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Okay, we're going to try something here.
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I may have figured it out.
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Something may have happened with the monitor.
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How are we looking?
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Is that okay?
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Talk to me, Goose.
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Did we figure it out?
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Oh, bless your heart.
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Thank you, sir.
00:24.880 --> 00:25.880
All right.
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I'm just going to run in a quick introduction here then.
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That's great.
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What do you mean no video?
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The family says it's perfect.
01:04.880 --> 01:08.960
I know this start, no one's kind of lame, but I like the video to be okay for the next
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person that falls on and I'll do a real quick intro, I promise.
01:20.880 --> 01:26.880
Still looking good?
01:26.880 --> 01:30.880
Still looking good?
01:30.880 --> 01:33.440
All right.
01:33.440 --> 01:35.240
01:35.240 --> 01:37.440
I figured it out.
01:37.440 --> 01:44.880
I think that might have been a problem for longer than all of you people have been telling
01:44.880 --> 01:45.880
01:45.880 --> 01:47.880
What kind of chumps are you?
01:47.880 --> 01:51.120
You were telling me that it was out of sync.
01:51.120 --> 01:54.760
You should have been telling me a long time ago, I think.
01:54.760 --> 01:55.760
Darn it.
01:55.760 --> 02:02.800
Maybe not a long time ago, but a little while ago I changed settings on my big monitor and
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I didn't realize that that was challenging OBS to render it at a greater resolution on
02:10.840 --> 02:11.840
my screen.
02:11.840 --> 02:22.560
So that was actually taxing OBS just for this, just for me to see it, which is really funny.
02:22.560 --> 02:24.960
I totally built.
02:24.960 --> 02:27.960
So that was what it was.
02:27.960 --> 02:28.960
02:28.960 --> 02:34.120
I used to be able to do that before my voice was destroying my mic.
02:34.120 --> 02:40.120
Well, thanks for coming back.
02:40.120 --> 02:47.840
Rodney Mullen recently had some surgery and is recovering and feeling like a million dollars
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and has had less pain in his legs and hips than he's had in years.
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I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you that, but I'm telling you anyway.
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I love that man.
02:59.000 --> 03:05.120
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to GIGO and biological.
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This is take three.
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Take three on the 12th of October, 2023.
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And yeah, I do sound different from JC on a bike because my voice is destroyed.
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I don't have the voice that I had when I was JC on a bike.
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It was deeper and louder and more powerful.
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I could blow the windows out of a car and now I can barely talk.
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I'm pretty sure it happened after I shook hands with Andrew Huff, but I don't know.
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I'm not going to blame it on anybody.
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But they are misleading the young.
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It was all that shouting in the corridors, perhaps indeed.
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Learn your history, ladies and gentlemen.
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Learn your biology is really important because the bricks at the back of the theater are
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visible and these things are true and I'm just going to flip through these real quick
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because, you know, I made a mistake a couple of times with this setup.
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It takes a while to learn how to do all this stuff.
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I don't want to, you know, toot anybody's horn for streaming.
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But you know, there's a little bit of finesse, there's a little bit of power point, there's
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a little bit of this, there's a little bit of that.
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It's an investment in time and energy that not everybody tends to put in.
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And I had it a little bit here and a little bit there.
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Thanks to my friend Hunter, I've been able to get a bunch of stuff out of the garbage
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can and that has really led to me having a pretty decent setup, but it acts funny
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because these items are not supposed to sing together the way they're singing together.
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And I keep making little changes that make it necessary to for me to relearn the thing
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a little bit.
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But don't take the bait on social media and on TV, the bait is, of course, this enticing
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mystery that we need to solve.
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And it is really, it is something that we have been lured into by a very elaborate theater.
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And so it is this elaborate theater that once we have identified it, once you see the bricks
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at the back of the theater, it's our job to take apart the scenery and try to argue for
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a refund, right?
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I mean, that's really where we should be thinking we are.
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And I started the previous two untimed streams with this idea that there were influencers
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on both sides of the narrative that were courting and coercing and cajoling people to believe
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what they wanted them to believe, not just on our side, not just the people that I've
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been talking about over here.
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But there are also people on the Fauci side who got into arguments.
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And on the Fauci side with with with Z dog that got into arguments about who's right
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and who's wrong and who's extreme and who isn't.
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And those people, as they argued, agreed that those people over there who are arguing are
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really crazy.
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And so when I show this illusion of consensus about gain of function viruses and about a
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lab leak, I'm really only showing you half of the, of the, in a cartoon, it would be
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this cloud of smoke and dust with like spiraling things going around it.
