You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
680 lines
21 KiB
680 lines
21 KiB
7 months ago
Copyright .tgm 2003
Author: Michael Borko <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
class dav extends db
var $search_results = array();
var $dav_home = "";
var $sites_dir = "";
var $drafts_dir = "";
var $dav_auth = "MYSQL";
var $dav_ldap = "";
var $alias = "";
var $accessfile = "";
var $sharefile = "";
var $userfile = "";
var $nsharedir = "";
var $nnsharedir = "";
function dav()
//Getting all the information from the Configfile
global $GO_CONFIG;
$this->dav_home = $GO_CONFIG->file_storage_path;
$this->sites_dir = $this->dav_home."sites-enabled/";
$this->drafts_dir = $GO_CONFIG->dav_drafts;
//Check what kind of authentication is wanted in the accessfiles
if ( eregi("ldap", $GO_CONFIG->dav_auth) ) {
$this->dav_auth = "LDAP";
$this->dav_ldap = $GO_CONFIG->dav_auth;
$this->alias = $GO_CONFIG->dav_alias;
$this->accessfile = $GO_CONFIG->dav_accessfilename;
$this->sharefile = "ShareAccess".$this->dav_auth;
$this->userfile = "UserDefault".$this->dav_auth;
$this->nsharedir = $GO_CONFIG->name_of_sharedir."/";
$this->nnsharedir = $GO_CONFIG->name_of_sharedir;
function file_get_contents ($filename)
$opendf = fopen("$filename", "rb");
$content = fread($opendf, filesize($filename));
return $content;
function file_write_string ($filename, $input)
$opendf = fopen("$filename", "wb");
if( is_writeable($filename) ) {
function make_dirs($strPath, $mode="755")
if (is_dir($strPath)) return true;
$pStrPath = dirname($strPath);
if (!$this->make_dirs($pStrPath, $mode)) return false;
return mkdir($strPath);
function delete_dirs($dir)
$current_dir = opendir($dir);
while($entryname = readdir($current_dir)) {
if(is_dir("$dir/$entryname") and ($entryname != "." and $entryname!=".."))
elseif($entryname != "." and $entryname!="..") {
function multi_strpos($pattern, $sequence)
$n = -1;
while (ereg($pattern, $sequence)) {
$fragment = split($pattern, $sequence);
$trimsize = (strlen($fragment[0]))+1;
$sequence = "*".substr($sequence, $trimsize);
@$position[$n] = (strlen($fragment[0]) + $position[($n-1)]);
return $position;
function add_access($term, $path, $mode, $type)
switch($type) {
case "linker":
$req = "user";
$check = "Linkers";
case "group":
$req = "group";
$check = "Groups";
echo "<pre>User/Group not added!</pre>";
return false;
//Open the accessfile
$string = $this->file_get_contents($path."/".$this->accessfile);
//If the User/Group isn't present in the whole accessfile,
//add him/it to the choosen directive and to the linkers/groups...
if( !strstr($string, $term) ) {
$string = str_replace ("##$mode-$type-Access\nRequire $req",
"##$mode-$type-Access\nRequire $req $term", $string);
$string = str_replace ("##$check:", "##$check: $term", $string);
$this->file_write_string ($path."/".$this->accessfile, "$string");
return true;
//The User/Group is present in the .htaccess! Checking the positions...
$position = $this->multi_strpos($term, $string); $p = 0;
while(@$position[$p] < strlen($string) && @$position[$p] != "") {
$pos = $position[$p];
//If the User/Group is listed already in the choosen directive...
if( strpos($string, "##$mode-$type-Access") < $pos
&& $pos < strpos($string, "##END $mode-$type-Access") ) {
return true;
//If the User/Group is not listed in the R/W-directive, so he/it
//isn't listed in the choosen directive, if he/it is present in
$termRW = strchr($string, "R/W-$type-Access");
$termRW = substr($termRW,0,strpos($termRW,"#")-1);
if( strpos($termRW, $term) ) {
return true;
} else {
$string = str_replace ("##$mode-$type-Access\nRequire $req",
"##$mode-$type-Access\nRequire $req $term", $string);
$string = str_replace ("##R/W-$type-Access\nRequire $req",
"##R/W-$type-Access\nRequire $req $term", $string);
$this->file_write_string ($path."/".$this->accessfile, "$string");
return true;
$this->file_write_string ($path."/".$this->accessfile, "$string");
return false;
function remove_access($term, $path, $mode, $type)
switch($type) {
case "linker":
$check = "Linkers";
case "group":
$check = "Groups";
echo "<pre>User/Group not removed!</pre>";
return false;
$string = $this->file_get_contents($path."/".$this->accessfile);
$position = $this->multi_strpos($term, $string); $p = 0;
$removed = false; $clear = true;
while(@$position[$p] < strlen($string) && @$position[$p] != "") {
$pos = $position[$p];
if( strpos($string, "##$mode-$type-Access") < $pos
&& $pos < strpos($string, "##END $mode-$type-Access") ) {
//...delete the user/group from the selected directive...
