You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1007 lines
30 KiB
1007 lines
30 KiB
6 months ago
* Copyright 1999 - 2004 by Gero Kohnert
* CVS Info: $Id: Date.pinc,v 1.16 2005/05/03 13:18:42 saraj Exp $
* $Author: saraj $
global $callink;
* format a floating hour number
function hour_format($hours) {
if ( ! is_numeric($hours) ) return;
$h = floor($hours);
$m = 60.0 * ($hours - $h);
return $h .":".sprintf("%02.0f",$m);
* Return Noon of the next day after t (t is noon)
function NextDay ($t) {
/* Add One Day plus one possible DST hour */
$t += 90000;
$t = MkTime(12,0,0,Date("m",$t),Date("d",$t),Date("Y",$t));
return ($t);
function dow($d, $m, $y) {
$ret = date("w", mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$y));
return $ret;
function ndays($m, $y) {
$n = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
$ret = $n[$m-1];
if ($m == 2 && ($y % 4 == 0) && (($y % 100 != 0) || $y % 400 == 0)) {
return $ret;
function nthday($n, $wd, $m, $y) {
if ($n == -1) {
# Last
$days = ndays($m, $y);
$ret = $days - (dow($days, $m, $y) - $wd + 7) % 7;
else {
$ret = ($n-1)*7 + 1 + (7 + $wd - dow(($n-1)*7 + 1, $m, $y)) % 7;
return $ret;
* Read and fill the holiday array
function ReadHolidayInfo() {
global $current_user,$tutos;
$tutos[cal] = array();
# Read Custom Holidays , like company anniversary etc.
if ( file_exists(getcwd()."/".$tutos['base']."/localization/holiday_custom.pinc") && is_readable(getcwd()."/".$tutos['base']."/localization/holiday_custom.pinc") ) {
include "localization/holiday_custom.pinc";
foreach($tutos[holiday] as $i => $f) {
$i = strtolower($i);
if ( ($f == 1) && ($current_user->holiday[$i] == 1) ) {
include "localization/holiday_". $i .".pinc";
* Read and fill the namedays array
function ReadNamedayInfo() {
global $current_user,$tutos;
$tutos['nd'] = array();
while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($tutos[nameday])) {
$i = strtolower($i);
if ( ($f == 1) && ($current_user->nameday[$i] == 1) ) {
include "localization/namedays_". $i .".p3";
* Check if the given date is a holiday in one of the enabled holidy sets
* if user wants to show namedays, then do it
* t = Date in timestamp format
function GetExtendedDayInfo($t) {
global $tutos, $current_user;
$desc = "";
$mark = 0;
$today = getdate($t);
$wd = Date("D",$t);
$month = Date("m",$t);
/* Yearly Days */
$day = Date("d-m",$t);
# We need the easter date for some calculation
$J = Date("Y",$t);
$a = $J % 19;
$b = $J % 4;
$c = $J % 7;
$d = (19 * $a + 24) % 30;
$e = (2 * $b + 4 * $c + 6 * $d + 5) % 7;
$OT = 22 + $d + $e;
$OM = 3;
if ( $OT > 31 ) {
$OT = $d + $e - 9;
$OM = 4;
if ( ($OT == 26) && ($OM == 4) ) {
$OT = 19;
if ( ($OT == 25) && ($OM == 4) && ($d == 28) && ($e == 6) && ($a > 10) ) {
$OT = 18;
$br = "<br />";
# Walk over namedays
$nd = Date("j",$t);
$nm = Date("n",$t);
for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($tutos['nd']); $ii++) {
if ( isset($tutos['nd'][$ii][$nm][$nd]) ) {
$desc .= $tutos['nd'][$ii][$nm][$nd].$br;
# Walk over claendars
for ($ii = 0 ; $ii < count($tutos[cal]); $ii++) {
$cnt = count($tutos[cal][$ii]);
for ($ij = 0 ; $ij < $cnt; $ij++) {
if ( ! isset($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type])) {
$tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type] = 1;
/* Yearly Days */
if ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == $day) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
/* Holidays defined by Weekday */
if ( $wd == "Mon" ) {
/* Date calculation for Dutch carnaval monday by Robert Brouwer */
if ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "CARNAVALMON") {
$tp = mktime (0,0,0,$OM,$OT,$J);
