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00:09.417 --> 00:10.297
you you
01:16.981 --> 01:18.222
are afraid of failure.
01:18.282 --> 01:23.864
How did you become one of those people who doesn't seem to be afraid of failing?
01:23.884 --> 01:26.525
It doesn't exist.
01:26.626 --> 01:27.746
It's not existent.
01:27.766 --> 01:28.806
What the hell does that mean?
01:29.847 --> 01:31.368
Seriously, what does failure mean?
01:31.468 --> 01:33.849
It's not, it doesn't, it doesn't exist.
01:42.583 --> 02:01.286
I'm trying to think like how can I explain it so Let's use happy endings right and then we can relate this to failure why it's not existing like Everybody talks about like everybody wants a happy ending right now.
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Let's go to the reality of it, right?
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Let's look at a fairytale story.
02:03.747 --> 02:06.307
It's like a Snow White She gets a happy ending.
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She finds Prince or whatever.
02:07.527 --> 02:11.528
She goes on she lives happily ever after well, I call bullshit on that because
02:12.543 --> 02:15.785
Two months later, the fact is, they had an argument, and he's sleeping on the couch.
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So the point is, the story continues.
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The story continues.
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So if you fail on Monday, the only way it's a failure on Monday is if you decide to not progress from that.
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So to me, that's why failure is non-existent.
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Because if I fail today, OK, I'm going to learn something from that failure, and I'm going to try again on Tuesday.
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And I feel like I'm going to try again on Wednesday.
02:45.962 --> 02:55.407
Ladies and gentlemen, if you would take the time to see that we are trying to build a mailing list here at gigaohmhq at
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I'm also switching my email and forwarding my email over to a Proton server now.
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It's not to endorse Proton.
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It's just a decision I'm making because Microsoft sucks and they really screwed up my email for a few months here, and I'm so pissed about it I'm just gonna throw it in the garbage.
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And so we have slowly moved that way, myself and my wife, and I think we're gonna use that going forward.
03:25.328 --> 03:29.774
If you don't have that on your radar, please put that there.
03:29.954 --> 03:36.824
If you go to my website and scroll down, you will now find only one option.
03:37.505 --> 03:39.948
It is an option where you click and it opens your
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mail server thingy and sends an email to gigaohmhq at proton dot me with notify me in the subject so if you're you know you can't follow those directions you can go to that button and click on it and hopefully if you have an email client it'll just kind of pop open and you could at that point just hit send you can also just put a message in there for me or for my wife and we will put you on a list and hopefully starting next week
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I will be able to notify everybody maybe even throw a few links in there or a PDF or two Depending on what we're doing during the week and what I'm announcing Again, this is a work in progress and I appreciate how long and and how?
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how steadfast everybody has been in supporting my work.
04:26.537 --> 04:28.879
The voice that you hear is the voice of Jonathan Cui.
04:29.960 --> 04:32.842
I'm coming to you live out of my garage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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The blower that you hear in the background is a heater.
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My last name is spelled C-O-U-E-Y.
04:38.207 --> 04:43.411
My first initials are both J, and so you can use those to find me on PubMed.
04:43.871 --> 04:49.397
There's quite an extensive record there of my work as a tenure-seeking Akata magician.
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I am now a private biologist, consultant, and chief biologist of Gigaon Biological.
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Thank you very much for joining me.
04:58.147 --> 05:03.172
I'll be here in about five and let's say seven minutes.
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I'll be right back.
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thorough investigation i know first and there's no thorough investigation going on there's someone that's in her house cleaning things out of her house uh... they've never taken the cell phone to the it's just it's not being investigated yet that's what they put into the media and there's several layers of key people that will you know push forward uh... messaging that isn't isn't the truth
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So what I was going to say is, the reason I was so behind what she was doing is I had already thought of doing something similar, but not as big.
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But there are tools on Learn The Risk that are information cards.
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You can either print out flyers or buy things from online that have the information of what's in the vaccine.
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And people need to start getting out there themselves and doing it.
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It shouldn't just be a few people that are leaders.
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Everybody has to figure out their own leader inside themselves.
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If they're too shy to go approach somebody in person, then stick a card or a flyer on someone's car next to you every time you park your car.
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Stick a card inside of a gas station credit card slot every time you get gas.
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If everybody that is aware of the truth and awake to the truth started to do these things, we can touch people, the hearts and minds of people, one person at a time,
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in day-to-day living.
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We don't need these echo chambers online where we're all repeating to the same followers most of the time.
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We get a few new people, but I think we really need more people to take what they're learning and get out there and touch the people that they're in a community with.
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By about 1660, John Locke wrote that day laborers and tradesmen, spinsters and dairy maids must be told what to believe.
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the greatest part cannot know and therefore they must believe.
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But the GN1 is very, very alarming because the mutations are no longer restricted to spike protein, which indicates enhanced activity of CTLs to diminish viral infectiousness.
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And that CTL activity is responsible for the decline of T cells that in fact boost the non-neutralizing antibodies that prevent virulence.
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So that is what I've been predicting all the time, that ultimately this evolution would inevitably lead to the emergence of a highly virulent variant that would cause waves of hospitalization and severe disease in highly vaccinated countries.
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Of course, always the same, only in highly vaccinated countries, right?
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So that's a relief.
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But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people.
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And I have lied.
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I'm sure I'll lie again.
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I don't want to lie.
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You know, I don't think I'm a liar.
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I try not to be a liar.
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I don't want to be a liar.
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I think it's like really important not to be a liar.
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the specialization should make you suspicious.
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Because if it's gotten harder to evaluate what's going on, then it's presumably gotten easier for people to lie and to exaggerate.
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And then one should be a little bit suspicious.
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And that's sort of my starting bias.
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the question about pandemic.
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And, Stephen, your immunology professor said, very good, because the question was very good.
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And of course, as I've been trying to say for four years now, there is no pandemic, there was no pandemic, and there will be no pandemic.
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It's like Jay said, the RNA can't pandemic.
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It can't.
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And there's no reason to discuss this anymore because it's clear.
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And if it's clear, we shouldn't waste time talking about it.
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Your latest video with Paul was amazing, JJ.
10:03.627 --> 10:05.408
That's a very nice compliment.
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Thank you very much.
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Can you hear me better now or not?
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Yes, much better.
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It was really like it nailed down two things for me, but I finally really understand the infectious clone idea.
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And I think it's very, very likely what happened.
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It aligns so well with the fact that I don't think anybody has been wrong so far.
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It's just nobody had a complete picture and this kind of suits all of these things.
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There was a misinterpretation of the real question that was being asked and what people really wanted to know is this SARS-2 thing a virus?
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That's the real question, not whether or not viruses exist in general.
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I mean, I think that just got mixed up.
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They get mixed up in there indeed.
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And I think that people get, yeah, they get swept away in that.
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And, and it's, it's a very much more, I think the people that are actually misrepresenting the no virus angle, and I do believe there are people that are doing it, are purposefully not curious about what happened.
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They're just sure that what they say didn't happen.
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And that part of it really bothers me.
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It drives me bananas.
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And it's the reason why I don't think it makes complete sense.
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That's a perfect segue, by the way, to go to JJ's ideas about the infectious clones.
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I mean, it's a fascinating idea and it makes so much sense.
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It gives credence to the, they did it on purpose as a biological weapon idea.
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You want to go JJ?
11:29.660 --> 11:30.401
Yes, thank you.
11:30.501 --> 11:30.841
I'll go.
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So I've been active like a lot of these, these humans, um, and trying to get the word out about basic biology.
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And, um, I've been kind of focused on learning the immunology again, um, after having learned it as an undergraduate, as a grad student and trying to figure out where the line of fidelity in virology is really drawn.
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And after about a year and a half of this struggle, I had my path cross the path of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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And so since then I've been a scientific advisor for him behind the scenes.
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And a lot of my recent work has been spurred by questions and specifically questions about what does, what is an infectious clone?
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What do they mean when they say this?
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was a question that was posed to me by Bobby and over the course of trying to figure out what the implications of this methodology were, I've come to realize that I think it's possible that there are more smoke and mirrors than anybody wants to really admit.
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I'm not sure exactly who he is.
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His name is JJ Cooey, and I believe he's a consultant for CHD.
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And I believe he has a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline, from what I understand.
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Let me introduce.
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Jonathan, who's going to talk about his latest distillation of what the pandemic means to society, to biology, to science, and to democracy, and to the whole kind of idea of empiricism and integrity.
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And then each of us, this incredible preeminent panel that we have, each one of you is going to get a chance to comment
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I don't care how you get there.
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I don't care what you do to get there.
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The goal is to live.
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What time is it?
14:23.259 --> 14:23.999
Game time!
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19:46.855 --> 19:53.499
Yeah, so there's going to be very few paths forward where people are going to be able to avoid us.
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Very, very few paths forward, ladies and gentlemen, that they're going to be able to avoid us.
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I assure you, very few paths forward where they're going to be able to avoid us.
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Because the history, the biology, the truth, and the love of our family and friends is going to get us through this to the point where it becomes common knowledge that intramuscular injection has always been dumb, that transfection is just a bad version of that, and RNA cannot pandemic.
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I don't even care about DNA anymore.
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If DNA is magic, RNA is not, for all the reasons that DNA might be.
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And if they've been lying to us about DNA, then where are we, ladies and gentlemen?
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Where are we?
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We are where?
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The U.S.
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vaccine schedule is a criminal enterprise, and anybody that wanted to teach it to you could just challenge you to compare it to any other country on Earth.
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And the only person I've ever been able to find that was willing to say that out loud repeatedly is Brandy Vaughn.
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Brandy Vaughn, ladies and gentlemen.
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Team worst case scenario status report.
21:04.793 --> 21:08.276
from GigaOM Biological, CQCQ.
21:08.296 --> 21:12.740
This is GigaOM Biological coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
21:13.340 --> 21:14.181
Anybody out there?
21:15.222 --> 21:20.366
It is the evening here, and I have the lights off.
21:20.386 --> 21:22.208
I don't know if that makes any difference.
21:23.128 --> 21:25.831
Probably look a little bit goofy if I go to my green screen.
21:26.972 --> 21:28.073
Welcome to the show.
21:28.133 --> 21:31.616
Thank you very, very much for being here.
21:33.427 --> 21:35.788
I don't think Polly Tommy would do a stream with me.
21:36.408 --> 21:37.769
It's a very cute idea.
21:38.429 --> 21:46.092
But I think at this point there is no other conclusion to come to other than Polly has chosen her team and she's sticking with it.
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She's chosen to be on Mary's team and Mary is definitely a traitor to our grandchildren.
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Mary Holland is one of the worst, I think, in this whole mess.
21:59.568 --> 22:09.643
And in case you're unfamiliar, I've just decided to start saying these things out loud because I think Brandy was saying these things out loud and was scared to say them out loud.
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And I think it's time for someone to have courage.
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I think the only reason why anybody's been telling me not to say these things out loud is because they're involved.
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Anybody that's not involved and is really interested in justice isn't going to really care how the truth is brought.
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And if it's brought with a little spite and a little anger or a little frustration, well, you know, tough.
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That's just the way it is.
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I am very happy to be here tonight.
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I've got a lot of work to do.
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I just want everybody to know I think this is a great way to start the show for people who have seen me very seldom or not since JC on a bike.
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Giga ohm biological a high resistance low noise information brief is a message of hope.
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It is a message of hope like, you know, you can lose that weight.
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It's a message of hope like, you know, you can still learn to read.
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It's a message of hope that is not for everyone.
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Not every overweight person is going to be able to find the wherewithal to exercise and eat their way out.
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And in this case, not everyone is going to be able to learn their way out of this trap.
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For some people, it's going to be too much work.
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For some people, it's going to be too much at stake, too much to sacrifice, too much to admit you've been wrong about.
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There's infinite excuses, just like there are infinite excuses for not exercising, or why you gave up basketball, or why you gave up piano, or why you gave up guitar.
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Personally, I gave up guitar because my best friend passed away and he was my guitar teacher.
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And if I'm going to meet him in heaven and play in his band, I'm not going to be a guitar player.
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I'm going to play piano.
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So I'm learning as many Steely Dan tunes as I can because I assume that's what he's practicing up there.
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Thank you very much for being here.
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I don't know why I'm talking about Nathan right now, but gosh, I miss that guy.
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This is for all the marbles.
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This is for the grandchildren of Earth.
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This is for Nathan's kids' kids, and my kids' kids.
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Because the only way we're gonna get out of this is if Nathan's kids know the truth, and my kids know the truth, and that generation changes things, because it ain't gonna happen now.
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There's too many people who care more about the NBA or the NFL or the NCAA tournament than care about the truth of the medical field and the truth of biology.
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But we are an ever expanding group of gentlemen and group of women and group of men and group of boys and group of girls and communities.
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And I'm extremely optimistic that we can pull this off.
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If only because we found Brandy.
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If only because we know that everything that we thought we were crazy about, everything that's been driving me nuts, all the doubt in my head has been almost completely lifted after hearing the recordings of Brandy and her descriptions of what she's endured and how long it took her to speak out.
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It has been a long strange trip.
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It's been a while.
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It's been a minute since somebody stapled
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my website to a trucker sign in Canada.
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It has been a minute since I photographed these pictures with these people still thinking that some of these people were going to listen to me, that some of these people could be brought around to understand the urgency of not fighting for free choice, but saving kids from being poisoned.
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But no,
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It's actually not how that works.
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It's 6.01 on a Tuesday morning.
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And so we have 60 Minutes doing stories about how in Germany, they are now taking away people's phones and laptops if they make the wrong social media posts.
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So essentially 60 Minutes is doing what they're always doing.
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They're prefacing what's coming next.
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They're letting us know what's going on.
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This is no different than having Peter Daszak on and having his fat ass jump out of a boat and tell you that there are 1.7 million viruses waiting to zoonotically spring out of a cave and into your backyard.
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Except now they're telling you that in Germany, they're already policing the internet and it's already, in the next video, it's already worse to do it on the internet than it is to say it in person.
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Yes, it is.
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And it's a crime to insult them online as well?
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The fine could be even higher if you insult someone in the internet.
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Because in internet, it stays there.
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If we are talking face to face, you insult me, I insult you, okay, finished.
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But if you're in the internet, if I insult you or a politician... It sticks around forever.
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If somebody posts something- Imagine the absolute ridiculous nature of this, where media companies and social media websites that have lots of lawyers, and this is just absolutely absurd.
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And you know what's most absurd about this?
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Is this is the same bullshit curve ball that RFK is starting with.
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How is it possible that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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thinks the first good idea is to fight against TV advertising?
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Do we understand what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen?
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Do you see that TV advertising is basically commercial speech?
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It is a free speech issue.
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Now, I don't know where you stand on it, but very, very, very quickly do you get in a slippery slope from being able to ban, to be able to ban pharmaceutical ads, to be able to ban critics of pharmaceuticals.
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What's the difference?
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You see, this is a weird place to start.
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It is a weird place to start.
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He's about to lose an incredible amount of credibility because essentially he is attacking free speech.
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And he is framing it incorrectly, almost on purpose.
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It's like he's misleading us.
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He is misleading us as an American leader.
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If he is saying that one of the first things he wants to address is commercial speech on television,
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Why don't we get people off TV?
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Why don't we give a shit what's in between the commercials of these shows that these people shouldn't be watching anyway?
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It's just an absurd place to start, and it is an absurd issue to start with.
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And yet here we are.
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60 Minutes is telling us that in Germany they're putting people in jail for stuff that they do on the internet.
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And in America, we have a Health and Human Services Secretary that is going to use his, you know, power and authority to see if he can get some of these commercials off TV.
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Look, ladies and gentlemen, the overclass has placed these highly trained acolytes in place to manipulate our habits and opinions.
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And right now, the people that are in place and what they are manipulating our habits and opinions about are so absurd, and many of the ways that we are being manipulated are incongruent.
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And that's why it feels the way it feels.
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That's the reason why it feels so disingenuous, unless you're completely tuned out or a complete skilled user of it.
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And we are going much farther than being bamboozled into believing there's a novel virus that explains why people are dying, although that's the heart of this broadcast message.
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We are bamboozled about everything that we know.
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And as far as this novel virus is concerned, let's not beat around the bush.
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PCR is not a useful diagnostic tool.
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It established a remnant stream that they are using to this date.
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Pure oxygen causes ARDS, and they probably committed murder by starting with pure oxygen in 2020 and 2021 and 2022 in all of these hospitals under protocol.
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And not using antibiotics for pneumonia should be a crime, and any doctor should know that.
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And they'll have to reevaluate how many people they killed in 2020, 2021, and 2022 by following a protocol that they should have done known better was going to kill their patient.
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It's murder and lies, ladies and gentlemen.
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We need more people to realize it.
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We need more people to take that gut punch that you and I took in 2022 when we realized that we were being bamboozled into solving a mystery.
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We were set up the whole time.
31:16.982 --> 31:26.466
And in the meantime, while we were solving that mystery, all of the college students were having their genetic and medical information fed into a database ready for the AI.
31:28.686 --> 31:30.187
All of the college kids.
31:32.756 --> 31:34.859
You think the vaccine mandates were the problem?
31:35.780 --> 31:36.120
31:37.442 --> 31:38.704
There's still testing there.
31:39.144 --> 31:44.271
There will be testing at all those health centers that could interface with all their health records.
31:44.411 --> 31:50.079
And oh my goodness, the Human Genome Project gets the exact database they've always wanted.
31:52.372 --> 31:55.893
It's not the genetic data they're concerned about, right?
31:55.933 --> 32:01.775
They're doing news program after news program about Elon Musk getting all of our financial data.
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Oh no.
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Elon might know that I pay my taxes.
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Elon will find out that I only made $54,000 last year.
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And after I paid the rent on this garage, my family lived on like 42 or 40 or 39.
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I'm not afraid of Elon Musk taking anybody's financial data.
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I lived in Norway for a few years where everybody's financial data is published publicly.
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How's that?
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Come on, ladies and gentlemen, this is a joke.
32:36.625 --> 32:38.186
Nobody's protecting our data.
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Nobody's protecting our kids' data.
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They are purposefully setting up the system to harvest it.
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And they're gonna do a dry run on all the data they could get
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all the data they can get.
32:50.255 --> 32:56.357
They're going to do a dry run so that they can set up all the infrastructure that they announced that they're building under the Stargate program.
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And this infrastructure is just going to get set up.
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It's a first test run.
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The next generation is when they are going to collect all their data.
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Because you understand, right?
33:07.287 --> 33:23.713
I mean, if you'd have been following Mark Kulak or anybody else with a brain, you would know that you can't just collect all this data and put it over there, or put it over there, or have it in that format, or in that format, and then take all those formats and just, okay, put all those disks in that bucket and then dump it through the computer.
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That's part of the problem we have in the world right now.
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When nobody can agree on the format of data, the data should be, and they can't even agree on what columns should be in the database.
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Like we're talking about a fundamental problem where the very proposal that they want to do, which is take a giant quantity of as of yet uncollected and uncorrelated data and feed it through a single or multiple artificial intelligence modules.
