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Sorry I'm late ladies and gentlemen, this is gonna go on biological every night every day
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He's scheduled for 60 minutes next
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He's going on French British Italian Japanese television people everywhere are starting to listen to him. It's embarrassing
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Hey listen to this gang. Teenage sleuths solved bone hijacking mystery. Captain Cutler and his wife taken into custody by sheriff
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That was some plan they had first spreading the phony story about cover and then stealing the yachts from the marina
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That night on the beach color was storing extra scuba tanks in the graveyard of shit
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Yeah, but like his diving suit got covered with that cookey glowing seaweed
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And that's where the glowing ghost story came from
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Well that closes the mystery
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How did scuba do with that? I guess that's another mystery
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is the own biological since 20th of September 2023
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I thought I'd take a look at an interesting
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alternate player in the scuba doo
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A very integral player in the beginning of the scuba doo actually part of laying down this spectrum of debate very early on in
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2020 and I think we can learn something about drastic and about what drastic likely was
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By thinking carefully about what we can show you in these first couple videos
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I'm I'm really curious as to see looking back. I will affect you. Definitely affected me a lot
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I think it's a really really cool. It's a really really cool look back. I'm supposed to have a sound effect there. Yeah
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Something like that. I don't know what
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Hello ladies and gentlemen hello
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Welcome to the show. I'm fresh off of the set of
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Brian Hooker's doctors and scientists podcast
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So I surprised him by wearing his shirt that I got at the bus the other day and we had a really interesting discussion
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Where I
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Does that work? No that doesn't work
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Where I drew a picture of the immune system and we talked about all kinds of things to do with the
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Transfection and we had a really nice conversation. So I hope that's gonna be out
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I don't know when that comes out. Does it come out tomorrow? Maybe I don't know
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But when I find out what it is out, I will tell you that it's out
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Please don't take the bait on social media. Don't take the bait on TV. It's gonna get worse
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That's one of their plans right is to keep us endlessly endlessly divided and especially on our side now
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The waking up of
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As Vera said last night on Mark's happy birthday stream
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the mamas have woken up and
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There may be no turning back now and so the consequences of this could be quite severe and the question is how will the system react and
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We can almost guarantee that they're gonna try and fragment us
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So that there isn't one united front
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With regard to vaccination with regard to health freedom
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So I think we all have to really be aware that to a certain extent that message of don't divide is real
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On the other hand we have to be very careful that we don't allow
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Fake rather than grassroots
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Manufactured rather than grassroots that we don't let
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Installed people that have deep ties to the system that we were trying to break
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That aren't posing as people who could be trying to help us but in reality might walk us right back into the wood jipper
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And so I think it's really important and I was able to explain this pretty well on Brian's podcast that we realize that
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The transfection is not immunization and that more importantly we come to the realization that any combination of chemicals that's inter injected intramuscularly is is a pretty silly way of augmenting the immune system
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I would like to also encourage you to go back and watch the Twiv episode from the other day because the Twiv episode from the other day covers some of the more subtle nuances of antibody dependent
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memory as it were and I think it's a really neat example of how you can have these five virologists talking about immunology and they can walk right past the elephant and not see it
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They also talked about engineering of RNA viruses with CRISPR
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They tried to make it seem like it was a pretty neat thing but they kind of glossed over the fact that in order for them to do any of the experiments that they did they were more or less just transfecting RNA into cell cultures and then looking for fluorescence
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And the things that they were injecting there had to be only could be made through recombinant DNA technology converted to RNA and then transfected into those cells
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So they're using the exact cloning technology that I came to realize about a year ago is the only way you could explain how a high fidelity full coronavirus sequence identical to a coronavirus sequence found in five or six other disparate locations on Earth could exist
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It's because it had to be put there by clone
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So we've had the way that we changed just been fundamentally inverted by people and the narrative on television combined with the counter narrative on social media
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And the clever part of that is the idea that even if you think you're going against the TV there's still another safety wall and another safety wall here of narrative to keep you in and that's what all of these players have enabled
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They have enabled the idea that people would come to the general understanding that yes you can be vulnerable to a novel virus and everybody can be vulnerable to it