$tp -= (7*7) * 86400;
$tp += 2*86400;
$pday = Date("d-m",$tp);
if ( $day == $pday ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "EASTERMONDAY") {
$tp = mktime (0,0,0,$OM,$OT,$J);
$tp += 86400;
$pday = Date("d-m",$tp);
if ( $day == $pday ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "WHITMONDAY") {
$tp = mktime (0,0,0,$OM,$OT,$J);
$tp += 7 * 7 * 86400;
$tp += 86400;
$pday = Date("d-m",$tp);
if ( $day == $pday ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif (($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "MARTINLUTHERKING") && ($month == "01") &&
($today['mday'] == nthday(3, $today['wday'], $today['mon'], $today['year'])) ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif (($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "WASHINGTON") && ($month == "02") &&
($today['mday'] == nthday(3, $today['wday'], $today['mon'], $today['year'])) ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif (($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "MEMORIALDAY") && ($month == "05") &&
($today['mday'] == nthday(-1, $today['wday'], $today['mon'], $today['year'])) ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif (($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "LABORDAY") && ($month == "09") &&
($today['mday'] == nthday(1, 1, $today['mon'], $today['year'])) ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif (($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "COLUMBUSDAY") && ($month == "10") &&
($today['mday'] == nthday(2, 1, $today['mon'], $today['year'])) ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif ( $wd == "Tue" ) {
/* Date calculation for Dutch 'Prinsjesdag' by Robert Brouwer */
if ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "PRINSDAY" && ($month == "09") &&
($today['mday'] == nthday(3, $today['wday'], $today['mon'], $today['year']))) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
/* Date calculation for Dutch carnaval tuesday by Robert Brouwer */
elseif ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "CARNAVALTUE") {
$tp = mktime (0,0,0,$OM,$OT,$J);
$tp -= (7*7) * 86400;
$tp += 3* 86400;
$pday = Date("d-m",$tp);
if ( $day == $pday ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif ( $wd == "Wed" ) {
/* Date calculation for Dutch carnaval wednesday by Robert Brouwer */
if ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "CARNAVALWED") {
$tp = mktime (0,0,0,$OM,$OT,$J);
$tp -= (7*7) * 86400;
$tp += 4 * 86400;
$pday = Date("d-m",$tp);
if ( $day == $pday ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif ( $wd == "Thu" ) {
# Christ Himmelfahrt
if ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "ASCENSIONDAY") {
$tp = mktime (0,0,0,$OM,$OT,$J);
$tp += (5*7 +4) * 86400;
$pday = Date("d-m",$tp);
if ( $day == $pday ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "FRONLEICHNAM") {
$tp = mktime (0,0,0,$OM,$OT,$J);
$tp += (8*7 +4) * 86400;
$pday = Date("d-m",$tp);
if ( $day == $pday ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif (($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "THANKSGIVING") && ($month == "11") &&
($today['mday'] == nthday(4, $today['wday'], $today['mon'], $today['year'])) ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif ( $wd == "Fri" ) {
if ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "GOODFRIDAY") {
$tp = mktime (0,0,0,$OM,$OT,$J);
$tp -= 2 * 86400;
$pday = Date("d-m",$tp);
if ( $day == $pday ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
elseif ( $wd == "Sun" ) {
if ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "EASTERSUNDAY") {
if ( $day == sprintf("%02d-%02d",$OT,$OM) ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
