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8 months ago
&Mainframe consulting and software/tool development::Principal&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?4?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?14::OTHER: Truthfully, were doing the same thing as we did ten years ago. You may even want to cull us out of the survey, but I think it is also important for you to know that there are mainframe shops that are tiny as well as gigantic. Feel free to call for more specifics...&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?4?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?14::None. Were in a rut...&n/a::&n/a::&Our business *is* mainframes. No mainframe, no business.::&None. We do tool development for mainframes and market the tool. All our work is internal.::&ONE very, very small mainframe, actually the smallest xSeries running FLEX-ES with z/OS 1.1, 1.5, z/VM that we could buy. Transactions are ISPF, and submitted batch compiles and test runs. Total users: TWO.::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::100% Internal.&zSeries and z/OS users *are* our business. The direct and indirect cost of the care and feeding of our zSeries platform(s) are almost all of our expenses. We really do not use any ROI formula any more than a carpenter computes the ROI of his hammer. As I said earlier, we are probably not your typical mainframe shop. But, it is our uniqueness that shows the power of the small zSeries platform and the range and scalability of the zSeries platform.::&Aside from, "Its our business." the winning argument for zSeries has almost always been RAS [Reliability, Availabilty and Serviceability]. Hmmm... My 32 years at IBM is showing through my 12 years as an independent consultant.::&Our original mainframe [a P/390 Server 500] was housed in the basement of one of our founders. He lived in Kansas City, the rest of us live in Cincinnati, Orlando and Chicago. Unfortunately, he was killed in an automobile accident. We did not have hands-on access to the system for almost TEN MONTHS! All we had was remote access via a TSO dial-back arrangement during that time. But, the system just kept running and running and running. The only thing that took it down was a power outage of over 12 hours that outlived the UPS. Then we had to find a way to get into the system to bring it back up.::&Keep it relevant to its customers! And, recognize that tiny ISVs such as we are provide value to its customers in ways that IBM does not, in some ways, cannot... But, I could write a book on this whole question of mainframe relevance. Almost 44 years in the mainframe business provides a different perspective on the world from most of the self-proclaimed gurus.::&Heard of, but never got into all the specifics.::&Somewhat mentioned earlier: The mainframes availabilty and scalabiltiy are as significant as the huge numbers of users of zSeries. We are three people, running two copies of z/OS under z/VM on a system the size of most desktop PCs. This, to me at least, is a significant and unique aspect of the mainframe. In reality, it requires less care and feeding than most Windows PCs. [Of course, I cant speak directly to that since we do not use Windoze, but are dedicated OS/2 users who will probably be forced to Linux one of these years.] Again, if my perspective is of interest, feel free to call.::&?0?1?2::cgehr@edge-information.com&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?10?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx?xxx::&&&&&&&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?5?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?21?xxx?xxx::&&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&&100% internal. one very, very small mainframe, actually the smallest xseries running flex-es with z/os 1.1, 1.5, z/vm. ::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3::&&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?2?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx::
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