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Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
01:00.000 --> 01:30.000
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:30.000 --> 01:32.000
01:32.000 --> 01:34.000
01:34.000 --> 01:38.000
I have no responsibility for the current pandemic.
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I'm afraid the latest data tells us that we're dealing with the century that was based on others.
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I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with the century that was based on others.
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I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case scenario.
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I'm afraid that the latest data tells us that we're dealing with essentially a worst case scenario.
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I think the truth is good for kids. We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more than society.
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We want everybody to feel good. That's not the way life is.
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But you can tell if someone's lying. You can sort of feel it in people.
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I have lied. I'm sure I'll lie again. I don't want to lie. I don't think I'm a liar. I try not to be a liar. I don't want to be a liar.
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I think it's really important not to be a liar.
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Stop lying!
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I'm not sure exactly who he is. His name is JJ Cooley and I believe he's a consultant for CHD and I believe he has a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline from what I understand.
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I'm afraid that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is
04:47.000 --> 05:17.000
the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that the truth is
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Thank you again, I keep flipping with looping between whether I want to teach whether I want to want to go on to new things whether I want to start talking about other stuff or
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still make the damn break and I'm always brought back to the fact that I don't
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think anybody is really I don't think anybody's really talking about the
05:44.920 --> 05:50.440
murder yet and it's kind of annoying I don't I don't think we're really
05:50.440 --> 05:55.440
everybody seems to have forgotten that 2020 was a whole year in 2021 was a whole
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year and that these people could have said a lot more in 2020 and 2021 to stop
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a lot of people from being where they are and I just can't get over it I'm
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sorry but I just can't seem to get over it I need more people to see it even
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the most people aren't gonna see it I need to I need one more person to see it
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I need one more family to see it I need one more school district to see that
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they are playing us right now and I just feel like we're in a crucial time
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where we can just slow this train down a little bit we can just slow it down and
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learn our recent history it's not even the my goodness ladies and gentlemen
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it's not even the recent the history that that Mark Koolack is so working so
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diligently to to catalog for us but it's actually the very recent history we
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need to be afraid of losing they don't even want you to know what they were
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saying in 2020 and 2021 mostly because they weren't saying very much and what
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they were saying was surprisingly well correlated with what these charlatans
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were saying and once you see that ladies and gentlemen once you see that it
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starts to become frightening because then you realize that we were playing you
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realize that we were played and if we're gonna make gentle the life of this
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world we're gonna need our teacher our children our college kids how we were
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played so that this plane can be ended we need them to see the way for what it
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is the wave of lies the wave of liars the wave of fiat currencies we need them
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to see it otherwise we will not be able to save them from it we're gonna teach
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our kids to serve that surf this wave in the coming years we need to show them a
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lot we need to show it to them right now because it's not gonna be this
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visible forever all the waves are not gonna be this smooth all the waves are
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not gonna be this easy to see and to navigate and to predict and that's the
08:26.080 --> 08:32.640
point covid this this awful thing they did to us is something that we can look
08:32.640 --> 08:37.920
back on and still see it for what it was the artificial wave that it was and we
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can still teach our children to recognize it by staying focused on the biology by
08:43.320 --> 08:47.840
teaching them not to take the bait-ons you know maybe take them off social
08:47.840 --> 08:54.440
media maybe that's an idea and to teach them to love their neighbors can't stress
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how much I want to move on from this I want to help develop a high school
09:01.360 --> 09:06.440
curriculum I want to help develop homeschooling curriculums I want to put
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together video courses but but we need to wake people up and I need you to
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share these streams that I've been producing over the last couple weeks
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because they are vital the ideas that are being assembled in these streams are
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vital and that's why I'm gonna keep repeating the ideas in them for a little
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while yet and so if you're not up for that right now that's not what you need
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on your Sunday if the energy that you're here and coming off of this mic right
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now is not the energy you need on your Sunday boy do I understand that and you
09:40.960 --> 09:44.960
can come back and watch the recording you know you can maybe even skip this one
09:44.960 --> 09:51.520
because it's gonna be a deep dive into 2021 when the paradigm was different and
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somewhere between 2021 and now a huge paradigm shift has occurred and we are
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there's just a lot of people who aren't aware of it yet because they're still
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participating actively and in this illusion they're sustaining it some of
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them are doing it because they want a position in the coming in the coming
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administration whichever one it is ladies and gentlemen it's for all of the
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marbles and the only way we're gonna win is with non-compliance and the only way
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to engage in that is to actually have some understanding of what's going on
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I'm a human just like you a peasant just like you I'm a victim of this this
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never gonna buy a house never gonna own a house never gonna have the American
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dream is over for me it's over for probably a lot of you listening here and
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if you were lucky enough to buy a house right before the pandemic or sell a house
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right before the pandemic I don't know what to say but I wasn't and now I'm
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outside of this club just like the rest of me and so the only way that we're
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gonna break this illusion is by learning the biology that they lied about the
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economy the economy and all other stuff we do that somewhere else some other
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show this is all about the biology and that's what we do here at Giga on
11:13.400 --> 11:16.080
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it is indeed Mother's Day and happy Mother's Day to all of you out there who
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are moms and watching the show following along sharing our work of course I don't
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know what to say about moms right now I've got an interesting relationship with
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mine but I do have a wonderful wife who is a fantastic mom and I am very blessed
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that's part of the reason why I'm able to come to you as often as I do because my
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wife and best friend is exactly as as yeah as magnificent if I could ever dreamed
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of having as a partner so anyway it's May 12th 2024 I wasn't mean to say
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anything about Mother's Day but somebody said seeing in the chat can't hear me
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very well I'll turn that up then a little bit hello test test that should be a
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little better not really sure why everything is all goofy today I want to
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keep pushing the envelope here I want to keep pushing this ball forward I'm
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going to keep repeating this stuff often intramuscular injection of any
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combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is
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dumb and transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent and RNA cannot
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pandemic I really believe that the spread of bad ideas is much scarier and more
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dangerous than the spread of any RNA molecule and we shouldn't think of Elon
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Musk as anything more than somebody who understands that and that's why you
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like the idea of being in control of Twitter Twitter is not the the the town
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square Twitter is just another one of these pre-programmed social media
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applications that allows them to carefully curate what most or all of the
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participants in at sea and because of that the spread of bad ideas can be used
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against us in a much much more malevolent way than ever before and because we
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surrendered our consciousness over to these programs and that's what they are
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they're not they're not algorithms they're just programs they're they're
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designed to do what they do and they do it very very well because they've been
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optimized over the last few years especially since we've been all so
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engaged in them as a result of the pandemic this was more or less by
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design they were there ready to take advantage of this and we've talked
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about this many many times Dr. James Giordano for people here for the first
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time as a somebody that you should look up on YouTube and start watching and
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listening to as a brochure so to speak a forward-facing brochure of a much more
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complicated operation to control the conscious and and and and the conscious
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habits and opinions of of the masses I have recently made the argument that you
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can make a distinction between people that are fighting for our sovereignty and
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for the sovereignty of our grandchildren by whether or not they admit what they
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did in 2020 whether they're proud of it or not and then more importantly what
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exactly they did in 2020 and it is start to be at about a year ago already it
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started to become very obvious to me this pattern but maybe even more than two
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years ago it was already in the back of my mind that why is it that these people
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are behaving so curiously and it's just a question of how many are you willing to
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accept are on the same team how many are you willing to accept we're willing to
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lie to you in order to maintain this deception and unfortunately for me I
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went through almost all of the people on the left side of this diagram or is it
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the right the right side of this diagram that would be well if I see what if you
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see what I see now then it would be the right side where the t-shirt is and so
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all of these people have had some direct interaction with me and that's why
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they're here there's lots more people that we could put here but these people
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some of them have engaged in in in multiple lengthy conversations maybe
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even over months so these people are all for me personal medlers and they all
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seem to agree that the shots are bad even though none of them have figured
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out that they're transfections yet the closest Robert Malone got to ever
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calling them transfections was calling them inoculations and although Brett
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Weinstein has admitted as has his wife that I'm the one who who has been
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telling them since 2021 to call them transfections they've said it a couple
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times on the show they've never managed to actually pick up on the
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jargon another all these people over here could have called it
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transfection because I've told them all I mean I met Andrew Huff and
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person at Bobby's Boston announcement and we talked for 25 or 30 minutes
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together like these people all know me they've all meddled in my family's affairs
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meddled with my ability to to make a living they've they've they've tried to
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confuse frustrate any number of things to try to keep me from talking about
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what happened in 2020 and I think some of these people that I have over here
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closer to the edge of this photograph maybe they're there there's some
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possibility of convincing them that what happened in 2020 is not what all of
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these people seem to agree that it that that happened but I you know I'm
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pretty skeptical I'm fairly certain that that that Nick Hudson and Mike
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Eden and and Thomas Binder and and and daddy rank or are are firmly on the side
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of somehow or another a pandemic was was we were made to we were made to we were
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coerced into believing that a pandemic occurred and we were coerced by lies is
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not necessarily the language that these guys choose that we were coerced by lies
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about murder is not necessarily the language that these guys choose but I
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don't know how many people were murdered in Switzerland I don't know how many
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people were murdered in the UK but it's quite a few I don't know how many people
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were murdered in in South Africa where he lives but it would be good if we
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started saying it very clearly they murdered people and then lied about it
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because that is the most succinct way of saying what these people I would say
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are covering up either wittingly or unwittingly they because they are so
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convinced that the shot is the is the problem that they are unwilling to talk
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about the fact that no one would have taken the shot if it weren't for 2020
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in 2021 if we weren't coerced into being confused and terrified in 2020 and
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2021 not one college student would have would have been
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transfected that's the truth and none of those people on that side of this
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diagram did anything to save any college kid from getting transfected and I
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think that there's ample video proof based on what they said and didn't say
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in 20 and 21 to show without a shadow of a doubt they didn't save anyone
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now it would have been different right if if from the moment that they came on
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the scene they said that transfection is a terrible idea and healthy people and
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maybe you know to try and walk that fine line of of not giving completely let's
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say banable information they might have said something like but maybe if you
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have severe comorbidities or you're super old or your doctor says so maybe
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it would be appropriate for some people I guess that's what something like the
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the Great Barrington Declaration version of advocating for
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transfection in healthy humans would be that well in certain populations maybe
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it's an okay idea so I think it's important to keep talking about this
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because right now the the division is pretty stark and the amount of that these
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people here are ignored is quite extraordinary and I think of course the
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most amazing example of it is the fact that a lot of those people over there
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were in Romania with a lot of these guys here two of these guys here who both
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make the same argument that the pandemic of a novel coronavirus didn't happen and
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yet all of those people over there came back from Romania and didn't say
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anything and then they went in front of the Senate and instead of bringing these
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people that they met in Romania they brought other people that they met in
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Romania from Romania to the Senate to talk about what happened in Romania
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not Denny Rancor not Nick Hudson instead they invited Denny Rancor and Nick Hudson
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to Romania to say their stuff and if you can't see how ridiculous it would be to
21:16.120 --> 21:22.040
bring Denny Rancor and Nick Hudson to Romania to give a presentation but not
21:22.040 --> 21:28.520
include them in a presentation in front of the US Senate and instead include
21:28.520 --> 21:33.920
people from Romania in that US Senate presentation it's just it's mind
21:33.920 --> 21:39.400
boggling if you think about the amount of work that Denny's done the amount of
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stuff that sort of just analysis that is represented by Panda like Panda or
21:45.720 --> 21:49.360
not like Panda there's a lot of smart people that participated at different
21:49.400 --> 21:54.400
times and they've they have always been on the side of skepticism even if they
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didn't have all the biology or all the arguments right they've always been on
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the side of skepticism of the way the models are used etc etc etc and so I'm
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not so interested in the fine details I'm interested in the questions that people
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ask and those people over there are consistently asking the wrong questions
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and I believe they're doing it because they are part of a conscious and
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intelligent manipulation of our organized habits and opinions because it is an
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important element of democratic society and has been since the 1920s and I
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believe that these social media apps and these bros with shows have allowed them
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to create a new level of this unseen mechanism and we are being manipulated
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by them and so one element of this of course was the overt element of it the
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stuff that they put on TV this is an example of something that they put on
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TV and four years later this must almost be nauseating to see that they put
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this stuff on TV and that what this would have done to your grandparents or to
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your naive retired neighbor or to even a young starting out couple that just had
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twins what what what would this do to them when they were just told that they
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had to stay home and how were we manipulated they asked to withdraw treatment
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we face time so they can say goodbye we stop the drips we turn off the ventilator
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and wait your hands upon theirs you think of their family at home sobbing
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someone starts saying a prayer you can't help but cry this isn't what we do
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I don't trust Craig Spencer priority is making a big pot of coffee for the
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whole day because the place by the hospital is closed
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the Starbucks too it's all closed on the walk it feels like sunday
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no one is out might be the freezing rain or it's early
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regardless that's good walk-in for your 8 a.m. shift
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immediately struck by how the calm of the early morning city is transformed
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the bright fluorescent lights of the ER reflect off everyone's protective goggles
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there's cacophony of coughing you stop mask up walk in
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you take sign up from the previous scene but nearly every patient is the same
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young and old cough shortness of breath fever
24:35.920 --> 24:38.880
they are really worried about one patient very short of breath
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on the maximum amount of oxygen we can give
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but still breathing fast you immediately assess this patient
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it's clear what this is and what needs to happen
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you have a long and honest discussion with the patient and family over the phone
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it's best to put around life support now before things get much worse
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of course you heard what he said there right it was maximum amount of oxygen
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she had an overflow mask on so clearly they could put it up to whatever
25:05.840 --> 25:08.960
leaders they wanted to this could easily be
25:08.960 --> 25:12.800
just a cartoon version of what i think
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jessica hockett and mark kulak have maybe sort of kind of identified in the
25:18.240 --> 25:21.040
in the kyle sidel
25:21.040 --> 25:25.040
operation whatever he was whatever he was saying whatever he was doing when he
25:25.040 --> 25:28.720
was talking about 60 liters per minute of and going through
25:28.720 --> 25:32.160
a liters of oxygen
25:32.560 --> 25:36.480
so whatever the maximum flow radar is she's on it now she's got to be put on
25:36.480 --> 25:42.320
life support so her lungs have been destroyed by high flow oxygen
25:42.320 --> 25:46.320
if craig spencer is not sophisticated enough to understand that
25:46.320 --> 25:51.600
if this thing says 88 that the solution is not to
25:52.560 --> 25:58.880
put them on high flow oxygen and if it stays at 88 then to turn it up more
26:05.280 --> 26:09.280
we are in big trouble if we don't figure this out before everything is done
26:09.280 --> 26:14.560
we need to figure this out now if if hundreds of thousands of people were
26:14.560 --> 26:18.720
given high flow oxygen and that is not good
26:18.720 --> 26:22.960
we need to everyone who lost somebody in a hospital needs to reevaluate
26:22.960 --> 26:25.600
what was done to them because it could have been
26:25.600 --> 26:30.400
the starting point to get people on respirators because
26:30.400 --> 26:34.240
there are papers it's been understood for a long time that if you
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aren't careful you can really damage someone with
26:38.160 --> 26:44.560
with pure oxygen it's just a fact they've known it since the
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like late 80s early 90s ICU kind of thing and so public health in order to
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create the kind of of of full compliance that they thought was
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required they may have they may have been tricked
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into advocating for protocols that were that somebody should have spoken
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against and nobody did nobody was sophisticated enough to
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know at these hospitals because of why because of the illusion of
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consensus on television and because of videos like this
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because of Kyle Kyle Seidel because of because of Pierre Corey because of
27:29.600 --> 27:34.400
anybody who's who was boiling down this this
27:34.400 --> 27:39.600
thing to what people's pulse ox was and then putting them on
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supplementary oxygen as the obvious
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now obviously i'm not an MD and maybe this is just going to make me look like a
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fool and somebody is going to demonstrate without a shadow of a
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doubt that this had no major role in in anything in America
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we're all kind of waiting for that to happen Jessica
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Mark myself anybody that's now talking about it is kind of waiting for that to
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happen for one MD to just step up and say nah it's okay you can put somebody
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on 10 liters a minute or 60 liters a minute that doesn't matter
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that won't hurt nobody i'm still waiting for that
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you're getting set up for that but you're notified of another patient coming in
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you rush over they're also extremely sick
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vomiting they need to be put on life support as well
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two patients in rooms right next to each other both getting a breathing too
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it's not even 10 a.m. yet it's an after the rest of your shift nearly every hour
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that is not a that's not a real doctor that's an actual order breath
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fever oxygen 88 percent there you go notification there you go
28:52.320 --> 28:57.120
short of breath low oxygen low oxygen location low oxygen can't breathe
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fever i sure like to confirm this sometime in the afternoon you recognize
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that you haven't had any water you're afraid to take off the mask
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it's the only thing i sure like somebody to confirm this
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surely you can last a little longer in west africa during abola you spend
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hours in a hot suit without water one more patient
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very curious right restaurant across the street is closed
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right everything is closed but thankfully the hospital cafeteria is
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open you grab something wash your hands twice
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cautiously take off your mask and eat as fast as you can
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go back mask up walk in nearly everyone you see today is the same
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we assume everyone is covid 19 oh that's a good idea
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all the heart attacks and appendicitis patients go
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it's all covid we're all being asked to do things we've never done before
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try to predict which covid patient will crash if you send them home
