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&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::The infrastructure is slow and there is an unacceptable number times when the system is %22down%22. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?5?xxx?xxx?8?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::Address the infrastructure rust out issue. Slow, plus conflicts between network and PC DOCS. etc&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::News to me. Do I not still deal with my COSR %3F%3F%3F&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&The cost associated with obtaining NCS services (i.e. RATE, NALing etc.) has not been addressed and it should be. NCS are pricing themselves right out of the market. %0D%0A%0D%0ANCS costs are breaking our budgets.::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::
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