/* Date calculation for Dutch 'Moederdag' (Mothersday') by Robert Brouwer */
} elseif ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "MOTHERDAY" &&
($month == "5") && ($today['mday'] == nthday(2, $today['wday'], $today['mon'], $today['year'])) ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
/* Date calculation for Dutch 'Vaderdag' (Fathersday') by Robert Brouwer */
} elseif ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "FATHERDAY" &&
($month == "6") && ($today['mday'] == nthday(3, $today['wday'], $today['mon'], $today['year'])) ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
} elseif ($tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Date] == "WHITSUNDAY") {
$tp = mktime (0,0,0,$OM,$OT,$J);
$tp += 7 * 7 * 86400;
$pday = Date("d-m",$tp);
if ( $day == $pday ) {
$desc .= $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][Desc].$br;
$mark += $tutos[cal][$ii][$ij][type];
if ( $desc == "" ) {
return array(color => "appday");
} else {
if ( $mark > 0 ) {
return array(color => "holiday", Desc => "<font size=\"-3\">".substr($desc,0,-1*strlen($br))."</font>");
} else {
return array(color => "appday", Desc => "<font size=\"-3\">".substr($desc,0,-1*strlen($br))."</font>");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Evaluate the Color for day t
* t = Date in timestamp format
function GetDaysInfo($t) {
$dinfo = GetExtendedDayInfo($t);
if (!empty($dinfo[Desc])) {
$dinfo[popinfo] = '<html><body>';
$dinfo[popinfo] .= '<table class="inner" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">';
$dinfo[popinfo] .= '<tr><td valign="top"><font size="-1"><strong>';
$dinfo[popinfo] .= eregi_replace("'","\'",$dinfo[Desc]);
$dinfo[popinfo] .= '</strong></font></td></tr></table></body></html>';
# Today
if ( Date("d.m.Y",$t) == Date("d.m.Y") ) {
$dinfo[color] = "today";
return $dinfo;
$wd = Date("D",$t);
$month = Date("m",$t);
# Change here for islamic/arabic week scheme
# Sundays are free
if ( $wd == "Sun" ) {
$dinfo[color] = "holiday";
return $dinfo;
# Saturdays are something special
if ( $wd == "Sat" ) {
$dinfo[color] = "freeday";
return $dinfo;
return $dinfo;
* Intern Representation of Date and Time
* @package BASE
* @module DateTime
class DateTime {
* str is whatever a database gives us
* -1 = now
function DateTime( $str = "-1" ) {
global $current_user;
$this->notime = 0;
$this->orig = $str;
if ( $str == -1 ) {
$this->day = Date("j");
$this->month = Date("n");
$this->year = Date("Y");
$this->hour = Date("H");
$this->min = Date("i");
$this->sec = Date("s");
$this->ts = time();
$this->ts_def = $this->ts;
//if ( isset($current_user) && ($current_user->offset != 0) ) {
// $this->ts_def -= $current_user->offset;
$this->tz = Date("T");
$this->offset = Date("Z");
$this->format = -1;
} else {
if (($str == "0") || ($str == "")) {
} else {
* set datetime to nothing
function setNoTime() {
$this->notime = 1;
$this->day = -1;
$this->month = -1;
$this->year = -1;
$this->hour = -1;
$this->min = -1;
$this->sec = 0;
$this->ts = -1;
* set datetime for a timestamp
* ts is assumed in current_users TZ
function setDateTimeTS($ts,$notz = 0) {
global $current_user;
if ( $ts != -1 ) {
$this->notime = 0;
$this->day = (integer)Date("d",$ts);
$this->month = (integer)Date("m",$ts);
$this->year = (integer)Date("Y",$ts);
$this->hour = (integer)Date("H",$ts);
$this->min = (integer)Date("i",$ts);
$this->sec = (integer)Date("s",$ts);
$this->ts = mktime($this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec,$this->month,$this->day,$this->year);
$this->orig = "TS";
$this->format = "TS";
$this->ts_def = $ts;
if ( ($current_user->offset != 0) && ($notz == 0) ) {