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in which won't talk to palliative care talk to family member think about how
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deceptive that is he says where did all the heart attacks go where did all the
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appendicitis go well i'll tell you where they went they had do not resuscitate
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orders they were afraid to call the the hospital because of the fear
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of catching covid in the hospital because they were afraid they'd get
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this illusion is very easy to see now four years later all you got to do is do a
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little work to see how awful it was
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i apologize craig but i don't buy it i'm almost sure you're just a player
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long discussions about likely outcomes listen as family members stop
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they aren't here to say goodbye when they ask to withdraw treatment
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we face time so they can say goodbye there it is
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we stop the drips turn off the ventilator
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and wait your hands upon theirs you think of their family at home sobbing
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someone starts saying it there i think it is very possible that through
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administrative orders in hospitals people were put on high flow oxygen
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and the doctors were naive enough because of their training not being i see you
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doctors not being whatever having all the residents you know the senior
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residents sent home because they're too old or the the attendings rather sent
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home that hospital administrators could have told
31:21.280 --> 31:25.760
people that this is the only solution that they have
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and so these people through i mean did nurse erin ever talk about high flow
31:34.640 --> 31:38.640
oxygen being a problem or that we shouldn't do it or or maybe that was
31:38.640 --> 31:41.760
getting people to have pain so that we put them on ventilator she just
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talked about people being able to talk being put on ventilators to prevent
31:46.080 --> 31:47.040
spread i believe
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i really think we need an md to say something about this any md to say
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something about this just to admit that okay we do need to look at this because
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if the cdc protocol or if uh you know kizer
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whatever clemente uh this that or the other hospital
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corporation decided to put out an uh you know all
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all er directive to not lose beds or to prevent overload or whatever that that
32:27.840 --> 32:31.440
was one of the first things that they did wow ladies and gentlemen wow
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wouldn't it be crazy and yet nobody nobody even wants to think about
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the the year of 2020 is being kind of a crime scene where we need to revisit
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all of this stuff to make sure that that we there we didn't engage in a mass
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it's it's incredible how no one no one wants to talk about 2020 and 2021 anymore
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we can't help but cry this isn't what we do you stand by you wait this isn't what we do
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yeah you did you wait that's what you did see that's the thing i'm about we need people
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we need doctors to like go holy shit did i do that we need doctors to reflect and to think
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wow did i do that who told me to do that and we need a few whistleblowers in a couple states
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to start a mass movement of people going wow really did they say that yeah not
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they told us to do that they said we had to do that because
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it was national security or those dudes in those in the camouflage came in and told us
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we had to do it i want to hear some story about how it is that these mds
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if they engaged in this didn't know didn't understand didn't think who told them
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how many people were given this treatment
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because their pulse ox was low they were given high flow oxygen
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ladies and gentlemen this is a very very serious problem if no one will even just say
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not jay it's no big deal you're you're exaggerating how dangerous that is
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in a room or in a hospital where lots of people are being administered by very few people
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it would be very easy to imagine how a few people every day could be put on high flow nasal
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oxygen over the face whatever uh 10 liters 20 liters a minute whatever we've seen from these
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documents and left to sit in a corner for a few hours because there's so many so much overflow
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or whatever so short of staff and these cartoons are going to reveal it to us these
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reports are going to reveal it to us and people's records could reveal it to us
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i wonder if john bodewin can see it in any of those records that he's gotten
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when you shift ends you sign out to the oncoming team you share concerns of friends throughout
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the city without personal protective equipment hospitals running out of ventrators
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colleagues have already gotten ill some have survived the disease
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unfortunately other colleagues in the city have not
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before you leave you wipe everything down your phone your badge your wallet your coffee mug all
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of it i'd be curious everything in a bag i'd be curious to see how many health care workers in
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New York City died where's the list of those people that got covid and died while they were
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fighting covid because he just said that there were people that died he would think there would
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be a special plaque for them it's interesting right
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take no chances you walk out and take off your mask you feel naked and exposed
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the streets are empty you get home you're stripping the hallway it's okay your neighbors know what
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you do your wife tries to keep your toddler away but she hasn't seen you in days so it's
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really really hard run to the shower you look in the mirror indentations of the goggles are
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still deep on your face blisters on the bridge of your nose hot shower rinse it all away never
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happier time for family we were too late to stop this virus full stop but we can slow it spread
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we were too late to stop this virus full stop interesting theme that's starting to run through
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all of these worst case scenario people isn't it how there is this window where we could have
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stopped it and then depending on who you talk to that window could even exist until like June of
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2021 when Brett Weinstein still thought that zero covid was possible whereas Craig Spencer here
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in New York City says that we've already missed the opportunity to stop the virus
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the the journalist Garrett who was in that CNN video from 2018 or 19
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she said that you know the worst case scenario with one of these epidemics is that a virus like
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this would go endemic and we would be stuck with it forever funny how all of these very simple
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narratives show up in all these different places isn't it almost like they're consciously and
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intelligently manipulating the opinions of the masses in order to control us
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stay inside social distancing is the only thing that will save us now
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I survived Ebola I fear covid 19 this virus has not only infected people all over the world but
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it's highlighted it's amplified the inequalities that have existed for way too long
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at this moment of global crisis we need global solidarity global solidarity baby scientist
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frontline provider global problems global solutions people doing everything that they can
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every day to keep our society functioning throughout this never have they been seen as the heroes
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that they really are oh never have they been seen as the heroes they really are those darn
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healthcare workers never get the credit so the principle of informed consent requires
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understanding and I believe that there was multiple teams perhaps of people that were sent out
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from the very beginning that were designed for us not to be able to exercise informed consent
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because we would not understand and I find this this illustration so important because we were
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told to stay home and all of us including me I got our got our information from little glass
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windows or big glass windows but we didn't get our information from very many people
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that are worthy of our trust even though at the beginning of the pandemic we were not aware
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of the possibility that there would be so many people out there that were
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unworthy of our trust
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that's the part about the naivety that started out at the beginning of the pandemic that you know
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social media is kind of organic and it kind of works you know like you follow people and you
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see who you follow and that kind of thing and so we thought we could figure it out by following
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the right people and listening to the right people and figuring out who knew what they were
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talking about or by by joining a twitter chat group or or a signal chat or a telegram group that
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that would that would really be on top of figuring out and asking the right questions
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and we had no idea as we were sitting on our couch or in the back of our garage that
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so many of the people that would be out there that would be masquerading as as good guys were
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actually participating in setting and defining the trap
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defining the limited spectrum of debate that that that would trap us in this presuppositions
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of the of the narrative the narrative and their job and this day and age i got to say
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who can you trust anymore you got it that's my message all along has been but the government owes
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us the rules are the government is supposed to give us full disclosure and they need to let
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us make our own choice and if you want to just go along with the party line that's your choice
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you know i don't want to i'm not telling you what to do i'm not telling you to take vaccine or
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don't take vaccine what i'm my position is get educated make your decision about what works for
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you and your body and your risk factors and then and then go for it now if i could add one
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more log to that part i have some colleagues uh that have developed artificial intelligence
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and machine learning based tools hapless if you can load on your cell phone you know pretty much
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all of us have got one now maybe grandmother does it uh but you know for the most part we all have
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smartphones and you can load these applications on your smartphones key in you know answer a little
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questionnaire about your characteristics where you live and they will give you a numeric risk factor
41:37.280 --> 41:44.000
for what your risk is of getting hospitalized or dying from COVID and why don't we have something
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like that why isn't that distributed by the government i mean the government wants to do us
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good they ought to give us the information give us a tool to figure out our own risk and enable
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us to make informed decisions not take this authoritarian you know you're going to do this
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or else we're going to make it so you can't get employment and you have to get
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tested every week and spend two hundred fifty dollars a test and all this kind of crazy talk
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that that we're all you know it's being shoved down a throat now why is the Biden administration
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doing this i don't know it seems so self-defeating i mean those populations you just talked about
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and in the angry mothers and the young adults that are being forced to take the jab when they go
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back to university that's if those populations don't vote democratic
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it's going to be hard times in river city for uh miss Pelosi and company so i think that they're
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they're just cutting off their nose despite their face i don't understand it
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this is 2021
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does that sound like robert melon is trying to save college kids from being forced to take a
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transfection i'm gonna ask that question again to make sure that you get an answer in your head
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does that sound like robert melon is trying to save college kids from making the mistake of
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taking a transfection does it sound like it to you in august of 2021 does it sound like he's
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trying to save anybody from it he's actually said he's not telling you anything get educated but not
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for me ladies and gentlemen the truth is available in hundreds of hours of video because this
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guy was everywhere and his story has changed over the last three years and you can't deny it
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until they delete him so download the videos cut out the clips make your own expose a
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it's an almost unlimited palette available to you on bit shoot and rumble and youtube
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and youtube rubber melon is all over youtube
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many many many of his videos never got struck never got removed despite what he uh a parry
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doesn't say anything dangerous of course what's dangerous about that
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he's just worried that the democrats won't get votes if if those college kids get pissed
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their job was to prevent us from understanding what was going on and to accept the presuppositions
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of the pandemic narrative what are the presuppositions of the pandemic narrative the presuppositions of
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the pandemic narrative are a novel virus equals novel deaths that's what this graph is here when
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you don't show all cause mortality and you just make a red a red graph of people you say died of
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covid this is what they showed you on the pbs news hour this is what
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robert melon is smiling about is it a bat cave virus or a gain a function virus i wonder what
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did robert melon say in 2021
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do you find it strange that after i mean the virus is
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it is basically a man-made virus used for some people call it warfare okay we can deal with that
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word and it was released do you find it strange that fauci and the rest of the fun bunch
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really disavow themselves from it
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so uh to your point i was really nice let's go let's take a ride in the way back machine
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um and remember once a long ago that uh mr biden came out and said we're going to get to the bottom
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of this uh lab leak hypothesis and i'm going to ask and i'm going to insist on the cia giving me
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the full story and we're going to get to the bottom of this right away and then it has been
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nothing but crickets chirping ever since and that but i swear after he did that i saw his face get
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long ever since he just seems to have kind of gotten grim and i you know this uh you know this
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is like um did he finally get access to the kennedy um you know notes uh it it sure looks like uh he
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had a come to jesus moment and he didn't like it very much uh and uh um i me and many of my peers
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are increasingly of the opinion that this has hallmarks of a product of gain of function research
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the thing that i can't which is a fancy way of saying lab manufacturers
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the the thing i can't sort out and i don't know if we're ever going to be able to sort it out
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is did this sneak out the back door in muhan and yes the signs are that both my friends at dod
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and uh the good dr fauci um you know we're told that you cannot do gain of function research it's illegal
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and so they they kind of pivoted and said oh it's okay we're going to let the chinese do it for us
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that makes a lot of sense and we're going to send them a bunch of money to do it um uh so so there's
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those those those breadcrumbs exist so gain of function research and coronaviruses
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definitely happened uh is this the product of that gain of runx research this is another one of
48:09.440 --> 48:13.120
those it looks like a duck it walks like a duck it quacks like a duck but how can you ever prove
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it's a duck um you know maybe it's a pigeon uh but it sure looks like a duck and so what i would say
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that the the key point to make here from a giga giga worm biological perspective is that infectious
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clones the term that they use to describe synthetic dna or rna constructs that are
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transfected or transformed into cell culture and then the the products that result as the cell
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culture copies repackages whatever it does with the rna and dna that they put in these cells is
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how virology is done um whether or not though the exosomes that are produced are of a single type
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or a or an extremely assorted type or whatever we can debate about that later but the easy way to
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push this out of the out of the realm of possibility is to say that an rna molecule cannot pandemic
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and the claim that they're making and you will hear him describe the unique qualities of the rna
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molecule and even more laughable is the already seeding of the narrative that it's actually not
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any particular it's actually a very particular part excuse me of this 30,000 base pair genome it is
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it is the part called the spike protein which previous to the pandemic coronavirus biology
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canon dictated that this was the most variable protein of all of the proteins that they found
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in nature that have to do with the coronavirus and yet we are to believe that all of the changes
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that matter with regard to whether or not one of these entities can circle the globe in a matter
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of months or whether it just will peter out are these few bases that are here or there inside of
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the spike protein and so that narrative of the spike protein being indicative or a signal that
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it's a gain of function um virus is hilarious at this stage when we look backwards on it at the time
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it wasn't obvious to any of us that this was kind of a ruse it I would only have to go back and look
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at what I was saying when I was saying it to know when it started to become obvious to me that the
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focus on the spike protein was absurd at some point we have to get over that and I didn't understand
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why the phylogenies and why all of the little pieces that everybody was interested in were
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the spike except because of course they wanted to confound the properties of the spike
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with the side effects of transfection and so people like Robert Malone I believe
51:04.880 --> 51:10.000
wittingly or unwittingly we're out there seeding a narrative about the spike protein being
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interesting the spike protein being dangerous and the spike protein itself none of the other
51:15.120 --> 51:21.680
proteins in the coronavirus are indicative of it being from a laboratory even though there are
51:21.680 --> 51:30.560
29 or so other proteins that this genome supposedly encodes and and expresses during infection
51:30.560 --> 51:37.040
the only one that has any trace of gain of function manipulation or maybe even keyboard
51:37.040 --> 51:44.640
designing is the spike protein and that already in and of itself stinks of something like a narrative
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something like a Scooby-Doo story that's simple enough for for unsophisticated people to believe
51:52.480 --> 51:56.880
let's let him continue because here he's going to lay down some of the details of the Scooby-Doo
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mystery that he already is you know is laying down uh the thing I can't sort out and I don't
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know anybody can is did it escape out the back door and at the Wuhan lab you know by and they're
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filling the blank there's a number of ways that could happen there was an event in the laboratory
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and people got infected and then they walked around and spread it because it has a long pro
52:19.200 --> 52:26.880
drone period pro-drome period somebody selling a long pro-drome period that is actually the exact
52:26.880 --> 52:33.040
word that James Giordano uses to describe asymptomatic spread so it's a very interesting
52:33.760 --> 52:38.400
word for him to choose here I've never heard him use it before a dead carcass is from laboratory
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animals out the back door to go to the seafood market could be um you know or or you know animals
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off experiment that kind of thing totally makes sense okay so he's now saying that it makes sense
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if animals were sold at the market by a janitor that that the virus could spread that way that it
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could have leaked from a laboratory and so he is already reinforcing the presuppositions of the
53:06.160 --> 53:12.160
of the state narrative which is that viruses can do that that viruses can start out in a point
53:12.160 --> 53:18.480
and circle the globe and the you know they can be designed to do it really really well
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um and he agrees and actually kevin mccernan agrees with that kevin mccernan agrees with that
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tony fauci agrees with that i guess peter desak agrees with that and richard ebride agrees with
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that and all of these very sophisticated i think david baltimore all of these people
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agree that rna given the right sequence is capable of doing things that the vast majority of rna's
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can barely do for one culture passage one culture passage
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that's the that's the reality that's the story that they have told us in a nutshell is that if you
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put the right bases in an rna what is something that almost disintegrates
54:13.280 --> 54:20.720
immediately can be so dangerous that it can perpetuate itself through trillions of trillions
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and trillions of of copies and millions of infections over five years
54:28.080 --> 54:33.840
and what are those things i think they're fear and cleavage sites or their hiv inserts or maybe
54:33.840 --> 54:39.520
it's even a staphylcocken and teratox and bee homology let's hear what he's got to say about that
54:40.880 --> 54:47.200
wonder having worked at a primate research center you know uh there's always interest in
54:47.200 --> 54:54.000
recycling lab animals after they've been used in any way you can and if if it was a country like
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china where you got people eating you know buying live animals in a market it's located just a couple
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blocks from the fireball g institute um i kind of why wouldn't that happen you'd expect it to happen
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almost they'd have to have pretty tight controls keep it from happening you know the the the janitor
55:15.280 --> 55:21.520
right is you know looks at looks at this collection these all like hey i can make an extra buck
55:21.520 --> 55:26.800
or yan or whatever the monetary thing is and you know how can you say this wouldn't happen
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the other thing that could have happened and you mentioned the word bio warfare or bioweapon
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uh there's no way to rule out that uh somebody didn't let this puppy lose intention and dead lab
55:42.320 --> 55:48.560
animals where things are sold live right i mean cages where there are like chickens and raccoon
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dogs and and and didn't any homes have like a picture of cages of animals on top of each other
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and that was part of one of the nature papers they put out a single photograph that he took while
56:01.200 --> 56:09.120
he was on vacation that is awesome well done Pamela well done who would have let who would want to
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let loose an agent in the the literally beating industrial heart of china um i doubt it was the
56:17.920 --> 56:26.720
people's republic china so uh i can't resolve you know these different uh potential ways that
56:26.720 --> 56:31.120
this agent could have gotten loose but but the fury and cleavage site and some of the other
56:31.120 --> 56:39.840
signs whether or not there's an hiv sequence in there um it it kind of it looks an awful lot like
56:39.840 --> 56:47.280
something that came out of laboratory research and uh but in a sense it kind of doesn't matter because
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here we are you know it's gone worldwide now one of the things about this all this gone worldwide
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issue about what happened in Woven is that i had this uh colleague that i published with before
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who works for one of our three-letter agencies in the government and uh early on he assured me
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that this absolutely was not a lably and it was not an engineered virus absolutely he said my
57:14.560 --> 57:20.880
guys have looked at it carefully and it has none of the signs of being engineered well he said that
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so early in the outbreak that that in and of itself is a little odd um and he told me Malone is talking
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to uh a guy by the last name of Neely. Darryl Neely I think his name is and he is a somebody
57:36.880 --> 57:43.360
who was arrested or whatever for January 6th and uh has done lots and lots of streams with Paul
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Catrell also with Robert Malone and others but but a longtime associate of Paul Catrell in 2021
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around the same time that Robert Malone was doing streams with Paul Catrell he was also doing streams
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with this uh Neely guy that's also the dude who was speaking at the beginning of this video.
