You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
353 lines
9.8 KiB
353 lines
9.8 KiB
7 months ago
# $Id:,v 1.4 2005/07/27 14:55:49 ddoughty Exp $
# Source File:
# Get config
require '';
require '';
require '';
require '';
require '';
use Time::Local;
use FileHandle;
use URI::Escape;
use vars qw($testcomplete $cgiroot $pathsep $dataroot );
if (&get_session($FORM{'tid'})) {
if ($FORM{'tstid'}) {
my @sortbys = qw(Name LoginID Date);
if ($FORM{'csv'}) {
print "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=report.csv\n\n";
} else {
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
if (&get_session($FORM{'tid'})) {
if ($cExport) {
} else {
@rptdefs = &get_data("reports.$SESSION{'clid'}");
@lbls = split(/&/, $rptdefs[0]);
foreach $rptdef (@rptdefs) {
chomp ($rptdef);
@flds = split(/&/, $rptdef);
if ($flds[0] eq $FORM{'rptno'}) {
for $i (0 .. $#lbls) {
$REPORT{$lbls[$i]} = $flds[$i];
&log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "2", "Exec Report $FORM{'rptno'}");
my $i;
$fparms="<input type=hidden name=\"tid\" value=\"$SESSION{'tid'}\">\n";
$fparms=join('',$fparms,"<input type=hidden name=\"tstid\" value=\"\">\n");
$fparms=join('',$fparms,"<input type=hidden name=\"rptdesc\" value=\"$REPORT{'rptdesc'}\">\n");
$fparms=join('',$fparms,"<input type=hidden name=\"rptid\" value=\"$REPORT{'rptid'}\">\n");
$fparms=join('',$fparms,"<input type=hidden name=\"testsummary\" value=\"extract\">\n");
$fparms=join('',$fparms,"<input type=hidden name=\"csv\" value=\"1\">\n");
function parmsDMIA(oform,tst) {
print "<HTML>
<SCRIPT language=\"JavaScript\">
// -->
print "<FORM name=\"rptform1\" action=\"$faction\" METHOD=POST>\n$fparms\n";
print "<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100\%>
<TD VALIGN=\"top\">$CLIENT{'logo'}</TD>
<TD ALIGN=\"right\">
<B>$REPORT{'rptdesc'}\ </B><BR>
@trecs = &get_test_list($CLIENT{'clid'});
@tmptrecs = ();
for (1 .. $#trecs) {
($id, $desc) = split(/&/, $trecs[$_]);
$trecs[$_] = join('&', "$desc", "$id");
push @tmptrecs, $trecs[$_];
@trecs = sort @tmptrecs;
for (0 .. $#trecs) {
($desc,$id) = split(/&/, $trecs[$_]);
$testscompleted = CountTestFiles($testcomplete,$CLIENT{'clid'},$id);
$testsinprogress = CountTestFiles($testinprog, $CLIENT{'clid'},$id);
$testspending = CountTestFiles($testpending, $CLIENT{'clid'},$id);
$tstoption =" <TR>
<TD valign=top><FONT SIZE=2><a href=\"$href\">$id</a></FONT></TD>
<TD valign=top><FONT SIZE=2>$desc</FONT></TD>
<TD align=right valign=top><FONT SIZE=2>$testscompleted</FONT></TD>
<TD align=right valign=top><FONT SIZE=2>$testsinprogress</FONT></TD>
<TD align=right valign=top><FONT SIZE=2>$testspending</FONT></TD>
$tstoptions = join('', $tstoptions, $tstoption);
print "<CENTER><B>Survey Results</B><br>";
print "
<TABLE cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=0 width=\"100\%\">
<TR><TD colspan=5><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD></TR>
<TD valign=top><B><FONT SIZE=1>Test ID</FONT></B></TD>
<TD valign=top><B><FONT SIZE=1>Description</FONT></B></TD>
<TD align=right valign=top><B><FONT SIZE=1>Cmp</FONT></B></TD>
<TD align=right valign=top><B><FONT SIZE=1>InP</FONT></B></TD>
<TD align=right valign=top><B><FONT SIZE=1>Pnd</FONT></B></TD>
<TR><TD colspan=5><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD></TR>
<TR><TD colspan=5><HR WIDTH=\"100\%\"></TD></TR>
print "</FORM>\n";
print "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";
&log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "3", "Exec Report $FORM{'rptno'} completed");
sub extract_test_data() {
&get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'});
my @filelist = &get_test_result_files($testcomplete, "$CLIENT{'clid'}","$TEST{'id'}");
my @colhdrs=();
push @colhdrs,"";
#if ($FORM{'cndnme'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:Last Name";
push @colhdrs,"left:First Name";
push @colhdrs,"left:MI";
push @colhdrs,"left:User ID";
#if ($FORM{'cndeml'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:Email Address";
