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He scheduled for 60 minutes next.
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He's going on French, British, Italian, Japanese television.
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People everywhere are starting to listen to him.
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It's embarrassing.
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we are approaching the new year ladies and gentlemen and uh yeah I've been
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yelling all day in the basketball gym again and what yelling apparently does
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to my voice now is it makes it lower so I apologize for this I'm not going to
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talk very much I'm going to try and give it a little bit of a break but this is
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what I sound like tonight so you're just gonna have to deal with it my name is
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Jonathan Couey I used to be a patch clamp physiologist back when I was an
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academagician I spent about 20 years doing this the recordings that you make
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require you to make a giga-ohm seal a giga-ohm resistance seal and so I
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decided to name the stream giga-ohm biological high resistance low noise
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information brief welcome to it if this is your first time here I think I have
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something on my glasses um we are fighting what I have been trying to
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characterize as a Scooby-Doo for American audiences this makes a lot of
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sense for other audiences maybe not so much but the gist of it is is that a
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bunch of teenagers and their dog have been you know led to believe that
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they're solving a big mystery and in the cartoon of course that's what they
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really do oftentimes saving small towns from villains that have been scamming
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them with monster costumes by catching the monster in a trap and then taking
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off their mask we reveal that the rich guy in the town has actually been
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ripping everybody off and it's not too far away from that except we've been
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fooled into believing that we we needed to solve a mystery a mystery of where
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the virus came from or who's responsible for the virus and we feel
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somewhat successful at least let me say that the vast majority of people that
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that are skilled television watchers feel very successful in having solved
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the mystery of the novel virus they're pretty sure that millions of people have
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died from it they're pretty sure that millions more have been saved from it
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and they're pretty sure the gain of function research is the source of the
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virus and even if it wasn't the likelihood of that that the next one is
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going to come from gain of functions pretty high because a virus is
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definitely going to come again and it's this faith in a novel virus that we are
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really trying to break and the reason why I think it's important to be rather
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semantically precise is because what we are declaring is that there is a
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possibility space a huge realm of possibility that is not considered when
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you tell the story of a novel virus for which everyone is vulnerable and we need
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to lock down and all this other stuff that they did and so in a lot of ways it is
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true there is no virus and that's the reason or that's the foundation for how
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this happened but it's more than no virus it's also the fact that they
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actually murdered people in order to raise the alarm in order to create a any
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vent be it conflated numbers or not an event was created in many different
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places on earth in February March and April of 2020 and these local high
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casualty events were misconstrued as evidence of spread and so it is not
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sufficient to explain what happened in 2020 is saying that there was nothing
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there were lots of things that happened lots of data points that need explaining
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and so you can't come to this argument without a hypothesis explaining those
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data points and so my hypothesis is and I don't think it's that different than
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sometimes what you hear out of these no virus people I think that they've been
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trying to mislead us about the potential for pandemic in bad caves in
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laboratories in animal passage in genetic stitching for many years and I
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think now they've all agreed to push and pull on a train and make believe that
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this is the source of a pandemic that we just experienced in all agree not to
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question the possibility of a worst-case scenario and not to question the
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presence of a virus that millions of people were killed by and as long as you
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don't question that as long as you don't question the potential worst-case
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scenario of a gain-of-function laboratory bioweapon then you are part of this
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narrative that is hurting us toward giving up the sovereignty of our
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children and I'm afraid that many of the people that were involved behind the
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scenes on the internet the intellectual dark web the various people that came
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out at different times questioning different parts of the narrative have
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always been very careful not to dispel the illusion of consensus not to dispel
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the enchantment of the novel virus but to leave it hanging there as sort of an
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unquestioned reality and that's what we're describing as that faith in a
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novel virus and that's why I think the train you know the the guy who's
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faking stopping the train in Italy or wherever he is doing that the idea of a
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coordinated effort of lots of people dressed up really nice with lots of
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sophisticated mimes and and techniques and and and props could really make you
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think that they were involved in stopping and starting the train and in
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this case the faith in the novel virus has led us to believe that we've all had
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the same experience over the last four years that we all got on this train in
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2020 and we rolled it out of the station and that seemed like people were lying
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and then before you knew it in the background people were talking about
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laboratory leak but Fauci was yelling about it and either what side you took
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eventually you've come to the conclusion that wow maybe what we
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experienced was a lab leak and maybe it could come again I mean maybe that
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explains why they covered it up and that's how they get you into this new
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world order that's how they get you into this new world order where
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transfection by and transformation by DNA transfection by RNA become pretty
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much the norm where experimentation on your children pretty much becomes the
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norm because personalized medicine can't be randomized control trial and so
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basically in 10 or 15 years when your kids take their kids to the doctor there
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won't be anything to trial because they'll just be given stuff to people
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based on their whatever the AI computer says is the is the right combination of
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drugs or even RNA and DNA transfections that will fix them I'm a little bit
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exaggerating there but I'm exaggerating in a way to try and emphasize what a lot
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of the people behind the scenes think is inevitable and if you think this is
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inevitable then you have to audition to be a leader in this new era of biology
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new era of personalized medicine so these people are actually auditioning for
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leadership roles after the metamorphosis of our society occurs that's how you
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can tell that's really what's happening we have been witnessing the audition
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process over the last three years have who can best shepherd the TV watching
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masses into this new world order from either side of the aisle you want to
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compete for the the politician side where you stick to that you know whole game
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you want to do the social media side and the podcast side and that side and
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everybody's auditioning for the new world order what's coming and when it
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comes the the internet will be limited by digital ID and all of these people of
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course will be happy to do it or have some excuse why it's okay and then it'll
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almost all be over don't be surprised how many of these people actually go
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along with it the whole way so I'm gonna escape out of here and I'm going to play
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this movie it is on 1.5 speed we are watching Alex Zeck and David Martin
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talk about all things pandemic this came out I believe in July 21, 2023 I
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promise I'm gonna try very very hard not to stop the movie as much as I
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possibly can and in fact I hope that I'm gonna take a lot of notes and stop it
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only a couple times because I'd like it to be over in about an hour so here we
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go ladies and gentlemen let's just do this
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welcome everyone to another episode of the way forward I hope others there's
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like 50 or so people tuning in live right now probably have a few more
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trickling but I hope you're also tuning in to the end of covid because that
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material that we've compiled is extremely important to ensure that we're
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properly informed on what happened over the last three and a half years so we
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can share this nonsense does not happen again I'm really looking forward to
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this conversation with Dr. David Martin David how's it going it's great to be
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here Alec thank you for having this this venue yeah thanks for being here so I
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heard from from little birdie that you've been on an expedition to Antarctica
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before I have I have indeed and not only did I go on an expedition to Antarctica I
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was the one that was asked to be the primary content provider for the
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expedition and among other things I had the phenomenal joy of meeting a
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very tall beautiful Australian woman on the ship who came up to me after one of
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my extremely poignant conversations with the group and said I'm clearly the
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alpha female in this boat you're clearly the alpha male I should find you
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attractive but I don't and in a few weeks time that woman and I will be
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celebrating our anniversary we've been together now for eight years and so yes
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not only did I go to Antarctica but I came home with the woman with whom I am
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navigating this amazing thing called life and having a great time doing
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awesome that's incredible not many people can say they met their partner in
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Antarctica so now as a matter of fact I don't know if there's anyone who can't
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actually not that I know it's not it's not a common pickup line and it's
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certainly not a common place to have that pickup line side but now you know it's
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a fascinating she she was as as many people know Kim is is aluminous being
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and what she was meaning to say was that if I kind of got my shit straightened
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out I would be far more attractive than the morose philosophical soul that I
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was that she heard speaking and it turns out that having a beautiful Australian
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companion to help make life joyful is a great way of not being as despondent
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so there you go she was right up over into deeper into a heart space at that
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point then now I listen I've done a lot of things around the world and I've seen
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a lot of the unfortunate experiences of what we have come to accept as humanity
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and whether that plays out in the microcosm of at that time a very a very
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challenging relationship or whether it comes on the back of dealing with
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genocide in Papua New Guinea where you know we win a conviction against one of
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the largest corporations ever found guilty of genocide only to have it
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overturned because of jurisdictional issues you know when you keep seeing
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how corrupt the system is and how prolific that corruption is sometimes it
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has a way of getting under your skin yeah and Kim met me at a period of my life
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where I think I was overloaded with the with the amount of corruption going on
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so anyhow it's been a lot more fun to be with a person who her soundtrack is
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80s music her favorite thing to do is dance and it just makes life a little bit
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more more enjoyable at every turn that's awesome incredible quick question on
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Antarctica too were you able to circumnavigate the continent in that trip
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no we were we were in we flew out of Chile we were in the military transport
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from from Punta Arenas in southern Chile at the Straits Magellan and what we did
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was we went down the that very long ismess that's on Antarctica down past
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deception island the active volcano down there which very few people know about
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across the Antarctic circle and went down to the edge of the ice and then came
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back so that long prominence that you see on the maps of Antarctica we we kind of
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traversed as far as the ice would let us go were they pretty restricted on where
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you could go to like so-called authorities I guess well there's no real I
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mean listen we we got off the plane in a military base which you know allegedly
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according to the official charter that established Antarctica there's not
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supposed to be any military bases there we got off on a military base on military
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aircraft so there is that little oops about the official narrative and we were
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told not to take pictures of the airbase I have many of them including a C-130
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that was stuck in the ice but beyond the actual point of departure there was
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really no security anywhere ever I mean we met two Brits at Port La Croix who
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are stationed at the weather weather observation station where lightning
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strikes are recorded but besides that they were the only two people that we
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encountered anywhere on any of the continental Antarctica well yeah I have a
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lot of fascination with Antarctica trying to figure out the the true nature of
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this realm if you will try to figure out what you know it's it's I'll tell you
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that the answer is on the on the cruise we had the gentleman from Australia who
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is twice crossed unaided cross the point-to-point and Arctic set the record for
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the fastest unaided crossing and you know it's fascinating when you talk to
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Jeff about his experience there's a whole lot of things about the
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conversation where you just sit there you know kind of going first of all I
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wouldn't want to spend that much time in sub 40 below sub 60 below temperatures
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but like the Arctic explorations you know if you go back and you look at the
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Arctic explorations there's an enormous amount of things that happen when you
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are in that kind of austere environment where orientation becomes a challenge
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you know a lot of things just become a challenge and so I think like a lot of
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places on earth you know the more you know if you're really honest with
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yourself the less you know because you actually have more questions than you
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get answers which is kind of my approach to life is you know keep exploring
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because there's always a deeper question that you didn't think to ask yeah that's
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kind of the you know let me let me preface this by saying and this will kind of
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lead to the rest of our conversation I was a statist I was an army officer I you
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know went to West Point I believe that my wife's autoimmune conditions that she
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previously have that she no longer has any trace of now for seven years were
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caused by in part by Epstein bar virus and all these things I'm saying
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contextually because when you set aside your preconceived notions and simply
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explore what is true obviously you're gonna have some bias there yeah you find
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that we meaning the human race don't know shit yeah lack of better time you
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we don't know shit and I am very wary of both authorities and especially
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authorities who claim with a level of certainty to know that X thing is D
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thing and this is how X behaves and how this is what X produces and this is the
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phenomenon that is caused by X etc etc so so I want to just jump right in I
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think I'll ask just a very direct question what is your take on SARS-CoV-2
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and viruses in general so two separate things that the the question of SARS-CoV-2
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is there is no question in my mind that people who had every intention of
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disrupting and harming humanity and people who had every intention of
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building things that would ultimately toxify the environment to make human
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life more unattainable so that they could have greater control used a series
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of biological weapons creation efforts to create a branded terror campaign a
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branded terror campaign was a campaign that included the term SARS-CoV-2 which
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was a term that was necessary because they had declared SARS-CoV-1
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eradicated and it kind of sucks if you're gonna try to sell a fear narrative to
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go the thing that we said was eradicated is back because that would suggest that
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science that declared it eradicated was wrong and obviously you can't do that if
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you're trying to run a terror campaign so SARS-CoV-2 was a branding campaign
