You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
527 lines
17 KiB
527 lines
17 KiB
8 months ago
* The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* $Header: /advent/projects/wesat/vtiger_crm/sugarcrm/modules/Users/User.php,v 1.10 2005/04/19 14:40:48 ray Exp $
* Description: TODO: To be written.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
// User is used to store customer information.
class User extends SugarBean {
var $log;
var $db;
// Stored fields
var $id;
var $user_name;
var $user_password;
var $first_name;
var $last_name;
var $date_entered;
var $date_modified;
var $modified_user_id;
var $description;
var $phone_home;
var $phone_mobile;
var $phone_work;
var $phone_other;
var $phone_fax;
var $email1;
var $email2;
var $yahoo_id;
var $address_street;
var $address_city;
var $address_state;
var $address_postalcode;
var $address_country;
var $tz;
var $holidays;
var $namedays;
var $workdays;
var $weekstart;
var $status;
var $title;
var $department;
var $authenticated = false;
var $error_string;
var $is_admin;
var $date_format;
var $reports_to_name;
var $reports_to_id;
var $module_id='id';
var $table_name = "users";
var $module_name = "Users";
var $object_name = "User";
var $user_preferences;
var $column_fields = Array("id"
var $encodeFields = Array("first_name", "last_name", "description");
// This is used to retrieve related fields from form posts.
var $additional_column_fields = Array('reports_to_name');
// This is the list of fields that are in the lists.
var $list_fields = Array('id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'user_name', 'status', 'department', 'yahoo_id', 'is_admin', 'email1', 'phone_work');
var $default_order_by = "user_name";
var $record_id;
var $new_schema = true;
function User() {
$this->log = LoggerManager::getLogger('user');
$this->db = new PearDatabase();
function setPreference($name, $value){
$this->user_preferences = $_SESSION["USER_PREFERENCES"];
$this->user_preferences = array();
if(!array_key_exists($name,$this->user_preferences )|| $this->user_preferences[$name] != $value){
$this->log->debug("Saving To Preferences:". $name."=".$value);
$this->user_preferences[$name] = $value;
$_SESSION[$name] = $value;
function resetPreferences(){
$this->user_preferences = $_SESSION["USER_PREFERENCES"];
foreach($this->user_preferences as $key => $val){
$query = "UPDATE $this->table_name SET user_preferences=NULL where id='$this->id'";
$result =& $this->db->query($query);
$this->log->debug("RESETING: PREFERENCES ROWS AFFECTED WHILE UPDATING USER PREFERENCES:".$this->db->getAffectedRowCount($result));
function savePreferecesToDB(){
$data = base64_encode(serialize($this->user_preferences));
$query = "UPDATE $this->table_name SET user_preferences='$data' where id='$this->id'";
$result =& $this->db->query($query);
$this->log->debug("SAVING: PREFERENCES SIZE ". strlen($data)."ROWS AFFECTED WHILE UPDATING USER PREFERENCES:".$this->db->getAffectedRowCount($result));
$_SESSION["USER_PREFERENCES"] = $this->user_preferences;
function loadPreferencesFromDB($value){
if(isset($value) && !empty($value)){
$this->log->debug("LOADING :PREFERENCES SIZE ". strlen($value));
$this->user_preferences = unserialize(base64_decode($value));
$_SESSION = array_merge($this->user_preferences, $_SESSION);
$this->log->debug("Finished Loading");
$_SESSION["USER_PREFERENCES"] = $this->user_preferences;
function getPreference($name){
if(array_key_exists($name,$this->user_preferences ))
return $this->user_preferences[$name];
return '';
function create_tables () {
/*$query = 'CREATE TABLE '.$this->table_name.' ( ';
$query .= 'id char(36) NOT NULL';
$query .= ', user_name varchar(20)';
$query .= ', user_password varchar(30)';
$query .= ', user_hash char(32)';
$query .= ', first_name varchar(30)';
$query .= ', last_name varchar(30)';
$query .= ', reports_to_id char(36)';
$query .= ', is_admin char(3) default 0';
$query .= ', description text';
$query .= ', date_entered datetime NOT NULL';
$query .= ', date_modified datetime NOT NULL';
$query .= ', modified_user_id char(36) NOT NULL';
$query .= ', title varchar(50)';
$query .= ', department varchar(50)';
$query .= ', phone_home varchar(50)';
$query .= ', phone_mobile varchar(50)';
$query .= ', phone_work varchar(50)';
$query .= ', phone_other varchar(50)';
$query .= ', phone_fax varchar(50)';
$query .= ', email1 varchar(100)';
$query .= ', email2 varchar(100)';
$query .= ', yahoo_id varchar(100)';
$query .= ', status varchar(25)';
$query .= ', address_street varchar(150)';
$query .= ', address_city varchar(100)';
$query .= ', address_state varchar(100)';
$query .= ', address_country varchar(25)';
$query .= ', address_postalcode varchar(9)';
$query .= ', user_preferences TEXT';
$query .= ', tz varchar(30)';
$query .= ', holidays varchar(60)';
$query .= ', namedays varchar(60)';
$query .= ', workdays varchar(30)';
$query .= ', weekstart int(11)';
$query .= ', deleted bool NOT NULL default 0';
$query .= ', PRIMARY KEY ( ID )';
$query .= ', KEY ( user_name )';
$query .= ', KEY ( user_password ))';
$this->db->query($query, true);
//TODO Clint 4/27 - add exception handling logic here if the table can't be created.