33:54.835 --> 33:55.575
Machine learning.
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shouldn't call it artificial intelligence, that's so stupid.
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A machine learning algorithm to sort out patterns.
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And so there are all kinds of things about this task, this thing that was first imagined, I think, by Joshua Lederberg, thanks to Mark Kulak's work.
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I think that's a pretty adequate estimate.
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There are all kinds of hypothetical problems that I'm sure Mark Kulak would have a better way of explaining than I do that need to be solved before all the genomes in the world can be collected and fed into an AI.
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But I assure you that's what all this is about.
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It's establishing the infrastructure wherein that sampling can be done, that data can be collected and collated and
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de-identified and re-identified.
34:43.531 --> 34:55.241
You don't think one of the main things they're going to use the AI for is to try and take the genetic data that they have and it's de-identified status and put it back into a database with useful correlation?
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You don't think that's one of the main problems they have to crack?
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Come on, ladies and gentlemen.
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This has been accomplished by the slaver's friends.
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This team worst case scenario that's been paid to meddle with us on the internet.
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And I don't know how to characterize him.
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I don't know who is witting and unwitting.
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I don't know how much Bobby knows, but I do know one thing for sure.
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I would be telling the absolute truth if I said that Bobby's never lied to me.
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All of these other people have lied to me.
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They've, they've insulted me.
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They've done all kinds of things, lost my videos, whatever, but Bobby's done none of that.
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There are times when I didn't get information that I wanted when I sent him a mail, you know, can you tell me or please tell me or I'm worried about this and he just says, thank you.
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But ladies and gentlemen, seriously, we are in big trouble, but also not because it's all very visible.
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The meddlers that pulled this off, their names,
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The connections that they have, they're all available on the internet.
36:05.951 --> 36:08.253
This is all publicly available information.
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Mark and I don't have some kind of special search engine.
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Although Mark does use and I don't.
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I mean, we aren't some, you know, magicians here.
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We don't have special access to Google algorithms that you don't.
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I do think that Mark is a very clever guy.
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I do think that, you know,
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I'm not a dull knife, but it's right there in front of your face.
36:37.491 --> 36:45.437
How is it possible that nobody is seeing this pro-China guy?
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How is nobody seeing what this guy is up to with his father, with his brothers, with his track record of all these podcasts?
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I mean, it's just there.
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He didn't save anybody.
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In fact, he made it really hard for anybody to see through his soup.
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He is the master of stupid complicated.
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And then this guy, you know, is kind of the master of the dumb simple.
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It's just remarkable, ladies and gentlemen, and I really do think that it's possible that this guy, with a coordinated group of liars and meddlers, has essentially
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accepted that, okay, I guess there are gain of function viruses, because these guys say there are, and these guys are going to help me get further in on the ladder of power.
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So I guess I might as well go with it.
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But this is a coordinated group of liars that is behind Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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And unfortunately, that same group of coordinated liars is very intimately related to the temporal events surrounding the rise and fall of Brandy Vaughn.
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And so Mark Kulak did a show today that I think everybody should be required to see.
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He's been posting videos and archiving videos about Brandy.
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And the spectacular conclusion is that everyone from CHD and everyone adjacent to CHD and ICANN, as far as we can tell, just stopped talking about Brandy after she died, with the exception of like one girl, one woman named Tina.
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Everybody else just basically stopped talking about her.
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And I think Mark has a pretty good take on it.
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The idea that CHD has lawyers and the lawyers said you should just stay away from that case.
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And so you shouldn't mention Brandy anymore.
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And it's just kind of a habit, you know, you just don't do it.
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It shows a lot of cowardice.
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It shows a lot of weakness on the part of all of these people that were in that organization at the time.
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It shows a very big lack of courage.
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And it shows how much influence they already had in place because they must have had everybody saying that.
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It's very hard for me to see it any other way.
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then she was murdered.
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And it's probably also likely that it was a fentanyl poisoning.
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I think that Mark's experience with that leaves me with little argument.
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I think the rest of us would like to hear, too.
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Can you tell us a little bit about your story?
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39:41.016 --> 39:42.937
And thanks for letting me come on to tell it.
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I was good friends with Brandy Vaughn, who had learned the, who passed on December 7th.
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Her background is that she was working for Merck Pharmaceuticals, and they were selling the drug Vioxx years ago, which was killing hundreds of thousands of people.
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And she saw behind the scenes how they just continued to push sales, regardless of the findings that were happening.
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And so she realized how corrupted the industry was, and she got out of it.
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She felt like she had blood on her hands, but went on to live her life, had a baby,
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never had vaccinated her baby because she had dove into that subject, but she wasn't speaking out back then.
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And then back in 2015, California was trying to pass a bill, SB 277, to take away our rights to exemptions there.
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And that's when I kind of jumped in to start speaking out.
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And the first time I dabbled in politics, and never again.
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And I ended up meeting Brandy through groups online and
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I first started noticing her and paying attention to her because she was speaking out against controlled opposition within the movement.
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And she grabbed my attention because I already was having a lot of intuitive feelings about some of the people in the movement who were like so-called leaders who would say, no, no, no, don't talk about it being poison or don't talk about it being toxic.
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Let's just talk about choice.
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And I would think, I wish someone had told me the truth, and I'm going to speak the truth.
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And so I already was kind of suspicious of some of these people, but had never heard of anything like controlled opposition.
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And one day, Brandi went into a group where there was a huge group in California, and she started to name names, call out the controlled opposition, and was basically under fire because everybody was attacking her.
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yes i'm in the group and there are no leaders they've become almost like celebrities in the movement and you dare not say anything bad against these people and i thought to myself everything she said make sense to me and and it's what i've already been feeling and she did not get no valid reason to be doing what she's doing right now unless it's the truth it's not going to gain her popularity and so then i was taking on a rally at the golden gate bridge in california
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with another friend of mine, Tessa, who had talked me into it, and I was feeling overwhelmed, and it was over my head what I was getting into, but nobody else had stepped up to take this on.
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And all of a sudden, Brandy Vaughn reached out to me and asked if I needed help.
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She said, I'll help get the speakers.
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I'll basically forward some of the money to get the speakers and everything.
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And so I welcomed her to join us to help with that rally.
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And from then on, we became really close friends.
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And I worked with her on Learn the Risk right out of the gate as soon as she started that platform.
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And we became like family.
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We vacationed together, hung out together.
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And for Thanksgiving this year, she reached out to me and asked if what we were doing for Thanksgiving
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So, um, the Thanksgiving thing was confirmed by another story.
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Um, so that seems to suggest that they were at least close enough to spend Thanksgiving together.
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Um, I'm not willing to rule on anybody being a source or not source.
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I just think that the, the prevailing narrative on the CHD website and on the news sources that we can find is that she died of natural causes from a gallbladder thing.
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But what compels me is that Mark looked at the police record and the autopsy and what they tested for and didn't test for.
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And from his perspective, they didn't really look at the possibility that she was poisoned in that way.
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And I think that if this lady is a bad source, I'm curious as to what she's a bad source of information about.
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Because in this video, she simply says that
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Brandi was being meddled with by a bunch of people.
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I mean, she seems to imply, for example, and you'll hear it in a minute, that Brandi was being meddled with by all these people moving that stuff around.
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And also the video that Brandi made, she almost tells it verbatim, like she says every little thing.
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And she even says the thing about the duck statue being on her table.
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And so in that sense, it's pretty much a testimony that I could give if I
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if I just said I saw a video of her and this is what she said.
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And so there are parts about this that you can see as being like reinforcing the narrative of what happened to her.
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If you think, for example, of what Mark suggested, that maybe they put her into a witness protection kind of program and she really wasn't dead.
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I'm not really sure that that holds much water because of the fact that there's so much surrounding when she was, you know, she was awake when her son first found her and then he didn't call until two hours later.
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I don't know all this story, but what I want to hear here and what I want to play this for, even if she's not a reliable source, I don't know how we would, any of us would know that.
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What I like about her is that she's not happy.
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She hasn't forgotten about Brandy.
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She's not happy about what's happening with Brandy.
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She's not convinced that the people around Brandy are good.
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And that she even suggests that the people that got in there before she could get in there.
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And so what she says in this video is that she wanted to do what Brandy wanted to be done if Brandy disappeared.
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And so again, I don't know.
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I just think it's important to realize and the most important observation is,
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in my mind that a lot of these people went on podcasts and completely forgot about Brandy.
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One of the things to realize is that I worked at CHD for a very long time and never heard of Brandy Vaughn.
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I worked at CHD for a very long time before anybody specifically said, you're not giving your kids vaccines anymore, are you?
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I worked at CHD when I vaccinated my children, so something is, quite frankly, off about CHD if their message is so ambiguous that I could be employed by them and not know enough already that, wow, in case you're not aware, our main message is that there is no safe vaccine.
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Because then my daughter wouldn't have all of hers and my sons wouldn't have gotten any to go into this new
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this new school district in 2022.
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Do you see that problem?
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That's a problem for me.
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And this lady seems to be describing exactly the problem that I ran into in CHD 10 years later.
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And that is that we shouldn't say anything about toxins or whatever.
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We should just say choice.
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Advocate for choice.
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Giving and I was awaiting becoming a grandma around that time.
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So we had no plans to leave.
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And I welcomed her to come spend Thanksgiving, her and her son with us.
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In this story, she says that the first $60,000 that she raised was taken for her son.
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And then in this video, she says that she raised an additional $40,000.
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Then I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't understand how it is possible to know for sure what's going on here and be so sure that one person is bad or good when we haven't even really listened to the video.
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If you haven't listened to the video, then how can we know this is a video of her talking?
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And she is going to complain about the fact that she raised $60,000 to investigate her death and to perpetuate her website work.
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And that money was taken by these other people purportedly to give to her son.
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And so then she had to start her fundraising all over again and got up to $40,000.
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So I'm not sure how she sees it.
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I don't get it.
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So we had a great time.
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We were, you know- So you watched, I don't understand, you watched dozens of videos of Brandy in the last three days or you knew about Brandy and never told me?
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I don't get it.
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There were zero signs of her having any pain.
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She was herself.
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We talked about stuff about, you know, learning the risk.
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We talked about the movement.
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Her website had been sabotaged not long before and she was still trying to get the new one up and started.
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We talked about controlled opposition.
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We talked about people she still didn't trust, although she hadn't been as vocal anymore.
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But it was out there already.
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She just kind of let that simmer down.
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But we had all these conversations.
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She was doing great.
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And nine days later, she was found dead in her hall.
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And as soon as she was found, it took about 24 hours before I found out about it.
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But there were people within the movement that she didn't trust that knew about it right away.
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And out of the gate, they got to the person that was with her son.
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They managed to get text messages on her phone that said something about her having a sore stomach.
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And they ran with this narrative that it's her gallbladder.
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Nothing to see here.
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It's her gallbladder.
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Well, back in December 2019, she had done a post.
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So just a year before her passing, she had done a post outlining, if I were to pass away, an untimely death,
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and listed what she would want done.
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She said, I am not suicidal.
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I am in perfect health.
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She detailed it.
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I would want to have fundraising done.
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I have a team of close friends that will look after this.
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And so I, out of the gate, started a fundraiser.
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And it got up to about $60,000.
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At the point of about $20,000, one of these people that I didn't trust, who had clung into it, clawed into it quickly,
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She started reaching out to me and saying, oh, all that money has to go to the person that has her son.
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And I was like, no.
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If there's need for him up front, yes, of course, I'm going to take care of him first.
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But this is to get the private investigation taken care of.
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So they sabotaged that first fundraiser.
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The $60,000, I never saw a penny of it.
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That went away, and I had to start a new fundraiser.
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So I guess she's lying about that, otherwise your story can't cut it.
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And then?
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And I've had to unravel them basically trying to poison my name to the family in Europe that's on the son's father's side.
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So she's lying about all of this too, that they weren't trying to disconnect her from the family in France.
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She's just making this shit up too because there are other videos that prove that.
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I don't get it.
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cause problems for me that I've had to like slowly undo and- But what's the conclusion then?
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That Brandy wasn't killed?
51:00.322 --> 51:01.983
Or that CHD's innocent?
51:02.183 --> 51:06.987
Or that CHD started independently of Brandy or wasn't really trying to step in front of her?
51:07.687 --> 51:12.130
Or they just ignored the fact that Brandy was saying intramuscular injection is dumb too?
51:12.150 --> 51:18.095
I don't get it because at some point in time we're gonna have to acknowledge that whatever the bullshit is,
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Whatever the real story is, whoever the real whistleblowers are, all these assholes were knee-deep in it.
51:26.222 --> 51:30.889
And she was saying it exactly like I'm saying it right now, and she's dead.
51:32.472 --> 51:34.373
So I don't care if Tina's a liar.
51:34.713 --> 51:36.674
I don't care if Judy Mikovits is a liar.
51:36.714 --> 51:42.258
They're all liars, except this lady is encouraging people to take it to themselves.
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Take what you've learned and go out on the street and teach people.
51:46.540 --> 51:47.781
That's what she's saying.
51:48.181 --> 51:50.122
So maybe Tina Marie is a shithead.
51:50.482 --> 51:53.724
Maybe she is a bad guy, but I don't hear anything bad here.
51:54.164 --> 52:00.208
She's saying that people were meddling with her, they were messing with her, and you're gonna hear in a second, she's gonna say it.
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that they were telling him not to say anything, you know, about toxicity, just say about choice and about no mandates.
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Prove myself.
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Um, she also made me the, um, legacy holder for her Facebook page.
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So I've had to like throw that out to show she wouldn't give this to someone she didn't trust.
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And it's just been a lot, you know, layers and layers of confusion.
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I've watched the same videos you guys are watching.
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Olsen Page is a follower of this channel.
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He sends me the links.
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I don't know why everybody's trying to pull rank on me as if I'm, I'm just at the gym all day shooting buckets and not doing this job 24 seven to the expense of my family and my marriage.
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I want to know why Brandy Vaughn is the only person who was saying it correct that I can find besides Polly in a video with Brandy Vaughn.
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And why nobody at CHD when I was working there had the balls or the guts to say that there is no safe vaccine, that if you've taken a vaccine, you're injured and you shouldn't give a vaccine to anybody.
53:12.382 --> 53:19.006
Because the only person that I could find video evidence of saying anything remotely close to as sharp as I'm saying is dead.
53:22.167 --> 53:25.329
And hurdles that I've been trying to overcome, but
53:25.987 --> 53:31.969
We are getting there slowly and donations are back up to about, we're at about 40,000, I think.
53:32.389 --> 53:33.150
And then she says 40,000.
53:34.130 --> 53:37.111
And so now you're telling me that she stole 40,000.
53:38.272 --> 53:42.133
She's saying that they took 60,000 she raised already once.
53:42.793 --> 53:44.614
Now she raised 40,000 more.
53:44.994 --> 53:47.255
And you're telling me, I guess she stole that.
53:49.136 --> 53:49.796
Maybe she did.
53:50.116 --> 53:52.157
Maybe she couldn't get an investigation going.
53:53.069 --> 53:54.710
Maybe no investigator would take it.
53:54.750 --> 53:55.970
Maybe no lawyer would take it.
53:56.110 --> 53:57.171
I don't know, Pamela.
53:57.271 --> 53:58.031
I really don't.
53:58.611 --> 54:06.735
But the bottom line is, is that all this smoke and mirrors and all this certainty over who's right and who's wrong is bullshit.
54:07.515 --> 54:16.599
Because it's Brandy Vaughn, the only woman, the only human who's gotten it right before I did, that I can tell.
54:21.175 --> 54:24.036
And so you tell me what I should do now.
54:24.717 --> 54:34.621
I should believe her son because he's on video saying somebody's the best friend to somebody like they couldn't have made him say whatever they wanted to after his mom died.
54:36.142 --> 54:37.683
He found his mom dead.
54:38.123 --> 54:41.745
These people went there and talked to him before Tina got there.
54:41.805 --> 54:44.686
According to Tina, Tina didn't get there for with him for a whole day.
54:46.474 --> 54:55.641
Again, I don't understand how anybody can claim to be so certain about any of the people that were involved in this unless you've actually shaken hands with them.
54:58.223 --> 55:01.325
The likelihood that you've shaken hands with Tina Marie is really low.
55:02.726 --> 55:06.809
Although Del Bigtree and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
55:06.889 --> 55:10.972
and Judy Mikovits, these are all people I think lots of people shake hands with.
55:15.871 --> 55:17.272
I'm really frustrated with this.
55:18.133 --> 55:21.776
I'm really frustrated with this because I'm pissed that nobody ever told me.
55:22.777 --> 55:27.761
And anybody that says that they've known Brandy Vaughn for a long time should be ashamed of themselves.
55:28.261 --> 55:37.069
Why would you let me talk for a year and a half saying everything that Brandy said in a slightly different way and not tell me that Brandy was saying it?
55:42.890 --> 55:46.052
Some big time amount of bullshit's going on here.
55:46.272 --> 55:47.112
We still need more.
55:47.573 --> 55:51.675
We are moving forward with the private investigation and we're not going to give up.
55:51.755 --> 55:58.078
I mean, we're, I'm working hard to honor the wishes that she laid out that she wanted to have happen in the event of untimely death.
55:58.478 --> 56:00.900
And I don't buy the gallbladder story, not for a minute.
56:01.300 --> 56:03.181
Cause she was a very organic eater.
56:03.561 --> 56:07.103
She was with me nine days before and had zero signs of pain.
56:07.557 --> 56:09.058
It just, it doesn't add up.
56:09.238 --> 56:15.080
Anyone that has, you know, critical thinking skills or can use some common sense can see that something is off here.
56:15.100 --> 56:19.602
And what happened to the, sorry to break in here, what happened to the Vioxx?
56:19.642 --> 56:25.305
Didn't they like re like instated or something right after her death?
56:25.605 --> 56:27.866
Yeah, after her death, I started to hear about that.
56:28.126 --> 56:31.367
Yeah, that they, I think they've relabeled it and that was coming out.
56:31.428 --> 56:36.930
I also have heard from people have reached out wondering, um, I guess there's some lawsuits that are coming up and
56:37.737 --> 56:44.801
I had people questioning me if she had been asked to testify, and they said even if she hadn't been yet, she probably was going to be asked to testify.
56:44.821 --> 56:50.004
So there's layered reasons as to why her untimely death may have occurred.
56:50.044 --> 57:01.731
Have you heard the rumor that Kobe Bryant was going to testify in a trial about diet pills that his daughter and wife were on, and the diet pills contained opioids?
57:04.172 --> 57:05.093
Have you heard that rumor?
57:06.564 --> 57:19.451
that like five days before he was gonna testify in a case about laced diet pills, he had an untimely helicopter crash, also with his daughter, unfortunately.
57:24.835 --> 57:28.857
But can you also get into some of the dirty tricks that they used on Brandy while she was alive?
57:29.457 --> 57:35.341
She has a video actually online, I can't think of the name of it now, where she goes through and explains what they did.
