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BPC2.001&mcs&0&N&A paper with high opacity would:&Minimize show-through.&Increase show-through.;Speed ink drying.;Provide better process color reproductions.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.002&mcs&0&N&A micrometer is used to check:&The thickness of paper.&Screen densities.;The thickness of rules.;The iron oxide particles in magnetic ink.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.003&mcs&0&Y&In paper making, fibers tend to align themselves in the direction that the web moves, and this alignment produces the&Grain direction.&1;2;3;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.004&mcs&0&N&Basis weight (which is measured in pounds) refers to:&The weight of a ream of paper (500 sheets) in its basic size.&The weight of a paper web as it comes off the paper making machine.;The weight of a ream of paper (500 sheets) delivered to the end user.;The weight of a paper web as it is run on the printing press.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.005&mcs&0&N&A primary difference between a pattern carbon and a stripe carbon is that the:&The pattern can be in any position on the web.&Stripe carbon coatings always run perpendicular to the direction of the web.;Stripe carbon is a stock item, while pattern carbon must be custom manufactured.;Stripe carbon must be processed from a paper station on the collator.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.006&mcs&0&N&Grain direction in paper is important because:&Paper tears and folds more easily with the grain.&Printing can only be done in one grain direction.;Paper tears and folds more easily across the grain.;Grain direction determines what press can be used.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.007&mcs&0&N&Which of the following basic paper sizes refers to �rotary tag?�&24� x 36�&17� x 22�;25-1/2� x 36�;25� x 38�;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.008&mcs&0&N&Self-contained papers are different from other types of carbonless systems because:&Both sets of chemicals are contained on the surface of the sheet.&Self-contained papers cannot be coated on the back of the CF sheet.;A wider range of colors and weights are available.;Self-contained papers cannot be used with any type of carbon paper.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.009&mcs&0&N&The typical coating sequence in a 4-part form using chemical-mated carbonless paper is:&CB, CFB, CFB, CF.&CF, CFB, CFB, CB.;CB, CF, CB, CF.;CB, CFB, CFB, CB.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.010&mcs&0&N&When a formset has both carbonless paper and carbon paper, it is recommended that the carbon paper be of a special formula because:&The oils and waxes from the carbon paper can migrate and desensitize the carbonless paper.&The chemicals in the carbonless paper can desensitize the carbon.;The image color will not be the same unless a special carbon is used.;Carbon paper cannot be used with carbonless paper.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.011&mcs&0&N&Of the following, the most important factor related to the adhesive of a pressure sensitive label is:&The length of time the label must remain affixed.&The quantity to be ordered.;The face stock to be used.;The overall cost of the run.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.012&mcs&0&N&A construction that pairs a pressure sensitive label side-by-side with another material to allow them to be imprinted at the same time is called:&Dual-web.&Duplex.;Multi-part.;Two-ply.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.013&mcs&0&N&A label construction unit of two labels placed on top of the other and a liner is called:&Piggyback.&Split back.;Split top.;Dual-web.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.014&mcs&0&N&Which of the following is the correct sequence of the components in a pressure-sensitive label sandwich (starting from the top):&Face material, primer, adhesive, silicone coating, liner.&Face material, adhesive, silicone coating, primer, liner.;Face material, silicone coating, adhesive, primer, liner.;Face material, adhesive, primer, silicone coating, liner.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.015&mcs&0&N&On conventional business forms presses, one printing unit is required for:&Each color of ink on each side of the form.&Each part of the form.;Each screen density.;Each image in the repeat.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.016&mcs&0&N&The marginal words found on most business forms are printed using which of the following printing methods?&Letterpress.&Offset lithography.;Ink jet imaging.;Dry offset.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.017&mcs&0&Y&Lockup required on most conventional rotary offset business forms presses is:&3/8� � ��.&1� � 2�;�� - ��.;1/16� � ��;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.018&mcs&0&N&Back printing on conventional business forms presses can be accomplished by:&Using turning bars to turn the web over before it enters the next print tower.&Rewinding the web and running it through again.;Using the impression cylinder as a plate cylinder.;Back printing cannot be done on a conventional business forms press.