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It's this argument over here and then an argument over here and the agreement that you were
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in the right argument there in the wrong argument.
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So it's much more enticing than even just natural virus or lab leak, but it's the argument
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that occurred over here that was different than the argument that occurred over on our
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And parts of this illusion have been revealed as we've, we've tried to push through the
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weeds here.
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And you know, it, it, it happens that we've made very good friends with Denny Rancour
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and that he's doing a really good job of dispelling this mythology of a spreading viral
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And we've had him on the show a couple times and more recently he was actually on Kim
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Iverson's show.
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And so I just wanted to play this again.
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I know if you've seen it, I apologize, I won't play much.
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It's only like four minutes.
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But it's really important to get it on here because Kim really does push back and actually
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does try to bait him about, you know, is there a virus or not and to get him to defend
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that position.
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And almost like an a keto master like Steven Segal, Kim Iverson is just on the mat.
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You don't even really know how it happened.
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And I am making a little joke there.
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Of course, I don't think Steven Segal and his I keto are, I don't know what they are.
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But anyway, I just started throwing it in there.
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I want to debate about that.
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I love a keto.
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Were there areas that had massive spikes of the virus the same as let's say Northern
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Italy or New York, but who did not use any of those treatment protocols, but stuck with
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the tried and true of how you deal with the respiratory illness.
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And yeah, okay, so that spike that initial spike you caused it due to the virus.
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You understand I'm arguing it's not due to a virus at all.
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It's due to the what with the measures that were applied.
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That's what killed people.
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What I'm saying though is that but but we did see a spot.
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I mean, are you I guess first we have to ask, do you believe that COVID-19 as a virus exists
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at all that SARS-CoV-2 exists?
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I think that question is irrelevant.
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What I'm trying to say is all the data that is a firm hard all-cause mortality data is
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inconsistent with the idea of a particularly virulent at the gym that spreads.
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It's inconsistent with that.
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So you can believe that there's a whole spectrum of viruses and bacteria, whatever
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you want, but there was nothing special or new in terms of these pathogens that did anything
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that spreads that the data is inconsistent with that.
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So you don't have to get into the question of whether or not viruses exist and all these
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exotic things.
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I don't even want to touch that.
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I'm just saying my view of the data is that this is not a spreading pathogen period.
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It's inconsistent with that.
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It's disproved by the data.
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But you asked the question, well, were there places where they weren't applying these these
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these very horrendous protocols and that still had spikes?
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Well, our data we've done studies about this and for example, Germany did not apply these
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fancy protocols.
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Germany did business as usual and had zero peak at the beginning of the pandemic.
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There is no signal there whatsoever in the entire territory of Germany.
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So when you make a map of Europe and you put colors on for the intensity of that peak,
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it's red in northern France, for example, around London, around Madrid.
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There's these horrible red spots and it does not cross the border into Germany whatsoever.
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Germany stays white on the map, if you like.
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But I guess what I'm saying is that, you know, as they were tracking the virus itself
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and the spread of the virus, they were saying then that the answer to that would be, well,
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because Germany had taken all these measures that they weren't getting the virus into their
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country yet, that it hadn't spread into Germany.
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So if it was spreading in Italy, but not in Germany, then of course, Italy would see the
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spikes in Germany, wouldn't you can wave your hands like that.
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Okay, first of all, I don't believe that they were they weren't tracking mortality.
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They may have been tracking something that they call, you know, cases of COVID or whatever
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with these very suspicious tests that they were using and so on.
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They can do all of that and they can count cases.
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I put all that aside and I look at mortality because it's the only thing that I'm sure
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of and it's something you can measure and be certain of and all the jurisdictions do it.
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And when I look at mortality, there is no evidence of any spread.
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There's evidence of bursts of mortality when you start doing something.
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So right right at the beginning, when you started applying these aggressive protocols,
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you had certain hotspots that had peaks, that mortality did not spread.
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It didn't then spread throughout the end.
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So you're saying it doesn't matter if there was a virus or not circulating because you're
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not even looking at that you're looking at deaths and only deaths.
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And when you look at mortality and the deaths in areas, you're not seeing deaths spread
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from one region to a next to a next that would indicate that something was spreading around
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killing people.
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That's right.
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Now, Kim, in fact, I see the opposite.
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That's what's important.
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I see the opposite.
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I see the US, which has a very large number of very vulnerable people that did die in
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the US, the excess mortality during the COVID period correlates perfectly with the poverty,
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the number of people living in poverty in the state.