57:36.371 --> 57:37.392
and to intimidate her.
57:37.452 --> 57:41.316
They had broke into her house and they moved her.
57:41.456 --> 57:42.817
They didn't steal anything.
57:42.877 --> 57:45.500
They just did things to basically intimidate her.
57:45.540 --> 57:50.464
They moved her computer where it was hidden on the microwave into the middle of her kitchen floor.
57:50.484 --> 58:02.095
They left a stool by one of the windows near the front, which was the only window that had the blinds open as like, you know, a sign to show that they're watching her.
58:02.874 --> 58:10.539
Um, in a lot of her videos, she used to say that she felt like a sitting duck, um, you know, just waiting for them to do something.
58:10.659 --> 58:15.962
And they left a statue of a duck on her patio table in the backyard.
58:16.803 --> 58:21.826
Um, she's had, her accounts had been sabotaged more than once, her bank accounts.
58:22.887 --> 58:26.689
Um, she's had the website under attack more than once as well.
58:27.509 --> 58:57.015
uh... there was one time she i think we're on the phone and she was just going back to her car and she panicked because in the car door there was like a playbill from a play and i can't think of the name of the play that it is but it was basically a picture of a noose from this play and uh... i said well does anybody else have that on their car thinking it has to be something else she said no hers was the only car that had this playbill tucked into the door handle of her car so yeah she'd been uh... she'd been
58:57.955 --> 59:07.146
She was very, very, had post-traumatic stress disorder and was, you know, she lived kind of paranoid because, rightly so, she always felt like she was under attack.
59:08.668 --> 59:11.171
And then it is under... Oh, sure, sure.
59:12.450 --> 59:24.613
We, a lot of us here do a lot of research on what conspiracies are behind some of the events that we see, but all the research I have to do is absolutely third hand by a long way.
59:25.394 --> 59:27.354
And you're seeing this stuff in action.
59:27.674 --> 59:29.035
She saw this stuff in action.
59:29.115 --> 59:36.057
Do you have a sense, you use the word they, I use the word they all the time, but they can mean different kind of subgroups of a bigger group.
59:36.457 --> 59:37.357
Did you have a sense of,
59:37.737 --> 59:42.242
who they really are and how far and wide they went, how they coordinated.
59:42.302 --> 59:53.353
Is it corporation, just the big pharma, or do you feel like there were government entities that were complicit or media that doesn't pick this stuff up?
59:53.373 --> 59:55.556
Do you have a sense of how it really works?
59:56.581 --> 59:57.782
Well, I think all of the above.
59:57.882 --> 01:00:04.127
It's all linked together, and there are key players in every corner of what's going on.
01:00:04.727 --> 01:00:16.837
When I say they, I'm usually meaning those connected to the pharmaceutical industry, but that does spin into, when I say controlled opposition, there are people within the movement that we can't trust.
01:00:16.997 --> 01:00:21.220
They are in there, they do a great job, they're great leaders, they always
01:00:21.633 --> 01:00:24.094
tend to have the funding to be traveling everywhere.
01:00:24.354 --> 01:00:29.277
They're great speakers, but they are, there will be something about their messaging that is a little off.
01:00:29.717 --> 01:00:31.458
It will be a little bit confusing.
01:00:32.319 --> 01:00:40.303
Um, so that, you know, they, they'll use choice instead of, you know, just really explaining and educating on what's in a vaccine so people can make the right choice.
01:00:41.023 --> 01:00:42.604
Um, and then, yeah.
01:00:42.664 --> 01:00:49.328
And even with this investigation that's going on, I have reached, I went to Santa Barbara to the, um,
01:00:49.864 --> 01:01:02.173
sheriff's department and I left my name and all my information and he and I said I had already called and left a message and the lieutenant that I was talking to says you mean that like the leading sheriff hasn't reached out to you yet?
01:01:02.393 --> 01:01:04.274
He even seemed surprised and I said no.
01:01:04.675 --> 01:01:08.017
So he I left my name and number and he goes okay he'll get back to you.
01:01:08.417 --> 01:01:09.478
Still hasn't got back to me.
01:01:09.498 --> 01:01:14.842
I mean and then they put an article out into the media saying oh yeah there would be a thorough investigation.
01:01:15.102 --> 01:01:16.023
I know firsthand
01:01:16.772 --> 01:01:25.264
I mean, the bottom line is, is if there was a real operation to kill Brandy Vaughn, then there will be confused people.
01:01:26.069 --> 01:01:28.731
There will be people that are confused and misled.
01:01:28.791 --> 01:01:32.574
And once they are confused and misled, they will be encouraged to stay that way.
01:01:33.474 --> 01:01:37.857
They will be amplified to staying that way, just like they wanted to do with me.
01:01:38.318 --> 01:01:46.383
They wanted to confuse me about the evolution of the virus and whether or not the transfection was causing the evolution of the virus.
01:01:46.964 --> 01:01:49.585
They wanted me to be able to be that guy to tell the story.
01:01:49.625 --> 01:01:54.329
And if I sucked it up and drank it and spit the right words out,
01:01:55.029 --> 01:01:59.952
I would be the guy who was on the Courageous Discourse interview right now, not Charles Rixey.
01:02:03.634 --> 01:02:04.574
That's what they do.
01:02:05.895 --> 01:02:17.601
And if Brandy would have played along with the go and just say choice, and don't get all toxic, don't say they're all bad, don't be anti-vaccine yet, just let people make their choice.
01:02:17.641 --> 01:02:20.163
If Brandy would have gone along with it, she'd be fine too.
01:02:23.612 --> 01:02:26.394
but she'd probably still be standing behind these people.
01:02:27.195 --> 01:02:29.196
It would probably still be Del in front of her.
01:02:29.216 --> 01:02:31.878
It would still be Polly, who was the producer.
01:02:31.938 --> 01:02:36.662
It would still be her having to be the fanboy of them.
01:02:38.343 --> 01:02:41.786
Just like if I would have stayed with CHD, I would have stayed there.
01:02:41.866 --> 01:02:43.467
I would have done fine.
01:02:43.507 --> 01:02:47.270
I would have gotten paid, but I would have never gotten my own show.
01:02:47.330 --> 01:02:49.872
I wouldn't have been able to teach whatever I wanted to teach.
01:02:50.512 --> 01:02:52.674
I could have interviewed people maybe, or maybe not.
01:02:53.786 --> 01:02:56.499
Brian said definitely no, no show for you.
01:02:59.494 --> 01:03:12.781
Ladies and gentlemen, I am imploring you to see that what this woman is saying, I don't care if Pamela's right and that after this video, she stole the $40,000 and bought a house.
01:03:13.522 --> 01:03:14.062
I don't care.
01:03:14.862 --> 01:03:24.608
She might've stolen the $40,000 after she realized that no one was gonna ever allow her to investigate in Brandy and that the best thing that she could do is get the frick out of Dodge.
01:03:24.728 --> 01:03:26.029
I don't know, it's possible.
01:03:26.869 --> 01:03:38.400
But what she's saying right here, in this video, about how they meddle, and how they stand in front of you, and how they make you feel like you're a part of the show, but you're not.
01:03:38.801 --> 01:03:41.323
They feel like you're a part of the team, but you're not.
01:03:41.663 --> 01:03:42.764
You're almost gonna get in.
01:03:42.805 --> 01:03:44.226
We're gonna put you in the fourth quarter.
01:03:44.266 --> 01:03:45.107
Just sit there and wait.
01:03:45.487 --> 01:03:46.128
You just wait.
01:03:48.482 --> 01:03:50.046
It's the same bullshit.
01:03:50.166 --> 01:03:57.845
And if you realize that it's possible that ICANN and Vaxxed and Andrew Wakefield were all queued up.
01:04:00.387 --> 01:04:00.787
You know what?
01:04:00.827 --> 01:04:03.069
We gotta find something to do about this Brandy girl.
01:04:03.149 --> 01:04:03.990
Oh, I got an idea.
01:04:04.030 --> 01:04:06.072
We'll find some story.
01:04:06.132 --> 01:04:08.353
We got a bunch of kids over there in the UK.
01:04:08.413 --> 01:04:09.354
We can round them up.
01:04:10.115 --> 01:04:12.136
And we can get one of these guys to do a study.
01:04:12.156 --> 01:04:14.758
And then we'll promote him and one of these moms.
01:04:14.838 --> 01:04:18.181
And we'll just basically get in front of her.
01:04:18.882 --> 01:04:20.103
And we'll have a lot more money.
01:04:20.503 --> 01:04:22.104
And we'll get the movie done really quick.
01:04:22.825 --> 01:04:24.026
And it'll be about choice.
01:04:26.874 --> 01:04:31.516
and that we just want to have the choice to have a singles measles vaccine, a single measles vaccine.
01:04:34.077 --> 01:04:35.458
But we can get in front of Brandy.
01:04:35.498 --> 01:04:36.618
We could have wine with her.
01:04:36.658 --> 01:04:41.741
We can tell her that we believe everything that she says, but we've got a different way of getting to the end zone.
01:04:44.342 --> 01:04:53.786
That is the precise process that this angry and frustrated Tina Marie, she's got the vibe of a person who's not,
01:04:54.986 --> 01:05:20.385
Meddling but a person who's just barely able to keep her head above water because she can't figure out what the hell's going on She could be a meddler But I like what she's saying and I think that this video is not evidence of her meddling no thorough investigation going on There's someone that's in her house cleaning things out of her house They've never taken the cell phone It's just it's not being investigated yet.
01:05:20.425 --> 01:05:21.626
That's what they put into the media.
01:05:21.646 --> 01:05:21.666
01:05:22.093 --> 01:05:32.124
So yeah, and there's several layers of key people that will push forward messaging that isn't the truth.
01:05:34.047 --> 01:05:42.036
So what I was going to say is, the reason I was so behind what she was doing is I had already thought of doing something similar but not as big.
01:05:42.472 --> 01:05:46.275
But there are tools on Learn the Risk that are information cards.
01:05:46.295 --> 01:05:52.559
You can either print out flyers or buy things from online that have the information of what's in the vaccine.
01:05:52.939 --> 01:05:56.561
And people need to start getting out there themselves and doing it.
01:05:56.822 --> 01:05:58.763
It shouldn't just be a few people that are leaders.
01:05:58.843 --> 01:06:01.785
Everybody has to figure out their own leader inside themselves.
01:06:02.185 --> 01:06:08.810
If they're too shy to go approach somebody in person, then stick a card or a flyer on someone's car next to you every time you park your car.
01:06:09.150 --> 01:06:10.451
Stick a card inside of
01:06:11.221 --> 01:06:14.344
a gas station credit card slot every time you get gas.
01:06:14.444 --> 01:06:25.312
If everybody that is aware of the truth and awake to the truth started to do these things, we can touch people, the hearts and minds of people, one person at a time in day-to-day living.
01:06:25.352 --> 01:06:30.777
We don't need these echo chambers online where we're all repeating to the same followers most of the time.
01:06:31.137 --> 01:06:38.583
We get a few new people, but I think we really need more people to take what they're learning and get out there and touch the people that they're in a community with.
01:06:39.235 --> 01:06:40.896
And so I think that's what we have to do.
01:06:40.956 --> 01:06:45.260
I think we have to do what Tina and Brandy would have done or were trying to do.
01:06:45.940 --> 01:07:01.092
And so this morning and this afternoon, I already started trying to develop a couple things that she's described, including business cards that you could put in credit card machines or hand out to your friends so that in the self-addressed stamped envelope,
01:07:02.132 --> 01:07:07.578
That I send back to you with a sticker or a or a patch or or stickers.
01:07:07.658 --> 01:07:19.129
I can also send you Some of these business cards that you can give to your family and friends with a link to a page that I'm still creating and making that will have the basics of
01:07:19.849 --> 01:07:35.581
The the you know the scooby-doo narrative and what they lied about and this kind of thing It's gonna take a couple more days of tweaking, but I think we can get there and I can start printing something soon So I want to move on from this you can watch that whole video if you want.
01:07:35.621 --> 01:07:39.284
I think it's quite interesting I'm still think that the main
01:07:39.964 --> 01:08:01.047
the main message has to be that they created an illusion of consensus and we need to figure out or we need to pressure the people that participated in this theater to feel guilt because if they feel guilt then the people that are the coordinated liars will sort of rise to the top and
01:08:01.327 --> 01:08:06.053
and because the rest of them will push them to the top by stepping back.
01:08:06.553 --> 01:08:14.522
And so we need more of these people who were encouraged early on by the coordinated liars that are really team worst case scenario.
01:08:15.123 --> 01:08:17.746
We need them to realize how they were pushed.
01:08:19.036 --> 01:08:24.740
to check themselves again to realize how they went along with something they probably shouldn't have gone along with.
01:08:25.221 --> 01:08:27.022
Maybe they thought it was only going to last a year.
01:08:27.082 --> 01:08:36.208
Maybe Ryan Cole only thought he was going to have to do it for a couple years and now he regrets it and so maybe he can tell us something about what happened in 2020 and 2021 that will reveal
01:08:38.610 --> 01:08:40.532
you know, who the coordinated liars are.
01:08:40.772 --> 01:08:47.638
I'm pretty sure it's Kevin McKernan and Robert Malone and his wife and Jessica Rose and Harvey Reich and a couple other people.
01:08:48.038 --> 01:08:58.847
I don't think Brett Weinstein is smart enough to be in on the planning meetings, but he is useful enough and was put in place early enough with a large enough audience that he's a useful cat wrangler.
01:09:00.690 --> 01:09:14.410
And a lot of these people, of course, reveal themselves by continually going on these well-funded international trips that were called International COVID Summits organized by Robert Malone and Meryl Nass and Glass-Poole Malone.
01:09:15.478 --> 01:09:28.626
And so I believe that this is the current manifestation of what Edward Bernays described as the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions as an important element of democratic society.
01:09:29.086 --> 01:09:37.812
And I think it's exactly being done on social media the way that Noam Chomsky described it, which is a curation of a very lively debate.
01:09:38.372 --> 01:09:44.796
And the people on the far ends of this debate seem to have a really interesting and firm opinion.
01:09:45.576 --> 01:09:49.558
But both of these opinions form the barriers of the trap.
01:09:49.638 --> 01:09:57.002
The narrative of the state is actually reinforced by this limited spectrum of debate.
01:09:57.042 --> 01:10:13.330
And as long as you pretend to hear other people, but focus exclusively on arguing with other people in that group photo, then you can basically make anybody feel like they're being heard and make anybody feel like they're making progress, when in reality, they're not doing anything.
01:10:15.714 --> 01:10:25.242
I think the way that you should think about it is if these guys were all on stage and then they periodically came down to the audience if you raised your hand and then brought you up on stage.
01:10:25.302 --> 01:10:36.411
Now you wouldn't imagine if you went to a theater production with these people on stage and then they brought you on stage that you could influence the outcome of the play.
01:10:37.772 --> 01:10:44.438
You wouldn't believe that if you got up on stage and made the right choice that someone else would win or someone else would perish.
01:10:45.905 --> 01:11:03.756
You would understand that if they brought you up on stage, your goal would be, or your role would be to just kind of passively go along with whatever they nudged you to do and say whatever they whispered into your ear so that it would fit in with the already existing script that these people are going to stick to because they're actors.
01:11:05.297 --> 01:11:12.541
But instead of it being a stage with uncomfortable chairs, it's your phone and it's social media apps.
01:11:13.851 --> 01:11:18.772
where this theater is performed and where they call you up on stage to participate.
01:11:19.492 --> 01:11:22.393
And if you're really good, they might leave you up there for a couple acts.
01:11:22.853 --> 01:11:25.054
They might even really give you some lines.
01:11:27.534 --> 01:11:38.617
But if you believe that you're changing the narrative of the play that they invited you to passively participate in from the audience, you're misleading yourself.
01:11:38.657 --> 01:11:39.857
You're fooling yourself.
01:11:40.984 --> 01:11:43.086
And that's what I did for like three years.
01:11:43.166 --> 01:11:48.149
I fooled myself into believing that Jessica Rose really was fascinated by the clones idea.
01:11:48.730 --> 01:11:51.912
That Robert Malone really did think it was worthwhile listening to me.
01:11:52.272 --> 01:11:55.935
That Meryl Ness did consider everything that I said in that video.
01:11:56.355 --> 01:11:59.237
And these guys, you know, they're really working hard.
01:11:59.718 --> 01:12:02.260
Bret Weinstein was listening to me in that signal chat.
01:12:02.300 --> 01:12:06.683
I'm sure that Steve Kirsch was really happy to have me in his steering committee for a year.
01:12:12.571 --> 01:12:16.053
That's why they all ignore the same things that Brandy was saying.
01:12:16.253 --> 01:12:16.873
They ignore it.
01:12:17.013 --> 01:12:20.054
Brandy would say that transfection in healthy humans was always criminal.
01:12:20.094 --> 01:12:23.296
Brandy would love RNA cannot pandemic.
01:12:23.316 --> 01:12:28.078
I think Brandy would so love RNA cannot pandemic, she would giggle.
01:12:33.660 --> 01:12:37.322
I wish I could have met Brandy and had Brandy on my stream instead of this.
01:12:43.655 --> 01:12:55.418
So apparently Rixey went on the Courageous Discourse sub-stack podcast of John Leake, who is the partner of Peter McCullough.
01:12:55.678 --> 01:12:59.660
And I don't know, I guess he claimed he helped Robert F. Kennedy write this book.
01:13:00.420 --> 01:13:07.762
And the really crazy part about it is, ladies and gentlemen, is that in this book, there is a list of people who helped write the book.
01:13:08.602 --> 01:13:10.263
and Rixey is not in that list.
01:13:10.783 --> 01:13:30.631
And more importantly at the top paragraph here is a list of people who all know that Rixey was fired a few weeks after he was hired to help write this book because he allowed Kevin McCairn in a private Zoom meeting in a hotel in Texas.
01:13:31.482 --> 01:13:39.806
when McCairn was touring the country and had just recently visited me and then found himself in the same hotel room as Rixey in Texas.
01:13:41.606 --> 01:13:45.128
Rixey, of course, would later go and live with him in Japan for a while.
01:13:45.148 --> 01:13:47.469
I don't know what happened to his woman and kid, but anyway.
01:13:50.210 --> 01:13:59.874
Rumor has it that a supporter of Mark Kulak, who I also met in person here in Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, when I also met George Webb,
01:14:02.267 --> 01:14:08.944
Karmadoc supposedly went to Japan and was in Japan when Rixie was in Japan.
01:14:12.662 --> 01:14:33.408
the way it stands right now is still this is the most extraordinary thing on my radar that this former acolyte and apprentice of Francis Collins and Mark Lander and Ventner and all these guys is telling lies about the current Health and Human Services Secretary's book about Wuhan and who helped him write it and who didn't.
01:14:33.949 --> 01:14:38.010
And more importantly, he's telling lies about a person who came to my house.
01:14:41.246 --> 01:14:43.949
And so it's personal because he's been on my show.
