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I don't really have anything to drink except for my water which I guess okay maybe my
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It's a medicine for it.
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This little box is of water with fish in them
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can be a real pain.
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Darn it.
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Fred Rogers had an aquarium.
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He never had it, can't it?
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It's annoying.
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The rules protect yourself at all times.
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Follow my structure.
02:26.920 --> 02:27.920
Keep it clean.
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Tough gloves if you wish.
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Let's do it.
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20 pounds.
02:32.000 --> 02:34.040
This is so crazy.
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Yes, happy birthday, everybody.
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Happy birthday to Katniss.
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Trying to mix it up a little bit with the tunes
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every once in a while.
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This one sounds really good in my ears.
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I don't know if it sounds very good on tinnies,
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tinnies, bones, beakers.
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But it's good to me.
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Yeah, so we're trying to do an earlier show in the afternoon
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because it works better for my family.
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I can probably put more time into it.
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It can look a little better, sound a little better,
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be a little more awake instead of trying to do it
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after basketball practice, which is sometimes just really
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zombie jade.
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And I don't like to bring you zombie jade all the time.
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I'm definitely sharper before dinner.
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I don't know why that is, but I get a little bit of a lull
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after eating.
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I need to wake myself up with a walk or something like that.
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That's what I usually do.
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There might be some repeats here.
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I'm trying to figure out a new little deck
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to start with, a little quicker.
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We are standing firm as the control group, untransfected,
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but most of our kids have had all of their
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Mike Vandenberg of all of their shots.
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There's a lot of us that have a lot of regrets that...
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There's a lot of us that are still wrestling with this,
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the truth of the matter, that we didn't wake up very quick either.
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And being humble about that is really important.
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Being humble about that and realizing that there are
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families of autistic kids, families of damaged children
05:10.960 --> 05:13.240
that have been fighting for this for many, many years,
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and we've just been oblivious.
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Because we have been actively participating in the illusion
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that keeps them hidden.
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We've been actively participating in this illusion,
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that anti-bax is some kind of a bad idea,
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that questioning the CDC or the vaccine schedule
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is somehow a bad idea.
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The people who are learning biology are starting to figure this out,
05:37.360 --> 05:39.360
that this was a ruse.
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This guy's not dangerous, this is not...
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This is not the guy who's responsible for...
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What did they say yesterday, 25?
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These aren't new slides, these are old slides actually.
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Some of these are old slides for more than a year ago,
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a couple of them are even older than that.
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This is what we're up against right here.
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We're up against a room full of people, full of computers.
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We're up against a group of people that has been trained
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and put in place.
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This is how the show is run nowadays,
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and if we don't keep swinging for our children,
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they're gonna wake up inside of this cage
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and not even know it exists.
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That was their plan all along.
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Listen to me, mister, poke, poke, poke.
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Viva Fry!
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Oh my goodness, there you go.
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Well, the hope is in our history, right?
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The hope is in our history.
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Go look at these people before the pandemic.
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Go find out what they were doing before the pandemic.
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Go find out what they were doing before the pandemic.
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Go find out what they were doing before the pandemic.
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This is what I want to address today,
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the idea that there's only one chance in history
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to collect the data that they need for their God
07:04.960 --> 07:06.960
to solve all of humanity's problems.
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I really want to address this idea
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because these charlatans have taken the richest,
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most powerful economically at least people in the world
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and bamboozled them with this idea.
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They have bamboozled them with the idea
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that AI and data is enough to conquer the human genome
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and to become the transgenic futurist
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that we are always destined to be.
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And they need to ignore an awful lot of biology to sell this.
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And so that's why I think it's really important
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that we work together to get this biology out there.
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41 people in the afternoon
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is making me very, very happy, guys.
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This is a stream brought to you by a patch plan
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for physiologists.
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Gigaum is a resistance measurement
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that needs to be attained in order to make these
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high-resistance low-noise recordings
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that I used to make a living teaching people how to do.
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And now it's back to the drawing board
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back to what I always should have been doing,
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which is teaching.
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And welcome to the show.
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This is Gigaum Biological.
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If you are here at the top of the way
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that we've been watching for a while,
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and otherwise you might be a skilled TV watcher
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who's about to become released from this
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was that really loud and I was into that.
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And so welcome to the show.
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This is a place where we stay focused on the biology.
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We don't take their bait on TV and we love our neighbors.
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That's how we get through this.
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That's the main message.
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And how it works is that there are a lot of beautiful people
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who have decided to subscribe or send donations.
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And there are a lot more beautiful people
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who consistently spread the word
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about this work each week.
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And this biology finds new people and kabang.
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This is where it happens.
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If you want to help out, gigaombiological.com.
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If you want to communicate with me,
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probably the best place is to try at gigaom.bio
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or just send me an email.
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If you scroll down, you can find that.
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There's a place to find my admission at Scooby-Doo.
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A one-time support link.
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And then if you scroll down, you can find a place to subscribe,
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which is actually going forward.
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Probably the best thing for my family.
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Something we can count on.
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Something we can sort of look at as a scoreboard
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that we know that at the end of the month
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we're going to have enough rent.
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Right now we have 27 days left in this month
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in order to round up enough rent.
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And so that's really what we're doing.
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We're just trying to do that and people like Simon
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and Fabrizio and Catherine and Caroline and Lori
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and Michelle and Leo and Jeffrey
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and all these people like Greg James and Christian
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and Rodney and Stefan, they all help.
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And all of these subscribers are the reason
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why I feel the courage to try and keep this going
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and if we can get enough subscribers.
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I know for sure a thousand subscribers is enough,
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but something a little under that might be okay.
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So that's really just what I'm trying to say.
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It's a real easy number.
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I don't think it's very much to ask from the Internet.
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You can't help financially.
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You can help by sharing.
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And that might even mean getting a social media account
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and doing it specifically to share this work.
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And that's it.
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You don't have to read Twitter.
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Just get on Twitter and start posting.
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And that can also be a way of helping.
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So this is a independent bright web presentation.
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I don't know what the independent bright web is,
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other than a bunch of people supported by people like you
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that are trying to dispel this narrative
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that they want to govern our children by this narrative
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of an ongoing RNA-viral pandemic whose likely source
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has gained a function.
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We are entering the fifth year of this charade
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and in order to break out we need to teach our kids
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that this was just a fate.
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A faith that we've all been coerced into accepting
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and we don't have to accept it.
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And I think we've got to do a lot about it.
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And we can, by teaching our kids the fundamental biology
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that underpins these three statements,
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especially the first two are the first one.
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I'm online.
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It's okay.
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But, yeah.
11:12.960 --> 11:13.960
It's okay.
11:13.960 --> 11:14.960
It's okay.
11:14.960 --> 11:15.960
It's okay.
11:15.960 --> 11:16.960
It's okay.
11:16.960 --> 11:17.960
It's okay.
11:17.960 --> 11:18.960
It's okay.
11:18.960 --> 11:19.960
It's okay.
11:19.960 --> 11:20.960
It's okay.
11:20.960 --> 11:21.960
It's okay.
11:21.960 --> 11:22.960
It's okay.
11:22.960 --> 11:23.960
It's okay.
11:23.960 --> 11:24.960
It's okay.
11:24.960 --> 11:25.960
It's okay.
11:25.960 --> 11:26.960
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We don't have to do it right now.
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I need a light.
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No, I'm okay.
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You can bring tea when you make your own.
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Thank you.
11:34.960 --> 11:41.960
Talking about the fish tank water, as I mentioned,
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we're going to do it.
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I want to do a way to treat it with my son
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so that he can at least see how I'm going to do it.
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We are fighting against this faith in a novel virus
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as I just said a minute ago,
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the way to fight it is to see the truth,
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where it is on the street.
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That means no spread in New York City.
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Infectious clones are the only real threat.
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placebo batches are likely to distribute in
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transfection and healthy mammals.
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It's dumb.
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Protocols were murder, gain of function is a big
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The Scooby-Doo that you've been fooled into solving
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a mystery.
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This is real.
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And it's because of a spectacular commitment
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to lies.
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That's what we've got going here.
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That's what we've got going here.
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Oh, yeah, right.
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Remember this?
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This was always a fun one.
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I like this a lot.
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What someone pointed that they had a talk.
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So, yes, I wanted to do a study hall today to try and
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expand your mind a little bit and use something
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completely out of left field.
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Every once in a while, I feel like it's okay to get
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a curve ball.
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And today I thought I'd throw you a little curve ball.
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It is a curve ball not meant to shift a paradigm
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or anything like that.
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That paradigm shift has already occurred.
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And now they're just trying to pretend that it
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didn't happen.
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And so we're going to try and make gentle the life
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of this world.
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And we're going to try and, you know, stay focused.
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Is this repeating?
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Oh, no.
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I cut that out.
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It looks like it's a little bit repeating.
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This should be a flash up.
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Okay, great.
13:16.960 --> 13:17.960
Thank you.
13:17.960 --> 13:18.960
Thank you.
13:18.960 --> 13:19.960
Thank you.
13:19.960 --> 13:20.960
Thank you.
13:20.960 --> 13:21.960
Thank you.
13:21.960 --> 13:22.960
A little bit.
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I have to fix this start up a little bit.
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Don't forget.
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This stream is especially possible because of my
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wife and best friend.
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Please don't forget that.
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And now that if you subscribe, you're actually
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going to be communicating with me and her,
13:37.960 --> 13:40.960
which is interesting, maybe for some people, I don't
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know, to find out that it's really just a family
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that's going to be doing this pandemic.
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United noncompliance is the only way out.
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And the illusion is sustained through your active
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So we've got to stop listening to these people.
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That's really the idea here.
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And so as we move forward, whoa.
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Should have gone over here.
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As we move forward, yeah.
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That's really how we have to think about it with one
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Whenever they try to throw a little something our way,
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we really need to not take that bait.
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And that's I think the most important thing.
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Not to fall victim to the coercion that's most
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certainly going to come in the future.
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Again, it's February 2nd, 2024.
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I'm trying to do a little afternoon study hall here
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to bring you the independent bright web in a different
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way in a different time.
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Hopefully this will help my family a little bit with
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regard to, you know, having me around when it actually
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matters, like at dinner time, that kind of thing.
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In any respect, this is going to be easier for me
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because it's not going to keep me up until the middle
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of the night, which a lot of times I find myself up
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until the middle of the night after I stream until
14:55.960 --> 14:56.960
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And that's not good for my long term health.
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So we're going to try and stop misleading the young
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And I think the way we stop misleading the young is
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to really teach them their history so that they
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understand that there are, there isn't a concern
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that there are, there are some things that are
15:12.960 --> 15:13.960
not going to be enforced.
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But this is a concerted effort to manipulate our
15:15.960 --> 15:18.960
habits and opinions in order to govern us.
15:18.960 --> 15:21.960
And this is not the democracy quote unquote that they
15:21.960 --> 15:23.960
talk about on television.
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It's not the nightly news.
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But in fact, it's the inversion of that.
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And all of these, you know, conspiracy theories
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that say the left ring news and the right wing news
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is not readable or not fundable.
15:35.960 --> 15:38.960
This is all, this is all a hoax.
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And I'm trying to get you to fight about a limited
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spectrum of debate with every reality.
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We'll never get you free no matter who you vote for.
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And as a 52 year old man, it's only now really obvious
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to me how often my family and my father was being
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jerked around by the, the governing establishment and
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now it's become ever more possible with the expansion
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into social media.
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And that's really the point here is that we can really
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see how dangerous will bump in the table here.
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How dangerous this has become, especially if we see
16:13.960 --> 16:16.960
and we look at our small kids, our young teenagers.
16:16.960 --> 16:20.960
This is just a horrible, horrible situation where
16:20.960 --> 16:23.960
on their phone with roadblocks and with,
16:23.960 --> 16:27.960
with Fortnite and with, with all of these apps,
16:27.960 --> 16:29.960
it's just become a nightmare.
16:29.960 --> 16:32.960
And it's not very far away from the cartoon behind my head.
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And that's how they've gotten us to essentially give up
16:37.960 --> 16:40.960
the right to informed consent.
16:40.960 --> 16:43.960
We, we aren't even really informed enough to understand
16:43.960 --> 16:46.960
that we should expect them to provide informed consent.
16:46.960 --> 16:50.960
That's how sadly our children are being educated
16:50.960 --> 16:52.960
about recent history.
16:52.960 --> 16:54.960
And it's not that long ago, right?
16:55.960 --> 16:56.960
I apologize.
16:56.960 --> 17:03.960
I have a little bit of a dry whistle there.
17:03.960 --> 17:07.960
And so it's the spread of bad ideas that's much scarier
17:07.960 --> 17:09.960
than the spread of any RNA molecule.
17:09.960 --> 17:12.960
And I've been tracking a lot of these people since the
17:12.960 --> 17:15.960
beginning because I have assumed I got,
17:15.960 --> 17:19.960
I went out into the world as a naive medical professor
17:19.960 --> 17:23.960
being, being essentially sent home for not wanting to get
17:23.960 --> 17:27.960
my temperature taken and wear a mask all day.
17:27.960 --> 17:30.960
I went into this completely naive thinking that the vast
17:30.960 --> 17:32.960
majority of the people that I would run into,
17:32.960 --> 17:35.960
that I would encounter, that I would contact, that I would
17:35.960 --> 17:38.960
call and seek out for help would be people that would
17:38.960 --> 17:41.960
legitimately be on my side.
17:41.960 --> 17:44.960
And over the last four years, it's become painfully obvious
17:44.960 --> 17:49.960
that many of the people that sought me out were never on
17:49.960 --> 17:54.960
my side, even as they professed to be.
17:54.960 --> 17:58.960
And so if you've only been dipping your toes in the
17:58.960 --> 18:01.960
water on Twitter, trying to decide who to follow,
18:01.960 --> 18:04.960
or if you've only been looking at Instagram to decide
18:04.960 --> 18:10.960
who to follow, you know nothing.
18:10.960 --> 18:12.960
Chances are very good that you follow people who follow
18:12.960 --> 18:15.960
each other and promote each other so that when you get
18:15.960 --> 18:19.960
sucked into that, that, that whirlpool,
18:19.960 --> 18:23.960
the exact narratives, the exact questions,
18:23.960 --> 18:28.960
and the exact ideas are amplified as would the script
18:28.960 --> 18:30.960
18:30.960 --> 18:33.960
It's only with extremely hard work,
18:33.960 --> 18:36.960
an extremely studious filtering.
18:36.960 --> 18:39.960
Can you get to the point where you can kind of sense who has
18:39.960 --> 18:42.960
been playing the game fair from the beginning?
