You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
443 lines
18 KiB
443 lines
18 KiB
8 months ago
* The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* $Header: /advent/projects/wesat/vtiger_crm/sugarcrm/modules/Emails/Email.php,v 1.41 2005/04/28 08:11:21 rank Exp $
* Description: TODO: To be written.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
// Email is used to store customer information.
class Email extends CRMEntity {
var $log;
var $db;
// Stored fields
var $id;
var $mode;
var $emailid;
var $description;
var $name;
var $date_start;
var $time_start;
var $module_id="emailid";
var $default_email_name_values = array('Assemble catalogs', 'Make travel arrangements', 'Send a letter', 'Send contract', 'Send fax', 'Send a follow-up letter', 'Send literature', 'Send proposal', 'Send quote');
var $table_name = "emails";
var $tab_name = Array('crmentity','activity','emails','seactivityrel','cntactivityrel');
var $tab_name_index = Array('crmentity'=>'crmid','activity'=>'activityid','emails'=>'emailid','seactivityrel'=>'activityid','cntactivityrel'=>'activityid');
// This is the list of fields that are in the lists.
var $list_fields = Array(
// 'Contact Name'=>Array('contactdetails'=>'lastname'),
'Related to'=>Array('seactivityrel'=>'activityid'),
'Date Sent'=>Array('activity'=>'date_start'),
'Assigned To'=>Array('crmentity','smownerid')
var $list_fields_name = Array(
// 'Contact Name'=>'lastname',
'Related to'=>'activityid',
'Date Sent'=>'date_start',
'Assigned To'=>'assigned_user_id');
var $list_link_field= 'subject';
var $rel_users_table = "salesmanactivityrel";
var $rel_contacts_table = "cntactivityrel";
var $rel_cases_table = "emails_cases";
var $rel_accounts_table = "emails_accounts";
var $rel_opportunities_table = "emails_opportunities";
var $rel_serel_table = "seactivityrel";
var $object_name = "Email";
var $column_fields = Array();
function Email() {
$this->log = LoggerManager::getLogger('email');
$this->db = new PearDatabase();
$this->column_fields = getColumnFields('Emails');
var $new_schema = true;
function create_tables () {
function drop_tables () {
/** Returns a list of the associated contacts
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function get_contacts($id)
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = 'select contactdetails.accountid, contactdetails.contactid, contactdetails.firstname,contactdetails.lastname, contactdetails.department, contactdetails.title,,, contactdetails.emailoptout, crmentity.crmid, crmentity.smownerid, crmentity.modifiedtime from contactdetails inner join seactivityrel on seactivityrel.crmid=contactdetails.contactid inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid = contactdetails.contactid where seactivityrel.activityid='.$id.' and crmentity.deleted=0';
/** Returns a list of the associated users
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function get_users($id)
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = 'SELECT, users.first_name,users.last_name, users.user_name, users.email1, users.email2, users.yahoo_id, users.phone_home, users.phone_work, users.phone_mobile, users.phone_other, users.phone_fax from users inner join salesmanactivityrel on and salesmanactivityrel.activityid='.$id;
function get_leads($id)
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = 'SELECT leaddetails.leadid, leaddetails.firstname,leaddetails.lastname, leaddetails.leadstatus, crmentity.modifiedtime from leaddetails inner join seactivityrel on seactivityrel.crmid=leaddetails.leadid inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid = leaddetails.leadid where seactivityrel.activityid='.$id;
function get_potentials($id)
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = 'SELECT potential.potentialid, potential.potentialname, potential.potentialtype, potential.amount, potential.closingdate, crmentity.modifiedtime from potential inner join seactivityrel on seactivityrel.crmid=potential.potentialid inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid = potential.potentialid where seactivityrel.activityid='.$id;
function get_attachments($id)
$query = "select notes.title,'Notes ' ActivityType, notes.filename, attachments.type FileType,crm2.modifiedtime lastmodified, seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid attachmentsid, notes.notesid crmid from notes inner join senotesrel on senotesrel.notesid= notes.notesid inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid= senotesrel.crmid inner join crmentity crm2 on crm2.crmid=notes.notesid left join seattachmentsrel on seattachmentsrel.crmid =notes.notesid left join attachments on seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = attachments.attachmentsid where crmentity.crmid=".$id;
$query .= ' union all ';
$query .= "select attachments.description title ,'Attachments' ActivityType, filename, attachments.type FileType,crm2.modifiedtime lastmodified, attachments.attachmentsid attachmentsid, seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid crmid from attachments inner join seattachmentsrel on seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid= attachments.attachmentsid inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid= seattachmentsrel.crmid inner join crmentity crm2 on crm2.crmid=attachments.attachmentsid where crmentity.crmid=".$id;
