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&EDI or Eletronic Data Interchange, Bankin, retail, manufacturing::Senior Systems &?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?6?xxx?8?9?10?11?xxx?xxx?xxx::We are starting web applications on the mainframe &?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?7?xxx?xxx?xxx?11?xxx?xxx?xxx::We are starting to move some back to the mainframe&All the applications we have moved off the mainframe didnt need to be on the mainframe, billing, accounting, etc...::&UNIX and Windows::&The big issue is Security and speed of processing file transactions::&Most transactions are a CICS base, but each transaction might process several thousand records. We have only one mainframe for this processing and serve about 30,000 customers.::&The internal side of the business is application development for our Software. The machines run around 45% busy and have about 120 users.::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::We have one production at about 75% and we have two internal mainframes used for development at about 45%.&Cost of usage in determined by all software, hardware and people. The with a new machine we plan to use the discount software cost from IBM and the hardware savings by a combine of the machines.::&Security, reliability and speed.::&100% uptime on the mainframe for month after month and no security problems such as the ones on Windows.::&It has to do with reliability, they dont fail ::&not familiar::&Cost of open systems compared to a mainframe were not covered. We found when you add the cost of everything involved in the setup and support for all the open systems the mainframe might cost less.::&?0?1?2::nick_panzone@stercomm.com
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