You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
318 lines
9.6 KiB
318 lines
9.6 KiB
8 months ago
* Copyright 1999 - 2004 by Gero Kohnert
* based on some work/ideas of Michael Somers( Twent First Century Communication <msomers at>)
include_once 'webelements.p3';
include_once 'permission.p3';
include_once 'product.pinc';
include_once 'appointment.pinc';
include_once 'task.pinc';
include_once 'timetrack.pinc';
/* Check if user is allowed to use it */
/* Web stack start */
Function info_table_start() {
return " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n";
Function info_table_end() {
return " </table>\n";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Display calendar for one week
Function calendar_info(&$adr,$t) {
global $lang, $tutos, $current_user;
$ts = mktime(12,0,0,substr($t,4,2),substr($t,6,2),substr($t,0,4));
/* Back to last Monday or Sunday before ts */
while ( Date("w",$ts) != $adr->weekstart ) {
$ts -= 86400;
$w0 = (( 1 + Date("w",mktime(12,0,0,1,1, Date("Y",$ts) ) )) % 7) > 3;
$wn = sprintf("%02d", Round( (Date("z",$ts)+7 ) / 7) );
$yy = Date("y",$ts);
$day = 0;
$dd = new DateTime();
$from = new DateTime();
$from->setDateTimeTS($ts - 12 * 3600);
$to = $from;
$adr->callist = array();
foreach($tutos[activemodules] as $i => $f) {
$x = new $tutos[modules][$f][name]($adr->dbconn);
echo info_table_start();
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <th>". $lang['week'] ."</th>\n";
$wd = $ts;
for ( $i = $adr->weekstart;$i<=6;$i++ ) {
if ($adr->isWorkDay($i)) {
$tref = Date("Ymd",$wd);
echo " <th>". menulink("calendar_day.php?t=". $tref,$lang["Day$i"]) ."</th>\n";
$wd = NextDay($wd);
for ( $i = 0;$i<$adr->weekstart;$i++ ) {
if ($adr->isWorkDay($i)) {
$tref = Date("Ymd",$wd);
echo " <th>". menulink("calendar_day.php?t=". $tref,$lang["Day$i"]) ."</th>\n";
$wd = NextDay($wd);
echo " </tr>\n";
echo " <tr>\n";
echo " <td class=\"week\" width=\"5%\">". menulink("calendar_week.php?t=".Date("Ymd",$ts), $wn ."/". $yy,$lang['week'] ." ". $wn ."/". $yy ) ."</td>\n";
while ( $day < 7 ) {
# $d = strftime($lang['DateFormatStr'],$ts);
$d = $dd->getDate();
$tref = Date("Ymd",$ts);
$dinfo = GetDaysInfo($ts);
/* Select appointments for this day */
$next = NextDay($ts);
if ( ! $dd->isWorkDay($adr) ) {
$ts = $next;
echo "<td class=\"". $dinfo[color] ."\" width=\"10%\">\n";
if ( isset($dinfo[Desc]) ) {
if ( $current_user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_NEW) ) {
echo " " . makelink("app_new.php?t=". $tref,$d,$lang['NewAppointInfo'],$dinfo[popinfo]) ."\n";
} else {
echo " " . $d ."\n";
echo "<br /><span class=\"dinfo\">". $dinfo[Desc] ."</span>\n";
} else {
if ( $current_user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_NEW) ) {
echo " " . makelink("app_new.php?t=". $tref,$d,$lang['NewAppointInfo']) ."\n";
} else {
echo " " . $d ."\n";
$hastable = 0;
foreach ($adr->callist as $idx => $x) {
/* the correct day */
if ( ! $adr->callist[$idx]->inside($dd) ) {
# Check if appointment is displayed
if ( $adr->callist[$idx]->gettype() == "appointment" ) {
$found = 0;
while ( ($found == 0) && (list ($i,$f) = @each ($adr->callist[$idx]->participant)) ) {
if ( $f->id == $adr->id ) {
$found = 1;
} else if ( array_key_exists($f->id,$adr->teamlist) ) {
$found = 1;
if ( $found == 0 ) {
// Do not show finished tasks
if ( ($adr->callist[$idx]->gettype() == "task") && ($adr->callist[$idx]->state == 2) ) {
if ( $hastable == 0 ) {
echo " <table class=\"formatted\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
$hastable = 1;
} else {
echo " <tr><td class=\"". $dinfo[color] ."\" colspan=\"3\"><img src=\"". $tutos['base'] ."/html/black.png\" width=\"100%\" height=\"1\" alt=\"--------\"></td></tr>\n";
// Show appointments or task
if ( $hastable == 1 ) {
echo " </table>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
$ts = $next;
echo " </tr>\n";
echo info_table_end();
* display an overview of everything that's interessting for an user
