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sisurvey.001&mcm&0&N&<h3>Business Basics</h3> ;1) Why is now a critical time to take ;a look at how you are doing in business?&&Hours;Family;Health;Feeling stalled;Money;Financing;Frustration;Other;&&&&a&P1.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If 'other' please explain - &&
sisurvey.002&nrt&0&N&2) Describe what business you are in (Services, Financial, Retail, etc...)?&1000&&&&&&P1.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.003&mcm&2&N&3) Who are your clients/customers?&&Business-to-business;Business-to-consumer;Business-to-government;&&&&a&P1.0&&&&&4&&&N.&&
sisurvey.004&mcm&2&N&4) Where are your clients located?&&Local;Regional;National;International;All of the above;&&&&a&P1.0&&&&&5&&&N.&&
sisurvey.005&nrt&2&N&5) Describe more about your target market (age group, industries, needs, etc.).&1000&&&&&&P2.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.006&mcm&0&N&6) How do you get the majority of your clients/customers?&&Website;Referrals;Direct Mail;Social Media;Reputation;TV;Radio;Advertising;Telemarketing;Mutliple;Other;&&&&a&P2.0&&&&&1&&&Y.If "other" is selected please provide detail:&&
sisurvey.007&mcs&2&N&7) What is your satisfaction with your market share? &&We own it.;We own a good part of it.;There is more that we can capture.;Very little.;What market share?;&&&&a&P3.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional comments:&&
sisurvey.008&nrt&0&N&8) What is your approximate revenue?&100&&&&&&P3.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.009&nrt&0&N&9) What is your current profit margin?&100&&&&&&P3.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.010&esa&0&N&10a) What is your historical profit margin over the last 3-5 years?&1&&&&&&P4.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.011&mcs&0&N&10b) This profit margin:&&Exceeded my goals;Met my goals;Fell short of my goals;&&&&a&P4.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.&&
sisurvey.012&mcs&0&N&11) How many employees do you have? &&Just Me;Partners;1-3;4-10;11-50;51-100;100+;&&&&a&P4.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.&&
sisurvey.013&mcs&0&&12) How many people are in decision-making roles with budget/spending authority? &&0;1;2-4;5-10;10+;&&&&a&P4.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.014&mcm&0&N&13) Do you have benchmark goals for your business? <i>(please mark all that apply)</i>&&Yes - Financial;Yes - Marketing;Yes - Strategic Plan;Yes - HR;Yes - Operations Plan;Yes - Other;No;&&&&a&P4.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.015&mcm&0&N&14) What type of reports do you review on a regular ;basis?&&Profit and Loss;Balance Sheet;Projections;Budget;Sales;Customer Satisfaction;Market Analytics;Key Metrics;&&&&a&P4.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.016&mcm&0&&15) What processes do you have documented and/or engage in regularly?&&Organization chart;Succession Plan;Disaster Preparedness Plan;Insurance Plan;Executive meetings;Sales Meetings;Staff Meetings;Job Descriptions;Performance Reviews;Training;&&&&a&P4.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.017&mcm&0&N&<h3>What's Been Tried</h3>1) What marketing efforts have you tried?&&Website;Referrals;Direct Mail;Social Media;Reputation;TV;Radio;Advertising;Telemarketing;Multiple;Other;&&&&a&P5.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.018&mcs&0&&2) What results did you or are you getting? &&Outstanding;Good;Fair;Poor;Nothing;Don't know;&&&&a&P5.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.019&nrt&0&&3) What new products have you marketed in the last 3 years? &1000&&&&&&P5.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.020&nrt&0&N&4) What new markets have you taken your product into?&1000&&&&&&P5.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.021&nrt&0&N&5) If your revenue has been stable, how many years has it remained the same? &1000&&&&&&P5.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.022&nrt&0&N&6) What major initiatives have you undertaken over the past 5 years?&1000&&&&&&P5.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.023&nrt&0&N&7) How much did you invest in those initiatives?&1000&&&&&&P5.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.024&nrt&0&N&8) What change did those initiatives make in revenue or profit margin? &1000&&&&&&P5.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.025&mcs&0&&9a) What percent of your budget do you invest in Technology and systems?&&<5%;5-10%;10-20%;20-25%;>25%;&&&&a&P5.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.026&mcs&0&N&9b) What percent of your budget do you invest in Infrastructure?&&<5%;5-10%;10-20%;20-25%;>25%;&&&&a&P5.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.&&
sisurvey.027&mcs&0&N&9c) What percent of your budget do you invest in Human Resources?&&<5%;5-10%;10-20%;20-25%;>25%;&&&&a&P5.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.&&
sisurvey.028&mcs&0&N&9d) What percent of your budget do you invest in Marketing?&&<5%;5-10%;10-20%;20-25%;>25%;&&&&a&P5.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.&&
sisurvey.029&mcs&0&&<h3>Personal Satisfaction and Business Outlook</h3>1) What has your experience been as a business owner? &&Highly Satisfying;Satisfying;Challenging;Frustrating;Painful;Other (please comment below);&&&&a&P6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Comment:&&
sisurvey.030&mcs&0&&2) How close have you come to reaching your original goals set for the business? &&Nailed it;Coming close;Not even close;Goals?;&&&&a&P6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Comment:&&
sisurvey.031&mcs&0&&3) How stuck do you feel?&&I'm moving right along but curious;Making slow progress;I am spinning my wheels;Everyday is uphill;I can't tell you the last time I moved;&&&&a&P6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Comments:&&
sisurvey.032&mcs&0&&4) How open are you to full disclosure of information for the sake of help?&&Fully;Mostly;If I must;Not at all;&&&&a&P6.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.033&mcs&0&&5) How do you feel about your employees and managers?&&Very Supported;We work as a team;Frustrated most of the time;We cannot seem to pull together;I'd be better off working alone;&&&&a&P6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Comment:&&
sisurvey.034&mcs&0&&6) What is your sense of the attitude and culture in your organization?&&Positive;Negative;Apathetic;Each group has its own culture;Don't know;&&&&a&P6.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.035&mcs&0&&7) How capable are you of currently funding a new initiative?&&Very;Somewhat;Reluctant;Not right now;&&&&a&P6.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.036&mcs&0&&8) What form of capitalization would you use? &&Debt;Investor;Personal finance;Through Sales;&&&&a&P6.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.037&mcs&0&&9) What best describes the amount of time you have to think strategically versus putting out fires and being in the weeds?&&I spend time each day thinking strategically.;I set aside time each week.;I think about it once a quarter;I do an annual plan;I can't recall when I last had a minute to think;&&&&a&P6.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.038&nrt&0&N&<h3>Desired State</h3>1) What percent growth do you want to achieve annually? &100&&&&&&P7.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.039&nrt&0&&2) What revenue do you want to achieve? By When?&100&&&&&&P7.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.040&nrt&0&&3) What areas do you want to expand into - geography, additional lines of business?&1000&&&&&&P7.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.041&mcs&0&&4) How certain do you feel about achieving your financial goals annually and for the future? &&Certain;Questionable;Doubtful;Fearful;&&&&a&P7.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.042&mcs&0&N&5) At a point in the future, I'd like to describe my business as:&A moneymaker&Fun;Enjoyable;Can run without me;&&&&a&P7.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.&&
sisurvey.043&mcs&0&&6) How fast does something need to happen?&&Yesterday;This week;Soon;It's getting critical but there's still time;No rush;&&&&a&P7.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&
sisurvey.044&nrt&0&N&7) Please tell us about anything we haven't asked about - special circumstances, issues, etc.&10000&&&&&&P7.0&&&&&1&&&N.&&