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They changed fundamentally the way we think about all cause mortality by making us not think about it
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Nobody's been putting any of these numbers into context and in retrospect nobody's putting these numbers into context
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If you said a billion people were going to die in March of 2022 by the end of this and you're off by oh I don't know a billion people then we have a pretty serious problem on our hands
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If you said that antibodies were the reason why you needed to be worried about this virus and that antibodies were the only thing to think about
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And you weren't let's say clever enough to teach real immunology based from antigen presenting cell to T cell to B cell then you were part of this
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And if you didn't take the time to learn the immunology well enough to know that transfection isn't a form of immunization
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And get to the point where you realize wow immunization is kind of a weird thing isn't it in Western society
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The way that we protect it the way that is worshipped
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And so all of these changes that they brought about were really mystical they were magical changes that enchanted everyone and they were laid down before the pandemic
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So that when we went into this pandemic and the fear was ramped up and the confusion was ramped up and the doubt was ramped up
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that everybody would accept these biological ultimatums and that would make possible some very serious serious iatrogenic murder
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People being ventilated that could talk people given remdesivir when that may be good for nothing
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Untreated secondary pneumonia and mass for a couple months three months a year depending on how long this and where he looked
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Plus this idea of shutting society down which we can never let them do again
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And so I believe that we have been brought into this with this very carefully sculpted narrative so it would feel like we were free thinking but we weren't actually free thinking
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It would feel like people were really fighting in front of the Senate but they weren't actually really fighting in front of the Senate
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It would feel like emails were being redacted but they weren't actually being redacted
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It would feel like slack messages were being released but they weren't actually being leaked
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It would feel like Pfizer executives were being filmed in restaurants but it's not really true
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And so it's this kind of controlled narrative that has allowed us to feel as though we were solving the mystery that were teenagers sleuths solving the mystery
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That was what drastic was all about was about getting a bunch of people together to create a momentum behind the scenes that could be blamed could be credited with the lab leak hypothesis
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And that lab leak hypothesis is based on this idea that in the scientific literature pandemic potential has already been described in reviews and described in the introductions and the discussions of papers have to do with coronaviruses and bats
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That have to do with passage of coronaviruses in cell culture that have to do with flu virus
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Passaging in animals
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And have to do with recombinant viruses in the laboratory
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And all of these stories have allowed them to scare the living daylights out of us by pretending that they were covering up a lab leak
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And we're so scared we're about to give up our sovereign rights over our bodies over our babies in the name of public health I guess
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And so I've been trying to dissect the people map of this because I think that wittingly or unwittingly we've got to wake people up that can be woken up to the idea that maybe a lot of this mystery was a hoax
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Maybe a lot of this biology was a mythology
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And maybe the mythology started a lot earlier than 2020
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And so that's what we've been working on here. I think the people in green are probably doing pretty well
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I think the people in yellow might be able to be converted maybe I don't know possibly
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And I think the people in red are so committed that I don't know what to say so I got to assume that they might be lost
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Or I don't know what but we maybe can convert them to
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But some way or another we've got to break out of this very limited spectrum of discussion that involves
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There was a novel virus and that we had to do something and that the mRNA did something
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Whether it's pushing the virus around now or whether it's saved people before
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And it was getting a function so it could come again
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We've got to push our way out of this trap
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Because this faith is so limiting it will trap our grandchildren
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This story about a novel virus that was released in 2020
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So if you remember I was a mild-mannered patch clamp physiologist
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I used to make recordings from two or more neurons at the same time
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And see if they were connected
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And I did that in mouse and rat brain slices
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Very mundane
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Niche work
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Only you know you don't impress people with that at a coffee or at a
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Dinner party very often
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But I have publications that go back to the year 2000 or 2001
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Maybe 2002
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I've worked in Switzerland doing this. I've learned this from a guy by the name of Henry Markram
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Who was actually the guy who was the head of the the blue brain project and the human brain project
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I believe was it called the human brain project?