$string = substr_replace($string, "", $pos, strlen($term)+1);
//CAUTION: Stringposition changed!!!
$position = $this->multi_strpos($term, $string); $p = -1;
$removed = true;
if( $removed && strpos($string, "##R/W-$type-Access") < $pos
&& $pos < strpos($string, "##END R/W-$type-Access") ) {
//...delete the user/group from the R/W-directive...
$string = substr_replace($string, "", $pos, strlen($term)+1);
//CAUTION: Stringposition changed!!!
$position = $this->multi_strpos($term, $string); $p = -1;
$clear = false;
if( $removed && $clear && strpos($string, "##$check:") < $pos ) {
$string = substr_replace($string, "", $pos, strlen($term)+1);
$this->file_write_string ($path."/".$this->accessfile, "$string");
return true;
$this->file_write_string ($path."/".$this->accessfile, "$string");
function first_login($username)
if( !is_dir($this->sites_dir) )
//Now add the UserContainer and reload the apache...
function check_login($username)
$added = false;
//User has no UserContainer!
if ( !is_file($this->sites_dir.$username) ) {
if( !is_dir($this->sites_dir) )
$string = $this->file_get_contents($this->drafts_dir.$this->userfile);
$string = str_replace("%USERNAME%", $username, $string);
$string = str_replace("%ALIAS_USERNAME%",
$this->alias.$username, $string);
$string = str_replace("%REALPATH_USERNAME%",
$this->dav_home.$username, $string);
$string = str_replace("%SHAREFOLDER%", $this->nnsharedir, $string);
$string = str_replace("%DAV_LDAP%", $this->dav_ldap, $string);
$added = true;
//A new UserContainer was created - Reload apache!
//Make it with cron, every 5mins or so ... is better!
//if ( $added )
// exec("sudo /etc/init.d/apache reload", $error_msg);
function add_share($user_id, $path)
global $GO_USERS;
$temp = $GO_USERS->get_user($user_id); $owner = $temp['username'];
//Load the access file into the new ShareDirectory...
$string = $this->file_get_contents($this->drafts_dir.$this->sharefile);
$string = str_replace("%USERNAME%", $owner, $string);
if($this->dav_auth == "LDAP")
$string = str_replace("%DAV_AUTH%", $this->dav_ldap, $string);
//Put the modified draft file into the defined accessfile
function delete_share($path)
//Getting the proper accessfile.
$shareControl = $path."/".$this->accessfile;
//Getting all linkers
$list = $this->get_all_linkers($path); $i=0;
//Here we are deleting all the established sharelinks in the sharedir of
//every linker who has access to the share. To achieve this we have to
//modify the path (the original share) so, that we add the linker and the
//sharedir-name in the userdir.
while(@$list[$i] != "") {
$linker = $list[$i];
$dest_dav = str_replace($this->dav_home,
$this->dav_home.$linker."/".$this->nsharedir, $path);
//deleting the share-access and all granted permissions...
if (is_file($shareControl))
function update_share($old_path, $new_path)
//Need it for WebDAV.php to find the accessfile, because the old path isnt
//existend anymore!
if( is_file($old_path."/".$this->accessfile) )
$lookat = $old_path;
elseif( is_file($new_path."/".$this->accessfile) )
$lookat = $new_path;
$list = $this->get_all_linkers($lookat); $l=0;
while(@$list[$l] != "") {
$linker = $list[$l];
$old_dest_dav = str_replace($this->dav_home,
$this->dav_home.$linker."/".$this->nsharedir, $old_path);
$new_dest_dav = str_replace($this->dav_home,
$this->dav_home.$linker."/".$this->nsharedir, $new_path);
//deleting the old link...
//If everything went fine, the linker has the new symlink...
$this->add_sharelink($new_path, $new_dest_dav);
function init_sharing($term_id, $acl_id, $type)
$db = new db();
$sql_query = "SELECT * FROM fsShares
WHERE fsShares.acl_read='$acl_id' OR fsShares.acl_write='$acl_id'";
$result = $db->Record;
global $GO_USERS;
$temp = $GO_USERS->get_user($result['user_id']);
$owner = $temp['username'];
$array['owner'] = $owner;
$path = $result['path'];
$array['path'] = $path."/";
$share = strchr($path,"$owner/");
//Check the acl_id permission with the current acl_id. If it is the
//acl_read, check for the acl_write and vice versa...