58:01.440 --> 58:07.280
This story that the Chinese had this amazing infrastructure that they'd spelt over a billion
58:07.280 --> 58:15.520
a year on for years and years after the SARS outbreak designed to contain any SARS like virus
58:15.520 --> 58:20.720
whole bunch of infrastructure now clearly that didn't work so good it's like to imagine a line
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in front uh to keep the German tanks away you remember how well that worked but they thought
58:26.080 --> 58:33.920
they had this and we thought they had this too right so so one could imagine a scenario
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wherein an agent was released um with the full expectations that it would damage the Chinese
58:40.560 --> 58:46.800
economy but they would keep it in check. Oh wow so that's his that's his hypothesis in 2021 that
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we released an agent in China but we were pretty confident because they had invested a billion
58:52.560 --> 58:58.320
every year in infrastructure to contain SARS like viruses that we could screw with them but not
58:58.320 --> 59:07.440
screw with ourselves we were counting on China's anti SARS infrastructure to allow us to successfully
59:07.440 --> 59:13.440
biologically release an agent over there without hurting ourselves that's what Robert Malone just
59:13.440 --> 59:22.080
said and you heard him 10 or 15 minutes ago say he has no advice for you about
59:22.080 --> 59:26.400
the shots he doesn't know what to tell you about those you should just get informed
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and boy are the Democrats gonna lose a lot of votes if these pissed off college kids don't vote
59:34.240 --> 59:41.520
for him huh that are being forced to take those shots that I have no advice about in 2021
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he didn't save anybody ladies and gentlemen he didn't save anyone he was part of preventing us
59:50.000 --> 59:57.200
from exercising informed consent because we were forced to or coerced into or tricked into
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led into solving the mystery of the gain of function or bat cave virus lab leak story
01:00:06.080 --> 01:00:13.040
and the presuppositions of the narrative that an RNA virus rather an RNA molecule given the right
01:00:13.680 --> 01:00:19.680
sequence oh boy look out here it goes he's not even done
01:00:21.280 --> 01:00:28.240
so did that happen I don't know it's a possibility the other thing about this as you mentioned
01:00:28.240 --> 01:00:37.440
Darryl is that I mentioned the treaty that we have with most nations in which we agree that
01:00:37.520 --> 01:00:43.200
we're not going to produce lethal biowarfor agents and just deploy them we shut all that down we used
01:00:43.200 --> 01:00:49.040
to do it we developed some of the most lethal in the world world never seen before we actually
01:00:49.040 --> 01:00:53.600
tested him in the field that's no longer classified yep and none of them were viruses
01:00:55.200 --> 01:01:01.040
that's the problem right I don't know if anthrax qualifies as a virus I don't think it does you see
01:01:01.040 --> 01:01:06.080
none of those bioweapons that he said he was very succinct and very clear he chose the right words
01:01:06.080 --> 01:01:10.720
he didn't say that we've made viruses in the past before we signed that treaty and they were
01:01:10.720 --> 01:01:17.760
badass he said we made bioweapons that's chemicals that's proteins that's toxins that's anything
01:01:17.760 --> 01:01:26.720
it's not viruses you see they know they know oh darn what happened there I wanted to play the last
01:01:26.720 --> 01:01:34.160
of that video I'm sorry I just want you to hear the rest we developed some of the most lethal
01:01:34.160 --> 01:01:39.520
in the world world never seen before we actually tested him in the field that's no longer classified
01:01:39.520 --> 01:01:45.920
yay so I can mention it okay we developed some really nasty stuff in the 60s that worked like
01:01:45.920 --> 01:01:53.040
gangbusters but um but then we signed this treaty with the soviet union and others saying that we
01:01:53.040 --> 01:01:58.240
wouldn't do it they wouldn't do it but what the treaty doesn't say is that you can't develop and
01:01:58.240 --> 01:02:04.400
deploy what are called incapacitating agents these are things that make you so sick that you
01:02:04.400 --> 01:02:10.560
aren't willing to go carry a gun they're fighting about a year interesting that kevin mccain and
01:02:10.560 --> 01:02:20.160
charles rixey have been working the incapacitating bioweapon angle for several years now isn't it
01:02:20.160 --> 01:02:26.880
and if you think that this is actually three years ago there's some overlap and some interesting
01:02:26.880 --> 01:02:32.560
harmony there and then that also jives very well with the idea that with all the loudmouth
01:02:32.560 --> 01:02:39.440
talk and the hours and hours that they do trying to say that you shouldn't listen to to me they've
01:02:39.440 --> 01:02:46.960
spent almost no time talking about this guy who basically says the same thing they do edifies
01:02:46.960 --> 01:02:55.040
everything that they believe is happening but they just kind of ignore him they just kind of ignore
01:02:55.280 --> 01:03:01.600
they don't criticize him they don't question him and they also don't use their use his statements
01:03:01.600 --> 01:03:08.160
from any year to edify their position even though this video right here seems to make charles rixey
01:03:08.160 --> 01:03:18.400
and and kevin mccain look like the bioweapons experts they they pose to be it's extraordinary
01:03:18.560 --> 01:03:26.240
when you see it it is an orchestrated lalapalooza of liars and they work together to stay out of
01:03:26.240 --> 01:03:33.040
each other's way and to create false rivalries that other people feel they're a participant in
01:03:33.600 --> 01:03:39.280
and in reality they're absorbing the positions they're standing in front of people and they're
01:03:39.280 --> 01:03:46.240
they're mitigating the potential you know problems that these met people's messages will have
01:03:46.320 --> 01:03:55.280
and keeping everybody firmly on script. Robert Malone, Kevin McCurnan, Steve Kirsch,
01:03:56.400 --> 01:04:03.440
Brent Weinstein, Charles Rixey, Kevin McCarron, Jessica Rose,
01:04:05.760 --> 01:04:13.760
Pierre Corey, all of these people all of them have kept us right on narrative.
01:04:16.640 --> 01:04:24.880
And it has been a coordinated coordinated effort to maintain it so that we would never be able to
01:04:24.880 --> 01:04:31.440
exercise informed consent and that's why they ignore the statements that we make every day that we are
01:04:31.440 --> 01:04:35.520
live intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the
01:04:35.520 --> 01:04:41.600
immune system is dumb. Of course, Robert Malone can't acknowledge that statement because that would
01:04:41.680 --> 01:04:50.560
mean that his his many decade career participating in this charade would be obvious just like he
01:04:50.560 --> 01:04:56.400
can't acknowledge that transfection and healthy humans was criminally negligent in 2020 because
01:04:56.400 --> 01:05:02.240
he's one of the people that is very very well informed enough to know that he should have told
01:05:02.240 --> 01:05:07.920
people not to take it. That's why he spoke out against Jesse Gelsinger, isn't it? But he claims
01:05:07.920 --> 01:05:13.120
now on Steve's Kirsch's podcast last week that Peter Cullis lied to him. Otherwise,
01:05:13.120 --> 01:05:19.280
he'd have never taken the shot and even a totally known it was dangerous. Stop laying.
01:05:22.720 --> 01:05:30.000
And so that's how they did it. They got us to solve this mystery of the pandemic lab leak virus and
01:05:30.000 --> 01:05:39.120
that actually became the PBS NewsHour. What Robert Malone just told us minus the little details
01:05:39.120 --> 01:05:47.360
like, you know, the fear and cleavage site and and and and and the HIV inserts minus that stuff.
01:05:47.360 --> 01:05:52.080
Didn't he also say staphylococcan and teratoxin B didn't say it there. It's in that video somewhere
01:05:52.080 --> 01:05:57.520
else in a different clip. But the point is is that that's the essential story minus the details that
01:05:57.520 --> 01:06:02.480
was on the PBS NewsHour. So are we really going to trust Robert Malone?
01:06:08.480 --> 01:06:13.600
Well, because him and his wife lied to me, I don't I don't have any trust in Robert Malone
01:06:13.600 --> 01:06:20.720
because I've had actually face to face interactions with these posers and they ran like cockroaches.
01:06:20.720 --> 01:06:25.360
I know for sure that something fishy is going on and that they are involved in it. I think they're
01:06:25.360 --> 01:06:30.000
working for the government or they work for some other weaponized piles of money that are
01:06:30.000 --> 01:06:35.840
coordinated with the government to try and mitigate the absolute disaster that they have orchestrated
01:06:35.840 --> 01:06:42.720
in our economy and in our housing market and in our universities and in our banking system
01:06:42.720 --> 01:06:49.040
and everything else. These people are traders and they've been lying to us about the pandemic
01:06:49.040 --> 01:06:56.400
potential in laboratories with elaborate cartoons and decade long research programs that go nowhere
01:06:56.400 --> 01:07:01.840
and don't demonstrate that there is pandemic potential but just demonstrate that molecular
01:07:01.840 --> 01:07:09.040
biology can be used to create that illusion in cell culture and in animal models. And the idea
01:07:09.040 --> 01:07:13.680
is to voice this mythology onto our children so that they can be enslaved by it.
01:07:19.360 --> 01:07:23.440
I got to get out of this for a second because this is not the way I wanted that to come up.
01:07:24.800 --> 01:07:26.720
Let me just quick fix this. Okay.
01:07:37.280 --> 01:07:38.400
Okay, here we go.
01:07:41.040 --> 01:07:46.000
So I need this is an old slide but it's a really important one. They seeded the gain of
01:07:46.000 --> 01:07:51.440
functionality with scientific programs that use p-values and p-hacking and sometimes
01:07:51.440 --> 01:07:57.760
don't even use p-values but use p-values based on the on the cell culture differences or something
01:07:57.760 --> 01:08:04.320
like that to justify the idea that pandemic potential does exist in nature. And then they
01:08:04.320 --> 01:08:11.440
conducted upper level exercises and bureaucratic exercises, tabletop exercises to help people to
01:08:11.440 --> 01:08:17.680
understand how it is that in a worst case scenario we need to get everybody to comply
01:08:18.560 --> 01:08:23.440
and to make sure that they could put people in place that were trained to understand that that
01:08:23.440 --> 01:08:29.120
would accept it would act on it would follow the plan. And that took a while. That took a couple
01:08:29.120 --> 01:08:37.840
decades. And then at the beginning of the pandemic they had people all over the internet that were
01:08:37.920 --> 01:08:43.520
ready to seed the worst case scenario very specifically, seeding the worst case scenario
01:08:43.520 --> 01:08:50.880
expected for the coming transactions and transformations and tying it to a gain of function spike protein.
01:08:53.280 --> 01:08:59.120
And if you don't believe me let's go back to Robert Malone in December of 2021 and find out
01:08:59.120 --> 01:09:08.640
about this toxic spike protein. My name is Robert Malone. I'm a physician and a scientist
01:09:08.640 --> 01:09:15.920
but more importantly I'm a father and a grandfather. I don't usually read from a prepared speech
01:09:16.480 --> 01:09:21.760
but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I got every single word in fact
01:09:21.840 --> 01:09:28.640
scientific fact correct. Sorry. Sorry.
01:09:31.360 --> 01:09:36.080
I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development.
01:09:37.200 --> 01:09:44.160
I'm vaccinated for COVID and I'm generally pro-vaccination. I've devoted my entire career
01:09:44.160 --> 01:09:49.760
to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.
01:09:50.800 --> 01:09:55.280
Stop lying. After this I'll be posting the text of this statement so that you can share it with
01:09:55.280 --> 01:10:06.080
your friends and family. Here's the thing before you inject your child a decision that is irreversible.
01:10:07.760 --> 01:10:11.680
I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine.
01:10:12.400 --> 01:10:20.080
Now it's interesting that these scientific facts in 2021 in December of 2021 are relevant
01:10:21.040 --> 01:10:28.560
to the kids but they're not relevant to the college age children that have already been coerced.
01:10:30.320 --> 01:10:37.600
They're not relevant to the 40 year old parents of young kids. They're not relevant to the young
01:10:38.000 --> 01:10:42.080
grandparents and the old grandparents that we'd like to have around for 10 more years.
01:10:42.080 --> 01:10:48.160
None of these things are relevant to them. It wasn't relevant for you to say any of this stuff until
01:10:48.160 --> 01:10:53.840
2021 December 2020. That's really almost 2022 right.
01:10:56.800 --> 01:11:00.880
Think about that ladies and gentlemen. I want you to think very carefully about where we are in
01:11:00.880 --> 01:11:10.560
the calendar now. This is almost 2020 2021. That's almost two years in. It is two years in.
01:11:10.560 --> 01:11:16.960
This is the winter of severe disease and death that the CDC promised us. It's that winter and
01:11:16.960 --> 01:11:25.680
here he is suggesting that people might not want to permanently alter their immune systems
01:11:25.680 --> 01:11:32.640
in their children but hundreds if not hundreds of thousands if not millions of adults have already
01:11:32.640 --> 01:11:42.400
done it and he didn't bother to speak out at all. Zippo Zilch. He's not the hero.
01:11:44.800 --> 01:11:50.560
He's slow rolled us to this conclusion so that anybody that's following him would not have had
01:11:50.560 --> 01:12:01.200
any that you wouldn't he took it. Oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen I know it seems repetitive
01:12:01.200 --> 01:12:07.040
but it's important that we see this which is based on the RNA vaccine technology I created.
01:12:09.680 --> 01:12:16.560
There are three main issues that parents need to understand before they take this irrevocable
01:12:16.560 --> 01:12:24.240
decision. The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your parents' cells.
01:12:25.680 --> 01:12:33.680
This gene forces your child's body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause
01:12:33.680 --> 01:12:40.800
permanent damage in children's critical organs. These organs include their brain and nervous system,
01:12:41.440 --> 01:12:47.200
their heart and blood vessels including blood clots. Good point Pamela is still
01:12:47.200 --> 01:12:52.560
calling in a vaccine and that's already wrong right this is not informed consent.
01:12:53.920 --> 01:13:00.720
Their reproductive system and most importantly this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to
01:13:00.720 --> 01:13:08.640
their immune system. The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred
01:13:09.600 --> 01:13:16.160
they are irreparable they cannot be reversed. Why is this only relevant? No. It's the lesions
01:13:16.160 --> 01:13:22.320
within their brains. It doesn't lesion old people's brains. You cannot repair heart tissue scarring.