01:14:44.489 --> 01:14:46.551
He's told lies about me on the internet.
01:14:46.571 --> 01:14:50.375
He's written substacks that are lies.
01:14:52.937 --> 01:15:00.684
And he's misleading an entire generation about the fidelity of our molecular tools and our ability to manipulate genetics.
01:15:03.167 --> 01:15:06.430
Because it's been his job for a very long time to do that, apparently.
01:15:09.363 --> 01:15:17.585
Ladies and gentlemen, the reason why Kevin McKernan was brought in is because the pandemic was done because the U.S.
01:15:17.625 --> 01:15:21.226
vaccine schedule and all the schedules around the world are criminal.
01:15:22.867 --> 01:15:33.790
The pandemic would have been a hell of a lot more effective if Brandy Vaughn would never have been alive, if the vaxxed movie never had to be made.
01:15:35.003 --> 01:15:55.639
If Vax2 never had to be made, if CHD never had to change its name from World Mercury Project to Children's Health Defense, if Brandy wouldn't have spurred this problem, the pandemic would have started without CHD, would have started without Vaxxed, would have started without ICANN.
01:16:00.663 --> 01:16:01.384
Think about that.
01:16:04.736 --> 01:16:10.457
Or were ICANN and CHD started for the pandemic?
01:16:11.498 --> 01:16:13.118
Was Brandy just a speed bump?
01:16:13.598 --> 01:16:21.640
Was Brandy just an unplanned problem in a script where she tried to get on stage and change the script, but there's no changing the script.
01:16:22.821 --> 01:16:23.461
It's a play.
01:16:23.541 --> 01:16:24.181
It's a theater.
01:16:25.801 --> 01:16:28.522
They make you feel like you're on stage and part of it, but you're not.
01:16:28.882 --> 01:16:31.683
It's a stage and they're the actors.
01:16:36.345 --> 01:16:37.746
Brandy didn't see it coming.
01:16:38.787 --> 01:16:56.801
But everybody that's participating in this, including Tony Fauci and the Club of Rome and all of the governments of the West have seen it coming because they look at population pyramids to know how many people are going to retire and how close their health care systems will be to collapse as these people age out.
01:16:57.021 --> 01:16:58.603
And they've been watching it for decades.
01:16:59.483 --> 01:17:03.587
And so what they've done is they took advantage of a signal that was coming.
01:17:04.508 --> 01:17:08.590
They knew that there would be a rise in all-cause mortality.
01:17:08.851 --> 01:17:11.352
It was just a question of how they were going to explain it to us.
01:17:12.893 --> 01:17:21.018
Were they going to explain to us that our systems are collapsing because we're sparing no expense at keeping grandma alive for as long as possible?
01:17:24.360 --> 01:17:28.062
Were they going to tell you that only the rich people are going to be able to live to be old nowadays?
01:17:29.983 --> 01:17:33.726
Or were they gonna tell you something that they could enslave your grandchildren with?
01:17:33.806 --> 01:17:37.268
Like, you know, there's a novel virus and people are dying everywhere because of a novel.
01:17:37.328 --> 01:17:38.168
We can't explain it.
01:17:38.989 --> 01:17:39.509
It's nuts.
01:17:40.210 --> 01:17:43.312
I guess you're all gonna have to assume that transfection worked.
01:17:46.754 --> 01:17:48.395
This is a magic trick.
01:17:50.497 --> 01:17:56.761
It is a very exceptional magic trick using an existing phenomenon and knowing it's coming.
01:17:56.821 --> 01:17:59.323
It is no different than the witch doctor
01:18:00.430 --> 01:18:15.014
in Apocalypto who is using an eclipse to convince people that he has some control or communication line with the gods and that the gods are telling him by bringing the sun back that he doesn't have to kill any more of his prisoners.
01:18:17.794 --> 01:18:20.375
This is the same kind of phenomenon as an eclipse.
01:18:20.415 --> 01:18:28.577
If you know it's coming and you can tell any story you want here and you've got people like Kevin McKernan
01:18:29.505 --> 01:18:51.563
and Joshua Lederberg and Henry Kissinger and Hilary Koprowski and Stanley Plotkin to help you plan and Bob Gallo and Robert Malone and Kevin McKernan and Francis Collins and all of the military
01:18:53.157 --> 01:18:56.079
You can do a pretty big wizardry with that big signal.
01:18:56.640 --> 01:18:57.841
Tell any story you want.
01:18:58.341 --> 01:19:00.903
And I'm arguing that that's exactly what these people did.
01:19:01.264 --> 01:19:07.589
They might not know that that's what they've done, and they might not know that they participated in, but this signal has been known.
01:19:07.729 --> 01:19:09.790
This signal has been known for a long time.
01:19:10.431 --> 01:19:15.375
They have known that the population pyramid of the West was collapsing.
01:19:16.792 --> 01:19:20.878
What that means is, is that the population's not gonna stay 10 billion forever.
01:19:21.319 --> 01:19:24.003
There aren't gonna be this many games of go to collect.
01:19:24.043 --> 01:19:26.427
There aren't gonna be this many cats to wrangle.
01:19:28.874 --> 01:19:32.496
And understand very clearly, these maps don't exist for nothing.
01:19:32.516 --> 01:19:39.441
This is a map from 2011 trying to tell you how different countries are controlled on social media.
01:19:39.461 --> 01:19:43.884
What is the predominant way that opinions are monitored and controlled?
01:19:43.904 --> 01:19:44.725
This is 2011.
01:19:45.125 --> 01:19:47.426
We are in 2025, ladies and gentlemen.
01:19:47.466 --> 01:19:51.309
And I assure you that Twitter has become more and more important here.
01:19:51.549 --> 01:19:52.850
X has become more important.
01:19:52.970 --> 01:19:55.392
Other platforms have become more important.
01:19:55.412 --> 01:19:58.674
And they have been assessing this with micro-precision.
01:20:02.096 --> 01:20:08.641
As these different weaponized piles of money vie for the different cats that needed herding in America.
01:20:11.083 --> 01:20:21.170
And that includes the election of Donald Trump so that people feel like it was real, so people feel like they know what happened, so people feel like they were a part of it and they feel like they understand it.
01:20:21.210 --> 01:20:27.935
And now we are being ripped apart at the seams by the incongruities of this narrative as it progresses.
01:20:28.820 --> 01:20:33.243
And it's being done because we have handed over our consciousness to social media.
01:20:33.963 --> 01:20:43.829
Because the vast majority of thinking humans use these as tools and don't realize that these are just all different nets.
01:20:45.770 --> 01:20:52.394
And you can't combine them or use them unless you're very, very, very aware that this exists.
01:20:55.339 --> 01:21:18.403
this network of meddlers and saboteurs and their unwitting comrades that go along with them because the words sound good or the pay is right or the fame is right or I really like having my own podcast and Rumble came to my house and gave me a set so I might as well interview Heather Weinstein and let her tell me all about
01:21:20.032 --> 01:21:22.997
shedding and transfection in 2025.
01:21:23.357 --> 01:21:35.776
That's the bullshit that you're gonna deal with now for the next year as we start to progress to having people understand the breadth and the depth of this lie and who participated in it, witting or unwittingly.
01:21:38.407 --> 01:21:43.290
There is no epidemiological evidence of spread and none of these people have been able to say it.
01:21:43.350 --> 01:21:52.196
That makes them traitors to your grandkids because this is the most important piece of data that Denny Rancourt has obfuscated for his entire COVID career.
01:21:53.437 --> 01:22:00.062
There is no epidemiological evidence of spreading pathogen anywhere in the world across borders, even counties.
01:22:06.263 --> 01:22:13.850
It is an anticipated rise in expected deaths that can be seen clearly in Denny Rancor's own data.
01:22:15.611 --> 01:22:26.901
And I will watch a video tomorrow with him and his two co-authors where they look at this graph with a longer time horizon than this one, with a more obvious rise than this graph has.
01:22:28.622 --> 01:22:31.445
And they say, there seems to be a pattern, but I don't know what it would be.
01:22:35.359 --> 01:22:42.784
An anticipated rise in expected deaths sculpted using murder and sophisticated lies was used to create the myth of an RNA pandemic.
01:22:43.664 --> 01:22:46.946
Can you find anyone saying it more clearly?
01:22:50.589 --> 01:22:55.792
They use supplementary oxygen, ventilators, and a lack of antibiotic use to kill a lot of people in hospitals.
01:22:55.852 --> 01:22:58.434
They use supplementary oxygen to cause ARDS.
01:22:58.834 --> 01:23:03.537
That's the reason why most severe COVID progressed only in hospitals, not at home.
01:23:05.063 --> 01:23:07.145
01:23:10.547 --> 01:23:14.671
Anyone that wanted to stop that murder was effectively fooled into solving the mystery.
01:23:14.731 --> 01:23:15.772
That's what they did to me.
01:23:17.393 --> 01:23:27.101
They fooled me into solving the mystery by recruiting me onto a Twitter group called Drastic by two years later sending a jackass like Charles Rixey to my house.
01:23:32.697 --> 01:23:37.640
trying to get me to day trade with some people from drastic in 2020 and 2021.
01:23:41.922 --> 01:23:44.003
These people were put in place to enact it.
01:23:44.043 --> 01:23:45.724
They're still in place and enacting it.
01:23:45.764 --> 01:23:48.146
They don't like it anymore, I don't think, except for this guy.
01:23:48.186 --> 01:23:48.746
He loves it.
01:23:49.386 --> 01:23:52.368
He loves it because the whole narrative has made him feel really smart.
01:23:52.408 --> 01:23:53.789
All these people have told him so.
01:23:55.070 --> 01:23:57.091
And all he does is steal everybody's ideas.
01:23:57.171 --> 01:23:58.912
I think I came up with this myself.
01:24:01.411 --> 01:24:04.153
And then there's this guy who came to my house in 2022.
01:24:04.193 --> 01:24:08.495
A few months, you know, six months, 12 months after, 11 months after Rixey came to my house.
01:24:12.097 --> 01:24:14.858
Boy, I hope I get another chance to meet him in person.
01:24:14.939 --> 01:24:15.599
That's for sure.
01:24:15.639 --> 01:24:19.541
Rixey and McCarron, I would really like to meet in person again.
01:24:19.581 --> 01:24:22.603
It's a standing offer to come to Pittsburgh and hang out.
01:24:22.623 --> 01:24:27.606
We can go to the bar, the same bar that we went to with McCarron the last time he was here.
01:24:28.926 --> 01:24:29.547
It would be great.
01:24:29.727 --> 01:24:30.187
I would love it.
01:24:32.086 --> 01:24:35.187
Robert Malone, also a standing invitation anytime he wants.
01:24:35.748 --> 01:24:40.349
I'm sure I can find a high stool or some kind of booster seat for him too at the bar.
01:24:40.970 --> 01:24:44.091
And we can all hang out, because Rixey's going to need a booster seat too.
01:24:45.952 --> 01:24:50.173
I want to know why this calendar is so suspicious.
01:24:50.233 --> 01:24:53.955
I want to know why no one's ever told me about Brandy Vaughn or Tony Bark.
01:24:57.099 --> 01:25:00.001
I want to know why none of these people has ever said anything about it.
01:25:00.141 --> 01:25:03.142
I want to know why none of these people has said anything about her.
01:25:04.223 --> 01:25:05.804
Why hasn't anyone said anything?
01:25:05.844 --> 01:25:06.124
01:25:06.204 --> 01:25:06.564
01:25:06.584 --> 01:25:09.606
No, Jessica Rose.
01:25:09.666 --> 01:25:12.887
Oh, I found this anti-vaxxer from before the pandemic.
01:25:12.927 --> 01:25:14.068
Boy, she was interesting.
01:25:15.169 --> 01:25:15.549
01:25:16.656 --> 01:25:18.917
It's because Brandy was saying it correct.
01:25:18.977 --> 01:25:31.160
It's the same reason why all those people who are on podcasts with me and did sub stacks about me and went on my own stream years ago, they all ignore me now because I'm saying the same thing Brandy said.
01:25:32.721 --> 01:25:35.901
Intramuscular injection as medicine is dumb.
01:25:37.602 --> 01:25:41.003
And any doctor could figure that out for him or herself.
01:25:43.100 --> 01:25:52.046
That's why all of these organizations know damn well who I am, have selfies with me, and they go on to ignore my work for five years straight.
01:25:55.629 --> 01:26:02.253
Intramuscular injection is dumb transfection and healthy humans was always criminal and RNA cannot pandemic because there is no safe vaccine.
01:26:02.293 --> 01:26:04.515
Intramuscular injection of medicine is a lie.
01:26:06.121 --> 01:26:06.961
That's where we are.
01:26:07.502 --> 01:26:11.183
You wanna know what's going on, start filling the calendar in.
01:26:11.203 --> 01:26:12.804
Let's make a calendar for Brandy.
01:26:13.644 --> 01:26:17.946
Let's make a calendar and let's put all those videos in and let's take it all down, I'm fine with it.
01:26:17.986 --> 01:26:19.487
The bottom line will never change.
01:26:20.408 --> 01:26:24.249
The bottom line is, is Brandy Vaughn was saying it correct and she's dead.
01:26:24.710 --> 01:26:34.194
And all the people who know something about her being dead are compromised or are meddled with or are confused or are gone.
01:26:35.848 --> 01:26:42.891
And we don't need to decide who has the right story about Brandy, because for me, the circumstantial evidence is clear.
01:26:43.351 --> 01:26:44.491
She was saying it right.
01:26:44.992 --> 01:26:46.372
No one else was saying it right.
01:26:46.812 --> 01:26:48.573
Tina seems to say it right.
01:26:50.994 --> 01:27:00.138
When I tried to say it right while I was working for CHD, when I tried to say it right, when I was helping to write this book, I was not allowed to say it.
01:27:00.218 --> 01:27:03.039
And I was told exactly the same bullshit.
01:27:04.431 --> 01:27:08.053
by exactly the same people that told it to Brandy.
01:27:09.114 --> 01:27:18.880
Because I was told that by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and by Merrill Nass, and by Brian Hooker, and by Mary Holland.
01:27:21.141 --> 01:27:27.265
And these are all essentially traitors to our grandchildren, even if they just have no choice or they have no courage.
01:27:32.748 --> 01:27:34.069
And these people I know,
01:27:35.635 --> 01:27:35.935
I know.
01:27:35.955 --> 01:27:40.019
The top row, they've been meddled with.
01:27:40.200 --> 01:27:41.381
Everybody else is in on it.
01:27:41.781 --> 01:27:43.563
One way or another, they've gone along with it.
01:27:44.384 --> 01:27:45.445
They can't not know.
01:27:48.087 --> 01:27:57.056
They cannot know in the sense that they're so simple and they have not bothered to learn anything but simply accepted what they were told.
01:27:57.136 --> 01:27:57.957
Then it's possible.
01:27:59.150 --> 01:28:07.032
Or you can be somebody like Doc Malek, who comes in in 2023 and then interviews everybody on this fricking screen.
01:28:08.093 --> 01:28:14.295
And then afterwards still hasn't learned anything or can't discern who's got a more important information than other people.
01:28:15.755 --> 01:28:28.139
Just like Sarah Westall can't decide if some people's message about galactic dragons might not be as important as some people's message about how RNA cannot pandemic or that intramuscular injection is dumb.
01:28:34.440 --> 01:28:36.662
Again, they made us solve the mystery, ladies and gentlemen.
01:28:36.682 --> 01:28:37.563
That's how we got here.
01:28:37.603 --> 01:28:39.064
That's how we got trapped.
01:28:39.324 --> 01:28:46.990
Don't ever underestimate how these people are, how malevolent they are, and how important it is.
01:28:47.050 --> 01:28:48.611
Our grandchildren deserve the truth.
01:28:48.671 --> 01:28:49.612
And this is the truth.
01:28:51.253 --> 01:28:53.375
We were sold out by traders.
01:28:58.747 --> 01:29:00.048
And that's it.
01:29:00.108 --> 01:29:01.608
The mystery has been solved.
01:29:02.388 --> 01:29:04.709
It is these people who made us solve the mystery.
01:29:04.729 --> 01:29:06.010
This is for all the marbles.
01:29:06.030 --> 01:29:07.350
This is for the grandchildren.
01:29:09.011 --> 01:29:11.232
This is definitely for the grandchildren.
01:29:11.252 --> 01:29:14.813
The grandchildren of Earth.
01:29:18.516 --> 01:29:21.222
It is because they need to get this whole thing set up.
01:29:21.262 --> 01:29:22.805
They need the infrastructure set up.
01:29:22.845 --> 01:29:24.007
They need the file type.
01:29:24.047 --> 01:29:25.029
They need the storage.
01:29:25.069 --> 01:29:26.272
They need to figure it all out.
01:29:27.915 --> 01:29:28.697
That's where we're at.
01:29:29.585 --> 01:29:35.047
And so this whole thing comes down to something that I think is summarized.
01:29:35.067 --> 01:29:36.847
Specializations should make you suspicious.
01:29:37.527 --> 01:29:43.769
Because if it's gotten harder to evaluate what's going on, then it's presumably gotten easier for people to lie and to exaggerate.
01:29:44.209 --> 01:29:46.170
And then one should be a little bit suspicious.
01:29:46.190 --> 01:29:48.711
And that's sort of my starting bias.
01:29:49.651 --> 01:29:53.494
Now, the point is, is that actually, you can exaggerate about a lot of things.
01:29:53.554 --> 01:30:09.744
If you control the data, you can exaggerate about sequences and about evolution, you can exaggerate about PCR and positivity, you can exaggerate about prevalence, you can exaggerate about fidelity, you can exaggerate about a background signal and and misconstrued as spread.
01:30:10.365 --> 01:30:14.328
And all of that can be done because of the way science is done.
01:30:14.568 --> 01:30:19.431
And if the the field that you're interested in, like virology is controlled,
01:30:21.733 --> 01:30:22.574
then you're lost.
01:30:23.815 --> 01:30:25.757
So again, I'm not saying there are viruses.
01:30:25.817 --> 01:30:27.899
I'm not defending the idea of viruses.
01:30:28.799 --> 01:30:39.169
I'm saying that we don't need to answer that question right now to understand that an anticipated rise in expected deaths sculpted using murder and sophisticated lies was used to create the myth of an RNA pandemic.
01:30:44.798 --> 01:30:51.251
And the no-virus people have done no more to question this narrative than Robert Malone or Meryl Nass or Mary Holland.
01:30:53.876 --> 01:30:55.018
That's what I see.
01:30:58.522 --> 01:31:04.005
That's how it feels to me right now in 2025 after five years of this fight.
01:31:04.025 --> 01:31:08.587
It really feels very much like we have been titrated to this end point.
01:31:08.667 --> 01:31:19.732
And that titration started all the way back when Brandy Vaughn was interviewing the producer of Vaxxed at Caltech Live or whatever the hell it was called.
01:31:22.594 --> 01:31:24.635
This is the worst kind of story.
