_user, $tutos;
$this->p_id = $r->get($pos, "p_id");
$this->parent = getObject($this->dbconn,$this->p_id);
$this->state = $r->get($pos, "status");
$this->volume = $r->get($pos, "volume");
$this->volume_done = $r->get($pos, "volume_done");
$this->volume_todo = $r->get($pos, "volume_todo");
$this->name = $r->get($pos, "name");
$this->desc = $r->get($pos, "description");
$this->milestone = $r->get($pos, "milestone");
$this->r_start = $r->getDateTime($pos, "r_start");
$this->r_end = $r->getDateTime($pos, "r_end");
$this->s_start = $r->getDateTime($pos, "s_start");
$this->s_end = $r->getDateTime($pos, "s_end");
$wid = $r->get($pos, "worker");
$w = GetObject($this->dbconn,$wid);
if ( $w != -1 ) {
$this->worker[$wid] = &$w;
$cid = $r->get($pos, "creator");
$this->creator = getObject($this->dbconn,$cid);
if ( $this->parent == -1 ) {
# Project not found
$this->parent = $this->worker[$wid];
if ( $this->parent == -1 ) {
# Project and worker not found
$this->parent = $this->creator;
if ( $this->parent == -1 ) {
# Project, worker and creator not found
$this->parent = $current_user;
$this->p_id = $this->parent->id;
if ( ($this->volume == "") ) {
$this->volume = 0;
if ( ($this->volume_done == "") ) {
$this->volume_done = 0;
if ( ($this->volume_todo == "") ) {
$this->volume_todo = -1;
# If timetrack is used then the volume_done is read as the sum of all connected tt entries
if ( ($tutos[usetimetrack] == 1) ) {
$this->volume_done = $this->timetracksum;
if ( ($this->volume_done == "") ) {
$this->volume_done = 0;
# Tasks with used volume are not longer in prestate
if ( ($this->volume_done > 0) && ($this->state == TASK_PRE) ) {
$this->state = TASK_RUNNING;
* get a list of possible new parents
function read_relations ( ) {
global $lang;
$this->plist = array();
if ($this->parent != -1) {
# Read possible new parents
$this->plist = $this->parent->getNeighbours();
# !!! FIX ME Remove own subtasks from list
unset ($this->plist[$this->id]);
foreach ($this->fulltasklist as $a => $b) {
unset ($this->plist[$a]);
* fill the internal neighbour list with possible objects where a object
* currently attached/referncing to THIS task could be reattached
function getNeighbours () {
global $lang;
if (count ($this->neighbours) > 0 ) return $this->neighbours;
# Possible new parents are all parent tasks
$x = $this;
while ($x->getType() == "task") {
if ($x->see_ok() ) {
$this->neighbours[$x->id] = $x;
$x = $x->parent;
if ($x->getType() == "product") {
$n = $x->getNeighbours() ;
foreach($n as $i) {
$this->neighbours[$i->id] = &$i;
return $this->neighbours;
* read worker
function readWorker() {
if ( empty($this->id) ) return;
if ( -1 == $this->id ) return;
$query = "SELECT w_id FROM ". $this->tablename2 ." WHERE t_id = ". $this->id;
$result = $this->dbconn->Exec($query);
$n = $result->numrows();
$a = 0;
while ($a < $n) {
$xx = $result->get($a, "w_id");
$p = getObject($this->dbconn,$xx);
$this->worker[$xx] = &$p;
* save worker
function saveWorker() {
$q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->tablename2 ." WHERE t_id = ". $this->id;
foreach ($this->worker as $i => $f) {
$q = "INSERT INTO ". $this->tablename2 ." (t_id,w_id) VALUES (". $this->id .",". $i .")";
* search for a task
* fill a array with possible tasks
function search_by_name(&$arr,&$user,$name) {
if ( trim($name) == "" ) return;
$q = "SELECT * from ". $user->dbconn->prefix ."tasks WHERE". $user->dbconn->Like("name",$name);
$q .= " order name ";
check_dbacl( $q, $user->id);
$r = $user->dbconn->Exec($q);
$n = $r->numrows();
$a = 0;
while ( $a < $n ) {
$x = new task($user->dbconn);
$arr[$x->id] = &$x;
# echo $x->getFullName() ."<br />";
* set the Name
function setName($value) {
return $this->setStrField("name",$value,"TaskName");
* set the Description
function setDescription($value) {
return $this->setStrField("desc",$value,"TaskDesc");
