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510 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 1999 - 2004 by Gero Kohnert
* CVS Info: $Id: acl.pinc,v 1.16 2005/05/03 13:18:42 saraj Exp $
* $Author: saraj $
* @modulegroup TUTOS
* @module acl
define ('EVERYBODY',0);
define ('MYTEAMS',-2);
* set the default rights
* adr = current_user or so
* obj = the object that will get the default rights
Function acl_default(&$obj,&$adr) {
global $tutos;
$obj->acl[EVERYBODY] = 0;
# 0 = everybody can see it
if ( $tutos[defaultacl] == 0 ) {
$obj->acl[EVERYBODY] = $tutos[seeok];
if ( ($adr->getType() != "address") && ($adr->getType() != "user") ) {
# 1 = teams can see it
if ( $tutos[defaultacl] == 1 ) {
# When no teams are defined everybody may see
foreach($adr->teamlist as $i => $f) {
# 2 = defaultgroups can see it
if ( $tutos[defaultacl] == 2 ) {
if ( $adr->getType() == "user" ) {
# When no defaultgroups are defined everybody may see
if ( count($adr->acldefault) == 0 ) {
$obj->acl[EVERYBODY] = $tutos[seeok];
} else {
foreach($adr->acldefault as $i => $f) {
if ($i == MYTEAMS) {
# expand a -2(MYTEAMS) to all the teams of that user
foreach($adr->teamlist as $i2 => $f2) {
} else {
* read acl entries for an object
Function acl_read(&$obj) {
global $tutos;
if ( $obj->gettype() == "user" ) {
$id = $obj->uid;
} else {
$id = $obj->id;
if ( $id == "" ) {
# Something went wrong everybody may see it
$obj->acl[EVERYBODY] = $tutos[seeok];
# echo $obj->gettype();
$q = "SELECT adr_id,perm FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."acl WHERE obj_id = ". $id;
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
$n = $r->numrows();
# ????
if ( $n > 0 ) {
$obj->acl = array();
$a = 0;
while ($a < $n) {
$perm = (int)$r->get($a, "perm");
if ( $perm > 0 ) {
$obj->acl[(int)$r->get($a, "adr_id")] = $perm;
# Defaults to seeok
if ( $n == 0 ) {
$obj->acl[EVERYBODY] = $tutos[seeok];
* save acl entries for an object
Function acl_save(&$obj) {
if ( $obj->gettype() == "user" ) {
$id = $obj->uid;
} else {
$id = $obj->id;
if ( $id < 0 ) return;
$q = "DELETE FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."acl WHERE obj_id = ". $id;
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
if ( isset($obj->acl) && (count($obj->acl) > 0) ) {
while ( list ($i,$f) = @each ($obj->acl) ) {
if ( ($i > -1) && (gettype($i) == "integer") && ($f > 0) ) {
$q = "INSERT INTO ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."acl (obj_id,adr_id,perm) VALUES (". $id .",". $i .",". $f .")";
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
* delete acl entries for a object to be deleted
Function acl_delete_obj(&$obj) {
if ( $obj->id < 0 ) return;
$msg = "";
$q = "DELETE FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."acl WHERE obj_id = ". $obj->id ." OR adr_id = ". $obj->id;
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
$q = "DELETE FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."acldefault WHERE obj_id = ". $obj->id ." OR adr_id = ". $obj->id;
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
return $msg;
* read defaultacl entries for an object
* to be used with $tutos[defaultacl] = 2
Function acl_readdefault(&$obj) {
global $tutos;
if ( $obj->gettype() != "user" ) return;
$id = $obj->uid;
if ( $id == "" ) {
# Something went wrong everybody may see it
$obj->acl[EVERYBODY] = $tutos[seeok];
$q = "SELECT adr_id,perm FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."acldefault WHERE obj_id = ". $id;
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
$n = $r->numrows();
if ( $n > 0 ) {
$obj->acldefault = array();
$a = 0;
while ($a < $n) {
$obj->acldefault[$r->get($a, "adr_id")] = $r->get($a, "perm");
* save acldefault entries for an object
* to be used with $tutos[defaultacl] = 2
Function acl_savedefault(&$obj) {
if ( $obj->gettype() != "user" ) return;
$id = $obj->uid;
$q = "DELETE FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."acldefault WHERE obj_id = ". $id;
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
if ( isset($obj->acldefault) && (count($obj->acldefault) > 0) ) {
foreach($obj->acldefault as $i => $f) {