18:42.960 --> 18:45.960
And I'm sure, I am absolutely sure that I'm not right
18:45.960 --> 18:48.960
about most of these people still.
18:48.960 --> 18:52.960
If what I have learned in the last four years is true,
18:52.960 --> 18:55.960
then I am still mistaken about a good portion of these
18:55.960 --> 18:56.960
18:56.960 --> 18:59.960
And when I say mistaken, I mean even less of them have
18:59.960 --> 19:02.960
our children's best interest in mind.
19:02.960 --> 19:06.960
I know that's not, I know that's not a very positive
19:06.960 --> 19:08.960
19:08.960 --> 19:12.960
But this is not a self-help group.
19:12.960 --> 19:16.960
This is not a group that's looking to build a coalition.
19:16.960 --> 19:19.960
The independent bright web is exactly what I mean it is.
19:19.960 --> 19:23.960
It's a bunch of independent points shining a light on
19:23.960 --> 19:27.960
the same thing from different angles to illuminate something
19:27.960 --> 19:30.960
that's too big for any one of us to illuminate.
19:30.960 --> 19:34.960
And if we are indeed all working to illuminate the same thing,
19:34.960 --> 19:37.960
then in the end, that thing will be the most visible.
19:37.960 --> 19:41.960
If we are not trying to coordinate our actions,
19:41.960 --> 19:43.960
if we are not trying to coordinate where we go,
19:43.960 --> 19:45.960
he has to a certain extent, I get it.
19:45.960 --> 19:48.960
If we're all illuminating the back end of whatever we're
19:48.960 --> 19:50.960
trying to illuminate, then no one will ever be
19:50.960 --> 19:51.960
illuminating the front.
19:51.960 --> 19:52.960
19:52.960 --> 19:54.960
The analogy is a little bit weak.
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But what I want you to understand is that there's no reason
19:57.960 --> 20:00.960
for us to all declare a team.
20:00.960 --> 20:03.960
There's no reason for me to be friends with any of these
20:03.960 --> 20:04.960
people because of what I do.
20:04.960 --> 20:07.960
All I do is teach biology, talk about biology,
20:07.960 --> 20:11.960
listen to people speak and then say that I don't understand what
20:11.960 --> 20:12.960
they're saying.
20:12.960 --> 20:13.960
I don't do a lot.
20:13.960 --> 20:18.960
And yet somehow or another, what I'm doing and who I'm listening
20:18.960 --> 20:24.960
to and who I'm interpreting, who I'm talking about is has become
20:24.960 --> 20:25.960
very important.
20:25.960 --> 20:29.960
And I think it's because the light that we are shining is shining
20:29.960 --> 20:30.960
on the right thing.
20:31.960 --> 20:35.960
Our flashlights are held high and they are pointed in the right
20:35.960 --> 20:36.960
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That's the way out of the cave.
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And so if we keep doing the work we're doing, keep focused the
20:41.960 --> 20:43.960
way we are focused, keep our arms straight.
20:45.960 --> 20:46.960
Big things are going to happen.
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I really, really believe this.
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And so one of the things that I've been trying to emphasize
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over the last few weeks, and I think I've really been hitting at
20:54.960 --> 20:59.960
home since about December 23rd, 2023.
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You can find that as the dark days of Christmas part two.
21:06.960 --> 21:09.960
And if you look at the big titles, you can see the date.
21:09.960 --> 21:14.960
So you can find the stream from the 23rd of December and you can
21:14.960 --> 21:20.960
watch from about the 35th minute until the 45th minute, 10 minutes
21:20.960 --> 21:27.960
of that is somewhere in there is what changed my life recently.
21:28.960 --> 21:33.960
And I believe that meddling in there is this amorphous web of
21:33.960 --> 21:37.960
people, not necessarily that all of them know one another or
21:37.960 --> 21:38.960
coordinate with one another.
21:38.960 --> 21:41.960
They haven't all been at the same table together and not for a
21:41.960 --> 21:42.960
long time anyway.
21:43.960 --> 21:46.960
But they are a group of people or groups of people that were
21:46.960 --> 21:49.960
there put in place to assure that the worst case scenario
21:49.960 --> 21:52.960
narrative was not only considered, but considered to be pretty
21:52.960 --> 21:56.960
likely, especially by people speculating off camera by right
21:56.960 --> 22:00.960
people writing blogs, by people working social media.
22:00.960 --> 22:02.960
And there were two basic types of people.
22:02.960 --> 22:07.960
The first one was kind of like this guy, the raccoon leader
22:07.960 --> 22:11.960
dude, explore and repeat the worst case scenario narratives of a
22:11.960 --> 22:15.960
gain of function virus escape versus international or intentional
22:15.960 --> 22:17.960
release for depopulation.
22:17.960 --> 22:21.960
So this is a person and there are many of these characters that
22:21.960 --> 22:24.960
were out there talking from the very beginning about how bad this
22:24.960 --> 22:27.960
was about how dangerous a potential gain of function virus
22:27.960 --> 22:30.960
could be because they would have engineered it to be much worse.
22:30.960 --> 22:34.960
And this engineering it to be much worse is above and beyond
22:34.960 --> 22:36.960
whatever mother nature could have done.
22:36.960 --> 22:40.960
And usually the engineering to be much worse is centered around
22:40.960 --> 22:41.960
the spike protein.
22:41.960 --> 22:44.960
That was the first two years of the worst case scenario people
22:44.960 --> 22:46.960
like like that clown.
22:46.960 --> 22:49.960
And I say clown because he's dressed like a clown here.
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The other kind are experts who chase down an unmasked bad guys
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identify problems and offer solutions or ask irrelevant questions.
22:58.960 --> 23:03.960
And so here again, I have your two dudes who are pushing forward
23:03.960 --> 23:07.960
the double stranded DNA contamination.
23:07.960 --> 23:10.960
You will know that Phillip Buckholz is the guy who spoke in front
23:10.960 --> 23:13.960
of the South Carolina Senate and said that he would still give
23:13.960 --> 23:14.960
this shot to his parents.
23:14.960 --> 23:18.960
But because there's DNA and he might not give it to his daughter.
23:19.960 --> 23:22.960
And that it would be probably pretty safe if they could get the
23:22.960 --> 23:24.960
DNA out.
23:24.960 --> 23:27.960
And so he's offered on the Internet to sequence people's
23:27.960 --> 23:30.960
cells or something like that to find out if there's any DNA
23:30.960 --> 23:31.960
23:31.960 --> 23:33.960
And I'm sure that they'll work together to prove that there
23:33.960 --> 23:35.960
was no DNA integration in the end.
23:35.960 --> 23:38.960
It's it looks ugly, but it was fine.
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Nothing's going to come out of it.
23:40.960 --> 23:41.960
I assure you.
23:41.960 --> 23:44.960
And if it does, it will be something that will that will that
23:44.960 --> 23:50.960
will absolve the transfection as being potentially dangerous and
23:50.960 --> 23:55.960
instead allow the complete blame to be placed on the double
23:55.960 --> 23:59.960
stranded DNA contamination in the rushing that resulted in that
23:59.960 --> 24:03.960
the process to that resulted in that instead of them
24:03.960 --> 24:06.960
acknowledging that transfection in its finest form would have
24:06.960 --> 24:09.960
still been dangerous and uninappropriate for healthy
24:09.960 --> 24:10.960
24:10.960 --> 24:13.960
That's what these worst case scenario operatives are
24:13.960 --> 24:17.960
trying to make sure that our children never realize.
24:17.960 --> 24:21.960
They don't want our children to realize the transfection in
24:21.960 --> 24:25.960
healthy humans was criminally negligent no matter how it was
24:25.960 --> 24:27.960
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And process one versus process two.
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If there is a danger of endotoxins and all this other stuff in
24:35.960 --> 24:38.960
process two, it is a compounding on top of the already
24:38.960 --> 24:42.960
criminally negligent use of transfection on healthy people.
24:42.960 --> 24:44.960
I hope I'm making that clear.
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And so this team of worst case scenario is a key issue to
24:50.960 --> 24:53.960
understand because if you understand it, then you will also be
24:53.960 --> 24:56.960
able to better interpret what these people are doing and not doing
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what these people are doing, rather saying and not saying.
24:59.960 --> 25:04.960
As they protect the novel virus, they also protect the idea that
25:04.960 --> 25:08.960
the number of people that was killed is nonzero.
25:08.960 --> 25:11.960
The number of people that the virus continues to infect is
25:11.960 --> 25:12.960
25:12.960 --> 25:14.960
That's part of what they need to protect.
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That's what you saw with Steve Kirsch and Denny Rancore
25:18.960 --> 25:21.960
last night where he says over and over, do you believe that?
25:21.960 --> 25:22.960
Yes or no?
25:22.960 --> 25:23.960
Do you accept that there was a virus?
25:23.960 --> 25:25.960
Do you accept that there was something novel?
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What about this oxygenation level in people's blood?
25:29.960 --> 25:33.960
These EMTs said they've never seen anything like it.
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Maybe it's because people were never measuring that all the time.
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But I don't know, maybe they were, but he rules out everything
25:40.960 --> 25:43.960
except a novel pathogen, a novel virus.
25:43.960 --> 25:44.960
It couldn't be a toxin.
25:44.960 --> 25:46.960
It couldn't be panic attacks.
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It couldn't be a chemical sprayed into the subway.
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And so all of these considerations are usually a dichotomy.
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They're usually a or a B.
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And so in this case, you know, was it a natural virus that came from a
26:06.960 --> 26:10.960
bat cave or was it a a virus that was enriched on a cell culture?
26:10.960 --> 26:13.960
Or was it a virus that was enriched in an animal culture?
26:13.960 --> 26:17.960
Or did we stitch it together?
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And now the argument has always been about whether or not it's a lab
26:20.960 --> 26:22.960
leak or a natural virus.
26:22.960 --> 26:25.960
And there's just many different ways that you could get a lab
26:25.960 --> 26:29.960
virus, which makes it even more of an enticing solution.
26:29.960 --> 26:37.960
It makes it even a more swallowable future outcome.
26:37.960 --> 26:41.960
This gain of function virus being the worst case scenario.
26:41.960 --> 26:45.960
And if we didn't, if this was one that, you know, wasn't so bad,
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but it did leak, then the worst case scenario is for sure real because
26:49.960 --> 26:53.960
obviously they could build a more dangerous one.
26:53.960 --> 26:56.960
And none of these people, none of these people, none of these people
26:56.960 --> 26:59.960
will address this foundational idea that we're going to put up
26:59.960 --> 27:03.960
on the screen every day until this show doesn't need to run anymore.
27:03.960 --> 27:06.960
Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the
27:06.960 --> 27:09.960
intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
27:09.960 --> 27:10.960
Why is it dumb?
27:10.960 --> 27:15.960
Because it implies a level of mastery, a level of fidelity in
27:15.960 --> 27:19.960
understanding that these people do not have, that the CDC doesn't have,
27:19.960 --> 27:23.960
that the immunologists at the NIH do not have.
27:23.960 --> 27:27.960
They do not have the fidelity of understanding of a four-year-old
27:27.960 --> 27:33.960
or a six-month-old child's immune system to have the audacity,
27:33.960 --> 27:37.960
the confidence to say that they can inject millions of children
27:37.960 --> 27:42.960
intramuscularly with a combination of toxins and recombinant proteins.
27:42.960 --> 27:49.960
Never mind injecting a transfection agent RNA wrapped in a lipo nanoparticle,
27:49.960 --> 27:53.960
a lipo cationic coat.
27:53.960 --> 27:56.960
This is absurd.
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And some people knew it was absurd from the very beginning,
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and others did not, and some of them should have known,
28:02.960 --> 28:07.960
and that's why it's called criminal negligence.
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There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, or tens of thousands
28:13.960 --> 28:17.960
of biologists, academic biologists that should have known better.
28:17.960 --> 28:21.960
Academic MDs that should have known better because they've used
28:21.960 --> 28:25.960
transfection in their laboratory, so they have no excuse to think
28:25.960 --> 28:27.960
that this would be an appropriate therapeutic.
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No matter what proprietary lipid nanoparticles were used,
28:31.960 --> 28:37.960
this is the foundation of the objection.
28:37.960 --> 28:39.960
That it's criminally negligent.
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It's like, you know, you're a construction worker.
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You work on the big machinery all the time.
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You knew that you couldn't let the four-year-old drive the end loader.
28:50.960 --> 28:52.960
That's criminally negligent.
28:52.960 --> 28:54.960
You are a molecular biologist.
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You are an MD PhD working at a top 10 medical school,
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and you use transfection in your animal model every day, every week,
29:03.960 --> 29:05.960
with your grad students.
29:05.960 --> 29:08.960
You should have known better that no form of transfection
29:08.960 --> 29:13.960
would be appropriate for young people, for college-age kids.
29:17.960 --> 29:22.960
I mean, how much more obvious can it be that we're still not talking
29:22.960 --> 29:27.960
about this on Twitter and, you know, Tucker Carlson and Brett Weinstein
29:27.960 --> 29:34.960
don't cover this stuff because it's not about that anymore.
29:34.960 --> 29:36.960
This is the slow roll.
29:36.960 --> 29:39.960
We're going to get there in, like, eight years.
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We're going to get there in eight years when we're using an anovial-based
29:44.960 --> 29:49.960
electroporation for required immunizations in children in the United States.
29:49.960 --> 29:51.960
Then we'll get there.
29:51.960 --> 29:54.960
Boy, that transfection intramuscularly was crazy, wasn't it?
29:54.960 --> 29:59.960
I can't believe we used to put adjuvants in with these recombinant proteins.
29:59.960 --> 30:00.960
30:00.960 --> 30:02.960
Snake oil days.
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What I want is high morbidity.
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I want people to complain.
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And so what I am trying to suggest is that something occurred,
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something was done to us.
30:13.960 --> 30:15.960
I don't know how it was done to us.
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I don't know if it was a plan that was waiting to be put in motion,
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and then the Chinese put it in motion.
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I don't know if we attacked the Chinese in order to put it in motion.
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I don't know.
30:28.960 --> 30:29.960
I don't know.
30:29.960 --> 30:30.960
I don't know.
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But what I do know is that somebody like James Giordano has already explained
30:35.960 --> 30:40.960
a number of different ways, how a toxin or a molecular biological agent
30:40.960 --> 30:49.960
could be used to seed the symptoms and perhaps the molecular biology of a spreading pathogen.
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And that using the Internet, you might be able to confound that signal
30:54.960 --> 30:57.960
with a dangerous spreading pathogen.
