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8 months ago
PO2.001&tf&0&Y&The Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual), DD Form 1348, should not be used to follow up, modify, cancel, or trace previously submitted requisitions.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.002&mcs&0&N&For back step, at the command BACKWARD MARCH, take steps straight to the rear in what length of step in inches?&15&20;25;30;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.003&mcs&0&N&Items requiring special management control because the material is essential to the protection of life or is relatively valuable and easily can be converted for personal use are called&controlled equipage&expendable items;replacement items;consumable items;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.004&mcs&0&N&On what date was the United States Navy founded?&October 13, 1775&August 7, 1798;April 30,1789 ;July 1, 1776 ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.005&tf&0&Y&The Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL)is both a technical and a supply document.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.006&mcs&0&N&A company consists of how many platoons? &Two or more&One ;Only two;Only three;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.007&mcs&0&N&A platoon consists of a minimum of how many squads? &Two or more&One ;Only two;Only three;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.008&mcs&0&N&A squad at full strength normally consists of how many personnel? &12&10;11;13;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.009&tf&0&N&A task force (TF) is a subdivision of a fleet. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.010&mcs&0&N&An equipment tag-out bill provides procedures for which of the following actions?&All of the above&Prevention of improper operation of equipment in an abnormal condition;Operation of unreliable instrument;PMS;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.011&mcs&0&N&An informal visit of courtesy requiring no special ceremonies is a/an &call &sight visit ;look and see ;informal request;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.012&mcs&0&Y&An urgency of need designator (UND) previously submitted on two forms, is assigned by which activity?&Activity requisitioning the material&CNO;NAVSEA ;NAVSUP ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.013&mcs&0&N&As a section leader, you report to what person after normal working hours? &Department duty officer&LPO ;OOD ;CDO ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.014&mcs&0&N&As part of our military team, the Army focuses on what type of operations?&Land &Special ;Air ;Joint;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.015&mcs&0&N&As POOW, you will be required to make sure the anchor lights and the aircraft warning lights are turned on at sunset and turned off at sunrise when the ship is in which of the following conditions?&Moored&Under tug support;At sea;Piloted through narrow waterway;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.016&mcs&0&N&At times deck logs may be used in which of the following legal actions?&All of the above&Naval courts;Admiralty proceedings;Civilian courts;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.017&mcs&0&N&Authority to create a shore patrol outside the continental limits of the United States has been delegated to naval area representatives by the&SECNAV &President of the United States;U.S. Congress ;CNO;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.018&mcs&0&N&Deck log entries must be clear, concise, accurate, and be &preceded by the time of occurrence&signed by the commanding officer;typewritten;written in red ink;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.019&mcs&0&N&Deck log entries regarding the status of the ship (moored, anchored, in dry dock, etc.), location, services being received, ships resent, and senior officer present afloat SOPA) are made during what watch?&0000 - 0400&2000 - 2400 ;1600 - 2000;1200 - 1600 ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.020&mcs&0&N&During what MOPP level is individual protective equipment issued? &One&Two ;Three ;Four;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.021&mcs&0&N&During what MOPP level will individuals don chemical protective over garments?&Three &One;Two;Four;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.022&mcs&0&N&During what MOPP level will individuals don their protective masks?&Four &One;Two;Three ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.023&mcs&0&N&During what MOPP level will the individual protective mask be maintained in carrier and on person?&Two&One;Three;Four;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.024&tf&0&N&Enlisted shore patrol personnel should apprehend an officer only when situations offer no alternative. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.025&mcs&0&N&For a column right, on the command column right, MARCH, what pivot angle is taken to the right?&90 degrees&45 degrees;50 degrees;65 degrees;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.026&mcs&0&N&For back step, at the command BACK-WARD MARCH, take steps straight to the rear in what length of step in inches?