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Anyway, it was a billion dollar a billion dollar ten year grant in the EU
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It was very controversial
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I'm not saying that that guy was some kind of super smart wizard guy
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He was actually maybe a little a little smart and a little bit of sales money
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He now works or he actually started the frontiers line of scientific journals
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But there's no question he was a visionary in terms of thinking about how we could think about solving the problem of the brain
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I'm not saying that he made tremendous progress in that direction
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But he made a lot of progress in getting people to think big about trying to do that
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And here's me building a rig in Norway or working on my rig in Norway
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Where I had a co-authorship on a science paper and a nature paper and so it's like a nature neuroscience paper
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It's just to say that I had a decent career. I mean I wasn't a
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And I came to
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Pittsburgh kind of resigning to the fact that I was going to be a middle a middle guy
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And I might not be the head of the department ever but I did I thought I deserved my own lab
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I thought I could definitely have my own lab and so I was thinking I was going to write a grant and get some money eventually
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And so I had this YouTube channel and on this YouTube channel
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I was doing neuroscience and then I started on February 21st is my third ride where I was talking about COVID-19
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And here I'm giving credit to Harvard to the big house because you know Harvard to the big house was the guy that
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Oops, sorry about that that was here. I'm giving credit to Harvard to the big house because
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It was his blog that really got me started on this and made me realize wow wait
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That's right. They did enrich avian flu at Erasmus while I was there. That's a little weird
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I know all about this stuff
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And so it got me really fired up and I actually did lots of videos on it. I did one here this one on the bottom
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I think is about
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Yeah the proximal origin paper
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And then a year later vanity fair
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And the Newsweek and Tucker Carlson covered it
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And if you listen carefully to what Tucker Carlson is going to say
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He's going to say something about a guy by the name of Jamie Metzel
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He's going to answer the letter to censor anyone on social media who mentioned the possibility of a lab leak
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It can't be true the lancet says it's not true 27 eminent scientists say it's not true
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Only a few scientists in the face of all of this dare to speak up
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One of them was called Jill Dumanov
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He formed a group of researchers called Drastic that's an acronym for decentralized radical autonomous search team
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Something that all scientists should be
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And so now what you see here is one Jamie Metzel who you heard that Tucker Carlson said was one of the founders
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I think that if I had to just bet based on what I've read and logic
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I would bet it's most likely this was an accidental leak
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And so now what you see here is one Jamie Metzel who you heard that Tucker Carlson said was one of the founders
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Jamie Metzel who you heard that Tucker Carlson said was one of the founding members of drastic and he was never in drastic
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And the guy that he said did start drastic was a guy who joined drastic about a year after it was formed
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And he was also not originally in drastic
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So at the time the guy who actually started drastic or the Twitter account that actually started drastic is Billy Bo Stix
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And if you know anything about Twitter if you start a direct messaging group
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There's only one account that is the curator of who gets in and who gets out and that's Billy Bo Stix
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So before drastic split in half
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And before I spoke out about transfection I was still all on board with this is probably a lab leak
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And then this story comes out a year later
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And now I'm out of drastic, drastic is split
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And they talk about this on Tucker Carlson
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And they say that these two guys are the start of drastic
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Now what's weird about it is is Jamie Metzel is not nobody
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He's a former national security council staff member of the Clinton administration
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It's a pretty trusted Clinton individual
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And I think that's really really important in terms of putting him in place because if we go to Jamie Metzel
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Before the pandemic and then go to Jamie Metzel about a year into the pandemic
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I think we're going to see some very big parallels between people like him and Peter Teal
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And Eric Weinstein and Brett Weinstein and Elon Musk
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And everyone else who might call themselves a futurist
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Which usually are subtitled like futurist transhumanist
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So I've got a couple videos picked out here
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I'm going to watch the one first that is from 2019
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And then we'll watch the one from 2021
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I might have to make myself a little tan here
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Open any major news source and what do you see?
