You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
176 lines
7.8 KiB
176 lines
7.8 KiB
8 months ago
* The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* $Header: /advent/projects/wesat/vtiger_crm/sugarcrm/modules/Users/Popup.php,v 1.5 2005/04/27 09:51:34 rank Exp $
* Description: TODO: To be written.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
// This file is used for all popups on this module
// The popup_picker.html file is used for generating a list from which to find and choose one instance.
global $theme;
global $mod_strings;
global $app_strings;
global $list_max_entries_per_page;
global $urlPrefix;
global $currentModule;
$log = LoggerManager::getLogger('user');
$seed_object = new User();
$where = "";
$search_fields = Array("first_name", "last_name", "user_name");
$where_clauses = Array();
append_where_clause($where_clauses, "first_name", "users.first_name");
append_where_clause($where_clauses, "last_name", "users.last_name");
append_where_clause($where_clauses, "user_name", "users.user_name");
$where = generate_where_statement($where_clauses);
$image_path = 'themes/'.$theme.'/images';
// Start the output
if (!isset($_REQUEST['html'])) {
$form =new XTemplate ('modules/Users/Popup_picker.html');
$log->debug("using file modules/Users/Popup_picker.html");
else {
$form =new XTemplate ('modules/Users/'.$_REQUEST['html'].'.html');
$log->debug("using file modules/Users/".$_REQUEST['html'].'.html');
$log->debug("_REQUEST['html'] is ".$_REQUEST['html']);
$form->assign("MOD", $mod_strings);
$form->assign("APP", $app_strings);
// the form key is required
die("Missing 'form' parameter");
// This code should always return an answer.
// The form name should be made into a parameter and not be hard coded in this file.
if(isset($_REQUEST['form_submit']) && $_REQUEST['popuptype'] == 'detailview' && $_REQUEST['form_submit'] == 'true')
$the_javascript = "<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>\n";
$the_javascript .= "function set_return(user_id, user_name) {\n";
//$the_javascript .= 'opener.document.location.href="index.php?module='.$return_module.'&action=updateRelations&entityid="+user_id+"&parid='.$recordid.'"; \n';
$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.DetailView.user_id.value = user_id; \n";
$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.DetailView.return_module.value = window.opener.document.DetailView.return_module.value; \n";
//$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.DetailView.return_action.value = 'DetailView'; \n";
$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.DetailView.return_id.value = window.opener.document.DetailView.record.value; \n";
$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.DetailView.action.value = 'updateRelations'; \n";
$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.DetailView.submit(); \n";
$the_javascript .= "}\n";
$the_javascript .= "</script>\n";
elseif ($_REQUEST['form'] == 'UsersEditView')
$the_javascript = "<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>\n";
$the_javascript .= "function set_return(user_id, user_name) {\n";
$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.EditView.reports_to_name.value = user_name;\n";
$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.EditView.reports_to_id.value = user_id;\n";
$the_javascript .= "}\n";
$the_javascript .= "</script>\n";
else // ($_REQUEST['form'] == 'EditView')
$the_javascript = "<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>\n";
$the_javascript .= "function set_return(user_id, user_name) {\n";
$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.EditView.user_name.value = user_name;\n";
$the_javascript .= " window.opener.document.EditView.user_id.value = user_id;\n";
$the_javascript .= "}\n";
$the_javascript .= "</script>\n";
$form->assign("SET_RETURN_JS", $the_javascript);
$form->assign("THEME", $theme);
$form->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path);
$form->assign("MODULE_NAME", $currentModule);
$form->assign("FORM_SUBMIT", $_REQUEST['form_submit']);
$form->assign("FORM", $_REQUEST['form']);
// Quick search.
echo "<form>";
echo get_form_header($mod_strings['LBL_SEARCH_FORM_TITLE'], "", false);
if (isset($_REQUEST['first_name'])) $last_search['FIRST_NAME'] = $_REQUEST['first_name'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['last_name'])) $last_search['LAST_NAME'] = $_REQUEST['last_name'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['user_name'])) $last_search['USER_NAME'] = $_REQUEST['user_name'];
if (isset($last_search)) $form->assign("LAST_SEARCH", $last_search);
echo get_form_footer();
// Reset the sections that are already in the page so that they do not print again later.
// start the form before the form header to avoid creating a gap in IE
$button = "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1' border='0'><form border='0' action='index.php' method='post' name='form' id='form'>\n";
$button .= "<tr><td> </td>";
/*if ($_REQUEST['form_submit'] != 'true') $button .= "<td><input title='".$app_strings['LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_TITLE']."' accessyKey='".$app_strings['LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_KEY']."' class='button' LANGUAGE=javascript onclick=\"window.opener.document.EditView.account_name.value = '';window.opener.document.EditView.account_id.value = ''; window.close()\" type='submit' name='button' value=' Clear '></td>\n";
$button .= "<td><input title='".$app_strings['LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_TITLE']."' accessyKey='".$app_strings['LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_KEY']."' class='button' LANGUAGE=javascript onclick=\"window.close()\" type='submit' name='button' value=' ".$app_strings['LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL']." '></td>\n";
$button .= "</tr></form></table>\n";
$ListView = new ListView();
$ListView->setQuery($where, "", "user_name", "USER");
$ListView->processListView($seed_object, "main", "USER");
<tr><td COLSPAN=7><?php echo get_form_footer(); ?></td></tr>
<?php insert_popup_footer(); ?>