You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
341 lines
8.9 KiB
341 lines
8.9 KiB
7 months ago
* Copyright 1999 - 2004 by Gero Kohnert
* CVS Info: $Id: db.p3,v 1.17 2005/05/03 13:18:43 saraj Exp $
* $Author: saraj $
# Tutos Array
# these are constans used in config files ans elsewhere
global $calpath;
define ('dbtype',0);
define ('dbname',1);
define ('dbhost',2);
define ('dbuser',3);
define ('dbpasswd',4);
define ('debug',5);
define ('maxshort',6);
define ('timetolive',7);
define ('currencies',8);
define ('prodfields',9);
define ('seeok',10);
define ('modok',11);
define ('delok',12);
define ('dbnr',13);
define ('dbalias',14);
define ('sessionpath',15);
define ('layouts',16);
define ('dbprefix',17);
define ('useok',18);
define ('tables',30);
define ('lang',31);
define ('maxshow',32);
define ('overlib',33);
define ('repository',34);
define ('ci',35);
define ('wvSummary',36);
define ('size',37);
define ('adrsearch',38);
define ('timezones',39);
define ('themes',40);
define ('defaultTZ',41);
define ('maxselect',42);
define ('errlevel',43);
define ('dbport',44);
define ('sendmail',45);
define ('prodsearchfrom',46);
define ('prodsearchto',47);
define ('mailmode',48);
define ('smtphost',49);
define ('faxmode',50);
define ('faxmail',51);
define ('faxspool',52);
define ('demo',53);
define ('cryptpw',54);
define ('faxmail_user',55);
define ('faxmail_pass',56);
define ('version',57);
define ('dbhome',58);
define ('bugremember',59);
define ('errlog',60);
define ('defaultacl',61);
define ('wvHtml',62);
define ('image',63);
define ('smsmail',64);
define ('holiday',65);
define ('bugdelete',66);
define ('ldapserver',67);
define ('ldapport',68);
define ('logo',69);
define ('logolink',70);
# Calendar Handling
define ('cal',71);
define ('Date',72);
define ('Desc',73);
define ('color',74);
define ('popinfo',75);
define ('weekstart',76);
define ('fig2dev',77);
define ('applocdesc',78);
define ('rolecheck',79);
define ('defaultrole', 80);
define ('massupdate',81);
define ('column',82);
define ('constraints',83);
define ('table',84);
define ('name',85);
define ('type',86);
define ('bugautoname',87);
define ('invautoname',88);
define ('vatlist',89);
define ('ldapbasedn',90);
define ('authtype',91);
define ('ldapauth_anonymous',92);
define ('ldapauth_pw_enc',93);
define ('ldapauthserver',94);
define ('fpdfpath',95);
define ('pamservice',96);
define ('nameday',97);
define ('pwlostsupport',98);
define ('jpgraph',99);
define ('modules',100);
define ('modulesinc',101);
define ('activemodules',102);
define ('file',103);
define ('classify_products',104);
define ('ldapauth_user',105);
define ('use_check_dbacl',106);
define ('paperformat',107);
define ('tiffConvert',108);
define ('tiffSummary',109);
define ('debugConsole',110);
define ('tasksincalendar',111);
define ('handler',112);
# Proxy Definition
define ('proxyhost',113);
define ('proxyport',114);
define ('baseurl',115);
# POP auth before smtp (in mailmode 2 only)
define ('popbeforesmtp',116);
define ('popbeforesmtp_user',117);
define ('popbeforesmtp_pass',118);
define ('smtp_username',119);
define ('smtp_password',120);
define ('loadedmodules',121);
define ('rowiconsbefore',122);
define ('rowiconsafter',123);
define ('squirrelurl', 124);
define ('jpgraph_old', 125);
define ('freemind', 126);
