You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
233 lines
6.4 KiB
233 lines
6.4 KiB
5 months ago
# $Id:
# Source File:
# Get config
require '';
require '';
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
if (&get_session($FORM{'tid'})) {
my $show_template = "selectpg";
$FORM{'respmsg'} = "";
if ($FORM{'dbop'} eq 'hc') {
# client selection header frame
} elsif ($FORM{'dbop'} eq 'ht') {
# test selection header frame
$show_template=($FORM{'clid'} eq '') ? "selectpg" : "treptest";
} elsif ($FORM{'dbop'} eq 'hu') {
# test selection header frame
$FORM{'tccount'}=($FORM{'testcandidates'} eq '') ? 0 : 1;
$show_template=($FORM{'tstid'} eq '') ? "selectpg" : "trepcnd";
} elsif ($FORM{'dbop'} eq 'dtl') {
# test replication detail save
if ($FORM{'cndid'} eq '') {
} else {
} elsif ($FORM{'dbop'} eq 's') {
} else {
sub get_test_candidates {
my ($clid,$tstid,$dir) = @_;
my $html="";
my @cnds=();
my @recs=();
my $rec;
my $reclid;
my $recndid;
my $rectst;
opendir (TMPDIR, "$dir") or return $html;
@cnds = readdir(TMPDIR);
closedir TMPDIR;
my @recs=grep( /^$clid\.(.*)\.$tstid/ , @cnds);
foreach $rec (@recs) {
if (($reclid eq $clid) && ($rectst eq $tstid)) {
if (&get_candidate_profile($clid,$recndid)) {
$html=join('',$html,"<option value=\"$CANDIDATE{'uid'}\">$CANDIDATE{'nml'}, $CANDIDATE{'nmf'} $CANDIDATE{'nmm'}\n");
return $html;
sub replicate_test {
my ($clid,$cndid,$tstid) = @_;
# Make sure the submitted form contains a list
my @usrs=split(/\/\^\//, $FORM{'utlist'});
my $ncnt=$#usrs+1;
if ($ncnt == -1) {
print "Nothing submitted for replication.<br>\n";
} else {
print "$ncnt submitted for replication.<br>\n";
# Make a list of User Profiles and Access Control List Entries
my @flds=();
my $rec;
my @sortedusrs = sort @usrs;
my @tacls=grep( /^ACL/,@sortedusrs);
@usrs=grep( /^USR/, @sortedusrs);
# Get the test master to replicate
print "Retrieved Master $CLIENT{'clid'} $CANDIDATE{'uid'} $TEST{'id'} for replication.<br>\n";
my $replaceprofile=($FORM{'profexst'} eq 'r') ? 1 : 0;;
my $updateprofile=($FORM{'profexst'} eq 'u') ? 1 : 0;;
my $erroroutprofile=($FORM{'profexst'} eq 'e') ? 1 : 0;;
my $bOK;
my $emsg="";
if ($ncnt == -1) {
print "No user profiles submitted for replication.<br>\n";
} else {
print "Processing $ncnt user profiles submitted for replication.<br>\n";
foreach $rec (@usrs) {
@flds=split(/\,/, $rec);
if (&get_candidate_profile($clid,$flds[1])) {
if ($erroroutprofile) {
$emsg=":profile already exists";
} elsif ($updateprofile) {
} else {
&log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "3", "Add candidate $FORM{'cndid'}");
unless ($bOK) {$emsg=":add profile failed";}
if ($bOK) {
$TEST_SESSION{'uid'} = $flds[1];
$TEST_SESSION{'state'} = "0.0.0";
print "<B>OK</b>>";
} else {
print "<B><font color=red>ERROR$emsg</font></b>>";
print "\<$flds[0]\>";
for (1..$#flds) {
print "$flds[$_] - ";
print "<br>\n";
if ($ncnt == -1) {
print "No Access Control Lists submitted for replication.<br>\n";
} else {
print "Processing $ncnt Access Control List Entries submitted for replication.<br>\n";
# my @taclrecs=&get_test_acl_file($CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'});
# my @commonids=();
foreach $rec (@taclrecs) {
@flds=split(/&/, $rec);
push @commonids, $flds[0];
my $commonid="";
my $name="";
foreach $rec (@tacls) {
@flds=split(/\,/, $rec);
# $commonid="";
# for (0 .. $#commonids) {
# if (lc($commonids[$_]) eq lc($flds[1])) {
# $commonid=$commonids[$_];
# $flds[1]=$commonid;
# last;
# }
# }
# unless($commonid ne '') {
# push @commonids,$flds[1];
# }
# $name=join(' ',$flds[3],$flds[4],$flds[5]);
# $name=~ tr/ //;
# if ($name eq "") { $name="Anonymous";};
# $rec=join('&',$flds[1],$TEST{'id'},$flds[2],$name,"1");
# push @taclrecs, $rec;
print "\<$flds[0]\>";
for (1..$#flds) {
print "$flds[$_] - ";
print "<br>\n";
sub print_report_header {
my $s="<HTML>
print &xlatline($s);
sub print_report_footer {
print "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";