&15&20;25;30;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.027&mcs&0&N&For detailed information on preparing naval correspondence, you should refer to what document? &Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual, SECNAVINST 5216.5&Preparing, Maintaining and Submitting the Ship's Deck Log, OPNAVINST 3100.7B;U.S. Navy Regulations;Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.028&mcs&0&N&For enclosed storage spaces that contain chlorinated solvents, an air change is recommended every? &3 minutes &1 minute;2 minutes;4 minutes;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.029&mcs&0&Y&For non-NSN requirements, NAVSUP Form 1250-2 consolidates the information NAVSUP Form 1250-1 and DD Form 1348-6. &TRUE&FALSE;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.030&mcs&0&N&For quick time, at the command MARCH, step off smartly with the left foot and continue the march in steps of what length in inches? &30&25;35;40;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.031&mcs&0&N&Gale warning are within which limits?&39 to 54 miles per hour&Up to 38 miles per hour;55 to 73 miles per hour;74 miles per hour and above;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.032&mcs&0&N&How many minutes before sunset should the ship's anchor lights be tested?&30&60;20;15;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.033&mcs&0&N&Hurricane warning equals which one?&74 miles per hour and above&Up to 38 miles per hour;39 to 54 miles per hour;55 to 73 miles per hour;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.034&mcs&0&N&If signature authority has been delegated to the leading petty officer, which of the following documents is he/she NOT allowed to sign?&DD 214&Service record pages;Special request chits ;3M weekly schedule;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.035&mcs&0&N&If you make a mistake in a deck log, you must take what corrective actions&Draw a single line through the mistake&Use white out;Scratch out the error;Tear out the page and rewrite the entry;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.036&mcs&0&N&In which document would you find the basic guidelines and standardized procedures for tag-outs? &Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy&Basic Military Requirements;Hazard Communication Standard;Hazardous Material Control and Management;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.037&mcs&0&Y&Items requiring special management control because the material is essential to the protection of life or is relatively valuable and easily can be converted for personal use are called&controlled equipage&expendable items;replacement items;consumable items;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.038&mcs&0&Y&Let's assume that you do not have a stock number for an item and cannot locate it in the allowance lists. Which of the following means may be of use to identify the item?&All of the above&Manufacturer's part number;Nameplate;Contractor's service bulletin;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.039&mcs&0&N&Message requisitions are submitted in a specified format and must convey the same data that is required on which of the following forms?&DD Form 1348 or 1348-6&NAVSUP Form 1250-1;DD Form 1149;NAVSUP Form 1250-2;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.040&tf&0&N&Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) procedures used to establish levels of readiness for a chemical agent attack are flexible. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.041&mcs&0&N&Normally how many magazines are issued with a pistol?&Three&One;Two;Four;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.042&mcs&0&Y&Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) passed a regulation that requires all civilian and military employees of the federal government to comply with what regulation? &Hazard Communication Standard&Hazardous Material Control and Management;Hazard Material and Refuse Management ;Hazardous and Toxic Material Disposal;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.043&mcs&0&N&On non-nuclear powered ships, audits for tag-outs are required at what minimum interval? &Every 2 weeks &Every 3 weeks ;Monthly ;Quarterly;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.044&mcs&0&N&On the command level the safety council meets at what intervals? &Monthly &Bimonthly ;Annually ;Biannually;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.045&mcs&0&N&On what date was the United States Navy founded?&October 13, 1775&August 7, 1798;April 30,1789 ;July 1, 1776 ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.046&mcs&0&N&Quick time is cadence at how many steps per minute? &120&30;60;240;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.047&tf&0&N&Shore commands report directly to CNO directly to carry out their missions.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.048&tf&0&N&Shore patrol personnel should never accept concessions, such as favors or gifts. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.049&mcs&0&N&Side boys are NOT paraded during which of the following times &All of the above&Between sunset and 0800 ;Meal hours ;General drills ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.050&mcs&0&N&Side boys are NOT paraded on what day? &Sunday&Payday;Saturday;Any holiday;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.051&mcs&0&N&Slow time is cadence at how many steps per minute?&60&15;30;120;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.052&mcs&0&N&Small craft warning are:&Up to 38 miles per hour&39 to 54 miles per hour;55 to 73 miles per hour;74 miles per hour and above;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.053&mcs&0&Y&Stock and control numbers used to identify and order material in the supply system are known by which of the following terms?&All of the above&National stock numbers;Navy item control numbers;Local item control numbers ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.054&mcs&0&N&Storage areas for chlorinated-cleaning solvents should be monitored regularly by the &gas-free engineer&command duty officer;fire marshal;engineer officer;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.055&mcs&0&N&Storm warning are tropical winds&55 to 73 miles per hour&Up to 38 miles per hour;39 to 54 miles per hour;74 miles per hour and above;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.056&tf&0&Y&The COSAL is based on equipment nomenclature data contained in the computerized Weapons System File at the Ships Parts Control Center.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.057&tf&0&Y&The ML-N is the basic publication relating to national stock number (NSN) anagement data.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.058&mcs&0&N&The anchor ball, displayed in the forward part of the ship, is what color(s)?&Black&Red;Orange;Black and White;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.059&mcs&0&N&The anchor lights must be visible on a clear night for how many nautical miles?&3&5;2;4;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.060&mcs&0&N&The Atlantic Fleet's area of responsibility includes which of the following areas? &Mediterranean &Middle East ;Cuba;Antarctica;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.061&mcs&0&N&The basic requirements for maintaining the ship's deck log are contained in which of the following documents?&Both U.S. Navy Regulations and Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy&U.S. Navy Regulations;Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy;Naval Ships' Technical Manual;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.062&tf&0&Y&The casualty reporting (CASREP) system contains five types of reports: initial, update, correct, resubmission, and cancel.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.063&tf&0&N&The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff outranks all other officers in the armed forces. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.064&tf&0&N&The Chief of Naval Operations is the second most senior officer in the Navy. &FALSE&TRUE &&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.065&mcs&0&N&The commanding officer, officer in charge, or the person acting in either position must personally sign which of the following documents?&All of the above&Those which establish policy;Those which make changes to the command's mission;Those required by law or regulation;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.066&tf&0&N&The division safety petty officer has ultimate responsibility for safety matters within the division. &FALSE&TRUE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.067&mcs&0&Y&The Hazardous Materials Information System (HMIS) is a computerized database of which of the following items?&Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSS) &Hazardous Material User's Guide (HMUG);Ship Hazardous Material List (SHML) ;Hazardous Material Afloat Program (HMAP) Management Guide;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.068&mcs&0&N&The level of security of a command is determined by the &sensitivity of different parts of the command and/or the state of prevention, such as attacks by terrorists &OOD when assuming the watch ;population on the ship at the time ;presence of the commanding officer;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.069&mcs&0&N&The Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy is assigned to what immediate office?&Chief of Naval Operations&Chief of Naval Personnel;Secretary of the Navy;Assistant Secretary of the Navy;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.070&tf&0&N&The Military Sealift Command is operated by the Navy for all armed services. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.071&mcs&0&Y&The national item identification number (NIIN) identifies each item of supply used by which of the following organizations? &Department of Defense and North Atlantic Treaty Organization&U.S Navy;North Atlantic Treaty Organization ;United Nations;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.072&tf&0&N&The operating forces of the Navy are combat or combat-support oriented. &FALSE&TRUE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.073&mcs&0&N&The overall responsibility for the deck log belongs to the &OOD &JOOD ;POOD ;CDO;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.074&mcs&0&N&The Pacific Fleet's area of responsibility includes which of the following areas?