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.019&mcs&0&N&The dimension of a continuous form that determines the cylinder circumference used to print the form is the:&Depth.&Stub width.;Overall width.;Torn-out size.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.020&mcs&0&N&The between-set perforations on multiple-part continuous forms are produced:&On the collator, after assembling the parts.&On the collator, before assembling the parts.;On the press, before printing.;On the press, after printing.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.021&mcs&0&N&A specially formulated ink containing iron oxide particles is used to print:&The E13B characters found on checks.&Process color reproductions.;OCR forms.;Forms that will be executed on high-speed laser printers.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.022&mcs&0&N&Screens values are usually specified by:&The percentage of ink coverage.&The size of the dot and the center-to-center distance between dots.;The size of the dot and the number of dots per square inch.;The percentage of dots per inch;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.023&mcs&0&N&Heat resistant inks are specially formulated for use on:&Laser printers.&Presses equipped with UV dryer;Ink jet printers.;OCR scanners.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.024&mcs&0&N&To achieve the best reproduction possible, ideal camera-ready copy is:&Black ink on white paper without screens.&Green ink on white paper.;Cyan ink on white paper.;Magenta ink on white paper.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.025&mcs&0&N&The form dimension that determines the circumference of the cylinder used to print a unit set is the:&Width parallel to the stub.&Length without the stub.;Overall length.;Torn-out size.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.026&mcs&0&N&When a unit set is manufactured with varying lengths of paper it also frequently includes:&Spot glue in the stub to permit sectioning.&Extra perforations.;Unit sets with varying lengths of paper cannot be produced on a rotary collator.;Varying lengths of carbon paper.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.027&mcs&2&N&Which sketch showing lockup is NOT correct?&Sketch 3&Sketch 1;Sketch 2;Sketch 4;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.028&mcs&0&N&The difference between press and collator numbering is easy to detect because:&Collator numbering does not produce an original image on all parts.&Press numbering is always black.;Press numbering can only be parallel to the web.;Collator numbering can only be perpendicular to the web.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.029&mcs&0&N&A conventional rotary offset business forms press with a 14" cylinder circumference could produce continuous forms having depths of:&3-1/2 inch, 7 inch, and 14 inch.&3-4/10 inch, 4-1/4 inch, 7 inch, and 14 inch.;4-1/4 inch, 7inch, and 14 inch.;3-1/5 inch, 7 inch, and 14 inch.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.030&mcs&0&N&File hole punching that does not appear on all parts of a form is produced:&On the press.&On the collator.;On an offline drill.;All of the above.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.031&mcs&0&N&On business forms presses, punching a continuous form perpendicular to the web direction (across the web) requires:&One punch ring for each hole to be punched.&One punch ring only.;A special punching unit in addition to conventional punching shafts.;Punching perpendicular to the web direction cannot be accomplished on the press.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.032&mcs&0&N&Part-to-part changes in marginal words on business forms usually do not require plate changes because:&They are printed in the numbering/imprinting section of the press.&They are usually crash imprinted on the collator.;Manufacturers provide marginal words free of charge.;A blanket is used to transfer the image to the paper.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.033&mcs&0&N&A unit set�s overall size is measured:&Width parallel to the stub by the length or opposite dimension.&From left to right and top to bottom.;With the stub removed.;From top to bottom by left to right.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.034&mcs&0&N&If the form requires MICR numbering, the purchase order to the manufacturer should include:&Signed MICR specification sheet from bank.&PMS Number of the MICR ink color.;Production method for the application of MICR numbers.;Signed customer release form.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.035&mcs&0&N&If a form has six paper parts, you would NORMALLY look for a plant that has:&A six-station collator.&A large operation.;An interleaver.;Six presses.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.036&mcs&0&N&Proofs of any kind should be treated as:&Being as important as the final printed form.&A routine part of a printing job.;Something that can always be fixed later.;An industry tradition that isn't really necessary.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.037&mcs&0&N&A form is printed in the following colors: Blue, green and black on the face and gray on the back. Both black and green inks are screened. How many offset printing units are required to produce this job?