You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
483 lines
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483 lines
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8 months ago
* The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* $Header: vtiger_crm/sugarcrm/modules/Cases/Case.php,v 1.3 2004/10/29 09:55:09 jack Exp $
* Description: TODO: To be written.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
// Case is used to store customer information.
class aCase extends SugarBean {
var $log;
var $db;
// Stored fields
var $id;
var $date_entered;
var $date_modified;
var $modified_user_id;
var $assigned_user_id;
var $number;
var $description;
var $name;
var $status;
// These are related
var $account_name;
var $account_id;
var $contact_id;
var $task_id;
var $note_id;
var $meeting_id;
var $call_id;
var $email_id;
var $assigned_user_name;
var $table_name = "cases";
var $rel_account_table = "accounts_cases";
var $rel_contact_table = "contacts_cases";
var $object_name = "Case";
var $column_fields = Array("id"
, "name"
, "number"
, "account_name"
, "account_id"
, "date_entered"
, "date_modified"
, "modified_user_id"
, "assigned_user_id"
, "status"
, "description"
// This is used to retrieve related fields from form posts.
var $additional_column_fields = Array('assigned_user_name', 'assigned_user_id', 'contact_id', 'task_id', 'note_id', 'meeting_id', 'call_id', 'email_id');
// This is the list of fields that are in the lists.
var $list_fields = Array('id', 'status', 'name', 'account_name', 'number', 'account_id', 'assigned_user_name', 'assigned_user_id');
function aCase() {
$this->log = LoggerManager::getLogger('case');
$this->db = new PearDatabase();
var $new_schema = true;
function create_tables () {
$query = 'CREATE TABLE '.$this->table_name.' ( ';
$query .='id char(36) NOT NULL';
$query .=', number int( 11 ) NOT NULL auto_increment';
$query .=', date_entered datetime NOT NULL';
$query .=', date_modified datetime NOT NULL';
$query .=', modified_user_id char(36) NOT NULL';
$query .=', assigned_user_id char(36)';
$query .=', deleted bool NOT NULL default 0';
$query .=', name varchar(255)';
$query .=', account_name char(100)';
$query .=', account_id char(36)';
$query .=', status char(25)';
$query .=', description text';
$query .=', KEY ( NUMBER )';
$query .=', PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) )';
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error creating table: ");
//TODO Clint 4/27 - add exception handling logic here if the table can't be created.
$query = "CREATE TABLE $this->rel_contact_table (";
$query .='id char(36) NOT NULL';
$query .=', contact_id char(36)';
$query .=', case_id char(36)';
$query .=', contact_role char(50)';
$query .=', deleted bool NOT NULL default 0';
$query .=', PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) )';
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error creating case/contact relationship table: ");
// Create the indexes
$this->create_index("create index idx_case_name on cases (name)");
$this->create_index("create index idx_con_case_con on contacts_cases (contact_id)");
$this->create_index("create index idx_con_case_case on contacts_cases (case_id)");
function drop_tables () {
$query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$this->table_name;
$query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$this->rel_account_table;
$query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$this->rel_contact_table;
//TODO Clint 4/27 - add exception handling logic here if the table can't be dropped.
function get_summary_text()
return "$this->name";
function create_list_query($order_by, $where)
// Fill in the assigned_user_name
$this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id);
$query = "SELECT
| as account_name,
FROM cases LEFT JOIN accounts
ON ";
$where_auto = " (accounts.deleted IS NULL OR accounts.deleted=0 )
AND cases.deleted=0";
if($where != "")
$query .= "where $where AND ".$where_auto;
$query .= "where ".$where_auto;
if($order_by != "")
$query .= " ORDER BY cases.$order_by";
$query .= " ORDER BY";
return $query;
function create_export_query($order_by, $where)
$query = "SELECT
| as account_name,
users.user_name as assigned_user_name
FROM cases
LEFT JOIN accounts
ON ";
$where_auto = " (accounts.deleted IS NULL OR accounts.deleted=0)
AND cases.deleted=0
AND users.status='ACTIVE' ";
if($where != "")
$query .= "where $where AND ".$where_auto;
$query .= "where ".$where_auto;
if($order_by != "")
$query .= " ORDER BY $order_by";
$query .= " ORDER BY";
return $query;
function save_relationship_changes($is_update)
if($this->account_id != "")
$this->set_case_account_relationship($this->id, $this->account_id);
if($this->contact_id != "")
$this->set_case_contact_relationship($this->id, $this->contact_id);
if($this->task_id != "")
$this->set_case_task_relationship($this->id, $this->task_id);
if($this->note_id != "")
$this->set_case_note_relationship($this->id, $this->note_id);
if($this->meeting_id != "")
$this->set_case_meeting_relationship($this->id, $this->meeting_id);
if($this->call_id != "")
$this->set_case_call_relationship($this->id, $this->call_id);
if($this->email_id != "")
$this->set_case_email_relationship($this->id, $this->email_id);
function set_case_account_relationship($case_id, $account_id)
$query = "update cases set account_id='$account_id' where id='$case_id'";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting account to case relationship: ");
function clear_case_account_relationship($case_id)
$query = "UPDATE cases set account_id='' where id='$case_id' and deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing account to case relationship: ");
function set_case_contact_relationship($case_id, $contact_id)
global $app_list_strings;
$default = $app_list_strings['case_relationship_type_default_key'];
$query = "insert into contacts_cases set id='".create_guid()."', case_id='$case_id', contact_id='$contact_id', contact_role='$default'";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting case to contact relationship: ");