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conducted during the month of February in 2020 the ICTV which was the
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International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses published on March the 2nd
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2020 their official brand that said that there was quote a novel pathogen that
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novel pathogen was going to be branded SARS-CoV-2 so that we were ethnically
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you know allegedly ethnically sensitive to Chinese and that there was a quote
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disease in their words caused in their words by this thing they branded the
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disease COVID-19 but they were very clear to stipulate that there was no
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disease it was a set of symptoms and those symptoms were commonly associated
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with influenza like illness and have been associated with influenza like
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illness for elimination of symptoms that are not years so so this idea that it
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was quote a novel disease was a branding campaign and so let's stipulate for this
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conversation that the entirety of the last four years was a premeditated act of
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domestic and international terrorism and most importantly the perpetrators admitted
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to that very fact in 2015 they said they were going to make an event where the
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media hype would drive the public to demand a medical countermeasure called a
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vaccine so for for that the the unambiguous nature of what this is it was
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domestic and international terrorism it was collusion it was racketeering in
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2015 they actually stipulated that they were going to commit the crime in 2015
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and they executed the crime on schedule the second piece of your question is
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actually a much more difficult one simply because we're dealing with a piece
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of terminology that has morphed since it was introduced in the 14th century
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so far as virus means in Proto-Italian means poison do I believe there are
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poisons in the world the answer is unambiguously yes and the reason is
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because I've had poisons injected into me and I know that the poisons had an
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effect which was the desired effect so insofar as do we believe there are
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poisons absolutely there are and there's no question that poisons are in fact
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sometimes accidental and sometimes intentionally introduced to cause
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incapacitation or death yeah in so far as is there a micro particle coming up
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into the 18th century is there a micro particle involved in the causation of
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disease that we then now rebrand and by the way once again it's branding we
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rebrand a virus and we then try through the cunning use of language to subtly
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replace the actual multi-century use of that term which is poison which there is
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for a causative agent of anything the answer is absolutely not causation
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which was invented in 1663 very specifically causation is an illusion
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of the intellectually lazy the idea that we can identify out of the plurality
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of conditions in the universe every single factor that creates
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the condition giving rise to a thing is as hubris filled and delusional
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as the council of Nicaea was in the fourth century trying to pretend that they
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could take the infinite of the divine and dictate in a couple paragraphs the
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sum total of what it meant
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the idea that we can identify out of the plurality of conditions in the
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universe every single factor that creates the condition giving rise to a thing
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is as hubris filled and delusional as the council of Nicaea was in the fourth
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century trying to pretend that they could take the infinite of the divine
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and dictate in a couple paragraphs the sum total of what it meant to have
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religion this idea that we can be reductionist to the point of stupidity
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where we decide that we are going to pick the ontology and the frame in which
21:26.180 --> 21:28.660
we're going to understand nature and then have the audacity
21:28.660 --> 21:32.580
of saying we're going to get to causation is beyond the pale of idiocy
21:32.580 --> 21:35.380
and it's important for people in this conversation understand that when
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Gottfried Liebens in 1663 published his dissertation which gave us modern
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regression it's important to realize that in the same year two important
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things happen we actually were doing heretic
21:45.460 --> 21:49.700
witch and heretic burning trials in europe and the guy who wrote
21:49.700 --> 21:53.380
the fundamental mathematics behind which causation regression is derived
21:53.380 --> 21:56.340
was a Lutheran being sponsored by catholics
21:56.340 --> 21:59.940
in a town where people were being burnt for being Lutheran so let's be
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abundantly clear that there was a tiny motivation for a guy to come up with
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an explanation for causality which he was commissioned to do by catholics
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so that he didn't get himself burned at the stake
22:08.260 --> 22:11.140
by the exact same people who were paying him and if we actually understood that
22:11.140 --> 22:14.820
causal regression is the derivative of that and every single thing we call
22:14.820 --> 22:17.700
medicine and science right now is a direct derivative
22:17.700 --> 22:20.580
of a fallacy that was established and published in 1663 if we understood
22:20.580 --> 22:22.900
that we'd be having a different conversation
22:22.900 --> 22:25.620
got it so just just to be clear here so when we're talking about a virus i'm
22:25.620 --> 22:28.180
not talking about the previous definition of poison i'm talking about
22:28.180 --> 22:31.380
a tiny replication competent obligate intracellular parasite consisting of
22:31.380 --> 22:35.060
a genome surrounded by a protein coke that is an infected all bullshit 100
22:35.060 --> 22:38.580
percent bullshit everything that 100 percent bullshit for a simple reason
22:38.580 --> 22:43.060
beginning in 1768 and moving up until its codification in 1869
22:43.060 --> 22:46.180
1870 we took a world that once upon a time was
22:46.180 --> 22:48.820
described largely through natural philosophy and frequencies and we
22:48.820 --> 22:51.380
decided to turn it into a world defined by chemistry
22:51.380 --> 22:54.980
agree and here's where the problem kicks in when men to live created the what we
22:54.980 --> 22:59.220
now refer to as the periodic table he took upon himself the idea that
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somehow or another chemistry was the descriptor of life
23:02.740 --> 23:06.660
and every word you just use to describe what we think we call viruses today
23:06.660 --> 23:10.660
is derived from a chemical mediated model of a system that by definition is not
23:10.740 --> 23:14.420
chemical so in so far as do those words exist
23:14.420 --> 23:17.060
yes i mean when i got my piece of the thing does the thing exist do the
23:17.060 --> 23:19.380
things that so that is the common definition of
23:19.380 --> 23:22.020
viruses in virology do those things exist as physical
23:22.020 --> 23:23.940
particles and is there proof that they cause disease
23:23.940 --> 23:26.980
well see that's the problem that the the causal question
23:26.980 --> 23:29.620
is by its definition let's let's set that aside then is there is there
23:29.620 --> 23:32.180
sufficient proof that those exist in the fluids of a sick person
23:32.180 --> 23:36.020
there was once again can we measure something in something
23:36.020 --> 23:39.060
the answer is if we're looking for a thing we can find a thing
23:39.060 --> 23:41.540
anywhere that's the nature of regression based science
23:41.540 --> 23:44.500
regression based on a clause i'm sorry genuine question is there proof that
23:44.500 --> 23:47.300
Santa Claus exists there's no question i can go to a shopping mall right now
23:47.300 --> 23:49.380
well not right now but i can go to a shopping mall in december
23:49.380 --> 23:52.420
and if a Santa Claus is defined by a fat man in a red suit then the answer is
23:52.420 --> 23:54.820
yes they come okay if Santa Claus is defined as a man who comes down your
23:54.820 --> 23:57.140
chimney and delivers presence and flies on a
23:57.140 --> 24:00.500
i think that's called jeffrey Epstein yes yeah i got you but is there in in that
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case then what we're talking about is things the existence of
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right but here's probably that that's where we get trapped and that's where we
24:05.380 --> 24:08.100
will not get trapped in this conversation because here's the thing
24:08.100 --> 24:10.980
if i'm looking for the higs boson i can go out and i can create a multi-billion
24:10.980 --> 24:13.460
dollar device i can smash what i call high energy
24:13.460 --> 24:16.820
particles into an observation screen i can derive from it a bug splat
24:16.820 --> 24:20.420
and i can say look i found the alleged god particle except for the fact
24:20.420 --> 24:23.540
that when they did that and spent billions of dollars of things looking
24:23.540 --> 24:26.100
for a thing what they found was something other than what they were looking for
24:26.100 --> 24:28.500
and so they decided to go back and fix the machine
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and allic this is where the problem lives if i decide to tear the world apart
24:32.260 --> 24:35.140
and try to look for the smallest atomic particle i can find
24:35.140 --> 24:39.220
it anywhere so is there a thing somewhere
24:39.220 --> 24:41.700
the answer is of course there are there are tons of particles and if we
24:41.700 --> 24:45.220
destroy nature and take it down to its destructive limits
24:45.220 --> 24:50.020
i can find anything in anything that's the problem the problem is in 1663 the
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disputation on separation which gave rise to the entirety of regression
24:53.300 --> 24:55.860
science said that the way to understand the world is to take it down
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particle by particle to get to the smallest particle and no
24:58.020 --> 25:01.460
no surprise we get to this thing we call a virus and we go oh there's a particle
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in it's with sick people yeah but is there's some proof that they
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actually exist as concrete things i can actually
25:07.780 --> 25:10.900
find the dimension of a definition which i can say look i found the thing i'm
25:10.900 --> 25:12.500
saying the dimension no what do you mean by that
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because every observation is based on the preconditions of the moment in
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which that observation is formed and as the observer you are defining the
25:18.340 --> 25:21.380
analyte the observation condition and you're that you're defining your own
25:21.380 --> 25:23.380
sense of verification that you found the thing you were looking for so
25:23.380 --> 25:27.300
what you were looking for is a phallus correct so i i'm well aware that like
25:27.300 --> 25:29.860
when we talk about the application of the scientific method when we're looking
25:29.860 --> 25:32.340
at an observed natural phenomenon and attempting to ascertain what is the
25:32.340 --> 25:35.220
cause of that observed natural phenomenon there is it's yes i agree it's
25:35.220 --> 25:38.100
almost leaning on futile i completely agree because there's so many factors
25:38.100 --> 25:40.020
that are at play but when we're talking about a thing
25:40.020 --> 25:43.220
as if it is a concrete thing and then assigning terms like
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biological weapon or how are we messing with that biological weapon is that
25:47.780 --> 25:53.300
is defined under 18 us code section 175 okay now does that mean it exists
25:53.300 --> 25:55.700
who knows what it means is there's a legal definition for it
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okay there's not a legal definition for virus
25:58.340 --> 26:01.940
just like there now is about a dozen definitions for vaccine
26:01.940 --> 26:06.580
and by the way none of them i thought i would just interject here for a second
26:06.580 --> 26:11.540
so um i don't really know how to how to
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vocalize really how shocking this video is
26:14.580 --> 26:20.900
um how obvious it should be that neither of these two i though i i
26:20.900 --> 26:24.100
actually commend allic for trying a little hard he's
26:24.100 --> 26:28.900
trying but he's he's missing something absolutely
26:28.900 --> 26:31.620
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i want you to think about the fact that you
26:39.140 --> 26:45.540
absolutely positively have not heard the words remdesivir
26:45.540 --> 26:49.940
medazalam ventilators antibiotic steroids do not resuscitate
26:49.940 --> 26:54.100
orders financial incentives who you haven't heard
26:54.100 --> 26:59.060
anything about this and i realized last night
26:59.060 --> 27:04.260
actually this morning after reviewing my video from yesterday which is just
27:04.260 --> 27:11.700
an absolute jog or not of a video i realized that there's one thing
27:12.500 --> 27:16.340
there's one thing that they accomplish with this
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one really weird thing that they accomplish here
27:20.180 --> 27:25.940
with this thing that they always do it they always do the same thing
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they always say that the root cause the justification
27:30.660 --> 27:36.020
for the vaccines is the virus
27:36.420 --> 27:40.340
that's so not right but they say it all the time
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actually christine massy said it that why do you why do you
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perpetuate the the core narrative upon which
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the justification for these for everything is based all the lockdowns
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everything is based on the virus no no it's not
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it's actually based on people following orders
28:06.100 --> 28:12.180
people being scared people being made to be frightened made
28:12.180 --> 28:17.140
to use these things and made to believe that this were that these were the
28:17.140 --> 28:21.380
choices don't use antibiotics steroids don't really work
28:21.380 --> 28:25.060
make sure that you realize that nobody needs to be resuscitated if you pick
28:25.060 --> 28:28.340
them up and if you go to their house with an ambulance
28:28.340 --> 28:32.020
make sure you use medazalam on those old people in the uk
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and make sure you keep giving remdesivir to everybody and don't worry it doesn't
28:35.620 --> 28:38.900
hurt them at all none of the none of the
28:38.900 --> 28:44.420
potential decline in the well-being of your patients could possibly be due to
28:44.420 --> 28:48.180
the administration of remdesivir and alic
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zak in america this is one of the biggest plays there was
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another really huge thing is the opioid epidemic right
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nobody's ever going to mention that in this video either not even once that just
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say that some of those deaths might be used to pad the
29:05.540 --> 29:09.780
covid numbers why not say all of them
29:10.420 --> 29:15.060
are we in such a state of normalization of the
29:15.060 --> 29:20.100
opioid epidemic that they don't count as excess deaths
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seriously are they already part of the average
29:24.740 --> 29:29.700
because i think when people are 40 years old and they die of a acute
29:29.700 --> 29:35.460
overdose of a of a pharmaceutical grade opioid that that's that's pretty
29:35.460 --> 29:38.420
significant and that's not really something that we should be including
29:38.420 --> 29:42.420
in our normal statistics which is really what jessica hockett is
29:42.420 --> 29:44.980
is really
29:44.980 --> 29:47.940
is the point that she's making when she says she doesn't like all-cause
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mortality because all-cause mortality is a mathematical model
29:53.860 --> 30:00.340
mathematical projection of a pattern and the more
30:00.340 --> 30:04.580
data you feed to it in theory the better the prediction can become but it is
30:04.580 --> 30:08.980
still in a lot of ways all-cause mortality tends to
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let's say normalize i guess that's the best word it normalizes
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let's say unnecessary causes of death
30:19.940 --> 30:22.900
you know all the
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all the ways that young adults die all the ways that
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that that people die in an unintentional way now if you throw
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in something like opioids where the street is flooded with them
30:35.460 --> 30:41.060
and all of these vulnerable people are vulnerable to them
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and those people were not expected to die but now year-on-year they are dying
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if you feed the last five years into that model and make a projection of all
30:50.180 --> 30:53.940
cause mortality essentially all those opioid deaths every year start to
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become part of the average and only those opioid deaths which clear that
31:00.500 --> 31:04.500
all-cause mortality prediction become excess deaths
31:04.500 --> 31:08.420
and so it can be used to their advantage of course
31:08.420 --> 31:12.180
just like the predictions of the model can be of the model of
31:12.180 --> 31:15.540
viral spread was used to their advantage and they just said that you know these
31:15.540 --> 31:19.460
are the worst case scenarios and we've got to avoid them and look we avoided
31:19.460 --> 31:21.700
31:23.780 --> 31:27.380
but i want you to notice this because i would be willing to bet that we can
31:27.380 --> 31:30.420
leave this they'll just leave this list here
31:30.420 --> 31:34.820
and we'll put little tally marks every time they mention anything we could
31:34.820 --> 31:40.100
even just go we could just use the word protocol
31:41.460 --> 31:44.580
they can just mention protocols and that would already be good what else
31:44.580 --> 31:49.380
should we have here on this list that they're never going to touch
31:49.540 --> 31:54.180
in in an hour and 20 minute interview they're never going to touch any of this
31:54.180 --> 31:58.580
and so what they're doing is essentially trying to make the inverted or the
31:58.580 --> 32:02.660
i don't know if it's an inverted argument but it's an incorrect argument
32:02.660 --> 32:09.140
that the idea of the novel virus and it that it was isolated and that it was
32:09.140 --> 32:15.140
purified is the reason why we have all these pandemic measures all these
32:15.140 --> 32:20.180
things happened and what they're lying about and why the shot is coming out
32:20.180 --> 32:26.420
that is that is wrong the reason why we got away with this is because of all
32:26.420 --> 32:29.780
of these things right here
32:30.740 --> 32:36.660
all of these things that caused the excess deaths during 2020 and 2021
32:36.660 --> 32:45.380
that then was misconstrued as a spreading pathogen instead of spreading bad ideas
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and so the bad idea is not the pathogen well maybe it is in a way
32:52.820 --> 32:58.420
but you need to explain the ramifications of that and not focus at all costs and in a lot of ways
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you know the the martin guy makes some some pertinent arguments but it's not like how michael
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yead makes the pertinent argument where you can just say you know i'm not smart enough
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and i don't have access to the kind of laboratory procedures that are necessary to really get down
33:13.460 --> 33:17.540
to the nitty gritty about whether or not there are really viruses or not or what's there at that
33:17.540 --> 33:27.380
size scale but i know that these things happened and these things allowed people to lie about the
33:27.380 --> 33:38.820
existence of a pandemic that's what i know and that's what i know they don't ever say that's what i know
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they'd never say they just don't say this stuff they don't say that there was no evidence
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why don't they say there was no evidence of spread how come that doesn't ever come out of their
33:55.060 --> 33:59.860
mouths let's go let's listen it's got to be better right it's got to be better
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going all the way back to pestor who falsified his own data on his anthrax vaccine so let's
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be abundantly clear even when we started falling vaccines vaccines we were lying then so we're
34:11.860 --> 34:16.580
still lying now but the issue is actually on his a dozen definitions for vaccine and by the way
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none of them going all the way back to pestor who falsified his own data on his anthrax vaccine
34:21.380 --> 34:24.340
so let's be abundantly clear even when we started falling vaccines vaccines we were lying then so
34:24.340 --> 34:28.820
we're still lying now but the issue is actually one where historical relevance and the language
34:28.820 --> 34:33.340
definition is simple. If what I'm saying is that I have taken a fragment of a living
34:33.340 --> 34:40.020
system, ricin, as a wonderful example, it's plant-derived, right? There's nothing about
34:40.020 --> 34:44.860
ricin that is harmful to humans when it's in long pods hanging from trees. But I can
34:44.860 --> 34:48.300
take something from those long pods, I can synthesize it, I can purify it, I can spray
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it into a subway system, and I can kill people. That is a biological weapon. That is a weapon
34:53.020 --> 34:54.020
derived from biology.
34:54.020 --> 34:58.380
Great. And with respect to viruses, though, you're saying that there's not sufficient
34:58.380 --> 35:01.780
proof that they exist as entities, yet, as an example in your speech of the European
35:01.780 --> 35:05.540
Parliament, you said, and I quote, we've been engineering this pathogen for 56 years in
35:05.540 --> 35:09.420
1966. The very first model was used as a transatlantic biological experiment. SARS-1
35:09.420 --> 35:13.540
O3 came from a laboratory in Chapel Hill, infectious replication, defective clone of
35:13.540 --> 35:16.380
a coronavirus, et cetera, et cetera. So how do we wrestle with you first saying that
35:16.380 --> 35:18.380
there's no proof of these things?
35:18.380 --> 35:21.620
And this is the point, Alec, and this is why I said that, you know, the last time this
35:21.620 --> 35:24.660
conversation meaningfully took place, probably, was somewhere between...
35:24.660 --> 35:28.500
And the bill, the 1660, proved that they exist as entities, yet, as an example in your
35:28.500 --> 35:31.540
speech of the European Parliament, you said, and I quote, we've been engineering this pathogen
35:31.540 --> 35:36.800
for 56 years in 1966. The very first model was used as a transatlantic biological experiment.
