184 lines
6.4 KiB
184 lines
6.4 KiB
8 months ago
** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
* The Original Code is: vtiger CRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
* Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
* All Rights Reserved.
global $adb;
$profileid = $_REQUEST['profileid'];
//Retreiving the tabs permisson array
$tab_perr_result = $adb->query("select * from profile2tab where profileid=".$profileid);
$act_perr_result = $adb->query("select * from profile2standardpermissions where profileid=".$profileid);
$act_utility_result = $adb->query("select * from profile2utility where profileid=".$profileid);
$num_tab_per = $adb->num_rows($tab_perr_result);
$num_act_per = $adb->num_rows($act_perr_result);
$num_act_util_per = $adb->num_rows($act_utility_result);
//Updating the profile2tab table
for($i=0; $i<$num_tab_per; $i++)
$tab_id = $adb->query_result($tab_perr_result,$i,"tabid");
$request_var = $tab_id.'_tab';
if($tab_id != 1 && $tab_id != 3 && $tab_id != 16 && $tab_id != 15 && $tab_id != 17 && $tab_id != 18 && $tab_id != 19 && $tab_id != 22)
$permission = $_REQUEST[$request_var];
if($permission == 'on')
$permission_value = 0;
$permission_value = 1;
$update_query = "update profile2tab set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=".$tab_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
if($tab_id ==9)
$update_query = "update profile2tab set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=16 and profileid=".$profileid;
if($tab_id ==14)
$update_query = "update profile2tab set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=18 and profileid=".$profileid;
$update_query = "update profile2tab set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=19 and profileid=".$profileid;
if($tab_id == 21)
$update_query = "update profile2tab set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=22 and profileid=".$profileid;
//Updating the profile2standardpermissions table
for($i=0; $i<$num_act_per; $i++)
$tab_id = $adb->query_result($act_perr_result,$i,"tabid");
if($tab_id != 1 && $tab_id != 3 && $tab_id != 16 && $tab_id != 15 && $tab_id != 17 && $tab_id != 18 && $tab_id != 19 && $tab_id != 22)
$action_id = $adb->query_result($act_perr_result,$i,"operation");
$action_name = getActionname($action_id);
if($action_name == 'EditView' || $action_name == 'Delete' || $action_name == 'DetailView')
$request_var = $tab_id.'_'.$action_name;
elseif($action_name == 'Save')
$request_var = $tab_id.'_EditView';
elseif($action_name == 'index')
$request_var = $tab_id.'_DetailView';
echo 'tabid isss '.$tab_id;
echo ' action id iss'.$action_id.' action name iss '.$action_name.' requestvar is '.$request_var;
echo '<BR>';
$permission = $_REQUEST[$request_var];
if($permission == 'on')
$permission_value = 0;
$permission_value = 1;
$update_query = "update profile2standardpermissions set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=".$tab_id." and Operation=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
//echo $update_query;
//echo '<BR>';
if($tab_id ==9)
$update_query = "update profile2standardpermissions set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=16 and Operation=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
if($tab_id == 14)
$update_query = "update profile2standardpermissions set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=18 and Operation=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
$update_query = "update profile2standardpermissions set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=19 and Operation=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
if($tab_id ==21)
$update_query = "update profile2standardpermissions set permissions=".$permission_value." where tabid=22 and Operation=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
//Updating the profile2utility table
for($i=0; $i<$num_act_util_per; $i++)
$tab_id = $adb->query_result($act_utility_result,$i,"tabid");
if($tab_id != 1 && $tab_id != 3 && $tab_id != 16 && $tab_id != 15 && $tab_id != 17 && $tab_id != 18 && $tab_id != 19 && $tab_id != 22)
$action_id = $adb->query_result($act_utility_result,$i,"activityid");
$action_name = getActionname($action_id);
$request_var = $tab_id.'_'.$action_name;
echo 'tabid isss '.$tab_id;
echo ' action id iss'.$action_id.' action name iss '.$action_name.' requestvar is '.$request_var;
echo '<BR>';
$permission = $_REQUEST[$request_var];
if($permission == 'on')
$permission_value = 0;
$permission_value = 1;
$update_query = "update profile2utility set permission=".$permission_value." where tabid=".$tab_id." and activityid=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
echo $update_query;
echo '<BR>';
if($tab_id ==9)
$update_query = "update profile2utility set permission=".$permission_value." where tabid=16 and activityid=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
if($tab_id ==14)
$update_query = "update profile2utility set permission=".$permission_value." where tabid=18 and activityid=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
$update_query = "update profile2utility set permission=".$permission_value." where tabid=19 and activityid=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
if($tab_id ==21)
$update_query = "update profile2utility set permission=".$permission_value." where tabid=22 and activityid=".$action_id." and profileid=".$profileid;
$loc = "Location: index.php?action=ProfileDetailView&module=Users&fld_module=".$fld_module."&profileid=".$profileid;