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8 months ago
tgwall&mwalsh&360_brod&6.0.0&&&360_brod&&&terry@terrywall.com, bcarico@actscorp.com&N.Y.N.N.Y.N.N.N.N.N
&Responsible for the day to day business activities of the MRO group. Responsibilities include all field execution oversight, monthly billings, business development activities, budget planning, etc.::&Lisa has demonstrated limited "leadership" abilities. howewver, one that she does demonstrate is her focused desire to follow thru on items.::&??? not sure what you are looking for as tot "model". what are the options to choose from? ::&I dont believe that Lisa measures leadership improvement in any specific way. She does not have a very specific set of metrics. Lisa is new to leadership and as such is very hesitant to bring up her shortcomings.::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::She though is too dependent on Joe Nessler for most of the specifics related to her job. she has not independently gone out on many, if any, BD calls. &?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::The team (broadly defined as those at RAI), as hesitant to disagree because they know she discusses with everyone others business. She does not exercise restraint and engages in gossip.&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::Most people think she is where she is because of the famial ties. not due to achievements. She is overly dependent on others to do her most basic functions. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::Very cponcerned about the conversations. the issue though is whether those conversations shoudl be had in the first place. She has always encouraged gossip. &?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::Lisa is insecure in her leadersip role. this is afactor of her lacking departmental knowledge. &?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::There is a lack of overall understanding at RAI as to the purpose of RAI. Rarely do the RAI MLT get together as a team to understand the purpose. It is a more informal understandign of the overall organization./&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::I sense seh consults only her "go-too" person (Joe Nessler) for fear of sending a message that she is unfamilar or lack knowledge of the particular issue. It is readily apparent to others she lacks an adequate amount of detailed knowledge for someone charged with the responsibility for the business unit. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::Her behavior does communiate an interest but it may not be "genuine" and more focused on "gossip". &?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::She only follows this "sometimes". If it is a strong willed or knowledgeable individual, she will not confront them. If it is a subordinate outside her unit, she will confront them. If it is a peer or superior, she rarely will if the confrontation will involve the exposure of her lack of knowledge. By lack of knowledge,Im referring to specifc unit knowledge and overall busines knowledge. &?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::She is lacking in the varipous tools to reward others and is one-dimensional - relying on money solely. &?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::I dont think she is even aware that she does this. &?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::She avoids any type of situation that may lead to confrontation due to her lack of specific unit related knowledge. &?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::The team leads themselves for the most part and she is viewed as not so much an obstruction but as a "necessary evil". &?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::She dpoes not possess the necesssary execution knowledge or business knowledge to do such. &?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::She listens to new ideas or suggestions but does not act upon them once the discussion is over. She is unaware of what it means to be a leader. she has not demonstrated any initiative to learn the skills she needs as a unit leader. &?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::Her goals are typically set for her by tohers. I would be very happy if she were to set those goals but I think this again is driven by her lack of departmental knowledge. &?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::She is very compassionate. &?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::Her lack of knowledge limits her to achioeving this. &1 - Business knowledge (departmental specific and overall business)
<BR>2 - Setting achievable metrics and creating accountability
<BR>3 - Staying out of the "gossip" mill. ::
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