You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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mfusage2.001&nrt&2&N&1. What kind of industry is your business in?<br>e.g. financial services, manufacturing, retail, etc.&16384&&&&&&1.0&&&&&4&&&Y.<i>What is your job title?</i>
mfusage2.002&mcm&0&N&2. Which of the following applications are you running on your <br>mainframe that you were NOT running on the mainframe a year or <br>two ago?&&ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning);CRM (Customer Relationship Management);SCM (Supply Chain Management);OLTP (online transaction processing), batch;Decision support (including data warehousing/data analysis/data mining);Collaboration (including email and Groupware);Application Development;File and Print;Networking (including proxy);Security;Systems Management;Web Serving/Web Application Serving;Scientific Engineering;Streaming Media;Other (please describe in comments box);&&&&a&1.0&2.0&&&&1&&&Y.<i>Please comment here as needed on any of the above responses </i>
mfusage2.003&mcm&0&N&3. Which of the following applications have you <i>quit running on <br>your mainframe</i> that you were running on the mainframe one or <br>two years ago?&&ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning);CRM (Customer Relationship Management);SCM (Supply Chain Management);OLTP (online transaction processing), batch;Decision support (including data warehousing/data analysis/data mining);Collaboration (including email and Groupware);Application Development;File and Print;Networking (including proxy);Security;Systems Management;Web Serving/Web Application Serving;Scientific Engineering;Streaming Media;Other (please describe in comments box);&&&&a&1.0&2.0&&&&1&&&Y.<i>Please comment here as needed on any of the above responses </i>
mfusage2.004&nrt&0&N&4. Why did you quit running them on the mainframe?&16384&&&&&&1.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.005&nrt&0&N&5. On what platform is that application running now?&16384&&&&&&1.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.006&nrt&2&N&6. What value does your organization derive from the <br>zSeries mainframe that cannot be accomplished by any <br>other server platform (Intel, Unix, etc.)?&16384&&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.007&nrt&2&N&7. For mainframes supporting the external side of the <br>business, on average, how many customer transactions <br>occur on one of your mainframes daily? How many mainframes do you <br>have that predominantly support the external side of the business? <br>Please describe the types of transactions, e.g. credit card processing, <br>security control, account updates, loan applications, etc. <br>Here we want to know how many people (your customers) <br>are being served by mainframes in their daily/monthly activities.&16384&&&&&&2.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.008&nrt&0&N&8. For mainframes supporting the internal side of the business, <br>on average, how many customer transactions occur on one of <br>your mainframes daily? How many mainframes do you have <br>that predominantly support the internal side of the business?<br>Please describe the types of transactions, e.g. payroll, bills of <br>material, etc. Here we want to know how many employees or <br>business partners are being served and how they are being served by mainframes.&16384&&&&&&2.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.009&mcs&0&N&9. How many mainframes does your organization use?&&1;2;3;4;5;6 to 10;11 to 25;26 to 50;more than 50;&&&&x&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.<i>If you have more than 5 mainframes, please give the exact <br>number here - and please identify how many speciality processors <br>are being used, such as the IFL and/or zAAP<br> Also, if you have one mainframe installed, please estimate <br>the percentage split of mainframe capacity used to provide external <br>versus internal services and estimate the number of daily <br>transactions for external versus internal applications</i>
mfusage2.010&nrt&0&N&10. What do you do to quantify the value zSeries brings to <br>your organization, e.g. what is the return-on-invesment (ROI) formula you use? <br>Do you measure cost per user, software costs, people costs, and/or cost of <br>downtime? Please describe anything you do to quantify the value of zSeries. &16384&&&&&&4.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.011&nrt&0&N&11. Knowing that the <i>mainframe</i> has many different connotations <br>to business executives, what is the winning argument you use <br>to influence others to use the mainframe? &16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.012&nrt&0&N&12. Can you give me an example of a recent success story and <br>how that impacted your company's bottom line?&16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.013&nrt&0&N&13. What is the number one thing IBM has done to keep the <br>mainframe relevant to your organization?&16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.014&nrt&2&Y&What do you do to quantify the value zSeries brings to your organization? <br>e.g. what is the ROI formula you use?&16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.015&nrt&2&Y&What type of new applications are you running on the mainframe? <br><br><i>Please provide as much information as you can. <br>e.g. how the rollout went, lessons learned, <br>and if your using speciality processors like the IFL and zAAP.</i>&16384&&&&&&4.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.016&nrt&0&N&14. Are you familiar with the Mainframe Charter: Innovation, Value <br>and Community? In your view, is IBM fulfilling this promise? <br>If you haven't heard of it simply respond "not familiar."&16384&&&&&&undefined.0&5.0&&&&1&&&N.