$this->ts_def -= $current_user->offset;
* set DateTime by variables (incoming variables are in the users TZ)
* used via form
function setDateTimeF($str,$notz = 0) {
global $current_user;
$this->orig = "fields $str";
$this->format = "fields";
if ( count($_GET) ) {
foreach ($_GET as $i => $f) {
$x[$i] = $f;
if ( count($_POST) ) {
foreach ($_POST as $i => $f) {
$x[$i] = $f;
$v = sprintf("%s_d",$str);
if ( isset($x[$v]) ) {
$this->day = (integer)$x[$v];
$v = sprintf("%s_m",$str);
if ( isset($x[$v]) ) {
$this->month = (integer)$x[$v];
$v = sprintf("%s_y",$str);
if ( isset($x[$v]) ) {
$this->year = (integer)$x[$v];
$v = sprintf("%s_H",$str);
if ( isset($x[$v]) ) {
$this->hour = (integer)$x[$v];
} else {
$this->hour = 0;
$v = sprintf("%s_M",$str);
if ( isset($x[$v]) ) {
$this->min = (integer)$x[$v];
} else {
$this->min = 0;
$this->sec = 0;
$this->ts = mktime($this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec,$this->month,$this->day,$this->year);
if ( ($this->day < 1) || ($this->month < 1) || ($this->year < 1) ) {
} else {
$this->notime = 0;
if ( $this->checkDMY() == false) {
# settype($this->day,"integer");
# settype($this->month,"integer");
# settype($this->year,"integer");
$this->ts_def = $this->ts;
if ( ($current_user->offset != 0) && ($notz == 0) ) {
$this->ts_def -= $current_user->offset;
* Checks if DMY fields are valid
function checkDMY($notime_allowed = false) {
if ( $this->notime == 1 ) {
return $notime_allowed;
if ( $this->day < 1 ) { return 0;}
if ( $this->day > 31 ) { return 0;}
if ( $this->month < 1 ) { return 0;}
if ( $this->month > 12 ) { return 0;}
if ( $this->hour < 0 ) { return 0;}
if ( $this->hour > 23 ) { return 0;}
if ( $this->min < 0 ) { return 0;}
if ( $this->min > 59 ) { return 0;}
if ( (Date("n-j",$this->ts) != $this->month ."-". $this->day) && ($this->ts >= 0) ) {
return false;
return true;
* On MySQL the given time is in tutos[defaultTZ] we have to fix the offset
* On Postgres it is in the current users TZ
function setDateTime($str,$notz = 0) {
global $current_user , $tutos;
if ( ! isset ($str) ) return;
if ( empty ($str) ) return;
$this->format = 0;
$this->orig = $str;
$this->notime = 0;
$regs = array();
if ( $str == "epoch" ) {
if (($str == "0") || ($str == "") || ($str== "--------") || ($str == "------------") ) {
# check the registered formats
foreach($tutos['dateformat'] as $f) {
if ($this->format != 0) {
# echo $str." ". $f ."<br />";
# if ($this->format == 0) {
# echo $str." X<br />";
# }
if ($this->format != 0) {
} else
if ( ereg( "^([0-9]{1,2}).([0-9]{1,2}).([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})\.([0-9]+) ([a-z]*)$", $str, $regs ) ) {
# Init via DB 06.02.2001 17:39:32.00 CET Postgres 7.1
$this->month = (integer)$regs[1];
$this->day = (integer)$regs[2];
$this->year = (integer)$regs[3];
$this->hour = (integer)$regs[4];
$this->min = (integer)$regs[5];
$this->sec = (integer)$regs[6];
$this->format = 10;
} else
if ( ereg( "^([0-1][0-9])([0-3][0-9])([0-9]{4})$", $str, $regs ) ) {
# Init via DB MMDDYYYY
$this->month = (integer)$regs[1];
$this->day = (integer)$regs[2];
$this->year = (integer)$regs[3];
$this->hour = 0;
$this->min = 0;
$this->sec = 0;
$this->format = 4;
} else
if ( ereg( "^([0-9]{4})-?([0-1][0-9])-?([0-3][0-9]) ?([0-2][0-9]):?([0-5][0-9]):?([0-5][0-9])$", $str, $regs ) ) {
# Init via YYYYMMDDHHMMSS or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS used in calendar
$this->year = (integer)$regs[1];
$this->month = (integer)$regs[2];
$this->day = (integer)$regs[3];
$this->hour = (integer)$regs[4];
$this->min = (integer)$regs[5];
$this->sec = (integer)$regs[6];
$this->format = 5;