30:57.960 --> 31:00.960
And that's really the argument I'm trying to make.
31:00.960 --> 31:06.960
Clones could have been used to seed a very, very, very clear molecular signal
31:06.960 --> 31:10.960
that would never otherwise be able to be done with a coronavirus.
31:10.960 --> 31:13.960
A coronavirus doesn't spread like that.
31:13.960 --> 31:17.960
And yet somehow or another, hey, a guy who was like,
31:17.960 --> 31:22.960
it was almost like he had symptoms for two weeks, it said, the Sohomish County man.
31:22.960 --> 31:24.960
And then he came into the hospital.
31:24.960 --> 31:29.960
Then they sampled him and they got this really robust growing culture
31:29.960 --> 31:34.960
that provided them with a perfect sequence that matched Wuhan exactly.
31:35.960 --> 31:37.960
This is not serendipity.
31:37.960 --> 31:42.960
I would suggest that this is exactly what they needed to do to once and for all,
31:42.960 --> 31:46.960
established to all of these naive bench scientists that look,
31:46.960 --> 31:52.960
this is the molecular biology of coronavirus virology accepted.
31:52.960 --> 31:59.960
You don't think that they would have used, they would have done something like spray DNA all over.
32:00.960 --> 32:07.960
That would have been inert on countertops in order to get a signal to be everywhere
32:07.960 --> 32:08.960
and then call it spread.
32:08.960 --> 32:10.960
You don't think that that's an option?
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Of course, it's an option.
32:12.960 --> 32:18.960
Of course, it's a possibility because the opposite of this possibility
32:18.960 --> 32:23.960
is that the hospital protocols didn't really make a meaningful difference.
32:23.960 --> 32:28.960
That the change in emergency policies didn't make a big difference.
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And in fact, it was this mRNA molecule that started out with a few thousand copies
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that has now covered the inhabited globe with itself or copies of itself,
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descendants of itself.
32:46.960 --> 32:49.960
Insects can't do this.
32:49.960 --> 32:52.960
Mammals can't do this.
32:52.960 --> 33:02.960
Even the most invasive insect can't do this, and yet an RNA molecule with none of its own machinery
33:02.960 --> 33:07.960
is purported to have started at a point in Wuhan and then progressively gone
33:07.960 --> 33:13.960
around the world changing flavors like Baskin Robbins 31.
33:13.960 --> 33:17.960
And we are supposed to believe this because the diffuse proposal was leaked,
33:17.960 --> 33:24.960
because Peter Desak is a creep because Rand Paul and Tony Fauci have argued
33:24.960 --> 33:28.960
because we saw redacted emails and even Slack messages.
33:28.960 --> 33:33.960
We're supposed to believe this because a U.S. right-to-know FOIA request
33:33.960 --> 33:36.960
revealed that they ordered those enzymes.
33:41.960 --> 33:45.960
We are being made to believe that this occurred
33:45.960 --> 33:48.960
because they want to govern our children with this mythology.
33:48.960 --> 33:51.960
They want us to pass this mythology on to our children.
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That's what they want to do.
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And so they've doing that with an illusion of consensus.
33:57.960 --> 34:00.960
And I noticed this week that there's another illusion of consensus.
34:00.960 --> 34:04.960
An illusion of consensus that electric cars are great.
34:04.960 --> 34:07.960
An illusion of consensus that Neuralink is great.
34:07.960 --> 34:10.960
Hand that Elon Musk is a genius.
34:10.960 --> 34:13.960
So I wanted to look into this a little bit.
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And the way that I wanted to look into it is with looking at a few videos
34:21.960 --> 34:23.960
because, you know, that's what's fun to do.
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So let me check this out here.
34:27.960 --> 34:28.960
Which one am I going to start with?
34:28.960 --> 34:30.960
Tesla Autopilot.
34:30.960 --> 34:31.960
Oops, this one.
34:31.960 --> 34:32.960
Is that one?
34:32.960 --> 34:33.960
34:33.960 --> 34:34.960
That one.
34:34.960 --> 34:35.960
34:35.960 --> 34:36.960
And this one.
34:36.960 --> 34:40.960
Okay, so first we're going to start with the Wall Street Journal exclusive video
34:40.960 --> 34:42.960
that was put out about a month ago.
34:42.960 --> 34:44.960
If you're not aware.
34:44.960 --> 34:48.960
Let me just throw this slide back up here to make sure that we're still on the same page here.
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If you're not aware, right?
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I mean, Elon Musk is this guy who, from my perspective, let's see.
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Elon Musk.
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What does he do?
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He's a rocket scientist.
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He has a tunneling or mining or tunneling company with like these big tunneling things.
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He's building stuff underground.
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He's doing satellites also with the space thing, right?
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And relanding rockets and stuff like that.
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And then he's also a neuroscientist because he's implanting stuff in people's heads.
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And he also is some kind of engineer because he's making electric cars.
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Now, the weird thing about this is, is that I'm pretty sure that most of this stuff is being done with.
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Sorry, thank you.
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Is being done with government money.
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So he gets money that would have gone to NASA.
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He gets to do this stuff.
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I don't know where all this money's coming from, DARPA, DOD, whatever.
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But I know for sure that this is not a guy who, through the profit of his companies,
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through grant writing and through just the sheer sort of jogger knot of success that is based on his ideas.
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This is sort of an artificial rise because you don't start a rocket company.
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That's not how that works.
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You don't start a satellite company.
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That's not how that works.
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You don't start a tunnel under major metropolitan areas company.
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And you don't start a non-subsidized electric car company.
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Now, one of the things that I think is so cool about this is that Elon Musk,
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in my mind, feels like one of these people that really stretches the narrative so far, it's absurd.
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And what I'm meaning by that is that, I don't know, I'll give you an example off the top of my head,
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which means something to me, but it might not mean something to you.
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You can go look up a video on YouTube and I would be willing to bet dollars to donuts.
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You could get it if you just looked LeBron James and photographic memory.
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And what you will most likely find is this really striking interview where he might even be in like a fur coat or something, you know, after the game and he's got big sunglasses on.
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And this dude asks him a question about what happened in the game.
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And he asks a question which triggers LeBron's memory.
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And then LeBron goes on to exactly describe the three plays that led to the question that this guy had.
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And this YouTuber took the game and played it live while that press conference description is happening.
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And it becomes very obvious that LeBron James is sharp as a knife because I understand he's playing basketball and stuff, but that the memory is not just like, yeah, I think, you know, one of my teammates had the ball and then we passed it up and then this happened.
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No, it was like step for step.
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What happened.
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And then explained why he made the decision that he did. So what I am saying there with a very long story is is that it doesn't take long.
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If you are around someone or you listen to or you watch a video of someone with natural greatness to see it shine through if you watch a video of Rodney Mullen, you'll see it.
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I think Daniel Dennett can be a really sharp guy to listen to.
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I'm trying to think of some other people that really but but Daniel Dennett doesn't have the thing that Rodney Mullen has doesn't have the thing that Steve Jobs had doesn't have the thing that and I would argue that that Elon Musk doesn't, he doesn't have it at all.
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He really comes off as a very, very average guy. And so it's very hard to believe that if you get behind the scenes and you put him in the room with his engineers that he suddenly evolves in or he he metamorphosis sizes or metamorphosis into this
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person that can speak very articulated articulately about about complex ideas.
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If he can't get in front of an audience of of of lay people and express, you know, complex ideas then then how in the world is it possible that anybody believes that he's capable of being the head of all of these different projects that even the the most, you know, astute
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engineer and businessman or woman would have trouble running one of those companies, right? I mean, and would be fine with running one of those companies.
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So the idea that he's also got time to go on Joe Rogan and to go over to London and have an AI talk and all this other crap.
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I mean, it's just these, this is an illusion.
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It's the same illusion on a grander scale, but the same illusion is being cast by Robert Malone as he puts out between 20 and 30 pages of sub stack every day.
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And he's on podcast. He's been on sometimes nine or 10 podcasts a day during the pandemic. This is an illusion.
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Because you can't also be raising emus and birthing and birthing 11 Colts and all this other stuff.
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So some of this is really an illusion.
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It's made, it's meant to make the average person that, you know, just barely can get their kids on the bus on time and barely can get the lunches loaded in the morning and can barely get their stream done.
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These are the people that Elon Musk and these other fake entities make feel terrible.
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And I think that that gets you down. And this is, I think what I want to emphasize today with this watching party here to look at really what what we have here is somebody who's overextended on every front.
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And one of the ways that he's overextended is the idea that self driving is just a matter of time and please understand self driving is just a matter of time is the exact same argument.
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That they made when they said that, well, we solved chess. And now if we solve go, well, then we really got it.
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And it turns out that they really haven't solved go yet, but they, they're, they're closer.
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And the way that they do it, remember with chess or with go, it is many, many, many iterations of the game.
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With self driving, it's many, many, many iterations of driving.
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And so there wasn't already a, there's an algorithm there, but it's a machine learning algorithm that's sculpting itself to learn to interpret camera images.
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And it's being trained by real people that select the footage to train the cameras.
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And then that software is constantly updated in your car. Should you own one?
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And so let's watch first what happened. I think a couple years ago already now.
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And so you're, you're going to first argue that, okay, the self driving has gotten better.
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But remember, we're still talking about self driving a car with like seven cameras and a radar.
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And we're talking about a relative, you know, we're talking about highway driving, you know, we're not talking about a lot of, you know, residential area driving or anything like that that they're really representing it.
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And this is somewhere between, I mean, it might even be easier than chess in some ways, right? I mean, we're not.
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This is a.
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From a problem perspective, it's a second by second problem.
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It's a recognition problem. It's a vision problem. It shouldn't.
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From the perspective of these guys, it shouldn't be that hard, right? It doesn't seem like it should be that hard.
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So where is this? I guess I have one missing here. I got to get this other one. Sorry. I wanted to watch the.
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The, um, Neuralink. Yeah, that one.
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Okay. So first, let's start with him. Okay. And let's start where we are with Neuralink.
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Um, and listen to this presentation and just try to process him.
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Process him as a biologist, as an engineer, as a visionary.
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Welcome to the Neuralink show and tell. So we've got as a communicator, as somebody who.
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Who could lead a company of two or 3000 people.
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But could also lead a room of 12 people.
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And I want you to think very carefully about this should be the most relaxed. He is, right? This should be the easiest time here.
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Um, because he doesn't have to go into any technical details.
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So let's see an amazing amount of new developments to share with you.
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That I think are incredibly exciting as well as tell you about the future of what we're planning to do here. It's, uh,
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another says meant to be a technical podcast or sort of like a work.
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I mean, I'm going to provide an overall summary. Um, and then we're going to have a number of members of the Neuralink team come in and give a deep technical overview of the various areas.
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So, uh, yeah, so let me move forward with the, the overall summary.
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Now, some of the things I'm going to say are things you've, well, if you've been following your link, you've already heard before.
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That's, uh, for, for a lot of people out there, they've no idea what Neuralink does.
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And so I'll be a little bit repetitive of things you may already know.
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But now I want to just make sure I point this out once and for all. And maybe somebody like Kevin McCarron could correct me if I'm wrong.
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But, uh, as far as I know, um, you know, implanting something into a monkey's head for several years is not something that's done.
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We don't do that in neuroscience. And if it was doable, you could make the argument that that would be the most humane way to do neuroscience on a monkey's brain.
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Would be to make a permanent implant into their brain that you wouldn't have to mess with, that wouldn't, that wouldn't bleed, that wouldn't get infected.
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And so if we could have done that already and had, you know, a monkey recording for five years from a particular area of the brain or a whole swath of the brain with a, with a long electrode sampling array, we would have done that already.
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So what Elon Musk is proposing is to do a monkey experiment on people that's never been done on monkeys.
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And if he's doing it on monkeys, those monkeys just have to die. They have to just get one infection.
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So the whole concept of implanting something in a brain of a mammal and leaving it there is a wholly untested principle. It's not something that we would ever do with a child.
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Can you imagine make a permanent hole to the outside world?
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Maybe use chemical polymers to seal it up permanently. I don't care how you do it.
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Just the concept of a foreign body in your brain, in your head, in your body somewhere forever is already wrong.
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Even if it's a little tiny chip that just has your, your currency in it and your digital ID, it's very wrong.
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Because this is sacred.
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Tattoos are already something that, you know, back in the day when we did consider ourselves sacred, our children's sacred tattoos were like really, really going, going far, desecrating something that you definitely shouldn't desecrate.
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At one point piercing ears was something that you couldn't do until you were old enough.
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And that's where we are.
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The people don't see their little girls as precious enough to just wait to get their freaking ears pierced four times.
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And so the idea, again, remember, is to implant something in somebody's brain and leave it there and make it useful.
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A brain mind interface on the, on the ground level has been done in monkeys. It's been done in mice. It works.
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What hasn't been done. What doesn't work is implanting it there and leaving it there indefinitely and having it to be, you know, ever used.
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That's never been done. That hasn't been done in any animal. It's not, it's not likely to be done.
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And so what I'm suggesting to you is, is just the, the, the principle, the claim alone, if it was possible, we would have already done it in mice and monkeys by now.
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Permanent implants, years of observation, you know, days and days and days of recording at the same time doing the same behaviors, free roaming all the time.
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I mean, all of these things we would have done by now.
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And it's not to say we're not trying to do them.
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It's saying that after we do them, the animal is sacrificed so that we can get the anatomical trace from where we recording.
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Even if it's a long recording, it's not the life of the animal.
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It's not even a meaningful period in the animal's life. It can't be by definition.
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And so this is charlatanism, but let's, let's just let it run for a little bit before I get into the, the driving part.
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That others do not.
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So the overall, the overarching goal of Neuralink is to create a, ultimately a whole brain interface.
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So a generalized input output device that.
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Now what I want you to understand, and I want you to understand it very, very clearly because it's really important now, is that what they plan to do is not monitor the brain
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in a meaningful way that understands the signal that they have.
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What they plan to do is very much akin to like wrapping electrodes around your wrist.
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And then comparing across those electrodes as you move your fingers.
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If they did that, then they would get, if they had like five electrodes here, they would get different readings on every one of those five electrodes as you moved your hands around.
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And they would be able to reasonably well read where your hands were, what position they were in as they measured these signals and then over time collected the data and correlated it with a machine learning program.
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Machine learning program could predict the voltage across all of those five electrodes as your hand position moved and probably over time they could get a reasonably good read on what your hand position is given what the voltage was over the last.
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300 milliseconds before the position is inquired.
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Does that mean that they understand how the hand and the wrist works together?