01:13:23.520 --> 01:13:28.880
What about old people with a with already damaged hearts it does not dangerous for them.
01:13:30.160 --> 01:13:31.680
Do you see the problem here?
01:13:32.080 --> 01:13:40.000
He advocated for is still advocating for the rollout of these genetic vaccines in the most
01:13:40.000 --> 01:13:48.400
vulnerable populations that are not vulnerable to anything except for protocols in a hospital.
01:13:50.080 --> 01:13:55.280
He knows that because he made a joke about it a couple months before this. Remember we watched
01:13:55.280 --> 01:14:00.880
it yesterday about dexamethasone being killing people because it's just a giant sledgehammer for
01:14:00.880 --> 01:14:06.320
their immune system. So if they wanted to clear the beds out of hospitals they're giving dexamethasone
01:14:06.320 --> 01:14:11.040
and sending them back to their care homes to die and he laughed about it.
01:14:13.600 --> 01:14:18.240
So he knows that the people don't have to be afraid of anything but bad ideas
01:14:19.600 --> 01:14:24.160
and is he exposing any of those bad ideas? Absolutely not. He says very particular I'm not
01:14:24.160 --> 01:14:28.320
telling you to take it or not take it but you might want to think about it for your kids.
01:14:31.840 --> 01:14:40.960
You cannot repair a genetically reset immune system and this vaccine the only reason to think
01:14:40.960 --> 01:14:49.040
that the that this vaccine would genetically reset would genetically reset the immune system
01:14:49.040 --> 01:14:55.040
is if there was something in that spike protein by design that they thought might do that.
01:14:55.040 --> 01:15:02.800
That's what I've been trying to make this parallel argument every once in a while for
01:15:02.800 --> 01:15:09.040
quite so many years that if you wanted to make an effective vaccine based on the model of a
01:15:09.040 --> 01:15:16.080
vaccine producing neutralizing antibodies every time you gave it then maybe the first thing to do
01:15:16.080 --> 01:15:21.360
would be to develop a protein that could do that that you could use as an adjuvant that you could
01:15:21.360 --> 01:15:27.440
use as a universal immune activator. You know like the stuff that like
01:15:28.400 --> 01:15:35.040
like Annie DeGroote was looking for at what are they what was that company called EPI Bax or
01:15:36.000 --> 01:15:42.880
EPI EPI something or other if Mark is around he would know what that company was. They were looking
01:15:42.880 --> 01:15:50.160
for universal epitopes epitopes that would activate a large quantity of immune cells and
01:15:50.160 --> 01:15:55.440
a broad activation of dendritic cells a broad activation of T cells and interestingly the
01:15:55.440 --> 01:16:02.240
staphylococcanaterotoxin B homology is one such thing that would be expected to activate
01:16:02.800 --> 01:16:07.760
a broad range of B cells or T cells and that's what would be the problem is that
01:16:07.760 --> 01:16:13.200
not specifically instructed but just massive inflammation and so it's interestingly
01:16:13.840 --> 01:16:19.760
interesting that this this these exact words are chosen that he's going to put up these exact
01:16:19.760 --> 01:16:26.160
words for you to download and read these exact words are important then right the use of vaccine
01:16:26.160 --> 01:16:31.520
is important the use of the term genetically reset the immune system that's all very important
01:16:31.520 --> 01:16:41.360
from his extremely professional perspective. It can cause reproductive damage that could
01:16:41.360 --> 01:16:49.920
affect future generations of your family. The second thing you need to know is about
01:16:49.920 --> 01:16:53.600
strange because he didn't say any of this when he was on the beach in Hawaii
01:16:55.200 --> 01:17:01.280
which is a couple months before this there's still a brilliant video out there of me with my
01:17:01.280 --> 01:17:08.320
with my whatever was in my throat so I sound like a frog where I absolutely shred them on the beach
01:17:08.400 --> 01:17:11.440
and I should probably do it again because I would do it better this time
01:17:12.880 --> 01:17:16.160
and he didn't have any of these concerns for those children then
01:17:18.080 --> 01:17:25.680
neither did Jill but now in December of 2021 is the time for me to finally put my foot down
01:17:25.680 --> 01:17:28.720
like I did for Jesse Gelsinger and say it like it is.
01:17:38.800 --> 01:17:42.720
The fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested
01:17:44.800 --> 01:17:50.960
we need at least five years of testing and research before we can really understand the risks.
01:17:51.440 --> 01:17:58.000
So wasn't that relevant to all the adults that have taken the shot up until December of 2021
01:17:59.040 --> 01:18:03.840
wasn't that relevant for my friend Nathan wasn't that relevant for my friend Nathan
01:18:04.800 --> 01:18:09.760
wasn't that relevant for my friend Annie wasn't that relevant for anybody
01:18:11.280 --> 01:18:17.600
before 2021 Robert Wallace Malone participant
01:18:21.520 --> 01:18:30.960
how can you say these words in August of 20 I mean in December of 2021 and take anybody
01:18:30.960 --> 01:18:32.960
how can anybody take him seriously
01:18:37.600 --> 01:18:42.160
there's no reason why he needs to say this now and not already in 2020
01:18:43.680 --> 01:18:49.040
the spike was already announced in 2020 the sequence was already out in 2020 there were people
01:18:49.120 --> 01:18:55.040
like Yuri Dagan who already knew that there was a fear and cleavage site and like like like James
01:18:55.040 --> 01:19:00.320
Lyons Weiler knew there was a fear and cleavage site in February of 2020 so if all these things
01:19:00.320 --> 01:19:07.120
are known to him because he's a wise vaccinologist with an end virologist with with 30 years of
01:19:07.120 --> 01:19:12.640
experience going back to Murray Gardner give me a break
01:19:19.680 --> 01:19:26.240
come on you got to be kidding me
01:19:27.040 --> 01:19:33.040
oh is about the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested
01:19:35.120 --> 01:19:42.320
we need at least five years of testing and research before we can really understand the risks associated
01:19:42.320 --> 01:19:52.080
with this new technology the harms and risks from new medicines often become revealed many years later
01:19:55.760 --> 01:20:00.960
I ask you to ask yourself as a fellow parent
01:20:03.200 --> 01:20:09.200
if you want your child to be part of the most radical experiment in human history
01:20:09.200 --> 01:20:16.640
are we to believe that he only realized that the experiment was starting in December of 2021
01:20:17.680 --> 01:20:23.600
are we to believe that him in his you know highly trained bioethicist
01:20:23.600 --> 01:20:29.440
that now's the time when he had to speak out that that is absolutely absurd
01:20:30.320 --> 01:20:49.040
it's absolutely absurd it's the exact same game that Brett Weinstein's playing while he wore a mask for a year and goggles for a year and advocated for harder focused lockdowns for a year and a half and advocated for zero COVID in 2021 still
01:20:49.840 --> 01:21:01.680
it's all the same lie and spectacular commitment to it and because they did it together we all couldn't see through it
01:21:02.960 --> 01:21:06.320
when people agreed to lie together really bad things happen
01:21:08.720 --> 01:21:12.800
and there were hundreds of people lying to us I think ladies and gentlemen hundreds
01:21:13.360 --> 01:21:19.680
wittingly and unwittingly because of a few people not pulling on the rope like they said they were pulling on the rope
01:21:21.120 --> 01:21:26.000
and that's all it takes in a tug of war for everybody else to think they're doing it right
01:21:26.000 --> 01:21:32.400
for everybody else to to agree that this is the rope we should pull on and for a few people to pretend they pull
01:21:32.400 --> 01:21:39.120
and for the outcome to be not what you expected it and to get you exactly to participate in something that doesn't matter
01:21:40.000 --> 01:21:46.560
lab leak natural virus early treatment ivermectin early treatment hydroxychloroquine
01:21:48.480 --> 01:21:55.600
Remdesivir the Dazzlam those don't matter if they were giving high flow oxygen to everyone and calling it COVID
01:21:57.040 --> 01:22:04.080
oh my gosh your symptoms are so much worse than three hours ago before I put this high flow mask on you
01:22:04.160 --> 01:22:07.600
because I read 88 on a five dollar device
01:22:14.480 --> 01:22:19.120
and we're supposed to believe that this is somebody on a white horse coming to our rescue
01:22:27.840 --> 01:22:33.280
one final point the reason they're giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie
01:22:35.040 --> 01:22:39.280
your children represent no danger to their parents or grandparents
01:22:41.360 --> 01:22:49.040
it's actually the opposite their immunity and kunut with koski made this argument in may
01:22:49.840 --> 01:22:55.840
2020 kunut with koski from the Rockefeller University in New York City one of the most
01:22:55.840 --> 01:23:02.960
highly respected faculties in the world came out and said that closing schools was ridiculous because
01:23:03.040 --> 01:23:09.120
if we understand anything about respiratory disease this is the opposite of what we should do
01:23:11.760 --> 01:23:21.040
and so this brilliant genius comes out almost two years later and that's supposed to be like galloping in
01:23:24.800 --> 01:23:30.240
this is understanding the illusion that Robert Wallace Malone represents that him and his wife
01:23:30.240 --> 01:23:36.880
represent his central to breaking the spell in america because everybody who's already awake
01:23:36.880 --> 01:23:41.920
the vast majority of them are still under this spell which means they believe that there was a
01:23:41.920 --> 01:23:47.040
risk-additive pathogen that spreader all around the united states that that some of the protocols
01:23:47.040 --> 01:23:53.360
were bad but those protocols were remdesivir or medazalam in the uk it wasn't protocols like
01:23:53.360 --> 01:23:59.440
high flow oxygen that caused people's lungs to become injured that that's on nobody's radar
01:23:59.440 --> 01:24:08.720
but ours and so the approved narratives of remdesivir being approved by Tony Fauci and everybody
01:24:08.720 --> 01:24:14.240
wanted it in there because it was in all these papers before is the scooby-doo part of the narrative
01:24:14.240 --> 01:24:19.760
we're supposed to fight for that that's why there are lots of lawsuits about remdesivir and it's
01:24:19.760 --> 01:24:24.720
sometimes it's glass in the bottle sometimes it's shouldn't have been used or they they didn't let
01:24:24.720 --> 01:24:31.840
people out or whatever but it's not about massive malpractice starting from the time they came in
01:24:32.400 --> 01:24:39.440
and they started with this as being the primary indicator of covid which is what people like
01:24:39.440 --> 01:24:46.640
Pierre Corey seeded in the narrative as their part in 2020 that this was the indicator wow
01:24:46.640 --> 01:24:54.160
it's it's crazy everybody's got low pulse ox it's like the one commonality and they can't imagine
01:24:54.160 --> 01:25:00.240
that it would have come from anywhere else like panic or people naturally sick and being told
01:25:00.240 --> 01:25:06.480
that that's a good indicator of whether you have covid we were played ladies and gentlemen
01:25:06.480 --> 01:25:12.480
and we are still being played we are being governed by the conscious and intelligent manipulation of
01:25:12.480 --> 01:25:18.960
our organized habits and opinions about pandemics pandemic potential and RNA
01:25:19.760 --> 01:25:28.720
and people like Robert Malone who cut their teeth at the fraudulent the fraudulent eras
01:25:28.720 --> 01:25:36.960
of Robert Gallo and David Baltimore and and Stanley Prouzner and and Hilary Kaprowski
01:25:36.960 --> 01:25:46.160
and and and and Rusketti and mikovitz and all these people that were involved in orchestrating
01:25:46.240 --> 01:25:52.560
a narrative about retroviruses and AIDS and retroviruses and and chronic fatigue syndrome in the 80s
01:25:52.560 --> 01:25:58.720
and the 90s those same people are now intimately involved in in making sure that the dissident
01:25:58.720 --> 01:26:03.680
movement never comes to the right set of questions like wait a minute explain to me again how an
01:26:03.680 --> 01:26:09.360
RNA pandemic works explain to me again why all of these things are outside of us and why we should
01:26:09.360 --> 01:26:14.400
be afraid of them where they come from and how does it work that they are able to make ourselves
01:26:14.400 --> 01:26:19.280
do things that they don't already do none of these questions will be answered or asked by these
01:26:19.280 --> 01:26:26.400
people that's how you can see them as medlers it's wonderful after getting covid is critical to
01:26:26.400 --> 01:26:40.000
save your family if not the world from this disease finally in summary there's no benefit
01:26:40.080 --> 01:26:46.240
for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus
01:26:47.200 --> 01:26:55.600
given the known health risks of the vaccine that is apparent you and your children may have to live
01:26:55.600 --> 01:27:04.800
with for the rest of your lives unbelievable the risk benefit analysis is not even close with this
01:27:04.960 --> 01:27:11.840
vaccine for children as a parent apparently it's close for old people and it's close for 50
01:27:11.840 --> 01:27:16.960
year olds and 40 year olds and maybe even for kids going to college right like division one
01:27:16.960 --> 01:27:23.360
athletes and and pro basketball players and football players can you listen to this fool
01:27:26.000 --> 01:27:31.840
hear it for what it is this is december 21 they already made a big deal about Brett fire
01:27:31.920 --> 01:27:37.840
of a year earlier they already made a big deal about Kyrie Irving a year earlier about people
01:27:37.840 --> 01:27:46.720
that wouldn't take it and he's not trying to save them he's not trying to stand up for them
01:27:46.720 --> 01:27:52.640
and the risk benefit is apparently a little harder to do for them but for kids in december of 2021
01:27:52.640 --> 01:27:58.720
he's pretty certain now he can speak out about it grandparent my strong recommendation to you
01:27:58.880 --> 01:28:03.680
is to resist and fight to protect your children
01:28:06.160 --> 01:28:13.040
it's absolutely pathetic it's absolutely pathetic if you cannot if you if we cannot see him for what
01:28:13.040 --> 01:28:20.800
he is the role that he played and continues to play now because the vast majority of skilled tv
01:28:20.800 --> 01:28:27.920
watchers do not know who he is the vast majority of of social media users do not know who he is we are
01:28:27.920 --> 01:28:33.840
we have been led to believe that this guy has some overt influence that extends it's a million
01:28:33.840 --> 01:28:40.960
people in the world that follow him it's not that many
01:28:44.640 --> 01:28:50.800
and it might be better for us just to try and get out past him stand on top of him run him over
01:28:51.680 --> 01:28:59.440
then it would be to try and and and this is what has to happen because this is the only way
01:28:59.440 --> 01:29:05.280
the world is going to see through this illusion because he has spent time in the Netherlands spent
01:29:05.280 --> 01:29:13.600
time in Belgium spent time in Norway also ceding these narratives that is exactly how the pandemic
01:29:13.600 --> 01:29:18.880
is being sustained that's why his book had to be released in Norwegian
01:29:21.280 --> 01:29:27.760
it's not because it's a great book it's because it's the book the bad ideas that they want out there
01:29:31.680 --> 01:29:36.720
and these bad ideas are much more dangerous than the spread of any RNA molecule i assure you
01:29:37.600 --> 01:29:44.400
and so these people are the same as those no virus people they all seem to not be able to make
01:29:44.400 --> 01:29:51.440
the connection that the novel virus doesn't equal excess deaths at all on one hand you have these
01:29:51.440 --> 01:29:59.440
medlers who ignore what happened in 2020 2021 and 2022 to people in the hospital and just believe
01:29:59.440 --> 01:30:05.600
that there was a novel virus that explains some of it not all of it i mean they exaggerated a
01:30:05.600 --> 01:30:11.200
little bit but definitely there was a novel spreading risk additive pathogen and the fear
01:30:11.200 --> 01:30:15.040
and uncertainty doubt don't matter we don't need to talk about do not resuscitate orders of the
01:30:15.040 --> 01:30:20.960
overuse of pulse oximeters and oxygen we don't need to talk about ventilators really sometimes we do
01:30:20.960 --> 01:30:25.360
we don't need to talk about the lack of antibiotic use or the poor use of steroids maybe
01:30:25.360 --> 01:30:31.120
like dexamethasone to get people with a pneumonia out of the hospital where they would never ever
01:30:31.200 --> 01:30:37.440
get the possibility of having antibiotics and they would just die in their bed none of these
01:30:37.440 --> 01:30:42.560
sophisticated thinkers are capable of getting there even though steve kirsch tells the story
01:30:42.560 --> 01:30:48.000
over and over again of how his cleaner and his cleaners friend and his cleaner somebody else all
01:30:48.000 --> 01:30:55.200
got hurt by the shot so obviously it's got to be a signal he's a real sleuth when it comes to
01:30:55.200 --> 01:31:00.720
certain things but when it comes to the murder in 2020 and 2021 he doesn't even know there's any
01:31:00.720 --> 01:31:06.560
mystery to figure out now if you want to go to remdesivir mondazalam some people will talk about
01:31:06.560 --> 01:31:12.160
it but not the team that doesn't want to talk about 2020 and 2021 they won't talk about it even
01:31:12.160 --> 01:31:17.760
Robert Malone doesn't really talk about remdesivir they certainly don't talk about the ever rising
01:31:17.760 --> 01:31:25.760
