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&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?0?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&Overall a good class, with good range of topics. There were more than a few presentation issues with the adobe connect system. At times on Tuesday it was extremely slow. Other times presenters would be talking to a specific slide and that slide had not yet loaded on my end. I was on IBM network with hard ethernet connection. Asking questions seemed awkward since some people would post in text chat and not be answered and other times I couldnt tell if people actually had questions with the hand raised emoticon or if they didnt know how to use the emoticons.::&Good pace and length. Breaks were helpful to step out.::&Good content, very solid for a foundation class.::&Very helpful and knowledgable.::&New to the system, not sure.::&Not sure.::&::&?0?xxx::&Product Engineer::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4?xxx?xxx::
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