function save_relationship_changes($is_update)
if($this->account_id != "")
$this->set_emails_account_relationship($this->id, $this->account_id);
if($this->opportunity_id != "")
$this->set_emails_opportunity_relationship($this->id, $this->opportunity_id);
if($this->case_id != "")
$this->set_emails_case_relationship($this->id, $this->case_id);
if($this->contact_id != "")
$this->set_emails_contact_invitee_relationship($this->id, $this->contact_id);
$this->set_emails_se_invitee_relationship($this->id, $this->contact_id);
if($this->user_id != "")
$this->set_emails_user_invitee_relationship($this->id, $this->user_id);
function set_emails_account_relationship($email_id, $account_id)
$query = "insert into $this->rel_accounts_table (id,account_id,email_id) values ('".create_guid()."', '$account_id', '$email_id')";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting email to account relationship: "."<BR>$query");
function set_emails_opportunity_relationship($email_id, $opportunity_id)
$query = "insert into $this->rel_opportunities_table (id, opportunity_id, email_id) values ('".create_guid()."','$opportunity_id','$email_id')";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting email to opportunity relationship: "."<BR>$query");
function set_emails_case_relationship($email_id, $case_id)
$query = "insert into $this->rel_cases_table (id,case_id,email_id) values ('".create_guid()."','$case_id','$email_id')";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting email to case relationship: "."<BR>$query");
function set_emails_contact_invitee_relationship($email_id, $contact_id)
// $query = "insert into $this->rel_contacts_table (id,contact_id,email_id) values('".create_guid()."','$contact_id','$email_id')";
$query = "insert into $this->rel_contacts_table (contactid,activityid) values('$contact_id','$email_id')";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting email to contact relationship: "."<BR>$query");
function set_emails_se_invitee_relationship($email_id, $contact_id)
// $query = "insert into $this->rel_contacts_table (id,contact_id,email_id) values('".create_guid()."','$contact_id','$email_id')";
$query = "insert into $this->rel_serel_table (crmid,activityid) values('$contact_id','$email_id')";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting email to contact relationship: "."<BR>$query");
function set_emails_user_invitee_relationship($email_id, $user_id)
//$query = "insert into $this->rel_users_table (id,user_id,email_id) values ('".create_guid()."', '$user_id', '$email_id')";
$query = "insert into $this->rel_users_table (smid,activityid) values ('$user_id', '$email_id')";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting email to user relationship: "."<BR>$query");
function get_summary_text()
return "$this->name";
function create_list_query(&$order_by, &$where)
$contact_required = ereg("contacts", $where);
$query = "SELECT emails.emailid, emails.date_start, emails.time_start, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name FROM contacts, emails, emails_contacts ";
$where_auto = "emails_contacts.contact_id = AND emails_contacts.email_id = emails.emailid AND emails.deleted=0 AND contacts.deleted=0";
$query="SELECT emails.emailid,, crmentity.smcreatorid FROM emails inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=emails.emailid ";
$where_auto = " emails.deleted=0 ";
if($where != "")
$query .= "where $where AND ".$where_auto;
$query .= "where ".$where_auto;
if($order_by != "")
$query .= " ORDER BY $order_by";
$query .= " ORDER BY";
return $query;
function create_export_query(&$order_by, &$where)
$contact_required = ereg("contacts", $where);
$query = 'SELECT emails.emailid,emails.filename,emails.description as email_content,activity.*,contactdetails.firstname, contactdetails.lastname FROM emails inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=emails.emailid inner join activity on activity.activityid=crmentity.crmid left join seactivityrel on seactivityrel.activityid = emails.emailid inner join contactdetails on contactdetails.contactid=seactivityrel.crmid where crmentity.deleted=0 ';
$query = 'SELECT emails.emailid,emails.filename,emails.description as email_content,activity.* FROM emails inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=emails.emailid inner join activity on activity.activityid=crmentity.crmid where crmentity.deleted=0 ';
return $query;
function fill_in_additional_list_fields()
function fill_in_additional_detail_fields()
// Fill in the assigned_user_name
$this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id);
$query = "SELECT c.firstname, c.lastname,,, c.contactid FROM contactdetails c, seactivityrel s ";
$query .= "WHERE s.crmid=c.contactid AND s.activityid='$this->id' AND c.deleted=0";
$result =$this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
// Get the id and the name.
