You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

721 lines
25 KiB

$VAR1 = [
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => '',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/cgi-bin/" BORDER=0>',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '0',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => 'CHECKED',
'qrm' => 'This is an example of a True/False Question.<BR>Select the answer by clicking on the circular button next to the desired choice.<BR>Clicking on the other button will automatically deselect the first choice.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'ASTR',
'qtp' => 'tf',
'qca' => 'TRUE',
'pts' => 10,
'esa' => '',
'tf' => 'SELECTED',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => '',
'qia' => 'FALSE',
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'The Sun rises in the East.',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => '',
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'N',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => 2,
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.001',
'flags' => 'N.',
'defthumbnail' => '<A NAME="qimage" HREF="/cgi-bin/" TARGET="illustrated"><IMG NAME="qimagetn" SRC="/cgi-bin/" width=100 BORDER=0></A>',
'qim0' => '',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => 'SELECTED',
'chkobs' => '',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => 'a',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'anslayhchk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/cgi-bin/" BORDER=0>',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '0',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => 'This is an example of a multiple choice question with a single correct answer.<BR>Select your answer by clicking on the square box next to your choice.<BR>Selecting a difference answer will automatically deselect all others on this question.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'ASTR',
'qtp' => 'mcs',
'qca' => 'Mars',
'pts' => 10,
'esa' => '',
'tf' => '',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => 'SELECTED',
'qia' => 'Venus
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'The name of the planet known as the <I>\'red planet\'</I> is:',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => '',
'mcs' => 'SELECTED',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'N',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => 2,
'anslay' => 'v',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.002',
'flags' => 'N.',
'defthumbnail' => '<A NAME="qimage" HREF="/cgi-bin/" TARGET="illustrated"><IMG NAME="qimagetn" SRC="/cgi-bin/" width=100 BORDER=0></A>',
'qim0' => '',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => 'SELECTED',
'chkobs' => '',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => 'n',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/cgi-bin/" BORDER=0>',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '0',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => 'This is an example of a multiple choice question with multiple correct answers.<BR>For scoring purposes, ALL correct answers must be checked in order to receive credit for the answer.<BR><B>Note that selecting answers DOES NOT automatically deselect any other choices, so you must click the box again to deselect a checked answer.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'METW',
'qtp' => 'mcm',
'qca' => 'rain
'pts' => '0',
'esa' => '',
'tf' => '',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => '',
'qia' => 'fog
'mcm' => 'SELECTED',
'qtx' => 'In meteorology, the term <I>\'precipitation\'</I> may take which of the following form(s) <I>(check all that apply)</I>:',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => '',
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'N',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => 2,
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => 'SELECTED',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.003',
'flags' => 'N.',
'defthumbnail' => '<A NAME="qimage" HREF="/cgi-bin/" TARGET="illustrated"><IMG NAME="qimagetn" SRC="/cgi-bin/" width=100 BORDER=0></A>',
'qim0' => '',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => 'SELECTED',
'chkobs' => '',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => '',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => undef,
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/cgi-bin/" BORDER=0>',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '0',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => 'This is an example of a text question.<BR>Type in the correct answer in the box provided.<BR>For scoring, the answer is compared without regard to capitalization.<BR><BR>This example also shows an EMBEDDED reference image shown above the question.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'ASTR',
'qtp' => 'esa',
'qca' => 'earth',
'pts' => 10,
'esa' => 'SELECTED',
'tf' => '',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => '',
'qia' => '',
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'The <U>third</U> planet from the sun in our solar system is called:',
'layout' => 5,
'qfixed' => undef,
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => '',
'qptsbyans' => undef,
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'N',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => 2,
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.004',
'flags' => undef,
'defthumbnail' => '<A NAME="qimage" HREF="/cgi-bin/" TARGET="illustrated"><IMG NAME="qimagetn" SRC="/cgi-bin/" width=100 BORDER=0></A>',