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You get this incredible correlation line that goes through the origin of Pearson correlation
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coefficient of 0.86, which is unheard of.
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And so it was poor people who died, and especially in the southern states.
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Now, you cross this thousand kilometers of border between Canada and the US, and there
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were no deaths in Canada in that whole period, virtually none.
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You can hardly detect the excess mortality in Canada compared to the United States.
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That's impossible.
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These are two of the biggest trading partners in the world.
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The highways were open.
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It's impossible that a virus that is said to have been spreading did not want to cross
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the border to Canada.
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Same thing.
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You'll have the Trudeau's of the world and all the Trudeau's supporters saying, well,
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that's because we implemented some serious protocols that prevented people from traveling.
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You couldn't even travel in Canada.
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You guys were in major lockdown, unlike what we were here in the United States.
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Lockdown levels that you guys experienced was much harsher.
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So they would say, I would think that you can always wave your hands and say that kind
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of thing.
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If you believe that it is a pandemic causing virus, you cannot believe that it will refuse
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across a border like that.
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That's just incredible.
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There's no signs that makes any sense if you want to believe that.
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But also, in one of our studies, which I co-authored, the lead author was John Johnson from Harvard
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University, and we authored a paper where we looked at states in the United States and
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we compared neighboring states that share a border, one that locked down and the other
14:30.720 --> 14:32.200
14:32.200 --> 14:34.080
And they were comparable otherwise.
14:34.080 --> 14:39.760
We found 12 pairs of states like that that you could directly compare, and we found unambiguously
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that the lockdowns states have these large excess mortalities, which were not present
14:45.040 --> 14:50.400
in the non-lockdown neighbor that shared a border with it, and that was republished.
14:51.400 --> 14:56.960
So that makes sense to me, except how do you explain that my guess is the hospitals were
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not overwhelmed in Canada, right?
14:58.720 --> 15:05.120
So it's like, the people still have to show up, I mean, they don't magically, they can't
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magically use a ventilator, right?
15:07.960 --> 15:13.240
Canada has large cities and large hospitals, and they were claiming the same kinds of problems
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of overwork and over this and over that in Canada as anywhere, any other major city in
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the world.
15:20.400 --> 15:25.240
So, just because it's a big country and a relatively small population doesn't mean
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still, but the population is concentrated in cities, right?
15:29.280 --> 15:34.440
So there's no way to explain.
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He goes on there to explain further, you can find that.
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Maybe I should just drop this quickly in the chatty chat here for you, or did somebody
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already do that?
15:46.080 --> 15:55.600
I didn't see anybody had done that yet, so let me see if I can do that.
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There you go, that's the rumble we just watched.
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So another thing happened that I thought was really cool, yesterday you will recall that
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I did a second video of Campbell and Gleesh that was talking more about the immunology,
16:17.560 --> 16:22.440
but more about the origins of the virus and how they were locked dead Scooby-Doo mystery
16:22.440 --> 16:29.920
100% dead on balls accurate, to the point where actually he admitted the other guest
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of Campbell that he had been on board with Dr. Quay for a very long time early on.
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And I can't express adequately how it is that I am skeptical of everybody who zeroed
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in on a fear and cleavage site in February or even January of 2020.
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It's just absurd.
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And what I also said in that video yesterday was that there were a few parts of that video
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that these two people would cue in on and not even 24 hours later, Dan Wilson releases
17:12.520 --> 17:17.400
a video, what went wrong with John Campbell with none other than Susan Oliver.
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Now, you can actually see a conspiracy here because it's almost impossible for him to
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have produced this yesterday.
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I guess he could have, but it's almost like we communicated like he it's crazy and I just
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want to play a little bit of Susan Oliver's story.
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I don't know how much we can take, but it's really instructive that all of these people
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basically have the same story.
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They wandered into biology with no good idea of what they were going to do.
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They wandered into biology with the idea of making money and they learned very quickly
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that you can't make money as a postdoc and so neither of them did a postdoc.
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And they went on to work in some industry and Susan Oliver will at the end of this video
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even admit that she saved up so much money during her time and industry that she's able
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to sell fund her YouTube escapades.
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I think it's instructive to listen to this because again, these two are two that might
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have a disagreement about Ibermectin and yet because they agree that everybody should be
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vaccinated and then Australia should have locked down and that's why they saved so many lives
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and yada yada yada.
18:40.880 --> 18:45.160
They can disagree about something in order to make it seem as though there's a healthy
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debate going on even on YouTube.
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Even carefully.
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The internet was or on YouTube I should say was this week in virology, this week in virology
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and I'd actually got that via Facebook and so it started.