$array['read'] = false;
$array['write'] = false;
$array['readwrite'] = false;
if ($result['acl_read'] == $acl_id) {
$array['read'] = true;
$acl_id_new = $result['acl_write'];
if ($result['acl_write'] == $acl_id) {
$array['write'] = true;
$acl_id_new = $result['acl_read'];
switch($type) {
case "user":
$temp = $GO_USERS->get_user($term_id);
$linker = $temp['username'];
$array['linker'] = $linker;
$array['share'] = $this->dav_home.$linker."/".$this->nsharedir.$share;
$sql_permission = "SELECT acl.user_id AS id FROM acl
WHERE acl.acl_id = '$acl_id_new'";
$user_array = $db->Record;
if (@in_array($linker, $user_array)) $array['readwrite'] = true;
$array['group'] = "";
return $array;
case "group":
global $GO_GROUPS;
$temp = $GO_GROUPS->get_group($term_id);
$group = $temp['ident'];
$array['group'] = $group;
$array['share'] = "";
$sql_permission = "SELECT acl.group_id AS id FROM acl
WHERE acl.acl_id = '$acl_id_new'";
$group_array = $db->Record;
if (@in_array($group, $group_array)) $array['readwrite'] = true;
$array['linker'] = "";
return $array;
echo "<pre>Fehler in der Initialisierung des Shares...</pre>";
return false;
function add_user($linker_id, $acl_id)
$result = $this->init_sharing($linker_id, $acl_id, "user");
$owner = $result['owner'];
$path = $result['path'];
$linker = $result['linker'];
$dest_dav = $result['share'];
$r_access = $result['read'];
$w_access = $result['write'];
$rw_access = $result['readwrite'];
//Do nothing...
if( $owner == $linker )
return false;
//If the share is activated...
$return = false;
if (is_file($path.$this->accessfile)) {
//Add granted permissions...
if ($r_access) $return = $this->add_access($linker,$path,"R","linker");
if ($w_access) $return = $this->add_access($linker,$path,"W","linker");
if ($rw_access) $return = $this->add_access($linker,$path,"R/W","linker");
//Generate the "Link" to the share into the Linkers-Share-Folder.
//It's necessary to check if the parent directories exist.
if( $return )
function delete_user($linker_id, $acl_id)
$result = $this->init_sharing($linker_id, $acl_id, "user");
$owner = $result['owner'];
$path = $result['path'];
$notlinker = $result['linker'];
$dest_dav = $result['share'];
$r_access = $result['read'];
$w_access = $result['write'];
$rw_access = $result['readwrite'];
//Do nothing...
if( $owner == $notlinker )
return true;
if ( $r_access )
$remove = $this->remove_access($notlinker, $path, "R", "linker");
if ( $w_access )
$remove = $this->remove_access($notlinker, $path, "W", "linker");
if ( $remove ) {
//We have to check if the user is in any granted group. In that case
//we must not delete the sharelink!
//$shareControl = $path."/".$this->accessfile;
//$temp = $this->file_get_contents($shareControl);
//$groups = strchr($temp, "##Groups:"); $g = 1;
//$groups = explode (" ", $groups);
$list = $this->get_all_linkers($path);
// Checking groups, one by one... if the linker is in one of the group we
// can stop the check, and return without deleting the sharelink.
//while(@$groups[$g] != "" && !stristr($groups[$g], "#") ) {
//global $GO_GROUPS;
//$listed_group = $GO_GROUPS->get_group_by_name($groups[$g]);
//if ($GO_GROUPS->is_in_group($linker_id, $listed_group['id']))
//return true;
if( in_array($notlinker, $list) )
return true;
function grouping($group_id, $acl_id, $switch)
$result = $this->init_sharing($group_id, $acl_id, "group");
$path = $result['path'];
$groupname = $result['group'];
$r_access = $result['read'];
$w_access = $result['write'];
$rw_access = $result['readwrite'];
$owner = $result['owner'];
$added = false;
$removed = false;
switch($switch) {
case "add":
if ($r_access)
$added = $this->add_access($groupname,$path,"R","group");
if ($w_access)
$added = $this->add_access($groupname,$path,"W","group");
if ($rw_access)
$added = $this->add_access($groupname,$path,"R/W","group");
case "delete":
if ($r_access)
$removed = $this->remove_access($groupname,$path,"R","group");
if ($w_access)
$removed = $this->remove_access($groupname,$path,"W","group");
echo "<pre>Failure in checking the group(s)...</pre>";
return false;
global $GO_GROUPS;
if( $added ) {
//We have to add all the sharelinks for every user of the group!