function clear_case_contact_relationship($case_id)
$query = "update contacts_cases set deleted=1 where case_id='$case_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing case to contact relationship: ");
function set_case_task_relationship($case_id, $task_id)
$query = "UPDATE tasks set parent_id='$case_id', parent_type='Cases' where id='$task_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting case to task relationship: ");
function clear_case_task_relationship($case_id)
$query = "UPDATE tasks set parent_id='', parent_type='' where parent_id='$case_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing case to task relationship: ");
function set_case_note_relationship($case_id, $note_id)
$query = "UPDATE notes set parent_id='$case_id', parent_type='Cases' where id='$note_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting case to note relationship: ");
function clear_case_note_relationship($case_id)
$query = "UPDATE notes set parent_id='', parent_type='' where parent_id='$case_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing case to note relationship: ");
function set_case_meeting_relationship($case_id, $meeting_id)
$query = "UPDATE meetings set parent_id='$case_id', parent_type='Cases' where id='$meeting_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting case to meeting relationship: ");
function clear_case_meeting_relationship($case_id)
$query = "UPDATE meetings set parent_id='', parent_type='' where parent_id='$case_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing case to meeting relationship: ");
function set_case_call_relationship($case_id, $call_id)
$query = "UPDATE calls set parent_id='$case_id', parent_type='Cases' where id='$call_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting case to call relationship: ");
function clear_case_call_relationship($case_id)
$query = "UPDATE calls set parent_id='', parent_type='' where parent_id='$case_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing case to call relationship: ");
function set_case_email_relationship($email_id, $call_id)
$query = "UPDATE emails set parent_id='$case_id', parent_type='Cases' where id='$email_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting email to case relationship: ");
function clear_case_email_relationship($case_id)
$query = "UPDATE emails set parent_id='', parent_type='' where parent_id='$case_id' AND deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing email to case relationship: ");
function mark_relationships_deleted($id)
function fill_in_additional_list_fields()
// Fill in the assigned_user_name
$this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id);
function fill_in_additional_detail_fields()
// Fill in the assigned_user_name
$this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id);
$query = "SELECT, from accounts as acc, cases where = cases.account_id and = '$this->id' and cases.deleted=0 and acc.deleted=0";
$result = $this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
// Get the id and the name.
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if($row != null)
$this->account_name = stripslashes($row['name']);
$this->account_id = $row['id'];
/** Returns a list of the associated contacts
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function get_contacts()
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = "SELECT, c.first_name, c.last_name, c.title, c.yahoo_id, c.email1, c.phone_work, o_c.contact_role as case_role, as case_rel_id ".
"from contacts_cases o_c, contacts c ".
"where o_c.case_id = '$this->id' and o_c.deleted=0 and = o_c.contact_id AND c.deleted=0";
$temp = Array('id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'title', 'yahoo_id', 'email1', 'phone_work', 'case_role', 'case_rel_id');
return $this->build_related_list2($query, new Contact(), $temp);
/** Returns a list of the associated tasks
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function get_tasks()
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = "SELECT id from tasks where parent_id='$this->id' AND deleted=0";
return $this->build_related_list($query, new Task());
/** Returns a list of the associated notes
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function get_notes()
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = "SELECT id from notes where parent_id='$this->id' AND deleted=0";
return $this->build_related_list($query, new Note());
/** Returns a list of the associated meetings
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function get_meetings()
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = "SELECT id from meetings where parent_id='$this->id' AND deleted=0";
return $this->build_related_list($query, new Meeting());
/** Returns a list of the associated calls
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function get_calls()
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = "SELECT id from calls where parent_id='$this->id' AND deleted=0";
return $this->build_related_list($query, new Call());
/** Returns a list of the associated emails
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function get_emails()
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = "SELECT id from emails where parent_id='$this->id' AND deleted=0";
return $this->build_related_list($query, new Email());
builds a generic search based on the query string using or
do not include any $this-> because this is called on without having the class instantiated
function build_generic_where_clause ($the_query_string) {
$where_clauses = Array();
$the_query_string = addslashes($the_query_string);
array_push($where_clauses, " like '$the_query_string%'");
if (is_numeric($the_query_string)) array_push($where_clauses, "cases.number like '$the_query_string%'");
$the_where = "";
foreach($where_clauses as $clause)
if($the_where != "") $the_where .= " or ";
$the_where .= $clause;
return $the_where;