if ($FORM{'cnd1'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:$CLIENT{'clcnd1'}";
if ($FORM{'cnd2'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:$CLIENT{'clcnd2'}";
if ($FORM{'cnd3'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:$CLIENT{'clcnd3'}";
if ($FORM{'cnd4'}) {
push @colhdrs,"left:$CLIENT{'clcnd4'}";
if ($FORM{'cndscr'}) {
push @colhdrs,"center:Correct";
push @colhdrs,"center:Incorrect";
push @colhdrs,"right:Score";
push @colhdrs,"left:Responses";
my @dataflds=();
my @unsorted=();
my $row="";
my @qsumry=();
my @qresps=();
my $user="";
my $joint="\&";
my $colhdr;
my $colalgn;
my $fidx;
for ($fidx = 0; $fidx <= $#filelist; $fidx++ ) {
$user = $filelist[$fidx];
$user =~ s/.$TEST{'id'}$//;
$user =~ s/^$CLIENT{'clid'}.//;
my $excuser="inc$user";
if ($FORM{$excuser}) {
&get_test_sequence_for_reports( $CLIENT{'clid'}, $user, $TEST{'id'});
@qsumry = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2});
#if ($FORM{'cndnme'}) {
#if ($FORM{'cndeml'}) {
if ($FORM{'cnd1'}) {
if ($FORM{'cnd2'}) {
if ($FORM{'cnd3'}) {
if ($FORM{'cnd4'}) {
if ($FORM{'cndscr'}) {
my @qans = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_ANSWERS{2});
shift @qans;
my @qids = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_QUESTIONS{2});
shift @qids;
@qresps = split(/\&/, $SUBTEST_RESPONSES{2});
shift @qresps;
for (my $iqs=0; $iqs<=$#qresps; $iqs++) {
my ($resp, $trash) = split(/::/, $qresps[$iqs]);
my @tresps = split(/\?/, $resp);
my @resps = ();
foreach $tresp (@tresps) {
if ($tresp ne "xxx" && $tresp ne "") {
push(@resps, $tresp);
my ($ans, $trash) = split(/::/, $qans[$iqs]);
my @ans = split(/\?/, $ans);
if ($#ans) { shift @ans; }
&get_question_definition($TEST{'id'}, $CLIENT{'clid'}, $qids[$iqs]);
@pans = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'});
@qia = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'});
foreach $qia (@qia) {
push(@pans, $qia);
$resp = "";
foreach $aresp (@resps) {
if ($QUESTION{'qtp'} ne "esa" && $QUESTION{'qtp'} ne "nrt") {
my ($tans, $trash) = split(/=/, $ans[$aresp]);
$resp .= ",@pans[$tans]";
} else {
$resp .= ",$aresp";
if ($resp ne "") { $resp = substr($resp, 1); }
push @unsorted, $row;
my @sorted=sort @unsorted;
my $rowcount=$#filelist+1;
my ($i);
for $i (0 .. $#sorted) {
@dataflds=split($joint, $sorted[$i]);
if ($cExport) {
for $i (1 .. $#dataflds) {
print "\"$dataflds[$i]\"";
if ($i == $#dataflds) {
print "\n";
} else {
print ",";
} else {
print "<TR>\n";
for $i (1 .. $#dataflds) {
($colalgn,$colhdr) = split(/:/,$colhdrs[$i]);
print "\t\t<td align=$colalgn valign=top>$dataflds[$i]</td>\n";
print "</TR>\n";
sub print_report_dataextract_header {
my ($ncount,@cols)= @_;
my $colhdr;
my $colalgn;
my $i;
if ($cExport) {
print "\"$TEST{'desc'} ($TEST{'id'})\"\n";
print "\"Raw Data Extraction\"\n";
print "\"$ncount Completed Responses\"\n";
for $i (1 .. $#cols) {
($colalgn,$colhdr) = split(/:/,$cols[$i]);
print "\"$colhdr\"";
if ($i == $#cols) {
print "\n";
} else {
print ",";
} else {
print "<HTML>\n";
print "<HEAD>\n";
print "\t<TITLE>Test Data Extraction</TITLE>\n";
print "\t<SCRIPT language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
print "\t<\!--\n";
print "\t function wdwOnLoad() {\n";
print "\t window.focus();\n";
print "\t }\n";
print "\t window.onload=wdwOnLoad;\n";
print "\t//-->\n";
print "\t</SCRIPT>\n";
print "</HEAD>\n";
print "<BODY>\n";
print "<CENTER>\n";
print "<B>$TEST{'desc'} ($TEST{'id'})</B><BR>\n";
print "<B>Raw Data Extraction</B><BR>\n";
print "<font size=2><I>$ncount Completed Responses</I></font>\n";
print "<TABLE cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0 width=\"100\%\">\n";
print "<TR>\n";
for $i (1 .. $#cols) {
($colalgn,$colhdr) = split(/:/,$cols[$i]);
print "\t\t<td align=$colalgn valign=top><b>$colhdr</b></td>\n";
print "</TR>\n";
sub print_report_bycnd_footer {
if ($cExport) { return;}
print "</TABLE>\n";
print "</BODY>\n";
print "</HTML>\n";