# Permissions and Object IDS (see also user.pinc) NO CHANGES HERE !
# These are distinct IDS for the different Objcts in TUTOS
# never ! change or reuse a ID
define ('usecalendar',-1);
#define ('useprojects',-2);
define ('usebugtracking',-3);
define ('usetimetrack',-4);
# ID 5 is docmanagement module
# ID 6 is instmanagement module
define ('usetaskmanagement',-7);
# ID 8 is note module
define ('usemaplink',-9);
define ('usefax',-10);
define ('usesms',-11);
define ('useoverlib',-12);
# ID 13 is watchlist module
define ('useaddressbook',-14);
# ID 15 is mailbox module
define ('usemail',-16);
# ID 17 is ldap module
# ID 18 is resource module
define ('usevcard',-19);
# ID 20 is url module
define ('useical',-21);
# ID 22 invoice module
define ('usejpgraph',-23);
define ('usehistory',-24);
# ID 25 is checklist module
# ID 26 is palm module
define ('usecompany',-27);
define ('usedepartment',-28);
define ('useteams',-29);
define ('useuser',-30);
define ('usedbs',-31);
# ID 32 is checklist module (checkfields)
define ('uselocation',-33);
define ('usesync',-34);
define ('useacl',-35);
# ID 50 is riskmanagement module (non GPL by Gero Kohnert
# ID 51 is requirements module (non GPL by Gero Kohnert
# ID 52 is global search module (non GPL by Gero Kohnert
# ID 92 is reminder module
# ID 93 is stuff module
# ID 94 is rate module
# ID 95 is xml module
# ID 96 is admin module
# ID 97 is ticker module
# ID 98 is merge module
# ID 99 is group module
define ('noobject',-999);
define ('PERM_NEW',2);
define ('PERM_SEE',4);
define ('PERM_MOD',8);
define ('PERM_DEL',16);
define ('PERM_SEL',32);
define ('PERM_USE',64);
# old permission handling
define ('PERM_ALL',1);
$tutos[modules] = array();
$tutos[modulesinc] = array();
# This is the only place where we include config.php
# enable full checking while reading user modified files
require_once $calpath .'config_default.pinc';
$x = $tutos[version];
# the onsite config (overwriting the defaults)
if (file_exists($tutos['base']. '/config.php')) {
# NEW Name
include_once $calpath . 'config.php';
} else
if (file_exists($tutos['base'] .'/config.pinc')) {
# OLD Name
include_once $calpath .'config.pinc';
} else {
die("<b>missing ". $tutos['base'] ."/config.pinc or ". $tutos['base'] ."/config.php</b><br>\n".
"<p>You can try to create one with this script. <a href=".$tutos['base']."/admin/create_config.php>create_config.php</a>\n"
# set again the value from config_default
# some uses simply copy the whole config_default
# and thus we dont get real version numbers in bug reports
$tutos[version] = $x;
include_once $calpath .'db/table.pinc';
#include_once $calpath .'modules.pinc';
if ( file_exists($tutos['base'] .'/db/table_custom.pinc') && is_readable($tutos['base'] .'/db/table_custom.pinc') ) {
include_once $calpath .'db/table_custom.pinc';
# There was some output (= errors)
/*if (!isset($tutos['nocheck']) && headers_sent()) {
$included_files = get_included_files();
$files = "<table>";
$files .= "<tr><th>Filename</th><th>Modification Date</th></tr>";
foreach($included_files as $filename) {
$files .= "<tr>";
$files .= "<td>". $filename ."</td><td>". Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($filename)) ."</td>\n";
$files .= "</tr>";
$files .= "</table>";
die("there was unwanted output (characters or whitespace outside of the '<?php' .... '?>' brackets or some syntax error)<br>check which of the following files was modified<br>". $files ."<br>\n ===> Please FIX ERRORS !<br>\n\n");
# disable debug == error_log in safe_mode
if ( (ini_get("safe_mode") == "On") || (ini_get("safe_mode") == "1") ) {
$tutos[debug] = 0;
//disable error log
$tutos[debug] = 0;
if ( $tutos[debug] != 0 ) {
# $tutos['error_reporting'] = E_ERROR|E_WARNING|E_PARSE;
$tutos['error_reporting'] = E_ERROR|E_WARNING|E_PARSE|E_NOTICE|E_ALL;
@error_log(Date("d.m.Y H:i:s T") ."\t". $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." \t". $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ." ". $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ."\n" ,3,$tutos[errlog].".log");
@chmod ($tutos[errlog].".log",0666);
if ( @filesize($tutos[errlog].".log") > 1024000) {
@rename($tutos[errlog].".log",$tutos[errlog].".log.". Date("YmdHi"));
@chmod ($tutos[errlog],0666);
if ( @filesize($tutos[errlog]) > 1024000) {
$fd = fopen($tutos[errlog],"w+");
if ($fd) {
fwrite($fd,"--- END ---\r\n");
@rename($tutos[errlog],$tutos[errlog] .".". Date("YmdHi") );
} else {
$tutos['error_reporting'] = 0;
$tutos[debugConsole] = 0;
define('FPDF_FONTPATH',$tutos['base'] ."/". $tutos[fpdfpath].'/font/');
include_once $calpath .'database.pinc';
# (this was moved from config to static)
# Permission levels (do not change this !)
$tutos[seeok] = 1;
$tutos[useok] = 5;
$tutos[modok] = 10;
$tutos[delok] = 20;
if ($tutos[useacl] != 1) {
$tutos[use_check_dbacl] = 0;
# a software called tutos should do this
$tutos[useteams] = 1;
$tutos[useuser] = 1;
$tutos[usedbs] = 1;
$tutos[usecompany] = 1;
$tutos[usedepartment] = 1;
$tutos[uselocation] = 1;
$tutos[activemodules] = array();
$g_hash['hits'] = 0;
$g_hash['hits2'] = 0;
$tutos['dateformat'] = array();
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Open the Database
Function DB_Open ($id,$update = true) {
if ( ! isset($id) ) {
Fatal_Error("Missing DB ID","DB_OPEN needs an non empty argument");
$db = new database();
$db = $db->read($id,$db);
$dbc = $db->getConnection();
$db->dbconn = &$dbc;
if ( $update == true ) {
return $dbc;