} else
if ( ereg( "([0-9]{4})([0-1][0-9])([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-5][0-9])", $str, $regs ) ) {
$this->year = (integer)$regs[1];
$this->month = (integer)$regs[2];
$this->day = (integer)$regs[3];
$this->hour = (integer)$regs[4];
$this->min = (integer)$regs[5];
$this->sec = 0;
$this->format = 6;
} else
if ( ereg( "^([0-9]{4})([0-1][0-9])([0-3][0-9])$", $str, $regs ) ) {
# Init via YYYYMMDD used in calendar
$this->year = (integer)$regs[1];
$this->month = (integer)$regs[2];
$this->day = (integer)$regs[3];
$this->hour = 0;
$this->min = 0;
$this->sec = 0;
$this->format = 7;
} else
if ( ereg( "^([0-1][0-9])-([0-3][0-9])-([0-9]{4})$", $str, $regs ) ) {
# Init via MM-DD-YYYY
$this->month = (integer)$regs[1];
$this->day = (integer)$regs[2];
$this->year = (integer)$regs[3];
$this->hour = 0;
$this->min = 0;
$this->sec = 0;
$this->format = 8;
} else {
echo "<br />DT: Unknown DateTimeFormat <span class=\"warn\">". $str ."</span> fix it in Date.pinc or register a DB specific format<br />";
$this->ts = mktime($this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec,$this->month,$this->day,$this->year);
$this->ts_def = $this->ts;
if ( ($current_user->offset != 0) && ($notz == 0) ) {
$this->ts += $current_user->offset;
// Set the fields according to offset
* part of a form used to enter a day
function EnterDay($name,$none = 0) {
$x = sprintf("%s_d",$name );
echo "<select id=\"". $x ."\" name=\"". $x ."\">";
if ( ($none == 1) || ($this->day == -1) ) {
echo "<option value=\"-1\"";
if ( $this->day == -1 ) {
echo " selected=\"selected\"";
echo ">--</option>\n";
while($day < 31) {
echo "<option value=\"". $day ."\"";
if ( $day == $this->day ) {
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">";
printf ("%02d\n",$day);
echo "</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
* parts of a form used to enter a month
function EnterMonth($name,$none = 0) {
$x = sprintf("%s_m",$name );
echo "<select id=\"". $x ."\" name=\"". $x ."\">";
if ( ($none == 1) || ($this->month == -1) ) {
echo "<option value=\"-1\"";
if ( $this->month == -1 ) {
echo " selected=\"selected\"";
echo ">--</option>\n";
while($mon < 12) {
echo "<option value=\"". $mon ."\"";
if ( $mon == $this->month ) {
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">";
printf ("%02d\n",$mon);
echo "</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
* parts of a form used to enter a year
* future_only = try to allow only date in the future (i.e. years)
function EnterYear($name,$none = 0,$future_only = false) {
$x = sprintf("%s_y",$name );
echo "<select id=\"". $x ."\" name=\"". $x ."\">";
$year= Date("Y") + 10;
if ( ($none == 1) || ($this->year == -1) ) {
echo "<option value=\"-1\"";
if ( $this->year == -1 ) {
echo " selected=\"selected\"";
echo ">----</option>\n";
if ($future_only) {
$stop = Date("Y");
} else {
$stop = 1900;
while($year >= $stop ) {
# yes my grandma was born 1904 (I need this!)
echo "<option value=\"". $year ."\"";
if ( $year == $this->year ) {
echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
echo ">". $year . "</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
function ShowMinical($name, $none = 0) {
global $tutos,$callink;
if ( !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || ereg("Lynx",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || ereg("w3m",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ) {
# Do nothing
} else {
echo "<a href=\"JavaScript:
var d = document.forms[0];
mywindow ='', 'calendar', 'resizable=yes,width=250,height=180,top=100,left=100');
mywindow.location.href = '". $callink ."minical&f=".$name."&n=".$none."&d=".