mfusage2.017&nrt&0&N&15. Other comments: <br><i>Please comment here on any of your previous responses, <br>or to add anything you think is of interest but was <br>not covered by the survey. </i>&16384&&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.018&nrt&2&Y&In what ways are people served by your mainframes? <br><br><i>Please provide as much detail as possible.</i>&16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N.
mfusage2.019&mcm&2&N&Thank you for completing the survey. Please indicate below which of the <br>following ways we can show our appreciation (check all that apply):&&Yes, please send me the summary report resulting from this survey<br>;Yes, please send me a golf shirt if I qualify.;Yes, please enter me in the drawing for TAS ;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&3&&&Y.Please enter your email address here if you checked any of the above boxes
mfusage3.020&mcs&0&N&ACTS Summary of Question 1: What kind of industry is your business in?<br>e.g. financial services, manufacturing, retail, etc.&&Financial Services;Insurance;Education;Health Care;Government;Retail;Telecom;Utility;Manufacturing;Transportation;IT Services;Vendor;Wholesale Distribution;Information Service;&&&&a&1.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
mfusage3.021&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary of Question 1 - Categories of job titles of respondents.&&IT Manager;IT Officer;Systems Programmer;IT Staff - Specialist/Planner/Ops;IT Vendor; Other;&&&&a&1.0&&&&&1&&&Y.<i>Other:</i
mfusage3.022&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary of Question 4: Respondents were asked, "Why did you quit running them on the mainframe?" The common categories mentioned were:&&Alternatives cost less;Management has anti-mainframe bias;Alternatives easier to use, more efficient, more flexible;Switch to AIX;Going a new direction, away from the mainframe;Management directive to move off mainframe;Preferred application doesn't run on the mainframe;Other;&&&&a&1.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Describe other:
mfusage3.023&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary of Question 5. Respondents were asked "On what platform is that application running now?" Most common responses were:&&Windows and/or Intel;Unix, AIX, or Unix Clusters;-------------------------------;pSeries - RS/6000;db2luw;other;&&&&a&1.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Describe other:
mfusage2.024&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary of Question 6 - Respondents were asked <br><br><i>"What value does your organization derive from the zSeries mainframe that cannot be accomplished by any <br>other server platform (Intel, Unix, etc.)?"</i><br><br>The following categories were mentioned:&&Centralization/ Consolidation;Flexibility;Cost effective/Fewer Support Staff Required;Data Integrity;Performance/Consistent Response Times;Scalabilty;High Utilization/High Volume/Throughput;Security;Reliability/Stability;Availabilty;Serviceabilty;Virtualization;Other;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Other:
mfusage3.025&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary of question 7a on external use, where respondents were asked to describe, "What types of transactions?"&&Ordering/Inventory;Insurance ( claims, policy processing, benefits);Billing;Web Applications;Admin and Accounting;Security;Financial ( funds xfer, loans, mortgage, pension, brokerage, mut funds, checks, ATM);Payroll;Call centers;Law enforcement( criminal history);Tax (property);Query/Reporting;DMV ( car registry, drivers liscense);Government assistance ( welfare and unemployment applications and checks);Library;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1&&&N.
mfusage3.026&mcs&0&N&ACTS Summary of question 7b on external use, where respondents were asked how many customers their mainframe supported.&&less than 10,000;10,000-50,000;50,000-400,000;400,000-1 million;1 million or more;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
mfusage3.027&mcs&0&Y&ACTS Summary of question 7c on external use, where respondents were asked, "How many employees used the mainframe?"&&less than 500;500-1,000;1,000-5,000;5,000-10,000;10,000-50,000;50,000-200,000;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
mfusage3.028&mcs&0&N&ACTS Summary of question 7c on external use, where respondents were asked "How many customer transactions occured daily?"&&25,000 or less;25,000-300,000;300,000-800,000;800,000-3 million;3 million or more;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
mfusage3.029&mcs&0&Y&ACTS Summary of question 7d on external use, where respndents were asked how many mainframes served the external side of the business.&&10%;20%;25%;30%;40%;50%;60%;70%;75%;80%;90%;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
mfusage3.030&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary of question 8a on internal use, where respondents were asked "For mainframes supporting the internal side of the business, <br>Please describe the types of transactions, e.g. payroll, bills of <br>material, etc. &&__________________;Insurance (policy processing, benefit, death, retirement);Legal;Logistics;Personnel;Batch Processing;Vehicle and Rail maintenance;Payroll;Forcasting;Scheduling;Historical Data;-------------------------------------;Tivoli Storage Manager / backup services;Intranet websites;Application development;Data entry;Human Resources;Admin and/or Accounting ;Criminal Justice;Tax (sales and income);Vehicle Titles;Financial (brokerage, mut. funds, wdraw process, billing, fraud detect, chk proc., budget);Government Assistant Programs (Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps);__________________;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1&&&N.