35:36.800 --> 35:40.460
SARS-1 O3 came from a laboratory in Chapel Hill, an infectious replication, defective
35:40.460 --> 35:41.460
35:41.460 --> 35:42.460
35:42.460 --> 36:09.220
I think you heard it right that one's this one right infectious replication defective
36:09.220 --> 36:13.820
clone I think is what was just said there so apparently that's something that
36:13.820 --> 36:18.040
he said in the parliament at some point I'm just gonna play it again one more
36:18.040 --> 36:21.660
time to make sure that we heard it right
36:23.580 --> 36:27.700
a clone of a coronavirus etcetera so how logical do viruses that is a
36:27.700 --> 36:31.780
biological weapon that is a weapon derived from biology great and with
36:31.780 --> 36:35.180
respect to viruses though you're here saying that there's not sufficient proof
36:35.180 --> 36:38.360
that they exist as entities yet as an example in your speech the European
36:38.360 --> 36:41.060
parliament you said and I quote we've been engineering this pathogen for
36:41.060 --> 36:45.320
fifty-six years in 1966 the very first model was used as a trained biological
36:45.320 --> 36:48.640
experiment SARS-1-03 came from a laboratory in Chapel Hill that's
36:48.640 --> 36:51.060
a infectious replication defective clone of a coronavirus etcetera etcetera so
36:51.060 --> 36:54.200
how do we wrestle with you first saying that there's no proof of these things
36:54.200 --> 36:57.800
and this is this is the point I like and this is why I said that you know the
36:57.800 --> 37:00.560
last time this conversation meaningfully took place probably was somewhere
37:00.560 --> 37:03.240
between the Council of Nicene and the Council of Kaldia in the fourth and
37:03.240 --> 37:07.240
fifth centuries that the problem that you have in this conversation is we're
37:07.240 --> 37:11.000
not having a conversation about apples and apples what I'm referring to
37:11.000 --> 37:14.600
there is I'm using the terms associated with the documents that I'm reciting
37:14.600 --> 37:19.000
that is not David Martin's position that is actually the reported document that
37:19.000 --> 37:22.080
is no different from saying that I'm actually quoting 18 us but you say we
37:22.080 --> 37:24.880
would say we which is implying that you are a part of that which is implying
37:24.880 --> 37:28.800
that it's not that's a colloquial we we are responsible as a human race for
37:28.800 --> 37:30.960
allowing things to happen you just described the fact that you served in
37:30.960 --> 37:34.320
the military I would know more suggest to you that as a member of the military
37:34.320 --> 37:38.600
you are the we collectively which in fact are there's a shitload of things
37:38.600 --> 37:41.800
that are done by the military that I have nothing but contempt and have
37:41.800 --> 37:46.000
absolute reprehensible its sensitivities around but if I actually said we I mean
37:46.000 --> 37:50.520
that as a nation we fund and we support a military that has been used sometimes
37:50.520 --> 37:53.120
for very beneficial purpose and sometimes for horrible purposes and the
37:53.120 --> 37:55.680
collective we is a statement of accountability which all of us are
37:55.680 --> 37:59.280
responsible for every single person who funded NIH that's every taxpayer in
37:59.280 --> 38:03.000
America paid for the weaponization of nature when you when you say that though
38:03.000 --> 38:06.240
what do you mean by weaponization of nature as as an example very simple let
38:06.240 --> 38:10.320
me finish real quick as an example I've done a deep dive as a doctor's Tom
38:10.320 --> 38:13.560
Cowan doctor Andy Kauffman doctor Amanda Volmer doctors Martin Sam Bailey
38:13.560 --> 38:16.600
Dr. Stefanos Koglio and several others into the so-called gain of function
38:16.600 --> 38:19.720
experiments and they're based in again unproven pseudoscientific presuppositions
38:19.720 --> 38:23.040
using models whether so you agree that there's not sufficient proof that they're
38:23.040 --> 38:28.640
actually weaponizing a virus so purification of an agent of harm or
38:28.640 --> 38:32.440
death is in fact a weaponization as defined by 18 us code yeah but what is
38:32.440 --> 38:35.320
I'm not saying and this is the trap that Tom Cowan and others get into and
38:35.320 --> 38:38.960
Tom Cowan took this cute little pot shot but once again has zero integrity in
38:38.960 --> 38:41.320
having an honest conversation about what this is about I'm having an honest
38:41.320 --> 38:43.440
conversation with you right now it's a very simple conversation and the
38:43.440 --> 38:48.880
conversation is this if you derive a synthetic process stimulated by a
38:48.880 --> 38:52.180
chemical you found in a naturally occurring phenomenon that synthesis
38:52.180 --> 38:55.240
chemical on the ceiling or meaning the nucleic acids plated by honest into and
38:55.240 --> 38:58.840
Tom Cowan took this cute little pot shot but once again has zero integrity in
38:58.840 --> 39:00.960
having an honest conversation about what this is about this is having an
39:00.960 --> 39:03.240
honest conversation with you right now it's a very simple conversation and the
39:03.240 --> 39:08.680
conversation is this if you derive a synthetic process stimulated by a
39:08.680 --> 39:12.000
chemical you found in a naturally occurring phenomenon that synthesis
39:12.000 --> 39:14.880
chemical on the ceiling or meaning the nucleic acids well as series that are
39:14.880 --> 39:18.200
that are that are known as by itself is the issue it's the assembly of a model
39:18.200 --> 39:22.920
of nucleic acid symbol a molecule that form a molecule that is in fact pathogenic
39:22.920 --> 39:27.640
the molecule is pathogenic in so far as we know from the gain of function
39:27.640 --> 39:31.120
research that was done we know that you can take open reading frames which is
39:31.120 --> 39:34.520
just another name for a molecule you can put that molecule into a living system
39:34.520 --> 39:39.920
and you can create with that molecule a inflammation of a living system does
39:39.920 --> 39:42.960
that mean that it has the ability to replicate no it doesn't as a matter
39:42.960 --> 39:45.440
fact they patented replication defectivity because they knew it wouldn't
39:45.440 --> 39:49.560
replicate so the issue is a very simple one if you read the exact nature of the
39:49.560 --> 39:54.120
study particularly the ones from 1999 to 2002 what you have is a very clear
39:54.120 --> 40:00.280
piece of evidence it says molecules sampled and then modified by humans turned
40:00.280 --> 40:04.960
into a thing that was pro-inflammatory and created in the case of rabbits
40:04.960 --> 40:08.640
cardiomyopathy and rabbits when we look at these experiments though David as an
40:08.640 --> 40:12.000
example for during the end of covid doctors Mark and Sam Bailey go into
40:12.000 --> 40:14.680
extensive details on exactly what happened with ferrets and so-called
40:14.680 --> 40:17.880
gain of function experiments and it's just a series of passages and then
40:17.880 --> 40:20.920
grinding up nasal tissue from a ferret and injecting it into another ferret
40:20.920 --> 40:23.520
and then finding sequences that are different and claiming ah this is proof
40:23.760 --> 40:28.080
of a of a weaponized and a more lethal more pathogenic and a slightly altered
40:28.080 --> 40:30.640
variant of a virus and those are the things that see this is where this is
40:30.640 --> 40:34.920
where the problem is gain a function is a term that has been highly highly
40:34.920 --> 40:37.720
misrepresented from the standpoint of two different parts of this conversation
40:37.720 --> 40:40.640
one is the idea that we're going to create this hyper virulent thing okay so
40:40.640 --> 40:43.160
we talk about that in i have to get infections in hospitals that some
40:43.160 --> 40:46.160
are another whether it's mrsa whether it's cmv whether it's any of these
40:46.160 --> 40:48.720
things which are allegedly going to be amplified by the use of various types
40:48.720 --> 40:51.800
of drugs or antibiotics we're creating what we call superbugs okay so there's a
40:51.800 --> 40:55.800
theory there's a class of study that says that by intervention with one or
40:55.800 --> 40:59.080
more therapeutic agents we are amplifying the pathogenicity of something
40:59.080 --> 41:02.200
and that's a pathogenicity that that words have meaning here what do you
41:02.200 --> 41:04.360
know that's what i'm saying there's a whole school of thought that's talking
41:04.360 --> 41:08.360
about this amplification effect that's a very very there's tons and tons and
41:08.360 --> 41:11.400
tons of research on this idea that somehow another by treating one thing
41:11.400 --> 41:14.360
you're amplifying the virulence or pathogenicity of another
41:14.360 --> 41:17.880
yeah what are you referring to because you've often spoke about these things
41:17.880 --> 41:21.400
as if they are well established now Alec what i and this is you know listen
41:21.400 --> 41:24.440
my role in this entire program just like my role in doing bioweapons
41:24.440 --> 41:27.800
inspections in 2003 and 2005 and other times for the united states government
41:27.800 --> 41:31.480
my role is really simple my job is to actually publicly bring light to
41:31.480 --> 41:35.160
facts that stand in controversy to the official narrative
41:35.160 --> 41:38.200
the official narrative and the facts that are presented by me
41:38.200 --> 41:41.480
are the point not what those facts are the facts are that scientific
41:41.480 --> 41:46.200
publications stated that there was the development of a pathogen
41:46.200 --> 41:49.080
now i'm not saying there was or was not i'm simply saying that if you're going
41:49.080 --> 41:51.880
to pretend like this thing mysteriously came out of a wuhan wet market
41:51.880 --> 41:54.840
and in 2016 you actually say the same thing was isolated and prepared for
41:54.840 --> 41:57.560
human deployment you cannot say those two things and get away with it
41:57.560 --> 42:01.000
my role and my very public role in this situation has been to restrain from
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stating my opinion ever my opinion is not known by you
42:04.280 --> 42:07.640
or by anyone else for a simple reason it is because my opinion has not been
42:07.640 --> 42:11.080
asked for and i have not offered it what i have done is i've supplied evidence
42:11.080 --> 42:13.400
to say that the official narrative is falsifiable
42:13.400 --> 42:17.480
by their own record so with that though do you think that um
42:17.480 --> 42:19.320
here let me let me frame this in the best way that i can
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if the facts are coming from a place of completely of being completely
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unproven if there's a legit facts are coming from a place of being completely
42:26.600 --> 42:31.160
unproven why is it not um important to raise awareness to the reality that
42:31.160 --> 42:33.880
there's actually because because you're unwilling just like everybody else is
42:33.880 --> 42:36.440
unwilling to actually question the fundamental problem that's not true
42:36.440 --> 42:39.560
DNA I question it all the time no i'm saying i'm saying causality you
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use you have written and posted frequently about causality
42:42.600 --> 42:45.400
and i actually challenge causality at it's fundamental i'm the only person
42:45.400 --> 42:48.360
you've ever heard talking about 1663 gothary leavens until this
42:48.360 --> 42:50.760
presentation you didn't even know about it you don't know about the fact that
42:50.760 --> 42:53.640
the heresy goes back to the schism that actually set apart the
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eastern orthotics church whether jesus was one being or two being the
42:56.120 --> 42:59.400
act of the matter is we can go back and i do this by the way
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because part of the thing that i do in the presentations that i make all over
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the world i'm willing to go back and i'm willing to challenge
43:04.040 --> 43:06.760
every single foundational assumption and ask the question
43:06.760 --> 43:10.040
have we considered the implication of that particular
43:10.040 --> 43:13.320
underlying assumption can you step step back for a moment and just go okay what's
43:13.320 --> 43:15.960
the assumption behind that don't i have you have you questioned the
43:15.960 --> 43:18.600
the implication of the underlying assumption that there is a pathogenic
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disease-causing particle being passed from person to person publicly
43:21.080 --> 43:23.960
absolutely i've done it many many times in fact i've got a years worth of
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videos doing that in fact i said that at the very beginning my first video was
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this was actually a disease of numbers not a disease of anything
43:31.320 --> 43:34.680
this was a propaganda warfare my engagement with the propaganda warfare
43:34.760 --> 43:37.800
was to show that the propagandists themselves had their own falsifiable
43:37.800 --> 43:41.640
evidence and the public wasn't talking about it so my role in this was not to
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discuss the merits of science because there has not been science
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listen very carefully there has not been science in the united states since
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yeah i agree with that but it also depends on what you classify as science because
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no it doesn't because science it does it's very nature
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no science by its very nature is the thoughtful introspection of observation
44:01.720 --> 44:04.760
that becomes serialized to start deriving generalized conclusions
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it is not and it never will be the promulgation of a dogma such that it
44:08.920 --> 44:12.520
supports an industrial complex and since 1798
44:12.520 --> 44:15.240
every single thing that has been branded science
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and by the way i could go back earlier because technically in 1663 the charter
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in london that established the royal academy linked the pursuit of science
44:22.040 --> 44:25.160
to the pursuit of colonial industry so i could go back to 1663 and say that
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that's where it got hijacked but 1798 in the united states when
44:27.640 --> 44:30.520
thomas jefferson was cowed into this idea that we were going to use
44:30.520 --> 44:33.640
intellectual property as the basis for our economic hegemony in the united
44:33.640 --> 44:36.200
states and the formation of the patent system that decision
44:36.200 --> 44:38.520
hijack science permanently in the united states
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yeah when i talk about science i'm saying the study of natural phenomena
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and the natural science we would vigorously agree on that point
44:44.680 --> 44:47.720
and natural science tries to explain and predict nature's phenomena based on
44:47.720 --> 44:50.360
independence and that would be employing the scientific method
44:50.360 --> 44:53.080
and the scientific method is attempting to determine what is an interesting
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statement that he made there that's in 1798 and the establishment of the
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patent system um things have been screwed up
45:01.320 --> 45:05.560
as an interesting statement for him to make and you know that he does work
45:05.560 --> 45:11.640
in some respects on intellectual property according to his long resume
45:11.640 --> 45:15.960
um it is just really extraordinary all of us is responsible for the
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weaponization of nature is actually something that he said quite strongly
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uh a few minutes ago um so entire america is to blame all of the
45:25.160 --> 45:31.640
western countries are to blame for the existence of this virus
45:31.640 --> 45:34.920
it's a pretty bold statement it's a very bold statement
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um replication and competence was patented i don't know about that it would
45:40.040 --> 45:43.160
be great if anybody in the audience wants to be a
45:43.160 --> 45:48.680
hussluth and look that up um or maybe ask david martin about that what what he
45:48.680 --> 45:52.600
means by that i know that robert uh sorry uh
45:52.600 --> 45:58.200
brough barrick has had a number of papers talking about the um t r s
45:58.200 --> 46:04.200
regions of the sub-genomic RNAs which are basically these
46:04.200 --> 46:09.720
well they're these places where the if you get rid of this uh
46:09.720 --> 46:13.720
this little place then uh recombination can occur
46:13.720 --> 46:19.880
and so you can remove those little heads on the sub sub-genomic RNAs so that
46:19.880 --> 46:22.520
the RNA polymerase can't find them anymore
46:22.520 --> 46:26.760
and so then actually you can't get recombination
46:26.760 --> 46:30.920
and this explanation is really interesting because it kind of
46:30.920 --> 46:34.920
suggests an alternative molecular mechanism by which recombination would
46:34.920 --> 46:38.600
occur in a coronavirus and it kind of suggests that the sub-genomic
46:38.600 --> 46:42.040
RNAs can contribute to recombination which is of course
46:42.040 --> 46:47.000
one of the many ways you can get it in competent particle in their cartoons
46:47.000 --> 46:50.920
um so if we just accept some of this stuff as much as we can
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um he talks about gain of function and then he tells a really long drawn out
46:55.960 --> 47:00.600
story about how this has to do with iatrogenic infections
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and treating those in a hospital and how they can generate
47:04.680 --> 47:09.640
evermore pathogenic pathogens which is kind of funny because
47:09.640 --> 47:15.320
again he's he's very good at wrestling with this guy and and and
47:15.320 --> 47:20.600
making statements which Alec is almost like okay i agree with that i
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well he is i agree with that i agree with that i accept that
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okay that's fine and so in a lot of ways where he's
47:26.760 --> 47:31.560
trying to catch him um david is able to just kind of sidestep and say that well
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i've never given you my opinion and i'm fighting from a legal perspective and
47:35.240 --> 47:38.360
so i don't care about science and i don't have a hypothesis
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and wow isn't that a really interesting statement
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very similar to what we heard last night about not having a
47:45.560 --> 47:49.400
hypothesis but just refuting one and so if
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Alec is also really at this stage where he's just refuting a hypothesis
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and that's what makes it so easy for david martin to just dance with him
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he can give him an affirmative answer and then and then talk his way out of it
48:02.840 --> 48:09.080
in the next ten sentences and so he's managed to put down a lot of the
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a lot of the narrative right the idea of gain of function has an all but
48:12.680 --> 48:16.120
at albin question. Alec tried to question it but then