opioid deaths in america and how that might contribute to the falling expected a life expectancy in america
01:31:26.480 --> 01:31:31.520
they want you to believe that life expectancy fell and that that was obviously covid even though
01:31:32.320 --> 01:31:39.120
we all know that opioids don't kill the elderly that the opioids can kill babies
01:31:40.240 --> 01:31:48.960
and that this shit is on the street and nobody cares and that in 2021 and 22 maybe there were
01:31:49.760 --> 01:31:55.520
as many as 500 000 people killed by opioids and that's just their numbers right we don't know
01:31:55.520 --> 01:32:03.200
what the real numbers are honestly never mind that there was death certificate for going on
01:32:03.200 --> 01:32:07.600
because there was fraud because there was financial incentives to do so track and trace
01:32:07.600 --> 01:32:11.600
those were all financial incentives too because if you could start your own company
01:32:11.600 --> 01:32:16.720
and get money from the government to you know track and trace people well then there was an
01:32:16.720 --> 01:32:22.640
incentive for you to buy into the narrative and making those phone calls made other people buy
01:32:22.720 --> 01:32:30.960
into the narrative that's all part of this just like doing PCR testing on on police officers in 2020
01:32:30.960 --> 01:32:38.160
every week or or testing health care workers every week was all buying into and seeding the
01:32:38.160 --> 01:32:44.560
narrative of high fidelity understanding of where the virus is and a high fidelity ability to track
01:32:44.560 --> 01:32:51.680
it or to diagnose its presence and all of that lie is either disguised above as there are no
01:32:51.680 --> 01:32:57.440
viruses at all or disguised over here as you have virology is a great it's awesome
01:32:57.440 --> 01:33:00.400
it's really high fidelity we're not questioning that at all
01:33:01.280 --> 01:33:05.920
Robert Malone doesn't question it McCurnan doesn't question it Brett doesn't question it
01:33:05.920 --> 01:33:12.720
Steve Kirsch you know Buck Holtz a carrot London boss virology is just great
01:33:13.520 --> 01:33:18.640
nothing wrong with it not no no no issues there
01:33:22.400 --> 01:33:27.360
and remember where we are what we're talking about is 2021
01:33:30.000 --> 01:33:32.880
a year after they declared it happened
01:33:35.040 --> 01:33:41.040
actually almost two years because it's December 2021 when Robert Malone lays down the narrative
01:33:41.040 --> 01:33:46.720
of a spike protein laying down the narrative of a spike protein that is evidence of gain of
01:33:46.720 --> 01:33:51.280
function and that we should if we're doing to transfect people to it it could hurt kids
01:33:51.360 --> 01:33:56.400
in their brains it could hurt kids in their hearts but it doesn't hurt adults there I guess
01:33:57.360 --> 01:34:01.680
at least he didn't feel the need to tell any of the adults that that was a possibility
01:34:04.640 --> 01:34:10.480
and if you see that that was 2021 and then there was 2022 and 2023 that's two more years
01:34:11.040 --> 01:34:16.400
that have passed and now we're in in in in 2024
01:34:16.560 --> 01:34:24.960
and he just went on the Steve Kirsch podcast and spoke as if he's been out since 2020
01:34:26.800 --> 01:34:32.320
when he had didn't really even come out in 2020 21 not for adults
01:34:34.240 --> 01:34:39.680
at the beginning of 2021 I was already saying we had to pause the transfections
01:34:40.400 --> 01:34:46.160
pause the transfections and I was delayed I wanted to say it in 2020 but I was delayed by
01:34:46.160 --> 01:34:50.000
some of the medlers that were trying to get me to write it up and publish it or send it to the
01:34:50.000 --> 01:34:56.000
Washington Post or some other bullshit I already wanted to say it at the end of 2020 we have to
01:34:56.000 --> 01:35:03.200
stop transfection it's that simple that's when I started saying it at the end of 2021 I just
01:35:03.200 --> 01:35:08.640
showed you that Robert Malone still didn't say it he didn't say the word transfection he didn't
01:35:08.640 --> 01:35:14.000
say it needed to be stopped he said it wasn't tested but he made no apologies for not telling
01:35:14.000 --> 01:35:20.400
adults that a year earlier he made no apologies for not telling college kids that a year earlier
01:35:20.400 --> 01:35:26.880
he made no apologies for not telling very healthy aged people that a year earlier
01:35:28.400 --> 01:35:32.800
he didn't make any apologies for not telling Hollywood actors that were all taking the
01:35:33.360 --> 01:35:39.920
the the shot in already 2020 because it was being rolled out on these sets he didn't tell anybody
01:35:39.920 --> 01:35:44.240
he didn't have feel any need to tell any of the tv broadcasters that were taking it or the health
01:35:44.240 --> 01:35:51.120
care workers in the UK that were transforming themselves with an adenovirus vaccine in 2020
01:35:52.480 --> 01:35:58.640
an adenovirus vaccine that Robert Malone claims to have sacrificed his career in order to speak
01:35:58.640 --> 01:36:03.280
out against already in the 90s for Jesse Gelsinger
01:36:10.160 --> 01:36:15.040
i'm not letting up okay i'm not gonna let up i'm not even i'm not even close to done yet
01:36:19.040 --> 01:36:26.960
i'm not even oh sorry i'm not even close to done yet okay i'm sick of this and i want to make sure
01:36:26.960 --> 01:36:33.040
that if i go off the air or that something happens to me that i've already said all this stuff
01:36:33.040 --> 01:36:37.680
there's always time to teach the sacred biology there's always time to teach
01:36:39.040 --> 01:36:46.720
those classes but this summer these next couple months we need to break this and i mean shatter it
01:36:46.720 --> 01:36:52.400
into a million pieces and scatter it to the wind this illusion of the worst case scenario that was
01:36:52.480 --> 01:36:58.480
seeded by these people we need to scatter it to the wind and all of them with it
01:37:03.360 --> 01:37:10.560
i want to play a video and see what he says in it because i think it's important to see what
01:37:10.560 --> 01:37:24.880
these people said when they said it two one and we are recording with doctor Malone
01:37:24.880 --> 01:37:28.720
please introduce yourself because i run my mouth like an idiot as you could tell just with a couple
01:37:28.720 --> 01:37:36.960
minutes we were talking about beforehand but i want you to introduce yourself i run my mouth also i'm
01:37:36.960 --> 01:37:44.880
Robert Malone i'm a physician scientist i live in Madison Virginia on a 58-year horse farm
01:37:44.880 --> 01:37:52.160
and i'm the guy that did originally invent mRNA delivery and mRNA vaccine technology not these
01:37:52.160 --> 01:37:58.640
vaccines but the platform technology back in the late 80s when i was probably about your age i don't
01:37:58.640 --> 01:38:06.160
know i was 28 working as a graduate student and so pretty close 28 29 is what happened for me
01:38:06.240 --> 01:38:13.680
working as a graduate student at the Salkins tattoos i my practice as a consultant
01:38:14.800 --> 01:38:21.120
i'm licensing the state of Maryland my practice as a consultant is largely around
01:38:21.120 --> 01:38:26.880
u.s. government support i one of the things people ask me what do you do for a living
01:38:26.880 --> 01:38:34.560
in addition to raising horses and the answer that i one answer i can give is that i assemble
01:38:34.560 --> 01:38:40.320
teams to call to solve complicated problems for the government often in the vaccine and
01:38:40.320 --> 01:38:50.560
biodefense space so i was a what we call a discovery researcher in the area of gene therapy gene
01:38:50.560 --> 01:39:00.000
delivery vaccine technology for 15 or 20 years and then after 9-11 took a position with a company
01:39:00.080 --> 01:39:05.520
called nine port vaccine company up in Frederick which had the prime systems contract for all
01:39:05.520 --> 01:39:11.760
biodefense products for the department of defense for their advanced development and that so did you
01:39:11.760 --> 01:39:21.600
catch that it assembles teams to solve government problems and then after 9-11 so he didn't he didn't
01:39:21.600 --> 01:39:29.520
say that he was in gene technology until he spoke out about it which is the story that he tells
01:39:29.520 --> 01:39:34.800
j about a charia about a month ago on the illusion uh the illusion of consensus podcast
01:39:36.000 --> 01:39:41.680
he's not talking about being a whistleblower here at all he's not saying that he he lost all
01:39:41.680 --> 01:39:47.600
that credibility because he spoke out when when they went off protocol with jesse gelsinger and
01:39:47.600 --> 01:39:53.120
wrote helped write three articles in the new york times and made some young reporter's career
01:39:53.920 --> 01:39:58.080
he's not bragging about he didn't even mention that he just said it didn't even sound like he
01:39:58.080 --> 01:40:04.720
made any sacrifices there he was in to gene research and then and then he moved on and after
01:40:04.720 --> 01:40:10.240
9-11 he went into working for the government it sounds like let's just go back a couple just to
01:40:10.240 --> 01:40:17.600
make sure i'm not crazy that i one answer i can give is that i assembled teams to call to solve
01:40:17.600 --> 01:40:24.800
complicated problems for the government often in the vaccine and biodefense space so i was a
01:40:25.120 --> 01:40:33.040
uh what we call a discovery researcher in the area of gene therapy gene delivery vaccine
01:40:33.040 --> 01:40:41.440
technology for 15 or 20 years uh and then after 9-11 took a position with a company called
01:40:41.440 --> 01:40:47.440
9-port vaccine company up in Frederick which had the crime systems contract for all biodefense
01:40:47.440 --> 01:40:52.640
products for the department of defense for their advanced development and that's when i kind of
01:40:52.640 --> 01:40:59.520
transitioned to being coming what i am now which is a bit of a jack of all trades but i have the
01:40:59.520 --> 01:41:08.480
full spectrum of the kit for regulatory affairs clinical development project management
01:41:10.160 --> 01:41:14.640
and business development in terms of grants and contracts capture for the government
01:41:14.640 --> 01:41:20.880
over this last year and a half for this outbreak i've won for clients about 120 billion dollars in
01:41:20.880 --> 01:41:29.840
federal contracts i'm overall it's a couple billion for me um i was central in bringing the
01:41:31.520 --> 01:41:36.240
public health agency Canada vaccine forward for Ebola just to give you an example during
01:41:36.240 --> 01:41:41.440
the west Ebola west African Ebola outbreak and we now call that the Merck vaccine i was the
01:41:41.440 --> 01:41:47.200
guy that brought Merck to the table so this is what i do i'm a bit of an outbreak junkie or an
01:41:47.200 --> 01:41:55.360
outbreak specialist depending on how you want to call it and i don't typically uh seek the limelight
01:41:55.360 --> 01:42:06.800
i i do support the press have for decades almost always on background uh but series of events have
01:42:06.800 --> 01:42:14.480
pulled me out of that and into the limelight i haven't really sought it but the but the issues
01:42:14.480 --> 01:42:25.120
are so profound uh and uh that that i felt it necessary when you know when duty calls when
01:42:25.120 --> 01:42:32.000
suddenly there was this moment in time where i had an opportunity to speak up about some key
01:42:32.000 --> 01:42:40.240
issues that i feel strongly about and uh that has just caught fire uh my twitter account has gone
01:42:40.800 --> 01:42:48.000
crazy um and it's probably at 80 000 this weekend and that's on that's coming off a base of about
01:42:48.000 --> 01:42:57.120
a thousand three weeks ago just to say and um so that's not nothing i think i've hit a nerve and
01:42:57.120 --> 01:43:02.720
my my linkedin account went from about three thousand to six thousand it's really hard to build linked
01:43:02.720 --> 01:43:08.240
in because you have to accept each one uh so that means three thousand more clicks than i had a
01:43:08.320 --> 01:43:15.920
couple of weeks ago and then uh it was deleted and i was uh ghosted by linkedin as if i never
01:43:15.920 --> 01:43:22.800
existed and that's an account that i've been using for at least a decade and a half at all kinds of
01:43:22.800 --> 01:43:28.640
of archive material photos from the world health organization talks that i'd given at the WHO
01:43:28.640 --> 01:43:35.360
all just flushed so that's who i am in a nutshell that's kind of a quick high level overview
01:43:36.240 --> 01:43:45.760
uh i'm also trained in bioethics my background uh let's see you see davis uh biochemistry and
01:43:45.760 --> 01:43:53.520
molecular biology uh northwestern university for my medical degree uh a master's degree as it was
01:43:53.520 --> 01:43:59.200
in you know in lieu of a phd from the Salk Institute in UC San Diego that's a big part of the story
01:43:59.760 --> 01:44:08.080
uh and then a fellowship in global clinical development interesting so um a master's degree
01:44:08.080 --> 01:44:14.240
is typically a consolation prize if you don't finish your phd which is basically what he just
01:44:14.240 --> 01:44:21.680
said right there um i don't know if he caught that or not but it sounds like to me he didn't
01:44:21.680 --> 01:44:27.680
finish his phd and just left with a master's degree as a consolation prize which is often
01:44:27.760 --> 01:44:32.880
what they get when you don't complete your phd but you do like the first two years of rotations
01:44:32.880 --> 01:44:40.080
or something and so now here we really start to hear what kind of a duty is right now you really
01:44:40.080 --> 01:44:49.040
hear what kind of a duty is because it's not this uh boy scout kind of of track record here
01:44:49.040 --> 01:44:55.200
there were shortcuts taken there were you know he gave up a couple times he he decided it wasn't
01:44:55.200 --> 01:45:01.360
for him a couple times this kind of thing so he wants you to wants to sound like a boy scout
01:45:01.360 --> 01:45:08.560
i don't hear the boy scout story here i think yeah ender verma was mean to him of a quick high
01:45:08.560 --> 01:45:19.840
level overview i'm also trained in bioethics my background uh see you see davis uh biochemistry
01:45:19.920 --> 01:45:27.200
molecular biology uh north western university for my medical degree uh a master's degree as
01:45:27.200 --> 01:45:32.720
it was in you know in lieu of a phd from the salk institute in uc san diego that's being part
01:45:32.720 --> 01:45:40.080
of the story uh and then a fellowship in global clinical development and research at harvard
01:45:40.080 --> 01:45:45.760
so he did a fellowship at harvard in global clinical research it's interesting because um
01:45:45.760 --> 01:45:50.080
paul cottrell also says that he was enrolled in something at harvard and that's what made him
01:45:50.080 --> 01:45:55.040
able to say that he knew stuff about about medicine because before the pandemic he was a
01:45:55.040 --> 01:46:03.600
financial advisor and then um suddenly was calling himself dr paul cottrell on some streams that i
01:46:03.600 --> 01:46:10.640
participated in and later um actually over a year later rober malone did a few streams with him even
01:46:10.640 --> 01:46:17.120
though he is very much not an md very much calling himself dr paul cottrell when he has a
01:46:17.920 --> 01:46:25.920
a phd in finance theory from fordom university um and yet rober malone lended lended him multiple
01:46:25.920 --> 01:46:33.840
hours of his time and energy and that's very that's very dubious to me um it's very very dubious
01:46:33.840 --> 01:46:41.440
to me um and this is him now uh starting his is is coming out party right because here we see
01:46:41.440 --> 01:46:47.360
you know the whole fake censorship is about to occur with with him just having been on joe
01:46:47.360 --> 01:46:53.760
rogan and just having been on on bret weinstein and then bret weinstein's gonna complain because
01:46:53.760 --> 01:46:59.680
his family income was damaged because youtube took away his monetization because of rober malone
01:46:59.680 --> 01:47:04.240
and that meant that he was standing up for what's right even though everything that they said in
01:47:04.240 --> 01:47:10.560
that podcast was absolute dead on ball's narrative and was never going to get our grandchildren free
01:47:10.560 --> 01:47:17.760
of this mythology so here he is remember this is his first appearance on tommy so so far he's a
01:47:17.760 --> 01:47:24.000
guy who besides breeding horses assembles teams to solve problems for the government and after 9-11
01:47:24.000 --> 01:47:32.000
he went from being an expert in gene therapy um to working on other stuff i guess so that's the
01:47:32.000 --> 01:47:41.040
the that part of the season so at 28 you were making mRNA vaccines and at 30 i'm uh i'm in a studio
01:47:41.040 --> 01:47:46.640
in my apartment bedroom held together with duct tape and thumbnails i think that i think the same
01:47:46.640 --> 01:47:53.360
i think we're pretty much the same it's but as as we just said we're all the same yes exactly that
01:47:53.440 --> 01:48:01.440
we are all the same um i like i like to say so so people you know i grew up in california but
01:48:01.440 --> 01:48:09.680
people are like why are you on glenbeck why would you be on glenbeck lovers or uh tucker i guess i
01:48:09.680 --> 01:48:14.080
get a lot of blowback over that why is why am i talking to conservative media what i say to these
01:48:14.080 --> 01:48:20.720
people look i live in a red county in a purple state here in virginia and i got to talk to everybody
01:48:21.440 --> 01:48:27.280
and i work for the government and i got to check whatever politics i have at the door but
01:48:27.280 --> 01:48:34.160
so he was just on glenbeck and just on tucker and now he's on bobby i mean tommy and he's telling
01:48:34.160 --> 01:48:40.800