01:31:33.577 --> 01:31:33.677
01:31:41.391 --> 01:31:46.513
And so just in case you don't know, one more time, we are supported by viewers like you.
01:31:46.573 --> 01:31:49.514
Please go to Gigome Biological and find a way to support if you can.
01:31:50.295 --> 01:31:54.936
I've changed that landing page a little bit, and so it should be a little easier to navigate.
01:31:56.477 --> 01:31:58.298
And hopefully that is the case.
01:31:59.858 --> 01:32:02.659
I'm going to change this one, too, because I really like it grandchildren better.
01:32:05.661 --> 01:32:06.101
Like that.
01:32:06.921 --> 01:32:07.361
There we go.
01:32:07.782 --> 01:32:08.602
Oh, wait, what?
01:32:10.377 --> 01:32:11.401
Stretch that out or what?
01:32:12.385 --> 01:32:14.975
There we go.
01:32:14.995 --> 01:32:15.859
Yeah, that's it.
01:32:17.033 --> 01:32:21.136
So I thought I'd cover a couple things today.
01:32:21.276 --> 01:32:23.238
I'm still covering more things, right?
01:32:23.278 --> 01:32:29.962
So this guy is an interesting fellow who's just gonna push the, you know, it was a lab leak all along.
01:32:30.002 --> 01:32:32.364
He's gonna use a lot of the stuff that Glenn Beck uses.
01:32:32.844 --> 01:32:38.108
He's basically another version of Rixey with tattoos and a funny mustache and stuff.
01:32:38.148 --> 01:32:40.569
He's plugging diffuse, he's doing all that stuff.
01:32:41.090 --> 01:32:42.450
So you gotta be aware.
01:32:43.411 --> 01:32:47.072
that the signs are all there, that Rixey is going to be elevated.
01:32:47.092 --> 01:32:50.153
They're going to go on and continue to lie about this book.
01:32:50.213 --> 01:32:56.675
I don't know how long they're going to get away with it, or how long mainstream journalism is going to allow them to get away with it.
01:32:56.715 --> 01:33:02.657
But for right now, in the background, and on these useless substacks that nobody really reads,
01:33:03.477 --> 01:33:04.458
It doesn't really matter.
01:33:04.939 --> 01:33:21.075
If Kevin McKernan goes on an odd podcast that only teenagers watch and has a bunch of satanic stuff on it after that, then is it really that dangerous for him to lie there when the rest of mainstream media is not going to really pick it up anyway?
01:33:21.135 --> 01:33:21.936
Probably not.
01:33:23.120 --> 01:33:40.225
but their consistent behavior on these invisible platforms is remarkably edifying evidence that what I am saying about these people, about their history, and about their lack of ability to score a touchdown is real.
01:33:41.266 --> 01:33:47.047
They knew the truth already 10 years ago because Brandy was telling them, and then they learned the truth again.
01:33:47.107 --> 01:33:48.668
It must've been really weird
01:33:50.322 --> 01:33:56.484
to have me in Zoom meetings saying shit that they were trying to get Brandy to stop saying 10 years ago.
01:33:56.544 --> 01:33:59.145
Like, we can't just say that stuff.
01:33:59.165 --> 01:34:01.145
We can't make posters with that stuff on it.
01:34:01.165 --> 01:34:02.525
And I kept asking, why?
01:34:03.626 --> 01:34:09.147
Why don't we have a website where people can just land and hear these very basic truths?
01:34:09.207 --> 01:34:10.468
Yeah, we're working on that.
01:34:10.528 --> 01:34:11.948
We're working on some document.
01:34:11.968 --> 01:34:13.749
We've been working on that for a while now.
01:34:14.869 --> 01:34:18.330
But here you have Tina saying that Brandy had all that going already.
01:34:19.551 --> 01:34:24.496
So why do we have to reinvent the wheel if the message is just that vaccines are not medicine?
01:34:24.556 --> 01:34:26.698
That all vaccines are dangerous.
01:34:26.738 --> 01:34:28.059
There is no safe vaccine.
01:34:28.440 --> 01:34:30.622
You don't need a great big book for it, right?
01:34:31.022 --> 01:34:33.324
See, that's the thing that bothers me the most.
01:34:38.770 --> 01:34:43.855
The book that supports the idea that vaccines work is a really frickin' big book.
01:34:44.861 --> 01:34:54.563
And if the actual truth is, is that there isn't a safe vaccine, then why haven't we told everybody already?
01:34:54.623 --> 01:35:11.147
Why, why isn't that on the landing page of, if this book is a lie, this gigantic fricking book by Paul Offit and Stanley Plotkin is a lie, then why are we fighting for free choice?
01:35:22.290 --> 01:35:28.795
I want to watch this video from 2020, because I don't want to pay attention to them.
01:35:28.815 --> 01:35:31.037
And I'm the president and chief scientific officer.
01:35:31.378 --> 01:35:37.903
I want to welcome you to another edition of coronavirus updates live from the laboratory.
01:35:41.286 --> 01:35:47.151
I'm going to give you some welcoming and opening remarks, and then we're going to hear from Dr. Erica Ullman-Sapphire.
01:35:48.246 --> 01:36:01.524
And then, if the technology cooperates with us, we're going to go behind the scenes with our Executive Vice President and COO, Steve Wilson, and we're going to look at
01:36:03.274 --> 01:36:12.842
We're going to be looking at some of the new instruments that we have, and then we'll have a question and answer that will be moderated by me and others.
01:36:13.203 --> 01:36:16.125
So it's a very special presentation.
01:36:16.185 --> 01:36:27.696
Also, I should mention that Ruben Diaz-Avalos will be demonstrating some of the new instruments that we have that are going to help us make progress in fighting this infection.
01:36:28.757 --> 01:36:29.037
01:36:32.039 --> 01:36:32.499
Here we are.
01:36:32.519 --> 01:36:36.723
I want to just put our effort in some context.
01:36:36.803 --> 01:36:39.144
We are the La Jolla Institute for Immunology.
01:36:39.725 --> 01:36:43.988
And Dr. Sapphire is our newest group leader or faculty member.
01:36:44.048 --> 01:36:45.449
She's been with us for one year.
01:36:46.450 --> 01:36:48.391
And we're a relatively young organization.
01:36:48.471 --> 01:36:49.252
We were founded in 1988.
01:36:51.334 --> 01:36:55.477
And we have 21 laboratories, about 480 employees.
01:36:56.578 --> 01:37:01.001
We have postdoctoral fellows, MDs, or PhDs from all over the world.
01:37:01.688 --> 01:37:04.391
working on a variety of important problems.
01:37:04.972 --> 01:37:08.475
And our funding is shown on the lower right here.
01:37:09.076 --> 01:37:19.686
It comes from a variety of sources, including federal grants, corporate money, university affiliates, and, of course, philanthropy.
01:37:20.227 --> 01:37:20.808
Our mission
01:37:21.528 --> 01:37:34.620
is to engage in a world-class biomedical research program with a focus on the immune system and to share that program so that we can make outstanding contributions to the benefit of human health.
01:37:35.697 --> 01:37:37.499
So why focus on immunology?
01:37:37.779 --> 01:37:51.992
For many years, I felt we were crying in the wilderness, but now everybody seems to know immunology is really important, and people are slinging around terms like herd immunity, which is good to know that immunology is important.
01:37:52.532 --> 01:37:55.033
that immunology is appreciated by the public.
01:37:55.334 --> 01:37:59.716
The immune system is related to so many different diseases.
01:37:59.996 --> 01:38:05.680
Not only does it protect us from infection, but when it misbehaves, if you will,
01:38:06.772 --> 01:38:11.074
It can cause chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, allergies, and asthmas.
01:38:11.454 --> 01:38:19.317
And of course, gearing up the immune system to fight cancer is extremely important and is really the new generation of cancer therapies.
01:38:19.857 --> 01:38:30.642
So we've organized our research around disease areas into infectious disease and vaccine research, autoimmunity and inflammation, and cancer immunotherapy.
01:38:30.962 --> 01:38:34.883
And all of our work really relates to one or more of these areas.
01:38:35.224 --> 01:38:40.205
And as I mentioned, we have 21 group leaders and some people's work fits into it.
01:38:42.166 --> 01:38:46.227
Is that Steve Schoenberger right there, somebody we know?
01:38:46.307 --> 01:38:53.050
I think that that guy right there, Steve Schoenberger, isn't that the guy that Mark has done a couple programs about?
01:38:53.210 --> 01:38:53.990
I think that's true.
01:38:54.050 --> 01:38:54.790
Is that right, Mark?
01:38:56.711 --> 01:38:57.631
I think that's him there.
01:38:57.811 --> 01:38:59.092
Anyway, I'm going to keep it going.
01:39:00.196 --> 01:39:01.118
through more than one group.
01:39:01.158 --> 01:39:03.003
So you see more than 21 people here.
01:39:05.242 --> 01:39:18.587
So we have a group of eight investigators who, in a relatively short time, have begun to focus their attention on this important pandemic infection caused by SARS-CoV-2.
01:39:19.087 --> 01:39:20.428
And their names are shown here.
01:39:20.488 --> 01:39:27.230
And some of them have spoken in previous versions of this series of updates, coronavirus updates.
01:39:27.531 --> 01:39:28.311
And there will be more.
01:39:28.391 --> 01:39:33.813
So the next one, in fact, will be given by Vijay after Dr. Safire's presentation.
01:39:36.044 --> 01:39:41.769
So why do research if the vaccines are already in clinical trial?
01:39:43.091 --> 01:39:47.275
And isn't it so weird that that guy is like on that slide?
01:39:47.315 --> 01:39:51.358
He's the brother of the guy who supposedly founded QAnon or I don't know.
01:39:51.398 --> 01:39:52.079
It's hilarious.
01:39:52.800 --> 01:39:53.841
Our feeling is that
01:39:55.362 --> 01:39:57.844
SARS-CoV-2 is going to be with us for a while.
01:39:58.084 --> 01:40:01.706
This is just the plot of the cases in San Diego County.
01:40:02.127 --> 01:40:08.571
You can see it's not really going down because we don't have all the recent cases yet.
01:40:09.031 --> 01:40:14.415
And we know that not only are there more cases, but at least in the United States, there are more hospitalizations.
01:40:14.475 --> 01:40:15.996
So it's not just more testing.
01:40:16.896 --> 01:40:31.362
We hope that the first vaccines are successful in trial, but we suspect that this is going to be a long haul and we're going to need years of research to fully control and understand this virus.
01:40:32.982 --> 01:40:35.103
We're going to need years of research.
01:40:35.203 --> 01:40:39.265
I wonder how long they're going to say the vaccine is going to take in this video.
01:40:39.365 --> 01:40:39.845
01:40:40.045 --> 01:40:42.966
And the next pandemic that will inevitably follow.
01:40:44.999 --> 01:40:52.730
In the short time that we've been paying attention to this infection, we've already made some important advances.
01:40:53.331 --> 01:40:59.559
There was a recent paper from two of our research groups, Alex Sette and Shane Crotty, and with other collaborators.
01:41:00.100 --> 01:41:10.930
And people were worried that if you have a mild infection, maybe you're even asymptomatic, that you wouldn't make an immune response, that the virus would have ways of evading immunity.
01:41:11.571 --> 01:41:20.179
But what their work shows, and this is just an example of one of the graphs from their recent paper, even a mild infection can raise strong immunity.
01:41:20.219 --> 01:41:23.882
So here's the control and these dots up here, each dot is a person.
01:41:25.102 --> 01:41:30.604
Each person was making a measurable immune response to SARS-CoV-2.
01:41:31.645 --> 01:41:36.026
There is some T cell immunity from other coronaviruses that cause colds.
01:41:37.547 --> 01:41:43.449
Not so much antibody immunity, but there is some immunity because of that.
01:41:44.609 --> 01:41:46.810
And it's possible that that immunity is beneficial.
01:41:46.850 --> 01:41:47.530
We don't know that.
01:41:47.990 --> 01:41:53.252
And it's still possible that in some severe cases, the immune response actually might be overreacting.
01:41:53.872 --> 01:42:01.077
But regardless, what this early work shows is that we have the tools to measure what's going on and that a vaccine should be feasible.
01:42:01.137 --> 01:42:05.240
But this virus doesn't completely evade the immune response.
01:42:06.381 --> 01:42:12.245
And this work has gotten us a lot of attention from major media and other internet outlets.
01:42:12.305 --> 01:42:15.227
So there should be a vaccine possible in June of 2020.
01:42:15.767 --> 01:42:17.348
01:42:18.969 --> 01:42:19.990
Gene sequencing.
01:42:20.030 --> 01:42:20.610
Look at those.
01:42:20.670 --> 01:42:21.431
That's where we're going.
01:42:21.451 --> 01:42:21.771
Here we go.
01:42:23.692 --> 01:42:27.714
So to make advances, we need to have the best scientific instruments.
01:42:28.134 --> 01:42:38.699
And some of our recent purchases are shown here for gene sequencing, for visualizing viruses and molecules, and instruments that allow us to analyze and detect rare cells.
01:42:39.379 --> 01:42:43.861
And this represents a capital investment of around $11 million.
01:42:58.364 --> 01:42:59.765
Sorry about that.
01:43:00.426 --> 01:43:12.313
And you'll actually see some of these instruments later on.
01:43:13.297 --> 01:43:17.400
So we still wish to improve our infrastructure.
01:43:17.780 --> 01:43:20.442
We're making investments, particularly.
01:43:20.562 --> 01:43:22.763
I mean, if you want me to address Maccas, I will.
01:43:22.843 --> 01:43:29.407
I think Maccas is a shithead because he's promoting ivermectin in combination with other things to cure cancer.
01:43:29.647 --> 01:43:36.232
As a non-practicing physician, he's never said that in America and elsewhere they probably used
01:43:37.192 --> 01:43:39.614
supplementary oxygen to cause ARDS.
01:43:40.154 --> 01:43:43.276
He hasn't mentioned the opioid crisis in America or in Canada.
01:43:43.316 --> 01:43:44.457
If he has, I don't care.
01:43:45.118 --> 01:43:52.603
Because he's a dude who interviewed on my show and knows exactly what I say and what I think and ignores it just like everybody else.
01:43:53.383 --> 01:43:55.985
And Makis has been on stage with all of these people.
01:43:56.825 --> 01:43:58.787
And he's promoted all of these people.
01:43:58.867 --> 01:44:06.552
Most importantly, he is promoting ivermectin in combination with other things as testimonial of curing cancers.
01:44:08.643 --> 01:44:19.233
It's really weird that everybody is so excited about some of these people when you don't seem to realize that none of them are actually saying the truth.
01:44:19.693 --> 01:44:32.425
If you bring up Brandy as one of the old school heroes and then you're not sophisticated enough to realize why she's different than the rest of them, then did you really bring anything up at all?
01:44:33.823 --> 01:44:40.228
If you didn't say that Brandy was unique because Brandy said that there were no good vaccines.
01:44:40.348 --> 01:44:42.289
Brandy didn't have an injured kid.
01:44:42.950 --> 01:44:44.451
Brandy had a different story.
01:44:44.491 --> 01:44:46.032
They don't say anything.
01:44:46.853 --> 01:44:48.034
They cover it all up.
01:44:48.194 --> 01:44:49.795
They spell the name wrong.
01:44:50.255 --> 01:44:52.357
It's a very consistent misspelling.
01:44:54.468 --> 01:45:02.332
And all of these people, whether they like it or not, they're unwitting, witting, they're all in on it because there's real simple way to get to the bottom of this.
01:45:02.952 --> 01:45:04.473
And Brandy was able to say it.
01:45:04.673 --> 01:45:09.675
And your friend and colleague, Jonathan Cooey has been able to say it for more than two years now.
01:45:11.896 --> 01:45:13.197
And none of them are saying it.
01:45:13.297 --> 01:45:14.338
They're not doing it.
01:45:14.398 --> 01:45:15.318
They're not doing it.
01:45:15.378 --> 01:45:16.259
They're not doing it.
01:45:16.359 --> 01:45:23.182
And they're not going to do it because they're doing the same thing to me and this information that they did when Brandy had it.
01:45:25.677 --> 01:45:26.858
They are titrating it.
01:45:27.818 --> 01:45:29.219
They are neutering it.
01:45:30.460 --> 01:45:37.965
They are making it useless by giving people a choice or arguing that we should have free speech.
01:45:45.285 --> 01:45:56.352
need is to fully outfit a biosafety level three facility, which will allow us to grow and analyze large amounts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
01:45:56.852 --> 01:45:58.053
We have the room set up.
01:45:58.133 --> 01:46:09.520
There's still some equipment that we need, and we want to expand our ability to collect blood from individuals while keeping those individuals safe and maintaining the appropriate social distance.
01:46:10.620 --> 01:46:15.403
So there's some other changes to the building that we require.
01:46:15.684 --> 01:46:17.365
And not shown here is a big ask.
01:46:17.445 --> 01:46:22.748
We do want to get a mass spectrometer, which will allow us to analyze proteins.
01:46:22.808 --> 01:46:27.231
And that's another rather expensive piece of capital equipment.
01:46:27.751 --> 01:46:32.534
So we're seeking funding for these items and these building changes.
01:46:32.955 --> 01:46:43.942
And of course, philanthropic gifts have allowed us to make the advances that I very briefly summarized and to turn our attention very rapidly to this important problem.
01:46:45.083 --> 01:46:47.385
Also, we're interested in having
01:46:50.339 --> 01:46:56.964
people enrolled in clinical trials, and particularly individuals who may have recovered from the virus.
01:46:56.984 --> 01:47:00.026
So you can go to our website and you can learn more.
01:47:00.806 --> 01:47:10.233
As you can see here, you can scroll down to, you can say, I'm interested in participating in a COVID-19 study, and then you can give some information.
01:47:10.713 --> 01:47:18.798
What we're really interested in is those individuals who have recovered and been diagnosed with COVID-19.
01:47:19.699 --> 01:47:24.801
And of course, anonymity will be protected of the individuals.
01:47:24.881 --> 01:47:36.745
We really want to know how people who've been exposed to the virus have responded and what parts of the virus that- Boy, they sure are behind the curve a lot, right?
01:47:36.765 --> 01:47:38.446
It's hardly like this even started.
01:47:38.506 --> 01:47:39.426
It's June, 2020.
01:47:41.007 --> 01:47:43.447
Our kids were already pulled out of school in March.
01:47:44.368 --> 01:47:45.808
We've already been in lockdown.
01:47:46.548 --> 01:47:47.489
It's now June.
01:47:48.700 --> 01:47:53.122
Knut Litkowski has already come out and talked and then been shut up.
01:47:54.223 --> 01:47:57.064
Wolfgang Lodach has already come out and talked and then shut up.
01:47:57.564 --> 01:48:00.006
And Yidden has already come out and talked and then shut up.
01:48:01.426 --> 01:48:09.090
It's June 2020, I'm about to do my July 4th presentation where I say that I think they took a background signal and lied about it.