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david martin steamer old him as far as i can tell he almost made him agree that
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that's that's what's happening
48:23.560 --> 48:27.000
it's pretty extraordinary really i find him to be quite uh
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quite an interesting uh character in the show is the cause of an observed natural
48:32.280 --> 48:34.440
comments and that's where you that's where you and i would have a
48:34.440 --> 48:36.680
disagreement because i don't think we're ever looking at causes what we're
48:36.680 --> 48:39.400
trying to do is understand the interaction between systems
48:39.400 --> 48:43.080
causality is always going to be a dangerous slope that i will refuse to get on
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simply because causality is the ultimate hubris
48:45.960 --> 48:47.880
of humanity we think that we understand multi-dimensional
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agree that we have no clue at the so so the idea that the scientific method
48:52.280 --> 48:55.000
has to then have its natural reduction to causality i think is
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absolute horseshit well i mean that is the scientific
48:57.240 --> 48:59.400
method though it's a well it's not what it is
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it's a bastardization of an industrial scientific
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method i agree but it is not what the scientific method is
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the scientific method is a series of observations so for example i'll give
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you an actual example of this for many many many years
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we have used hepatocytes to do drug toxicity studies
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and the bummer is that liver cells outside of the human body die quickly
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and so a biological engineer in the university of Virginia came up with
49:19.240 --> 49:22.120
that idea that maybe we don't understand hepatocytes very well
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and that was a good observation he was just making a hypothesis we don't
49:24.760 --> 49:28.200
understand hepatocytes so what he said was hey maybe if what we do is we wash
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those hepatocytes with a natural flow that mimics blood flow we would get a
49:31.560 --> 49:34.600
different response from those cells not surprisingly
49:34.600 --> 49:37.960
by mirroring the conditions in which hepatocytes naturally live
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what happened was the company hemosteer which is a company here in charlesville
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figured out how to keep hepatocytes alive now that's a really important thing
49:45.320 --> 49:48.120
but the guy who actually came up with the idea was a biomedical engineer
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and his entire proposition was around shear forces his theory which by the way
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there was a lot of merit in his theory was that the actual
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pulsatile flow across a cell stimulated something in the cell that mimicked
49:58.440 --> 50:02.920
the pulse of the heartbeat great theory and he was right
50:02.920 --> 50:06.680
by pulsing the medium across the cells he was able to get hepatocytes to keep
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growing but he wasn't looking at the electrical charge
50:10.120 --> 50:13.880
of red blood cells now if you've ever taken multivariate
50:13.880 --> 50:16.600
statistics which i used to teach what you find is that there's an interesting
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problem you can have a perfect model once again drawn out of this regression
50:19.640 --> 50:23.080
causality question and you can conclude oh my gosh
50:23.080 --> 50:26.440
he was right the shear force of the flow across the membrane of the cell was the
50:26.440 --> 50:29.640
reason why hepatocytes lived and if he stopped asking the question
50:29.640 --> 50:32.680
he would have causally concluded a right answer
50:32.680 --> 50:36.040
if by definition of right we mean could we get hepatocytes to keep living
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but i said hold on a minute doesn't blood as it flows across the cell
50:39.800 --> 50:42.760
have charged particles and isn't their electromagnetic field that's created
50:42.760 --> 50:45.320
by the pulsing of blood across the same membrane
50:45.320 --> 50:48.440
and it turns out that if you actually put a charged particle across there
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you also found out hepatocytes grew now what's the point
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the point is through the lens of a biomedical engineer
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he actually did science did the scientific method and concluded
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correctly if by definition of concluded correctly we mean we got
50:59.160 --> 51:03.160
hepatocytes to grow he was right but here's the problem he had never asked
51:03.160 --> 51:05.400
the question is there a charge particle is there an
51:05.400 --> 51:08.360
emp or an emf element to the exact same phenomenon it turns out
51:08.360 --> 51:11.080
that that was also correct and here's where causality fails
51:11.080 --> 51:14.120
causality is only as good as the length of time we stay at the question
51:14.120 --> 51:16.600
because we will get to the place where we're pretty damn convinced we figured
51:16.600 --> 51:19.000
it out and then what we'll do is we'll reify that into dogma
51:19.000 --> 51:20.920
and then we'll build businesses around it and we'll build all kinds of other
51:20.920 --> 51:23.880
things around it and god help us if somebody comes along and says
51:23.880 --> 51:26.600
maybe it was shear force maybe it was electrical yeah i don't disagree with
51:26.600 --> 51:28.440
anything that you said there i don't know that's what i'm saying that's the
51:28.440 --> 51:31.400
problem the problem is that the minute we go to the regression
51:31.400 --> 51:34.440
end which is we now have causality we have blinded
51:34.440 --> 51:37.160
ourselves for sure so let me interrupt real quick though to ask a very direct
51:37.160 --> 51:39.240
question when you say that there is a biological weapon
51:39.240 --> 51:41.960
yes and you're now saying that you don't think there is a biological weapon or
51:41.960 --> 51:44.520
do i don't know i didn't say that there's actually a biological weapon it is a
51:44.520 --> 51:48.040
biologically derived toxin okay so okay so what is the application of this
51:48.040 --> 51:51.400
biological weapon according to you then the application is injected into people
51:51.400 --> 51:54.040
it is actually a pro-inflammatory pro-oncologic trigger
51:54.040 --> 51:57.640
to actually harm so the biological weapon is coming in the form of injection
51:57.640 --> 52:01.320
that's correct okay so is there okay okay i don't disagree with that is there
52:01.320 --> 52:04.520
a biological weapon that is being spread from now person to person
52:04.520 --> 52:07.880
never has been never has been okay oh i think we can agree on that okay
52:07.880 --> 52:12.040
so david then my question is um given what you just stated there don't you
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think it's important to clarify that publicly because here's my problem
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listen i went up to capital hill and i sat down with senator ron johnson
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who at the time was the only senator who was even willing to consider that
52:21.800 --> 52:25.400
maybe there was a potential that there was a crime being committed
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this is very very very very important
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i sat with my wife in ron johnson's conference room
52:31.720 --> 52:34.520
and i laid out the entire evidence that this was a racketeering crime
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there's no question about it it is and by the way that's not an allegation
52:36.840 --> 52:38.920
that's their own admission they have admitted that this was a racketeering
52:38.920 --> 52:41.720
crime the fact is that every single piece of the Sherman Act and the
52:41.720 --> 52:44.440
Clayton Act have been violated there is no question about what i just said
52:44.440 --> 52:48.040
not zero that is an open and shut case and ron johnson and his staff produced a
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series of graphs that said look these are excess deaths
52:51.320 --> 52:55.800
i said based on what and he said well the cdc says that these are excess
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deaths i said i understand that that's what the cdc says
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i said but did you read the footnote by the way i'm answering your question
53:02.280 --> 53:04.920
did you read the footnote under the graph this is not did you go in a deep
53:04.920 --> 53:09.880
exploration of statistics did you read the footnote under the graph
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no did any of the staff read the footnote under the graph
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no and here's the problem allak in an ideal world you and i would vigorously
53:16.680 --> 53:18.760
be on the same page wouldn't be a great to have a symposium where we actually
53:18.760 --> 53:21.240
beat people senseless around the stupidity of regression
53:21.240 --> 53:23.400
which by the way every person learned in ninth grade
53:23.400 --> 53:25.800
wouldn't be great if we actually realized that the eight and a half by eleven
53:25.800 --> 53:28.200
sheet of paper that you have in front of you with your notes on it
53:28.200 --> 53:32.120
wouldn't it be great to know that that was a Pythagorean ideal that was a
53:32.120 --> 53:35.320
constant blinding of the optic nerve so that we actually have to see the
53:35.320 --> 53:37.400
irrational proportion of eight and a half by eleven so that we can never
53:37.400 --> 53:39.800
actually understand the printed word on a page wouldn't be great to go back and
53:39.800 --> 53:42.760
realize that the paper cabal figured out how to constrain what we think
53:42.760 --> 53:46.040
our knowledge is wouldn't be great to realize that in the 1440s when
53:46.040 --> 53:49.080
they arrested the printing press we actually put
53:49.080 --> 53:52.520
sharp metallic objects into the black ink so that we could blind the optic
53:52.520 --> 53:55.400
nerve to be able to read with greater fatigue so we read less instead of
53:55.400 --> 53:57.720
red more because vellum and red here's the problem allak if we're
53:57.720 --> 54:00.840
serious about the question you're asking then the answer is you're damn straight
54:00.840 --> 54:03.800
i'd love to go back and do that but you know how many people pay attention
54:03.800 --> 54:06.040
you know how many people pay attention to the untested hypothesis
54:06.040 --> 54:09.080
that comes from hey why did we have asymptomatic spread well we had asymptomatic
54:09.080 --> 54:12.760
spread because we have original sin i don't know i don't think i like that
54:12.840 --> 54:15.560
person david let me interrupt it let me interrupt i've had several people in
54:15.560 --> 54:17.400
the comments saying that you're not really letting me talk and i'd appreciate
54:17.400 --> 54:20.120
you letting me talk so i'll i'll say you're just a
54:20.120 --> 54:22.440
david symptomatic spread well we had asymptomatic spread because we have
54:22.440 --> 54:25.640
original sin i have original sin i don't know if it's great i like i'll be
54:25.640 --> 54:28.680
first in david let me interrupt it let me interrupt
54:28.680 --> 54:34.680
original sin and we had asymptomatic spread because we had original sin
54:34.680 --> 54:39.560
what is that what is that instead of red more because vellum and red here's the
54:39.560 --> 54:42.280
problem allak if we're serious about the question you're asking
54:42.280 --> 54:44.680
then the answer is you're damn straight i'd love to go back and do that but you
54:44.680 --> 54:47.480
know how many people pay attention you know how many people pay attention to
54:47.480 --> 54:51.000
the untested hypothesis that comes from hey why did we have asymptomatic spread
54:51.000 --> 54:53.480
well we had asymptomatic spread because we have original sin
54:53.480 --> 54:55.960
i have original sin i don't know i disagree i like that but first in
54:55.960 --> 54:58.280
david let me interrupt it let me interrupt i've had several people in the
54:58.280 --> 55:00.040
comments saying that you're not really letting me talk and i'd appreciate
55:00.040 --> 55:03.640
you letting me talk so i'll say you're asking you're asking question you're
55:03.640 --> 55:07.240
getting the answer and that's the problem what's the problem
55:07.240 --> 55:10.040
the question and the answer is not a soundbite
55:10.040 --> 55:13.720
and that's where the problem is your own listeners are proving the point
55:13.720 --> 55:16.200
in what respect because i'm actually asking the direct question you are
55:16.200 --> 55:19.000
going to answer the fundamental asymptomatic questions
55:19.000 --> 55:22.040
that are the reason why we are blinded into the belief of pandemics
55:22.040 --> 55:24.680
and pathogens then you have to go back to some roots that none of us but then
55:24.680 --> 55:27.400
why do you talk to with okay time out then why do you talk about them as if
55:27.400 --> 55:30.680
they are well established concrete things when you don't i simply don't operate
55:30.680 --> 55:33.960
no i'm simply offering the evidence that the propaganda was a lie
55:33.960 --> 55:36.280
the evidence that the propaganda was a lie but the evidence of the propaganda
55:36.280 --> 55:39.240
was a lie extends to there is no proof you're talking about falsifying
55:39.240 --> 55:42.680
their unproven hypothesis and i'm not i'm talking about falsifying
55:42.680 --> 55:45.560
their narrative and those are the two different things that is the subtlety
55:45.560 --> 55:47.880
we're missing okay so what's the difference between falsifying their
55:47.880 --> 55:51.400
narrative and falsifying the idea that there is a microscopic
55:51.400 --> 55:54.120
submicroscopic intracellular parasite that is being passed from person the
55:54.120 --> 55:57.480
person causing that's a very simple that's a very simple question
55:57.480 --> 56:00.360
there is no crime in having a wrong thought
56:00.360 --> 56:04.760
there is a crime in having a wrong act and the difference between your
56:04.760 --> 56:08.600
conversation and questions and my reality is i am focused on defining and
56:08.600 --> 56:12.920
holding accountable the crime the crime is an act where you have the evidence
56:12.920 --> 56:15.720
of a thing and then you lie to the public and you seduce the public in your
56:15.720 --> 56:18.280
course the public into taking something that is meant to harm and destroy them
56:18.280 --> 56:21.240
that is a criminal act it is not a crime to think wrong
56:21.240 --> 56:25.800
it is a crime to do wrong yeah so my response to that would be
56:25.800 --> 56:29.720
David if there is no proof of the alleged cause necessitating the need for any
56:29.720 --> 56:32.120
of the health measures that were implemented over the last three and a
56:32.120 --> 56:34.680
half years don't you think it's important to highlight the fact that
56:34.680 --> 56:37.080
there was no proof of the alleged cause in the first place
56:37.080 --> 56:42.680
but we just got through saying it you see
56:43.080 --> 56:49.240
we just got through saying it that the cdc's answer was look at these excess
56:49.240 --> 56:54.280
deaths and so neither one of these super geniuses can figure out where those
56:54.280 --> 56:59.720
excess deaths came from or what the cdc is doing to generate them
56:59.720 --> 57:04.280
they can't come up with the idea that killing people with opioids
57:04.280 --> 57:08.520
could create excess deaths that could be called excess deaths
57:08.520 --> 57:13.400
that's all you need are excess deaths they just told you the answer
57:13.400 --> 57:17.560
it doesn't matter where they came from because nobody's connecting the two
57:17.560 --> 57:21.560
nobody's doing what john bodeman is doing nobody's trying to do what jessica
57:21.560 --> 57:25.480
hocket is doing nobody's trying to connect
57:25.480 --> 57:30.600
the excess deaths numbers to the excess bodies
57:31.320 --> 57:35.720
20,000 people dying in new york city in four weeks
57:35.720 --> 57:41.240
at 150 pounds a body is 3 million pounds of human meat that needs a disposal
57:41.240 --> 57:46.840
where the hell did that go how many freezer trucks is that
57:49.880 --> 57:53.800
none of these people are trying to do that math none of these these two guys
57:53.800 --> 57:57.480
are thinking at all about
57:59.480 --> 58:04.360
remdesivir medazalam ventilators antibiotic steroid misuse
58:04.360 --> 58:08.280
do not resuscitate orders financial incentives to
58:08.280 --> 58:12.680
rework death certificates opioid deaths they've never mentioned protocols and
58:12.680 --> 58:15.240
they've never they've said no evidence of spread
58:15.240 --> 58:21.640
so that's nice no evidence of a spreading pathogen
58:22.120 --> 58:29.640
but the overarching theme of these no virus people is very specific because
58:29.640 --> 58:34.120
massy said it the other day on that video which was much older than this one
58:38.280 --> 58:44.920
that the the foundation of this underlying whole fiasco is the virus and the fact that
58:44.920 --> 58:49.480
they claim to have isolated or purified it or sequenced it
58:51.640 --> 58:57.320
and that is not the foundation of the narrative
58:57.320 --> 59:00.760
the foundation of the narrative is the people were murdered and those people
59:00.760 --> 59:05.560
are called excess deaths and that excess deaths is called evidence of a new
59:05.560 --> 59:08.360
cause of death
59:09.800 --> 59:14.760
and so where they got the numbers to shuffle is super important like
59:14.760 --> 59:19.800
it is actually the way that they justified the shot
59:19.800 --> 59:22.360
the bio weapon whatever you want to call it
59:22.360 --> 59:27.560
the transfections are being justified because of the excess deaths
59:27.560 --> 59:32.040
not because of the story of the virus the excess deaths are being explained
59:32.040 --> 59:35.320
by the story of the virus but without those excess deaths the story of the
59:35.320 --> 59:39.880
virus would be nothing without the excess deaths the story of the virus
59:39.880 --> 59:42.920
would be nothing
59:43.560 --> 59:48.440
and so that's the magic of the no virus position
59:48.680 --> 59:53.640
that's where you see that they're broke because how long are we into this
59:53.640 --> 59:57.880
video already we are we are 41 minutes into their
59:57.880 --> 01:00:02.920
discussion and they have never used the words anything about protocols
01:00:02.920 --> 01:00:07.320
nothing about PCR nothing i mean come on
01:00:07.320 --> 01:00:10.760
you might say to yourself yeah but Alec knows all of that stuff but he's not
01:00:10.760 --> 01:00:14.760
saying it he's letting this guy talk about
01:00:14.760 --> 01:00:23.240
about 1963 and 1798 and and 1963 Royal Academy and
01:00:23.240 --> 01:00:27.080
and all of us are responsible for the weaponization of nature
01:00:27.080 --> 01:00:33.800
i guess that's including Alec um 1663 the causation is when somebody
01:00:33.800 --> 01:00:37.560
wrote some thesis about modern regression and that's how we got into
01:00:37.560 --> 01:00:40.680
causation is he gonna say that you can't know
01:00:40.680 --> 01:00:45.480
anything now because that's the foundation of broken