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So she's saying that the first people that she found during the pandemic on YouTube was
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this week in virology which is already sketchy and then she's going to go on to say how she
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got mixed up with John Campbell and then eventually decided to make her own YouTube channel.
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It's really compelling.
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I subscribed to that and started watching it and prior to that I'd never watched YouTube
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at all and then slowly YouTube started recommending other channels.
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One of them of course was yours which I also started watching but the other one was Dr.
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John Campbell and at the time he was being quite reasonable.
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He was pretty much just presenting stats from around the world.
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It wasn't particularly technical but it was a fairly good way to keep up to date with
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exactly what was happening.
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So I started watching his channel and he said something about Australia and he just got
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it completely wrong.
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It wasn't intentional, he just didn't understand basically.
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So I thought why don't I just send him a little email and let him know what he got wrong.
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So I sent him an email explaining that what he said wasn't actually correct.
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And sort of misinterpreted what our chief medical officer had said and I said no he
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didn't actually mean this, explain what he meant.
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And then at the time Dr. Campbell was also, he'd been sort of showing us a photo of people
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wearing masks at the end of his video site that they sent him.
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So I'd also sent him a photo of me in the lab, I had a pig lab coat on and I was wearing
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a pig mask and I said look I'm not sure if you're still showing photos of people but
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if you are he's one of me.
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So anyway the next day he did correct himself, he did show the photo of me in the mask.
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So I don't know why it's breaking up, maybe the recording didn't go very well but here
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you see her tell the story that she actually became interested in being an internet personality
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upon interacting with John Campbell and sending him a picture of her with a mask on so that
21:05.480 --> 21:08.640
he could use it in his stream.
21:08.640 --> 21:12.000
Here you're going to find that he made some mistakes and then she realized that he was
21:12.000 --> 21:19.360
an idiot but at first it was kind of her idol, she was excited and here at the end maybe
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if it's not too horrible we can hear the end of this video.
21:24.240 --> 21:31.840
Many many videos have been removed by YouTube, many men were actually debunking it so I thought
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this time I'll because I think I sort of think it was something like calm, the initial title
21:37.440 --> 21:42.800
was something like effective being monkey kidney cells or something so I think maybe
21:42.800 --> 21:47.280
they probably read the title and said oh she's saying it's effective without actually realizing
21:47.280 --> 21:51.920
this is her first YouTube video I got pulled from YouTube and I did quite a few more and they
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all stayed up and here we are although obviously during that time many many videos have been
21:57.920 --> 21:59.760
removed by YouTube.
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So what a weird story right many many videos have been removed from YouTube, her first
22:03.920 --> 22:08.480
YouTube video which is about Ibermectin was removed and then she did many videos that
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didn't get removed so she kept doing it but in the meantime many many videos got removed.
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It's such a weird story that it almost sounds like a lie.
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So I thought this time I'll because I think I sort of think it was something like calm,
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the initial title was something like effective being monkey kidney cells or something so I
22:31.440 --> 22:36.000
think maybe they probably read the title and said oh she's saying it's effective without actually
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realizing what else what I was doing so the next one stayed up and I did quite a few more
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and they all stayed up and here we are although obviously during that time many many videos have
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been removed by YouTube. Many many appeals have been rejected but luckily the...
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Do you see it? It's this illusion that even she has suffered from the censorship even he has
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suffered from the censorship. It's not like the censorship was just applied to one side.
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We these people also got censored because they're part of this healthy debate and the evidence for
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it is their censorship. Don't you see? It's the same evidence that we have. It's the same evidence
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that we have that Robert Malone is obviously correct because of his censorship. The reason why
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Steve Kirsch is obviously correct is because he gets censored and labeled as the biggest misinformation
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spreader on the internet. Do you see it? They're all playing the same cards and it doesn't matter
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whether they're playing to the MSNBC crowd or the Fox News crowd or the Glenn Beck crowd.
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It's the same crowd. You should believe in me because I was censored. You should understand
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that I'm a critical thinker because critical thinking is censored and believe it or not
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the people that watch the view are being fooled by the same narrative as the people who watch
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Tucker Carlson. Censorship points to the answer. Do you see it? It's extraordinary.
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Such a media team on Twitter seemed to be reasonably booked now at getting them reinstated and they
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did eventually even reinstate the whole other marketing video that was my best video so that's
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now back after all this and so that's a rather long story to as to how I did it and I wanted to
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why I ended up not getting another job when Australia reopened again was I realized how much I love
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not working. That is true to be fair I was also censored but I believe the trick is to see what
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was censored because YouTube never ever ever and still hasn't censored any of my stuff.