&U.S. West Coast and Arctic Ocean&U.S. West Coast;Southeast Asia ;Arctic Ocean ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.075&mcs&0&N&The POOW should notify the OOD of a change during any 1-hour period in the barometric pressure reading of a minimum of how many inches?&0.04&0.05;0.02;0.03;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.076&mcs&0&N&The President is the administrative head of what branch of the government? &Executive &Legislative;Judicial ;Congressional;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.077&mcs&0&N&The President may order the armed forces into military action before Congress declares war. &TRUE &FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.078&mcs&0&N&The risk of a chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) threat can be categorized into how many levels of probability? &Four&One ;Two ;Three ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.079&tf&0&Y&The Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual), DD Form 1348, should not be used to follow up, modify, cancel, or trace previously submitted requisitions.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.080&tf&0&N&The United States Marine Corps is part of the Department of the Navy. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.081&tf&0&N&The use of deadly force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort when all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably be employed and only under one or more explicit circumstances.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.082&mcs&0&N&There are a total of how many unified combatant commands? &Nine &Six ;Five ;Four;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.083&tf&0&N&There is only one reason to surrender your weapon to an unauthorized person.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.084&mcs&0&N&To confirm that the ship's casualty alarms are operating properly, the POOW tests them during what watch?&0800 - 1200&1200 - 1600;1600 - 2000;2000 - 2400;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.085&mcs&0&N&To protect your rights and to ensure personnel comply with OSHA and Environ-mental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, the Navy established what program&Hazardous Material Control and Management&Hazard Material and Refuse Management;Hazard Communication Standard;Hazardous and Toxic Material Disposal;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.086&tf&0&N&U.S. Naval Forces Europe consists only of forces assigned by the CNO or from the Atlantic Fleet. &FALSE&TRUE &&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.087&mcs&0&N&What article of the Constitution provides that the executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States? &II&V ;III ;IV;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.088&mcs&0&N&What command develops supply management policies and methods? &COMNAVSUPSYSCOM &DIRSSP ;COMSPAWARSYSCOM ;COMNAVDOCCOM;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.089&mcs&0&N&What command is responsible for shore-capability of the Navy and Marines by certain Marine Corps, and other personnel? &CNET&CHNAVPERS ;BUMED ;DIRSSP ;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.090&mcs&0&N&What command plans the amount of education and training needed by Navy personnel to meet manpower requirements? &CHNAVPERS &CNET ;DIRSSP;COMNAVDOCCOM;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.091&mcs&0&N&What instrument is designed to measure barometric pressure?&Aneroid barometer&Thermometer;Wind vane;U-tube manometer;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.092&mcs&0&N&What is the average atmospheric pressure at sea level in inches of mercury?&29.92&30.3;28.32;25.92;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.093&mcs&0&N&What is the largest government agency in the United States? &DoD &DoN ;USN ;CNO;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.094&mcs&0&N&What is the Navy's primary source of immediate mobilization manpower?&Selected Reserve&Individual Ready Reserve;Standby Reserve;Retired Reserve;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.095&mcs&0&N&What log contains information on policy changes and routine items, such as liberty call times? &Passdown log &Security log;Visitor's log ;Deck log;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.096&mcs&0&N&What office monitors and evaluates congressional proceedings and actions that effect the Department of the Navy?&Office of Legislative Affairs&Office of Information;Office of the General Counsel of the Navy;Office of Program Appraisal;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.097&mcs&0&N&What office provides legal services within the Department of the Navy in all areas except business and commercial law?&Office of the Judge Advocate General&Office of Program Appraisal;Office of the General Counsel of the Navy;Assistant Secretary of the Navy;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.098&mcs&0&N&What person advises the Chief of Navy Personnel on all matters regarding enlisted members and their dependents?&Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy&Chief of Naval Operations;Secretary of the Navy;Vice Chief of Naval Operations;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.099&mcs&0&N&What security force is called away by an alarm when there is an unauthorized entry&Security Alert Team&Shore Patrol;Base police;Roving patrol;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.100&mcs&0&Y&What type of CASREP report, if any, is submitted when equipment is back in operational condition?&Correction&Resubmission;Cancellation;None;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.101&mcs&0&N&What weather condition(s) does an anemometer measure? &Wind speed and direction&Temperature and pressure ;Atmospheric temperature ;Speed of ocean currents;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.102&mcs&0&N&When a gun salute is directed upon departure, it is fired&when the visitor is clear of the side&at the visitor's first step off the deck;when the visitor is getting in/on transportation;while the visitor is still on deck;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.103&mcs&0&N&When a gun salute is not prescribed on arrival and a flag or pennant is to be displayed during the visit, the flag is broken at which of the following points of the pipe?&Start&End ;Either at the end of the start ;During;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.104&mcs&0&N&When a visitor is ready to leave the ship, the guard presents arms. All persons on the quarterdeck salute, ruffles and flourishes, followed by music, is sounded. What happens next?&Visitor is piped over the side&Two is sounded;Anthem is played;Flag or pennant is displayed;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.105&tf&0&N&When apprehending members of the opposite sex, it is never permissible to have physical contact. &FALSE&TRUE &&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.106&mcs&0&N&When handling organic-cleaning solvents, wear which of the following personal protective equipment (PPE)?&All of the above&Neoprene gloves;Safety splash goggles;Protective coveralls;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.107&mcs&0&N&When is the petty officer of the watch (POOW) the primary enlisted assistant to the officer of the deck (OOD)?&In port&At sea;On watch on the bridge;On watch in battle conditions;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.108&tf&0&N&When serving on shore patrol overseas, you apprehend an unauthorized absentee who presents an orderly appearance and is obviously returning to base. You should permit the Sailor to proceed. &TRUE&FALSE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.109&tf&0&N&When standing shore patrol duties, you normally have jurisdiction over military dependents (civilians) and military personnel.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.110&mcs&0&N&When the pistol has a lanyard attached, what must be done during exchange of the pistol to the next watch stander? &Keep the lanyard around your neck until your relief has positive control of the pistol&Keep the lanyard at your side so it won't get in the way;Keep the lanyard in your hand that by an unknown person?;Detach the lanyard from the weapon during the exchange;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.111&mcs&0&N&When there are five rounds in a magazine, you can see the brass casing of a bullet in what opening from the bottom of the magazine?&Third&First;Second;Fourth;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.112&mcs&0&N&When you are assigned as a temporary master-at-arms, how long is the usual tour of duty?&6 months &1 month ;3 months;12 months;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.113&mcs&0&N&Which naval authority has defined the term deadly force? &OPNAV&SECNAV ;NAVSEA ;NAVPERS;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.114&mcs&0&N&Which of the following factors will determine if a PO3 is assigned as a section leader?&Size of the command and Number of personnel assigned to his or her duty section &Size of the command;Number of personnel assigned to his or her duty section;Number of the department in the command;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1:v&&&N.
PO2.115&mcs&0&N&Which of the following periods is the maximum time a closure or fitting may be logged open?&24 hours&One watch period ;During normal working hours ;12 hours;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.116&mcs&0&N&Which, if any, of the following responsibilities belong to the police petty officer? &None of the above&Apprehending violators;Keeping the quarterdeck clear of unauthorized personnel;Serving as court liaison;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.117&mcs&0&N&Who heads the military chain of command within the Department of Defense? &President &Joint Chiefs of Staff ;Secretary of Defense;Department of the Army;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
PO2.118&mcs&0&N&Who is the principal advisor to the president on defense policy?&Secretary of Defense&Joint Chiefs of Staff;Commandant of the Marine Corps;Secretary of the Navy;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&10&&0&1&N&0&N.N.N.