01:48:11.231 --> 01:48:17.294
These people are barely even starting their first study about what happens to people when they get infected with flying AIDS.
01:48:20.390 --> 01:48:24.993
These people are still pretty sure there's gonna be a, I don't know, I guess they'll make a vaccine.
01:48:25.493 --> 01:48:26.174
They'll try.
01:48:26.694 --> 01:48:27.755
They'll probably get one.
01:48:29.596 --> 01:48:30.697
This is June, 2020.
01:48:31.157 --> 01:48:34.199
They are setting up a multi-year transition.
01:48:35.480 --> 01:48:38.242
They are setting up a multi-year crisis here.
01:48:38.282 --> 01:48:39.903
It's gonna be with us for a long time.
01:48:39.983 --> 01:48:45.947
I mean, you know, we're barely getting the donations that we need to get the equipment that we need.
01:48:48.223 --> 01:48:51.184
are responding to and what kind of a new response they're making.
01:48:52.244 --> 01:49:00.627
Okay, so without further delay, I hope that puts a context on this for some of you.
01:49:00.687 --> 01:49:06.509
I know some of you have attended these before and are speaking today.
01:49:06.549 --> 01:49:12.912
What I want to explain right now is something to do with science and my experience with science.
01:49:12.972 --> 01:49:14.972
And so I'm going to switch over here for this one.
01:49:18.951 --> 01:49:26.956
Science is like any other field with the exception of the fact that you essentially at some point have to do an apprenticeship.
01:49:28.417 --> 01:49:30.458
And the apprenticeship is a PhD.
01:49:30.498 --> 01:49:32.139
The apprenticeship can be postdocs.
01:49:32.999 --> 01:49:39.683
And during these apprenticeships, you are trying to learn everything that a particular person or a particular group of people can teach you.
01:49:41.344 --> 01:49:47.208
And in that task, there are certain kinds of go-getters
01:49:48.781 --> 01:49:58.369
brown nosers, certain kinds of students that do very well in those positions where they don't necessarily learn everything.
01:49:58.870 --> 01:50:12.982
They don't learn the shortcomings and the weaknesses and the limitations of the work that they're doing, but instead they simply learn the most optimistic and advantageous
01:50:16.650 --> 01:50:23.592
angle on the work that they are learning so that they know how they can leverage it for their expertise in the future.
01:50:23.612 --> 01:50:25.793
You know, I did a postdoc on this, that, and the other.
01:50:26.453 --> 01:50:28.634
And so, you know, that makes me an expert on this.
01:50:28.714 --> 01:50:30.715
And so I'm going to use that expertise to do this.
01:50:31.175 --> 01:50:43.279
And so what they do is they go from lab to lab, trying to build merit badges and learn the lingo that will allow them to essentially masquerade as an expert in what they just did.
01:50:44.918 --> 01:51:08.517
Now my track record as an electrophysiologist is one that spans over 15 years of learning basically the same thing better and better and better and getting better and better and better at it until the point where nobody really wanted me to do those experiments anymore because apparently they're too hard or too expensive or there's no there's no gene involved and so we don't really like those that data anymore.
01:51:09.500 --> 01:51:32.348
But nevertheless, there are lots of people, and in certain fields, this can be very good, this idea that you're just gonna go collect merit badges, and at some point you'll have enough merit badges where you can stand in front of an audience and tell them all you know about all the stuff that you do with all the certainty of a tenure-like professor, and then you'll get a job.
01:51:33.601 --> 01:51:49.812
and you'll be able to teach everybody else how to bake the cakes that you bake and you'll be able to teach everybody else how to sell the cakes based on your sales pitch but the actual progress that will be made by your lab will be almost zero because you don't really have a vision
01:51:50.552 --> 01:51:52.573
You just have a illusion.
01:51:52.613 --> 01:52:04.602
And that's where a lot of this imposter syndrome comes from in science because people aren't going to a PI and saying, you know, I've got this great idea and I want you to help me develop it.
01:52:06.903 --> 01:52:11.807
Most of the time people go to a PI and they say, can you put me on your most exciting project?
01:52:12.267 --> 01:52:15.189
What project do you have that's most likely to be a nature paper?
01:52:15.229 --> 01:52:16.370
Because I want to do that one.
01:52:18.905 --> 01:52:20.926
And I was never that kind of scientist.
01:52:21.106 --> 01:52:26.449
I always knew what I wanted to do with my techniques in their brain region.
01:52:26.469 --> 01:52:31.631
I always knew what I wanted to combine my techniques with their techniques to answer my question, not theirs.
01:52:32.732 --> 01:52:34.493
Why would I want to answer your questions?
01:52:34.633 --> 01:52:35.714
You got your own lab.
01:52:35.734 --> 01:52:36.894
You have your funding to do that.
01:52:37.054 --> 01:52:38.175
I have my own questions.
01:52:39.736 --> 01:52:45.378
I don't want to waste my time on a Honda Civic if I don't like Honda Civics and if I ride motorcycles.
01:52:45.438 --> 01:52:46.219
So why in the world
01:52:48.055 --> 01:52:59.179
And so for me, what I see when I listen to Erica Ullman Sapphire is somebody who really fits into that, that, you know, go-getter student is just going to, what's the right answer?
01:52:59.219 --> 01:53:01.619
Just tell me what you want me to say and I'll say it every time.
01:53:02.980 --> 01:53:05.881
Just tell me how this works to get that, that answer.
01:53:05.981 --> 01:53:09.362
And then I'll, I'll learn it better than anyone has ever learned it before.
01:53:11.041 --> 01:53:12.121
She's not a scientist.
01:53:12.361 --> 01:53:21.403
She's somebody who apprenticed with a bunch of people and got merit badges until she has enough merit badges and she has a big enough ego that she has no problem.
01:53:22.543 --> 01:53:23.683
She has no problem with this.
01:53:24.343 --> 01:53:37.026
But when you listen to this discussion, I think what you're going to hear is somebody who presents a level of certainty that's actually comical if you understand that antibodies were nowhere in this narrative in 2021.
01:53:39.164 --> 01:53:41.305
and almost gone by 2022.
01:53:41.806 --> 01:53:45.348
Nobody gave a shit about antibodies.
01:53:47.269 --> 01:53:48.030
It's remarkable.
01:53:54.809 --> 01:53:58.352
No, like this, like that, and then like this.
01:53:59.933 --> 01:54:01.393
01:54:01.734 --> 01:54:06.677
Dr. Erica Ullman-Sapphire from the Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research Center.
01:54:07.257 --> 01:54:18.084
And Dr. Sapphire has brought the amazing cryo electron microscopy technology to the Institute and enabled us to acquire the cryo EM instruments
01:54:19.044 --> 01:54:29.233
Dr. Safire has been asked by the Gates Foundation to create a consortium to evaluate the therapeutic potential of antibodies, as she will tell you.
01:54:29.694 --> 01:54:37.801
And she's also been asked to act as part of another consortium that involves the NIH, major companies in the European Medicines
01:54:38.261 --> 01:54:45.526
agency that will also be involved in picking those antibody therapeutics that will be going into clinical trials this summer.
01:54:46.007 --> 01:54:57.535
So in short, Erica is a remarkable scientist and individual who will have a big impact on which antibody therapeutics will be going into patients in the future.
01:54:58.315 --> 01:55:00.517
So thank you for coming.
01:55:00.617 --> 01:55:01.737
Thank you for your attention.
01:55:02.198 --> 01:55:03.819
And I'll hand it over to Erica.
01:55:07.315 --> 01:55:07.835
Thank you, Mitch.
01:55:09.295 --> 01:55:13.156
So the title of the seminar series is Live from the Laboratory.
01:55:13.276 --> 01:55:15.497
But as you can see, I'm not in my laboratory.
01:55:15.737 --> 01:55:16.497
I'm in my office.
01:55:17.217 --> 01:55:21.998
Because my research laboratory has 30 people in it that are hammering tongs in this coronavirus problem.
01:55:22.238 --> 01:55:23.579
Do you hear it already?
01:55:23.619 --> 01:55:24.339
Do you hear it already?
01:55:24.379 --> 01:55:27.480
I'm just going to practice over here occasionally.
01:55:27.500 --> 01:55:30.540
Do you hear it now already?
01:55:30.720 --> 01:55:32.621
She's reading a script already.
01:55:32.681 --> 01:55:33.641
It's like gross.
01:55:34.667 --> 01:55:43.593
It's already a completely rehearsed script and she's probably smart enough to be able to almost memorize it with some notes in front of her because a lot of us are.
01:55:44.954 --> 01:56:00.906
A lot of us that we're doing academic biology know our question backward and forward and don't need a script and can say the big words like, I'm trying to disambiguate the difference between, you know, I'm trying to disambiguate two separate processes which come.
01:56:00.926 --> 01:56:02.487
We rehearse all of these things.
01:56:03.854 --> 01:56:11.038
And so you can hear a very well-rehearsed, tenured professor working her magic.
01:56:11.078 --> 01:56:15.061
This is like a person who learned it really, really well.
01:56:15.861 --> 01:56:18.363
That creates a lot of joyful noise out there.
01:56:19.023 --> 01:56:23.166
So I'm in my office where you can hear me, and I'm surrounded by my things.
01:56:23.991 --> 01:56:26.093
Now you've heard people say that they wear a lot of hats.
01:56:26.873 --> 01:56:29.095
I say I wear a lot of jackets.
01:56:29.855 --> 01:56:33.978
You can see over here I've got my white lab coat and my navy blazer.
01:56:33.998 --> 01:56:37.541
And over here I have my academic professor robes.
01:56:38.521 --> 01:56:40.123
But the jacket that I like best
01:56:41.010 --> 01:56:58.159
is this one from the Coronavirus Task Force, the group of scientists and investigators here at La Jolla Institute that are understanding, harnessing, and learning what tools we need to build immunity against this novel coronavirus so we can all go back to work and school and human endeavor.
01:56:58.979 --> 01:57:01.961
So I'll show you now some of the new research
01:57:02.421 --> 01:57:05.043
How exciting is it to be her?
01:57:05.523 --> 01:57:15.610
How exciting is it for her to realize and know that she has this three or four year period of almost Disneyland level science to do?
01:57:16.290 --> 01:57:18.652
Infinite funding, infinite students.
01:57:18.732 --> 01:57:20.213
She is so fired up.
01:57:20.873 --> 01:57:21.854
Holy cow.
01:57:22.494 --> 01:57:28.298
That we have done in my group with enough day.
01:57:29.912 --> 01:57:31.554
So here's where we are as a nation.
01:57:31.574 --> 01:57:39.961
We've now had 2.4 cumulative million cases and 125,000 deaths with another rise on the way.
01:57:40.842 --> 01:57:45.046
Where we are in California is here with another rise as we go into the summer.
01:57:45.986 --> 01:57:54.054
And as we get some perspective on this schedule by putting in some dates, so for example, the shelter in place order was about here.
01:57:55.347 --> 01:58:03.669
It takes about two weeks for an infection to manifest as a case, because it takes about that long for the virus to incubate and cause disease.
01:58:04.389 --> 01:58:06.710
Two weeks after a shelter in place is right about here.
01:58:07.030 --> 01:58:18.353
So all of these cases are people that were... So she's first of all working the narrative of how long people can be asymptomatically spreading the virus, how long they can have the virus before it actually manifests as a case.
01:58:19.073 --> 01:58:20.614
It is the same shit
01:58:21.374 --> 01:58:34.444
that Charles Rixey was talking about at this time, about how the fear and cleavage site made it super, super infectious, but also somehow it's so infectious that there's like this two week period before you can detect it.
01:58:34.944 --> 01:58:38.467
So I'm not really sure how that works, but I guess the fear and cleavage site does it all.
01:58:40.288 --> 01:58:44.251
Likely infected right about the time we were told to shelter in place.
01:58:45.092 --> 01:58:47.434
Easter is here and that's two weeks later.
01:58:47.454 --> 01:58:49.175
Here's Memorial Day.
01:58:49.395 --> 01:58:50.236
There's two weeks later.
01:58:51.058 --> 01:58:52.118
and another climb still.
01:58:52.919 --> 01:59:00.181
And we don't know what's going to happen, but we can predict with more movement and more human interaction, we're going to expect to see more cases.
01:59:01.121 --> 01:59:07.984
So the world very much needs vaccines to deliver broad protection and for us to feel safe going forward.
01:59:08.744 --> 01:59:13.106
The very earliest estimates are that a vaccine might be available in January.
01:59:13.926 --> 01:59:16.987
Most estimates are later, often July to September.
01:59:17.805 --> 01:59:24.290
Either way, we're looking at six months to a year or more, likely in that year range, for vaccines to be available.
01:59:25.391 --> 01:59:39.921
And the other important date is not the date that the first person can go into CVS and get a shot, but the date that we have broad vaccine coverage, because it's been very clear this year that virus anywhere rapidly becomes virus everywhere.
01:59:40.482 --> 01:59:45.025
We're not protected until we are broadly protected in all places on the globe.
01:59:46.013 --> 01:59:49.596
Even once the vaccine- All places on the globe.
01:59:49.736 --> 01:59:51.477
She needs broad protection.
01:59:51.557 --> 01:59:52.818
Everybody's gotta take it.
01:59:52.918 --> 01:59:55.060
These are first approved and first available.
01:59:55.720 --> 01:59:59.403
They're not going to be in all places at all times.
01:59:59.903 --> 02:00:01.624
We're not done until we're all protected.
02:00:02.605 --> 02:00:11.791
And even when vaccines have been made available- I mean, that's what Bill Gates was saying too, that we're not all gonna be, this is not over until everybody's transfected.
02:00:11.992 --> 02:00:13.393
There's this significant issue.
02:00:14.332 --> 02:00:18.673
There are people who will have not been vaccinated or just not vaccinated yet.
02:00:19.533 --> 02:00:22.254
And there are those groups who can't be vaccinated.
02:00:22.334 --> 02:00:26.775
Can't be vaccinated, according to this lady, includes pregnant people.
02:00:30.435 --> 02:00:32.356
I'm sorry, Erica.
02:00:32.516 --> 02:00:34.676
I don't think you read the memo correctly.
02:00:34.756 --> 02:00:38.077
We are definitely not worried about vaccinating pregnant people.
02:00:38.157 --> 02:00:40.117
In fact, it works great on pregnant people.
02:00:40.157 --> 02:00:42.018
We're going to find that out in like half a year.
02:00:44.209 --> 02:00:51.576
For example, pregnant women, the immunocompromised, all babies under age one can't receive certain kinds of vaccine.
02:00:51.836 --> 02:01:04.148
All babies under age one can't receive certain kinds of vaccines, but they can receive the hepatitis B vaccine and they should have their full COVID series by the time they're six months old.
02:01:04.668 --> 02:01:07.251
What in the Sam hell are we hearing here?
02:01:08.348 --> 02:01:15.951
Are we hearing someone at the La Jolla Institute tell us that pregnant women are not appropriate vaccine targets?
02:01:17.032 --> 02:01:22.154
Is she unaware that we give the hepatitis B vaccine at birth?
02:01:23.695 --> 02:01:25.436
What the Sam hell's going on here?
02:01:29.352 --> 02:01:33.335
And so their protection relies on you, relies on herd immunity.
02:01:33.375 --> 02:01:35.637
We can't have herd immunity without broad protection.
02:01:36.378 --> 02:01:40.141
Also, sometimes the vaccine just doesn't take, even if you've gotten it.
02:01:40.942 --> 02:01:42.023
So we need something else.
02:01:42.223 --> 02:01:43.044
We need something complicated.
02:01:43.064 --> 02:01:54.634
You know, I found an article about vaccines not taking, and it's an article that we're gonna read this week or sometime soon on a journal club, where they talk about the fact that not using a large enough needle
02:01:55.512 --> 02:02:02.877
will result in the injection ending up in the fat, and then you won't get a good vaccination.
02:02:02.937 --> 02:02:07.320
And actually, a good vaccination requires intramuscular injection.
02:02:07.380 --> 02:02:09.562
It's the most wonderful article I've ever found.
02:02:09.582 --> 02:02:11.623
It is extraordinary.
02:02:13.184 --> 02:02:13.484
02:02:14.565 --> 02:02:17.387
Elementary, we need something very safe, and we need something immediate.
02:02:18.107 --> 02:02:20.349
And that's something I would propose would be antibody therapy.
02:02:21.365 --> 02:02:26.288
Now antibodies are what your immune system makes after you have survived an infection.
02:02:26.408 --> 02:02:30.931
You're infected with a virus or vaccinated with a virus, but no one's been vaccinated with this virus yet.
02:02:31.771 --> 02:02:41.397
And then days to weeks to months after that exposure and your survival, your immune system makes and then improves antibody molecules.
02:02:41.638 --> 02:02:44.539
These are these little Y-shaped structures I'm showing you on the right.
02:02:45.380 --> 02:02:46.701
And the job of antibodies,
02:02:47.560 --> 02:02:53.964
is to do two different things, to seek out and directly anchor onto a pathogen like the virus.
02:02:54.904 --> 02:03:10.133
Once it is anchored on, they can inactivate or neutralize that pathogen and recruit immune system health, recruit the cells of your immune system to come and clear that virus from your body and clear those infected cells so they stop being factories to make more virus.
02:03:11.129 --> 02:03:13.251
Antibodies are remarkably precise.
02:03:13.451 --> 02:03:18.737
They will hit one particular place and one particular pathogen and seek out just that one thing.
02:03:20.359 --> 02:03:22.520
They have two arms and a base.
02:03:23.261 --> 02:03:26.103
At the end of the arms are combinatorial loops.
02:03:26.483 --> 02:03:29.965
So this is what I would call dumb simple.
02:03:31.526 --> 02:03:42.874
This is where we show you little shapes and we pretend that these represent three-dimensional structures in space and the interaction between electrostatic forces and yada, yada, yada.
02:03:43.394 --> 02:03:48.638
And this is really just dumb simple to try to explain to a child
02:03:49.761 --> 02:03:59.430
how something beyond our understanding works, how an irreducibly complex system works, by, oh, the antibodies and the shapes fit together.
02:04:01.552 --> 02:04:03.474
That are hypervariable in sequence.
02:04:03.514 --> 02:04:06.837
That's what evolves to give an antibody its precise specificity.
02:04:06.877 --> 02:04:08.178
So that's your molecule.
02:04:08.638 --> 02:04:11.401
These would represent the different pieces of different viruses.
02:04:12.387 --> 02:04:20.275
At the end of those arms are like fingers that have fingerprint-like recognition for a particular pathogen on a particular place.
02:04:21.296 --> 02:04:31.665
Once they anchor on, they could do something like block that virus from attaching to your receptors or block that virus from being able to drive itself in and then recruit immune system control.
02:04:32.706 --> 02:04:37.010
Now, one of the funny things about that is, is that if you see the picture of a virus,
02:04:38.106 --> 02:04:49.996
and you see the cartoon of a virus, you understand that they tell us a story that each spike protein has three furin somethings and three binding sites and it's a triplet and whatever.