function drop_tables () {
/*$query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$this->table_name;
$this->db->query($query, true); */
//TODO Clint 4/27 - add exception handling logic here if the table can't be dropped.
function get_summary_text()
return "$this->first_name $this->last_name";
* @return string encrypted password for storage in DB and comparison against DB password.
* @param string $user_name - Must be non null and at least 2 characters
* @param string $user_password - Must be non null and at least 1 character.
* @desc Take an unencrypted username and password and return the encrypted password
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function encrypt_password($user_password)
// encrypt the password.
$salt = substr($this->user_name, 0, 2);
$encrypted_password = crypt($user_password, $salt);
return $encrypted_password;
function authenticate_user($password){
$query = "SELECT * from $this->table_name where user_name='$this->user_name' AND user_hash='$password'";
$result = $this->db->requireSingleResult($query, false);
$this->log->fatal("SECURITY: failed login by $this->user_name");
return false;
return true;
function validation_check($validate, $md5, $alt=''){
$validate = base64_decode($validate);
if(file_exists($validate) && $handle = fopen($validate, 'rb', true)){
$buffer = fread($handle, filesize($validate));
if(md5($buffer) == $md5 || (!empty($alt) && md5($buffer) == $alt)){
return 1;
return -1;
return -1;
function authorization_check($validate, $authkey, $i){
$validate = base64_decode($validate);
$authkey = base64_decode($authkey);
if(file_exists($validate) && $handle = fopen($validate, 'rb', true)){
$buffer = fread($handle, filesize($validate));
if(substr_count($buffer, $authkey) < $i)
return -1;
return -1;
* Load a user based on the user_name in $this
* @return -- this if load was successul and null if load failed.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function load_user($user_password)
$_SESSION['loginattempts'] += 1;
$_SESSION['loginattempts'] = 1;
if($_SESSION['loginattempts'] > 5){
$this->log->warn("SECURITY: " . $this->user_name . " has attempted to login ". $_SESSION['loginattempts'] . " times.");
$this->log->debug("Starting user load for $this->user_name");
$validation = 0;
if( !isset($this->user_name) || $this->user_name == "" || !isset($user_password) || $user_password == "")
return null;
if($this->validation_check('aW5jbHVkZS9pbWFnZXMvc3VnYXJzYWxlc19tZC5naWY=','1a44d4ab8f2d6e15e0ff6ac1c2c87e6f', '866bba5ae0a15180e8613d33b0acc6bd') == -1)$validation = -1;
//if($this->validation_check('aW5jbHVkZS9pbWFnZXMvc3VnYXJzYWxlc19tZC5naWY=','1a44d4ab8f2d6e15e0ff6ac1c2c87e6f') == -1)$validation = -1;
if($this->validation_check('aW5jbHVkZS9pbWFnZXMvcG93ZXJlZF9ieV9zdWdhcmNybS5naWY=' , '3d49c9768de467925daabf242fe93cce') == -1)$validation = -1;
if($this->authorization_check('aW5kZXgucGhw' , 'PEEgaHJlZj0naHR0cDovL3d3dy5zdWdhcmNybS5jb20nIHRhcmdldD0nX2JsYW5rJz48aW1nIGJvcmRlcj0nMCcgc3JjPSdpbmNsdWRlL2ltYWdlcy9wb3dlcmVkX2J5X3N1Z2FyY3JtLmdpZicgYWx0PSdQb3dlcmVkIEJ5IFN1Z2FyQ1JNJz48L2E+', 1) == -1)$validation = -1;
$encrypted_password = $this->encrypt_password($user_password);
$query = "SELECT * from $this->table_name where user_name='$this->user_name' AND user_password='$encrypted_password'";
$result = $this->db->requireSingleResult($query, false);
$this->log->warn("User authentication for $this->user_name failed");
return null;
// Get the fields for the user
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
$user_hash = strtolower(md5($user_password));
// If there is no user_hash is not present or is out of date, then create a new one.
if(!isset($row['user_hash']) || $row['user_hash'] != $user_hash)
$query = "UPDATE $this->table_name SET user_hash='$user_hash' where id='{$row['id']}'";
$this->db->query($query, true, "Error setting new hash for {$row['user_name']}: ");
// now fill in the fields.
foreach($this->column_fields as $field)
$this->$field = $row[$field];
if ($this->status != "Inactive") $this->authenticated = true;
return $this;
* @param string $user name - Must be non null and at least 1 character.