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Does that mean that they understand how the motor cortex is coordinating with the cerebellum in order to produce those complex motor behaviors? Absolutely not.
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But it does mean that they have used machine learning and a proxy measurement to make a reasonable model to predict where these digits will be given these voltages.
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Now, not any different than that putting five electrodes or 50 electrodes in your head and monitoring the signals on those electrodes.
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And then also at the same time monitoring the intention of the animal, what the animal is trying to do, for example, for example, let's say move this mouse, you can see this mouse.
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Now I'm doing it with my hand.
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But if they record the data in my motor cortex as I do this, they're going to get a signal, not unlike this signal that I described here, but now from the brain.
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And so they don't need to know what those signals mean. They just need to know what my hand is doing on the desk. They need to know where the mouse is in the screen.
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And now the machine learning program can correlate where I'm moving the mouse what direction I'm moving the mouse with the signal here.
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And it doesn't matter what the signal is.
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This signal could be from the parietal cortex. It could be three layers of functionality and and conceptualization of the movement. It could be many layers past the primary motor cortex and still there would be a discernible signal that a machine learning program could use this data that
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it sees on the screen for where and what direction the mouse is moving in to make a model of what you want.
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And over time with practice and training, eventually you could just lift up your hand and move the mouse and it would it would essentially that signal that ghost signal would still be present there.
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And that might be very hard to understand, but it will be easier to understand if you knew that monkeys are often strapped down in their cage and can only move one digit or one arm, but not the rest of it.
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And so the signal that you get in the cortex is very, very clear. It's not a monkey that's, you know, fidgeting and grooming its neighbor and whatever else is an animal that's strapped into a cage or strapped into a chair with its head fixed like this.
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And so the only real motion signals that are in the brain that are leaking around in the brain are eye movement signals, emotionality and whatever motor movements they're allowed to do.
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And so this high signal to noise allows any electrode array basically to pick up a signal that will be unique depending on where that arm is in space.
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And it will be unique depending on where that animal is looking in space.
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And so with a few months of training, they can build a brain mind interface that's based on this machine learning program and the random signals that are recorded in this, this animal's brain or in the animal's musculature.
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And that's the foundation of a brain mind interface.
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If you're using your phone all the time during that interfacing and getting that signal and then you stop scrolling with your finger, but you think about it, that signal will still be present in many of these places where your brain, when your brain imagines something that's part of what happens.
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That's the beauty of neuroscience. We already know that.
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If you imagine shooting a free throw, there are not just active neurons in your visual cortex that are attempting to create that image.
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There are also motor neurons that are that are being activated as memories of your, you know, your dribbling rhythm and how many times you spin the ball backwards before you shoot and your knees bending and all this stuff.
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The snake oil here is the create a generalized input output platform for the brain. We've already got that we can do a brain mind interface with the dumbest of animals. If I, if I say that so boldly not all I don't think animals are dumb necessarily but less sophisticated animals.
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We can already do this with them and now you might say, well, that's because they've got a smaller, easier brain to understand. No, not necessarily.
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Most of the signals inside of our brain are probably repetitive representations of the same thing so that it can be processed in parallel.
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And that's why a lot of times there are signals that are recorded in other parts of the brain that it seemed like, wait, I thought this part of the brain did this and not that.
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But I keep seeing correlative signals with this behavior, even though it's supposed to be in a different place.
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That's been confounding neuroscientists for decades because again, the whole idea that the brain works in compartments with different pieces, you know, is really like a thinking like a computer when it's really probably more like a vibrational symphony of sorts.
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A ionic, cationic electrical symphony.
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And so the idea that you can, you know, again stick a electrodes or a set of electrodes in the brain and read a useful signal that over time you can start to in a limited repertoire of behaviors.
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For example, controlling your phone is a limited repertoire of behaviors. How many things do you need to be able to do?
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So how many signals does this little device need to be able to recognize as you intending to open your phone?
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You intending to open messages, you intending to type a message and then thinking that message that it goes in there.
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That's not that it's not mind reading.
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In the end, it might be you have to think about hearing the words out loud and then the AI interface machine learning can figure that out.
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But we're a long ways from that.
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We're a long ways from reading people's minds to words, but reading people's mind to intention or direction or anything to do with movement is possible because movement is such a huge thing.
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It has such a huge representation. It's behavior.
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But the moment that you're going to try and read somebody's imagination or read their subtle thoughts or what they're thinking behind them, this is this is in possibility space.
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But the implication is that, and really what he's only going to do is replace a mouse with something in your head, replace an optical mouse with something in your head.
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That's the that's what he's talking about right now.
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You know, in the long term, literally could interface with every aspect of your brain.
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And in the short term interface with every aspect of your brain is the dumbest thing that he's going to say in this whole presentation because I can't imagine it's possible, but I can't imagine a dumber thing that somebody could say when talking about the brain and interfacing with it.
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Let's listen to that again because that's really a home run.
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What output device that, you know, in the long term, literally could interface with every aspect of your brain.
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And in the short term, what does that even mean? There can't be a neurobiologist on the planet. It takes him seriously anymore if he says that. What, what kind of implant is this?
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It's just, it's just ridiculous. Okay. So I don't know how much more that we can interface with any given section of your brain and solve a tremendous number of things that cause debilitating issues for people.
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So, you know, so our long term is like, I'll talk a little bit about a long term goal. It's going to sound a little esoteric, but does this sound like a genius to you?
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Does this sound like a guy with a vision for the future?
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Or does this sound like a guy who's trying to remember what was the, what was the sales pitch again? What am I supposed to sell them on that I'm going to fix what again?
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Am I going to restore vision or I'm going to fix the spinal cord? What's he going to do?
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It's the, it was actually the sort of my prime motivation, which was, you know, what do we do about AI? Like, what do we do about artificial general intelligence?
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If we have digital super intelligence, that's, you know, just much smarter than any human. How do we mitigate that risk at a species level? How do we mitigate that risk?
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So at a species level, he wants to mitigate the risk of AI by connecting us to computers now through our brain with a physical interface.
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Because then what the AIs won't kill us.
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I mean, this, he, he's not even articulate enough to tell this science fiction story with any vigor.
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I'm not even really excited by it because of the awkwardness with which he, he expounds on this idea. It is, it is laughable that we are being presented with this guy as an intellectual leader as some kind of.
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It's just, it's really, it is, it is frightening. It is really frightening. I mean, this is an inversion of everything that's true.
01:00:06.960 --> 01:00:20.960
If we have digital super intelligence, that's, they're just much smarter than any human. How do we mitigate that risk at a species level? How do we mitigate that risk?
01:00:21.960 --> 01:00:36.960
And then even in a benign scenario where the AI is very, very benevolent, then how do we even go along for the, go along for the ride? How do we participate?
01:00:39.960 --> 01:00:46.960
And the conclusion, okay, so we're going to leave it right here. I'm not going to torture you with that anymore. I didn't realize it was so bad.
01:00:46.960 --> 01:00:55.960
They're going to say that they need to get a quadriplegic and they're actually going to show a monkey playing pong with its brain, which is, again, remember pong with its brain is what?
01:00:56.960 --> 01:01:01.960
What is it, ladies and gentlemen? It's moving something from one part of the screen to the other part of the screen.
01:01:02.960 --> 01:01:14.960
So the only thing they need to do was train the learning, the machine learning to read either the, the, the signals in the motor cortex that correspond to up or down or middle and there's only a few.
01:01:14.960 --> 01:01:23.960
How many positions are there, a hundred? And, and is it locked into where the, the monkey is looking?
01:01:24.960 --> 01:01:33.960
And so we really have two main signals that they're trying to get from the cortex. Not very hard.
01:01:34.960 --> 01:01:41.960
It's really not very hard at all. I mean, I guess we can see if we can watch that part. Let's see if we can watch the monkey part.
01:01:45.960 --> 01:01:57.960
He makes a Rick and Morty reference, which I don't like because Rick is, Rick is not my, here we go, monkey playing pong.
01:01:58.960 --> 01:02:11.960
Pager, who is playing a monkey mind pong. So this is a, Pager has a neural link implant in this video.
01:02:12.960 --> 01:02:18.960
And the thing that's interesting is that you, you can't, you can't even see the, the neural implant.
01:02:19.960 --> 01:02:27.960
So it's the, it's, we've miniaturized the neural implant to the point where it matches the, the thickness of.
01:02:28.960 --> 01:02:32.960
So I assume that he's licking sugar water here to keep participating.
01:02:33.960 --> 01:02:38.960
I guess that's the neural link there. Maybe that's his other ear, but he's bragging about the fact that you can't see it.
01:02:38.960 --> 01:02:40.960
But again, remember what I'm saying to you.
01:02:41.960 --> 01:02:51.960
A very small number of electrodes put almost anywhere in the neocortex in a monkey like this could get a discernible signal during the playing of pong.
01:02:52.960 --> 01:02:57.960
And could be used to train the positioning of that thing, which doesn't have infinite position, right?
01:02:57.960 --> 01:03:02.960
It's not even moving in, in 2D space. It's moving in 1D space.
01:03:03.960 --> 01:03:09.960
And so the monkey is able to interact with this game in 1D space. That's it.
01:03:09.960 --> 01:03:11.960
This is not even replacing a mouse yet.
01:03:12.960 --> 01:03:13.960
Do you see my point?
01:03:14.960 --> 01:03:25.960
So this is very much snake oil and this is not even the best brain mind interface that has been seen in neuroscience already in terms of what the animals can and can't do.
01:03:25.960 --> 01:03:28.960
So this is actually also part of the frustration.
01:03:31.960 --> 01:03:37.960
And I'm sure a lot of people that work on monkeys would think that this was just absurd what he's doing here, what he's claiming here.
01:03:38.960 --> 01:03:40.960
And that's what drives me nuts.
01:03:40.960 --> 01:03:57.960
The skull that is removed. So it's essentially that it's sort of like having an Apple watch or a Fitbit, replacing a piece of skull with a smartwatch for lack of a better analogy.
01:03:57.960 --> 01:04:05.960
How is that even possible for somebody to argue that that's a good idea that we're going to replace a piece of your skull with a smartwatch?
01:04:06.960 --> 01:04:07.960
01:04:08.960 --> 01:04:10.960
Look at him. Listen to him.
01:04:12.960 --> 01:04:16.960
This is just meant to keep us on our heels. It's just meant to bamboozle our children.
01:04:17.960 --> 01:04:20.960
And we need to be active in saving them from this illusion.
01:04:24.960 --> 01:04:28.960
So you can see he really can't. He looks pretty as normal.
01:04:29.960 --> 01:04:32.960
And I think that's pretty important if you have a neural link device.
01:04:32.960 --> 01:04:35.960
I could have a neural link device implanted right now.
01:04:35.960 --> 01:04:36.960
Here you go.
01:04:38.960 --> 01:04:42.960
Oh, here we go. What is he saying? I could have a neural link of device implanted right now and...
01:04:43.960 --> 01:04:45.960
You wouldn't even know. I mean...
01:04:46.960 --> 01:04:48.960
01:04:52.960 --> 01:04:54.960
I may be one of these demos. In fact...
01:04:56.960 --> 01:04:58.960
One of these demos I will.
01:04:58.960 --> 01:05:00.960
One of these demos I will.
01:05:02.960 --> 01:05:06.960
One of these demos I will. Okay, we're going to end it right there because that's just dumb.
01:05:07.960 --> 01:05:11.960
So that was this one. So let's watch the...
01:05:12.960 --> 01:05:16.960
Remember now we're not even talking about interfacing with the brain now.
01:05:16.960 --> 01:05:18.960
Now we're just talking about using a computer...
01:05:19.960 --> 01:05:26.960
Using a computer to make a car drive safely. Watch this video.
01:05:26.960 --> 01:05:28.960
February 27th, 2021.
01:05:29.960 --> 01:05:33.960
Police body cam footage shows a traffic stop on a highway in Montgomery County, Texas.
01:05:35.960 --> 01:05:43.960
As this 2019 Tesla Model X driving in autopilot mode strikes their vehicles at 54 miles per hour.
01:05:45.960 --> 01:05:49.960
Enduring five officers and hospitalizing the subject of the original traffic stop.
01:05:49.960 --> 01:06:07.960
The crash is one of 16 between Teslas and emergency vehicles being investigated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA to determine whether Tesla's autopilot has contributed to the accidents.
01:06:08.960 --> 01:06:14.960
The journal obtained exclusive dash cam footage and partial data logs from the Tesla and the Texas crash.
01:06:15.960 --> 01:06:17.960
We annotated the footage for clarity.
01:06:18.960 --> 01:06:23.960
These materials show the car's autopilot system failed to recognize the stopped emergency vehicles in time.
01:06:24.960 --> 01:06:32.960
And though its driver monitoring system appears to have worked as designed, it was not enough to sideline the impaired driver and prevent the collision.
01:06:33.960 --> 01:06:37.960
We also obtained eight crash reports included in the NHTSA investigation.
01:06:38.960 --> 01:06:42.960
In at least six, the incidents occurred when emergency vehicle lights were flashing.
01:06:42.960 --> 01:06:50.960
Now, this is something that I wanted to make sure that we don't get too far into because in this one, they're going to say that the emergency lights are the one, the thing that did it.
01:06:51.960 --> 01:06:53.960
But I want you to understand that it's a little more complicated than that.
01:06:54.960 --> 01:06:56.960
Let's just, let's just watch some other analysis.
01:06:57.960 --> 01:07:11.960
Braking and sudden acceleration and steering wheel jerks and things like that make me realize that the big difference between a stage two Tesla and a stage two Nissan or Hyundai or Kia is just confidence.
01:07:12.960 --> 01:07:17.960
It's not an iconic or an 86 hits a sharp curve or situation that it's uncertain of.
01:07:18.960 --> 01:07:19.960
It leads the decision up to the driver.
01:07:20.960 --> 01:07:24.960
Now, when a Tesla encounters uncertainty, it will confidently, I'll show you an example.
01:07:25.960 --> 01:07:31.960
As most men in their 40s do, I bought a plastic child and then tried to hit it with autonomous vehicles on a closed roadway.
01:07:32.960 --> 01:07:33.960
And guess what?
01:07:33.960 --> 01:07:39.960
Despite what you may have seen in videos like this, the Tesla actually did rather well at avoiding the child when it was barreling down the road.
01:07:40.960 --> 01:07:44.960
And I decided that this experiment was a success and cruise control over to the profit camera stuff.
01:07:45.960 --> 01:07:53.960
With cruise control still on, the car braked for the child, stood stationary for a bit and then suddenly accelerated over the child and sped up until I manually braked and took over.