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We're gone the bike. All the stuff about gain of function on the bike all the stuff about a
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lab leak on the bike it's still there. Never once did I get a strike on that stuff. What I got a
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strike on was when I started teaching immunology in my backyard what I got a strike on is when I
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started walking through the park here in Pittsburgh talking about the New World Order
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but definitely when I started talking about the biology on my back in my backyard on my table
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that that's when I got censored and I started taking a lot of things down because I wasn't
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sure what was going to get my next strike and if you get three you're done and that's why I
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pretty much have left JC on a bike the channel alone it's the only evidence I've got of where I
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was in March or February of 2020 so yeah you're right but I was being censored once I started
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speaking out about certain things and then I sort was led to believe that that censorship
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might be because I was speaking out about a lab leak but I kind of knew in my gut it was because
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I was speaking out about the the irrelevance of a lab leak and the fact that immunology says
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that we're going to be fine because RNA viruses are RNA viruses let's listen to her finish because
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it's really comical I just love the fact that I no longer set my alarm in the morning I do actually
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have it said it's seven thirty as I could fail say so that I don't just waste too much time in
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Ben but I used to get up when I was working like about ten to six every morning and I was away
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and so I'm really loving the fact that I just don't have to do that anymore and so yes I thought
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I don't actually I sort of when when I was working I was fairly smart we're investing my
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money and everything so which is obviously why I could afford to go back and get a PhD because
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as you know you don't want to get paid a lot of money when you're doing a PhD so I didn't need
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to work for money like even so the last three years when I was on the contract everything I
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learned is in the back I didn't spend any of it so I figured I don't actually need the money so
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I'm really enjoying not working so I'm not gonna work anymore that's totally understandable and
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that's all great I mean so so she's not working anymore she's just uh just making sure that they
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stay on narrative right that's what she does
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we're gonna go um we're gonna go into the archives of jc on a bike and we're gonna open up a video
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that I put on private in march of 2020 and we're gonna watch where I was this is taxi in case you
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now you guys are all talking about the taxi song so I got to let it play out
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so let's bring this window up over here and this window and we'll go to
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I'll just float over here quick bring this up I don't know what I'm gonna reveal if I do that but
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I'm gonna do it anyway and we'll go over here and we'll go to youtube studio and we'll go to content
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and we'll go down here and we're gonna look for jc in the woods episode one
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now this is not going to be a typical show um because jc on jc in the woods episode one is not
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about biology but it's just you know where was I what was I doing besides this and this is
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what day is this I believe this is march let's just look at this on youtube here
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I believe this is
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march 18th 2020 now the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go back to youtube studio
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we're gonna go back to channel content and we're gonna take this youtube jc on a bike and we're
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gonna take it from private and we're gonna make it public public public publish and now we're
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gonna go back over here and we're gonna take this and we're gonna copy it out and we're gonna put
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it down here so that you guys can share it and here we go let's see what this video is all about
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hi this is jc on a bike oh you're fast start a new series holy crap look at how fatty is this
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series is going to be a storytelling series it's a little bit of american history and a little bit
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of modern history and the idea is to try and relay some of the things that I've been studying and
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reading about since I was a teenager a lot of these things in history are called conspiracy
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theories but actually what they are a real history so what does the new world order want
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they want to end nation states they've always wanted to end nation states and bring in one world
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government that one world government has always been spookily attached to the united nations and
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so it wouldn't surprise me if that's in the end the way that we go we will crash the euro a fiat
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currency newly instituted about 20 years ago we will crash the american dollar because that's
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also a fiat currency and then we will have most of the population of the western world asking for
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a solution and that solution will be a one world government with a new one world currency
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let's talk about it in the woods holy crap there's my little boy
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I can almost start crying if I see him that small
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so I want to tell you this story about my roommate the conspiracy theorist
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he told me a story about the new world order the new world order is a cabal of loosely organized
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groups which use the power of fractional reserve banking to control governments around the world
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fractional reserve banking is the idea that a bank only needs to have x amount of money
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in its vaults in order to loan out x times 10 amount of money to people in charge interest
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if you're not familiar with how fractional reserve banking works I suggest you google it
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before you watch the rest of this film simply because the whole story that I'm about to tell
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you is based on the idea that governments around the world are controlled by fractional reserve
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I want to tell you guys a story and it's a story about a roommate of mine that I had in college
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in the early 90s I graduated from high school in 1990 and so I met this guy in Chicago when I
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went to university there and this guy was already a very big conspiracy theorist at 18 years old
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and he got me really into trying to read about alternative interpretations of modern political
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events he got me into JFK into the Oklahoma City bombing he introduced me to Ted Gunderson