mfusage3.031&mcs&0&N&ACTS Summary of question 8b on internal use, where respondents were asked "For mainframes supporting the internal side of the business, <br>how many customers or <br>business partners are being served?"&&less than 10,000;10,000-50,000;50,000-400,000;400,000-1 million;1 million or more;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
mfusage3.032&mcs&0&N&ACTS Summary of question 8c, where respondents were asked, "For mainframes supporting the internal side of the business, <br>on average, how many employees use one of <br>your mainframes? &&less than 500;500-1,000;1,000-5,000;5,000-10,000;10,000-50,000;50,000-200,000;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
mfusage3.033&mcs&0&N&ACTS Summary of question 8d on internal use, where respondents were asked "For mainframes supporting the internal side of the business, <br>on average, how many customer transactions occur on one of <br>your mainframes daily?"&&25,000 or less;25,000-300,000;300,000-800,000;800,000-3 million;3 million or more;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
mfusage3.034&nrt&0&N&ACTS Summary of question 8e on internal use, where respndents were asked "For mainframes supporting the internal side of the business, <br>how many mainframes do you have <br>that predominantly support the internal side of the business."&&&&&&&2.0&&&&&1&&&N.
mfusage3.035&mcs&0&N&ACTS Summary of Question 9a - How many mainframes does your organization use?&&1;2;3;4;5;6 to 10;11 to 25;26 to 50;more than 50;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.
mfusage3.036&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary of Question 9b - please identify how many speciality processors are being used, such as the IFL and/or zAAP&&One or more IFL's;One or more zAAP's;Considering for future use;No IFL's or zAAP's;&&&&a&2.0&&&&&1&&&N.
mfusage3.037&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary of question 10 - Respondents were asked "What do you do to quantify the value zSeries brings to your organization, e.g. what is the return-on-invesment (ROI) formula you use? <br>Do you measure cost per user, software costs, people costs, and/or cost of <br>downtime?"&&Cost per user;Software cost;People cost;Cost of downtime;Overall cost;Cost per transaction;Do not track;&&&&a&4.0&&&&&1&&&N.
mfusage3.038&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary question 11 - Respondents were asked: <br><br><i>Knowing that the <b><i>mainframe</i></b> has many different connotations <br>to business executives, what is the winning argument you use <br>to influence others to use the mainframe?</i> <br><br>The following were mentioned:&&Reliability, Availabilty, Servicibility (RAS);Security;Scalabilty;Manageable and Predictible environment;Technology (Speed, Functions, Processing power);Ease of use ;Lower price;Data integrity;Fault tolerance;Centralization/Consolidation/Stop Server Proliferation;Maintain service;Maturity of platform;Superior to Alternative Platforms (e.g. open systems);Mission Critical;DR or Business Continuity;--------------------------------------;&&&&a&3.0&&&&&1&&&N.
mfusage3.039&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary question 12 - Respondents were asked: <br><br><i>Can you give me an example of a recent success story and <br>how that impacted your company's bottom line?</i> <br><br>The following mainframe attributes were mentioned as contributors in the success stories.&&mainframe's performance;mainframe's capacity/scalability;mainframe's stability/reliability/availability;server consolidation;DB2;WebSphere;Tivoli;CICS;IMS;Linux;reducing software cost (e.g. WLC, ISV);IFL or zAAP;storage;&&&&a&3.0&&&&&1&&&N.
mfusage3.040&mcm&0&N&ACTS Summary question 13 - Respondents were asked: <br><br><i>What is the number one thing IBM has done to keep the <br>mainframe relevant to your organization?</i><br><br>The following categories were mentioned:&&Lower Price;Expanded Capability (e.g. Linux/Java/Web Enablement);Enhancements to Existing Technology (e.g. Speed, functions);Ease of Use;Reliability;Serviceability ;Flexibility;Security / Crypto;Seldom or Never hear from IBM;other;&&&&a&3.0&&&&&1&&&Y.
mfusage3.041&mcs&0&N&ACTS Summary question 14 - Respondents were asked <br><br><i> Please indicate your familiarity with the Mainframe Charter: Innovation, Value and Community?</i>&&Familiar;Somewhat Familiar;Not Familiar;& &&&a&1.0&5.0&&&&1:v&&&N.