if ( ($i == MYTEAMS) || ( ($i > -1) && (gettype($i) == "integer") && ($f > 0) ) ) {
$q = "INSERT INTO ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."acldefault (obj_id,adr_id,perm) VALUES (". $id .",". $i .",". $f .")";
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
* delete acldefault entries for a object to be deleted
* to be used with $tutos[defaultacl] = 2
Function acl_deletedefault(&$obj) {
$msg = "";
$q = "DELETE FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."acldefault WHERE obj_id = ". $obj->id;
$r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q);
return $msg;
* check access level ( > $level ) to an object
Function acl_ok(&$obj,$level) {
global $tutos,$current_user;
if ( ($tutos[useacl] != 1) || is_admin($current_user)) {
return 99;
if (! isset($obj->acl) ) return 0;
if (count($obj->acl) < 1) return 0;
foreach($obj->acl as $i => $f) {
# Rights granted explicit for current_user
if ( ($i > 0) && ($current_user->id == $i) && ($f > $level) ) {
return $f;
# Rights we got via team membership
if ( count($current_user->teamlist) > 0 ) {
foreach($current_user->teamlist as $i2 => $f2) {
if ( ($i == $i2) && ($f > $level) ) {
return $f;
# Everybody
if ( ($i == EVERYBODY) && ($f > $level) ) {
return $f;
return 0;
* check show access ( > 0 ) to an object
Function acl_see_ok(&$obj) {
global $tutos;
# if no permissions are defined the see is ok
if (isset($obj->acl) && (count($obj->acl) > 0) ) {
return acl_ok($obj,$tutos[seeok] -1);
} else {
return $tutos[seeok];
* check use access to an object
Function acl_use_ok(&$obj) {
global $tutos;
# if no permissions are defined the use is ok
if (isset($obj->acl) && (count($obj->acl) > 0) ) {
return acl_ok($obj,$tutos[useok] -1);
} else {
return $tutos[useok];
* check modification access ( > 9 ) to an object
Function acl_mod_ok(&$obj) {
global $tutos;
return acl_ok($obj,$tutos[modok] -1);
* check deletion access ( > 19 ) to an object
Function acl_del_ok(&$obj) {
global $tutos;
return acl_ok($obj,$tutos[delok] -1);
* raise the permissions to given level if below
Function acl_raise(&$obj,$adr_id,$level) {
if (! isset ($obj->acl[$adr_id]) || ($obj->acl[$adr_id] < $level) ) {
$obj->acl[$adr_id] = $level;
* lower the permissions to given level if above
Function acl_lower(&$obj,$adr_id,$level) {
if (! isset ($obj->acl[$adr_id]) || ($obj->acl[$adr_id] > $level) ) {
$obj->acl[$adr_id] = $level;
* lower the permissions to given level if above
Function acl_set(&$obj,$adr_id,$level) {
$obj->acl[$adr_id] = $level;
* give a link to change/see acls
Function acl_link(&$obj,$text = "") {
global $tutos,$lang,$current_user;
if ( $tutos[useacl] != 1 ) {
if ( $obj->gettype() == "user" ) {
$id = $obj->uid;
} else {
$id = $obj->id;
if ( $id == -1 ) {
if ( $text == "" ) {
$text = "<font size=\"-1\">(". $lang['permissions'] .")</FONT>";
if ( $current_user->isadmin() || $obj->del_ok() ) {
return makelink("acl_new.php?id=". $id ,$text,$lang['ACLmod']);
return makelink("acl_show.php?id=". $id ,$text,$lang['ACLsee']);
* parse the permissions form provided by the function permission_form
function parse_permission_form(&$obj) {
global $gotourl;
$msg = "";
for ( $i1 = -1 ; $i1 > -100 ; $i1-- ) {
$x = "f".$i1;
if ( isset($_POST[$x]) ) {
$obj->p[(integer)$i1] = 0;
foreach($_POST[$x] as $i2 => $f2) {
$obj->p[(integer)$i1] = (integer)$obj->p[(integer)$i1] | (integer)$f2;
$gotourl= addUrlParameter($gotourl,$x."[]=". UrlEncode($f2),true);
return $msg;
* HTML form to enter feature permissions
function permission_form(&$layout,&$user,&$obj) {
global $lang,$tutos,$permskip;
# skip data table
# entries tha are not useful will be skipped
$permskip[usemaplink][PERM_NEW] = 1;
$permskip[usemaplink][PERM_MOD] = 1;
$permskip[usemaplink][PERM_DEL] = 1;
$permskip[usemaplink][PERM_SEL] = 1;
$permskip[usemaplink][PERM_USE] = 1;
$permskip[usefax][PERM_SEE] = 1;
$permskip[usefax][PERM_MOD] = 1;
$permskip[usefax][PERM_DEL] = 1;
$permskip[usefax][PERM_SEL] = 1;
$permskip[usefax][PERM_USE] = 1;
$permskip[usesms][PERM_NEW] = 1;
$permskip[usesms][PERM_MOD] = 1;
$permskip[usesms][PERM_DEL] = 1;
$permskip[usesms][PERM_SEL] = 1;
$permskip[usesms][PERM_USE] = 1;
$permskip[useoverlib][PERM_NEW] = 1;