$this->day ."&m=". $this->month ."&y=". $this->year
."&". SID ."';
\" onmouseover=\"self.status='minical' ;return true\">\n";
echo "<font size=\"-1\">minical</font>\n";
echo "</a>\n";
* ask for date
* none = 0 (no date not allowed)
* none = 1 (allowed to enter nothing)
function EnterDate($name,$none = 0,$future_only = false) {
global $tutos;
if ( $tutos['df'] == 1 ) {
} else {
echo "<b>.</b> ";
if ( $tutos['df'] == 1 ) {
} else {
echo "<b>.</b> ";
$this->ShowMinical($name, $none);
* enter a time into a form
function EnterTime($name) {
$h = sprintf("%s_H",$name );
$m = sprintf("%s_M",$name );
echo "<input id=\"". $h ."\" maxlength=\"2\" size=\"2\" name=\"". $h ."\" value=\"". sprintf("%02d",$this->hour) ."\" />\n";
echo " <b>:</b> ";
echo "<input id=\"". $m ."\" maxlength=\"2\" size=\"2\" name=\"". $m ."\" value=\"". sprintf("%02d",$this->min) ."\" />\n";
* ask for date
* none = 0 (no date not allowed)
* none = 1 (allowed to enter nothing)
* future_only = try to allow only date in the future (i.e. years)
function EnterDateTime($name,$none = 0,$future_only = false) {
global $tutos;
if ( $tutos['df'] == 1 ) {
} else {
echo "<b>.</b> ";
if ( $tutos['df'] == 1 ) {
} else {
echo "<b>.</b> ";
$h = sprintf("%s_H",$name );
$m = sprintf("%s_M",$name );
echo "<input maxlength=\"2\" size=\"2\" name=\"". $h ."\" value=\"". ($this->hour == -1 ? "--":$this->hour) ."\" />\n";
echo " <b>:</b> ";
echo "<input maxlength=\"2\" size=\"2\" name=\"". $m ."\" value=\"". ($this->min == -1 ? "--":$this->min) ."\" />\n";
$this->ShowMinical($name, $none);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getDateTimeShort() {
global $lang;
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return sprintf ($lang['DateTimeSFormat'],"--","--","--","--");
return strftime($lang['DateTimeSStr'],$this->ts);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getDateTime() {
global $lang;
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return sprintf ($lang['DateTimeFormat'],"--","--","----","--","--"," ");
# return strftime($lang['DateTimeStr'],$this->ts);
return Date($lang['DateTimePHP'],$this->ts);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getTime() {
global $lang;
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return sprintf ($lang['TimeFormat'],"--","--");
return strftime($lang['TimeFormatStr'],$this->ts);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getDate() {
global $lang,$tutos;
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return sprintf ($lang['DateFormat'],"--","--","----");
return sprintf ($lang['DateFormat'],$this->day,$this->month,$this->year);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getDateShort() {
global $lang,$tutos;
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return sprintf ($lang['DateShortFormat'],"--","--");
return sprintf ($lang['DateShortFormat'],$this->day,$this->month);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getYYYYMMDD() {
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return "--------";
return sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d",$this->year,$this->month,$this->day);
* get date formatted as MONTH DAY
* used in watchlist
function getMMDD() {
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return "----";
return sprintf ("%02d%02d",$this->month,$this->day);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getYYYYMMDDHHMM() {
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return "------------";
return sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",$this->year,$this->month,$this->day,$this->hour,$this->min);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_crm() {
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return "------------";
return sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$this->year,$this->month,$this->day,$this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getYYYYMMDDHHMMSS() {
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return "------------";
return sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",$this->year,$this->month,$this->day,$this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getLinkDateTime() {
global $current_user;
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return "------";
if ( $current_user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_SEE) ) {
return makelink("calendar.php?t=".$this->getYYYYMMDD(),$this->getDateTime(),$this->getDateTime());
} else {
return $this->getDateTime();
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getLinkDate() {
global $current_user;
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return "------";
if ( $current_user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_SEE) ) {
return makelink("calendar.php?t=".$this->getYYYYMMDD(),$this->getDate(),$this->getDate());
} else {
return $this->getDate();
* Data of XML export
function exportXML_body () {
return $this->getYYYYMMDDHHMMSS();
* add given number of days to this date
function addDays($val) {
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return -1;
$ts = mktime($this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec,$this->month,$this->day + $val ,$this->year);
* add given number of days to this date
function isWorkday(&$pref) {
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return 0;
$wd = Date("w",$this->ts);
if ($pref->isWorkDay($wd)) {
return 1;
return 0;
* get a unix timestamp
function getTimestamp() {
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return -1;
return mktime($this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec,$this->month,$this->day,$this->year);
* get DateTime formatted for ical
function getIcal() {
if ( $this->notime == 1) {
return "";
# contrib by Danilo Beuche <danilo at>
# UH HU THIS IS A BAD HACK, BUT iCal Times have to be in UTC
$x = mktime($this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec,$this->month,$this->day,$this->year);
$y = gmmktime($this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec,$this->month,$this->day,$this->year);
$diff = $y - $x;
return strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ",$x - $diff);
# return sprintf ("%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02dZ",$this->year,$this->month,$this->day,$this->hour,$this->min,$this->sec);
function lessthan( &$DateObj ) {
return( $this->ts < $DateObj->ts );
/* Ala strcmp : returns <0, 0 or >0... */
function datecmp( &$DateObj ) {
return $this->ts - $DateObj->ts;