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7 months ago
class11p.001&mcs&2&&Read and Answer.&D&A;B;C;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.002&mcs&2&&Read and Answer.&A&B;C;D;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N.
class11p.003&mcs&0&&A student is allowed to select atmost n books from a collection of (2n + 1) books. If the total number of ways in which he can select atleast 1 book is 63, find the value of n.&3&6;5;4;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.004&mcs&2&N&Read and Answer.&98&97;100;126;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N.
class11p.005&mcs&2&&Read and Answer.&circle&ellipse;hyperbola;parabola ;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N.
class11p.006&mcs&2&&Read and Answer.&D&A;B;C;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N.
class11p.007&mcs&2&&Read and Answer.&D&A;B;C;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N.
class11p.008&mcs&2&&Read and Answer.&B&A;C;D;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N.
class11p.009&mcs&0&&Which of the following cannot be the greatest common divisor of two positive integers x and y ?&None of these.&1;x;y;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.010&mcs&0&N&DIRECTION : In the following statements, a situation is explained in a few sentences, followed by a conclusion. You have to say whether: <Br> (A) Conclusion necessarily follows from statements <Br>(B) Conclusion is only a long drawn one <Br>(C) Conclusion definitely does not follow from the statements <Br>(D) Conclusion drawn is doubtful <Br>Statements : (i) Students who work regularly pass the examination <Br>(ii) Students who work hard also, do pass the examination <Br>(iii) Shivender worked regularly <Br>(iv) Vaibhava worked hard. Conclusion : Both must have passed the examinations.&D&A;B;C;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.011&mcs&0&&A tank contains 10,000 litres of a solution that is 5 percent sodium chloride by volume. If 2,500 litres of water evaporate from the tank, the remaining solution will be approximately what percent sodium chloride?&6.67%&1.25%;3.75%;6.25%;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.012&mcs&0&&Which alternative is sufficient for answering the following question based on the information given in the two statements? <Br>Question : Does drinking coffee lead to headache? <Br>Statements : <Br>I. Overstimulation of pancreas leads to headache? <Br>II. Coffee contains caffeine which when excessive, stimulates pancreas.&Both statements I and II provide answer to the question&Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question;Statement II alone provides answer to the question;Neither statement I and II provide answer to the question;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.013&mcs&0&&�P + Q� means �P is brother of Q�; �P-Q� means �P is mother of Q� and �P � Q� means �P is sister of Q�. Which of the following means �M is maternal uncle of R�?&M + K � R&M � R + K;M + K � Q;There is no such symbol;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.014&mcs&0&&If 1 is coded as Y, 2 is coded as M, 3 as D, 4 as H, 5 as T, 6 as L, 7 as P, 8 as V and 9 as N, which of the following is the coded form of 3972465?&DNPMHLT&DNPMHLP;DNPMHNT;DNPMNLT;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.015&mcs&0&&Which alternative applies to the assumptions of the statement? <Br>Statement : Most people who stop smoking gain weight. <Br>Assumptions : I. If one stops smoking one will gain weight <Br>II. If one does not stop smoking one will not gain weight.&Neither assumption I nor II is implicit&Only assumption I is implicit ;Only assumption II is implicit;Both assumptions I and II are implicit;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.016&mcs&0&&Which letter will be the sixth to the left of the nineteenth letter from the right end of the following alphabets? <Br>A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z&N&M;Y;F ;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.017&mcs&0&&Bablu ranked sixteenth from the top and twenty-ninth from the bottom among those who passed an examination. Six boys did not participate in the competition and five failed in the examination. How many boys were there in that class?&55&44;50;40;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.018&mcs&0&&How many 5�s are there in the following number sequence which are immediately followed by 3 but not immediately preceded by 7? <Br>8 9 5 3 2 5 3 8 5 5 6 8 7 3 3 5 7 7 5 3 6 5 3 3 5 7 3 8&3&1;2;4;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&1&1:v&&&N.