01:00:45.480 --> 01:00:48.840
science is that you can't know anything because p values never tell you
01:00:48.840 --> 01:00:52.760
anything and you just have to keep asking questions over and over
01:00:52.760 --> 01:00:56.840
nothing can ever be known for sure that's the broken science part that we
01:00:56.840 --> 01:01:00.840
can never learn anything and move forward
01:01:01.240 --> 01:01:04.520
and these two guys are clowning exactly that line
01:01:04.520 --> 01:01:10.200
only on a more philosophical note there's no DNA
01:01:10.280 --> 01:01:15.320
everything's a lie i don't believe anything anymore
01:01:16.120 --> 01:01:19.880
i can i ride a bike but i don't believe i can balance i don't i don't believe
01:01:19.880 --> 01:01:24.120
it's happening i've already done that i that's my first video that i did
01:01:24.120 --> 01:01:26.600
publicly what did you say in that video that this was a
01:01:26.600 --> 01:01:29.080
statistics game of terror and the promulgation of terror
01:01:29.080 --> 01:01:32.280
no i'm saying literally no no there was no sars there was no covid 19 i said
01:01:32.280 --> 01:01:34.520
it very clearly you said that there is no sars covid
01:01:34.520 --> 01:01:36.680
two for yep and i said there's no covid 19 very clear
01:01:36.680 --> 01:01:39.320
okay so then david i mean i'm just asking direct questions based on
01:01:39.320 --> 01:01:42.520
your own public statements so yeah but that's the problem out of context i
01:01:42.520 --> 01:01:44.920
can find a thing that i can say and go well you said this on one day put it
01:01:44.920 --> 01:01:47.800
in context and you will not okay so what is what is the context in of saying
01:01:47.800 --> 01:01:50.360
it uh this is during your speech the european part of the coronavirus as a
01:01:50.360 --> 01:01:53.640
model of a pathogen was isolated and as a model of a pathogen don't jump over
01:01:53.640 --> 01:01:56.040
that don't jump over that okay but but when you say that you're
01:01:56.040 --> 01:02:00.120
unpalented and that's exactly what this conversation does i said as a model of
01:02:00.120 --> 01:02:03.080
a pathogen does that mean that david martin said it was a virus no does it
01:02:03.080 --> 01:02:05.480
mean that david martin exists says it exists no do you think it's important to
01:02:05.480 --> 01:02:09.000
publicly clarify what the model means then though david because most people
01:02:09.000 --> 01:02:11.640
who are not understanding of the lack of validity of virology are going to hear
01:02:11.640 --> 01:02:13.320
you say model and it's going to completely go over their head
01:02:13.320 --> 01:02:18.120
so that's right the reason why precision he's right is right is right i am very
01:02:18.120 --> 01:02:21.000
precise and what i do i do with great care
01:02:21.000 --> 01:02:24.760
and when i say as a model of a pathogen that is no different from me saying
01:02:24.760 --> 01:02:27.960
that in 1953 watson and krick developed a model of dna
01:02:27.960 --> 01:02:33.400
dna does not exist i don't disagree with that it doesn't i don't disagree
01:02:33.400 --> 01:02:35.400
i know you don't that's why we're vigorously agreement alex the reason
01:02:35.400 --> 01:02:38.600
we're having this conversation is to show the fact that we have to be
01:02:38.600 --> 01:02:42.680
actually precise david precise one over model as though that's not in my
01:02:42.680 --> 01:02:45.000
sentence david but when we're talking about being
01:02:45.000 --> 01:02:47.320
precise there's a reason that a number of people hold your
01:02:47.320 --> 01:02:49.880
statements to be conflicting and confusing so being precise they're not
01:02:49.880 --> 01:02:52.360
actually reading my statements they're reading your opinion of my state no
01:02:52.360 --> 01:02:54.360
i'm talking about literally listening to your statements which was the whole
01:02:54.360 --> 01:02:56.600
point of me bringing you on here i'm trying to get clarity and i do have a
01:02:56.600 --> 01:02:58.840
little bit more clarity that you don't think that there is a thing
01:02:58.840 --> 01:03:01.560
spreading from person to person that's i appreciate that this is this is the
01:03:01.560 --> 01:03:04.600
point i never suggested that there was one david my point is though that when
01:03:04.600 --> 01:03:07.000
we're talking you're saying that it's important to be precise correct i
01:03:07.080 --> 01:03:10.200
agree with you so then let's stick to the precision
01:03:10.200 --> 01:03:15.560
of what i said david your public statements are confusing david oh they're not if you
01:03:15.560 --> 01:03:17.640
listen to them they're not if you read my material they're not
01:03:17.640 --> 01:03:21.160
david i've i watched no less than six videos of yours and there are several
01:03:21.160 --> 01:03:24.600
documents you didn't watch okay david but when people do you expect that
01:03:24.600 --> 01:03:27.320
everyone needs to watch all of your videos in a way because i build on a
01:03:27.320 --> 01:03:31.640
theme i don't agree with that but also clarify
01:03:31.640 --> 01:03:35.160
what you mean by saying model okay well i can make that very simple the model
01:03:35.240 --> 01:03:39.080
is a very simple thing we actually have under what's called the general
01:03:39.080 --> 01:03:43.240
atomic theory we have a model that says a proton and a neutron form the basis of
01:03:43.240 --> 01:03:46.600
what we call a nucleus around which electrons oh my gosh that is bullshit
01:03:46.600 --> 01:03:49.640
i have a whole business that is actually proof that that doesn't exist
01:03:49.640 --> 01:03:53.640
but the whole world assumes that atomic matter is somehow the building block
01:03:53.640 --> 01:03:56.120
of everything okay totally there are no atoms there never
01:03:56.120 --> 01:03:59.080
have been in the never will be there's no i would say there's no proof of them
01:03:59.080 --> 01:04:01.160
but yes i'm sorry i would say there's no proof of them but yes
01:04:01.160 --> 01:04:04.920
like no fair no they don't exist we have a construct
01:04:04.920 --> 01:04:07.880
that says in a phase of an observation we think we see energy organized in a
01:04:07.880 --> 01:04:10.840
particular way but an atom is no different from Santa Claus
01:04:10.840 --> 01:04:12.760
no different i can give you the conditions under which you can observe
01:04:12.760 --> 01:04:14.760
it and i can also give you the conditions under which you can observe it
01:04:14.760 --> 01:04:17.400
so the whole reason why we have quantum theory is because we were wrong about
01:04:17.400 --> 01:04:20.840
atoms we were wrong that's just that simple so we have a whole mathematics
01:04:20.840 --> 01:04:23.160
to justify the preservation of a wrong model
01:04:23.160 --> 01:04:26.200
the model of an atom then gives rise to the model model
01:04:26.200 --> 01:04:31.000
of a thing that we call a nucleic acid now nucleic acids do not exist
01:04:31.480 --> 01:04:34.360
they actually are representations of charged energy that actually
01:04:34.360 --> 01:04:38.520
finds itself bound into in phases a phase condition that assembles into a
01:04:38.520 --> 01:04:41.320
particular form wow but if we actually went and said
01:04:41.320 --> 01:04:44.440
does guanine look like it's purple and cytosine look like it's green and does
01:04:44.440 --> 01:04:46.280
urusil look like it's yellow and does whatever
01:04:46.280 --> 01:04:49.400
you know what make up your own silly stories i got a i got a
01:04:49.400 --> 01:04:53.400
i got a compliment allic like uh
01:04:54.520 --> 01:04:58.840
the stupid the stupid complicated is being rolled out and weaponized right
01:04:58.920 --> 01:05:03.000
before our eyes like it's spectacular
01:05:03.000 --> 01:05:09.000
our model of atoms is incomplete and imperfect
01:05:09.000 --> 01:05:15.480
therefore atoms don't exist and since atoms make up nucleic acids nucleic
01:05:15.480 --> 01:05:20.600
acids don't exist and then he proceeds to tell us what nucleic acids really are
01:05:20.600 --> 01:05:24.920
but they don't exist so our models because they're
01:05:25.000 --> 01:05:31.080
imperfect mean that the whole concept doesn't exist
01:05:31.080 --> 01:05:38.040
and that's exactly where the the virus no virus argument has been weaponized
01:05:38.040 --> 01:05:42.120
because we know that there are signals at this
01:05:42.120 --> 01:05:46.520
size scale we know that tissues communicate with each other
01:05:46.520 --> 01:05:52.360
we know this we know it we just also know that it's very
01:05:52.360 --> 01:05:58.120
exceedingly difficult to study that size scale to study those molecules
01:05:58.120 --> 01:06:05.240
it's very difficult but we can just assume and if you listen to the good
01:06:05.240 --> 01:06:11.400
parts of a meta a meta biota lecture from nathan wolf around
01:06:11.400 --> 01:06:15.880
2011 you can hear him describe this plethora
01:06:15.880 --> 01:06:20.280
of genetic noise that's found at this size scale
01:06:20.280 --> 01:06:26.120
and how he wanted to explore it for new forms of life new forms of pathogens
01:06:26.120 --> 01:06:30.600
new viruses that was the whole basis for meta biota's
01:06:30.600 --> 01:06:35.320
existence is this mythology that in this size scale
01:06:35.320 --> 01:06:41.000
exists pathogens rather than genetic noise
01:06:41.000 --> 01:06:46.760
from all of the living things on earth that all use
01:06:46.840 --> 01:06:50.440
DNA RNA and proteins to exist that are all pattern
01:06:50.440 --> 01:06:55.960
integrity based on DNA RNA and protein as best we can tell
01:06:55.960 --> 01:06:59.560
our best is our imperfect models can describe
01:06:59.560 --> 01:07:04.360
we are all pattern integrity made of DNA RNA and proteins
01:07:04.360 --> 01:07:09.880
in concert in constant flux and the intersection of
01:07:09.880 --> 01:07:13.240
electrostatic energy
01:07:13.880 --> 01:07:18.760
and viruses are not those things viruses are not patterned
01:07:18.760 --> 01:07:22.520
integrity and so they can't behave like them
01:07:22.520 --> 01:07:26.440
they can't do the things that they've been attributed to having done
01:07:26.440 --> 01:07:31.480
and so david martin very deftly agrees very deftly dodges the main
01:07:31.480 --> 01:07:35.000
thing which is what have you been doing for the last three years
01:07:35.000 --> 01:07:39.640
four years five years then what are you up to with all these
01:07:39.640 --> 01:07:42.760
pattern talks and stuff like it's it's because
01:07:42.760 --> 01:07:46.600
he hides behind this legal thing
01:07:48.120 --> 01:07:53.560
and he's hiding behind the fact that they can make quantities of this stuff
01:07:53.560 --> 01:07:57.160
and they can make people sick
01:07:57.800 --> 01:08:03.240
and so again if you spend an hour talking about the virus and whether
01:08:03.240 --> 01:08:07.240
there was a virus and whether there's a replicating pathogen or not
01:08:07.240 --> 01:08:11.320
you never talk about remdesivir madazalam the proto calls the lack of
01:08:11.320 --> 01:08:16.120
antibiotics the misuse of steroids opioid epidemic and all the other ways
01:08:16.120 --> 01:08:20.360
and that the excess deaths were generated so that the cdc could justify
01:08:20.360 --> 01:08:22.840
the ends
01:08:25.640 --> 01:08:29.560
and the disingenuous argument that the no virus people have been making is that
01:08:29.560 --> 01:08:34.040
the pandemic measures were justified based on pcr tests
01:08:34.040 --> 01:08:39.000
were justified based on sequences and were justified based on
01:08:39.000 --> 01:08:44.760
on asymptomatic transmission that's wrong
01:08:44.840 --> 01:08:48.440
they were justified based on the event that jessica hockett has been
01:08:48.440 --> 01:08:53.240
investigating for the last year and a half or two years now
01:08:53.240 --> 01:08:57.160
the mass casualty event in new york city the mass casualty event that happened
01:08:57.160 --> 01:09:00.200
in northern italy the mass casualty event in spain
01:09:00.200 --> 01:09:04.680
and in parts of china and in iran
01:09:05.160 --> 01:09:09.800
wake up ladies and gentlemen that is the way that they justified this
01:09:09.800 --> 01:09:13.080
and they justified it by creating the bodies that they needed
01:09:16.280 --> 01:09:19.240
not by sequencing sahomish county man
01:09:21.240 --> 01:09:26.200
not by doing drive-through pcr by the 25 000 people per day that
01:09:26.200 --> 01:09:32.200
is all secondary to the fact that they needed to murder people
01:09:33.000 --> 01:09:37.560
and they did so that they would have something to point to
01:09:37.560 --> 01:09:41.400
to say there's the excess deaths
01:09:42.040 --> 01:09:45.560
think about this very carefully what i'm saying because these last two days
01:09:45.560 --> 01:09:48.680
videos this is not a very good video it's kind of boring it's kind of
01:09:48.680 --> 01:09:52.040
extraordinarily boring
01:09:52.200 --> 01:09:55.880
but the conclusion that you can come to with the parallels between what we're
01:09:55.880 --> 01:10:00.040
hearing in this video and what we heard yesterday and that brief little
01:10:00.040 --> 01:10:04.600
diatribe by the two people on medical doctors for covid ethics
01:10:04.600 --> 01:10:09.960
international that we're questioning mary holland we hear the same thing
01:10:09.960 --> 01:10:14.280
we don't have a hypothesis we're just refuting one
01:10:14.280 --> 01:10:19.000
and they think that the the primary reason why all this happened is because
01:10:19.000 --> 01:10:24.280
people claim to have sequenced purified had isolated rather and purified a
01:10:24.280 --> 01:10:30.920
virus and that's wrong the reason why this happened is because
01:10:30.920 --> 01:10:35.640
excess deaths occurred and those excess deaths were misconstrued as
01:10:35.640 --> 01:10:42.840
evidence of a pathogen and they use the molecular biology to
01:10:42.840 --> 01:10:47.480
to convince everybody that that's indeed what happened
01:10:48.360 --> 01:10:55.080
but they needed the excess deaths not the pcr's not the sequences
01:10:55.080 --> 01:11:01.400
not the culturing they needed the excess deaths understand that
01:11:01.400 --> 01:11:04.440
if they just would have said a mysterious ammonia is just spreading
01:11:04.440 --> 01:11:08.520
and pneumonia is spreading around the united states and all these people
01:11:08.520 --> 01:11:11.960
died it would be just fine and it would have worked just as
01:11:11.960 --> 01:11:14.200
01:11:15.160 --> 01:11:18.200
but maybe they wouldn't have been able to generate the panic that they needed
01:11:18.200 --> 01:11:21.480
in order to get all these dumb things to happen
01:11:21.480 --> 01:11:25.800
these murders to occur but we're still not there
01:11:25.800 --> 01:11:29.800
alice still not mentioned one person that was killed by the protocols that
01:11:29.800 --> 01:11:33.560
weren't necessary still hasn't mentioned one detail about
01:11:33.560 --> 01:11:38.760
those protocols on any continent still hasn't mentioned all the other ways
01:11:38.760 --> 01:11:42.760
that in his own country of america
01:11:42.760 --> 01:11:46.520
the excess deaths were generated
01:11:46.840 --> 01:11:51.000
definitely not limited to remdesivir not limited to ventilators
01:11:51.000 --> 01:11:55.720
not limited to misuse or lack of use of antibiotics
01:11:55.720 --> 01:12:00.200
not limited to old folks homes being riddled with people that are having
01:12:00.200 --> 01:12:03.480
pneumonia untreated not and not limited to
01:12:03.480 --> 01:12:08.680
the opioid epidemic but including all of those and more
01:12:13.240 --> 01:12:16.520
smash mouth we're not stopping anymore this is done
01:12:16.520 --> 01:12:19.560
your own little boxes that look like lego sets and then go look this is what it
01:12:19.560 --> 01:12:22.520
looks like well no it doesn't and that's never been what it looks like
01:12:22.520 --> 01:12:25.320
we have no frickin clue what it looks like because it doesn't exist
01:12:25.320 --> 01:12:29.240
so now we get to the we have a model of dna now how did we get the model of
01:12:29.240 --> 01:12:31.960
dna we got the model from an x-ray crystallography that actually showed a
01:12:31.960 --> 01:12:34.920
quadri helix not a double helix system so figure that one and the process time
01:12:34.920 --> 01:12:37.720
out the process for x-ray crystallography itself is riddled with
01:12:37.720 --> 01:12:41.640
endless unproven assumptions so so so find the myriad of ways in which
01:12:41.640 --> 01:12:44.360
we think that we have and then we took that by the way and we stole it from the
01:12:44.360 --> 01:12:46.120
people who actually did it and then we were awarded the Nobel prize to the
01:12:46.120 --> 01:12:49.160
guys that didn't really do it so setting all of that aside what i mean by
01:12:49.160 --> 01:12:52.680
model is this a model like a belief system
01:12:52.680 --> 01:12:55.080
no different model belief system i would totally agree that
01:12:55.080 --> 01:12:59.160
model is nothing more than the reification of a belief system that is
01:12:59.240 --> 01:13:02.040
asked to be unquestioned totally agree with that
01:13:02.040 --> 01:13:04.120
totally agree you could substitute the word dogma
01:13:04.120 --> 01:13:06.040
and it would be the same thing
01:13:06.040 --> 01:13:08.440
you can substitute the word belief and it would be the same thing
01:13:08.440 --> 01:13:11.400
you could substitute the word religion and it would be the same thing
01:13:11.400 --> 01:13:15.240
every single one of those things is when you are told by a person and authority
01:13:15.240 --> 01:13:20.360
stop asking a question so what i mean by model
01:13:20.360 --> 01:13:22.760
substitute belief substitute dogma substitute religion substitute anything
01:13:22.760 --> 01:13:26.040
you want is nothing more than the fact that we are told not to ask a question
01:13:26.040 --> 01:13:29.400
because the model can't be questioned just like the belief can't be questioned just like
01:13:29.400 --> 01:13:33.320
religion can't be questioned and the fact of the matter is anything that is too weak to stand
01:13:33.320 --> 01:13:37.880
against questioning is not worth the human's effort and i got last part one more time anything
01:13:37.880 --> 01:13:40.680
you put next to it whether you think it's science whether you think it's religion whether you think
01:13:40.680 --> 01:13:46.520
it's faith if it can't be questioned it's not worth the brain power that you apply to it yeah but then
01:13:46.520 --> 01:13:50.200
if it is an unproven unfounded belief system do you think it's important to question that belief system
01:13:50.200 --> 01:13:54.600
especially why not let me finish let me finish yeah yeah no that's good it's a great question yeah
01:13:54.600 --> 01:13:59.000
yes because i i've said this before on my show i have no problem with people having beliefs i
01:13:59.000 --> 01:14:02.600
believe so many of which are completely unproven i recognize that but the point is when there is a
01:14:02.600 --> 01:14:09.240
belief system that is not rooted in uh repeatable and observable yeah incidents in reality this is
01:14:09.240 --> 01:14:13.640
this is a model this is a belief system that has no basis has no merit an actual whether it be
01:14:13.640 --> 01:14:17.640
scientific or just observational experiences yeah and then it is then weaponized upon the
01:14:17.640 --> 01:14:22.520
entire human population i think it is imperative that we attack the root of that belief system and
01:14:22.600 --> 01:14:26.040
attacking the root of that belief system here because david i don't think you disagree with this
01:14:26.040 --> 01:14:29.880
everything that has happened over the last three and a half years much of what underpins
01:14:29.880 --> 01:14:35.880
allopathic medicine literally dethings that underpin all of the vaccine program around the world
01:14:35.880 --> 01:14:39.880
is this completely pseudoscientific unproven idea that not only diseases passed via the flue
01:14:39.880 --> 01:14:43.480
of a sick person but there are these obligate intracellular parasites that exist that replicate
01:14:43.480 --> 01:14:48.440
inside of a hostel and it's important i think to shed light on that because that would then say
01:14:48.440 --> 01:14:52.760