'qim0' => '',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => 'SELECTED',
'chkobs' => '',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => 'CHECKED',
'qalb' => '',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '<A NAME="qimage" HREF="/cgi-bin/" TARGET="illustrated">Illustration</A>',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '0',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => 'This example shows a HYPERLINKED reference image.<BR>To view the image related to this question, click on the hyperlink located above the question text.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'ASTR',
'qtp' => 'tf',
'qca' => 'FALSE',
'pts' => 10,
'esa' => '',
'tf' => 'SELECTED',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => '',
'qia' => 'TRUE',
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'The average distance of the earth from the sun is 93,000,000 kilometers.',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => 'N',
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '0',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'N',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => 1,
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.005',
'flags' => 'N.N.N.N',
'defthumbnail' => '<A NAME="qimage" HREF="/cgi-bin/" TARGET="illustrated"><IMG NAME="qimagetn" SRC="/cgi-bin/" width=100 BORDER=0></A>',
'qim0' => '',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => 'SELECTED',
'qim2' => '',
'chkobs' => '',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => 'A',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/cgi-bin/" BORDER=0>',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '0',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => 'Notice the time warning that appears to the left of the time clock in the upper right corner of the page.<BR>The first warning is with under 5 minutes remaining and is updated each minute until time expires.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'ASTR',
'qtp' => 'mcm',
'qca' => 'Jupiter
'pts' => 10,
'esa' => '',
'tf' => '',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => '',
'qia' => 'Mars
'mcm' => 'SELECTED',
'qtx' => 'The 3 largest planets in our solar system are:',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => '',
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'N',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => 2,
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.006',
'flags' => 'N.',
'defthumbnail' => '<A NAME="qimage" HREF="/cgi-bin/" TARGET="illustrated"><IMG NAME="qimagetn" SRC="/cgi-bin/" width=100 BORDER=0></A>',
'qim0' => '',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => 'SELECTED',
'chkobs' => '',
'lblA' => 'SELECTED'
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => 'a',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '<EMBED SRC="/cgi-bin/" AUTOSTART="TRUE" LOOP="false" VOLUME="100" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="50" CONTROLS="small console" HIDDEN="false">',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '0',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => 'This is an example of an embedded audio file. Supported formats include .wav, .rmi, .mid;;This question shows that the next button has changed to Done because this is the final question of this test.<BR>You can back up to review previous questions or, if satisfied with all your answers, click on the Done button to see your results.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'music',
'qtp' => 'mcs',
'qca' => 'Beethoven\'s Fifth Symphony',
'pts' => 1,
'esa' => '',
'tf' => '',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => 'SELECTED',
'qia' => 'Tzichowski\'s Overture
Bach\'s Third Opera
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'The name of the musical score is:<BR><I>(Click on the play button to repeat the score)</I>',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => 'N',
'mcs' => 'SELECTED',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '0',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'Y',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => 2,
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.007',
'flags' => 'N.N.N.N',
'defthumbnail' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/graphic/noimageassigned.gif" width=100 BORDER=0>',
'qim0' => '',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => 'SELECTED',
'chkobs' => 'CHECKED',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => 'CHECKED',
'qalb' => '',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '0',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => '',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'ASTR',
'qtp' => 'tf',
'qca' => 'FALSE',
'pts' => '',
'esa' => '',
'tf' => 'SELECTED',
'wght' => '',
'lbla' => '',
'qia' => 'TRUE',
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'The Sun revolves around the earth.',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => 'N',
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '0',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'Y',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => '0',
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.008',
'flags' => 'N.N.N.N',
'defthumbnail' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/graphic/noimageassigned.gif" width=100 BORDER=0>',
'qim0' => 'SELECTED',
'skilllevel' => undef,
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => '',