class mytutos extends layout {
* the data display part
Function info() {
global $lang , $tutos;
echo $this->DataTableStart();
echo "<tr>\n";
# Header
echo "<th colspan=\"4\">". sprintf($lang['PersonalPageFor'],menulink($this->adr->getUrl(),$this->adr->getFullName(),$this->adr->getFullName())) ."</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
# Display all the info blocks
# Weeks calendar
$ts = mktime(0,0,0,substr($this->t,4,2),substr($this->t,6,2),substr($this->t,0,4));
$last_week = Date("Ymd",$ts - 7 * 86400);
$next_week = Date("Ymd",$ts + 7 * 86400);
if ( $this->user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_SEE) ) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo " <th colspan=\"4\">\n ". menulink("mytutos.php?t=".$last_week,$this->theme->getImage(left,'list'),$lang['lastweek']) . " ". $this->theme->getImage(appointment::getHtmlIcon(),'list') ." ". $lang['Calendar'] ." " . menulink("mytutos.php?t=".$next_week,$this->theme->getImage(right,'list') ,$lang['nextweek']) ."\n</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo " <td colspan=\"4\" valign=\"top\">\n";
echo " </td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
$cnt = 0;
# Projects
$r = product::mytutos($this->adr);
if ($r != "") {
if ( ($cnt % 2) == 0 ) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo " <td width=\"50%\" colspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\">\n". $r ."</td>\n";
if ( ($cnt % 2) != 0 ) {
echo "</tr>\n";
foreach($tutos[activemodules] as $i => $f) {
$x = new $tutos[modules][$f][name]($this->dbconn);
$r = $x->mytutos($this->adr);
if ($r == "") {
if ( ($cnt % 2) == 0 ) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo " <td width=\"50%\" colspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\">\n". $r ."</td>\n";
if ( ($cnt % 2) != 0 ) {
echo "</tr>\n";
if ( ($cnt % 2) != 0 ) {
echo "</tr>\n";
echo $this->DataTableEnd();
* naviagtion
Function navigate() {
global $tutos, $lang ;
echo "<tr><td>\n";
if ( $this->adr->mod_ok() ) {
echo menulink("user_new.php?id=".$this->adr->id ,$lang['PersonalSettings'],sprintf($lang['PersonalSettingsI'],$this->adr->getFullName())) . "<br />\n";
if ( $this->user->feature_ok(usetaskmanagement,PERM_SEE) && $this->user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_SEE) ) {
echo menulink("res_cal.php?id=".$this->adr->id,$lang['ResCal'],$lang['ResCal']) ."<br />\n";
if ( $this->user->feature_ok(usetimetrack,PERM_SEE) ) {
echo menulink("timetrack_overview.php?worker=".$this->adr->id,$lang['TimetrackBooked'],sprintf($lang['TimetrackBookedI'],$this->adr->getFullName())) ."<br />\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
* prepare
Function prepare() {
global $lang ;
$this->name = $lang['PersonalPage'];
$this->t = Date("Ymd");
$this->adr = new tutos_user($this->dbconn);
if ( isset($_GET['t']) ) {
$this->t = $_GET['t'];
if ( isset($_GET['adr']) ) {
$this->adr = $this->adr->read($_GET['adr'],$this->adr);
$this->adr->layout = $this->user->layout;
if ( $this->adr->id == -1 ) {
$this->adr = &$this->user;
if (! $this->adr->see_ok() ) {
$this->adr = &$this->user;
$x = task::getaddlink($this->user,$this->adr);
$x = timetrack::getaddlink($this->user,$this->adr);
$x = timetrack::getSelectLink($this->user,$lang['TimetrackSearch']);
if ( $this->user->feature_ok(usetaskmanagement,PERM_SEE) ) {
$x = array( url => "task_overview.php?id=".$this->adr->id,
image => $this->theme->getImage(task::getHtmlIcon(),'menu'),
text => $lang['TaskOverview'],
info =>sprintf($lang['TaskOverviewInfo'],$this->adr->getFullName()),
category => array("overview","task")
if ( $this->user->feature_ok(usehistory,PERM_SEE) ) {
$x = array( url => "history_show.php?adr_id=".$this->adr->id,
text => $lang['HistoryLink'],
info =>sprintf($lang['HistoryLinkI'],$this->adr->getFullName()),
category => array("overview","history")
$l = new mytutos($current_user);
CVS Info: $Id: mytutos.php,v 1.12 2005/01/17 05:11:26 saraj Exp $
$Author: saraj $