* set the State
function setState($value) {
return $this->setIntField("state",$value,"TaskState");
* set the Mielstone flag
function setMilestone($value) {
return $this->setIntField("milestone",$value,"TaskMilestone");
* set the Start
function setRStart($value) {
return $this->setDateField("r_start",$value,"TaskR_Start");
* set the End
function setREnd($value) {
return $this->setDateField("r_end",$value,"TaskR_End");
* set the scheduled Start
function setSStart($value) {
return $this->setDateField("s_start",$value,"TaskS_Start");
* set the scheduled end
function setSEnd($value) {
return $this->setDateField("s_end",$value,"TaskS_End");
* set the Volume
function setVolume($value) {
return $this->setFloatField("volume",$value,"TaskVolumeFull");
* set the VolumeDone
function setVolumeDone($value) {
# Book the time to the task and users
# timetrack
$this->diff = $value - $this->volume_done;
return $this->setFloatField("volume_done",$value,"TaskVolumeDone");
* set the Volume Todo
function setVolumeTodo($value) {
return $this->setFloatField("volume_todo",$value,"TaskVolumeTodo");
* set the parent
function setParent($pid) {
if ( $this->p_id != $pid ) {
$this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "TaskSubTask" , "old" => $this->p_id , "new" => $pid);
$this->p_id = $pid;
* Replaces the strings in the mail body
function make_mail_body(&$body,&$to) {
global $lang;
$url = getBaseURL(true). $this->getURL();
$body = eregi_replace("@CREATOR@",$this->creator->getFullName(),$body);
$body = eregi_replace("@SHORT@",$this->name,$body);
$body = eregi_replace("@DESC@",$this->desc,$body);
$body = eregi_replace("@STATE@",$to->lg['TaskStates'][$this->state],$body);
$body = eregi_replace("@VOLUME@",$this->volume,$body);
$worker = "";
if (count($this->worker) > 1) {
foreach ($this->worker as $i => $f) {
$worker .= $f->GetFullname()."\n";
$body = eregi_replace("@WORKERS@",$worker,$body);
$body = eregi_replace("<WORKERS>","",$body);
$body = eregi_replace("</WORKERS>","",$body);
} else {
$body = eregi_replace("<WORKERS>.*</WORKERS>","",$body);
$body = eregi_replace("@URL@",$url,$body);
if ( $to->gettype() == "team" ) {
$body = eregi_replace("@TO@",$lang[$to->gettype()] ." ".$to->getFullName(),$body);
$body = eregi_replace("<TEAM>","",$body);
$body = eregi_replace("</TEAM>","",$body);
} else {
$body = eregi_replace("@TO@",$to->getFullName(),$body);
# Remove the TEAM part
$body = eregi_replace("<TEAM>.*</TEAM>","",$body);
$body = eregi_replace("@START@",$this->s_start->getDateTime(),$body);
$body = eregi_replace("@END@",$this->s_end->getDateTime(),$body);
* Save Task to DB
function save() {
global $tutos,$table,$current_user;
$msg = "";
$q = new query($this->dbconn);
if ( $this->id < 0 ) {
$task_is_new = true;
$this->modified = array();
if ( isset($this->newid) ) {
$this->id = $this->newid;
} else {
$this->id = $q->addFV("id",-1,"NEXTID");
# Defaut Access Control (get parents acl as default)
$this->acl = $this->parent->acl;
$this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "created" ,
"old" => $this->getType() ,
"new" => $this->id,
"obj_id" => $this->id
# to not trigger watchlist if parent is a address
$this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "TaskCreate" ,
"old" => "-1" ,
"new" => $this->id,
"obj_id" => $this->parent->id
$query = $q->getInsert();
} else {
$task_is_new = false;
$query = $q->getUpdate();
foreach ($this->worker as $i => $f) {
// fix the fact that user that changes task are in solvers list
if ($f->getType() == "address" && $f->id == $current_user->id) {
$cw = $f;
$msg .= parent::save();
# If the volume_done has been changed, we add a timetrack entry
if ( ($this->diff != 0) ) {
$tt = new timetrack($this->dbconn);
if( isset($cw) ) {
// A worker has made the change
$tt->worker = $cw;
} else {
// The task creator or a mod_ok tutos user made the change...