01:07:56.960 --> 01:07:58.960
Oh my God, it just mowed down the child.
01:07:59.960 --> 01:08:02.960
Yeah, what the fuck?
01:08:03.960 --> 01:08:08.960
I lifted my orange plastic boy back up to his feet and I tried approaching him at a moderate pace.
01:08:09.960 --> 01:08:14.960
The car recognized the child and the road, braked a bit and then decided, Meh, it's fine and then drove over it.
01:08:15.960 --> 01:08:18.960
Here's a really, really painfully obvious question.
01:08:19.960 --> 01:08:23.960
When a car detects a humanoid object and says, hey, there's a humanoid object, I'm going to break for that.
01:08:24.960 --> 01:08:25.960
And then the car breaks for it.
01:08:25.960 --> 01:08:29.960
Why in the world would it not suspend full self driving and have the human take over?
01:08:29.960 --> 01:08:35.960
Like a car should not ever accelerate from a stop if it thinks that it just detected a pedestrian in front of it.
01:08:35.960 --> 01:08:36.960
What the fuck?
01:08:36.960 --> 01:08:38.960
And it's not like this is some type of anomaly.
01:08:38.960 --> 01:08:43.960
A few days before that, I decided to actually test out full self driving in public.
01:08:43.960 --> 01:08:47.960
It tried to drive me into the side of another car in a Kroger parking lot.
01:08:47.960 --> 01:08:51.960
I decided to stop testing it in public and brought it to a closed lot.
01:08:51.960 --> 01:08:56.960
And even in that closed lot, I probably had to disengage to prevent a collision over a dozen times.
01:08:56.960 --> 01:09:01.960
And when I was filming in public the entire time, I thought to myself, this is actually really dangerous.
01:09:01.960 --> 01:09:04.960
Why am I filming myself driving this thing in public?
01:09:04.960 --> 01:09:05.960
I'm going to get canceled.
01:09:05.960 --> 01:09:14.960
But like close to 400,000 people are using this exact shitty system or an even older and shittier version of it on public roadways.
01:09:14.960 --> 01:09:25.960
And a whole lot of people from Elon dick riders to Tesla investors are really defensive and full of shit when any sort of claim about full self driving safety comes up.
01:09:25.960 --> 01:09:39.960
In fact, last year when the independent published footage of a Tesla hitting a child mannequin in a controlled test, not only did Tesla threaten them, but Hallmark's catalog argued that full self driving cars can detect the difference between false pedestrians and true pedestrians.
01:09:39.960 --> 01:09:45.960
And then literally asked for somebody in the Bay Area to volunteer to have their child run in front of his Tesla to prove it.
01:09:45.960 --> 01:10:04.960
And sure enough, just when you think that you can't possibly hear anything stupider than the paragraph that just came out of my fucking mouth in a now removed YouTube video, Tad Park, a private equity CEO, heavily invested in Tesla, decided to volunteer his child to play Russian roulette with full self driving beta.
01:10:04.960 --> 01:10:05.960
So far so good.
01:10:05.960 --> 01:10:07.960
But what about with real life kids?
01:10:07.960 --> 01:10:09.960
The car refuses to move.
01:10:09.960 --> 01:10:11.960
Okay, it's moving a little bit.
01:10:11.960 --> 01:10:13.960
Moving a little bit.
01:10:13.960 --> 01:10:16.960
Let's send it to 40 miles an hour, just like Dan O'Dowd's test.
01:10:16.960 --> 01:10:23.960
And thank God it didn't do to his child what it's done to mannequin children in tests.
01:10:23.960 --> 01:10:30.960
Okay, honey, daddy is balls deep on an option ETF for one of Elon's broken promises that daddy's also hedged with Bitcoin.
01:10:31.960 --> 01:10:38.960
I'm going to need you to go help daddy out and go stand in front of the 4,000 pound self driving vehicle that's being beta tested.
01:10:38.960 --> 01:10:44.960
There's been tons of both formal, well funded research and independent research from concerned Tesla owners.
01:10:44.960 --> 01:10:59.960
AI addict, for example, has set up all sorts of test scenarios on private roads, including but not limited to fooling Tesla's driver monitoring system with stuffed animals and even an inflatable bottle of champagne while plowing through a closed road sign and also plowing through a moving
01:10:59.960 --> 01:11:00.960
01:11:00.960 --> 01:11:11.960
I'm a mannequin walking its dog, and just like in my experiences, a lot of the time the test level of detective pedestrian break and then be like, nah, it's probably fine and go on to commit vehicular homicide in a hit and run.
01:11:11.960 --> 01:11:17.960
The reason some of the old autopilot running over children tests are safer than others isn't that complicated.
01:11:17.960 --> 01:11:19.960
Okay, so maybe I'm going to let this run.
01:11:19.960 --> 01:11:26.960
Fully autonomous vehicles or vehicles that claim to be fully autonomous use LiDAR sensors, which is like a pretty foolproof real time 3D scanner.
01:11:26.960 --> 01:11:33.320
real-time 3D scanner. Elon Musk thinks that LiDAR sensors are far too expensive so
01:11:33.320 --> 01:11:37.760
he is relied on just using regular cameras and ultrasonic sensors. Ultrasonic
01:11:37.760 --> 01:11:43.520
sensors are a tried true reliable way to detect nearby objects. They're used in
01:11:43.520 --> 01:11:48.200
everything from collision warning systems to parking assist systems to rear
01:11:48.200 --> 01:11:52.280
occupant alert systems. Come to think of it the last time I had a car that didn't
01:11:52.280 --> 01:11:56.660
have any type of ultrasonic sensor on it was like 20 years ago. They cost like
01:11:56.700 --> 01:12:01.940
$50 to replace for the consumer and they cost as low as four dollars to make for
01:12:01.940 --> 01:12:05.620
the manufacturer. This expense was apparently too much to ask for a 40 to
01:12:05.620 --> 01:12:11.860
$50,000 vehicle because last year despite the overwhelming advice to not do
01:12:11.860 --> 01:12:16.900
this from Tesla engineers Elon removed the ultrasonic sensors from all Tesla
01:12:16.900 --> 01:12:21.260
models coming after. Okay so I'm just gonna stop this one because this isn't
01:12:21.260 --> 01:12:25.660
really the video I wanted to watch to finish the to finish them off so I
01:12:25.700 --> 01:12:30.300
wanted to recommend a YouTube channel to you if you are not already aware of it.
01:12:30.300 --> 01:12:37.380
As a motorcycle rider this Canadian guy by the name of Fort 9 is probably the
01:12:37.380 --> 01:12:43.380
best YouTuber out there. He's got a partner I'm not getting anything for this
01:12:43.380 --> 01:12:46.580
I really just like this guy's work he does a lot of funny videos about
01:12:46.580 --> 01:12:49.780
motorcycles so if you don't like motorcycles you're not interested in
01:12:49.780 --> 01:12:53.140
motorcycles and you don't want to watch these videos but they're really well
01:12:53.140 --> 01:12:59.340
made his production value is very high for you know being a couple guys in
01:12:59.340 --> 01:13:05.220
Canada and so like there's this you know do you here basically have to employ
01:13:05.220 --> 01:13:10.380
RSV a low-blown he does a video like this and really on the
01:13:10.380 --> 01:13:16.100
botanium so if you get a chance to own a V4 do it singles are for saving money
01:13:16.100 --> 01:13:20.860
and riding dirt V twins add power if you don't mind adding length in line
01:13:20.860 --> 01:13:24.940
twins kind of low belong and sound like a sewing machine unless it's one of the
01:13:24.940 --> 01:13:30.620
new 270 degree jobs boxers are dumb inline triples are inherently unbalanced
01:13:30.620 --> 01:13:35.380
you'll see these marketed as raw engines but I sold you a raw hamburger would
01:13:35.380 --> 01:13:41.100
that be desirable inline fours are the first true screamers constant power being
01:13:41.100 --> 01:13:45.380
a better way to rev fast though you'll need a balancer shaft and inline sixes
01:13:45.380 --> 01:13:49.820
are theoretical perfection but realistically impractical we've been
01:13:49.860 --> 01:13:53.820
and so he does a lot of videos like this and they're really entertaining and he
01:13:53.820 --> 01:14:00.940
did a video not too long ago about Teslas and running over motorcycles and so in
01:14:00.940 --> 01:14:05.620
order to feature fort nine and his production crew I'm gonna use this
01:14:05.620 --> 01:14:11.020
video to make the point I want to make about self-driving and I think he does
01:14:11.020 --> 01:14:15.500
a really good job of introducing it from the perspective of you know what it's
01:14:15.500 --> 01:14:19.460
representing versus what it really means and so enjoy this I hope you enjoy it I
01:14:19.460 --> 01:14:22.700
really do like this a lot
01:14:40.860 --> 01:14:47.540
two almost robotically identical crashes are under investigation because
01:14:47.540 --> 01:14:52.820
artificial intelligence is the suspected link
01:15:01.660 --> 01:15:08.060
can you spot the fatal flaw in Tesla's autopilot
01:15:17.540 --> 01:15:28.340
eight cameras enable this car to see both crashes occurred on straight highway
01:15:28.340 --> 01:15:34.740
so we'll consider the narrow forward-facing camera and it's 250 meter range if the
01:15:34.740 --> 01:15:40.500
bike was going 65 and the Tesla 80 that equates to 37 seconds of reaction time
01:15:40.500 --> 01:15:44.660
maybe our closing speed was faster but regardless the computer had enough
01:15:44.660 --> 01:15:53.540
processing time by an order of magnitude meaning autopilot decided this is not a
01:15:53.540 --> 01:15:59.780
problem this is not a problem this is not a problem this is not a problem until
01:15:59.780 --> 01:16:05.980
see our brains can tell a motorcycle from a car from a stop sign these human
01:16:05.980 --> 01:16:10.660
farms data sets are fed to computer vision programs until they too learned
01:16:10.660 --> 01:16:16.660
to label videos and Tesla vision is nothing more than more in Tesla has
01:16:16.660 --> 01:16:20.820
billions of dash cam minutes they sample millions of sketchy moments which
01:16:20.820 --> 01:16:26.100
humans label and teach to AI and that runs in shadow mode on your next drive
01:16:26.100 --> 01:16:31.420
making a few more questionable decisions which are corrected and relearned again
01:16:31.420 --> 01:16:37.980
and again through seven modes of refinement but it's still just labeling and I
01:16:38.020 --> 01:16:45.020
can't stress enough to you right now how the only plan they have to solve the
01:16:45.020 --> 01:16:52.100
human genome is collecting lots of iterations of it and labeling labeling
01:16:52.100 --> 01:16:58.180
it with medical data labeling it with time series of medical data as many data
01:16:58.180 --> 01:17:02.820
points as they can find with the hopes that there will be enough data for the
01:17:02.820 --> 01:17:11.500
AI to convert data into some understanding data into some mastery of
01:17:11.500 --> 01:17:19.660
the system the exact same thing that Fortnite just described they are doing
01:17:19.660 --> 01:17:26.260
with billions of hours of driving and it's still failing miserably you saw the
01:17:26.260 --> 01:17:33.220
last video it's failing miserably it's not that problem all however tractable
01:17:33.220 --> 01:17:42.620
it may be is just a tiny speck of a droplet of vapor in a five gallon bucket
01:17:42.620 --> 01:17:47.460
of water that represents the complexity of the human immune system the human
01:17:47.460 --> 01:17:53.460
digestive system the human nervous system and they expect you to believe
01:17:53.460 --> 01:17:59.420
that they can augment it that they can make predictions about how when they
01:17:59.420 --> 01:18:05.100
augment it what will happen years in the future they can't even do it seconds in
01:18:05.100 --> 01:18:17.180
the future and so it's with great great urgency that I beg you to start
01:18:17.180 --> 01:18:24.060
teaching your children about this mythology about this enchantment that
01:18:24.060 --> 01:18:28.700
AI and machine learning if it just had a few more cores or it just had a few more
01:18:28.700 --> 01:18:33.220
gigabytes of data or a few more hours of driving a few more examples of a
01:18:33.220 --> 01:18:38.940
collision that the AI would finally have all the answers that it needs to drive
01:18:38.940 --> 01:18:43.620
us safely down the road and and do whatever else you know like augment the
01:18:43.620 --> 01:18:54.540
genome this is the same snake oil but it's easier to see here with driving and
01:18:54.540 --> 01:19:00.540
self-driving algorithms than it is to see with the human genome and with medicine
01:19:00.540 --> 01:19:07.380
and with personalized medicine and with personalized therapies and with
01:19:07.460 --> 01:19:14.220
personalized transfections this this is the same kind of snake oil but the
01:19:14.220 --> 01:19:19.540
snake oil that's happening in the in the public health space his orders of
01:19:19.540 --> 01:19:28.820
magnitude more dangerous this is a motorcycle up close this is a car far
01:19:28.820 --> 01:19:33.900
away this is a problem this is not now remember our crashes happened at night
01:19:33.900 --> 01:19:39.380
so AI can't see his body and they were on empty highways so we have few linear
01:19:39.380 --> 01:19:45.940
perspective cues and both motorcycles were cruisers with low tail lights my
01:19:45.940 --> 01:19:50.220
theory is that all the computer saw was two glaring orbs close together and
01:19:50.220 --> 01:19:56.860
close to the horizon it labeled this a distant car so it hit our imminent
01:19:56.860 --> 01:19:59.660
01:19:59.660 --> 01:20:08.860
of course a human might make the same mistake and statistically AI is still
01:20:08.860 --> 01:20:16.260
said to be safer but that is a dangerous misrepresentation Elon's referring to
01:20:16.260 --> 01:20:21.140
autopilot crashes per million miles driven but think about it autopilot is
01:20:21.140 --> 01:20:26.700
massively biased to highway use and on highways cars usually travel a long
01:20:26.780 --> 01:20:32.220
distance before smacking into things formulas exist for adjusting the highway
01:20:32.220 --> 01:20:37.140
advantage and when you interpret the data responsibly autopilot is sometimes more
01:20:37.140 --> 01:20:42.060
dangerous than driving without a catastrophic distinction for a
01:20:42.060 --> 01:20:47.140
feature that is only meant to augment driver safety but it's all the same in
01:20:47.140 --> 01:20:51.780
a sales spreadsheet never mind the salvation of mankind maybe the world's
01:20:51.780 --> 01:21:01.940
richest car company is out to make money oh I like money case in point Tesla
01:21:01.940 --> 01:21:06.660
recently removed the radar that lived in here so its computer can guess at