all of these measures are completely fraudulent and as we have in in germany a man by the name
01:14:52.760 --> 01:14:57.000
of marvin haban used exactly what i'm describing here to win in court in germany showing that there
01:14:57.000 --> 01:15:00.360
is no proof of the alleged cause necessitating the need for these health measures and they let him
01:15:00.360 --> 01:15:04.600
off so this idea that we have to argue on their playing field in order to win is just not true
01:15:04.600 --> 01:15:07.720
we can show that there's no proof of the alleged thing and necessitating the need for any of this
01:15:07.720 --> 01:15:12.120
and and this is where it's probably helpful for you and your audience to know my bias which comes
01:15:12.120 --> 01:15:17.400
from my lived experience okay i grew up in a very very austere religious environment
01:15:18.600 --> 01:15:22.200
very austere and i was rejected from that environment as a heretic
01:15:23.560 --> 01:15:29.240
i actually have physical and lifetimes of damage done to me for actually doing exactly what you said
01:15:30.200 --> 01:15:34.520
why don't you just go ahead and and go after the the fundamental belief and and tip the whole
01:15:34.520 --> 01:15:38.200
thing over we know what i've spent my life doing that i did that in the conflict regions of both
01:15:38.200 --> 01:15:41.080
the pacific and african i've done that a lot of places around the world and i have physical
01:15:41.080 --> 01:15:45.720
scars on my body for doing that that's fair okay so i'll tell you what i'm not going to do
01:15:45.720 --> 01:15:49.720
i'm not going to repeat something that i've done for a lifetime and found out that doing
01:15:49.720 --> 01:15:55.160
that thing for lifetime actually caused me physical and psychological harm that i do not have any
01:15:55.160 --> 01:15:58.840
chance of recovering from now and when i say recovery i'm not saying that i need to recover
01:15:58.840 --> 01:16:03.720
from it it's part of my life i know what it's like to actually have physical harm done to my physical
01:16:03.720 --> 01:16:08.680
being because of a belief system i grew up that way i know what that's like and i'm not suggesting
01:16:08.680 --> 01:16:13.880
for a moment else it sounds like he was abused as a kid or something and i can't really tell what
01:16:13.960 --> 01:16:20.840
he's saying um he grew up at a very religious family and the family rejected him so does he
01:16:20.840 --> 01:16:26.440
not talk to his brother that works at the cdc anymore i'm not really it's a recent interview
01:16:26.440 --> 01:16:33.000
it's from july of this year not that reason like and by the way i applaud you i applaud tom i applaud
01:16:33.000 --> 01:16:37.400
you know a ton of people who are actually saying hey our mission right now is to shine a light on
01:16:37.400 --> 01:16:42.920
these other issues that's fine and guess what you know what i've never done i have never once
01:16:43.000 --> 01:16:47.240
told somebody to not do what they were called to do but let me be abundantly clear on what i
01:16:47.240 --> 01:16:52.200
am doing what i am doing is i am showing that in this case of the domestic and now international
01:16:52.200 --> 01:16:55.880
terrorism resulting in the death of american citizens and citizens in the world that a group of
01:16:55.880 --> 01:17:01.480
people conspired through a criminal conspiracy conspired to violate the anti-trust laws of the
01:17:01.480 --> 01:17:06.360
united states and anti-trust laws of the world and it conspired to create an act of global terrorism
01:17:06.360 --> 01:17:12.280
for the sole purpose of administering what was going to be a toxin into the arms of billions
01:17:12.280 --> 01:17:17.400
of people for the sole purpose of their self enrichment and for the sole purpose of them obtaining
01:17:17.400 --> 01:17:22.840
control for which they have done nothing but terrorize the population to acquire and my mission was
01:17:22.840 --> 01:17:28.600
singular and is that that does not deprive you or tom or anyone else of the mission that i
01:17:28.600 --> 01:17:33.720
equally think is important however that's very clear i would say very clearly is if you are going
01:17:33.720 --> 01:17:38.360
to pick on the question of terrain versus pathogen or whatever you decide you're pick on
01:17:38.840 --> 01:17:42.120
then have the integrity of asking the question all the way back to the beginning
01:17:42.120 --> 01:17:46.200
because we have at a fundamental human problem right now this notion that somehow
01:17:46.200 --> 01:17:50.280
another even in tom's terrain theory bullshit we've got another problem which is he's not testing
01:17:50.280 --> 01:17:55.000
the assumption that goes back to we still have a fundamental picture of humans where we have
01:17:55.000 --> 01:17:59.240
not done a good job of defining how we're going to emancipate ourselves from this question of
01:17:59.240 --> 01:18:03.400
causality i gotta stop you there because i talk with tom on a weekly basis and that's not true
01:18:03.720 --> 01:18:08.760
well if you read his material including his book he actually goes into causations all through his
01:18:08.760 --> 01:18:13.640
book and he's not i don't see him questioning why equals mx plus b in any of the things he does
01:18:13.640 --> 01:18:16.680
and what i'm saying is if you're going to question the fundamentals then question all of them
01:18:17.640 --> 01:18:23.320
tom absolutely question i can't express how ridiculous it is that he is saying
01:18:24.280 --> 01:18:30.920
that if you're going to question the the tenets of reality then you got to go all the way back to our
01:18:31.880 --> 01:18:42.280
the notion that we can find causality or identify it and also throw that out so he wants you to accept
01:18:42.280 --> 01:18:47.480
a notion that you can know nothing there's no useful knowledge you cannot make progression
01:18:47.480 --> 01:18:53.880
in knowing which is essentially what has broken science
01:18:54.040 --> 01:19:04.280
you can say it's p values and it's the use of p values to to prove things or to say that things
01:19:04.280 --> 01:19:08.360
are real or to see a significant difference but in the end what it's really about
01:19:12.280 --> 01:19:18.200
is this idea that we need to keep doing experiments because we never really learn anything from the
01:19:18.200 --> 01:19:25.080
experiments now it's true the way that we do experiments in reductionist biology and we design
01:19:25.080 --> 01:19:30.200
experiments with p values and then we use those p values as significant building blocks in our
01:19:30.200 --> 01:19:34.440
theories that is an incorrect way to build understanding
01:19:38.280 --> 01:19:47.320
but to say that we can't and we don't understand causality in reality in physics
01:19:48.680 --> 01:19:55.560
in chemistry and that that causality at that level of understanding is not useful even if
01:19:56.360 --> 01:20:01.000
the level of our understanding is incomplete even if we don't understand what atoms are we know a
01:20:01.000 --> 01:20:06.280
lot about how chemistry works and we know a lot about how reactions will occur and those are
01:20:06.280 --> 01:20:13.480
foundations of understanding that are lying are that exist within causality
01:20:13.880 --> 01:20:21.160
and so his argument is is that because we can't know exactly what atoms are and that's
01:20:21.160 --> 01:20:28.360
models completely based on conjecture and probably not real then everything we know about chemistry
01:20:28.360 --> 01:20:36.600
is based on that that's as dumb as saying that the pandemic is based on PCR tests or is based on
01:20:36.600 --> 01:20:43.400
sequencing the PC the pandemic was based on dead people chemistry is based on mixing things
01:20:43.400 --> 01:20:47.400
together and getting the same thing to happen all the time we're predictable reactions
01:20:50.600 --> 01:20:56.200
where the amount of things and moles and stuff like that actually calculate out pretty well
01:20:57.080 --> 01:21:01.880
if we don't understand what atoms are that still doesn't mean that we can't that that does not
01:21:01.880 --> 01:21:08.600
negate the fact that we can predict very accurately the outcome of chemical reactions to the gram
01:21:08.600 --> 01:21:17.000
to milligram the nanogram based on the starting materials that understanding may be flawed by the
01:21:17.000 --> 01:21:21.240
fact that we don't understand the atoms and our model of atoms is wrong but that doesn't change
01:21:21.240 --> 01:21:26.840
the knowledge that we have in chemistry and this discussion of the idea that we have to go all
01:21:26.840 --> 01:21:30.920
the way back to causality and mitt we don't have any his absurd
01:21:37.880 --> 01:21:41.240
since all of them but that's like a separate point from here so one thing i will say that's
01:21:41.240 --> 01:21:45.000
but that's the point point is there's nothing that deprives you or tom or anybody else of doing
01:21:45.000 --> 01:21:49.560
the things that they're doing but you know i didn't take tom's videos and take potshots and say that
01:21:49.560 --> 01:21:54.440
i'm going to lampoon an effort that's he's doing i'm not doing that well david i'll speak for myself
01:21:54.520 --> 01:21:58.120
here without bringing other people at all for myself when you're here talking with me saying
01:21:58.120 --> 01:22:01.960
that you agree with us falsifying their unproven ideas you agree with that you've established that
01:22:01.960 --> 01:22:08.040
on this question yes but then when you speak publicly again just to address the people in the chat i'm
01:22:08.040 --> 01:22:16.360
trying to make the argument that it's not the narrative alone if they only hyped it up it wouldn't work
01:22:17.000 --> 01:22:23.480
there had to be people dying and there were people dying
01:22:26.280 --> 01:22:31.160
because they were mistreated because there was a financial incentive to mistreat them
01:22:31.160 --> 01:22:36.920
because there were orders to mistreat people and then those people were counted as part of the
01:22:36.920 --> 01:22:45.400
narrative and then people saw those numbers people saw those bodies people saw the people
01:22:45.400 --> 01:22:49.640
on the ventilators people put people on remdesivir those people died
01:22:53.080 --> 01:23:01.400
and when those people died that started a narrative about numbers if people also fixed the numbers
01:23:01.400 --> 01:23:05.720
made the numbers grow bigger whatever those numbers convinced people
01:23:07.480 --> 01:23:13.640
it wasn't the threat it wasn't the tick it was the culmination it was the sum total of all of it
01:23:13.640 --> 01:23:18.440
but i assure you if there was not the number of people dying in new york city
01:23:19.240 --> 01:23:29.160
and this big spike that the that the pbs news hour could point to and say look guys it
01:23:30.520 --> 01:23:38.440
it looks like uh oh balls it looks like uh it looks like we're we're having some rise in cases
01:23:39.080 --> 01:23:49.000
over the last two days and it looks like they're going up really fast so you know projected models
01:23:49.000 --> 01:23:56.600
say that we're going to have a gigantic pandemic and for like three weeks they were able to say that
01:23:57.800 --> 01:24:02.440
for three weeks another five thousand people were dead in new york city so they could keep
01:24:02.520 --> 01:24:09.240
projecting and keep projecting and then extend the lockdown and then before you know it they
01:24:09.240 --> 01:24:13.160
were paying attention to other places and other cities and the numbers weren't coming in
01:24:14.680 --> 01:24:18.120
and now we're five weeks in and the numbers are still not coming in
01:24:19.560 --> 01:24:23.720
but they're telling us that the that the curve is going to go up and up and up
01:24:25.400 --> 01:24:27.880
wow look at my graphics today i'm just killing it
01:24:28.680 --> 01:24:37.800
it's all about the worst case scenario it's all about these projections it's all about this blindness
01:24:42.040 --> 01:24:48.040
and for some reason they're stuck on foyer requests they're stuck on isolation and purification
01:24:48.040 --> 01:24:54.840
instead of on murder and the most important thing to understand and i can't stress it enough
01:24:54.840 --> 01:25:02.760
the most important thing to understand is that this shtick was uniformly stuck to by them
01:25:03.560 --> 01:25:08.520
for nearly three years they didn't deviate from it they stuck to it from the beginning
01:25:09.880 --> 01:25:15.160
from the very beginning from like february and march these people were on the same shtick
01:25:17.400 --> 01:25:22.920
that there's no viruses no viruses that means that nobody's really dying and we don't need to talk
01:25:23.000 --> 01:25:31.080
about it and that was wrong people were being killed and they were blaming it on the imaginary
01:25:31.080 --> 01:25:38.520
virus and so why not use both of those arguments why not say that they're not isolating anything
01:25:39.400 --> 01:25:45.400
they can't culture anything they're probably can't sequence anything the pcr tests don't mean
01:25:45.400 --> 01:25:52.600
anything and they're using remdesivir and they're using vents incorrectly and all of these people
01:25:52.600 --> 01:26:00.360
that are dying are being called the new virus but instead they stop at isolation and purification
01:26:00.360 --> 01:26:10.280
and then they do loop de loop de loop de loop de loop de loop de loop and they're still doing it
01:26:10.280 --> 01:26:16.200
right now they're still there and now they're talking about whether we should even think to
01:26:16.200 --> 01:26:20.280
to think that we can think of the cause of anything for those who are unfamiliar now
01:26:20.280 --> 01:26:23.400
thank goodness that you've clarified what we're talking about when we say viral model or when
01:26:23.400 --> 01:26:27.080
you're talking about literally one of your quotes stars one and oh three came from a laboratory in
01:26:27.080 --> 01:26:30.280
chapel hill right though these are the type of statements that's a true statement that was a
01:26:30.280 --> 01:26:36.360
toxin created in chapel hill it's amazing how he cuts him off correct correct like he doesn't let
01:26:36.360 --> 01:26:40.920
him get the whole statement out it he covers up what he's saying it makes it hard for people to
01:26:40.920 --> 01:26:45.640
hear him it's really impressive can you show me that there was a toxin created in chapel hill but
01:26:46.120 --> 01:26:51.400
in the 2002 document very clearly says human respiratory target okay so with that though human
01:26:51.400 --> 01:26:55.640
respiratory target when you say SARS-1 the implications of saying SARS-1 when we're talking about being
01:26:55.640 --> 01:27:00.520
precise with speech that's reifying the virus belief system rather than saying why are we using
01:27:00.520 --> 01:27:05.160
this word reify all the time in this podcast it's like the third time they've used it i don't
01:27:05.160 --> 01:27:09.480
understand why they use that word all the time allegedly or this was delivered exclusively via
01:27:09.480 --> 01:27:13.720
injection my point is the way that it's coming across for those who have not done the work to
01:27:13.720 --> 01:27:17.640
look at the foundational so-called evidence of virology is it's reifying this idea that there is
01:27:17.640 --> 01:27:21.640
a particle being passed from person to person and it's not helping to dispel more myths surrounding
01:27:21.640 --> 01:27:27.080
that and your observation is correct and that is not my mission my mission is a criminal mission
01:27:27.080 --> 01:27:35.000
not a scientific mission that's fair okay um i have a few more questions by the way Alec thank
01:27:35.000 --> 01:27:39.880
you this is the kind of conversation we should be having agree that actually the right conversation
01:27:39.960 --> 01:27:45.160
because it should be the legitimate and honest conflict of perspectives that ultimately gives
01:27:45.160 --> 01:27:49.320
rise to a perspective that at the end none of us came in with that's the right way to advance
01:27:49.320 --> 01:27:52.600
it might be a civilization yeah no i i think it's important to have these conversations and that's
01:27:52.600 --> 01:27:57.080
why i'm going there i will say i still think that what you say i think the most important thing is
01:27:57.080 --> 01:28:01.960
not his necklace but the fact that his the word on his shirt is upside down i don't i don't know
01:28:04.920 --> 01:28:09.800
i don't know what that that would be but upside downwards are now never good they publicly
01:28:09.800 --> 01:28:13.640
given what you're expressing here is very confusing for people who have not looked into
01:28:13.640 --> 01:28:17.640
this stuff yeah but but that's the nature of courtrooms and that's a nature of legal systems i have to
01:28:17.640 --> 01:28:22.600
live inside of legally defined terms like 18 us code i have to live inside a 21 CFR 50 you know
01:28:22.600 --> 01:28:27.160
what that's like inside he has to live inside of legal codes he's not a lawyer i don't think i
01:28:27.160 --> 01:28:32.840
just did it's weird that he's he's talking like this he's pretending like somehow has an independent
01:28:32.840 --> 01:28:37.960
consultant for the last 25 years he's got to stick to certain norms out of a command and control
01:28:37.960 --> 01:28:41.800
system in the military you know damn good and well that you can't just go well i don't think
01:28:41.800 --> 01:28:45.080
that the concussive round of that grenade has the velocity that it says in the mill
01:28:45.080 --> 01:28:48.680
spec so i'm not going to use it if you're told you're going to use that particular grenade guess
01:28:48.680 --> 01:28:52.120
what you do you fucking pull the pen and throw it and the fact of the matter is you're you're
01:28:52.120 --> 01:28:55.880
not in nobody's interested in whether or not you agree with the nature of the mill spec of that
01:28:55.880 --> 01:28:59.080
ordinance you are asked to deploy that ordinance and that's what you are there to do so the issue
01:28:59.080 --> 01:29:03.400
is a different one we don't necessarily have the time or the space and certainly i do not have
01:29:03.400 --> 01:29:07.160
the time or the space or the patronage or anything else to get into every one of the topics that i
01:29:07.160 --> 01:29:10.840
would love to cover yeah i do it's not going to be one of the topics it's a foundational topic
01:29:10.840 --> 01:29:15.880
i spend a week every year with a group of interested people where we go through the
01:29:15.880 --> 01:29:20.760
opening assumptions on every one of these things and guess what anybody's welcome to come to it
01:29:21.480 --> 01:29:25.400
why why are you okay quick question though why are you attempting to debate from inside their
01:29:25.400 --> 01:29:28.200
paradigm though instead of just showing i'm not debating inside their paradigm i'm actually
01:29:28.200 --> 01:29:34.040
pursuing a criminal case okay that's not debating but again referring back to the situation with
01:29:34.120 --> 01:29:38.120
marvin hattle and in germany there is precedent that arguing the position that there is no proof
01:29:38.120 --> 01:29:41.800
of the alleged cause that necessitate the need for any of this stuff is a valid position and it
01:29:41.800 --> 01:29:46.280
is the fundamental but not valid in any u.s court not valid in any u.s court every one of the court
01:29:46.280 --> 01:29:49.320
efforts that have been made around that have been actually dismissed outright they've shown me examples
01:29:49.320 --> 01:29:53.480
that they've been dismissed outright site specific ones listen every one of the cases that said that
01:29:53.480 --> 01:29:58.840
there was no cause for the emergency authorization and there are gene didarian is the one that you
01:29:58.840 --> 01:30:01.960
should reference because she's the one that actually this is a true step in lock and prove this important
01:30:02.840 --> 01:30:06.120
step in lock of one in court in germany on his measles case i said in the united states there's
01:30:06.120 --> 01:30:09.400
not a single case in the united states where the merits of this were even willing to be considered
01:30:09.400 --> 01:30:13.160
by the court who's tried who's tried to come well we did in federal court and we were actually