$tt->worker = $current_user;
$tt->link_id = $this->id;
$tt->ref = $this;
$tt->volume = $this->diff;
$tt->volume_todo = $this->volume_todo;
$tt->desc = $this->name;
$msg .= $tt->save($norec=1);
# Mail stuff
if ( $this->email == 1 ) {
$m = new mail($current_user);
foreach ($this->worker as $i => $f) {
$body = "";
if ( $task_is_new ) {
if ( ! findMailTemplate("task_new.proto",$f,$body) ) {
$msg .= sprintf($lang['Err0037'],$m->subject,$body) ."<br />\n";
} else {
if ( ! findMailTemplate("task_mod.proto",$f,$body) ) {
$msg .= sprintf($lang['Err0037'],$m->subject,$body) ."<br />\n";
$msg .= $m->send();
return $msg;
* Delete tasks from DB
function delete() {
global $current_user;
$msg = "";
$q = "UPDATE ". $this->tablename ." SET p_id = ". $this->p_id ." WHERE p_id = ". $this->id;
$q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->tablename2 ." WHERE t_id = ". $this->id;
$q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->tablename ." WHERE id = ". $this->id;
$msg .= timetrack::obj_delete($current_user,$this);
$msg .= parent::delete();
return $msg;
* Popup for overlib
function getPopInfo() {
global $lang;
$n =str_replace("\n","<br />",myentities(wordwrap($this->desc,80)));
$n =str_replace("\r","",$n);
$n =str_replace("'","\'",$n);
$t =myentities($this->name);
$t =str_replace("'","\'",$t);
$info = "";
$info .= "<html>";
$info .= "<body>";
$info .= "<table class=\"inner\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\">";
$x = $this->parent;
if( $x == -1 ) unset($x);
$pre = "";
$name = "";
while ( isset ( $x ) ) {
$name = myentities($x->getFullName()) . $pre . $name;
if (isset($x->parent) && $x->parent != -1) {
$x = $x->parent;
} else {
$pre = " → ";
$name .= $pre . " " . $t;
$info .= "<tr><th>". $name ."</th></tr>";
if ( ($this->s_start->notime != 1) || ($this->s_end->notime != 1) ) {
$info .= "<tr><td><font size=\"-2\">";
$info .= $this->s_start->getDate() ." - ". $this->s_end->getDate();
$info .= "</font></td></tr>";
if ( $this->volume != 0 ) {
$info .= "<tr><td><font size=\"-2\">";
$info .= hour_format($this->volume) ." / ". hour_format($this->volume_done) ." ". $lang['hours'] . sprintf(" (%3.2f %%)", $this->getcompletion());
$info .= "</font></td></tr>";
$info .= "<tr><td><font size=\"-2\"><pre>";
$info .= $n;
$info .= "</pre></font></td></tr>";
$info .= "</table></body></html>";
return $info;
* Return a link to this task
function getURL() {
return "task_show.php?id=".$this->id;
* Return a link to modify this task
function getModURL() {
return "task_new.php?id=".$this->id;
* Return a link to delete this task
function getDelURL() {
return "task_del.php?id=".$this->id;
* Return a link to this task
function getLink($text = "") {
global $lang;
if ( $text == "" ) {
$text = $this->getFullName();
if ( $this->see_ok() ) {
return makelink($this->getURL() , myentities($text) ,sprintf($lang['TaskLinkInfo'], $this->getFullName()),$this->getPopInfo());
} else {
return myentities($text);
* Return a fullname i.e name
function getFullname() {
global $lang;
if ($this->milestone == 1) {
return $lang['TaskMilestone']." ".$this->name;
return $this->name;
* get the info as text
function getAsText (&$lang) {
$r = "";
$r .= format_asText($lang['TaskName'],$this->name);
$r .= format_asText($lang['TaskState'],$lang['TaskStates'][$this->state]);
$r .= format_asText($lang['TaskDesc'],$this->desc);
$r .= format_asText($lang['TaskSched']." / ". $lang['DateTimeFrom'],$this->s_start->getDate());
$r .= format_asText($lang['TaskSched']." / ". $lang['DateTimeTill'],$this->s_end->getDate());
return $r;
* get the timespan
function getTimespan () {
$r = array();
$r['start'] = $this->s_start->getYYYYMMDD() ."0000";
$r['end'] = $this->s_end->getYYYYMMDD() ."2359";
$r['desc'] = $this->s_start->getDate() ." - " . $this->s_end->getDate() ;
return $r;
* Return Info about bugs in this task
function bugSum() {
return bugSummary($this);
* Add in the given array entries $task_id => $project_id
* Returns the project
function getProject(&$projects_tasks) {
$project = -1;
$obj = $this;
$ptasks = array();
// Walk through parents to find project
while( $project == -1 ) {
if( array_key_exists($obj->p_id, $projects_tasks) ) {
$ptasks[] = $obj->id;
$project = getObject($this->dbconn, $projects_tasks[$obj->p_id]);
} else {
$t = getObject($this->dbconn, $obj->p_id);
if( $t == -1 ) {
// Parent no longer exists ?