02:04:51.738 --> 02:05:06.444
then you need antibodies to block every spike protein on every viral particle or every viral particle will still be able to bind because they'll still have spike proteins that aren't blocked by antibodies or neutralized by antibodies.
02:05:07.045 --> 02:05:16.489
And so the whole concept, the whole cartoon just always breaks down when you can actually have an imagination that's sufficiently accurate enough to kind of simulate it.
02:05:17.478 --> 02:05:35.090
And when they make these stupid cartoons with these computer graphics, it's like they themselves don't realize that the more fidelity and more certainty that you try to portray in cartoon form, the more obviously dumb it becomes.
02:05:36.211 --> 02:05:47.098
The cartoon that I start my stream with, where it says a spectacular commitment to lies is all that's required, is a cartoon that goes from showing antibodies neutralizing a single viral particle
02:05:48.587 --> 02:06:03.853
to the lipid nanoparticle going right to a dendritic cell and teaching a dendritic cell how to present and what to present to a T cell, which is of course an absurdity, an absurd level of certainty about a mechanism that they have no evidence for.
02:06:05.686 --> 02:06:07.567
And this is pretty much the same thing.
02:06:07.647 --> 02:06:21.950
This is a dumb, simple presentation that might be adequate for a high school kid if they were going to learn how a lateral flow test works, but not if a high school kid is going to try to understand how the immune system manifests immunity.
02:06:22.931 --> 02:06:24.031
This is just bullshit.
02:06:24.991 --> 02:06:31.713
And this is an immunologist and virologist at one of the most prestigious institutes in America.
02:06:33.574 --> 02:06:34.694
That's how bad it is.
02:06:36.880 --> 02:06:41.564
Antibodies are so powerful at their protection that you can deliver them as a drug.
02:06:42.325 --> 02:06:44.667
We're all familiar with the concept of anti-venom.
02:06:45.433 --> 02:06:48.155
Now you can deliver an antibody as a drug.
02:06:48.215 --> 02:06:52.619
Now the production of antibodies as drugs is the production of biologics.
02:06:53.280 --> 02:07:08.393
It requires recombinant DNA to be manufactured using biological processes that are ubiquitous across all pharmaceutical companies where they will grow a plasmid DNA in bacterial culture.
02:07:09.915 --> 02:07:21.996
And the people that do that work would not need to know what DNA is being grown because the essential culturing and the ingredients that would go in those big vats would all basically be the same anyway.
02:07:26.229 --> 02:07:35.932
And so the interesting thing about this story right here and about the manufacture of biologics is, is that when you make a biologic, and I've said this many times, you're making a protein.
02:07:35.992 --> 02:07:47.456
And in order to make that protein safe, you're going to have to remove all the DNA and all the bacteria and all the RNA that was present during the manufacturing process that led to the production of the protein.
02:07:48.096 --> 02:07:51.657
In this case, an antibody that you can deliver as a drug or an antivenom.
02:07:53.226 --> 02:08:12.811
I think she's about to pivot and tell you that an antivenom is actually a polyclonal antibody cocktail with any number of specific targets and epitopes in that bouquet of antibodies that is targeted to not a pathogen, but a toxin.
02:08:16.832 --> 02:08:17.292
02:08:17.731 --> 02:08:20.332
is antibody against the toxins and snake toxin.
02:08:20.813 --> 02:08:26.015
You know if you get antivenom right away, you're likely, your life will be saved, your tissue will be saved.
02:08:26.736 --> 02:08:28.857
And with antivenom, you know earlier is better.
02:08:29.237 --> 02:08:30.958
The same thing with antiviral antibody.
02:08:31.258 --> 02:08:32.499
Earlier infection is better.
02:08:33.157 --> 02:08:41.460
And what it can do is dramatically knock down the amount of virus you have, clear the virus, clear the infected cells to give your immune system a fighting chance.
02:08:41.600 --> 02:08:48.483
Now, interestingly, there isn't very much data about the application of virus and then the subsequent clearing of a viral load.
02:08:50.163 --> 02:08:58.227
You know, they didn't measure the viral load of Joe Rogan and then give him monoclonal antibodies and ivermectin and then measure the viral load again and look at it go down.
02:09:00.067 --> 02:09:01.848
They haven't done that with ivermectin either.
02:09:03.154 --> 02:09:07.540
And so these claims are just assumptions that are made because the people get better.
02:09:09.182 --> 02:09:16.672
The inflammation goes down, the cytokine storm decreases, whatever terms you want to label it.
02:09:17.233 --> 02:09:20.738
Antibodies have more function than just binding to shit.
02:09:22.008 --> 02:09:23.990
They have anti-inflammatory properties.
02:09:24.030 --> 02:09:25.552
They have regulatory properties.
02:09:25.612 --> 02:09:36.443
And so it is impossible for her to say that you give an antibody to somebody, and then it works like an antivenom and gets rid of the toxic protein in a viral infection.
02:09:36.503 --> 02:09:39.085
That cannot be what is happening.
02:09:41.568 --> 02:09:44.411
That simply cannot be what is happening.
02:09:48.627 --> 02:09:53.911
even if you accept the fact that there are viruses, which I do not, especially not RNA viruses.
02:09:55.372 --> 02:09:56.593
To catch up and clear the rest.
02:09:57.574 --> 02:10:00.235
Now I've shown you cartoons of Ys and puzzle pieces.
02:10:00.776 --> 02:10:01.997
This is what it really looks like.
02:10:02.777 --> 02:10:06.920
So in gray would be, for example, the spike protein on the surface of the virus.
02:10:07.621 --> 02:10:12.444
In yellow and red is that Y-shaped antibody, but that Y is coming out at you.
02:10:12.564 --> 02:10:14.766
So these are the two arms that end in those
02:10:15.356 --> 02:10:16.957
fingerprint-like recognition loops.
02:10:17.037 --> 02:10:19.279
Those are called FABs, Fragment Antigen Binding.
02:10:19.739 --> 02:10:21.500
And this is the base going into the screen.
02:10:21.620 --> 02:10:23.181
That's what recruits your immune system.
02:10:24.942 --> 02:10:29.705
That FAB anchors onto a particular place on the surface of that spike.
02:10:30.586 --> 02:10:40.552
And there is a particular surface shape complementarity and chemistry that allows that one particular antibody to anchor to that one particular place for precise recognition.
02:10:43.462 --> 02:10:49.548
And so even this fidelity, I think, has not been proven to the extent to which she's saying it right now.
02:10:49.648 --> 02:11:06.324
And in fact, I think that the antibody patent paradox decision that occurs in 2023 is actually partially based on that idea that this implication of extreme specificity and extreme homogeneity is incorrect.
02:11:07.987 --> 02:11:09.828
And yet she is still perpetuating it.
02:11:09.908 --> 02:11:10.208
02:11:10.288 --> 02:11:14.550
Because she doesn't know any better because she was told this is how it is.
02:11:15.170 --> 02:11:18.791
And as a student, she learns how it is and she memorizes it.
02:11:19.371 --> 02:11:22.533
And she memorizes the sources that say that's how it is.
02:11:22.993 --> 02:11:23.973
And she goes on.
02:11:25.474 --> 02:11:27.775
She doesn't need to check those assumptions anymore.
02:11:27.795 --> 02:11:34.297
And so somebody like Sina Bhavari told her there are viruses, told her this is the way to do it, got her funding and proved it to her.
02:11:36.493 --> 02:11:40.937
therapy has been used not just for snake bites, but also for other infectious diseases.
02:11:41.057 --> 02:11:48.985
We have antibodies against respiratory syncytial disease to be used to protect premature newborns from that seasonal winter respiratory virus.
02:11:49.525 --> 02:11:53.409
We have antibodies we have mobilized as treatments for autoimmune disease and for cancer.
02:11:54.164 --> 02:12:07.215
And it offers a remarkably precise mechanism of therapy where an antibody could seek out and destroy an individual cancer cell that you couldn't get at with a scalpel or you might not be able to find any other way.
02:12:08.076 --> 02:12:17.924
And because antibody is a natural human immune molecule, it's what you would make yourself had you the opportunity or had that immune response inspired.
02:12:18.604 --> 02:12:19.445
It's very safe.
02:12:21.397 --> 02:12:22.418
It's also fast.
02:12:23.178 --> 02:12:28.782
IV transfusion of antibody will give you some degree of immunity immediately, just as fast as it gets into your veins.
02:12:29.582 --> 02:12:30.303
It's transient.
02:12:31.023 --> 02:12:34.365
Antibodies typically last about three weeks of a half-life.
02:12:34.505 --> 02:12:37.167
You can engineer them to last several months.
02:12:38.648 --> 02:12:47.834
They can be used to prevent someone from becoming infected or to treat people who have already become infected to prevent them from progressing to severe disease.
02:12:48.854 --> 02:13:02.484
But because it is a natural human immune molecule and it doesn't involve anything foreign, it is very, very safe and is often a de-risked therapy and one that you could give to nearly everybody.
02:13:03.525 --> 02:13:07.588
The challenge is finding the right antibodies to give as a drug.
02:13:08.388 --> 02:13:14.193
You have a quintillion possible antibodies in your sera and they're against everything you've ever been exposed to.
02:13:15.436 --> 02:13:21.626
Among those in a survivor of COVID-19, maybe 1% are against that virus.
02:13:22.607 --> 02:13:28.016
And among that 1%, there are some that are extraordinarily potent, and there are other ones that are duds.
02:13:28.905 --> 02:13:30.526
you want to find the ones that are most potent.
02:13:30.807 --> 02:13:38.273
If you can find the very best one or two, sometimes three different antibodies, you can characterize them very well.
02:13:38.293 --> 02:13:39.694
You can even optimize them.
02:13:39.754 --> 02:13:45.939
You can manufacture them in GLP, GMP clinical facilities, and that becomes your drug.
02:13:46.920 --> 02:13:50.683
The challenge is how do you find the right ones to deliver?
02:13:50.783 --> 02:13:51.344
Let me go back.
02:13:52.426 --> 02:14:00.415
Right now, there are 50 to 70 different companies racing to find what they think are the best molecules that they can mobilize for antibody therapy against SARS coronavirus 2.
02:14:01.656 --> 02:14:10.045
Each one of these companies, whether they're a multinational corporation or a small biotech or even an academic lab, is going about it in a very slightly different way.
02:14:11.204 --> 02:14:16.986
Some of them are using different bait, different forms of the virus or different forms of the viral molecules.
02:14:17.606 --> 02:14:19.567
And with different bait, you catch different fish.
02:14:19.947 --> 02:14:22.588
So they're going to select different antibodies against different sites.
02:14:23.468 --> 02:14:25.809
They're using different strategies to evaluate them.
02:14:26.149 --> 02:14:29.530
Each one has set up their assays in different ways to look at different candidates.
02:14:30.410 --> 02:14:40.058
And some of them have chosen to optimize either those FAB arms and their fingerprints or that base that recruits immune system protection to try to steer the immune response.
02:14:40.858 --> 02:14:41.879
So every one of these can.
02:14:41.919 --> 02:14:53.608
And so again, she's talking as though they understand all the nuances of how the FC domain regulates the immune system response and they can put whatever they want there and get exactly what they want.
02:14:54.209 --> 02:14:54.989
That's a lie.
02:14:55.430 --> 02:14:59.593
And she's also misconstruing the sort of multivariate
02:15:01.295 --> 02:15:12.241
nature of antibody production and sort of misrepresenting what is possible.
02:15:13.262 --> 02:15:23.868
And what will come in a couple years is this Supreme Court decision which will essentially wipe out any possible intellectual property represented by these ideas.
02:15:24.741 --> 02:15:35.505
because the essential basis for claiming this highly specific antibody with this highly specific epitope structure and this highly specific sequence is wrong.
02:15:37.586 --> 02:15:38.587
They can't do that.
02:15:40.227 --> 02:15:41.448
That's not what they're doing.
02:15:42.748 --> 02:15:44.089
That's not what they're doing.
02:15:46.090 --> 02:15:54.333
And so it's pretty extraordinary, really, if you think about what's happening here, because they are in the process in 2020 of trying to pivot
02:15:55.672 --> 02:16:08.900
into this multi-year narrative about therapies and vaccines, and therapies that will bridge the gap between the time when we don't have vaccines and when everybody can get one.
02:16:10.461 --> 02:16:22.308
And she has all her eggs in a multi-polyclonal antibody set, a triplicate antibody therapy drug, just like ZMAP,
02:16:23.905 --> 02:16:25.686
from the Plummer Lab in Canada?
02:16:29.167 --> 02:16:30.407
This is a little bit different.
02:16:31.307 --> 02:16:33.868
What we want to know is which ones are best.
02:16:35.108 --> 02:16:42.291
And that can be a challenge to know which ones are best because it can be an apples to oranges comparison.
02:16:43.031 --> 02:16:53.734
So let's say you are in charge of organizing a clinical trial and you have a limited number of clinical trial beds and a limited number of dollars to spend on that trial.
02:16:54.568 --> 02:17:02.130
You want to know which are the therapies that have the greatest likelihood of success, which are the ones that are safest, and which are the ones you can choose.
02:17:02.691 --> 02:17:05.932
You can't test absolutely everything, because you don't have enough beds and money for that.
02:17:05.972 --> 02:17:13.594
And also, you need enough patients given a therapy to get statistical power, enough people at different stages of disease or different ages and different genders.
02:17:14.214 --> 02:17:14.974
How do you choose?
02:17:15.775 --> 02:17:20.016
Well, if company A says, we think we have the best therapy, and we know because we
02:17:20.583 --> 02:17:37.618
evaluated using experiment A, and company B says, we think we have the best therapy and we have evaluated it using experiment B. And company C says, well, we have a great therapy and we know it's good because we used experiment C. Then you got to find out whose P values are the lowest, right?
02:17:37.678 --> 02:17:39.200
Whose P values are the lowest?
02:17:41.189 --> 02:17:51.276
when you're comparing experiments A, B, and C. And even if it's the same kind of assay, if it's set up in different labs using slightly different conditions, the results may not be comparable.
02:17:51.636 --> 02:17:52.517
It's apples to oranges.
02:17:53.378 --> 02:17:55.379
What you need is that apples to apples comparison.
02:17:56.140 --> 02:18:04.125
You need to be able to compare all of the different molecules being raised forward by all of the different companies and academic labs to figure out which really is the best.
02:18:05.226 --> 02:18:06.107
Now here's the other thing.
02:18:07.047 --> 02:18:07.928
Viruses mutate.
02:18:08.849 --> 02:18:10.730
A virus will mutate to escape
02:18:11.556 --> 02:18:12.998
any single thing you throw at it.
02:18:13.758 --> 02:18:23.829
So often, what we use... It's so weird, you know, because the virus has like 31 proteins and several of those proteins are really important for copying it.
02:18:24.649 --> 02:18:34.740
But the only protein that we're worried about mutating, the only protein that needed to have a fear and cleavage site in order to make the most contagious virus in the world, ever,
02:18:35.905 --> 02:18:37.126
was the spike protein.
02:18:37.326 --> 02:18:42.649
The only protein that we made any antibodies to was the spike protein, apparently.
02:18:42.709 --> 02:18:45.850
Like, N-protein antibodies don't matter.
02:18:46.011 --> 02:18:47.812
E-protein antibodies don't matter.
02:18:47.912 --> 02:18:51.674
Antibodies to any of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase proteins don't matter.
02:18:51.694 --> 02:18:53.935
I don't know if we make those, because nobody gives a shit.
02:18:55.165 --> 02:18:58.168
The only thing that everybody's interested in is this spike protein.
02:18:58.208 --> 02:19:09.357
The only antibodies that matter to her are the spike protein antibodies, but wouldn't an antibody to the outside of the virus do just as well because it would call in the immune system and the immune system would destroy it?
02:19:09.797 --> 02:19:13.640
How many flags do you need to put on it before the immune system comes to it?
02:19:13.700 --> 02:19:22.348
And why does the flag need to stick to the spike protein and exclusively the spike protein in every fricking cartoon we've seen for five years?
02:19:22.868 --> 02:19:26.469
when there are 31 accessory proteins that matter.
02:19:28.430 --> 02:19:31.051
31 proteins that could evolve.
02:19:31.071 --> 02:19:36.193
31 proteins that could be improved by evolution and could make it even more infectious than it was last year.
02:19:36.593 --> 02:19:46.277
Yet everybody from as diverse as Jessica Rose to Walter Chestnut to Robert Malone to Meryl Nass to
02:19:47.202 --> 02:19:54.946
Here at Fundenbosch, they all agree that the only protein that matters and the only mutations that matter are in the spike protein and then it's going to become nasty.
02:19:55.326 --> 02:20:04.430
But then none of these people are monitoring how the spike protein is changing at the HIV inserts or at the staphylococcal and enterotoxin B homology
02:20:04.910 --> 02:20:19.387
or at the fear and cleavage site to monitor whether there are variants that lose some of these very dangerous attributes that are assuredly put in there by the fricking people at EcoHealth Alliance and their designed diffuse proposal.
02:20:21.724 --> 02:20:30.315
Why isn't Charles Rixey putting a whole database out for what variants are still expressing all of these very nasty things and ones that aren't?
02:20:30.816 --> 02:20:39.527
Because it is impossible for all the variants to have maintained all of these high-fidelity sequences for this long.
02:20:43.806 --> 02:20:46.628
And yet somehow or another, we're supposed to believe that that happened.
02:20:46.668 --> 02:20:54.974
And it started all the way back in 2020 with Erica Ullman-Sapphire only telling us a story about a virus with one frickin' protein.
02:20:57.876 --> 02:20:59.637
This is a combination of things.
02:20:59.677 --> 02:21:04.080
We use maybe two different antibodies together that would hit different footprints.
02:21:04.140 --> 02:21:09.564
And by hitting different footprints, they make it harder for the virus to try to mutate two things at once.
02:21:09.644 --> 02:21:10.685
It mitigates escape.
02:21:11.644 --> 02:21:21.288
Also, if you're using antibodies in combination, you can find molecules that have a synergistic effect, one helps the other, or an additive effect, where you can knock out the virus in two different ways.
02:21:22.208 --> 02:21:23.589
So we need to look for combinations.
02:21:24.469 --> 02:21:35.113
And the best combination might be two molecules raised in two different labs, and you never would have known about that possible combination unless you had a way of putting them together in the same place.
02:21:36.496 --> 02:21:38.897
The other issue is how to make this affordable.
02:21:39.658 --> 02:21:41.819
Antibody therapy is more expensive than vaccines.
02:21:41.959 --> 02:21:46.582
It can be more difficult to deliver broadly, but broad is what we need.
02:21:47.062 --> 02:21:55.267
It is- It's because they have to use anion exchange chromatography to clean out all the DNA and RNA and endotoxins from the bacterial cultures.
02:21:55.828 --> 02:21:59.770
And that process is so expensive that you can only really do it once.
02:21:59.830 --> 02:22:06.014
And if it doesn't work and it's still contaminated afterward, the whole batch has to be destroyed.