01:21:06.660 --> 01:21:11.140
distances based on parallax and what it thinks an object is but the chilling
01:21:11.140 --> 01:21:17.180
truth is that your Tesla no longer knows the distance to anything not without
01:21:17.260 --> 01:21:23.500
radar sending radio waves there and back again it's a cost-saving deletion both
01:21:23.500 --> 01:21:29.620
in parts and reputation see radar is all distance and no substance it knows how
01:21:29.620 --> 01:21:34.580
far that mass is but can't tell whether it's an overpass or an overturned truck
01:21:34.580 --> 01:21:42.860
so the AI either has to ignore radar input or trust radar only to occasionally
01:21:42.860 --> 01:21:47.660
panic break for no reason it's an embarrassing problem and when we
01:21:47.660 --> 01:21:52.260
understand autopilot as a profit proposition we can understand why Tesla
01:21:52.260 --> 01:21:57.380
buried that problem in the cheapest way possible so actually three weeks ago we
01:21:57.380 --> 01:22:02.060
started to ship cars that have no radar at all so we deleted the radar and we
01:22:02.060 --> 01:22:06.380
are driving on vision alone in these cars and the reason we are doing this I
01:22:06.380 --> 01:22:10.380
think is well expressed by Elon in a suite he's saying when radar on vision
01:22:10.380 --> 01:22:13.900
disagree which one do you believe vision has much more precision so better to
01:22:13.900 --> 01:22:19.500
double down vision than do sensor fusion that is a reckless idea imagine I
01:22:19.500 --> 01:22:23.940
hire two artists to paint what do you think your brain does other than sensor
01:22:23.940 --> 01:22:30.180
fusion better to double down on vision than to work on sensor fusion so the one
01:22:30.180 --> 01:22:35.900
thing that that biology does well to produce behavior from sensory input is
01:22:35.900 --> 01:22:43.500
sensory fusion sensory integration is the right term and so rather than tackle
01:22:43.500 --> 01:22:48.220
the challenge of sensory integration he's just decided to go on vision alone
01:22:48.220 --> 01:22:53.180
think about how spectacularly silly this is from the perspective of him
01:22:53.180 --> 01:22:58.620
standing up there pretending that they're doing all this magic stuff they're not
01:22:58.620 --> 01:23:04.220
doing anything they're cutting corners they're making money they're making sales
01:23:04.300 --> 01:23:09.020
pitches they're making claims that they can't back up it is very very close to
01:23:09.020 --> 01:23:17.580
thoranos level deception sure it can help you on the highway whoopty ding
01:23:17.580 --> 01:23:21.180
Chevy trucks can do that too
01:23:23.580 --> 01:23:27.260
Chevy trucks don't explode into spontaneous fires that can't be put out
01:23:27.260 --> 01:23:32.060
without special chemicals that I know for sure my traverse is never going to blow
01:23:32.060 --> 01:23:39.100
up like that into picture of the road ahead and uh oh and they're different
01:23:39.100 --> 01:23:42.460
and I guess I better throw one away so there's nothing left to contradict the
01:23:42.460 --> 01:23:47.020
other and that means I can drive assuming it's correct
01:23:47.020 --> 01:23:54.140
hmm the only place that logic makes sense is in a profit loss call if Tesla really
01:23:54.140 --> 01:23:58.380
cared to solve the discrepancies between radar and vision I expect they'd check
01:23:58.460 --> 01:24:01.340
with LiDAR it's like a million tiny radars
01:24:01.340 --> 01:24:06.780
doving a pointless map of accurate distances with definition such is the
01:24:06.780 --> 01:24:14.140
reason every autonomous giant failsaves with LiDAR except Tesla LiDAR is is a
01:24:14.140 --> 01:24:19.820
fool's errand and anyone relying on LiDAR is doomed
01:24:20.780 --> 01:24:26.700
doomed that statement only makes sense when I translate into dollars
01:24:27.660 --> 01:24:32.380
LiDAR is expensive it's ugly it requires pre-made maps that are
01:24:32.380 --> 01:24:37.500
unscalable to market of course money is not the party line
01:24:37.500 --> 01:24:42.460
and Tesla would say that we drive with two eyes and our intelligence so eight
01:24:42.460 --> 01:24:47.500
cameras and an artificial intelligence is all you need for autonomous driving
01:24:48.380 --> 01:24:54.060
in theory in the future I agree but Tesla is making billion selling
01:24:54.060 --> 01:25:00.060
future features to consumers today and today two motorcyclists are dead
01:25:04.300 --> 01:25:10.140
nobody wants to see a third and Tesla least of all so let's suggest three
01:25:10.140 --> 01:25:16.540
fixes to our three parties starting with Tesla don't call it autopilot
01:25:16.620 --> 01:25:20.460
Germany has banned the term as false advertising California is trying to
01:25:20.460 --> 01:25:24.060
oust it as dangerously misleading we all know
01:25:24.060 --> 01:25:28.940
selling an autopilot that requires drivers to be constantly piloting it
01:25:28.940 --> 01:25:32.380
it's like selling a flamethrower that is not a flamethrower
01:25:32.380 --> 01:25:38.940
it's willfully incendiary now to Tesla consumers be skeptical
01:25:38.940 --> 01:25:43.820
any influencer can recognize that Elon Musk is an influencer his genius is
01:25:43.820 --> 01:25:47.900
insane the most compelling things not the most true
01:25:47.900 --> 01:25:51.260
so before you trust his take on autonomy just know that autopilot is programmed
01:25:51.260 --> 01:25:55.740
to shut down one second before impact so who's the man's letter charge gonna
01:25:55.740 --> 01:25:59.740
stick to
01:25:59.740 --> 01:26:15.100
and finally to motorcyclists yours is the deadly serious
01:26:15.100 --> 01:26:21.820
responsibility it's also the most vague maybe when headlights loom behind
01:26:21.820 --> 01:26:26.620
we've side to side your lateral motion will be wider than a far away car it
01:26:26.620 --> 01:26:29.900
should help the AI to gauge your distance
01:26:29.900 --> 01:26:35.420
it's something but i wish i had more
01:26:37.340 --> 01:26:41.580
i really like that guy he makes me so excited he makes youtube videos like i
01:26:41.580 --> 01:26:45.980
would make if i could spend that much time editing a video
01:26:45.980 --> 01:26:49.500
he's fabulous and the point that i'm trying to make i hope is very very
01:26:49.500 --> 01:26:53.740
clear the idea is that these people who are
01:26:53.740 --> 01:26:57.820
selling us on this concept that with enough replications enough
01:26:57.820 --> 01:27:03.100
enough recordings enough interactions with motorcycles enough
01:27:03.100 --> 01:27:07.660
you know labeled videos eventually this machine learning algorithm would come
01:27:07.660 --> 01:27:12.060
up with a solution that that worked
01:27:13.020 --> 01:27:18.460
and this as fort nine so eloquently says is is selling a future
01:27:18.460 --> 01:27:23.340
feature that doesn't exist now calling it autopilot is deceptive calling
01:27:23.340 --> 01:27:28.700
these transfections vaccines was deceptive telling Robert Malone when he
01:27:28.700 --> 01:27:32.140
was really young and just cutting his teeth as a postdoc
01:27:32.140 --> 01:27:35.980
that everybody would be carrying genetic diseases with retroviruses in 10 years
01:27:35.980 --> 01:27:40.380
was deceptive and telling everybody in these
01:27:40.380 --> 01:27:43.260
meetings behind the scenes that if we just collect enough
01:27:43.260 --> 01:27:48.700
genomes and we just collect enough of examples of human
01:27:48.700 --> 01:27:56.220
biology and feed it accurately into the ai that the ai will crack the puzzle
01:27:56.220 --> 01:28:01.500
this is an illusion of the grandest order
01:28:01.660 --> 01:28:06.780
and it can be seen very clearly if you look at smaller examples of the same
01:28:06.780 --> 01:28:11.500
power being applied to other simpler problems like chess
01:28:11.500 --> 01:28:13.740
01:28:13.740 --> 01:28:17.420
and autopilot are self-driving
01:28:17.420 --> 01:28:22.300
you can see very quickly how how in the world are you going to describe
01:28:22.300 --> 01:28:26.540
the symphony that is this complex pattern integrity that we
01:28:26.540 --> 01:28:30.460
start out as babies and progress until we're 75 years old
01:28:30.460 --> 01:28:35.660
changing the entire time metabolically spiritually electrically
01:28:35.660 --> 01:28:42.060
ionically microbiologically and yet somehow we're smart enough to
01:28:42.060 --> 01:28:44.940
understand that infinite complexity to
01:28:44.940 --> 01:28:49.180
inject a combination of substances intramuscular in attempt to augment it
01:28:49.180 --> 01:28:53.980
over time think about that
01:28:55.020 --> 01:28:58.860
and in the meantime we're going to do our best until the ai tells us the way we
01:28:58.860 --> 01:29:01.820
should have done it all along that's where we are
01:29:01.820 --> 01:29:05.340
and our children need to know
01:29:06.860 --> 01:29:09.820
our children need to know what they're doing why they're doing it that's what
01:29:09.820 --> 01:29:14.860
that's that's it they need to know this they need to understand this
01:29:14.860 --> 01:29:18.300
they need to understand that this was created by making us solve this
01:29:18.300 --> 01:29:21.980
mystery and we accepted everything that went along with it including this
01:29:21.980 --> 01:29:25.980
high fidelity transmission of RNA over many many years
01:29:25.980 --> 01:29:29.180
we've been fooled into accepting that there's a novel virus that's
01:29:29.180 --> 01:29:33.020
that is responsible for excess deaths and we've been fooled
01:29:33.020 --> 01:29:36.300
by some people wittingly and unwittingly participating in the
01:29:36.380 --> 01:29:40.700
extension of this worst case scenario narrative
01:29:40.700 --> 01:29:43.340
one of the new players on the scene for me is
01:29:43.340 --> 01:29:47.420
the amazing poly she seems to be really contributing to kind of
01:29:47.420 --> 01:29:50.460
pounding on this and making sure that these people that have
01:29:50.460 --> 01:29:53.660
pushed out the worst case scenario from the beginning are being exposed i'm
01:29:53.660 --> 01:29:57.900
really optimistic about poly but i do think that poly is also
01:29:57.900 --> 01:30:03.500
tied up with Epstein and with uh QAnon and so there's always this thing where
01:30:03.500 --> 01:30:09.340
you know if you and that's why we should remain parallel but separate
01:30:09.340 --> 01:30:12.060
because if you start collaborating with somebody and they say oh yeah you
01:30:12.060 --> 01:30:15.740
collaborated with that person named George Webb he was a big
01:30:15.740 --> 01:30:19.980
QAnon guy so if you're related to George Webb then i'm not going to listen to
01:30:19.980 --> 01:30:23.580
you anymore and that's how this often works
01:30:23.580 --> 01:30:26.940
that's how they did it with brian artists i believe they got him to say a silly
01:30:26.940 --> 01:30:29.260
thing and that maybe even what's happening with
01:30:29.260 --> 01:30:33.260
judy mikovitz but judy mikovitz is a more complicated
01:30:33.260 --> 01:30:36.300
situation because she's been more recently
01:30:36.300 --> 01:30:41.020
sort of entangled with these guys who are entangled with George Webb
01:30:41.020 --> 01:30:45.660
from the very beginning of the pandemic and even before that
01:30:46.380 --> 01:30:49.740
and so if i want to be very specific about it i mean i'll be very specific
01:30:49.740 --> 01:30:53.580
about it um sorry about that
01:30:53.980 --> 01:30:58.300
hit that uh a little fast there listen carefully
01:30:58.300 --> 01:31:01.260
bark right now where i believe you live maybe
01:31:01.260 --> 01:31:03.100
massachusetts you don't have to tell us
01:31:03.100 --> 01:31:08.060
i went to a protest uh this is in 2020 city hall
01:31:08.060 --> 01:31:13.740
just a little over a week or two ago and uh the park was shut down
01:31:13.740 --> 01:31:18.300
you can see there was no violence going on but the police basically informed me
01:31:18.300 --> 01:31:22.300
a uh a plane closed officer informed me that the park was closed
01:31:22.300 --> 01:31:25.580
he showed me no badge even when i asked to see it
01:31:25.660 --> 01:31:28.620
and he said that despite the fact that i was standing there
01:31:28.620 --> 01:31:33.660
talking to a 70 year old woman calmly and having a polite conversation no one
01:31:33.660 --> 01:31:36.540
was even arguing they closed the park they kicked us out
01:31:36.540 --> 01:31:40.380
they told me that if i didn't leave i could take it up with a judge
01:31:40.380 --> 01:31:44.460
which i took to mean they would arrest me throw me in a concrete box
01:31:44.460 --> 01:31:48.140
and allow me to speak to a judge about the constitution on monday since this
01:31:48.140 --> 01:31:52.940
was a friday is governor Andrew Cuomo allowed to shut down the
01:31:52.940 --> 01:31:55.740
constitution because of allegations of a virus
01:31:55.740 --> 01:31:59.020
that certain medical professionals argue against
01:31:59.020 --> 01:32:02.700
let's be very clear how we break down this issue
01:32:02.700 --> 01:32:07.180
the city of new york the state of new york has the power to close the park
01:32:07.180 --> 01:32:11.580
based on their view that it would be helpful in defeating the pandemic
01:32:11.580 --> 01:32:15.500
absolutely no question about that the supreme court has case in case
01:32:15.500 --> 01:32:18.940
the case saying that public health justifies
01:32:18.940 --> 01:32:23.580
closing down parks closing down no the reason why i'm showing this is you
01:32:23.580 --> 01:32:27.500
should ask yourself why is this particular guy on this particular
01:32:27.500 --> 01:32:31.500
podcast at this particular time
01:32:31.500 --> 01:32:35.180
because this i believe is a harvard professor law school dude who talks
01:32:35.180 --> 01:32:37.820
all the time on the news and now he's on
01:32:37.820 --> 01:32:42.140
on this relatively unknown podcast with this fellow who used to be
01:32:42.140 --> 01:32:47.740
very much recently in this video associated with george web good or bad
01:32:47.740 --> 01:32:51.580
george web the guy who is on earlier this year
01:32:51.580 --> 01:32:56.300
february of 2020 on 60 minutes talking about america releasing the virus at
01:32:56.300 --> 01:33:01.180
the wuhan games they're all intertwined
01:33:01.180 --> 01:33:05.980
and at the beginning of the pandemic this lawyer decided to legitimize his
01:33:05.980 --> 01:33:10.380
podcast by coming on and delivering this very
01:33:10.380 --> 01:33:14.860
disingenuous message and representation about state rights constitutional rights
01:33:14.860 --> 01:33:18.300
and the ability of the state to force vaccinate people