$ptasks[] = $obj->id;
if( $t->getType() != "task" ) {
// found first node
$project = &$t;
} else {
$obj = getObject($this->dbconn, $obj->p_id);
foreach( $ptasks as $pid ) {
$projects_tasks[$pid] = $project->id;
return $project;
* get the type of object
function printRow (&$layout,$depth, &$parent, $fld = "", $slimit=0, $elimit=0) {
global $lang, $tutos, $projects_tasks,$table;
if( !isset($projects_tasks) ) $projects_tasks = array();
// I sometimes get -1 as $this->id
if( $this->id == -1 )
if ( ($parent->getType() == "address")||($parent->getType() == "team")||($parent->getType() == "base") ) {
$recursive = false;
# print only unfinished tasks
if ( $this->state == TASK_FINISH ) {
return 1;
} else {
$recursive = true;
/* we limit the date range of printed tasks */
if( $slimit == 0 && $elimit == 0
|| ($slimit != 0 && $elimit != 0
&& $slimit->datecmp($this->s_start) <= 0
&& ($elimit->datecmp($slimit) == 0
|| $elimit->datecmp($this->s_end) >= 0) )) {
$c = $this->getcompletion();
echo $layout->OverviewRowStart($layout->line);
switch( $parent->getType() ) {
case "address": {
/* We show the project name and the task name
* As we already know the person name, we should not have the need
* to display it (see Person Task Overview)
* That can take some times to complete... even with the
* $projects_tasks static var, keeping projects associations in
* memory, in order not to make too much data base access...
$project = $this->getProject($projects_tasks);
if( $this->getLink() != "" ) {
echo " <td class=\"task". $this->state . "\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> ". ($project != -1 ? $project->getLink() : "DTC") ." → ". $this->getLink()." </td>\n";
case "team": {
echo " <td class=\"task". $this->state ."\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"> ".
$parent->getLink() ." &8594; ".
$this->getLink()." </td>\n";
default: {
echo " <td class=\"task". $this->state ."\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"> ". $depth ." </td>\n";
echo " <td valign=\"top\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><p> ";
for ($i = 0; $i <= $depth; $i++) {
echo " ";
echo $this->getLink()." ";
switch( $fld ) {
case "worker":
echo "<p align=\"right\">".$lang['TaskWorker'];
$w = 0;
foreach ($this->worker as $i => $x) {
echo ($w %2 ? "<br />":" ").($w >0 ? ",":"").
case "product":
$project = $this->getProject($projects_tasks);
echo "<p align=\"right\">".$lang['Product']." ".$project->getLink();
echo "</td>\n";
} // end of switch $parent->getType()
// I have some strange bug where I reach non existing entities.
if( $this->getLink() == "" )
return 0;
// When displaying an address time overview, we have to compute
// the volume done by the $parent address !