$permskip[useoverlib][PERM_MOD] = 1;
$permskip[useoverlib][PERM_DEL] = 1;
$permskip[useoverlib][PERM_SEL] = 1;
$permskip[useoverlib][PERM_USE] = 1;
$permskip[usemail][PERM_SEE] = 1;
$permskip[usemail][PERM_MOD] = 1;
$permskip[usemail][PERM_DEL] = 1;
$permskip[usemail][PERM_SEL] = 1;
$permskip[usemail][PERM_USE] = 1;
$permskip[usehistory][PERM_NEW] = 1;
$permskip[usehistory][PERM_MOD] = 1;
$permskip[usehistory][PERM_DEL] = 1;
$permskip[usehistory][PERM_SEL] = 1;
$permskip[usehistory][PERM_USE] = 1;
# extend lang perm with the module permissions
# read the language files of modules
foreach ($tutos[modules] as $r => $x) {
if (!isset($lang['perm'][$x['perm']]) ) {
$lang['perm'][$x['perm']] = $r;
$lang['perm'][$x['perm']] .= " (MODULE)";
echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
echo "<!--\n";
echo "function CheckAll(obj,name) {\n";
echo " for (var i=0; i < obj.form.elements.length; i++) {\n";
echo " var e = obj.form.elements[i];\n";
echo " if ( == name) {\n";
echo " e.checked = obj.checked;\n";
echo " }\n";
echo " }\n";
echo "}\n";
echo "function CheckAllAll(obj,name) {\n";
echo " for (var i=0; i < obj.form.elements.length; i++) {\n";
echo " var e = obj.form.elements[i];\n";
echo " if (,name.length) == name) {\n";
echo " e.checked = obj.checked;\n";
echo " }\n";
echo " }\n";
echo "}\n";
echo "//-->\n";
echo "</script>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<th class=\"viewhead\" nowrap>". $lang['Feature']."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"viewhead\">". $lang['NewEntry'] ."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"viewhead\">". $lang['ACLread'] ."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"viewhead\">". $lang['ACLuse'] ."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"viewhead\">". $lang['ACLmodify'] ."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"viewhead\">". $lang['ACLdelete'] ."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"viewhead\">". $lang['Search'] ."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"viewhead\" colspan=\"2\">&#9733;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"checkitall\" onClick=\"CheckAllAll(this,'f-')\">&#9733;</th>\n";
# echo "<th>&nbsp;</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
$line = 0;
foreach($lang['perm'] as $i => $f) {
if($f == "use calendar")
if ( $i < -1000 ) {
echo $layout->OverviewRowStart($line);
if ( $obj->p[$i] == 1 ) {
$obj->p[$i] = 2047;
echo $layout->showfieldc($f ,0,"f". $i ."[]");
if ( ($tutos[$i] == 1 )
&& ( ( ($obj->gettype() == "user") && ($user->isadmin() || ( $i == useoverlib )))
|| ( ($obj->gettype() == "team") && $user->isadmin() ) ) ) {
foreach ($perms as $p) {
echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\">";
if ( isset($permskip[$i][$p]) ) {
echo "&nbsp;";
} else {
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"f". $i ."[]\" VALUE=\"". $p ."\"". ($obj->p[$i] & $p ? " checked":"") .">\n";
if ( $obj->getType() == "user") {
foreach($obj->teams as $f) {
if ( ($f->p[$i] & $p )) {
echo "<br>X ". $f->getLink();
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\">*<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"f-checkit". $i ."\" onClick=\"CheckAll(this,'f". $i ."[]')\" ". ($obj->p[$i] > 61 ? " checked":"") .">*</td>\n";
# echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
} else if ( $tutos[$i] == 0 ) {
echo "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"8\">". $lang['FeatureOff'] ."</td>\n";
} else {
foreach ($perms as $p) {
echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\">";
if ( isset($permskip[$i][$p]) ) {
echo "&nbsp;";
} else {
echo ($obj->p[$i] & 2 ? "X":"O");
if ( $obj->getType() == "user") {
foreach($obj->teams as $f) {
if ( ($f->p[$i] & $p )) {
echo "<br>X ". $f->getLink();
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
# echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo $layout->OverviewRowEnd($line++);
* build a massupdate acl link
function acl_action() {
# edit permissions in another dialog
$url = "acl_new.php";
foreach ($_GET['mark'] as $key => $val) {
$url = addUrlParameter($url,"id[]=". $val,true);
return $url;