You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
292 lines
6.9 KiB
292 lines
6.9 KiB
8 months ago
* Copyright 1999 - 2004 by Gero Kohnert
global $calpath,$callink,$current_user;
$callink = "index.php?module=Calendar&action=";
include_once $calpath .'webelements.p3';
include_once $calpath .'permission.p3';
global $current_language;
$current_module_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Calendar');
/* Check if user is allowed to use it */
$pref = new preference();
global $theme;
require_once ($theme_path."layout_utils.php");
if($d == '')
$d = Date("d");
if($m == '')
$m = Date("n");
if($y == '')
$y = Date("Y");
$f = "default";
$l = new layout($current_user);
echo $l->PrintHeader("MiniCal");
if (isset($_GET['f']) ) {
$f = $_GET['f'];
if (isset($_GET['d']) ) {
$d = $_GET['d'];
if (isset($_GET['m']) ) {
$m = $_GET['m'];
if (isset($_GET['y']) ) {
$y = $_GET['y'];
if (isset($_GET['n']) ) {
$n = $_GET['n'];
if ( $d == -1 ) {
$d = Date("d");
if ( $m == -1 ) {
$m = Date("n");
if ( $y == -1 ) {
$y = Date("Y");
echo "<html>\n";
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">@import url(\"". $theme_path ."/style.css\");</style>";
echo "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
echo " function closeandaway (d, m, y) { \n";
echo " var x = opener.document.appnew; \n";
echo " x.". $f ."_d.selectedIndex = d-1; \n";
echo " x.". $f ."_m.selectedIndex = m-1; \n";
echo " x.". $f ."_y.selectedIndex = y; \n";
# echo " d.EventDT.value = mo + '/' + dy + '/' + yr; \n";
echo " window.close(); \n";
echo " }\n";
echo " function noneandaway () { \n";
echo " var x = opener.document.forms[0]; \n";
echo " \n";
echo " x.". $f ."_d.selectedIndex = 0; \n";
echo " x.". $f ."_m.selectedIndex = 0; \n";
echo " x.". $f ."_y.selectedIndex = 0; \n";
# echo " d.EventDT.value = mo + '/' + dy + '/' + yr; \n";
echo " window.close(); \n";
echo " }\n";
echo "</script>\n";
$yoff = Date("Y") + 10;
echo "<body leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"5\">\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"outer\">\n";
echo "<tr><td>";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\" class=\"navigate\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "\n";
$nm = $m + 1;
$ny = $y;
if ( $nm == 13 ) {
$nm = 1;
$ny = $y + 1;
$lm = $m - 1;
$ly = $y;
if ( $lm == 0 ) {
$lm = 12;
$ly = $y -1;
$m_name = $current_module_strings['cal_month_long'][$m];
if($currentModule == 'Home')
$path_name = "index.php?module=Home&action=index";
$path_name = "index.php?module=Calendar&action=calendar_day";
echo "<td align=\"left\"><a class=\"nodeco\" href=\"".$path_name."&f=".$f."&n=".$n."&m=".$lm."&d=".$d."&y=".$ly."\" title=\"Previous Month\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"".$image_path."left.gif\"></a></td>\n";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>". $m_name ." ". $y ."</b></td>\n";
echo "<td align=\"right\"><a class=\"nodeco\" href=\"". $path_name ."&f=".$f."&n=".$n."&m=".$nm."&d=".$d."&y=".$ny."\" title=\"Next Month\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"".$image_path."right.gif\"></a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<th class=\"weekday\">". $current_module_strings['LBL_WEEK'] ."</th>\n";
for ( $i = $current_user->weekstart;$i<=6;$i++ ) {
echo "<th class=\"weekday\">". $current_module_strings[$WeekDayName[$i]] ."</th>\n";
for ( $i = 0;$i<$current_user->weekstart;$i++ ) {
echo "<th class=\"weekday\">". $current_module_strings[$WeekDayName[$i]] ."</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
$ts = mktime(12,0,0,$m,1,$y);
/* Back to last weekstart before ts */
while ( Date("w",$ts) != $current_user->weekstart ) {
$ts -= 86400;
$go = 1;
$a = 0;
$w = 0;
while ( $go == 1 ) {
$wd = Date("w",$ts);
$xd = Date("j",$ts);
$xxd = Date("d",$ts);
$xm = Date("n",$ts);
$xy = Date("Y",$ts);
if ( $wd == $l->user->weekstart ) {
# new week
echo "<tr>\n";
$w0 = (( 1 + Date("w",mktime(12,0,0,1,1, Date("Y",$ts) ) )) % 7) > 3;
$wn = sprintf("%02d", Round( (Date("z",$ts)+7 ) / 7) );
echo " <td align=\"right\" class=\"week\">". $wn ." </td>\n";
$col = "";
if ( $today == Date("Ymd",$ts) )
$col = "today";
else if ($wd == 0 )
$col = "holiday";
else if ($wd == 6 )
$col = "freeday";
else if ($xm != $m )
$col = "otherday";
$col = "appday";
//For displaying the class - included by Jaguar
if($xm !=$m)
echo "<td align=\"right\" class=\"". $col ."\">\n";
$tdavl="<td align=\"right\" class=\"";
// ends - Jaguar
if ($xm == $m )
#echo " <a href=\"JavaScript:closeandaway(". ($xd + $n) .",". ($xm + $n) .",". ($yoff - $xy + $n) .")\">". $xxd ."</a>";
// added by raj
/* Select appointments for this day */
$from = new DateTime();
$to = new DateTime();
$from->setDateTimeTS($ts - 12 * 3600);
$to->setDateTimeTS($ts - 12 * 3600);
$pref->callist = array();
$app = new appointment();
// appointment::readCal($pref,$from,$to);
$dd = new DateTime();
# $d = strftime($lang['DateFormatStr'],$ts);
$d = $dd->getDate();
$tref = Date("Ymd",$ts);
//Classes are provided when events are created - Jaguar
if($col == "today")
echo $tdavl; //displaying the td - Jaguar
//Display Date with link, move here from above to get tref date format
if ($col=="today")
echo "<a href=\"index.php?module=Calendar&action=calendar_day&t=".$tref."\">". $xxd ."</a>";
echo "<a href=\"index.php?module=Calendar&action=calendar_day&t=".$tref."\">". $xxd ."</a>" ;
$next = NextDay($ts);
# Check for workday
if ( ! $dd->isWorkDay($pref) ) {
$ts = $next;
$dinfo = GetDaysInfo($ts);
$hastable = 0;
$a = 0;
echo " ";
#echo " <a href=\"JavaScript:closeandaway(". ($xd + $n) .",". ($xm + $n) .",". ($yoff - $xy + $n) .")\">". $xxd ."</a>";
echo "</td>\n";
if ( $wd == ($l->user->weekstart+6)%7 ) {
# end week
echo "</tr>\n";
if ( ($xm > $m) || ($xy > $y) ) {
$ts += 86400;
if ( $n == 1 ) {
echo "<tr><th colspan=\"8\"><a class=\"nodeco\" href=\"JavaScript:noneandaway()\">NONE</a></th></tr>";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
# selection of none allowed
echo "<br>\n";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
CVS Info: $Id: minical.php,v 1.17 2005/07/11 07:18:10 indigoleopard Exp $
$Author: indigoleopard $