02:22:08.442 --> 02:22:14.405
mRNA vaccines don't have that problem because you can't use any purification process like that.
02:22:14.605 --> 02:22:17.346
NIN exchange chromatography to purify RNA.
02:22:17.886 --> 02:22:22.028
So you just kind of do your best, digest the DNA and get the hell out of there.
02:22:22.628 --> 02:22:26.390
And of course the new improvement, the next generation, they'll just print the RNA for you.
02:22:27.851 --> 02:22:28.971
They have that technology.
02:22:29.011 --> 02:22:30.572
It's just small batch stuff, you know.
02:22:32.273 --> 02:22:33.413
This is really expensive.
02:22:33.533 --> 02:22:35.294
So, you know, I don't know how this is ever going to work.
02:22:36.138 --> 02:22:38.479
But it's 2020, they got years to sell it yet.
02:22:41.101 --> 02:22:52.827
It's very clear for these viruses, and especially respiratory viruses, that a few infections in one remote place have rapidly become millions of infections everywhere that humans live.
02:22:53.627 --> 02:22:59.691
We need to be able to broadly deliver this therapy, including to people who cannot afford it themselves.
02:23:00.591 --> 02:23:02.252
How do you achieve broad delivery?
02:23:03.613 --> 02:23:06.195
One way is to try to make the molecules more potent.
02:23:06.335 --> 02:23:09.478
If the molecule is more potent, you don't need so many milligrams.
02:23:09.538 --> 02:23:11.960
So if you can manufacture it, it can spread across more people.
02:23:12.800 --> 02:23:17.344
It can also make the molecules more durable, more stable, so that they will grow to higher yield.
02:23:17.364 --> 02:23:18.465
You can just make more.
02:23:19.285 --> 02:23:22.268
By lowering the cost, you can also deliver it to more people.
02:23:22.568 --> 02:23:23.709
And there's different markets here.
02:23:24.209 --> 02:23:28.132
There is a market in the developed nations for the best therapy you can make, no matter what the cost.
02:23:28.693 --> 02:23:32.616
We also need to make sure that we are broadly protecting people that are in
02:23:33.467 --> 02:23:35.228
low and middle income countries as well.
02:23:36.128 --> 02:23:37.069
So how will we do all that?
02:23:37.169 --> 02:23:52.915
How will we compare all of the different antibody therapies side by side under the same assay conditions, find the best combinations, figure out how to optimize them and make sure that therapies can be mobilized anywhere in the world and have that right safety profile and that right durability and the right factor ability.
02:23:53.936 --> 02:24:01.259
We need to look from among the hundreds of therapeutic candidates being raced forth to figure out which ones are the very best.
02:24:03.479 --> 02:24:11.301
We need to analyze the very broad playing field, no matter where these antibodies are being made, if they're made by a small group or a multinational corporation.
02:24:11.921 --> 02:24:14.702
We need to put them side by side and figure out how they work.
02:24:15.762 --> 02:24:22.724
In order to encourage participation, when companies have invested millions and millions of dollars in discoveries, we need to protect their intellectual property.
02:24:23.337 --> 02:24:35.932
Unfortunately, about a year and a half from now, all that intellectual property will essentially be declared probably worthless by none other than a Gorsuch written opinion in the Supreme Court.
02:24:39.298 --> 02:24:48.960
that actually cites a paper that was brought to my attention by Mark Kulak, the Yale Law School Review article titled, The Antibody Patent Paradox.
02:24:49.440 --> 02:24:52.600
Maybe we should send that article to Erica Ullman-Sapphire.
02:24:53.881 --> 02:25:01.702
Even if the scientists would want to contribute their molecules to someone else's study, you know, the university or the company's lawyers might not let them.
02:25:01.722 --> 02:25:07.383
We need to find a way that protects their investment, but still makes that molecule available for science and medicine.
02:25:08.993 --> 02:25:10.634
And we need those therapies to last.
02:25:11.134 --> 02:25:12.755
We can expect the virus to mutate.
02:25:12.935 --> 02:25:16.296
We want that antibody to remain responsive, or we want to know what we can do.
02:25:16.356 --> 02:25:21.658
So they're already talking about multiple seasons and genetic drift and mutation.
02:25:21.698 --> 02:25:25.820
And so the endemicity of COVID is practically already accepted here.
02:25:25.840 --> 02:25:29.481
And bring out if there is a mutation event.
02:25:30.201 --> 02:25:34.663
We need this antibody to last because we're expecting seasonal return of this virus.
02:25:35.023 --> 02:25:36.464
We need durable therapies.
02:25:37.435 --> 02:25:39.296
And we need an extraordinary level of safety.
02:25:40.677 --> 02:25:43.119
Most people infected with coronavirus will be all right.
02:25:43.660 --> 02:25:50.165
We want to make sure that we are introducing therapies that have little to no risk.
02:25:50.205 --> 02:25:54.288
We want to make sure we can use these therapies in those people that cannot receive vaccines.
02:25:54.808 --> 02:25:58.371
We want to use these therapies in immunocompromised, in babies, pregnant women.
02:25:59.992 --> 02:26:00.873
And we need to work quickly.
02:26:01.343 --> 02:26:02.785
This virus is expanding rapidly.
02:26:03.225 --> 02:26:03.766
We can't wait.
02:26:03.886 --> 02:26:07.911
We have to work on a much more accelerated timeline than we ever have before.
02:26:08.992 --> 02:26:10.253
How do we do all of these things?
02:26:11.074 --> 02:26:21.166
How do we find a way of galvanizing 50 to 70 competing groups into a single force very quickly to analyze things side by side?
02:26:22.810 --> 02:26:30.412
The answer to that is this consortium here that I was asked to build by the Therapeutics Accelerator for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
02:26:30.732 --> 02:26:31.512
02:26:32.312 --> 02:26:35.473
I work for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
02:26:38.873 --> 02:26:40.234
That's fantastic.
02:26:40.274 --> 02:26:41.474
That was the best ever.
02:26:41.994 --> 02:26:43.694
The Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium.
02:26:44.714 --> 02:26:51.996
We are now gathering those therapeutic candidates being advanced all over the world here at La Jolla Institute.
02:26:52.708 --> 02:26:53.648
And we are blinding them.
02:26:53.728 --> 02:26:54.929
We're giving them all code names.
02:26:55.189 --> 02:26:56.450
That makes a study very fair.
02:26:57.230 --> 02:26:58.951
Nobody knows whose antibodies are whose.
02:26:58.991 --> 02:27:02.692
We're just analyzing by code name to figure out what are the characteristics that make that best.
02:27:02.752 --> 02:27:08.114
Now the program officers know the codes and the people who own the antibodies know where their own are in the study.
02:27:08.154 --> 02:27:10.475
So they know if they want to keep investing in that molecule.
02:27:10.916 --> 02:27:11.156
02:27:11.176 --> 02:27:12.736
So I'm going to wrap up a little bit here.
02:27:12.816 --> 02:27:16.358
I just want to give a brief wrap up of what I think this represents.
02:27:17.458 --> 02:27:18.499
There had to be,
02:27:20.080 --> 02:27:25.181
performers in every sector of our society.
02:27:25.241 --> 02:27:31.923
There had to be people on, there had to be lawyers in every county health department.
02:27:32.843 --> 02:27:39.244
There had to be lawyers in every school district that could be advised and told what they had to say.
02:27:39.804 --> 02:27:41.725
There had to be people in most
02:27:43.581 --> 02:27:45.306
communicating with police departments.
02:27:45.346 --> 02:27:50.944
There had to be people in academia who would be in position and skillful enough
02:27:51.877 --> 02:28:02.264
to bamboozle people with both stupid, complicated, and dumb, simple explanations for what's going on based on the assumptions, the presuppositions of the state.
02:28:02.865 --> 02:28:04.946
It's gonna take a year or more for the vaccine.
02:28:04.966 --> 02:28:06.928
The vaccine is obviously necessary.
02:28:07.348 --> 02:28:15.434
In the meantime, we're gonna need some therapies to bridge the way, and this virus is gonna be with us for a long time, and it's gonna change, and yada, yada, yada.
02:28:17.708 --> 02:28:27.974
And so this is all very, very obviously the flip side, let's say, of what these people did, this team worst case scenario.
02:28:28.034 --> 02:28:29.635
These guys aren't in academia.
02:28:30.436 --> 02:28:32.577
They aren't convincing anybody with tenure.
02:28:33.278 --> 02:28:38.381
They aren't in anybody's social media groups at any university.
02:28:38.441 --> 02:28:42.924
They're not interacting with their old faculty at any,
02:28:43.644 --> 02:28:45.745
any research university in Israel.
02:28:45.785 --> 02:28:50.847
They're not interacting with faculty at any research university that they used to work at.
02:28:51.227 --> 02:28:57.269
He's not interacting with any research faculty anywhere in the world and hasn't for more than a decade.
02:28:58.369 --> 02:29:02.711
Even when he was an academic, he didn't interact with any other academicians.
02:29:03.447 --> 02:29:06.448
This is a whole team of posers.
02:29:07.088 --> 02:29:20.852
This guy was able to take intellectual property out of the Human Genome Project and use it to enrich his family to the tune of multi-generational wealth at a house on the Atlantic Ocean in Boston.
02:29:22.523 --> 02:29:34.967
This guy is lying about the fidelity of the Human Genome Project, the fidelity of the viral genome sequencing and its phylogenetic tree composed of millions of sequences.
02:29:35.387 --> 02:29:44.290
He's lying about the use of PCR in 2020 and 21, and he's lying about the murder of people by supplementary oxygen in America and elsewhere.
02:29:45.390 --> 02:29:51.532
So is Jessica Rose, so are the Malone married couple, so is Harvey Reich.
02:29:53.234 --> 02:29:57.818
Probably Dodd and Hazan and Cole and Hooker and all of them have to know.
02:29:58.318 --> 02:29:59.559
Brian Hooker knows.
02:30:00.480 --> 02:30:06.245
If he's been watching my stream and listening to my stream, he knows I told him all this stuff when I was working for him.
02:30:06.265 --> 02:30:08.767
He knows that Mary is corrupt.
02:30:09.468 --> 02:30:11.009
And he can't do anything about it.
02:30:11.830 --> 02:30:15.954
Because he's got a wonderful salary and because he at least gets to say something.
02:30:18.274 --> 02:30:22.618
And he's interested in building a big top tent of health freedom too.
02:30:22.998 --> 02:30:26.261
He's not interested in saving any kids from vaccines.
02:30:26.721 --> 02:30:30.964
He's not interested in convincing any parents by just telling them the truth.
02:30:31.105 --> 02:30:37.250
I guess he's just resounding, at least if everybody has choice and can say something, then I guess it'll be okay.
02:30:40.549 --> 02:30:49.794
Unfortunately, because Brian Hooker threw his flag and his family and all of his future behind Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
02:30:50.034 --> 02:30:54.176
and Mary Holland, he's just part of this same illusion.
02:30:54.216 --> 02:31:05.462
Whether he's will it winning or unwitting, he's on stage with these people that are covering up the murder and misleading our children into believing that there must be a safe vaccine when there isn't.
02:31:07.728 --> 02:31:14.451
And if Brian Hooker doesn't know about Brandy Vaughn, it's because none of his colleagues at CHD ever told him.
02:31:17.313 --> 02:31:36.142
If none of these organizations are ever talking, do you understand that Mark showed us yesterday a letter that was composed to the who, where all of these people signed on with Brandy, and that letter could have just as easily been sent by door to freedom by Merrill Nass two years ago.
02:31:37.543 --> 02:31:38.764
It's the same nonsense.
02:31:39.825 --> 02:31:52.873
The same opposing the who, writing letters to the who, instead of just telling people in your community that they are lying about vaccines and no vaccine is safe and that we should stop taking vaccines, period.
02:31:53.393 --> 02:31:54.594
None of them will say that.
02:31:54.674 --> 02:31:55.695
None of them ever said it.
02:31:55.735 --> 02:32:01.919
And for 10 years, they've been telling people not to say it and not promoting anybody that's willing to say it.
02:32:03.308 --> 02:32:05.689
That is sabotage, ladies and gentlemen.
02:32:06.129 --> 02:32:29.497
They are part of the enslavement of our children, and these people enacted a mystery-solving exercise and pretended that we could participate in it when, in fact, that script was written, and they have been reaping the benefits of following it for the last five years to the tune of substacks and book deals, non-profit positions, world travel, everything.
02:32:30.370 --> 02:32:34.331
They are traitors to our grandkids for having fooled us into solving this mystery.
02:32:34.711 --> 02:32:45.234
They are traitors to our grandkids for not having told college kids this truth that Brandy and lots of other people before her, maybe, were trying to tell.
02:32:45.634 --> 02:32:47.195
But all I can find is Brandy.
02:32:47.675 --> 02:32:48.915
Maybe Tony Bark, too.
02:32:49.395 --> 02:32:51.556
But Tony Bark learned the truth from Brandy.
02:32:53.581 --> 02:32:54.962
And you're learning the truth from me.
02:32:55.402 --> 02:33:00.744
Ladies and gentlemen, PCR is a fraud, and especially how it manifested in America in 2020 and 2021.
02:33:01.124 --> 02:33:03.946
But PCR is a fraud.
02:33:04.006 --> 02:33:09.168
The only thing they have is synthetic recombinant genetics, which means they can make a lot of DNA and put it places.
02:33:09.768 --> 02:33:11.349
They can also find it with PCR.
02:33:11.369 --> 02:33:16.491
And that means if they took that DNA and made it and put it in a lot of places, they could find it.
02:33:16.531 --> 02:33:17.772
It might even make people sick.
02:33:17.832 --> 02:33:18.272
Who knows?
02:33:19.895 --> 02:33:22.976
It might even express protein in people that were transfected by it.
02:33:23.476 --> 02:33:23.976
Who knows?
02:33:24.776 --> 02:33:40.121
But for sure, you need no leaps of faith to understand that the only thing that they have available to them at every pharmaceutical company that makes biologics is the ability to make a synthetic, pure recombinant quantity of DNA and put it somewhere and find it with PCR.
02:33:40.541 --> 02:33:48.283
And so if they had an, I don't know, an agent in Wuhan that was paid by USAID funds, they could get her to do that pretty easily.
02:33:49.161 --> 02:33:54.424
with pretty cheap technologies developed by the Human Genome Project more than 10 years ago.
02:33:54.504 --> 02:33:56.105
Transfection is a crime.
02:33:56.965 --> 02:34:01.808
Putting genetic material in people's arms and telling them it's medicine is a crime.
02:34:01.828 --> 02:34:06.930
And the way they got away with it so far is that they used a lot of placebo.
02:34:06.950 --> 02:34:10.332
That also allowed them to meet these manufacturing quotas with no fear.
02:34:13.206 --> 02:34:17.274
And it allowed a lot of people to think that they took a vaccine without having any side effects.
02:34:17.334 --> 02:34:18.115
It didn't hurt me.
02:34:18.616 --> 02:34:23.025
I've been giving out vaccine at my CVS for years and I haven't seen anybody pass out.
02:34:25.518 --> 02:34:31.563
The main foundational myth, in my humble opinion, is this idea of endemicity.
02:34:32.343 --> 02:34:40.089
The idea that an RNA virus can mutate into a special form and then, because of its special form, it can become endemic.
02:34:40.169 --> 02:34:42.030
It can cover the globe with itself.
02:34:42.631 --> 02:34:43.571
This is a lie.
02:34:43.611 --> 02:34:44.232
Stop lying!
02:34:44.692 --> 02:34:49.396
This is a foundational myth that has never been proven.
02:34:49.436 --> 02:34:51.077
There's no data that could prove it.
02:34:52.992 --> 02:35:11.339
And the foundation of this myth is a background that you are supposed to ignore, to believe that it doesn't exist, when in fact the background is so loud, the background is so hot, that non-specific PCR tests could be used in a variety of ways to distort that background into an illusion of spread.
02:35:11.799 --> 02:35:16.301
Especially if they put enough shitheads on social media to lie about it, and that's exactly what they did.
02:35:18.265 --> 02:35:20.326
This is for all the marbles, ladies and gentlemen.
02:35:20.346 --> 02:35:22.567
It is for the grandchildren of Earth.
02:35:22.767 --> 02:35:23.907
RNA cannot pandemic.
02:35:23.967 --> 02:35:25.588
Intramuscular injection is dumb.
02:35:26.308 --> 02:35:28.049
Transfecting healthy people is a crime.
02:35:28.089 --> 02:35:33.771
And the population pyramids problem, that's a real thing that Denny Rancourt and all these people are ignoring.
02:35:33.951 --> 02:35:35.471
All these people are ignoring.
02:35:35.531 --> 02:35:39.593
They are ignoring it because it is part of the New World Order.
02:35:40.552 --> 02:35:43.993
It is the path, the past that they want to erase.
02:35:44.573 --> 02:35:49.015
That is their job, is to erase 2020 and 21, to get us to forget about it.
02:35:49.055 --> 02:35:51.696
We were calling it running out the clock for a few years.
02:35:52.216 --> 02:35:55.557
If we allow this to happen, our children will not inherit the truth.
02:35:56.018 --> 02:35:59.879
They will inherit a mythology.
02:36:00.579 --> 02:36:03.020
Please don't let my children inherit a mythology.
02:36:03.100 --> 02:36:05.381
Please don't let your children inherit a mythology.
02:36:07.582 --> 02:36:08.242
I'll see you tomorrow.
02:36:33.769 --> 02:36:34.209
02:36:37.271 --> 02:36:38.851
Okay, so, purity test?
02:36:39.752 --> 02:36:40.972
You want a purity test?
02:36:41.813 --> 02:36:43.794
You can go to a different stream.
02:36:44.594 --> 02:36:47.275
I mean, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
02:36:48.136 --> 02:36:52.598
The purity test is very, very, very, very, very simple.
02:36:53.298 --> 02:36:53.658
02:36:54.299 --> 02:36:58.761
Dodd, Dodd works for an insurance company.
02:36:59.793 --> 02:37:01.635
He's a life insurance guy.
02:37:02.215 --> 02:37:03.517
He's an actuary.
02:37:04.097 --> 02:37:05.779
Nick Hudson is an actuary.
02:37:05.879 --> 02:37:10.944
These people know what a population pyramid is.
02:37:11.605 --> 02:37:20.013
And they know that this signal was visible to the entire insurance company industry for two decades.
02:37:20.774 --> 02:37:22.976
Don't tell me this is a purity test.
02:37:23.617 --> 02:37:37.831
Dodd is smart enough to know that the foundational myth of the pandemic was an expected rise in all-cause mortality that has been distorted into an illusion about RNA being able to pandemic.
02:37:38.251 --> 02:37:39.913
Don't call it a purity test.
02:37:40.353 --> 02:37:45.078
That guy is smart enough to know and that's why he's been elevated for three years.
02:37:46.468 --> 02:37:50.484
If you have a problem with that take on it, please find your way out.