'chkobs' => 'CHECKED',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => 'a',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/cgi-bin/" BORDER=0>',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => 'This is an example of a matching question.<BR>The question may have from 3 to 25 choices.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'MATCH',
'qtp' => 'mch',
'qca' => 'Mercury
'pts' => '',
'esa' => '',
'tf' => '',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => 'SELECTED',
'qia' => 'closest planet to our sun
Surface observation impossible because of dense atmosphere
65% of surface area covered by water
the red planet that has canals
the largest planet in our solar system
has rings that orbit the planet
has 4 moons
named for the Greek God of the Sea
the most distant planet from our sun
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'In the box to the left of the planet name, enter the letter of the description that best fits the planet.',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => '',
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'N',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => 2,
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.009',
'flags' => 'N.',
'defthumbnail' => '<A NAME="qimage" HREF="/cgi-bin/" TARGET="illustrated"><IMG NAME="qimagetn" SRC="/cgi-bin/" width=100 BORDER=0></A>',
'qim0' => '',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => 'SELECTED',
'chkobs' => '',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => 'o',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/cgi-bin/" BORDER=0>',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => 'This is an example of a place-in-order question.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'ORDERED',
'qtp' => 'ord',
'qca' => 'Mercury
'pts' => '',
'esa' => '',
'tf' => '',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => '',
'qia' => '',
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'Place in order the following planets, based on their proximity to the sun, begining with the closest to the sun.',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => '',
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'N',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => 2,
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.010',
'flags' => 'N.',
'defthumbnail' => '<A NAME="qimage" HREF="/cgi-bin/" TARGET="illustrated"><IMG NAME="qimagetn" SRC="/cgi-bin/" width=100 BORDER=0></A>',
'qim0' => '',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => 'SELECTED',
'chkobs' => '',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => '',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => undef,
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => 'CHECKED',
'qrm' => 'Notice that since this is the final question, the Next button has changed to a Done button.<BR>At this point, you may review unanswered or marked questions by clicking on the Review button.<BR>OR you may click on Done if you are satisfied with all the answers you have given.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => 'ENDOF',
'qtp' => 'tf',
'qca' => 'TRUE',
'pts' => '',
'esa' => '',
'tf' => 'SELECTED',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => '',
'qia' => 'FALSE',
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'This is the end of the test.',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => undef,
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => undef,
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'Y',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => '0',
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.011',
'flags' => undef,
'defthumbnail' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/graphic/noimageassigned.gif" width=100 BORDER=0>',
'qim0' => 'SELECTED',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => '',
'chkobs' => 'CHECKED',
'lblA' => ''
'tff' => '',
'qalb' => '',
'flr' => '',
'layout2chk' => '',
'promptcomments' => '',
'qcmtprmpt' => 'N',
'layout4chk' => '',
'tfn' => '',
'illustration' => '',
'lblR' => '',
'ded' => '',
'chkqccmt' => '',
'tft' => '',
'qrm' => 'Notice that since this is the final question, the Next button has changed to a Done button.<BR>At this point, you may review unanswered or marked questions by clicking on the Review button.<BR>OR you may click on Done if you are satisfied with all the answers you have given.',
'tfy' => '',
'anslayvchk' => 'CHECKED',
'nrt' => '',
'subj' => '',
'qtp' => 'esa',
'qca' => 1,
'pts' => '',
'esa' => 'SELECTED',
'tf' => '',
'wght' => 1,
'lbla' => '',
'qia' => '',
'mcm' => '',
'qtx' => 'According to the rock group <I>Three Dog Night</I>, <box> <U>is the loneliest number there can ever be</U>.',
'layout' => 1,
'qfixed' => 'N',
'mcs' => '',
'layout1chk' => 'CHECKED',
'qptsbyans' => '0',
'totdef' => 11,
'qil' => 'Y',
'qcprmpt' => '',
'layout3chk' => '',
'qim' => '0',
'anslay' => '',
'lbln' => '',
'layout5chk' => '',
'qprv' => '',
'qnxt' => '',
'lblr' => '',
'id' => 'tutor.012',
'flags' => 'N.N.N.N',
'defthumbnail' => '<IMG NAME="qimage" SRC="/graphic/noimageassigned.gif" width=100 BORDER=0>',
'qim0' => 'SELECTED',
'skilllevel' => '0',
'qim1' => '',
'qim2' => '',
'chkobs' => 'CHECKED',
'lblA' => ''
$VAR2 = {
'' => undef,
'p1' => undef,
'music' => undef,
'undefined' => undef,
'p2' => undef,
'TW: India 2006' => undef,
'overall' => undef,
'ORDERED' => undef,
'ASTR' => undef,
'exercises' => undef,
'content' => undef,
'ENDOF' => undef,
'METW' => undef,
'MATCH' => undef,
'inst' => undef