PO2.119&mcs&0&&Which of the following is the most senior officer in the armed forces?&Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;&Commandant of the Marine Corps;Chief of Naval Operations;Secretary of Defense;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.120&mcs&0&N&Who serves as the spokesman for the commanders of the unified combatant commands?&Chariman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff&Command of the U.S. Joint Forces Command;Secretary of the Army;Secretary of the Air Force;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
PO2.121&mcs&0&&The U.S. Naval Forces Central Command's area of responsibility includes which of the following areas?&Middle East;&Mediterranean;Continental United States;South America;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.122&mcs&0&&What command acquires and disposes of real estate for the Navy and manages Navy family housing?&COMNAVFACENGCOM;&COMNAVSEASYSCOM;COMNAVSEPSYSCOM;COMSPAWARSYSCOM;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.123&mcs&0&&What command enhances the war-fighting capability of the Navy and Marines by arming our Sailors, Marines, and civilians with the knowledge they need to save lives and preserve resources?&COMNAVSAFECOM;&COMNAVSECGRUCOM;COMNAVSPACECOM;ONI;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.124&tf&0&&The objective of any safety program is to improve operational readiness.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.125&mcs&0&&Who is responsible for mishap prevention training and maintaining appropriate records?&Division Safety Petty Officer&Executive Officer;Command Master Chief;All hands;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.126&mcs&0&&What is the purpose of the command safety conucil?&Develop recommendations on safety policy&Mandate safety policy;Enforce safety policy;Conduct safety training;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.127&mcs&0&&Which of the following items promotes safety awareness.&All of the above&Posters;Caution signs;Inspections;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.128&mcs&0&&When working with solvents, which of the following actions should you take?&Check the labels on all containers of liquid.&Make sure the space in which you are working does not have adequated ventilation.;Remove protective clothing if it gets to hot.;Leave spilled solvents on the deck.;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.129&tf&0&&When personnel are working with hazardous material, supervisors are NOT responsible for ensuring that approved personal protective clothing and equipment are maintained.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.130&tf&0&&Most cleaning compounds do NOT contain toxic substances.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.131&tf&0&&Absorbents used in cleaning, applying, or packing hazardous materials will be treated and disposed of using the same precautions followed for the material they absorbed.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.132&tf&0&&The command decision to implement each level of MOPP must be the result of a risk assessment.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.133&tf&0&&The term MOPP stands for Mission Organization Protective Plan.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.134&mcs&0&N&Readiness condition III (Wartime Steaming) is set during what MOPP level?&1&2;3;4;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
PO2.135&mcs&0&&Each decontamination station is divided into how many parts?&Two&One;Three;Four;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.136&tf&0&&The Damage Control Closure Log is maintained at all times.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.137&tf&0&&Damage Control Petty Officer's are responsible for maintaining damage control fittings and equipment.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.138&mcs&0&&What is the minimum number of paragraphs for a unit of information in naval correspondence?&One&Two;Three;Four;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.139&mcs&0&&In the case of a bomb threat what is the key to disarming the situation and avoiding catastrophe?&Information&Knowledge;Security Force;MAA Force;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.140&mcs&0&&Which of the following activities is NOT considered a special evolution?&Mess operations&Weapons handling;Refueling;Diving operations;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.141&tf&0&&The heavy weather bill will be placed in effect if the forecast indicates a hurricane approaching.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.142&tf&0&&When handling a thermometer, touching the lower part of the glass containing the liquid will not affect the temperature reading.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.143&tf&0&&As the Petty Officer of the Watch you are NOT responsible for personnel throwing trash over the side into water in your presence.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.144&mcs&0&&After apprehending members of the opposite sex, what should be done as soon as possible?&Communicate immediately with headquarters for instructions.&Request a member of the same sex to make apprehension.;Request a memeber of the same sex to interrogate.;Interrogate apprehended member yourself.;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.145&mcs&0&&Which of the following entities make up a platoon?&All of the above&Two or more squads;Platoon headquarters;Guide;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.146&mcs&0&&As you face a formation, the tallest person should be in which of the following positions?&On your left&Middle of the formation;On your right;End closest to where the inspecting party will arrive.;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.147&tf&0&&An inspection is more formal than quarters?&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.
PO2.148&tf&0&Y&The text of this question was lost due to a technical issue. The score of this question reflects the original score of a True/False question.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&undefined.0&1&1&&0&1&&&N.
PO2.149&tf&0&Y&The text of this question was lost due to a technical issue. The score of this question reflects the original score of a True/False question.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&undefined.0&1&1&&&1&&&N.
PO2.150&mcs&0&Y&The text of this question was lost due to a technical issue. The score of this question reflects the original score of a Multiple Choice question.&Correct answer.&First incorrect answer.;Second incorrect answer.;Third incorrect answer.;&&&&a&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.