$share = strchr($path,"$owner/");
$count = $GO_GROUPS->get_users_in_group($group_id);
while ( $count ) {
$linker = $GO_GROUPS->next_record();
$linker = $linker['username'];
if( $owner != $linker ) {
$dest_dav = $this->dav_home.$linker."/".$this->nsharedir.$share;
//Now add the sharelink...
if( $removed ) {
// Have to check, if the groupusers are present in the access file as
// a) stand-alone or b) in another group of the accessfile. So, let us
// get all the linkers from the share...
$list = $this->get_all_linkers($path);
// Now we look if the users are in the array, if not, we are deleting
// the sharelink...
$share = strchr($path,"$owner/");
$count = $GO_GROUPS->get_users_in_group($group_id);
while ( $count ) {
$linker = $GO_GROUPS->next_record();
$linker = $linker['username'];
if( $owner != $linker ) {
$dest_dav = $this->dav_home.$linker."/".$this->nsharedir.$share;
if ( in_array($linker, $list) ) {
//He has luck! Nothing will happen!
} else {
// Remove the linked directory of the Groupuser...
function check_acl( $acl_id )
global $GO_CONFIG;
$sql = "SELECT FROM modules WHERE = 'filesystem'";
if($this->Record != "")
$sql = "SELECT acl_items.description FROM acl_items
WHERE = '$acl_id'";
if ($this->Record != "")
$result = $this->Record;
if ( stristr( $result['description'], $GO_CONFIG->file_storage_path ) )
return true;
return false;
function get_all_linkers($path)
//Getting the proper accessfile.
$shareControl = $path."/".$this->accessfile;
// Here we get all the Linkers from the accessfile
$temp = $this->file_get_contents($shareControl);
//Searching at the end of the file for the linkers...
$start = strpos($temp, "##Linkers:") + 11;
$length = strpos($temp, "##Groups:") - $start;
$linkers = substr($temp, $start, $length );
$list = explode (" ", $linkers); $l = 1;
//Little cosmetics for the array: Removing the endmark of the list!
$groups = strchr($temp, "##Groups:"); $g = 1;
$groups = explode (" ", $groups);
while(@$groups[$g] != "" && !stristr($groups[$g], "#") ) {
if( $this->dav_auth == "LDAP" ) {
global $GO_LDAP;
$selected_group = $GO_LDAP->get_entries();
$selected_group = $selected_group[0]['cn'][0];
} else {
$selected_group = $groups[$g];
global $GO_GROUPS;
$listed_group = $GO_GROUPS->get_group_by_name($selected_group);
$count = $GO_GROUPS->get_users_in_group($listed_group['id']);
while ( $count ) {
array_push($list, $GO_GROUPS->next_record() );
//Remove multiple linkers...
$list = array_unique($list);
//Remove the owner from the list...
$start = strpos($temp, "##Owner:") + 9;
$length = strpos($temp, "##Linkers:") - $start;
$owner = rtrim(substr($temp, $start, $length));
$key = array_search($owner, $list);
if( $key )
array_splice( $list, $key, 1);
return $list;
function remove_sharelink($dest_dav)
//remove the last slash from dest_dav, if its there...
if( strlen($dest_dav)-1 == strrpos($dest_dav, "/") ) {
$dest_dav = substr_replace($dest_dav, "", strlen($dest_dav)-1 );
//Dont ask me why we have to stop here, but there were troubles without it!
if(is_link($dest_dav)) {
//Delete the parent directory of the link
function add_sharelink($path, $dest_dav)
//remove the last slash from dest_dav, if its there...
if( strlen($dest_dav)-1 == strrpos($dest_dav, "/") ) {
$dest_dav = substr_replace($dest_dav, "", strlen($dest_dav)-1 );
if(!is_dir(dirname($dest_dav))) {
} elseif(!is_link($dest_dav) && !is_dir($dest_dav)) {
function is_share($path)
$sql_query = "SELECT * FROM fsShares WHERE fsShares.path='$path'";
$result = $this->Record;
return $result;
function find_new_name($path, $time)
//Its possible to get here troubles, if the infos will de/increase ...
exec("stat ".dirname($path)."/*", $output);
//find a corresponding date and time at Change: to be able to get the
//new name...
$Identify = "Change: ".date("Y-m-d")." ".$time.".000000000 ".date("O");
if( $key = array_search($Identify, $output) ) {
//Cutting off anything which is garbage...
$newname = substr($output[$key-6], strstr($output[$key-6], "File:")+8);
$newname = str_replace("'","",$newname);
$newname = str_replace("`","",$newname);
return $newname;
} else {
return false;
function alias_to_path($user, $alias)
return str_replace( $this->alias.$user, $this->dav_home.$user, $alias);
function linkpath_to_orig($user, $path)
return str_replace( $this->dav_home.$user."/".$this->nsharedir."/",
$this->dav_home, $path);