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and guys like Mike Rupert who were guys that seemed pretty credible sources that had either
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worked for the FBI or in Mike Rupert's case had worked for the LAPD for a long time and had come
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out as sort of anti-government conspiracy people that were suggesting that law enforcement and
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the FBI and the government were working together to sort of control society by alternative means
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mostly by using fractional reserve banking and other means of control like drugs and sex and this
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kind of thing to control Congress and to control the government where this story begins is with
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things like the Bilderberg group and the Bohemian Grove these kinds of conspiracy theories that
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revolved around a pyramid of groups that a lot of times ended with the Illuminati at the top
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these groups the council on foreign relations these the trilateral commission these groups exist
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and they exist in some sort of organizational structure which has for a long time been documented
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by a number of different people in a number of different books and these have always been labeled
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as kind of crazy but the interesting thing is and through all of these conspiracy theories
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it's a cabal of people that are controlling the left and the right and so all the conspiracy
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theories that I knew when I was younger and including the one that this roommate of mine told me about
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were conspiracy theories that involved a group of people controlling the left and the right
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and so conspiracy theorists were outside of the dichotomy that was the functioning
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you know United States government theater that we all are sort of bamboozled by at the moment
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how would these things get me thinking about you know what would my old roommate have said
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what's going on right now if he were experiencing the coronavirus quarantine
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and I think it has to come back to the NWO what is the new world order what was the new world order
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and by the new world order we're talking about the thing that George H.W. Bush spoke about in
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front of the United Nations way back when it might have been 1996 already
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and as we think about this stuff you really need to remember your history if you don't remember
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your history then none of this stuff will make sense but if you remember your history
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and you go back piece by piece this stuff just falls together and the most
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parsimonious explanation is that the theater is still in business and it's the same theater
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now you can go back 20 or 40 years and find books which talk about the step-by-step process
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by which they were going to introduce the new world order and it started a long time ago
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with putting the dollar as a fiat currency rather than having it tied to gold
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one of the parts of this story that's really interesting is that for a long time people have
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claimed that one of the reasons why Kennedy was shot was because he was trying to put the dollar
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back on a silver standard and they didn't want that
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anyway the point is is that back in the 90s they were telling all kinds of stories about how
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this cabal of rich people connected people were controlling governments using a combination of
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pedophilia sex drugs and money and that through bribery and blackmail most of the
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US congress was controlled this was the conspiracy theory that was going around in the 1990s
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and this was tied together with the Oklahoma City bombing as being largely staged and later on
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has 9-11 being largely staged number of people don't know some of those details about 9-11 that
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still strike us all as odd to this day because we don't talk about them anymore there's no footage
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of the plane that hit the Pentagon there's no evidence that a plane did hit the Pentagon because
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there were no seats or no engines removed from the crash even though these are things that usually
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don't get destroyed when a plane hits the ground and furthermore there was this building 7 problem
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that no one ever really talks about anymore but building 7 is one of the best examples
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of a part of a story that gets eliminated the moment that it doesn't really jive
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with the intended narrative and building 7 is probably one of the more interesting structural
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failures ever caught on film so if you haven't seen it google it it's really fun
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if you're not really familiar with the 9-11 conspiracy theories i'm not really gonna
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rehash those here but if you want to get started with it you want to look for the plane listen to
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that voice like he's not even trying he's just talking and it comes out like that isn't that
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crazy at the Pentagon and you want to look for what happened with building 7 most of the current
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accounts of 9-11 don't really talk about building 7 anymore and building 7 is the one where really
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the laws of physics are broken if you want to search it specifically look for the size of the
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steel beams that were used in that building and why they were used and what was underneath that
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building and why that building was so strongly built like it or not the effects of 9-11 were
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a very big boon for all of those industries that Eisenhower warned us about all those years ago
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then you say to yourself well jay come on that's not a very scary conspiracy
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that rich people use money to control politicians that's no big deal but it's not just controlling
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politicians the story and the conspiracy theory is that they control governments
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and by governments then they control society societies are the world so global governance
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in this NWO conspiracy model has a group of people not connected to the democrats or the
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republicans or the labor party or the Tories but that work above and beyond these silly divisions
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that we fight about and the thing that is really creepy about this is that the new world order
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as it was codified in the 80s and 90s when i was into this when i was younger the new world order
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wanted a few things already back then i think one of the things that you can really look up
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if you haven't seen it is Aaron Russo's movie if you don't know who Aaron Russo is he's a director
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from the 90s and made a lot of movies he directed trading places with Eddie Murphy friends with