class11p.019&mcs&0&&Which of the following is not correct&None of the above. &E � Commerce includes all business activities involved in the development, facilitation and implementation of business communications and transaction through electronic media;The Intranet is a restricted version of the Internet within a group of users;The Extranet is a closed online network connecting two or more organisations;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.020&mcs&0&&DIRECTIONS : Read the following information to answer the question given below. <Br>Following are the criteria for offering admission to postgraduate management programme: <Br>The student must� <Br>(i) Be a graduate with at least 50 per cent marks, <Br>(ii) Have secured at least 45 per cent marks in the entrance test, <Br>(iii) Not be less than 20 years and not more than 26 years as on 30th June, 1996, and <Br>(iv) Be able to bear annual expenditure of Rs. 60,000 for two years. <Br>However, if a student� <Br>(I) Fulfils all other criteria except (i) above but has secured at least 60 per cent marks in the postgraduation, his/her case is to be referred to Chairman-Admissions. <Br>(II) Fulfils all other criteria except (iii) above but has work experience of at least five years, his/her case is to be referred to the Director. <Br>Based on the above criteria and the information given in the following questions, you have to take the decision in regard to given case. You are not to assume anything. This case is given to you on 30th June 1996. Mark answer <Br>(A) If admission is to be granted <Br>(B) If to be referred to the Director <Br>(C) If data given are not sufficient to take decision <Br>(D) If admission is not to be given <Br>(E) None of the above. <Br>QUESTION : Meena Bhargava has secured 70% marks in graduation. She can pay up to Rs. 50,000 per annum. She was born on 5th September, 1973.&C&A;B;D;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.021&mcs&0&&DIRECTION : In the following statements, a situation is explained in a few sentences, followed by a conclusion. You have to say whether: <Br>(A) Conclusion necessarily follows from statements <Br>(B) Conclusion is only a long drawn one <Br>(C) Conclusion definitely does not follow from the statements <Br>(D) Conclusion drawn is doubtful <Br>(E) None of the above. <Br>Statements : <Br>(i) Oxygen is found in the air <Br>(ii) Things burn in the air <Br>(iii) Nitrogen forms four-fifth of the air. <Br>Conclusion : Therefore oxygen helps in burning of things:&C&A;B;D;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.022&mcs&0&&A debugging tool is a program which&Helps the user find bugs in his/her program &Removes bugs from a user program;Removes viruses from the computer;Displays errors in a user program;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.023&mcs&0&&Computers can be protected from virus by using&Software and hardware&Software;Hardware;Cannot be protected at all;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.024&mcs&0&&Y2K problem mainly arose in computer programmes written in&COBOL&BASIC;FORTRAN;PASCAL;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.025&mcs&0&&In the context of information technology, the term security refers to&All of the above&Confidentiality only ;Authentication only;Integrity only;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.026&mcs&2&N&Which of the above combinations is not correctly matched ?&all except 7&1;3;6;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.027&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following are super computers developed by Indian Scientists?<br> 1. PARAM<br> 2. ANURAG <br>3. GIST <br>4. CDAC<br> Answer choices &1 & 2 only;&1 only;all except 3;1 and 4;&&&x&r.0&undefined.0&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.028&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following are super computers developed by Indian Scientists?<br> 1. PARAM<br> 2. ANURAG <br>3. GIST<br> 4. CDAC<br> Answer choices&1 & 2 only;&1 only;all except 3;1 and 4;&&&x&r.0&undefined.0&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.029&mcs&0&&Which of the following are super computers developed by Indian Scientists? 1. PARAM 2. ANURAG 3. GIST 4. CDAC Answer choices&1 & 2 only&1 only;all except 3;1 and 4;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.030&mcs&2&&Which of the above combinations is not correctly matched ?&all except 7&1;3;6;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N.
class11p.031&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following are super computers developed by Indian Scientists?<br> 1. PARAM <br>2. ANURAG<br> 3. GIST <br>4. CDAC<br> Answer choices&1 & 2 only;&1 only;all except 3;1 and 4;&&&x&r.0&undefined.0&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.032&mcs&0&N&Which of the following statements about DOS are true? <br>OS is an acronym for Disk Operating System <br>2. Loading of DOS into the main memory is known as booting <br>3. Storage areas on a disk are known as directories. A directory may contain files and/or subdirectories inside it. <br>4. Wildcards are special characters carrying special meaning. Two MS-DOS wild cards are ? and *<br> 5. A filter is a command that recieves its input from the standard input device and sends its output to standard output device. FIND, MORE and SORT are MS-DOS filters. &All of these&1 and 2 only;1, 2 and 3;all excepts 3;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.033&mcs&0&&.COM, .EXE, .BAT files are called executable files because to execute them we do not need any special software. These files can easily be executed by just typing their primary names on the DOS prompt. The above statement is&True&False;Can�t say ;Information incomplete;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.034&mcs&2&&Match the following&1B, 2A, 3D, 4C&1A, 2B, 3C, 4D;1D, 2C, 3B, 4A;1C, 2D, 3A, 4B;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N.
class11p.035&mcs&0&&Which of the following are super computers developed by Indian Scientists? 1. PARAM 2. ANURAG 3. GIST 4. CDAC Answer choices &1 & 2 only&1 only;all except 3;1 and 4;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.
class11p.036&mcs&0&N&Which of the following are super computers developed by Indian Scientists?<br> 1. PARAM<br> 2. ANURAG <br>3. GIST <br>4. CDAC <br>Answer choices&1 and 2 only&1 only;all except 3;1 and 4;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.