01:33:18.300 --> 01:33:23.820
why on his podcast why not on cnn why on his podcast why is this guy
01:33:23.820 --> 01:33:27.020
related to george web being promoted in 2020
01:33:27.020 --> 01:33:31.420
and why is he still around now interacting with some of the same people that
01:33:31.420 --> 01:33:34.300
i've called medlers for years that's the trick
01:33:34.300 --> 01:33:37.420
listen carefully next question is does the governor have
01:33:37.420 --> 01:33:41.580
the right to do that governors generally are not
01:33:41.580 --> 01:33:45.660
authorized to make the law uh they're authorized to enforce the law
01:33:45.660 --> 01:33:49.660
so you'd have to look to see if there were legislative authority
01:33:49.660 --> 01:33:53.020
allowing the governor to close the part if there is
01:33:53.020 --> 01:33:57.340
then it would be legitimate uh let me put it very clearly you have no
01:33:57.340 --> 01:34:02.540
constitutional right to endanger the public and spread
01:34:02.540 --> 01:34:07.260
the disease even if you disagree you have no right not to be vaccinated
01:34:07.260 --> 01:34:11.500
you have no right not to wear a mask you have no right to open up your
01:34:11.500 --> 01:34:15.340
business where can i stop you naked so he's saying that there's no right
01:34:15.340 --> 01:34:19.020
codified in the constitution that permits you to do that that that's a
01:34:19.020 --> 01:34:23.260
that's a very disingenuous presentation of the legal argument that
01:34:23.260 --> 01:34:27.660
they're purporting to talk about this is a limited spectrum of debate
01:34:27.660 --> 01:34:31.580
from limited angles with limited words on purpose
01:34:31.580 --> 01:34:35.500
to seed a narrative of the worst case scenario not only
01:34:35.500 --> 01:34:38.060
they're not talking about a lab leak here we're talking about the worst case
01:34:38.060 --> 01:34:42.860
scenario what can the government do if it deems necessary to close down
01:34:42.860 --> 01:34:47.740
and that's what they're doing here this is a worst case scenario discussion
01:34:47.740 --> 01:34:50.860
worst case scenario the government can do whatever the hell it wants to so you
01:34:50.860 --> 01:34:53.420
better get ready for it that's the message here
01:34:53.420 --> 01:34:58.060
in 2020 being delivered by this lawyer
01:34:58.060 --> 01:35:03.660
and this relatively unknown podcaster who's associated
01:35:03.660 --> 01:35:09.180
on video riding in the same car as George Webb before the pandemic
01:35:09.500 --> 01:35:14.620
and so i don't know when this was i think it was about a half a year ago or so
01:35:14.620 --> 01:35:19.820
biology we knew despite the envelope the surface unit alone
01:35:19.820 --> 01:35:25.420
of these viruses was the deadly component so they cloned the deadly parts
01:35:25.900 --> 01:35:33.660
of the 1918 Spanish flu the 1918 pandemic strain of influenza
01:35:33.660 --> 01:35:38.140
this was never about SARS-CoV-2 hear me this was about and this is John
01:35:38.140 --> 01:35:43.340
Cullen's work as he talked to me in september of 2021 on Jason Goodman
01:35:43.340 --> 01:35:47.740
show um september 20 so here's here's here's
01:35:47.740 --> 01:35:53.900
here's uh judy mikovitz promoting again somebody who's related to George
01:35:53.900 --> 01:35:57.740
Webb someone who claims that this was flu getting covered up
01:35:57.740 --> 01:36:01.740
and that there's no coronavirus it was flu and it was 1918 flu and now he's
01:36:01.740 --> 01:36:06.060
changed it to h7n1 bird flu
01:36:07.260 --> 01:36:11.180
but here she is promoting him as having the right idea which was at the time
01:36:11.180 --> 01:36:18.620
1918 flu re- resurrected by the NIH and now i understand that he's moved his
01:36:18.620 --> 01:36:23.180
theory on to a bird flu pandemic but you must
01:36:23.180 --> 01:36:29.980
notice that nobody ever nobody ever does this for me nobody ever does this for
01:36:29.980 --> 01:36:34.220
nick hudson nobody ever does this for jessica hocket nobody ever does this
01:36:34.220 --> 01:36:39.820
for for mark hu satanic but for some reason or other
01:36:39.820 --> 01:36:44.860
judy mikovitz of all the people to promote on the london real show
01:36:44.860 --> 01:36:49.020
she promotes crowdsource the truth and john kullen that's
01:36:49.020 --> 01:36:52.860
interesting i find it very interesting because
01:36:52.860 --> 01:36:59.420
not too long ago john kullen and a guy who i consider to be guaranteed a
01:36:59.420 --> 01:37:03.340
medler charles rixi had some kind of debate about
01:37:03.340 --> 01:37:07.020
whether it was again a function coronavirus or whether it was a
01:37:07.020 --> 01:37:10.220
resurrected bird flu
01:37:11.100 --> 01:37:16.860
charles rixi is somebody who i believe was involved in
01:37:16.860 --> 01:37:22.060
well just just let's just say what he is he's a former marine
01:37:22.060 --> 01:37:26.140
who at the start of the pandemic was working at a shoe store
01:37:26.140 --> 01:37:30.060
as a manager and working on his mba that he says that he was within one
01:37:30.060 --> 01:37:33.100
course of finishing but didn't finish because he had to stop
01:37:33.100 --> 01:37:36.700
to fight the pandemic was one of the first people infected got infected on
01:37:36.700 --> 01:37:41.340
his way back from whoever he was in europe
01:37:41.340 --> 01:37:44.620
became a member of drastic at some point and then
01:37:44.620 --> 01:37:50.860
the the diffuse proposal was first leaked charles rixi before it was
01:37:50.860 --> 01:37:54.540
leaked to veritas maybe at the same time
01:37:54.540 --> 01:37:58.540
the veritas leak doesn't acknowledge that charles rixi and drastic also got
01:37:58.540 --> 01:38:03.660
the got the document charles doesn't really ever mention that veritas got
01:38:03.660 --> 01:38:08.460
the document and charles in his infinite wisdom and
01:38:08.460 --> 01:38:13.980
and you know head to toe patriotism decided that when this
01:38:13.980 --> 01:38:19.580
this person decided to leak this grand proposal he decided it was a good
01:38:19.580 --> 01:38:22.620
idea to share it with a bunch of anonymous people on twitter many of
01:38:22.620 --> 01:38:27.500
whom are foreign nationals and this is supposed to be somebody
01:38:27.500 --> 01:38:32.060
who's fighting for our children's sovereignty
01:38:32.060 --> 01:38:35.420
with a guy by the name of kevin mccaren in japan
01:38:35.420 --> 01:38:40.620
this is the the narrative that now is supposed to intersect logically
01:38:40.620 --> 01:38:46.220
with the idea that the the judy mikovitz promoted
01:38:46.220 --> 01:38:51.980
pandemic flu guy now considers charles rixi a legitimate virologist
01:38:51.980 --> 01:38:56.540
and and and bio-weapons expert needs to talk to him
01:38:56.540 --> 01:39:00.540
and try to convince him that it was flu rather than coronavirus and he didn't
01:39:00.540 --> 01:39:07.340
succeed but the point is again this has got to be a theater
01:39:07.340 --> 01:39:11.820
these people are not legitimate actors arguing about a legitimate discussion
01:39:11.820 --> 01:39:14.940
about how we're going to free our grandchildren this is a limited
01:39:14.940 --> 01:39:19.500
spectrum of debate being sculpted by weaponized piles of money and that's
01:39:19.500 --> 01:39:23.900
about all i can tell you i don't know their motivation but it is not
01:39:23.900 --> 01:39:28.780
to free our children of these mythologies obviously
01:39:28.780 --> 01:39:33.420
it's not to free our children from these mythologies
01:39:33.420 --> 01:39:36.620
and giggle on biological is about freeing our children from these
01:39:36.620 --> 01:39:40.860
mythologies i believe that deni rancor is fighting
01:39:40.860 --> 01:39:45.340
to free our children i think nick hudson and and martin niel and jessica
01:39:45.340 --> 01:39:48.540
hocket and thomas binder and husatonic live
01:39:48.540 --> 01:39:53.900
mark kulek are all fighting for this i think jonathan angler is also fighting
01:39:53.900 --> 01:39:57.340
and i'm hoping that many more of these people in this circle will come to
01:39:57.340 --> 01:40:01.340
fight for this as well but you can put these people in
01:40:01.340 --> 01:40:04.940
you can put judy in you can put them in at
01:40:04.940 --> 01:40:08.700
they're not fighting for our kids right now they're still fighting for the
01:40:08.700 --> 01:40:12.860
novel virus that explains the excess deaths they're still fighting for
01:40:12.860 --> 01:40:17.100
between seven and 25 million people being killed over the last four years
01:40:17.100 --> 01:40:21.820
and they're fighting very sure to make sure that college age kids don't realize
01:40:21.820 --> 01:40:25.180
that it had so much to do with fear uncertainty and doubt about do not
01:40:25.180 --> 01:40:28.940
resuscitate orders and ventilators and lack of antibiotic use and poor use of
01:40:28.940 --> 01:40:33.180
steroids and remdesivir medazalam and propofol and opioid deaths that were
01:40:33.180 --> 01:40:36.780
ignored and death certificate fraud financial incentives to do all of the
01:40:36.780 --> 01:40:40.780
things above track and trace millions of dollars spent and gone and lost
01:40:40.780 --> 01:40:43.740
along with the pcr fraud the lateral test flow fraud
01:40:43.740 --> 01:40:47.420
and likely sequencing fraud
01:40:48.380 --> 01:40:53.660
and instead they spend hours arguing about which virus went around the world
01:40:53.660 --> 01:40:58.220
for five years who's right about which virus who's right about who made it who
01:40:58.220 --> 01:41:01.100
unmasked who
01:41:01.580 --> 01:41:06.620
and it's this limited spectrum of a debate that has been crafted and curated by
01:41:06.620 --> 01:41:09.980
these actors for four years that has us trapped
01:41:09.980 --> 01:41:13.740
that they want us to pass this narrative down to our children that we have to
01:41:13.740 --> 01:41:17.500
stop and our children are on this road right now all by
01:41:17.500 --> 01:41:20.460
themselves looking for us to provide answers
01:41:20.540 --> 01:41:24.380
looking for us to provide guidance and on their phone
01:41:24.380 --> 01:41:28.060
are the cars on this road figuratively representing misleading
01:41:28.060 --> 01:41:32.940
information on the internet misleading information and mainstream media
01:41:32.940 --> 01:41:35.260
01:41:35.740 --> 01:41:39.660
and so no matter whose car they get into on social media they're going to find
01:41:39.660 --> 01:41:42.540
that there was a novel virus that killed millions and millions more were saved
01:41:42.540 --> 01:41:46.940
from that's likely from gain a function and therefore we'll come again
01:41:46.940 --> 01:41:49.820
they have changed the way we think ladies and gentlemen they want to change the
01:41:49.820 --> 01:41:52.620
way our kids think forever
01:41:52.620 --> 01:41:56.540
and we can't allow them to do that some of these people are responsible for
01:41:56.540 --> 01:41:59.260
seeding the worst-case scenario narrative others are unwittingly
01:41:59.260 --> 01:42:01.900
participating others are participating because they've been
01:42:01.900 --> 01:42:05.340
coerced they have they have figurative or real guns
01:42:05.340 --> 01:42:08.460
pointed at their head i have no doubt that some people are
01:42:08.460 --> 01:42:12.700
controlled to that level i've been pinched financially to that level
01:42:12.700 --> 01:42:15.340
that's why nobody talks about strict liability
01:42:15.340 --> 01:42:19.020
that's why nobody talks about the vicp and the cicp being a seventh
01:42:19.020 --> 01:42:22.780
amendment violation that's why nobody talks about zero evidence of spread
01:42:22.780 --> 01:42:25.340
except for denny rancor and a few other people
01:42:25.340 --> 01:42:29.420
and denny did a brilliant job yesterday on steves podcast once they got 48
01:42:29.420 --> 01:42:32.220
minutes in they started talking about things that were relevant
01:42:32.220 --> 01:42:35.420
and they won't do that math
01:42:36.380 --> 01:42:39.660
and instead they're pretending to contribute to stopping and starting the
01:42:39.660 --> 01:42:43.820
train of the pandemic they're contributing they're pretending to
01:42:43.820 --> 01:42:47.340
contribute to the stopping and starting of the train by taking their own little
01:42:47.340 --> 01:42:50.940
place on the side of the train and doing exactly what this guy does
01:42:50.940 --> 01:42:54.700
pretend to pull it to a stop chalk their hands and pretend to push it
01:42:54.700 --> 01:42:58.940
into a go again with all these different issues
01:42:58.940 --> 01:43:04.140
fighting about natural immunity or pcr cycle counts or primers
01:43:04.140 --> 01:43:07.580
or whether it's again a function spike or not arguing about
01:43:07.580 --> 01:43:10.540
you know this novel treatment or that novel treatment doesn't argue about
01:43:10.540 --> 01:43:14.060
whether you need any novel treatments it accepts that
01:43:14.060 --> 01:43:19.580
arguing about how long and how hard we should lock down never discussing
01:43:19.580 --> 01:43:24.860
the misuse of basic treatment for respiratory disease never discussing
01:43:24.860 --> 01:43:28.620
what all of these protocols did never discussing the financial incentives
01:43:28.620 --> 01:43:32.540
or the the lack of liability if you declared somebody covid in new york and
01:43:32.540 --> 01:43:36.780
elsewhere never discussing the elderly care malfeasance that's still going on
01:43:36.780 --> 01:43:40.780
now with these these all these new vaccines they're pushing on these old
01:43:40.780 --> 01:43:43.420
people and never talking about nutrition or
01:43:43.420 --> 01:43:48.700
immuno 101 or conflating the virus with 5g
01:43:48.700 --> 01:43:52.860
and so for three or four years this has been going on with people making us
01:43:52.860 --> 01:43:56.620
ask the wrong questions about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin
01:43:56.620 --> 01:44:01.260
asking the wrong questions about why these things would work
01:44:01.980 --> 01:44:05.420
and why they weren't in our medicine cabinet for the 15 years before the
01:44:05.420 --> 01:44:09.260
pandemic never asking the question about
01:44:09.260 --> 01:44:12.860
you know is this double-stranded DNA contamination really the only danger
01:44:12.860 --> 01:44:16.620
or is it really true what jonathan cooey says
01:44:16.620 --> 01:44:20.060
the transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent no one's going to
01:44:20.060 --> 01:44:24.940
ever ask that question because that answer is known
01:44:25.580 --> 01:44:29.420
and no one's ever going to question the diffuse proposal in fact now we have a