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one of the Rockefellers and the Rockefellers boy told him the plan and that plan is to chip us all
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to get rid of cash and to have us have a chip under our skin that is our identification chip
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it also has our money on it with the idea that if they wanted to make us drop out of society if
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they wanted to turn us off they could this is in that movie i can't remember what it's called america
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i'm flashing it up on the freedom to fascism not before i posted america freedom to fascism in
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the case you forgot and coronavirus easily fits into this narrative it's one of the things that
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was suggested already ten years ago as a method of ushering in the last two bits of the new world
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order the last two bits of the new world order are the craziest ones the last two bits are a cashless
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economy and of course they want to get rid of end-to-end encryption that's what the earn
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and act is if you look up the earn it act right now you already find that congress is working on
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it right now to get rid of end-to-end encryption on our phones so that they can read and monitor
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your messages all the time but the other thing that the new world order wants is a cashless economy
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and they want to get rid of nation states whoa wait now you're talking about the united nations
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conspiracy yeah yeah that's the same one the one that we've been talking about for 40 years
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that the united nations was going to be called in to take over america and we would surrender our
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sovereignty to the united nations will imagine a scenario where a global pandemic takes down the
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EU and america all at once and we're begging them for a global government led by the united nations
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they're going to get rid of the elections because of course we can't have an election now it's
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already happening the primaries are being canceled and so i think it started i mean
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what a wonderful exciting time to be in america when this kind of stuff when everything aligns
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so well with the history conspiracy theory that people have been telling for 40 or 80 years
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about how the federal reserve bank is just actually a cabal of privately owned banks
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controlled by privately owned banks and these private owners of our banks control all the world's
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governments with a combination of money drugs and women now they've let out a nice convenient
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bio contagion and they are amplifying the panic of it as much as they possibly can
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and we will be left with china and russia against the rest of the world
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if you don't think it's happening just watch and make sure it doesn't i hope it doesn't happen
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but i'm telling you that's what they want to happen they want to chip you they want to put
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a chip in your hand so that they can scan you whenever they want to scan you and your medical
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records will be there your behavior records will be there they will be able to track where you go
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follow your movements and turn off your money in contact with society whenever they want to
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and that's their plan that's the big scary part of the nwo now if you don't think that's happening
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then you don't have to worry about the coronavirus being a hoax it's probably just a virus and we
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need to be terrified but what if it's not what if this is a plan what if this is the final
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stage of that plan the plan that people have been talking about since the 50s and 60s oh my gosh
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i remember that plan that people have been talking about since i remember that i got stung by a bug
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on my bike it got when that helmet and stung my ear and it's swollen there i remember that wow
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that's so weird entity was shot the plan that people have been talking about sorry i'll go back
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about that plan the plan that people have been talking about since the 50s and 60s the plan that
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people have been talking about since Kennedy was shot the plan that people have been talking about
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since the oklahoma city bombing the plan that people have been talking about since the league of
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of nations was instituted followed by the United Nations.
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The plan that people have been talking about
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since the IMF was first instituted, and the World Bank.
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Plan that everybody's been talking about
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that originated with the Rothschilds.
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What if this plan is real?
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And what if the coronavirus is a part of it?
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That's the scary story of real human history.
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Holy crap.
46:02.000 --> 46:06.880
Can you believe that J.C. on a bike was actually doing that?
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In March of, and look it, we can show you the date.
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We'll show you the real date on that video.
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Is March 18th, 2020.
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And so there were five in that video series.
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So we'll watch them on successive Thursdays,
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but we also have to catch up on a few other things,
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including America Freedom to Fascism,
46:27.840 --> 46:29.480
which I mentioned in this video.
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I don't want to keep you too much longer.
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I actually was looking forward to going upstairs
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and hanging out with my fam Damilly tonight.
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I did end up deciding to coach basketball for the sixth grade.
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And that means that I am going to try and shift
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my show forward in time.
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I don't know how far forward
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if it's going to go all the way to the morning
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and then I'm going to work in the afternoons,
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or if I'm going to start getting up early in the morning
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to work so that I can fulfill my obligations
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and get stuff done in stills three before dinner
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or during dinner, as you saw my best friend
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brought me some gnocchi for dinner,
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which is just like, what, are you kidding me?
47:11.160 --> 47:12.000
I win.
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Anyway, ladies and gentlemen,
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I think we have an emergency on our hands
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that we all understand very well.