if( $parent->getType() == "address" ) {
$volume = $this->volume;
$volume_done = computeWorkedHours($parent, $this);
} else {
$volume = $this->volume;
$volume_done = $this->volume_done;
echo " <td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">"
.sprintf("%3.2f %%",$c )
." <br /> "
.hour_format($volume_done,2) ." / ". hour_format($volume,2)
." ". $lang['hours'] ." </td>\n";
echo " <td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\">"
.$this->s_start->getDate() ." </td>\n";
$w = 200;
$h = 32; // height
// seconds per pixel
$t = time();
$max_end = max($parent->max_end->ts,$t);
$min_start = min($parent->min_start->ts,$t);
$p = ( ($max_end - $min_start) / $w);
if ( $p == 0 ) {
# $p = 1;
// from earliest to start
$x1 = round(($this->s_start->ts - $min_start)/$p);
$x1a = round( ($t - $min_start)/$p);
$x1b = round(( $this->s_start->ts - $t )/$p);
$x2 = round(($this->s_end->ts - $this->s_start->ts)/$p);
$x3 = round(($max_end - $this->s_end->ts)/$p);
$x3a = round(( $t - $this->s_end->ts)/$p);
$x3b = round( ($max_end - $t )/$p);
echo " <td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\" width=\"".($w +1)."\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">";
if ( $x1a + $x1b > 0 ) {
if ( $x1b < 0 ) {
echo "<img border=\"0\" height=\"". $h ."\" width=\"".( $x1a + $x1b) ."\" src=\"". $tutos['base'] ."/html/gray.png\" alt=\"\">";
} else {
if ( $x1a > 0 ) {
echo "<img border=\"0\" height=\"". $h ."\" width=\"". $x1a ."\" src=\"". $tutos['base'] ."/html/gray.png\" alt=\"\">";
if ( $x1b > 0 ) {
echo "<img border=\"0\" height=\"". $h ."\" width=\"".$x1b."\" src=\"". $tutos['base'] ."/html/white.png\" alt=\"\">";
if ( $x2 == 0 ) {
$x2a = Round($x2 * $c/100.0);
$x2b = Round($x2 * (100 - $c)/100.0);
if ( $x2a != 0 ) {
echo "<img border=\"0\" height=\"". $h ."\" width=\"". $x2a."\" src=\"". $tutos['base'] ."/html/green.png\" alt=\"". myentities($this->getFullName()) ."\">";
if ( $x2b > 0 ) {
echo "<img border=\"0\" height=\"". $h ."\" width=\"". $x2b."\" src=\"". $tutos['base'] ."/html/red.png\" alt=\"". myentities($this->getFullName()) ."\">";
if ( $x3a + $x3b > 0 ) {
if ( $x3a > 0 ) {
echo "<img border=\"0\" height=\"". $h ."\" width=\"".$x3a."\" src=\"". $tutos['base'] ."/html/gray.png\" alt=\"\">";
if ( $x3b > 0 ) {
echo "<img border=\"0\" height=\"". $h ."\" width=\"". ($x3b - 1) ."\" src=\"". $tutos['base'] ."/html/white.png\" alt=\"\">";
} else {
if ( ($x3b + $x3a) > 0 ) {
echo "<img border=\"0\" height=\"". $h ."\" width=\"".($x3b + $x3a)."\" src=\"". $tutos['base'] ."/html/white.png\" alt=\"\">";
echo "</td>\n";
echo " <td valign=\"bottom\"> ". $this->s_end->getDate() ." </td>\n";
echo " <td> ";
echo makelink("task_new.php?pid=".$this->id,$lang['NewEntry'],sprintf($lang['TaskCreateInfo'],$this->name));
echo " </td>\n";
echo " <td align=\"center\"> ";
if ( $tutos[massupdate] == 1 ) {
# Checkbox column for massupdate
if ( $this->mod_ok() ) {
echo "<input name=\"mark[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"". $this->id ."\">";
} else {
echo "-";
} else {
if ( $this->del_ok() ) {
echo confirmlink("task_del.php?id=".$this->id,$lang['Delete'],sprintf($lang['TaskDelete'],$this->name));
} else {
echo $lang['Delete'];
echo " </td>\n";
echo $layout->OverviewRowEnd($layout->line++);
if ( $recursive ) {
foreach($this->tasklist as $i => $f) {
$f->printRow($layout,$depth +1,$parent, $fld, $slimit, $elimit);
return 0;
* get the percentage of completion
function getcompletion () {
if( $this->state == TASK_FINISH )
return 100.0;
if ( $this->volume <= 0 ) {
return 0.0;
if( $this->volume_todo > -1 ) {