01:30:13.160 --> 01:30:16.360
dismissed for standing so did you say that there's no proof of the existence or pathogenicity of
01:30:16.360 --> 01:30:20.040
sarsko b2 directly that's correct that's in the case read the federal case and we submitted that
01:30:20.040 --> 01:30:24.840
in the federal court in utah okay i'd be interested stipulated that viruses exist and it's stipulated
01:30:24.840 --> 01:30:28.760
that vaccines work and that's stipulated in a footnote so that's stipulated by a federal judge
01:30:29.640 --> 01:30:36.920
okay and so according to david martin in federal law or state law of utah
01:30:37.880 --> 01:30:45.480
viruses exist it is stipulated in law or court decision court law so has an interesting um
01:30:46.920 --> 01:30:51.560
it's an interesting problem an interesting variable i have another set of questions regarding the
01:30:51.560 --> 01:30:56.120
covid summit so um was this summit you're talking about like having to speak with the
01:30:56.120 --> 01:31:00.360
language inside these courts where it makes you know it is using the language that they use
01:31:00.360 --> 01:31:04.840
that they accept right so with this summit that occurred at the european european parliament um
01:31:04.840 --> 01:31:09.560
was this actually an official gathering of the european parliament well in so far as the MEPs
01:31:09.560 --> 01:31:12.840
of the european parliament where the hosts and the venue was the european parliament yes
01:31:12.840 --> 01:31:16.840
was it a sitting of the full parliament absolutely not the full parliament was not impaneled for this
01:31:16.840 --> 01:31:21.160
it was a european parliament event and there are tons of european parliament events that's the
01:31:21.160 --> 01:31:25.400
nature of the european parliament where members of parliament as official sponsors and hosts
01:31:25.400 --> 01:31:30.520
pulled parliament events so it was officially an eu event it was officially an european union
01:31:30.520 --> 01:31:34.760
parliament event meaning that it followed the protocols of a MEP calling the meeting publishing
01:31:34.760 --> 01:31:38.680
the meeting and being broadcast as a meeting of the european union but it was not a full
01:31:38.680 --> 01:31:43.800
seating of the parliament yeah but i guess the the better question is um was this meeting held in
01:31:43.800 --> 01:31:48.280
an official capacity by an official governing body or was it outside by the members of parliament
01:31:48.280 --> 01:31:51.480
who hosted the event yeah but there's a difference between me inviting some congressmen and senators
01:31:51.480 --> 01:31:54.680
to my house and having a discussion with them versus literally having an on-the-record hearing
01:31:54.680 --> 01:31:59.880
that is everything everything in the MEP's jurisdiction is an on-the-record event in the european
01:31:59.880 --> 01:32:04.440
union that's the nature of the european union bylaws okay um so and there there are more events
01:32:04.440 --> 01:32:07.880
coming up this summer and i'm going to be participating in them as well well from what i've read it was
01:32:07.880 --> 01:32:11.320
not an official or sanctioned event by the european parliament that's not true that's not true it was
01:32:11.320 --> 01:32:13.800
an official sanctioned event by the european parliament absolutely as a matter of fact i have
01:32:13.800 --> 01:32:17.640
the documentation that was all of the official materials we had to submit for eu review before
01:32:17.640 --> 01:32:21.240
our slides were put up in our slides were officially okay so here they're debating something i don't
01:32:21.320 --> 01:32:24.040
think they're meeting my uh meeting of the minds here
01:32:25.080 --> 01:32:32.040
alic is trying to ask whether the parliament approved it like voted and approved it or whether
01:32:32.040 --> 01:32:40.840
it was a meeting at the parliament which is what david is arguing so any group of european parliament
01:32:40.840 --> 01:32:48.040
members can have an event that is of a parliament event where they invite people to talk about
01:32:48.120 --> 01:32:53.640
something and then they can publicize it and they can use a room at the parliament they can use
01:32:53.640 --> 01:32:59.960
a lecture hall and they can invite people and it's an official thing but it wasn't a meeting that
01:32:59.960 --> 01:33:05.160
was called by the parliament like you know congress voted with a majority to say hey we're
01:33:05.160 --> 01:33:10.520
gonna have hearings on this and that's what alic is asking him and that's what david martin is
01:33:10.520 --> 01:33:15.480
pretending not to understand emblazon with the eu parliament logo because of that okay so whoever
01:33:15.560 --> 01:33:18.520
is doing yes like the ron johnson meetings as good as other fact checkers
01:33:19.880 --> 01:33:23.400
um okay and let me see what else i have we might have some questions from the audience
01:33:24.120 --> 01:33:24.520
01:33:27.000 --> 01:33:35.240
i guess more like speaking back to this this issue of using their language and attempting to argue
01:33:35.240 --> 01:33:41.160
inside their paradigm again especially with the likes of the world health organization the cdc
01:33:41.640 --> 01:33:46.040
uh bill gates the chair of davian several others talking about the next one
01:33:46.040 --> 01:33:50.040
yeah and the majority of the health freedom movement holds the belief that there is indeed
01:33:50.040 --> 01:33:53.640
pathogenic particles being passed from person to person do you think that that's an issue
01:33:54.280 --> 01:33:58.440
so i think for example the i think there's no question that anthrax is a good example
01:33:59.080 --> 01:34:04.600
was a domestic terrorism attack and i think real people in case of one person who i know
01:34:04.600 --> 01:34:08.760
died from inhalation anthrax it's not a belief system it's a fact
01:34:09.720 --> 01:34:13.720
okay there's no question that the tokyo subway bombing which was something that i had the
01:34:13.720 --> 01:34:17.720
privilege of being part of the investigation team on there's no question in my mind that somebody
01:34:17.720 --> 01:34:21.480
got into the air ducts in the tokyo subway system and murdered people with an aerosolized agent
01:34:22.200 --> 01:34:25.560
and there's no question that the aerosolized agent was derived from a natural substance yeah
01:34:25.560 --> 01:34:30.440
what we're talking about are we going to have another distribution of another thing which will
01:34:30.440 --> 01:34:35.720
be used as the component that why no for another distribution of another weapon the answer is yes
01:34:35.800 --> 01:34:39.160
okay so what i'm talking about though is there's a distinct difference between a transmissible
01:34:39.160 --> 01:34:41.880
particle that replicates inside the host where it then causes illness and then
01:34:41.880 --> 01:34:47.000
that's when you're fixed when you fix the church what do you mean by that what i said now on two
01:34:47.000 --> 01:34:54.440
occasions that's a doctrine the doctrine is that there is an agency through which the transmission
01:34:54.440 --> 01:34:59.480
of illness or death or in the case of the church shame and conviction is transmitted by virtue of
01:34:59.480 --> 01:35:02.760
nothing that you do nothing that you say nothing that you can do nothing that you can say it just
01:35:02.840 --> 01:35:07.720
happens and as long as we believe in a world where our picture of humanity is that humans
01:35:07.720 --> 01:35:12.200
are a virus that transmits bad things to generations as long as we hold that belief in any part of
01:35:12.200 --> 01:35:17.320
our system we're screwed so why is it okay wow that is unbelievable
01:35:20.040 --> 01:35:25.320
that's really funny um wow that much of the health freedom movement has these unfounded
01:35:25.320 --> 01:35:28.920
unproven beliefs especially as oh god there's so many things that the hell i'm talking specifically
01:35:28.920 --> 01:35:32.200
to this one oh yeah i know but but but you have the luxury of looking at one thing i have the
01:35:32.200 --> 01:35:34.360
luxury of looking at the whole thing i have the luxury of looking at the fact that i talk about
01:35:34.360 --> 01:35:37.160
say it isn't i talk about the belief in illusion but i'm talking about the fact that most of the
01:35:37.160 --> 01:35:42.840
health freedom movement turn covid into a money making scheme okay in what capacity well fundraising
01:35:42.840 --> 01:35:51.000
donations program so is is david martin on the health freedom team is he talking also about
01:35:51.000 --> 01:35:58.360
robert melon and all these other people who are making all this money is he is he seriously
01:35:59.320 --> 01:36:04.120
who is he calling out here that the health freedom movement turned it into a money making scheme
01:36:05.480 --> 01:36:08.280
who's the health freedom movement before covid
01:36:12.440 --> 01:36:17.800
who is fighting for vaccine injured people before covid or were they still fighting about the
01:36:17.800 --> 01:36:23.800
fact that viruses don't exist as a way of fighting it are you really fighting it then
01:36:24.520 --> 01:36:33.960
you know are you really i mean don't you think then what you would be doing is fighting for
01:36:33.960 --> 01:36:38.360
vaccine injured people on the basis that they were injected for something that doesn't exist
01:36:38.360 --> 01:36:46.040
instead of fighting for what arguing that some guy in in germany who didn't want to take his measles
01:36:46.040 --> 01:36:53.080
shot went to court and got away with it and you're sure that that court case is about the virus not
01:36:53.160 --> 01:36:59.880
existing or the sum total the decision of the court which included also the idea of being
01:36:59.880 --> 01:37:05.320
previously infected and also the idea that it's not really around that much anymore and also
01:37:05.320 --> 01:37:13.240
many other claims or is it really just that that court case very specifically proved that there
01:37:13.240 --> 01:37:20.440
was no measles see that's the also the joke that's happening here neither of these two is really
01:37:20.440 --> 01:37:26.200
arguing from a totally genuine perspective and neither of them is arguing about the whole
01:37:26.200 --> 01:37:30.520
picture of what really happened the real nuts and bolts of the fraud
01:37:34.120 --> 01:37:40.040
and it's it's extraordinary it's extraordinary how much energy and time they wasted how
01:37:40.040 --> 01:37:44.600
we are actually a little bit dumber for having shared this together tonight
01:37:45.480 --> 01:37:50.680
I agree with that I'll tell you what if you profited from covid I don't care which side you're
01:37:50.680 --> 01:37:54.760
on you're part of the racket so do you think people should not be compensated for their labor
01:37:54.760 --> 01:37:57.800
to raise awareness I think they shouldn't be compensated for anything other than the direct
01:37:57.800 --> 01:38:01.800
costs of actually moving information from point a to point b yes absolutely and I think that if
01:38:01.800 --> 01:38:05.560
you are compensated for it you're part of the problem so raising awareness to true information
01:38:05.560 --> 01:38:08.760
do you think people shouldn't be compensated for that I think for direct costs yes and for nothing
01:38:08.760 --> 01:38:14.280
else okay that's a point of uh difference between us but again but that would be something that I
01:38:14.280 --> 01:38:19.080
would actually say you know show me a person who's done what I've done globally on their own dime
01:38:19.800 --> 01:38:24.440
with zero outside support David but what I'm asking though is very specific do you think
01:38:24.440 --> 01:38:28.600
that's a point the point is if you want to solve the problem Alec listen you're picking one thing
01:38:28.600 --> 01:38:32.040
I'm saying if you want to fix the problem I got a ton of problems that need fixing and I will go
01:38:32.040 --> 01:38:36.280
after all of them but what I'm not going to do is I'm not going to say that one issue is the issue
01:38:36.280 --> 01:38:39.640
that is the only issue that deserves attention the fact of the matter is we have got a human
01:38:39.640 --> 01:38:44.040
condition problem and that human condition problem includes opportunism it includes propaganda
01:38:44.040 --> 01:38:47.080
it includes distractions it includes all kinds of things and I'm more than happy to go out and
01:38:47.080 --> 01:38:51.080
agree with them yeah I'm not going to pick a bandwagon that says that if you don't do this one
01:38:51.720 --> 01:38:55.480
and and by the way it comes back to my bias I told you this my bias is I grew up in a world
01:38:56.360 --> 01:39:01.960
where for the sake of a belief system in a god a child was worthy of being beaten
01:39:03.320 --> 01:39:06.920
you know what I'm never going to do I'm never going to pick a belief system that is preeminent
01:39:06.920 --> 01:39:12.680
you know why because I've seen where that cancer ends and it ends on my body and here's my reality
01:39:12.680 --> 01:39:17.400
my reality is as soon as I hear somebody tell me that this is the most important issue there's a
01:39:17.400 --> 01:39:22.120
four-year-old boy in me that feels lemon thorns going through my flesh and guess what I'm not going
01:39:22.120 --> 01:39:26.440
to do I'm not going to be part of that system so you may think that this is the most important
01:39:26.440 --> 01:39:29.720
thing and god bless you if you do because I'm glad that something motivates you into action and
01:39:29.720 --> 01:39:34.280
I'm celebrating that every day but if you think that your cause or anybody thinks their cause
01:39:34.280 --> 01:39:39.480
is the most important cause then my four-year-old memory feels lemon thorns ripping my skin apart
01:39:39.560 --> 01:39:43.880
and I'm not going to participate in any system where we actually think that we can pick the topic
01:39:44.520 --> 01:39:48.680
around which the proof texting of are you in or are you out is the determinant of whether
01:39:48.680 --> 01:39:52.360
you're contributing to civil society because if you've decided that issue is I know I know I don't
01:39:52.360 --> 01:39:56.200
do that first off first off I don't do that second off what I'm talking to ask me to do
01:39:56.200 --> 01:40:00.680
something that's outside of my remit my remit is not to debate viruses my remake is to hold people
01:40:00.680 --> 01:40:04.600
accountable for criminal acts that they perpetrated on society that's my remit you do yours I'll do
01:40:04.600 --> 01:40:08.760
mine and I will respect yours but don't despair because you are this is fantastic
01:40:10.040 --> 01:40:15.080
where did that all looks like he flipped a switch and he suddenly felt attacked and he had to say
01:40:16.120 --> 01:40:21.000
wow I mean wow better or worse here brother like what I'm saying is literally taking your
01:40:21.000 --> 01:40:25.880
statements right that are public statements that are one of them or the prosecution of crime
01:40:25.880 --> 01:40:29.080
David you keep interrupting me dude I'm trying to every time for the prosecution of crimes
01:40:29.560 --> 01:40:34.440
you are trying to pull me into your dogma and I will not dogma it's not dogma point me to dogma
01:40:35.480 --> 01:40:39.240
Alec you know what you haven't offered an alternative hypothesis
01:40:40.040 --> 01:40:43.560
they've criticized the existing incumbent lie that's not true you do that during the end of
01:40:43.560 --> 01:40:46.760
covid we absolutely do that during the end of covid i've done it so you don't tell me how you're
01:40:46.760 --> 01:40:49.320
dealing no tell me how you're doing this conversation around it try to tell me how you do
01:40:49.320 --> 01:40:53.080
it's on valence excitation of of neutron frequencies you're not talking about that we present we actually
01:40:53.080 --> 01:40:56.760
know we do we talk about that you actually come because I read it okay you do that during the
01:40:56.920 --> 01:40:59.400
covid we absolutely do that during the end of covid i've done it no you don't
01:40:59.400 --> 01:41:02.040
it's like tell me how you're dealing no tell me how you're doing this conversation around it
01:41:02.040 --> 01:41:04.280
trying to tell me how you're doing this conversation about valence excitation of
01:41:04.280 --> 01:41:07.080
of neutron frequencies you're not talking about that we present we actually know we do we talk
01:41:07.080 --> 01:41:11.480
about that you actually come because I've read it really you've read all of you yes and the fact
01:41:11.480 --> 01:41:16.120
is very simple the fact is really simple i'm not criticizing your efforts what i'm not saying is
01:41:16.120 --> 01:41:21.400
you didn't do anything to i gotta tell you i i want to watch this at full at normal speed because
01:41:21.480 --> 01:41:27.240
i'm starting to think that this is fake i'm starting to think that this feels really bad
01:41:28.200 --> 01:41:32.120
and i need to see it at regular speed because i'm starting to feel like i'm getting fooled
01:41:33.400 --> 01:41:43.800
um i don't know how i do that why can't i see that sorry let me just get yeah that's fine
01:41:44.680 --> 01:41:50.600
wow this is really strange this i don't know why this went so south here i'm sorry i got to do this
01:41:50.680 --> 01:41:56.120
opportunism it includes propaganda it includes distractions it includes all kinds of things
01:41:56.120 --> 01:42:01.480
and i'm more than happy to go after all of them yeah i'm not going to pick a bandwagon that says
01:42:01.480 --> 01:42:07.960
that if you don't do this one and and by the way it comes back to my bias i told you this my bias
01:42:07.960 --> 01:42:18.520
is i grew up in a world where for the sake of a belief system in a god a child was worthy of being
01:42:18.600 --> 01:42:25.160
beaten you know what i'm never going to do i'm never going to pick a belief system that is
01:42:25.160 --> 01:42:32.120
preeminent you know why because i've seen where that cancer ends and so his parents his men and
01:42:32.120 --> 01:42:37.640
night parents that took him to New Zealand to build windmills and stuff as part of charitable
01:42:37.640 --> 01:42:45.400
organization and charitable work beat him i think that's what he's saying is this this is what you're
01:42:45.400 --> 01:42:54.600
hearing right where for the sake of a belief system in a god a child was worthy of being beaten
01:42:54.600 --> 01:43:00.360
wow you know what i'm never going to do wow i'm never going to pick a belief system that is
01:43:00.360 --> 01:43:06.360
preeminent i've never heard of many nights beating their kids where that cancer ends and it ends
01:43:06.360 --> 01:43:13.880
on my body and here's my reality my reality is as soon as i hear somebody tell me that this is
01:43:13.960 --> 01:43:20.920
the most important issue there's a four-year-old boy in me that feels lemon thorns going through
01:43:20.920 --> 01:43:28.040
my flesh and guess what i'm not going to do i'm not going to be part of that system so you may
01:43:28.040 --> 01:43:32.520
think that this is the most important thing and god bless you if you do because i'm glad that
01:43:32.520 --> 01:43:37.720
something motivates you into action and i'm celebrating that every day but if you think that
01:43:37.720 --> 01:43:44.600
your cause or anybody thinks their cause is the most important cause then my four-year-old memory
01:43:45.640 --> 01:43:51.160
feels lemon thorns ripping my skin apart and i'm not going to participate in any system
01:43:51.720 --> 01:43:58.520
where we actually think that we can pick the topic around which the proof texting of are you
01:43:58.520 --> 01:44:03.880
in or are you out is the determinant of whether you're contributing to civil society because if
01:44:03.880 --> 01:44:09.480
you've decided i don't do that issue is i'm out time out i don't do that first off first off
01:44:09.480 --> 01:44:13.080
i don't do that second off what i'm talking about then don't ask me to do something that's
01:44:13.080 --> 01:44:19.480
outside of my remit my remit is not to debate viruses my remit is to hold people accountable
01:44:19.480 --> 01:44:25.080
not to debate viruses perpetrated on society didn't he debate it now for one hour and 14