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And that is that all cause mortality was converted
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to some kind of mythology on the basis
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that there was a novel virus,
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a novel virus in and of itself was a mythology.
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The way that we detected it was a mythology
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and the way that we forced people to change
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the way that they treat respiratory disease
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resulted in deaths that reinforced
47:43.640 --> 47:45.720
the mythology of a novel virus.
47:45.720 --> 47:49.520
It may be that an infectious RNA clone was used
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in order to seed the sequence around the world,
47:52.080 --> 47:55.120
but it's likely that those clones didn't spread very far.
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And if they were resulting in disease,
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they still didn't result in spread
48:00.200 --> 48:04.280
as Denny Rancor and others have shown with their data
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or the analysis of all cause mortality around the world.
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And it is the idea of inverting your kids
48:10.360 --> 48:14.840
and your grandchildren's sovereignty to that of permissions.
48:14.840 --> 48:18.800
They want to bring in from freedom to fascism.
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That's why we got to watch that movie.
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It is about the diversity that's on the planet,
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but they don't need everybody.
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They just really need the inversion
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of how you think about yourself,
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how you see your biology,
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so that when they decide to start sampling it
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or tell you how it works, you'll believe them.
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Just like we all believe that antibodies were the thing,
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and just like we believe that the virus was novel
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and that everybody was vulnerable.
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I have redone the website.
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It actually doesn't look quite like this anymore.
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I got rid of the support link at the front.
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I got rid of the brief, sorry, there's my arrow.
48:57.160 --> 48:58.840
I got rid of the brief link here.
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I got rid of the support link here.
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You can scroll down and if you click on this link,
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instead of going to support,
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you go to the last episode that needed correction.
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And so hopefully, is the timing still good?
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Are we still good here with the timing?
49:15.200 --> 49:16.680
That would be spectacular.
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Anyway, so you can now scroll down
49:22.200 --> 49:24.560
to become a supporter if you'd like.
49:24.560 --> 49:27.320
You can also join us on soapbox still.
49:27.320 --> 49:29.720
And not supporting my work there anymore,
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but you're just finding the last stream
49:31.240 --> 49:33.240
that I put on the archive.
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And I'm gonna try and be a little better about that,
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I promise, because I do think it's valuable
49:38.800 --> 49:41.160
to have those things permanently on Vimeo.
49:41.160 --> 49:42.120
And once they're on Vimeo,
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you can actually download them as well from the link.
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Transfection is not immunization.
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If you wanna say it with more words,
49:48.560 --> 49:50.720
you can say the intramuscular injection
49:50.720 --> 49:52.200
of any combination of substances
49:52.200 --> 49:55.760
with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
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Hey, anyway, stop transfections in humans
50:00.320 --> 50:01.960
because they're trying to eliminate the control group
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by any means.
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And necessary, don't forget to go to the
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Broken Science Initiative and share their work.
50:06.960 --> 50:09.040
You can see my friend Matt Briggs
50:09.040 --> 50:11.760
also discussing the recent lampooning
50:11.760 --> 50:14.440
of the transfection by giving them
50:14.440 --> 50:16.360
a Nobel Prize tongue and cheek.
50:16.360 --> 50:18.080
This has been gig ombiological,
50:18.080 --> 50:20.040
and you guys like this song,
50:20.040 --> 50:22.560
so I'm definitely gonna play it.
50:22.560 --> 50:23.960
Thanks, guys.
50:23.960 --> 50:27.040
I'll see you again tomorrow night, as usual.
50:27.040 --> 50:28.560
The streak will continue.
50:29.600 --> 50:32.000
Weak voice or not, thanks for joining me.
51:02.000 --> 51:27.600
BEY car
51:27.600 --> 51:30.160
I can't believe we fixed this bit ray thing.
51:30.160 --> 51:33.160
I didn't drop a single frame now.
51:33.160 --> 51:34.800
It's crazy.
51:34.800 --> 51:36.080
I mean, I really was blowing it.
51:36.080 --> 51:39.560
I totally changed the resolution on the monitor
51:39.560 --> 51:42.800
that I was monitoring the show from.
51:42.800 --> 51:47.800
And then it made OBS completely barfed up all the time
51:48.320 --> 51:51.520
because it couldn't render that many pixels fast
51:51.520 --> 51:53.400
and it'll be something like that.
51:53.400 --> 51:57.400
I'm an idiot, but you know, you make a...
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You can make a deal with what you got.
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Eventually you figure it out.
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At least I didn't bump my head or something.
52:05.320 --> 52:06.160
Thanks guys.