01:44:29.420 --> 01:44:33.580
full court press designed to make you accept it
01:44:33.580 --> 01:44:38.380
we have emily cop going on different podcasts on alternative media and
01:44:38.460 --> 01:44:44.140
youtube telling everybody about how she's figured out the scooby-doo
01:44:44.140 --> 01:44:47.980
and they stitched it together and that's how this happened
01:44:47.980 --> 01:44:52.940
and that was already by design many years ago i was already calling this out
01:44:52.940 --> 01:44:56.940
as what they were going to do all they've done is add to it with these
01:44:56.940 --> 01:45:01.900
with these foyer requests doubling down on the biological significance
01:45:01.900 --> 01:45:04.940
that's not significant to make you believe that this
01:45:05.020 --> 01:45:09.180
previous record of pandemic potential in
01:45:09.180 --> 01:45:12.540
in the literature means anything to make you believe that these
01:45:12.540 --> 01:45:15.740
these exercises that they were in were for a reason
01:45:15.740 --> 01:45:21.180
other than convincing these bureaucrats what to do when the fire alarm went off
01:45:21.180 --> 01:45:25.500
they want you to believe that this these mass casualty events aren't bombs
01:45:25.500 --> 01:45:28.300
like jessica hockett says they are but they're
01:45:28.300 --> 01:45:33.340
they're evidence of spread and these actors have been telling us all kinds
01:45:33.340 --> 01:45:36.780
of different worst case scenarios for four years with the idea of us being
01:45:36.780 --> 01:45:41.420
confused frustrated and doubting what we know
01:45:41.420 --> 01:45:44.700
and i think the reason why more people are not telling the truth right now is
01:45:44.700 --> 01:45:49.340
because they know they have been coerced into accepting the national security
01:45:49.340 --> 01:45:54.940
event and their participation in it precludes them from telling everything
01:45:54.940 --> 01:45:59.580
i could tell you but then they'd have to kill me
01:45:59.580 --> 01:46:04.460
and this was all by design to make sure that the spike of the vaccine and the
01:46:04.460 --> 01:46:08.140
spike of the virus were confounded with one another
01:46:08.140 --> 01:46:12.460
so that the general public the mouth-breathing tv watching skilled tv
01:46:12.460 --> 01:46:17.980
watching public who would believe that either double-stranded dna or the
01:46:17.980 --> 01:46:21.020
spike itself is responsible for these toxic effects it
01:46:21.020 --> 01:46:25.580
couldn't be transfecting healthy humans because that that's fine
01:46:25.580 --> 01:46:28.940
and we prove that with three billion transfections that's what they want you
01:46:28.940 --> 01:46:32.300
to believe they want you to accept that vaccine antibodies
01:46:32.300 --> 01:46:35.740
mean something and that they're actually better than the antibodies from
01:46:35.740 --> 01:46:40.060
natural infection and for five years it feels like now i've been trying to
01:46:40.060 --> 01:46:42.700
explain that t-cells are not even in this
01:46:42.700 --> 01:46:45.580
they're not even in this equation and that's already
01:46:45.580 --> 01:46:49.740
disingenuous to the nth degree they're already misleading our children when
01:46:49.740 --> 01:46:54.380
they put this kind of immunology on the cdc website this
01:46:54.380 --> 01:46:59.420
new world order about bat cave viruses is the way they want to
01:46:59.420 --> 01:47:03.020
govern us forever and if we do not expose it for the
01:47:03.020 --> 01:47:06.220
lie that it is it will become truth that's the way this works
01:47:06.220 --> 01:47:09.420
they are working hard to make that happen right now
01:47:09.420 --> 01:47:12.140
these people these worst case scenario people
01:47:12.140 --> 01:47:15.420
and they know what has been accomplished they already know what has been
01:47:15.420 --> 01:47:18.540
accomplished they already know where we're going
01:47:18.540 --> 01:47:23.580
that's why they keep us focused on the who instead of on the prep act
01:47:24.540 --> 01:47:29.100
they don't tell us that the the vaccine act from 1986 when it was first written
01:47:29.100 --> 01:47:32.540
was actually pretty badass and they changed it in the years following that
01:47:32.540 --> 01:47:35.580
made that took all the teeth out of it they don't tell us that
01:47:38.940 --> 01:47:42.460
they don't tell us that they're planning to move to a digital currency because
01:47:42.460 --> 01:47:45.820
the dollar is overextended but that's obviously known
01:47:45.820 --> 01:47:50.460
all economists know that but they're not telling our kids that
01:47:50.460 --> 01:47:54.060
they're telling the kids that the convenience of this is going to be
01:47:54.060 --> 01:47:58.700
how i mean the the universal income idea is awesome
01:47:59.580 --> 01:48:03.020
they are going to destroy the social fabric of america because the america
01:48:03.020 --> 01:48:06.860
is the last bastion of real freedom a real republic even if it's just a
01:48:06.860 --> 01:48:10.300
skeleton of what it used to be this is one of the only places where
01:48:10.300 --> 01:48:15.660
that thing could be maintained maybe even rebuilt
01:48:15.660 --> 01:48:20.140
the EU is lost if we don't if we don't survive
01:48:20.140 --> 01:48:23.500
the EU is already gone
01:48:24.300 --> 01:48:27.740
and you can see that it's that this is a plan right you can look back at the
01:48:27.740 --> 01:48:34.380
spars pandemic timeline and look at like page 48 or something you can see
01:48:34.380 --> 01:48:38.780
that they were already talking about a scenario where eventually
01:48:38.780 --> 01:48:43.260
they would have to cop to the rushing of the vaccine and the injuries that
01:48:43.260 --> 01:48:47.580
resulted from it it's in the script and in
01:48:47.580 --> 01:48:51.180
canada they're already talking about how you only really need access to your
01:48:51.180 --> 01:48:54.300
kids medical records until they're 14 and then after that you have to get
01:48:54.300 --> 01:48:59.820
permission from your kids and that giving access to your kids
01:48:59.820 --> 01:49:06.700
your kids um your kids medical records is a uh
01:49:06.700 --> 01:49:11.020
a special permission granted to them by your health care team
01:49:11.020 --> 01:49:14.540
so they're already taking away the sovereignty over our children in
01:49:14.540 --> 01:49:17.740
canada and they've already done it in many places in the united states make
01:49:17.740 --> 01:49:21.660
no mistake about it it's just not on the nightly news
01:49:21.660 --> 01:49:25.500
because they they want your kids on this train
01:49:25.500 --> 01:49:30.140
they want your kids on the train where they accept the edicts from public health
01:49:30.140 --> 01:49:33.500
they want your kids to accept that required vaccines are just things you
01:49:33.500 --> 01:49:37.740
have to do they want you to accept that testing is just things you have to do
01:49:37.740 --> 01:49:40.780
they want you to accept that quarantine is something that might have to happen
01:49:40.780 --> 01:49:44.300
again because asymptomatic spread of RNA virus is real
01:49:44.300 --> 01:49:48.140
and because virologists are playing around with gain of function viruses
01:49:48.140 --> 01:49:52.700
all the time we cannot let our little children get on this train we need them
01:49:52.700 --> 01:49:55.500
to understand that this is a humoristic
01:49:55.500 --> 01:50:01.100
joke of a ridiculous narrative and the ridiculous methodology
01:50:01.100 --> 01:50:08.940
that dates back to pre tony fauci pre tony fauci who has actually if you look
01:50:08.940 --> 01:50:12.540
at the scoreboard he has accomplished nothing
01:50:12.540 --> 01:50:19.980
in his 39 years in his seat accomplished nothing cured nothing
01:50:19.980 --> 01:50:25.420
made nothing progress our children have more chronic disease than ever our
01:50:25.420 --> 01:50:30.620
population is more unhealthy than ever tony fauci presided over the
01:50:30.620 --> 01:50:38.700
greatest decline in average well-being in american history that's the truth
01:50:38.700 --> 01:50:42.620
and the penultimate show before he stepped off stage
01:50:42.620 --> 01:50:47.500
was this show right here the show of an illusion
01:50:47.500 --> 01:50:51.820
of a consensus of a novel virus spreading around the world
01:50:51.820 --> 01:50:56.940
killing millions of people this faith between 25 7 and 25 million people were
01:50:56.940 --> 01:50:59.980
killed according to some of these news outlets
01:50:59.980 --> 01:51:04.300
we've got to get rid of this we cannot let our children grow up believing this
01:51:04.300 --> 01:51:08.380
faith it's much worse than Santa Claus much worse
01:51:08.380 --> 01:51:12.940
than the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy this is a disaster
01:51:12.940 --> 01:51:18.300
okay it's a disaster we've got to explain this biology we've got to learn the
01:51:18.300 --> 01:51:20.460
biology we've got to be able to articulate it well
01:51:20.460 --> 01:51:24.780
enough so that we're not bamboozled by either side anymore
01:51:24.780 --> 01:51:28.060
and that means we need to be able to articulate very carefully how the
01:51:28.060 --> 01:51:31.900
american vaccine schedule in particular should be
01:51:31.900 --> 01:51:36.700
notably criminal to anybody with
01:51:36.700 --> 01:51:40.060
critical thinking skills its strict liability should be
01:51:40.060 --> 01:51:42.860
advocated for all pharmaceutical products including
01:51:42.860 --> 01:51:47.180
vaccines in children investigating the use of deadly protocols to create a
01:51:47.180 --> 01:51:50.140
mass casualty event that could be misconstrued as friend and
01:51:50.140 --> 01:51:54.540
as spread and investigate the use of transfections to create a homogenous
01:51:54.540 --> 01:51:58.220
signal around the world that could be misconstrued as that spreading
01:51:58.220 --> 01:52:01.260
pathogen we also need to identify these people
01:52:01.260 --> 01:52:05.420
who are meddling with us by just simply asking them very carefully
01:52:05.420 --> 01:52:09.740
to ponder the consequences of there being no evidence of spread
01:52:09.740 --> 01:52:12.700
not just saying i guess we're going to agree to disagree because i really
01:52:12.700 --> 01:52:15.500
believe in these sequences i really believe
01:52:15.500 --> 01:52:19.180
in this in this in these o2 measurements from these
01:52:19.180 --> 01:52:24.700
these paramedics boy they sure had something they sure saw something
01:52:24.700 --> 01:52:30.540
i believe i believe i believe do you believe
01:52:30.540 --> 01:52:33.420
they don't use the word clone they don't use the word transfection
01:52:33.420 --> 01:52:36.460
and they can't summarize across the entire show
01:52:36.460 --> 01:52:39.980
he actually agreed that there was no evidence of spread that the virus
01:52:39.980 --> 01:52:44.140
didn't spread around and yet still thinks that there's something was there and
01:52:44.140 --> 01:52:48.380
that that justified the transfection and justifies talking about everything
01:52:48.380 --> 01:52:51.500
going forward it's an extraordinary level of
01:52:51.500 --> 01:52:55.740
dissonance that we saw yesterday dissonance excuse me
01:52:55.740 --> 01:52:59.580
that we saw yesterday in the brain of Steve Kirsch at least that's what he
01:52:59.580 --> 01:53:02.540
it seems that he was
01:53:02.940 --> 01:53:07.020
implying i mean i i don't think that he actually holds these
01:53:07.020 --> 01:53:11.580
disparate views of his head i think he understands like anyone
01:53:11.580 --> 01:53:15.260
in this in this narrative that there was no spread
01:53:15.260 --> 01:53:18.700
i think he understands that very well and i think he understands that
01:53:18.700 --> 01:53:22.860
as a member of the teamwork case scenario it is his job to make sure that
01:53:22.860 --> 01:53:26.700
we never get to the stage where we can articulate that
01:53:26.700 --> 01:53:30.700
and it was a devastating devastating interview i think daddy did a really
01:53:30.700 --> 01:53:35.100
good job and if you haven't seen it that was the video from yesterday
01:53:35.100 --> 01:53:38.220
please stop all transfections and humans because they are trying to eliminate
01:53:38.220 --> 01:53:41.180
the control group thanks for joining me this afternoon
01:53:41.180 --> 01:53:46.060
for this afternoon broadcast there's 95 people watching so it looks like to me
01:53:46.060 --> 01:53:49.500
that a three o'clock show or a two 30 show is not going to be the worst thing
01:53:49.500 --> 01:53:53.260
ever so that's really great thanks for joining me guys
01:53:53.260 --> 01:53:57.100
um you want to eliminate the control group i don't
01:53:57.100 --> 01:54:00.380
i'm going to be a member of the control group for the rest of my life because
01:54:00.380 --> 01:54:03.260
intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the
01:54:03.260 --> 01:54:06.700
intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb
01:54:06.700 --> 01:54:10.540
you can find me at giggleambiological.com and gigglehome.bio
01:54:10.540 --> 01:54:14.940
um and uh yeah the ways to support are going to
01:54:14.940 --> 01:54:18.380
expand a little bit we're going to try and fix that but for now you can just
01:54:18.380 --> 01:54:21.900
share the stream subscribe if you can afford it
01:54:21.900 --> 01:54:25.100
one-time donation they're also very welcome um
01:54:25.100 --> 01:54:28.460
this is really just uh running on fumes kind of thing
01:54:28.460 --> 01:54:32.300
it's not a one-man band anymore because my wife is now helping out
01:54:32.300 --> 01:54:35.180
with the communications and that kind of thing so it should be a little bit more
01:54:35.180 --> 01:54:38.700
fluid but i can't guarantee anything i just know for sure i'm gonna be here
01:54:38.700 --> 01:54:41.980
every day that i'm awake every day that it's possible
01:54:41.980 --> 01:54:45.420
um and so thank you very much and uh leave a
01:54:45.420 --> 01:54:49.260
message um if you can leave an email send me a
01:54:49.260 --> 01:54:53.820
question i'd love to play or your um i'd love to play your voicemail
01:54:53.820 --> 01:54:58.060
question over over live stream um so consider
01:54:58.060 --> 01:55:01.580
recording a question if you have one and then leave your name separately at
01:55:01.580 --> 01:55:04.940
the end and i can edit it out um thank you very much for all of
01:55:04.940 --> 01:55:09.660
these people supporting this show um and uh yeah i'm gonna see you guys
01:55:09.660 --> 01:55:13.420
tomorrow we're so excited thank you very much
01:55:39.660 --> 01:55:41.100