01:44:25.080 --> 01:44:30.280
minutes that's weird that's my remit you do yours i'll do mine and i will respect yours but don't
01:44:30.280 --> 01:44:35.400
disparage mine because you are better because it's not about that i'm not saying who's better
01:44:35.400 --> 01:44:42.520
or what in the world i'm saying is literally taking your statements right that are public
01:44:42.520 --> 01:44:47.960
statements that are really one of them or the prosecution of crime david you keep interrupting
01:44:47.960 --> 01:44:55.000
me dude i'm trying to every time for the prosecution of crimes you are trying to pull me into your
01:44:55.000 --> 01:44:59.960
dogma and i will not wow it's not dog what in the world
01:45:00.920 --> 01:45:06.200
allak you know what you haven't offered an alternative hypothesis
01:45:07.480 --> 01:45:12.600
that you can criticize the existing incumbent lie that's not true you do that during the end of
01:45:12.600 --> 01:45:16.200
covid we absolutely do that during the end of covid i've done it so you don't
01:45:16.200 --> 01:45:19.880
yes i tell me how you're dealing no tell me no we're not going to turn this conversation around
01:45:19.880 --> 01:45:24.360
and try to put it back on me i'm asking you valence excitation of of nutrient frequencies
01:45:24.360 --> 01:45:28.280
you're not talking about that we present we actually know we do we talk about you actually
01:45:28.280 --> 01:45:34.360
don't because i've read it okay really you've read all of you so yes and the fact is very simple
01:45:34.360 --> 01:45:41.080
the fact is really simple i'm not criticizing your efforts what i'm not saying is you didn't do
01:45:41.080 --> 01:45:44.360
anything to support the criminal investigation i'm not i'm not interested in doing that i'm trying
01:45:44.360 --> 01:45:48.840
to get this this this segment is called clarifying the viral narrative because i'm trying to get
01:45:48.920 --> 01:45:53.240
clarity on where you're coming from so and i'm very clear on where i'm coming from and i'm
01:45:53.240 --> 01:46:00.440
clear about the context in which i'm coming david again let me reemphasize here first off
01:46:00.440 --> 01:46:05.560
neutral frequencies baby when i'm trying to get out what i'm trying to say one and two
01:46:06.120 --> 01:46:11.880
all i'm trying to do is get clarity on where you're coming from this whole time because the things
01:46:11.960 --> 01:46:17.960
you say publicly seem to for a large number of people not just myself
01:46:17.960 --> 01:46:23.720
reify the existence of pathogenic viruses it's like the fifth time they've said reify
01:46:24.840 --> 01:46:30.680
david in your communication on multiple occasions i have several quotes here
01:46:30.680 --> 01:46:36.840
coming from multiple videos they seem to reify this idea that disease is transmitted from person
01:46:36.840 --> 01:46:43.400
to person and you're sitting here telling me never once i've implied it david
01:46:44.440 --> 01:46:50.200
i have provided written evidence of written publications aleck and quoting a thing is not a
01:46:50.200 --> 01:46:57.080
belief it is merely quoting a thing okay bobby would say that about his book we're at an uh at an
01:46:57.080 --> 01:47:02.840
impasse here then no we're not we're actually celebrating the fact that you are on a mission
01:47:02.840 --> 01:47:11.560
and i respect it and what i do not appreciate is the vitriol that the whatever dogmatic position
01:47:11.560 --> 01:47:17.160
you're representing oh here we go appreciate the fact that what's happened is you've elected to
01:47:17.160 --> 01:47:22.840
tear down i mean calling it a dogmas insulting aleck he's very mad because he thinks he's fighting
01:47:22.840 --> 01:47:29.240
the dogma of viruses so if you say that his dogma of terrain theory or his dogma of there is no
01:47:29.240 --> 01:47:41.560
viruses or his dogma of of cellular like waste material um cells taking a poop is is his like
01:47:41.560 --> 01:47:47.000
it's extraordinary it's extraordinary the work that i'm doing where not once have i torn down
01:47:47.000 --> 01:47:51.560
the work others are doing and what am i tearing when what we're tearing down your work during
01:47:51.560 --> 01:47:58.040
you had people wagering on how quickly you would quote destroy me that was your community
01:47:58.120 --> 01:48:04.040
when you're twin i know i know that you had no problem so seriously i can't tell you how much
01:48:04.040 --> 01:48:10.600
i think that this is a joke i think it's actually a joke like they're arguing and it might be that
01:48:10.600 --> 01:48:19.240
that that um the david is playing the role and but it really feels a lot like when when
01:48:20.040 --> 01:48:26.360
when kevin mccarron and and paul cattrell went at it in our early streams and pretended to
01:48:26.360 --> 01:48:32.920
argue with each other it it really feels like these two are setting you know it's like when
01:48:32.920 --> 01:48:39.880
sam harrison and sam harris and bret weinstein have been arguing over the last few months or
01:48:39.880 --> 01:48:47.960
or purported to argue it's the same way that tim pool and sam cedar argue on on the youtube
01:48:49.400 --> 01:48:55.640
these guys are it's some kind of interesting interaction where nothing ever happens nothing
01:48:55.640 --> 01:49:04.840
ever gets done but more importantly the words remdesivir the words protocols mandazalam ventilators
01:49:04.840 --> 01:49:10.040
antibiotics steroids do not resuscitate orders financial incentives opioid epidemic
01:49:11.560 --> 01:49:16.680
none of those things ever came up in this entire conversation not even once not once
01:49:19.400 --> 01:49:24.440
the same exact way that massy talks about it the same exact way tom kawan talks about it the same
01:49:24.440 --> 01:49:31.400
exact way they all talk about it the thing that you have to accept is that they didn't
01:49:31.400 --> 01:49:37.720
isolate or purify the virus and the whole basis of everything is purification isolation and
01:49:37.720 --> 01:49:44.680
sequencing of a virus and that is wrong hey the whole basis for this is the mass casualty events
01:49:44.680 --> 01:49:50.840
that were orchestrated around the earth publicized and used as evidence for spread of a pathogen
01:49:50.920 --> 01:49:53.880
that scared everybody into behaving like idiots for three years
01:49:56.840 --> 01:50:00.760
and so you don't need to fight about that when you can fight about the murder
01:50:00.760 --> 01:50:05.640
and you can bring attention to the murder and show that there's no mathematical reason to talk about
01:50:05.640 --> 01:50:11.400
a novel spreading pathogen and maybe later we'll figure out that these people have been lying
01:50:11.400 --> 01:50:17.400
or very much misconstruing their molecular data but if you do it the other way around
01:50:18.280 --> 01:50:25.720
where everybody's got to accept the entire model of of viral pathogens is wrong before they have
01:50:25.720 --> 01:50:32.600
to accept that everybody was murdered when one is very concrete very easy to justify there's all
01:50:32.600 --> 01:50:38.120
kinds of evidence for it and and there are people that have been trying to to go down that avenue
01:50:38.120 --> 01:50:43.880
for years and these people won't talk to them these people don't want to interact with them
01:50:43.880 --> 01:50:49.560
because these people are not yet willing to accept the premises of their whole life which is that
01:50:49.560 --> 01:50:55.640
none of this stuff is real apparently and that you if you haven't read farewell to virology and
01:50:55.640 --> 01:51:04.600
then kowtow to the New Zealand wonders then we won't talk to you but even David Martin said
01:51:04.600 --> 01:51:10.440
it here very very well just like I said it yesterday you guys don't offer any alternative
01:51:10.520 --> 01:51:13.640
and then they were talking about neutron frequencies what in the world
01:51:21.720 --> 01:51:25.800
I just got to say I think we're making a lot of progress here I think we're really starting to
01:51:25.800 --> 01:51:32.760
see past this nonsense and I if this was a long hour before it started to really break down and
01:51:32.760 --> 01:51:38.360
before I really started to see it for what it is but it really feels like they're going to turn
01:51:38.440 --> 01:51:42.920
the cameras off and you're going to find out that they're in the same house and they're going to
01:51:42.920 --> 01:51:51.880
have a scotch and he his wife his his funny spunky Australian wife is actually sitting in the other
01:51:51.880 --> 01:51:57.720
room drinking with Alex wife that's what I think the time out you're saying that I waged war
01:51:57.720 --> 01:52:01.640
against you is that what you're implying that's no question you actually set it out right you lie
01:52:02.040 --> 01:52:13.080
public about the fact that I did I correct that did I correct that publicly but it didn't stop
01:52:13.080 --> 01:52:19.240
the vitriol and it didn't stop the fact that all over Twitter and all over social media you
01:52:19.240 --> 01:52:24.840
and your quotes are the ones that were actually used to allegedly wager how quickly you would
01:52:24.840 --> 01:52:29.800
carry a look on any of there there have been several so-called no-virus people that have
01:52:29.800 --> 01:52:34.520
distanced themselves from me because I'm calling them to communicate more kindly and more effectively
01:52:34.520 --> 01:52:39.560
and more lovingly so that's all I'm doing right now what I'm saying is very simple no you're
01:52:40.360 --> 01:52:45.720
are the ones that were actually used to allegedly wager how quickly you would carry a look on any
01:52:45.720 --> 01:52:50.680
of there there have been several so-called no-virus people that have distanced themselves from me
01:52:50.680 --> 01:52:55.880
because I'm calling them to communicate more kindly and more effectively and more lovingly so
01:52:55.880 --> 01:53:01.080
that's not all I'm doing interesting I wonder who those no-virus people are that don't want him
01:53:01.080 --> 01:53:06.200
to be so nice thing right now what I'm saying is very simple no you're you're you're making claims
01:53:06.200 --> 01:53:15.560
about me no put my comments into the context that I am doing and then tell me what is inconsistent
01:53:16.200 --> 01:53:21.480
what you're trying to do is you're trying to write my comments into a different conversation
01:53:21.480 --> 01:53:28.440
and what I'm holding you accountable for is I am pursuing a legal case and that is my pursuit
01:53:28.440 --> 01:53:35.080
I am not pursuing a question of science because that is not what I am pursuing and if that is the
01:53:35.080 --> 01:53:40.680
topic that we are going to talk about then I'm more than happy to go into that but not in the context
01:53:40.680 --> 01:53:45.480
of what I'm doing right now because my focus is singular and that is there was crimes committed
01:53:45.560 --> 01:53:51.320
resulting in the death of humans I agree with you I will disagree with you need to be prosecuted
01:53:51.320 --> 01:53:58.200
and that is what I'm doing okay and what I am saying is I agree with you but the way you communicate
01:53:58.200 --> 01:54:04.280
reifies the existence of the fundamental thing that necessitates the need for all these things
01:54:04.280 --> 01:54:11.880
and leads to the development of these products that are killing people and you just stated a
01:54:11.880 --> 01:54:16.680
causal statement and what I'm saying is I'm not going to sit here and pretend like you're right
01:54:16.680 --> 01:54:21.720
or wrong because I'm telling you what I'm doing and you are deriving from it that I'm
01:54:21.720 --> 01:54:26.920
reifying a system and what I'm doing is I'm simply saying I'm using their evidence to hold them
01:54:26.920 --> 01:54:35.720
accountable okay all right well I don't have much else to say David thank you for joining me
01:54:35.720 --> 01:54:41.720
I agree I think I trust Alec just a little bit more in this theater than I do David Martin but in
01:54:41.720 --> 01:54:52.360
the end I don't trust either of them I think that this is a this was a a WWF battle between two
01:54:52.360 --> 01:54:59.560
people that essentially have shared a table before maybe even a game this out beforehand and it
01:54:59.560 --> 01:55:04.920
escalated at the very end I think because they had planned to end it that way and that's why it
01:55:04.920 --> 01:55:09.240
also felt a little weird that all of a sudden David Martin just kicked it all up they're probably
01:55:09.240 --> 01:55:14.120
looking at the same chat there's probably several people helping them do this there's
01:55:14.120 --> 01:55:19.800
probably a script and then they said okay let's end it let's wrap it up right here David your Q is
01:55:19.800 --> 01:55:30.520
now that's what I see here I see fake and I think it's just another another brick in the wall I
01:55:30.520 --> 01:55:36.120
think it's another one of these performers who is basically preserving this narrative one way or
01:55:36.120 --> 01:55:42.040
another by talking around it even if David said some combinations of words that made Alec a little
01:55:42.040 --> 01:55:51.720
happier it's very very impressive because the no-virus people are completely against the faith
01:55:51.720 --> 01:55:58.280
but they are also really not willing to test it in any meaningful manner
01:55:58.280 --> 01:56:07.000
it's a great game of chess ladies and gentlemen if you think that you know who's fighting and
01:56:07.000 --> 01:56:13.560
who's free or wrong chances are very good that most of the arguments that you've seen have been
01:56:13.560 --> 01:56:19.880
staged most of those arguments are people that are working together or working for competing
01:56:19.880 --> 01:56:27.640
interests who are working together to do the train narrative to turn these these excess deaths these
01:56:27.720 --> 01:56:36.200
mysterious excess deaths into a mysterious virus by avoiding doing the math of subtracting all
01:56:36.200 --> 01:56:43.800
of the other known causes of death here if you don't do the math then there's room for a mystery
01:56:43.800 --> 01:56:48.840
virus if you do the math there's no room for a mystery virus so you don't need to talk about
01:56:48.840 --> 01:56:54.440
isolation you don't need to talk about lab leaks you don't need to talk about any of that stuff
01:56:55.080 --> 01:57:01.000
but the point is is that during the pandemic they've been faking the need to talk about that
01:57:01.000 --> 01:57:07.400
stuff faking the need to debate about what novel treatments are necessary faking the need to
01:57:07.400 --> 01:57:13.800
debate about what novel vulnerabilities there are what novel mechanisms could result in severe
01:57:13.800 --> 01:57:20.600
covid what all different things can happen from this Swiss army knife of spike proteins and these
01:57:20.680 --> 01:57:26.520
debates were used by many different people who stayed out of each other's way to make sure that
01:57:26.520 --> 01:57:33.080
they'd ever crossed the line and encroached on each other's books and debated about everybody
01:57:33.080 --> 01:57:37.880
being vulnerable to the novel virus debated about how accurate PCR was or whether they were
01:57:37.880 --> 01:57:43.400
overcycling it debated about what early treatments were relevant hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin
01:57:43.400 --> 01:57:50.280
debated about who should use steroids when debated about these protocols debated about
01:57:50.280 --> 01:57:57.800
the financial incentives and all of these stories very casually or sorry very coordinatedly
01:57:57.800 --> 01:58:01.560
rolled out and orchestrated so that they didn't encroach on each other
01:58:03.160 --> 01:58:07.080
fooled us into believing that there was a pandemic fooled us into believing
01:58:07.880 --> 01:58:15.480
that all of them through their hard work and dissidents saved us from the pandemic
01:58:15.480 --> 01:58:23.400
saved us from the shot saved us from disaster from these bad guys but nobody was saved
01:58:24.760 --> 01:58:28.680
nobody's talking about the people that were murdered and nobody was saved from the shot
01:58:28.680 --> 01:58:34.040
because everybody that spoke out about the shot that had any impact at all came out too late
01:58:35.160 --> 01:58:40.280
and everybody that came out early enough was systematically censored and silenced
01:58:41.240 --> 01:58:47.880
not given new social platforms not interviewed by Tucker Carlson about their cancellation on
01:58:47.880 --> 01:58:58.200
LinkedIn but actually silenced there are three different scenarios that they want you to think
01:58:58.200 --> 01:59:04.440
you need to argue about and all of them starred in 2019 with a leak or an accident or a batcave
01:59:05.160 --> 01:59:12.600
and then a pathogen made of RNA and lipoprotein was able to make trillions and trillions and
01:59:12.600 --> 01:59:19.320
quadsillions of copies of itself and infiltrate almost every living human lung on the planet
01:59:20.520 --> 01:59:25.240
and although we made some mistakes the illusion of consensus is that millions of people died
01:59:25.240 --> 01:59:30.280
and millions more were saved the illusion of consensus and the faith in the novel virus
01:59:30.360 --> 01:59:36.040
includes asymptomatic transmission and the fact that we work on gated function because we have to
01:59:38.040 --> 01:59:45.880
and these people have been feigning a resistance to this for three and a half almost four years now
01:59:46.840 --> 01:59:48.840
feigning a resistance to this
01:59:51.400 --> 01:59:56.280
because none of them are able to add up everything none of them are able to present you the whole
01:59:56.360 --> 02:00:02.760
picture all of them are stuck on one thing you could be stuck on ivermectin for a whole year
02:00:02.760 --> 02:00:08.600
and that would have gotten you lots of traction in social media you can be stuck on hydroxychloroquine
02:00:08.600 --> 02:00:13.320
for a year and that will give you lots of traction in social media if you start talking about the
02:00:13.320 --> 02:00:19.560
opioid epidemic and how it contributes to excess deaths nowhere crickets if you start talking
02:00:19.560 --> 02:00:25.160
about how remdesivir they want happens they get you to talk about venom in this shots and now
02:00:25.160 --> 02:00:28.520
you're discredited and now nobody talks about remdesivir anymore
02:00:33.480 --> 02:00:37.560
the conflated background signal is the thing they don't talk about the protocols is the
02:00:37.560 --> 02:00:42.520
thing they don't talk about and they have to not talk about it because they are taking everything
02:00:42.520 --> 02:00:49.320
away this is for all the marbles don't forget it it's for all the marbles stop transfection
02:00:49.320 --> 02:00:53.000
and humans because they are trying to eliminate the control group by any means necessary
02:00:53.720 --> 02:00:58.600
i'm sorry i'm for it for all these exhausted streams i'm going to keep doing them i'm going to try
02:00:58.600 --> 02:01:03.720
and move up earlier during the day try to get in before back so i'll practice because i'll have a
02:01:03.720 --> 02:01:08.840
little more energy and because it'll be better for me because i'll get to go and maybe hang out with
02:01:08.840 --> 02:01:15.480
my wife before we go to sleep rather than three hours after she falls asleep so anyway thank you
02:01:15.480 --> 02:01:20.520
for joining me this has been giggle and biological where we understand that intramuscular injection
02:01:20.520 --> 02:01:24.840
of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb
02:01:24.840 --> 02:01:29.080
we understand that transfection and healthy humans is criminally negligent and we understand
02:01:29.080 --> 02:01:34.760
that viruses are not pattern integrity and therefore the fidelity with which we are told
02:01:34.760 --> 02:01:40.040
that they are understood is a lie and that's very different than saying that there are no viruses
02:01:40.600 --> 02:01:46.840
because they can make RNA in quantity and they can't spray it and they can't transfect people
02:01:46.840 --> 02:02:02.760
and transfection can make people sick so anyway i'll see you guys thanks for joining me
02:02:38.200 --> 02:02:44.120
Goodnight Ohmies