everybody that you know i got to talk to everybody because my i'm an objective non non-political dude
01:48:43.280 --> 01:48:48.800
what an elaborate ruse this one's this whole cluster of issues has nothing to do with left
01:48:48.800 --> 01:48:55.120
or right it's a totally different political axis it's going on now and that's one of the things
01:48:55.120 --> 01:49:00.880
it's most fascinating if i could just give an anecdote on that point sure i'm told that glenbeck
01:49:00.880 --> 01:49:08.160
has never had a guest on three times in a row um but i i was on three times on glenbeck uh yay
01:49:08.960 --> 01:49:16.960
and um uh i've really got along with it three times on glenbeck in 2021 already
01:49:20.240 --> 01:49:25.440
do you think he told anybody not to take a transfection or a transformation because he knows that
01:49:25.440 --> 01:49:30.800
gene therapy hasn't been tested and we need at least five years in order to know if anything
01:49:30.800 --> 01:49:37.040
wrong would happen and that it can damage brains and hearts but he says that in december of this
01:49:37.120 --> 01:49:40.880
year how come that isn't a primary message right now
01:49:42.640 --> 01:49:47.920
how come that wasn't his primary message when they first rolled this technology out if it was
01:49:47.920 --> 01:49:57.840
never tested and needs five years and exactly what rick bright said it's so bizarre i'm i'm having
01:49:57.840 --> 01:50:03.360
trouble understanding uh we had a good talk you know i didn't talk about the some of the things that i
01:50:03.920 --> 01:50:09.440
he can veer off on tangents on from time to time and at the end of it he said to me you know Robert
01:50:09.440 --> 01:50:15.920
i've really enjoyed talking to you and you've kept politics out of this whole thing and uh
01:50:17.520 --> 01:50:24.400
i thought that was a profound statement uh that that i could i could have an active dialogue with
01:50:24.400 --> 01:50:32.320
glenbeck we got along well uh we it was about an hour and a half of airtime uh spread out over
01:50:32.320 --> 01:50:37.680
three days and uh we covered a lot of good stuff and we found a lot of good common ground and i
01:50:37.680 --> 01:50:43.760
think that if there's a silver lining this a lot of really kind of scary things i think spooky things
01:50:43.760 --> 01:50:50.480
going on right now i think the most the most not just the virus uh but the most striking thing for
01:50:50.480 --> 01:50:56.320
me of course with robert melon having been on glenbeck three times is that um one of the charades that
01:50:56.320 --> 01:51:04.000
was pulled on me was that apparently glenbeck uh worked with charles rixie for a a few days
01:51:04.000 --> 01:51:09.280
and then did a show about gain of function and the history of gain of function based on
01:51:09.280 --> 01:51:17.520
charles rixie's work but never credited for it um that that that's what strikes me as odd now
01:51:18.960 --> 01:51:23.840
if there's a silver lining it's that it's real lining politics i think
01:51:24.800 --> 01:51:33.280
yeah and it's it's creating a topic area that is nonpartisan that most of us that are you know
01:51:33.280 --> 01:51:39.680
american patriots right whatever you want to call it lovers of freedom those of us who believe in
01:51:39.680 --> 01:51:47.200
free will and and uh individual liberty over the collective are kind of coming together around
01:51:47.280 --> 01:51:53.600
this topic um and then there's also the personal freedom versus big business angle
01:51:54.480 --> 01:52:01.440
and big media and big media and big government you notice that in the in all of his bioethics
01:52:01.440 --> 01:52:06.480
training and trying to impart messages that matter he never says informed consent
01:52:08.320 --> 01:52:13.200
what does he say again meaningless words tied together that actually don't empower you at all
01:52:13.200 --> 01:52:21.120
what does he say that is nonpartisan that most of us uh that are you know american patriots right
01:52:21.120 --> 01:52:28.320
whatever you want to call it lovers of freedom those of us who believe in free will and and uh
01:52:28.320 --> 01:52:35.360
individual liberty over the collective are kind of coming together around this topic um and then
01:52:35.440 --> 01:52:43.120
there's also the personal freedom versus big business angle and big media and big media and
01:52:43.120 --> 01:52:50.880
big government and big business all creating kind of a syncytium right now that is oh a syncytium
01:52:51.440 --> 01:52:57.360
you know that thing that's supposed to happen when sars kovie two make cells grow together into
01:52:57.360 --> 01:53:03.680
multi-nucleated cells a syncytium yeah and that that's what he just said there a syncytium of
01:53:03.680 --> 01:53:10.400
interests um and he never he says lovers of freedom he says free will um he says personal
01:53:10.400 --> 01:53:18.880
freedom but he never says informed consent even though that's what's in the bell for declaration
01:53:18.880 --> 01:53:23.280
that's what's in the Helsinki thing that's what would be the foundation of the Nuremberg code or
01:53:23.280 --> 01:53:29.120
any of these other things it's informed consent they can't lie to us to coerce us to accept things
01:53:29.600 --> 01:53:39.040
but he can't say those things because he's I think that he's wittingly or unwittingly part of the lie
01:53:41.920 --> 01:53:47.120
it's possible I think it's remote but it's possible that Robert Malone isn't sophisticated enough to
01:53:47.120 --> 01:53:55.040
understand that RNA never could pandemic he might not be sophisticated enough to understand that
01:53:55.040 --> 01:54:03.280
David Baltimore and and Bob Gallo and Murray Gardner we're all lying about retroviruses being
01:54:03.280 --> 01:54:11.120
something outside of us rather than being part of us that represented as disease it's possible
01:54:11.120 --> 01:54:18.240
it's not very likely but it is possible I can tell you it's worrisome for people in Europe too
01:54:19.040 --> 01:54:25.200
they are saying the same things we're saying here in the States I had a hour long call with a lawyer
01:54:25.200 --> 01:54:34.800
today that is working for the law firm that uh it's named Emil Knie um uh like George Keith uh works
01:54:34.800 --> 01:54:40.560
for in the UK uh and they're getting ready to file a lawsuit against Pfizer and they wanted me as
01:54:40.560 --> 01:54:46.800
an expert witness and she was saying the same kind of thing that's going back a set yeah uh
01:54:47.760 --> 01:54:54.240
it's it's it's again yeah we're we're coming into a weird error you know this this podcast has been
01:54:54.240 --> 01:55:00.880
suspended twice already episode 370 with a CIA veteran talking about the 2020 election got
01:55:00.880 --> 01:55:06.400
suspended all right whatever private company I get it episode 411 with Dr. Roger Hodgkinson talking
01:55:06.400 --> 01:55:14.080
about COVID suspended all right sure but and I'm the one above all despite being suspended maybe
01:55:14.160 --> 01:55:19.520
it's some Stockholm syndrome I'm the Roger Hodgkinson is somebody that I've tried to get in touch
01:55:19.520 --> 01:55:24.880
with over the last year and won't talk to me Roger Hodgkinson is one of the guys that split the
01:55:25.920 --> 01:55:33.440
doctors for COVID ethics up and was very very angry at Michael Palmer for his his article about
01:55:34.160 --> 01:55:39.760
or his his book on the internet about there were no nuclear bombs dropped in Japan and so
01:55:39.840 --> 01:55:44.960
he he tried to get the doctors for COVID ethics group to completely disintegrate and that's part
01:55:44.960 --> 01:55:50.480
of the reason why the the medical doctors for COVID ethics international is separate from
01:55:50.480 --> 01:55:55.440
doctors for COVID ethics it was kind of originally because of that guy who's not part of either of
01:55:55.440 --> 01:56:03.360
those groups anymore so it's interesting that that comes up now um because uh it's actually
01:56:03.360 --> 01:56:07.520
very interesting now I want to know how many times Roger Hodgkinson was on his
01:56:07.600 --> 01:56:12.480
on Tommy's podcast because that's that's incredibly interesting the one that's always saying it's a
01:56:12.480 --> 01:56:17.520
private company they're allowed to do what they want but at a certain point you have to start
01:56:17.520 --> 01:56:21.840
opening your eyes and go and listen if they can ban talking about an election if they can ban
01:56:21.840 --> 01:56:27.760
talking about COVID and then they can start banning talking about vaccines again let's play devil's
01:56:27.760 --> 01:56:33.040
advocate it's me Tommy just some dude in his apartment yelling at a camera all right maybe they
01:56:33.040 --> 01:56:36.240
banned me for medical misinformation I'll give them the benefit of the doubt
01:56:36.960 --> 01:56:39.600
what started to send chills down my spine was when
01:56:41.680 --> 01:56:47.360
they started to censor you and that is when that and that is when I really start to kind of
01:56:47.360 --> 01:56:53.200
reach out to everyone that to watches my podcast and said this isn't a left or a right thing because
01:56:53.200 --> 01:56:59.360
right now yes it's a private company it's very clear there's a coordinated effort and the danger
01:56:59.360 --> 01:57:04.000
is when the government puts their hand in the puppet of the private company and goes it's not
01:57:04.000 --> 01:57:10.880
the government censoring you it's it's a private company and if it starts with an election it starts
01:57:10.880 --> 01:57:17.840
with COVID and so the story they want you to believe is that because Brett Weinstein was thrown
01:57:17.840 --> 01:57:25.040
out of a university that means he stood up because Brett Weinstein lost his his youtube
01:57:25.040 --> 01:57:30.800
monetization that biology that they said must be the real thing because
01:57:30.800 --> 01:57:35.760
Robert Malone was censored from LinkedIn what he says must be dangerous to the state
01:57:35.760 --> 01:57:42.080
and so everybody wants to understand it now and censorship is the main concern that Tommy has
01:57:42.080 --> 01:57:45.920
with regard to these people because if you guys can't talk then what's going to happen you know
01:57:45.920 --> 01:57:53.120
I'm just some dork but you you can't be censored they started this bullshit play
01:57:53.840 --> 01:58:03.040
so early we didn't even see it if you can get away with these all you have to do is look at history
01:58:03.040 --> 01:58:11.440
even just the last 120 years to see where this goes and it it always ends it always ends just like
01:58:11.440 --> 01:58:15.360
you plant a seed and it might take a hundred years but it eventually becomes an oak tree
01:58:15.920 --> 01:58:22.080
it always ends with genocide sometimes it's a year sometimes it takes 30 years it always ends this
01:58:22.080 --> 01:58:29.200
way we're at the tip of this slippery slippery slope and it is sliding down and again you ban
01:58:29.200 --> 01:58:35.120
me a 30 year old without a medical degree sure I get it when the you are being systematically
01:58:35.200 --> 01:58:41.200
censored it's a coordinated effort you are being disappeared like 1984 they're editing Wikipedia
01:58:41.200 --> 01:58:46.480
they're editing you out of it and then they're locking the page out of safety for vandalism
01:58:47.280 --> 01:58:54.240
you are being disappeared again it disappeared me everyone really cares and I get it there's no
01:58:54.240 --> 01:59:01.280
room to disappear the man who invented this technology and to me it's terrifying because of
01:59:01.280 --> 01:59:06.800
the side effects of the vaccine that we're not allowed to talk about but also for the
01:59:06.800 --> 01:59:12.480
precedent that this is setting in two years are you going to be able to talk about unarmed black
01:59:12.480 --> 01:59:17.920
men being shot in five years are you going to be able to talk about terrorism now it's interesting
01:59:17.920 --> 01:59:26.160
how how censorship is a red thread that goes for four years now the chd one of their main fights
01:59:26.160 --> 01:59:32.160
is still about censorship they're still spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to get
01:59:32.160 --> 01:59:38.400
the word out about censorship and fight fight cases about censorship not about the criminal
01:59:38.400 --> 01:59:45.440
vaccine schedule not about the seventh amendment violation that is the vicp and the cip cicp but
01:59:45.440 --> 01:59:53.200
we're talking about censorship and here is tommy who lay and into it as a 30 year old without a
01:59:53.280 --> 01:59:58.000
medical degree boy censorship of me's no big deal but censoring you is
01:59:58.560 --> 02:00:00.800
can't believe it it's scary isn't it
02:00:03.440 --> 02:00:06.400
in 10 years are you going to be able to talk about the history of the USSR
02:00:07.280 --> 02:00:13.040
where does this go but that's all beyond the scope of this podcast back to the present day yep
02:00:13.600 --> 02:00:19.440
and yet it yet it is within the scope yes sir specifically within the scope
02:00:20.400 --> 02:00:25.840
to your point i was mentioning this law firm that i was speaking to in the uk two hours ago
02:00:26.880 --> 02:00:37.760
and um they were saying the same exact things and um and the the lawyer volunteer lawyer mom
02:00:39.120 --> 02:00:46.320
brought up uh 1930s Germany and she volunteered i didn't bring it up she brought it up
02:00:47.280 --> 02:00:54.880
uh this is happening again and again and again in my conversations and she said the thing that
02:00:54.880 --> 02:01:03.280
she found really spooky is that she's been reading uh some of the statements and in press and logic
02:01:03.280 --> 02:01:11.440
that was rolled out early in in those events and how uh ethnic groups or populations were characterized
02:01:11.440 --> 02:01:19.280
obviously by the Jews among others um and she said i could substitute the word Jew for the word
02:01:19.280 --> 02:01:23.680
anti-vaxxer and the words would otherwise be the same
02:01:26.560 --> 02:01:31.520
the logic that we need to segregate these people we need to keep them out of society we need to
02:01:31.520 --> 02:01:39.760
cordon them off all of that kind of logic so this word anti-vaxxer is is it become a very broad label
02:01:40.400 --> 02:01:50.080
and it is readily applied apparently um to anyone who questions anything relating to these products
02:01:52.240 --> 02:01:58.800
that that i can tell you the scientific community we're all stressed our heads gone and what is going
02:01:58.800 --> 02:02:08.720
on and it's it's very pervasive and it's reaching out into there's some very odd things going on
02:02:10.640 --> 02:02:18.320
um they're they're in the academic world there are many academics are very security conscious
02:02:18.320 --> 02:02:22.880
that's what they do that right it's like being a cubby uh working with a government and getting
02:02:22.880 --> 02:02:28.720
a pension of those kinds of things you know it's all about security and uh so these are typically
02:02:28.720 --> 02:02:39.200
people that like security and they like conformity often and they are becoming very activist and
02:02:39.200 --> 02:02:43.520
and i'm sure you're aware of some of the ways that they're becoming activists in very
02:02:43.520 --> 02:02:50.480
these academic communities uh relating to other topic areas let's not go there uh but you know
02:02:50.480 --> 02:02:55.280
in terms of patterns of speech and things that are allowed to be discussed and not allowed to be
02:02:55.280 --> 02:03:01.760
discussed so here we're talking about Jordan Peterson and and Brett Weinstein's kind of stance on
02:03:01.760 --> 02:03:07.360
languages about gender and this kind of thing i'm absolutely certain of it so here we are again
02:03:07.360 --> 02:03:13.920
being fed the intellectual dark web narrative that we have to oppose woke that we have to oppose
02:03:13.920 --> 02:03:19.440
transgenderism that we have to oppose all this stuff and argue about it which we do not
02:03:21.200 --> 02:03:27.040
my morals and my ideas of the world haven't changed it's it's the ones that are on tv
02:03:27.040 --> 02:03:31.920
and on social media that have changed and since i don't care what's on tv and socially i don't
02:03:32.000 --> 02:03:38.080
have to fight that i only have to raise my kids to see it for the bullshit that it is and that's
02:03:38.080 --> 02:03:46.480
all all of us have to do and again this is the emphasis on these echo chambers and getting
02:03:46.480 --> 02:03:54.080
involved in these arguments will distract us from the fact that in 2020 and 2021 by almost any means
02:03:54.080 --> 02:03:59.920
necessary they murdered americans and then told the world that that was evidence of the start of
02:03:59.920 --> 02:04:07.360
something terrible and so thereby coerced millions of people around the world into taking
02:04:07.360 --> 02:04:14.080
transfection and transformations that this man Robert Malone could have told everybody not to take
02:04:14.080 --> 02:04:22.400
in 2020 because he knew as he admitted in 2021 that that these things need five or ten years before
02:04:22.400 --> 02:04:25.920
you'd know the potential side effects from these new technologies
02:04:30.720 --> 02:04:36.000
this isn't the man that should have been in front of the senate telling uh senator ron johnson
02:04:36.000 --> 02:04:45.120
what's up but he was and they let a few people like the lady from the national vaccine uh
02:04:46.000 --> 02:04:53.440
the the envy i see lady they let her there they let uh brian hooker be there they even let del
02:04:53.440 --> 02:04:57.840
big tree be there and it all feels like we all got to say what needed to be said
02:05:00.400 --> 02:05:07.760
but that's not what happened Jessica rose and Robert Malone and Jill Glasspool Malone and all the
02:05:07.760 --> 02:05:12.640
people that were involved in bedding and and carefully selecting the people that they put on