&4&3;5;7;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.038&mcs&0&N&On business forms, standard file hole punching measures:&2-3/4 inch and 4-1/4 inch center-to-center.&2-1/4 inch and 4-3/4 inch center-to-center.;3-1/2 inch and 5-1/4 inch center-to-center.;5-1/2 inch and 8-1/2 inch center-to-center.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.039&mcs&0&N&The failure of a multiple-part form to fully straighten out when fed into a computer printer is known as:&Tenting.&Peaking.;Fold failure.;Fold memory.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.040&mcs&0&N&Which of the following is a permanent as well as a flexible continuous form fastening:&Rotary tape lock.&Finger-flex.;Crimping.;Line gluing.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.041&mcs&0&N&If a continuous form is to be hand decollated without stripping the linehole margins, the forms professional should recommend:&Crimping.&Cold glue.;Rotary tape lock.;Hot glue.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.042&mcs&0&N&The depth of the clear area running along the bottom of a MICR encoded document is:&5/8 inch.&3/8 inch.;1/2 inch.;1/4 inch.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.043&mcs&0&N&An entire form can be printed with MICR ink provided that:&Only the MICR characters appear in the clear band.&Different color inks are used to print the text and the MICR characters.;The Amount Field is also encoded at the same time.;Phantoms and pantographs are not used.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.044&mcs&0&N&On MICR encoded checks, the payer bank�s system identification number is found in the:&Route and Transit field.&On-Us field.;Auxiliary On-Us field.;Amount field.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.045&mcs&0&Y&Question text&correct&x;x;x;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.046&mcs&0&N&When attempting to verify the positioning of a MICR encoded line, the key reference point on any document is the:&Bottom right edge.&Bottom left edge.;Top left edge.;Top right edge.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.047&mcs&0&N&Which of these bar code symbologies is considered a two-dimensional code?&Matrix.&Interleaved 2 of 5.;Codabar.;UPC.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.048&mcs&0&N&In bar code printing, the number of characters that can be printed within one linear or horizontal inch is known as the:&Density.&Symbology.;Thickness.;Depth.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.049&mcs&0&N&The bar code symbology used by the grocery industry is called:&UPC.&EAN.;APC.;Code 39.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.050&mcs&0&N&The bar code symbology specified for use in all blood labeling applications is:&Codabar.&Code 39.;2 of 5.;EAN.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.051&mcs&0&N&A bar code that can be read left-to-right or right-to-left is called:&Bi-directional&A continuous code.;A discrete code.;Unidirectional.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.052&mcs&0&N&Interleaved 2 of 5 is a bar code symbology that cannot be printed with a numbering machine (or numbering head) because:&Characters are interleaved with one another.&The size of the bar is too wide for an engraved head.;The density of the code is too high.;The ink must contain iron oxide particles.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.053&mcs&0&N&When customers refer to electronic forms, they are referring to forms that:&All of the above.&Were composed using desktop computers and software.;Are merged with database information for high-speed printing.;Display on a computer screen for electronic fill-in.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.054&mcs&0&N&Which of the following are features of intelligent electronic forms:&All of the above.&Routing capabilities.;Electronic signatures.;Field validations.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.055&mcs&0&N&The principal elements required to create intelligent electronic forms are:&Design, mapping, and filling software.&A computer and a laser printer.;Ability to print filled forms on any desktop laser printer.;Fill software for DOS and Windows operating systems.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.056&mcs&0&N&Forms automation is a technology best suited to:&Any business information processing system.&Fortune 500 corporations.;Service organizations.;Small businesses.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.057&mcs&0&N&What are the industry standards for lockup space requirements � the area(s)on a form that must be kept clear of any printing?&3/8 inch to � inch.&1/8 inch to � inch.;� inch to 1 inch.;1 inch to 1-1/4 inch.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.058&mcs&0&N&Which of the following is NOT a method to print consecutive MICR numbers on checks?&Offset printing unit on press&Collator.;Numbering and imprinting unit on press.;Offline MICR encoder.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.059&mcs&2&N&Which of the following diagrams show perforations that would be produced using a perforating blade?&Diagram 2.