* @param string $user_password - Must be non null and at least 1 character.
* @param string $new_password - Must be non null and at least 1 character.
* @return boolean - If passwords pass verification and query succeeds, return true, else return false.
* @desc Verify that the current password is correct and write the new password to the DB.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function change_password($user_password, $new_password)
global $mod_strings;
global $current_user;
$this->log->debug("Starting password change for $this->user_name");
if( !isset($new_password) || $new_password == "") {
$this->error_string = $mod_strings['ERR_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_1'].$user_name.$mod_strings['ERR_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED_2'];
return false;
$encrypted_password = $this->encrypt_password($user_password);
$encrypted_new_password = $this->encrypt_password($new_password);
if (!is_admin($current_user)) {
//check old password first
$query = "SELECT user_name FROM $this->table_name WHERE user_password='$encrypted_password' AND id='$this->id'";
$result =$this->db->query($query, true);
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
$this->log->debug("select old password query: $query");
$this->log->debug("return result of $row");
if($row == null)
$this->log->warn("Incorrect old password for $this->user_name");
$this->error_string = $mod_strings['ERR_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_OLD'];
return false;
$user_hash = strtolower(md5($new_password));
//set new password
$query = "UPDATE $this->table_name SET user_password='$encrypted_new_password', user_hash='$user_hash' where id='$this->id'";
$this->db->query($query, true, "Error setting new password for $this->user_name: ");
return true;
function is_authenticated()
return $this->authenticated;
function fill_in_additional_list_fields()
function fill_in_additional_detail_fields()
//$query = "SELECT u1.first_name, u1.last_name from users as u1, users as u2 where = u2.reports_to_id AND = '$this->id' and u1.deleted=0";
$query = "SELECT u1.first_name, u1.last_name from users u1, users u2 where = u2.reports_to_id AND = '$this->id' and u1.deleted=0";
$result =$this->db->query($query, true, "Error filling in additional detail fields") ;
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
$this->log->debug("additional detail query results: $row");
if($row != null)
$this->reports_to_name = stripslashes($row['first_name'].' '.$row['last_name']);
$this->reports_to_name = '';
function retrieve_user_id($user_name)
$query = "SELECT id from users where user_name='$user_name' AND deleted=0";
$result =& $this->db->query($query, false,"Error retrieving user ID: ");
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
return $row['id'];
* @return -- returns a list of all users in the system.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function verify_data()
global $mod_strings;
$query = "SELECT user_name from users where user_name='$this->user_name' AND id<>'$this->id' AND deleted=0";
$result =$this->db->query($query, true, "Error selecting possible duplicate users: ");
$dup_users = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
$query = "SELECT user_name from users where is_admin = 'on' AND deleted=0";
$result =$this->db->query($query, true, "Error selecting possible duplicate users: ");
$last_admin = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
$this->log->debug("last admin length: ".count($last_admin));
$this->log->debug($last_admin['user_name']." == ".$this->user_name);
$verified = true;
if($dup_users != null)
$this->error_string .= $mod_strings['ERR_USER_NAME_EXISTS_1'].$this->user_name.$mod_strings['ERR_USER_NAME_EXISTS_2'];
$verified = false;
if(!isset($_REQUEST['is_admin']) &&
count($last_admin) == 1 &&
$last_admin['user_name'] == $this->user_name) {
$this->log->debug("last admin length: ".count($last_admin));
$this->error_string .= $mod_strings['ERR_LAST_ADMIN_1'].$this->user_name.$mod_strings['ERR_LAST_ADMIN_2'];
$verified = false;
return $verified;
function get_list_view_data(){
$user_fields = $this->get_list_view_array();
if ($this->is_admin == 'on') $user_fields['IS_ADMIN'] = 'X';
return $user_fields;
function list_view_parse_additional_sections(&$list_form, $xTemplateSection){
if($list_form->exists($xTemplateSection.".row.yahoo_id") && isset($this->yahoo_id) && $this->yahoo_id != '')
elseif ($list_form->exists($xTemplateSection.".row.no_yahoo_id"))
return $list_form;