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165 lines
3.9 KiB

echo off
set mysql_username=MYSQLUSERNAME
set mysql_password=MYSQLPASSWORD
set mysql_port=MYSQLPORT
set mysql_bundled=MYSQLBUNDLEDSTATUS
set apache_bin=APACHEBIN
set apache_conf=APACHECONF
set apache_port=APACHEPORT
set apache_bundled=APACHEBUNDLED
set apache_service=APACHESERVICE
echo %WINDIR%
set FIND_STR="%WINDIR%\system32\findstr.exe"
set SLEEP_STR="%WINDIR%\system32\ping.exe"
goto initiate
rem if true means , vtiger crm mysql is being used
if "test" == "%1test" goto start1
goto start2
cd ..
set VTIGER_HOME=%cd%
if %apache_bundled% == true goto checkBundledApache
if %apache_bundled% == false goto checkUserApache
cd /d %apache_dir%
if %apache_service% == true goto StartApacheService
start bin\Apache -f conf\httpd.conf
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto stopservice
goto checkmysql
echo ""
echo "making an attempt to kill any existing vtigercrm service"
echo ""
bin\apache -k stop -n vtigercrm4_2
bin\apache -k uninstall -n vtigercrm4_2
echo ""
echo ""
echo "installing vtigercrm4_2 apache service"
echo ""
echo ""
bin\apache -k install -n vtigercrm4_2 -f conf\httpd.conf
echo ""
echo "Starting vtigercrm4_2 apache service"
echo ""
bin\apache -n vtigercrm4_2 -k start
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto stopservice
goto checkmysql
netstat -anp tcp >port.txt
%FIND_STR% "\<%apache_port%\>" port.txt
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto apachenotrunning
%FIND_STR% "\<%apache_port%\>" port.txt >list.txt
%FIND_STR% "LISTEN.*" list.txt
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto apachenotrunning
echo ""
echo "Apache is running"
echo ""
goto checkmysql
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Apache in the location %apache_dir% is not running. Start Apache and then start vtiger crm"
echo ""
echo ""
set /p pt=Press Any Key to Continue...
goto end
cd /d %mysql_dir%\bin
echo %cd%
echo ""
echo "Checking the whether the MySQL server is already running"
echo ""
mysql --port=%mysql_port% --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% -e "show databases" > NUL
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto startmysql
echo ""
echo ""
ECHO "MySQL is already started and running"
echo ""
echo ""
goto checkdatabase
echo ""
echo "Starting MySQL on port specified by the user"
echo ""
start mysqld -b .. --datadir=../data --port=%mysql_port%
%SLEEP_STR% -n 11>nul
mysql --port=%mysql_port% --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% -e "show databases" > NUL
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto notstarted
echo ""
echo "Started MySQL on port specified by the user"
echo ""
goto checkdatabase
echo ""
echo "check to see if vtigercrm4_2 database already exists"
echo ""
mysql --port=%mysql_port% --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% -e "show databases like 'vtigercrm4_2'" | "%WINDIR%\system32\find.exe" "vtigercrm4_2" > NUL
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto dbnotexists
echo ""
ECHO "vtigercrm4_2 database exists"
echo ""
goto end
echo ""
ECHO "vtigercrm4_2 database does not exist"
echo ""
echo %cd%
echo ""
echo "Proceeding to create database vtigercrm4_2 and populate the same"
echo ""
mysql --user=%mysql_username% --password=%mysql_password% --port=%mysql_port% -e "create database if not exists vtigercrm4_2"
echo ""
echo "vtigercrm4_2 database created"
echo ""
goto end
echo ""
echo ""
ECHO "Unable to start the MySQL server at port %mysql_port%. Check if the port is free"
echo ""
echo ""
set /p pt=Press Any Key to Continue...
goto end
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "********* Service not started as port # %apache_port% occupied ******* "
echo "********* Kindly free port %apache_port% and restart again ******* "
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
set /p pt=Press Any Key to Continue...
goto end
cd /d %VTIGER_HOME%\bin