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8 months ago
&Public Pension Fund - State Government::IT Director&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?5?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?11?xxx?xxx?xxx::&&::&::&We have been using IBM mainframes for 25 years. We could probably move our applications to another platform, but have no reason. The zSeries is reliable, a workhorse and secure.::&We have one mainframe for the entire organization. We receive retirement contributions each pay period for 100,000 active members and pay out monthly retirement benefits to over 30,000 retired members.::&We have one mainframe for the entire organization. We use the mainframe for General Ledger, Payroll, Human Resources, Data Entry, Budget, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receiveable, Retirement, Death Benefit and witdrawal procoesses, Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution recordkeeping. ::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::One mainframe with 1 IFL processor. 80% external, 20% internal.&We dont quantify the zSeries. We have been devloping applications on this platform for over 25 years. The application staff has grown to 10. It certainly is the lifeblood of the organization, with every employee having access to it at their desk and many using remote access at home or while traveling. With the exception of an imaging system running on an iSeries and some intel servers, the remainder of work is done on the zSeries. Its never down, but if it were, wed have a lot of people wondering what to do.::&Our business executives are aware of the great amount of services provided by the 38 mainframe application systems utilized by the office. All staff use it to enter their time and attendance to get paid.::&We have to very responsive to mandated legislative changes. Weve never missed an implementation date and have kept overtime to a minimum while meeting those madates.::&IBM has provided the z/OSe operating system for much less cost but still provides us all of the functioanlity we need. That, couple with IFL has helped enormously.::&I learned about it Dec. 2 in Las Vegas. So far, so good.::&::&?0?1?
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