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if($row != null)
$this->contact_name = return_name($row, 'first_name', 'last_name');
$this->contact_phone = $row['phone_work'];
$this->contact_id = $row['id'];
$this->contact_email = $row['email1'];
$this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_name = $this->contact_name");
$this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_phone = $this->contact_phone");
$this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_id = $this->contact_id");
$this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_email1 = $this->contact_email");
else {
$this->contact_name = '';
$this->contact_phone = '';
$this->contact_id = '';
$this->contact_email = '';
$this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_name = $this->contact_name");
$this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_phone = $this->contact_phone");
$this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_id = $this->contact_id");
$this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_email1 = $this->contact_email");
if ($this->parent_type == "Opportunities") {
$parent = new Opportunity();
$query = "SELECT name from $parent->table_name where id = '$this->parent_id'";
$result =$this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
// Get the id and the name.
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if($row != null)
$this->parent_name = stripslashes($row['name']);
elseif ($this->parent_type == "Cases") {
$parent = new aCase();
$query = "SELECT name from $parent->table_name where id = '$this->parent_id'";
$result =$this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
// Get the id and the name.
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if($row != null)
$this->parent_name = stripslashes($row['name']);
elseif ($this->parent_type == "Accounts") {
$parent = new Account();
$query = "SELECT name from $parent->table_name where id = '$this->parent_id'";
$result =$this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
// Get the id and the name.
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if($row != null)
$this->parent_name = stripslashes($row['name']);
else {
$this->parent_name = '';
function mark_relationships_deleted($id)
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_users_table set deleted=1 where email_id='$id'";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error marking record deleted: ");
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_contacts_table set deleted=1 where email_id='$id'";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error marking record deleted: ");
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_cases_table set deleted=1 where email_id='$id'";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error marking record deleted: ");
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_accounts_table set deleted=1 where email_id='$id'";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error marking record deleted: ");
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_opportunities_table set deleted=1 where email_id='$id'";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error marking record deleted: ");
function mark_email_contact_relationship_deleted($contact_id, $email_id)
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_contacts_table set deleted=1 where contact_id='$contact_id' and email_id='$email_id' and deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing email to contact relationship: ");
function mark_email_user_relationship_deleted($user_id, $email_id)
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_users_table set deleted=1 where user_id='$user_id' and email_id='$email_id' and deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing email to user relationship: ");
function mark_email_case_relationship_deleted($id, $email_id)
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_cases_table set deleted=1 where case_id='$id' and email_id='$email_id' and deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing email to user relationship: ");
function mark_email_account_relationship_deleted($id, $email_id)
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_accounts_table set deleted=1 where account_id='$id' and email_id='$email_id' and deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing email to user relationship: ");
function mark_email_opportunity_relationship_deleted($id, $email_id)
$query = "UPDATE $this->rel_opportunities_table set deleted=1 where opportunity_id='$id' and email_id='$email_id' and deleted=0";
$this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing email to user relationship: ");
function get_list_view_data(){
$email_fields = $this->get_list_view_array();
global $app_list_strings;
if (isset($this->parent_type) && $this->parent_type != "")
$email_fields['PARENT_MODULE'] = $this->parent_type;
return $email_fields;
/** Returns a list of the associated opportunities
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
/** Returns a list of the associated accounts
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function get_accounts($id)
$query = 'SELECT account.accountid, account.accountname, account.account_type, crmentity.modifiedtime from account inner join seactivityrel on seactivityrel.crmid=account.accountid inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=account.accountid and seactivityrel.activityid='.$id;