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7 months ago
smthsrv3.001&mcs&2&N&<ACTSEMBED=ssmith1 ALIGN=TOP NUMBER=AFTER> Metropolitan Status &&Urban;Suburban;Rural;&&&&a&.0&&&&
smthsrv3.002&mcs&0&Y&Size of enrollment&&Small (less than 2,000 students) ;Medium (2,000 to 9,999 students);Large (over 9,999 students);&&&&a&.0&&&&
smthsrv3.003&mcs&0&Y&Fiscal Capacity&&Low (Composite Index: less than 0.2970) ;Lower Middle (Composite Index: 0.2970�0.3527) ;Higher Middle (Composite Index: 0.3528�0.4327) ;High (Composite Index: above 0.4327) ;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.004&mcs&2&N&<ACTSEMBED=ssmith2 ALIGN=TOP NUMBER=AFTER>Special Education&An Extreme Surplus&A Surplus;An Adequate Number;A Shortage;An Extreme Shortage;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.005&mcs&0&&Mathematics &&An Extreme Surplus;A Surplus;An Adequate Number;A Shortage;An Extreme Shortage;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.006&mcs&0&N&Chemistry&&An Extreme Surplus;A Surplus;An Adequate Number;A Shortage;An Extreme Shortage;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.007&mcs&0&N&Physics&&An Extreme Surplus;A Surplus;An Adequate Number;A Shortage;An Extreme Shortage;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.008&mcs&0&N&Technology Education&&An Extreme Surplus;A Surplus;An Adequate Number;A Shortage;An Extreme Shortage;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.009&mcs&0&N&Foreign Languages&&An Extreme Surplus;A Surplus;An Adequate Number;A Shortage;An Extreme Shortage;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.010&mcs&0&N&Males in Elem. and Middle Grades&&An Extreme Surplus;A Surplus;An Adequate Number;A Shortage;An Extreme Shortage;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.011&mcs&0&N&Minorities&&An Extreme Surplus;A Surplus;An Adequate Number;A Shortage;An Extreme Shortage;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.012&nrt&0&&If there are any other certification areas or classifications of applicants for which your division is experiencing a shortage, please provide that information and indicate the type of shortage (<b>S = Shortage, ES = Extreme Shortage</b>) in the space below.&1000&&&&&&.0&&&&
sssurvey.013&mcs&2&N&<ACTSEMBED=ssmith3 ALIGN=TOP NUMBER=AFTER>The Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program - by facilitating entry into the field&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.014&mcs&0&N&The Alternative Provisional License - by facilitating entry into the field&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.015&mcs&0&N&The Special Education Conditional License - by facilitating entry into the field&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.016&mcs&0&N&The Technical Professional License - by facilitating entry into the field&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.017&mcs&0&N&The Local Eligibility License - by facilitating entry into the field&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.018&mcs&0&N&The Career Switchers Program - by facilitating entry into the field&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.019&mcs&0&N&The Special Education Commonwealth Project at Old Dominion University - by facilitating entry into the field&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.020&mcs&0&N&The Masters Degree in Speech Pathology programs at Radford, Hampton, and James Madison Universities - by facilitating entry into the field&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.021&mcs&0&N&The requirements related to the Praxis I test - by increasing the qualifications of applicants&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.022&mcs&0&N&The requirements related to the Praxis II test - by increasing the qualifications of applicants&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.023&mcs&0&N&Interstate contract agreements - by facilitating movement into Virginia&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.024&mcs&0&N&Permitting Praxis waivers related to interstate contract agreements - by facilitating movement into Virginia&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.025&mcs&0&Y&Provisional Licensing is an effective strategy to address shortages of qualified teachers&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.026&mcs&0&N&Initiatives to reduce class size - by improving working conditions to decrease teacher attrition&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.027&mcs&0&N&Required Mentor programs - by improving working conditions in order to decrease teacher attrition&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.028&mcs&0&N&Incentives for National Board Certification - by improving working conditions in order to decrease teacher attrition and by supporting professional growth&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.029&mcs&0&N&Regional and Virginia Teacher of the Year Programs - by improving working conditions in order to decrease teacher attrition and by supporting professional growth&&A great positive impact;A moderate positive impact;A slight positive impact;No impact;A slight negative impact;A moderate negative impact;A great negative impact;&&&&a&.0&&&&
sssurvey.030&nrt&0&N&Please refer back to the sixteen strategies listed above, questions 11 through 26, from the Virginia Department of Education�s web site. These strategies are intended to address shortages of qualified teachers in one or more of the following ways: <br><ol><li>attracting individuals to the profession, <li>facilitating entry into teaching, <li>increasing the qualifications of those who enter the field, or <li>improving working conditions and providing support to teachers in order to decrease teacher attrition. </ol> <br> <br>Please write in the space below any recommendations you have for state legislators or policy makers regarding changes to any of these strategies. <br>&1000&&&&&&.0&&&&
sssurvey.031&nrt&2&N&<ACTSEMBED=ssmith4 ALIGN=TOP NUMBER=AFTER>Please write in the space below any strategies or policies your division has implemented or is considering implementing to address teacher shortages. Please also consider the potential transferability of each strategy, and note any critical considerations for other divisions who may consider adopting or adapting one of these strategies. <br>&1500&&&&&&.0&&&&
&&0&&Obsolete Question&&&&&&&&&&&