02:05:12.640 --> 02:05:17.840
that panel knew exactly what would be talked about and what wouldn't be talked about and they
02:05:17.840 --> 02:05:23.520
made sure that nobody on that panel would ever question the fidelity of the narrative that a
02:05:23.520 --> 02:05:33.040
million people were killed and they in fact had several people repeated we have been taken ladies
02:05:33.040 --> 02:05:38.800
and gentlemen by these people taken and if we look back on what they said when they first came out
02:05:38.880 --> 02:05:44.080
and follow their track record look at their history look at where their their ideas came
02:05:44.080 --> 02:05:51.600
from you will find that they have slipped up and this narrative will fall apart and we can can
02:05:51.600 --> 02:05:57.280
exercise our kids from this to the words that you're supposed to use and listen to things but
02:05:57.280 --> 02:06:05.600
this in the scientific space these same people are having become a cadre of self-appointed thought
02:06:05.600 --> 02:06:15.120
police academic thought police and when discussions start happening on in social media or manuscripts
02:06:15.120 --> 02:06:20.160
get published after peer reviews that they don't like that have have findings or messages they
02:06:20.160 --> 02:06:28.000
don't like they attack they attack mercilessly and they will use ad homins whatever is necessary
02:06:28.640 --> 02:06:36.240
to get a grade and delegitimize the the scientific discourse except for that which comports with
02:06:36.800 --> 02:06:43.840
whatever the party line is as they perceive it and that's also kind of bizarre i mean this
02:06:43.840 --> 02:06:52.480
there's a whole nature of dimensions here that don't you know older folks like myself have been
02:06:52.480 --> 02:06:58.960
throughout breaks like a bunch of times we're confused we i i just have been
02:06:59.680 --> 02:07:08.160
um really uh confused and you may have the thing that launched me into this space was the Brett
02:07:08.160 --> 02:07:13.360
Weinstein podcast and Brett is a dark webinar right he's not last he's not right he's kind of in
02:07:13.360 --> 02:07:19.040
milk and uh and he's been running this really successful podcast it's grown and grown because
02:07:19.120 --> 02:07:26.640
he is a phd geneticist intellectual pre-taker open mind but a general smart guy that can speak
02:07:26.640 --> 02:07:31.840
very well and soak in his life that's pretty an extraordinary plug for the Brett Weinstein
02:07:31.840 --> 02:07:36.960
podcast isn't it doesn't seem like they're coordinated they're promotion it all doesn't know
02:07:37.680 --> 02:07:41.760
and that's generated a very active podcast that's been generating for them
02:07:42.320 --> 02:07:47.360
their their Revit that's how their family lives off the podcast these days off of the revenue
02:07:47.360 --> 02:07:52.000
that's generated from you too and so now we're going to complain about the fact that they lost
02:07:52.000 --> 02:07:59.920
that and so he's so oh my gosh what a victim is Brett Weinstein son of less Weinstein such a
02:07:59.920 --> 02:08:06.400
suffering guy i wonder if eric his brother can call peter teal and ask him for a loan on his rent
02:08:08.080 --> 02:08:13.760
they've now been deplatform uh demonetized they've lost over half their family income
02:08:14.240 --> 02:08:19.600
because they did two podcasts one was talking about ivermectin and the other one was the one
02:08:19.600 --> 02:08:25.600
that i was on which also talked about ivermectin and there you have it they talked about ivermectin
02:08:25.600 --> 02:08:32.560
and they talked about robert malone and steve kirsch and self our force medicating everybody
02:08:32.560 --> 02:08:40.160
with ivermectin for a month could get us to zero covid and then that podcast got taken down and
02:08:40.240 --> 02:08:45.600
it got put up on rumble and it got promoted everywhere and millions of people ended up seeing it
02:08:50.960 --> 02:08:57.280
and then they started gab and getter and telegram and then hundreds of thousands of more people
02:08:58.240 --> 02:08:59.600
got in connected with them
02:08:59.760 --> 02:09:10.640
and this charade has been going on for three years from 90,000 followers to over a million followers now
02:09:14.080 --> 02:09:19.120
we have been played ladies and gentlemen we have been played in a coordinated effort to use social
02:09:19.120 --> 02:09:24.880
media to promote the narratives that that support the presuppositions of the state
02:09:25.840 --> 02:09:30.720
that our rights and the rights of our children will be permanently inverted
02:09:32.400 --> 02:09:36.640
and these people are working for the slavers that's why they're smiling all the time
02:09:36.640 --> 02:09:40.480
as they talk about how america is under attack but they don't really understand it
02:09:41.440 --> 02:09:45.680
that's why they're smiling all the time ladies and gentlemen because they are part of it
02:09:46.640 --> 02:09:49.840
i don't know what part i'm just calling the cops
02:09:54.880 --> 02:09:59.920
apparently that's why you two hit them list because he spoke about this 40 year old drug
02:10:01.120 --> 02:10:08.960
that has one of the best safety databases in the world that has administered to hundreds
02:10:08.960 --> 02:10:18.400
millions of people and there are there are data supporting that this drug may have activity
02:10:19.040 --> 02:10:26.400
as both a prophylactic and a therapeutic for um of cloud disease and uh those data
02:10:26.400 --> 02:10:32.480
are as solid as they will be in a few months but the general point is at stake doses it seems to be
02:10:32.480 --> 02:10:40.000
active it's breath existence of the bullet i think not so much but it i think that
02:10:40.000 --> 02:10:43.360
breath thinks it's a silver bullet he's still promoting the idea
02:10:43.680 --> 02:10:49.040
still promoting i don't really agree with Brett well that's an interesting thing isn't it
02:10:49.040 --> 02:10:53.200
that's a great little debate for us to get into maybe we should have somebody like
02:10:53.200 --> 02:10:59.280
Alexandra's marinose a very close friend and signal chatter with Brett Weinstein
02:10:59.280 --> 02:11:03.440
go on twitter for a whole year and talk about ivermectin and nothing else
02:11:04.160 --> 02:11:06.160
02:11:06.160 --> 02:11:12.240
Alexandra's marinose who had no principles in 2020 or 2021 just did what he was told
02:11:12.240 --> 02:11:20.080
and and uh cheered on Elon Musk as a genius for three years he did nothing to save anyone
02:11:20.080 --> 02:11:25.280
and just went around with Brett Weinstein saying Brett Weinstein is great because
02:11:25.280 --> 02:11:28.720
Peter Thiel likes Brett and his uncle and his and his brother i guess
02:11:29.600 --> 02:11:35.520
Brett Weinstein who had Robert F Kennedy jr on his podcast in November of 2021 and didn't show
02:11:35.520 --> 02:11:40.960
it until February of 2023 didn't talk about the fact that his dad worked with his dad
02:11:40.960 --> 02:11:47.120
that the first patent lawyer appointed to the department of justice was actually Robert
02:11:47.120 --> 02:11:56.880
Robert F Kennedy jr's dad did it and it was it was it was it was Brett Weinstein's dad
02:11:57.680 --> 02:12:05.200
who oversaw a thalidomide case you know and and the laws that that really defined
02:12:05.920 --> 02:12:07.200
what the FDA was
02:12:09.440 --> 02:12:13.920
and now he's a private arbitrator for all kinds of patent law and other kinds of stuff
02:12:15.120 --> 02:12:21.200
overseeing the uber case among other things he played a role in several other interesting
02:12:21.200 --> 02:12:23.920
transactions and trials
02:12:25.760 --> 02:12:30.000
Brett Weinstein didn't suffer he's never suffered he got five hundred thousand
02:12:30.000 --> 02:12:36.080
dollars for for going to be a podcaster when he when he was released from evergreen
02:12:38.800 --> 02:12:43.520
then he got to speak in front of the senate and complain about it so that his podcast would get
02:12:43.520 --> 02:12:52.320
some some some kickstart and then his brother with the help of Peter Teal and Joe Rogan
02:12:52.320 --> 02:12:58.320
started the dark horse i mean the the intellectual dark web together with people like Ruben and
02:12:58.320 --> 02:13:08.080
Shapiro and Weinstein and Weinstein and Peterson and Rogan and those are still the people that half of
02:13:08.160 --> 02:13:16.080
the half of these skilled social media is using as authority figures as bros with shows that are
02:13:16.080 --> 02:13:21.360
worth listening to about about free will or or what a CIA operative does
02:13:25.120 --> 02:13:30.560
and here's Robert Malone just teeing everybody up
02:13:30.560 --> 02:13:38.240
we were played ladies and gentlemen played like a fiddle you know intensely embedded in the data
02:13:38.880 --> 02:13:44.960
and i tried to add it to our clinical trials for the army we've been talking about that if you
02:13:44.960 --> 02:13:51.360
want to but um so i believed enough in it that i thought it merited having studies in the NIH
02:13:51.360 --> 02:13:55.600
believes that it merits studies because they've launched active sex which is the outpatient
02:13:55.600 --> 02:14:02.800
iron vector trial it cannot be discussed discussing iron mechanism is a forbidden topic
02:14:03.760 --> 02:14:10.560
and i it's hard for a lot of us to make sense out of that you know in a situation where we're
02:14:10.560 --> 02:14:15.440
having you know in many cases searching 500 to a thousand people americans dying a day
02:14:16.320 --> 02:14:26.640
um not to decide that we will not even allow discussion of a safe drug that may or may not be
02:14:26.640 --> 02:14:32.560
effective but it certainly doesn't kill people unless you go out to track your supply and buy
02:14:32.560 --> 02:14:38.560
cattle ivermectin and drink it um but i wouldn't give cattle ivermectin to my dogs or my or my
02:14:38.640 --> 02:14:46.880
horses either um so uh you know um there's something really wrong here
02:14:47.680 --> 02:14:54.480
and early on the company that invented it and got the Nobel Prize for inventing it
02:14:56.000 --> 02:15:02.000
called Merck which doesn't actually market it in the United States it's sold by a company called
02:15:02.000 --> 02:15:08.640
ewe bread shrimp states interestingly benson redson yellow rachen yellow's wife worked on ivermectin
02:15:08.640 --> 02:15:17.040
at merck for 20 years before the pandemic interestingly um on the on the less the less
02:15:17.040 --> 02:15:24.800
lek's freedman podcast benson redson yellow in 2021 said there was a trial in new york city
02:15:24.800 --> 02:15:30.880
that was looking at remdesivir and ivermectin together um there's a lot of this stuff out there
02:15:30.880 --> 02:15:37.520
ladies and gentlemen it is absolutely thick in 2021 it is so thick that the only way to see it
02:15:37.520 --> 02:15:43.520
in retrospect is that these people coordinated their efforts were carefully coordinating their
02:15:43.520 --> 02:15:49.920
efforts so that these these scooby-doo mysteries that we were supposed to solve would be found
02:15:49.920 --> 02:15:56.880
everywhere and that traces of them and clues leading to them would be found everywhere and
02:15:56.960 --> 02:16:04.480
people like robert malone and brett weinstein and eric weinstein and ben shapiro and and all of
02:16:04.480 --> 02:16:10.320
these people who claim to have lost their livelihood because they treated people with ivermectin
02:16:10.320 --> 02:16:16.400
they're all part of the show because none of them are suffering now they're all just fine
02:16:21.360 --> 02:16:25.920
they all have engaged in world travel they've all gotten more famous some of them started their
02:16:26.000 --> 02:16:31.440
own practices and now they're doing great some of them started a non-profit and got paid
02:16:32.000 --> 02:16:40.240
$230,000 a year as a ceo salary and all of them that started non-profits what does that mean it
02:16:40.240 --> 02:16:45.200
means that they're asking for rich people to give them money or corporations to give them money
02:16:45.200 --> 02:16:52.720
and it'll all be tax-free i'm not a non-profit yet but part of me thinks that maybe that's where
02:16:52.800 --> 02:16:57.600
giga-owned biological needs to go in order to compete with these people i have to make it possible
02:16:57.600 --> 02:17:04.320
for some good weaponized piles of money to put their put their weight behind me
02:17:06.080 --> 02:17:12.080
otherwise i'm going to be reliant on other peasants other middle-class people that can see
02:17:12.080 --> 02:17:19.040
through this ruse and understand that these people are working for the slavers that want your house
02:17:19.920 --> 02:17:28.720
they want your kids never to dream of owning property and they want your kids and your grandkids
02:17:28.720 --> 02:17:33.680
genetic and medical information as quickly as possible preferably
02:17:39.040 --> 02:17:42.240
murk came out and said this is a dangerous drug and should not be used
02:17:42.960 --> 02:17:54.320
uh that's bizarre because it's not a dangerous drug and uh and it's hard to understand why they
02:17:54.320 --> 02:17:59.920
would say that except for the fact that they are investing or they're getting us to invest in the
02:17:59.920 --> 02:18:08.800
truth is government or go the taxpayer to invest literally billions of dollars in patented drugs
02:18:09.600 --> 02:18:16.880
that they seek to develop and there's you know there's a school of thought that what's really
02:18:16.880 --> 02:18:25.440
going on here is a concerted effort of the government together with the pharmaceutical industry to keep
02:18:26.720 --> 02:18:30.960
drug-based solutions that could be applied in outpatient environment to save lives
02:18:32.320 --> 02:18:34.720
off the market so they don't compete with the vaccines
02:18:35.280 --> 02:18:41.600
the other thing that really spooked me out you know once i had this higher profile people
02:18:41.600 --> 02:18:50.000
started sending me stuff and um and i was griping about the censorship and so where the what he's
02:18:50.000 --> 02:18:55.840
seeding right there was the idea that they keep the vaccine safe and the EUAs intact if they don't
02:18:55.840 --> 02:19:02.160
allow people to talk about ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc that was one of the central arguments
02:19:02.240 --> 02:19:07.360
that a lot of people made and in fact it made a lot of sense to me it's like wow really that's
02:19:07.360 --> 02:19:13.280
why they're lying about hydroxychloroquine wow really that's why they're lying about it and what
02:19:13.280 --> 02:19:20.960
i find interesting is that ivermectin seems to have supplanted hydroxychloroquine in the narrative
02:19:20.960 --> 02:19:25.840
although people still mention hydroxychloroquine and although Stephen Hatfield is trying to write
02:19:25.840 --> 02:19:31.520
a book about hydroxychloroquine and they still say that like like Janet Woodcock and Rick Bright were
02:19:31.520 --> 02:19:38.720
trying to cover up hydroxychloroquine even though Donald Trump and and and and Navarro were trying
02:19:38.720 --> 02:19:47.680
to stockpile it and so it's a question for me as to whether or not this one was actually more
02:19:47.680 --> 02:19:54.960
relevant than this one and that's why we're now exclusively focused on this one why Brett Weinstein
02:19:54.960 --> 02:20:01.360
and a lot of these other doctors posing as has COVID dissidents and Robert Malone are all
02:20:01.920 --> 02:20:08.720
hyper focused now on on ivermectin when actually Zev Zalenko was hydroxychloroquine
02:20:11.200 --> 02:20:15.840
think about that carefully ladies and gentlemen it's not a not a data point it's a very big data
02:20:15.840 --> 02:20:22.560
point because the Brett Weinstein podcast got canceled for ivermectin and now Robert Malone is
02:20:22.560 --> 02:20:27.200
out in the world telling everybody that that's what happened and that he doesn't agree that it's a
02:20:27.200 --> 02:20:31.920
silver bullet but it's useful and you can't talk about it in that strange
02:20:34.240 --> 02:20:38.640
so there's no questioning the novel virus at all there's no questioning the fact that people
02:20:38.640 --> 02:20:45.040
are dying from the virus at all the MD Robert Malone is not talking about whether or not pulse ox
02:20:45.040 --> 02:20:50.000
is a indicator of the presence of a virus and that people needed to be treated differently
02:20:50.000 --> 02:20:54.880
depending on what this number read he's not talking about any of that right now but he's
02:20:54.880 --> 02:20:58.720
he's reinforcing the presuppositions of the narrative that there's a novel virus
02:21:00.560 --> 02:21:06.160
and someone sent me a link to this british broadcasting corporation press announcement
02:21:07.520 --> 02:21:13.520
okay so evc not generally considered to be uh you know that's not a reddit group
02:21:14.000 --> 02:21:20.320
uh it's not q and on it's the british broadcasting corporation i mean it's you know was button up
02:21:20.320 --> 02:21:27.280
you can get yeah uh and and so this this is for the trusted news initiative and i invite your
02:21:27.280 --> 02:21:33.600
listenership if they're if they are on the fence what is this censorship like Brett was when i
02:21:33.600 --> 02:21:38.400
had that podcast with Brett it towards the end of it we start talking about these things and we're
02:21:38.400 --> 02:21:43.920
like you can't possibly be that there's a conspiracy that all these people are working together um
02:21:44.480 --> 02:21:49.440
and and it turns out that the trusted news initiative is something that Robert F Kennedy
02:21:49.440 --> 02:21:56.160
jr and chd made a huge show about in 2023 and maybe are still making a show about now
02:21:57.040 --> 02:22:02.880
and what is that that's also censorship and narrative control
02:22:03.680 --> 02:22:13.680
it's not about informed consent and nobody's saying that this would would remove the ability of the