if ( ($this->volume_todo + $this->volume_done) == 0 ) {
return 0.0;
return (100.0*($this->volume_done/
($this->volume_todo + $this->volume_done)));
return ( 100.0 * ( $this->volume_done / $this->volume ));
* output the formatted task in one table row
function formatted () {
global $lang,$tutos,$current_user;
$class = "task". $this->state;
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td nowrap=\"nowrap\" class=\"". $class ."\" colspan=\"3\">". $this->getLink() ."</td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
if ( $this->parent->getType() == "address" ) {
if ( $this->parent->id == $current_user->id ) {
echo " <td nowrap=\"nowrap\" class=\"". $class ."\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"right\">".$lang['TaskStates'][$this->state] ."</td>\n";
} else {
echo " <td nowrap=\"nowrap\" class=\"". $class ."\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"right\">".$lang['TaskStates'][$this->state]." (". $this->parent->getLink() .")</td>\n";
} else {
echo " <td nowrap=\"nowrap\" class=\"". $class ."\" colspan=\"3\" align=\"right\">".$lang['TaskStates'][$this->state]." → ". $this->parent->getLink() ."</td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n";
* checks if the task is planned that day
* Date d true if taks work should happen that day
function inside (&$d) {
$d->setDateTime($d->getYYYYMMDD() . "000000");
$x = $d->getYYYYMMDD();
if ( $x < $this->s_start->getYYYYMMDD() ) return false;
if ( $x > $this->s_end->getYYYYMMDD() ) return false;
return true;
* Transfer reference ids according to given table
function transfer_ids (&$trans) {
parent::transfer_ids ($trans);
if (isset($trans[$this->p_id])) {
$this->p_id = $trans[$this->p_id];
foreach ($this->worker as $i => $f) {
if (isset($trans[$i])) {
$this->worker[$trans[$i]] = $this->worker[$i] ;
$this->worker[$trans[$i]]->id = $trans[$i] ;
if (isset($trans[$this->creator->id])) {
$this->creator->id = $trans[$this->creator->id];
* get the type of object
function getType () {
return "task";
* get the type id of object
function gettypeid () {
return usetaskmanagement;
* get name of icons
function getHtmlIcon () {
return 'task';
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The following methods are abstract factory functions for groups
* which handle the membership list of an object
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* create a link to a overview page
function getOverviewLink (&$user,$text = "") {
global $lang,$tutos;
if ( ! $user->feature_ok(usetaskmanagement,PERM_NEW) ) {
* create a link where a note to for the given object could be added
function getaddlink (&$user,&$obj,$text = "") {
global $lang;
if ( $obj == -1 ) return "";
if (! is_object($obj) ) return "";
if (! $user->feature_ok(usetaskmanagement,PERM_NEW) ) return "";
if (! $obj->mod_ok() ) return "";
$x = array( url => "task_new.php?pid=". $obj->id,
confirm => false,
text => ($text == "" ? $lang['TaskCreate']:$text),
info => sprintf($lang['TaskCreateInfo'], $obj->getFullName())
if ( $obj->gettype() == "task" ) {
$x[category] = array("task","new","obj");
} else {
$x[category] = array("task","new","module");
return $x;
* Return Info about connected tasks for given object
function obj_read(&$obj) {
global $table;
if ( $obj == -1 ) return;
if (! is_object($obj) ) return;
if ( isset($obj->tasklist) ) return;
$obj->tasklist = array();
$obj->fulltasklist = array();
$obj->tsum['Tasks'] = 0;
$readall = false;
if ( ($obj->getType() == "address") || ($obj->getType() == "user") ) {
$q = "SELECT distinct t_id from ". $obj->dbconn->prefix .$table['taskworker'][name] ." WHERE ";