&Diagram 1.;Diagram 3.;Diagram 4.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.060&mcs&0&N&The customer has a requirement for legal documents that need to be stored for many years. As forms professional which paper would you recommend?&Alkaline paper or a paper with high cotton fiber content.&Forms bond.;Laser paper.;OCR bond.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.061&mcs&0&N&Bleed-through numbering is best used for:&Arabic numbers.&All laser, unit set, or continuous form Arabic and MICR numbering.;MICR numbers.;Bar code numbers.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.062&mcs&0&N&The following types of �Void� Pantographs are used the forms industry:&All of the above.&Standard Register�;Optical Deterrent Technology (ODT).;Wicker�;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.063&mcs&0&N&To increase security on laser documents, a �toner coating� can be used so that:&The toner cannot be lifted off the face of the document.&The toner appears darker to the reader.;The toner will disappear after six months.;Adding toner coating saves on the amount of toner applied to the document.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.064&mcs&0&N&In order to help end-users protect documents such as checks during shipping, the forms professional should:&Recommend changing the name of the document on the carton labels, for example: �Account Vouchers�, so that no one can discern the actual content&Recommend printing �A/P Checks or P/R Checks� on cartons� shipping labels.;Not worry about the cartons�content. That is the end-user�s responsibility.;Recommend not labeling the cartons.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.065&mcs&0&N&When selecting ink colors for use on a security document, you should recommend the following to your customer:&Darker blue/gray or burgundy/gray combinations.&Very light blues, greens, or yellows.;Any standard colors a manufacturer offers.;Whatever colors the end-user want.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.066&mcs&0&N&There are two symbols in use on a check to represent document security features at present. They are:&The Financial Stationers Association�s �Padlock Icon� and the �MP� at the end of a signature line.&The �DMIA� logo along with a �skull and cross bones icon.�;The American Bankers Association�s �Dollar Sign and Exclamation Point Icon.�;The Securities and Exchange �American Eagle and Dollar Sign.�;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.067&mcs&0&N&Which of the following statements concerning electronic forms is NOT correct?&Input data validation refers to making sure that all answers have been entered in English.&A digital signature on an electronic form locks the form so that it cannot be changed.;E-forms development software is used in creating electronic and internet forms.;A popular use for electronic forms is to automate a task.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.068&mcs&0&N&Internet forms are stored and retrieved from:&A web site server.&An e-mail mailbox.;A CD/ROM.;A hard drive on a PC.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.069&mcs&0&N&Holographic foils can be used on laser documents:&If you first test samples on the end-user's laser printing for compatibility.&If the customer is willing to pay the higher cost for the foil.;This is one of the best protections you can offer, so always use it.;Only if the end-user has already experienced a document forgery with his checks.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.070&mcs&0&Y&If a multiple-part form has file hole punching that does not appear on all parts, on which production equipment will the punching be produced?&Press.&Collator;Offline drill.;All of the above.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.071&mcs&0&N&In paper making, fibers tend to align themselves in the direction that the web moves, and this alignment produces the&Grain direc tion.&Wire side.;Felt side.;Watermark.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.072&mcs&2&Y&Which sketch showing lockup is NOT correct?&Image 3&Image 2;Image 4;Image 1;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.073&mcs&0&Y&A conventional rotary offset business forms press with a 14" cylinder circumference could produce forms having depths of:&3-1/2&3-4/10;3-1/5;4-1/4;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.074&mcs&0&&Pressure sentitive labels are usually printed via which conventional printing process?&Flexography&Offset lithography;Sreen printing;Thermal printing;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.075&mcs&0&&The consecutive number on personal checks is placed on the "On-Us" field because:&Personal checks are too short to accommodate the consecutive number in its conventional position.&The majority of banks specify this position.;Customers prefer this location because it aids in statement reconciliation.;This is the position specified by the MICR institute.;&&&&a&.0&&&&
BPC2.076&mcs&0&&The line holes found in most continuous forms are usually punched:&On the press, after printing.&On the collator, before assembling the parts.;Off line, once the forms have been collated.;On the press, before printing.;&&&&a&.0&&&&