02:22:13.680 --> 02:22:19.680
american public to exercise informed consent it's not there he's not saying anything like that
02:22:21.840 --> 02:22:27.280
as a bioethicist you would think that's where he would start just like i thought that i could find
02:22:27.280 --> 02:22:33.440
a a presentation on the internet by by Tony Fauci's wife you know Christine
02:22:33.440 --> 02:22:39.120
Christine Grady being the head ethicist of the NIH i thought there would be one
02:22:39.680 --> 02:22:47.920
presentation of her somewhere talking about the the the basis documents for bioethics ethics
02:22:47.920 --> 02:22:54.560
in the west but you can't find one not even remotely close and in fact all of the ethical talks that
02:22:54.560 --> 02:22:59.360
you can find of Christine Grady are arguing for community ethics
02:23:01.840 --> 02:23:10.480
which is a two-word way to say communism i think and you pull up trusted news initiative
02:23:10.480 --> 02:23:15.760
British Broadcasting Corporation, COVID, that's all the keywords you need you'll pop
02:23:15.760 --> 02:23:20.640
it's press announcement and as you scroll down in that press announcement there's a list of
02:23:20.720 --> 02:23:25.520
every practically every big media company in the world agency france
02:23:25.520 --> 02:23:35.440
F.P. Associated Press, Washington Post, Google, Microsoft, YouTube and player runs is right
02:23:35.440 --> 02:23:41.600
right that's that's the whole point is that's why i show that that's phrase which was by Edward
02:23:41.600 --> 02:23:47.520
Bernays in the 1920s the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions
02:23:47.520 --> 02:23:53.520
of the masses is a very important part of democratic society and they have had control of that for
02:23:53.520 --> 02:23:59.120
decades and people want you to believe that it's only now that we have these ais on the loose that
02:23:59.120 --> 02:24:05.200
they're finally starting to try and control the organized opinions and and habits of the masses
02:24:05.200 --> 02:24:12.800
and that is absolutely positively a lot they have been doing it for decades and the AI is their
02:24:12.800 --> 02:24:17.200
is their new boogie man to try and make you believe that they haven't always been doing it just like
02:24:17.200 --> 02:24:22.720
they do when they talk about these large language models being so spooky and spectacular they've
02:24:22.720 --> 02:24:29.600
known how to use language to manipulate this for decades since the dawn of time since people were
02:24:29.600 --> 02:24:39.840
telling stories since there were shaman and this is nothing but a modern day charlatan telling us
02:24:39.840 --> 02:24:46.960
stories and seeding the roots of a mythology that if we participate in it by solving the
02:24:46.960 --> 02:24:52.240
mystery together with them that we will accept the presuppositions of that mystery which is that
02:24:52.240 --> 02:24:57.200
there was a novel virus that likely leaked from a laboratory and probably killed millions and
02:24:57.200 --> 02:25:06.960
therefore they're covering it up and they did this to us on purpose using people like tommy whether
02:25:06.960 --> 02:25:12.240
he knew it or not using people like brett whether he knew it or not and using people like everyone
02:25:12.240 --> 02:25:20.000
else that still is not clamoring for justice for the people that were murdered in 2020 and 2021
02:25:20.000 --> 02:25:28.720
and 2022 are the pretense of it of a botched hamfisted response to a coronavirus pandemic
02:25:30.240 --> 02:25:34.960
um it is two hours and 22 minutes and i got to be very honest with you i'm having pain in my
02:25:34.960 --> 02:25:42.880
throat and i don't know what it is um and i want to rest um so i'm gonna pause here um and and and
02:25:42.880 --> 02:25:49.360
the sunday show um make no mistake about it you can go on rumble and you can find the very first
02:25:49.360 --> 02:25:54.880
Malone podcast with tommy you can watch the rest of it yourself it's a lot longer they're going to
02:25:54.880 --> 02:26:00.400
talk about a lot more stuff and reinforce a lot of this narrative these presuppositions that we
02:26:00.400 --> 02:26:05.360
were supposed to argue about with brett and with everybody else for the next three years
02:26:05.360 --> 02:26:10.320
and they're still doing it today we must wake up ladies and gentlemen because if we don't wake
02:26:10.320 --> 02:26:27.040
up our kids will be enslaved by these people remember they were in in Romania together in
02:26:27.120 --> 02:26:37.200
november of 2023 and all of these people heard byrim bridal and they heard why is it doing that
02:26:38.240 --> 02:26:47.280
i want you off something weird is happening here want that off okay and it came back on again what
02:26:48.080 --> 02:27:00.880
that is so bizarre um anyway uh these people saw these presentations and then they ignored it um
02:27:00.880 --> 02:27:05.280
i don't get it what is happening here it's like there's a ghost in the machine
02:27:06.080 --> 02:27:12.960
um they saw them they listened to their talk they came back to the united states they wrote
02:27:12.960 --> 02:27:19.040
blog posts about it why does it keep coming on i don't understand it's like i pushed that button
02:27:19.040 --> 02:27:27.760
too many times or something um and and denny rankor and nick hudson and jessica hockett and
02:27:27.760 --> 02:27:34.080
mark kulak and myself and others have been making the argument that there's no evidence for a spreading
02:27:34.080 --> 02:27:39.840
pathogen and we have to do something about that before the evidence is lost before those medical
02:27:39.840 --> 02:27:45.040
records are erased or or controlled and we need to find out how it is that they increased all
02:27:45.040 --> 02:27:51.040
cause mortality without there being something in the background and why it was correlated to
02:27:51.040 --> 02:27:58.720
poverty and household income and mental illness and medicare medicaid instead of the oldest people
02:27:58.720 --> 02:28:07.440
or the people that got a respiratory disease that's the problem here because these same people a
02:28:07.520 --> 02:28:11.280
couple three months later we're in front of the senate telling the same
02:28:11.280 --> 02:28:19.680
nonsense story about a a risk-additive spreading pathogen jessica rose bret weinstein the the melon
02:28:19.680 --> 02:28:27.920
family uh harvey rice they're all part of this they've all had covid multiple times
02:28:31.360 --> 02:28:37.040
they're all telling our kids a story they're all misleading the young what actually happened
02:28:37.120 --> 02:28:43.040
here and they want you to believe that transfection in healthy humans was rushed but it kind of worked
02:28:43.680 --> 02:28:47.920
and they want you to believe that an RNA can cause a pandemic especially one that has
02:28:47.920 --> 02:28:56.160
certain special amino acids or certain special excuse me nucleotides in it and the reality is
02:28:56.160 --> 02:29:01.040
is that RNA can't do that and that transfection in healthy humans was criminally negligent and
02:29:01.040 --> 02:29:08.640
robert melon knew it before the pandemic even started so did so did tony fauci so did rick bright
02:29:09.760 --> 02:29:14.880
so did all of these people who knew that there was a concerted effort to shift the warm base of
02:29:14.880 --> 02:29:21.600
manufacturing of vaccines to the the nucleotide space they've been planning this for years
02:29:22.400 --> 02:29:28.480
and people like kevin mccurnan and robert melon who have more than enough technical specific
02:29:28.480 --> 02:29:34.640
specification and and qualifications to tell you why this was true in 2020 why they knew it
02:29:34.640 --> 02:29:39.760
was true in 2020 are purposefully in front of you now to make sure that you don't realize
02:29:40.720 --> 02:29:44.400
and at making you ask questions that will never lead you to the truth
02:29:47.520 --> 02:29:51.280
and i don't know how long i'm going to be allowed to keep saying this but i'm going to keep putting
02:29:51.280 --> 02:29:56.640
it up on youtube until it gets a bump i'm going to keep putting it up on oh i don't have youtube
02:29:56.720 --> 02:30:01.200
running right now dang it on rumble until it gets a bump the next streams will all be on youtube
02:30:01.200 --> 02:30:05.680
i have a few up on youtube now that should have been bumped but haven't been and so they're just
02:30:05.680 --> 02:30:09.680
going to have to ignore me because i'm going to keep saying this stuff i think books have been
02:30:09.680 --> 02:30:16.960
written for decades to try and see the narrative of a pandemic and they've been written by really
02:30:17.360 --> 02:30:26.720
people like andy slavitt and and and and nathan wolf and and i mean it's just it's ugly
02:30:31.360 --> 02:30:32.960
and this is what it's all about right here
02:30:36.240 --> 02:30:41.680
they got us in the car they started lying to us and in fact we got picked up by a group of people
02:30:41.680 --> 02:30:48.000
that pretended to lie to us that pretended to argue in the car and the the guy sitting next to
02:30:48.000 --> 02:30:52.480
you disagreed with the person in the passenger seat and those two also disagreed with the drivers
02:30:52.480 --> 02:30:56.640
sometime and so it really felt like the four of you were trying to figure this out together and
02:30:56.640 --> 02:31:01.440
arguing about how to save people but in reality those three people in the car with you they were
02:31:01.440 --> 02:31:08.560
all lying and it didn't matter if you chose Brett Weinstein and Robert Malone or if you chose Steve
02:31:08.560 --> 02:31:16.320
Kirsch and his VSRF or if you chose the FLCCC and NPR Corey it didn't matter who you chose
02:31:16.320 --> 02:31:21.360
they were all going to lie to you about this they were all going to lie to you about this
02:31:32.800 --> 02:31:37.680
and the way that they did it was they seeded the narrative that they the dangers that they expected
02:31:37.680 --> 02:31:43.440
to happen after transfection and they told you it was the spike protein and they got people like
02:31:43.440 --> 02:31:52.400
Kevin McCair and Charles Ricksy and and Richard Fleming and Robert Malone and and Peter McCullough
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and Pierre Corey and Walter Chestnut and Jessica Rose all to write sub-stacks and articles and do
02:32:01.040 --> 02:32:10.800
podcasts about the different attributes of the spike protein they all did it ignoring the 29
02:32:10.800 --> 02:32:19.600
other proteins in the viral genome ignoring the idea that RNA can't pandemic just because it has
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an extra cleavage site ignoring the immunology that I was teaching in 2020 the the idea that
02:32:31.440 --> 02:32:37.600
transfection is not vaccination they all ignored it Walter Chestnut never said that
02:32:37.600 --> 02:32:45.600
transfection is in vaccination Kevin McCair and Charles Ricksy never said it very simple warning
02:32:45.600 --> 02:32:52.880
to every college kid every young adult in 2020 would have been sufficient and Robert Malone
02:32:52.880 --> 02:32:57.520
could have given that warning just as easy as I did except he had the platform
02:32:59.520 --> 02:33:04.080
Brett Weinstein could have given that warning just as easy as I tried to but he had the platform
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he had me on signal Robert F. Kennedy Jr. he wants the truth Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could have put
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it in the Wuhan cover-up book but he didn't because he wanted it to be a historical document
02:33:16.160 --> 02:33:21.520
of what people sent and not a document about how we could have saved the United States
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that's the truth that's the reason why nobody will talk to me anymore that's the reason why they
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tried to to get me with flattery in that book but the biology that I put in that book is damning
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the quotes from me in that book are damning and my story about how I came to be a part of that book
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is damning the story of what happened at the first CHD inaugural conference in Knoxville is
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damning to these people the thing that happened after that is damning to these people what happened
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to me after I got hired at CHD is damning to these people what I did to try and bring the no-virus
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people together with CHD before CHD hired me is damning to these people because it reveals that
02:34:14.800 --> 02:34:22.480
coming to the truth has always been a controlled narrative rollout it has always been a titration
02:34:22.480 --> 02:34:28.400
exercise to run out the clock to make sure that we passed on this mythology to our children that
02:34:28.400 --> 02:34:36.880
no no reasonable notable resistance to the vaccine schedule is ever mounted again
02:34:38.320 --> 02:34:43.680
and the best that we ever had a chance was the backs and right before the pandemic was when
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the anti-backs anti-vaccine anti-vaccine schedule in America movement was at its strongest and that's
02:34:50.560 --> 02:34:59.600
exactly when Mary Holland started as the head of CHD it's exactly when Brett Weinstein and
02:35:00.160 --> 02:35:06.240
and Jordan Peterson and all these other posers were put in place as part of the intellectual dark
02:35:06.240 --> 02:35:12.320
web so that they could say stupid stuff right from the beginning and control the opposition
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because those groups had formed before the pandemic and so they knew where all those people were
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they'd had their networks they could they could make them feel like they were making progress
02:35:22.000 --> 02:35:28.640
when in reality everybody that mattered would ignore them and so they're being played I think
02:35:28.640 --> 02:35:33.520
Brian Hooker is being played I think most of the people inside of CHD are being played by a few
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saboteurs just like the we were being played we have been played by a few saboteurs in the
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resistance like Pierre Corrie, like Robert Malone, like like like here at Vanden Walsh
02:35:51.920 --> 02:35:57.680
these people who have been part of this apparatus for decades are not suddenly turning on it
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they're helping sustain it and make sure that we never usefully question it that's what their
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job is. Ladies and gentlemen they lied to us about a dangerous novel virus to invert our
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understanding and really remove all hope that our children would ever have reverence for the
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sacred biology the irreducible complexity that is us and if they lied to you about it
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lied to you about it with molecular means they used what they call an infectious clone and what I
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would just call synthetic DNA and RNA applied to a cell culture as the model of virology
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their idea is to invert our sovereignty over the next few years from sovereignty to permissions
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and they really want our kids they want college kids to turn against us we need to get them back
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we need to admit to them that we dropped the ball because people like Robert Malone also dropped
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the ball who never even tried to save them ladies and gentlemen stop all transfections and humans
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because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary
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and if you like this work and you like what I'm doing please share it you can do that at
02:37:08.560 --> 02:37:16.080
giggleembiological.com giggleem.bio or stream.giggleem.bio there are ways to financially support and there
02:37:16.080 --> 02:37:22.400
are ways to just share the stream and all of that would be appreciated I need a drink and a water
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and I need to move around a little bit thank you very much for being here and I will see you
02:37:28.640 --> 02:37:35.680
again tomorrow at 10-10 all week this is where you find me I love you guys very much see you soon
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I have an updated this list I apologize to you guys I will try to update it tonight there have
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been a few more subscribers there also have been quite a few people dropping off and I totally
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understand that the message isn't for everybody the work isn't for everybody but those of you
02:38:19.600 --> 02:38:24.960
who have had enough patience to to hang around I assure you that I've got a lot of stuff in the
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works I just I can't stop telling this story until I'm sure enough people have heard it I just can't
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stop telling this story until enough people have heard it thank you very much and thanks for trusting
02:38:40.160 --> 02:38:51.680
me happy Mother's Day everybody out there and I'll see you again tomorrow thanks