# Select the workers and all his teams tasks
$q .= " w_id in ( ". $obj->id;
foreach ( $obj->teamlist as $i => $f) {
$q .= ",". $i;
$q .= ")";
$readall = true;
} else if ( $obj->getType() == "team" ) {
$q = "SELECT distinct t_id from ". $obj->dbconn->prefix .$table['taskworker'][name] ." WHERE ";
$q .= "w_id = ". $obj->id;
$readall = true;
} else {
$q = "SELECT * from ". $obj->dbconn->prefix .$table['task'][name]." WHERE ";
$q .= "p_id = ". $obj->id;
$q .= " ORDER by s_start";
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
$n = $r->numrows();
$a = 0;
while ($a < $n) {
$t = new task($obj->dbconn);
if ( $readall ) {
$id =$r->get($a,"t_id");
$t = $t->read($id,$t);
} else {
if ( class_exists('bug') ) {
} else {
$t->tsum['Bugs'] = 0;
$obj->tsum['Tasks'] += $t->timetracksum;
# Add Subtask-Sum
$obj->tsum['Tasks'] += $t->tsum['Tasks'];
$obj->tsum['Tasks'] += $t->tsum['Bugs'];
$obj->tasklist[$t->id] = &$t;
$obj->fulltasklist[$t->id] = &$t;
foreach ($t->fulltasklist as $i => $f) {
$obj->fulltasklist[$i] = &$f;
* a object that may hold tasks is deleted
Function obj_delete(&$user,&$obj) {
global $table;
$msg = "";
$q = "DELETE FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix .$table['taskworker'][name] ." WHERE w_id = ". $obj->id;
if ( $obj->getType() != "address" ) {
if ( count($obj->tasklist) > 0 ) {
foreach ($obj->tasklist as $i => $f) {
$msg .= $f->delete();
return $msg;
* Read a list of tasks for a timerange and make it a array in the
* given object (compare readAppsCal in appointment.pinc)
* start is a TUTOS DateTime object
function readCal(&$obj, &$from, &$to) {
global $current_user,$table;
//if ( ! $current_user->feature_ok(usetaskmanagement,PERM_SEE) ) {
// return;
$from->setDateTime($from->getYYYYMMDD() . "000000");
$to->setDateTime($to->getYYYYMMDD() . "000000");
$x1 = $obj->dbconn->DateTime($from);
$x2 = $obj->dbconn->DateTime($to);
echo $x1;
$q = "SELECT c.* FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."tasks c ";
$pre = " WHERE";
if ( ($obj->getType() == "address") || ($obj->getType() == "user") ) {
# Select the workers and all his teams tasks
$q .= $pre. "( c.worker in ( ". $obj->id;
foreach ($obj->teamlist as $i => $f) {
$q .= ",". $i;
$q .= ")";
$qq = "SELECT DISTINCT t_id FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix .$table['taskworker'][name]. " WHERE w_id in (".$obj->id;
foreach ($obj->teamlist as $i => $f) {
$qq .= "," . $i;
$qq .= ")";
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($qq);
$n = $r->numrows();
$a = 0;
if ( $n > 0 ) {
$q .= " OR ( in (";
$xpre = "";
while ( $a < $n ) {
$x = $r->get($a,"t_id");
$q .= $xpre . $x;
$xpre = ",";
$q .= ") )";
$q .= ")";
$pre = " AND";
$q .= $pre. "(";
$q .= " ( c.s_start < ". $x2 ." and c.s_start >= ". $x1 .")";
$q .= "or ( c.s_end < ". $x2 ." and c.s_end >= ". $x1 .")";
$q .= "or ( c.s_start < ". $x1 ." and c.s_end >= ". $x1 .")";
$q .= ")";
$q .= " ORDER by c.s_start";
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
$n = $r->numrows();
$a = 0;
while ( $a < $n ) {
$o = new task($obj->dbconn);
if ( $o->see_ok() ) {
$obj->callist[$o->id] = &$o;
* get the help index
function getHelpIndex () {
global $lang;
$r = "";
$r .= "<h3>". makelink("help.php?p=glossary#tasks",$lang['Tasks'],$lang['Tasks']) ."</h3><ul>\n";
$r .= "<li>". makelink("help.php?p=task_new",$lang["NewEntry"]."/". $lang["Modify"],$lang["NewEntry"]."/". $lang["Modify"]) ."</li>\n";
$r .= "<li>". makelink("help.php?p=task_show",$lang["show"],$lang["show"]) ."</li>\n";
$r .= "<li>". makelink("help.php?p=res_cal",$lang['ResCal'],$lang['ResCal'])."</li>\n";
$r .= "</ul>\n";
return $r;