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We see Trump, we see Brexit
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But 30 years from now, 50 years from now, 100 years from now
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People are going to look back at now and they're not going to be talking about Trump
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They're not going to be talking about Brexit
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What they are going to be saying is that now was the moment
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When after 3.8 billion years of evolving
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By the set of rules we called our winning evolution of random mutation and natural selection
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This was the moment when our species took increasingly active control of our own evolution
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Think about that for a moment, think about how profound that is
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When Watson and Crick identified the double helix structure of DNA in the 1950s
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What they were doing was identifying that the book of life had a structure
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And the structure was the famous double helix
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And with the fruition of the Human Genome Project in 2003
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What we were doing was identifying that the book of life could be read
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In the A's and C's and T's and G's of genetic code
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And now at the dawn of the age of human precision gene editing
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With tools like CRISPR we're recognizing that the book of life can be written
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When we think about technologies that are readable and writable and hackable
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We think about information technology
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As a matter of fact we recognize the variability of our IT so much
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That we have a built-in assumption that every new version of our iPhone is going to be better and stronger than the last one
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And yet for some reason we think about our biology as being fixed
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But why do we think that? Somehow we evolved from being single cell organisms almost 4 billion years ago to this
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And we've only been homo sapiens for around 300,000 years
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And yet it's all we know
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But with these tools of the genetic revolution
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We are going to be able to fundamentally transform our biology
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So don't misunderstand what I'm saying here
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This is a person preaching
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He's selling a faith
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He's not trying to convince you of what's real
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He's trying to convince you of what's possible
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And that's what's very very important to understand here
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These people know that we're not there yet
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These people know that we may never get there
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But that's not the idea
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The idea is to sell there as a destination worth aiming at
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And that it's so worth aiming at that we can break a few eggs when we make that omelet
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That's really what we're talking about here
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And all of these people smiling with their perfect delivery in person
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Go out to dinner after these presentations
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And talk with the insiders about how this will be achieved
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And it is not the kind of utopian sort of solution that you think it is
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It is a malevolent application of us and them
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And this, you know, the means justifies, the ends justify the means rather
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And it is as malevolent as you can imagine
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And this is going to create wondrous, amazing opportunities for us
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Every time a young child dies of a terrible genetic disease
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We recognize that as a crime against potential
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But when a 90 year old gets dementia
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That's a crime against potential too
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Think of the investment that we have made in people
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You have a whole life of developing your knowledge and your wisdom and your relationships
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And when that goes away, we all suffer
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And we are developing tools that are going to expand our humanity
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Expand our potential and we need to welcome that
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But we also need to recognize that there are dangers associated
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With developing these Promethean technologies that are giving us powers
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That in the past, we have attributed to our gods
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What does Promethean hear mean? I believe it means
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Isn't that the guy who like flew too close to the sun got it burnt?
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Something like that, Prometheus was the guy who like went for fire
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And then he flew, I think that's what it is, isn't it?
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So it's like now we're gaining powers that we shouldn't have
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Or powers of the gods, you know?
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Prometheus brought us fire, right? Okay, yeah, okay, sorry
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The power to make and we...
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Stole fire from the gods and gave it to the people
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And that comes with the generous food to the sun
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Thank you
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Because the genetics revolution is coming very, very quickly
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And we aren't ready
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And in order to make sure that we optimize the incredible benefits
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That are coming our way, we've got to be
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So there are three key areas where we are all going to be feeling
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The impact of this fundamental change
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The first and probably the most obvious is in our healthcare
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When people think about genetics now, they think about healthcare
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For some very good reasons
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But if this is genetics, it's going to fundamentally transform the entire paradigm of healthcare
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But how different is this than what we heard Robert Malone say in that interview with
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On the Tommy podcast
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Where he was describing the fact that when he was in grad school
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He thought that within ten years there would be a geneticist at every hospital
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Using retroviruses to cure genetic diseases
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And that's why he wanted to go into retroviruses
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Do you remember this?
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So if that's the case
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That's really what we're talking about
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How different is that than now?
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What this guy's saying that in ten years genetics is going to cure genetic diseases
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It's no different at all
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They're talking about the same long distance destination
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The same end of the rainbow
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That Robert Malone was enticed by all those years ago
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And we haven't gotten anywhere
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Realistically with regard to actually being able to usefully augment that system
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We have not
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We're still just trying to find ways to augment it where it doesn't implode
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And so far we don't have those
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And that's the real truth of this
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We have to come to, I think we have to come to terms with the fact that these people have been selling this
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For a very very long time
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And they're going to continue to sell it for a very very long time
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Because the only thing they've got
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Is that well if we collect the data
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Maybe an AI will solve it
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And so the solution is to collect as much data as possible from everyone
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It's just
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It doesn't have to be smart
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It doesn't have to make sense
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But this is the sales pitch
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And it combines the mythology of AI
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With the mythology of genetics
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And the mythology of our mastery of biology
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And the mythology of our mastery of protein folding
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And the mythology of our ability to understand how it all works together
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Right now, when you go see a doctor
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You are treated based on the principles of generalized medicine
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Meaning you are treated because you are a human with an end of about 7 billion
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But that is going to change
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Because as we were able to look under the hood of each individual human
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Your treatment is going to be based on the individual biology of you
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And that's why when you take a drug
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It's not going to be a drug that works on average for humans
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It's going to be a drug that works potentially for you
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Based on specific knowledge of your own biology
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So there you set it very carefully
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It works potentially for you
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Based on your specific biology and prediction made about it
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It's wonderfully
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Exactly on point for what Mark Koolak has been saying for a long time
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Which is they want to go to personalized medicine
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Because then they can't really test anything anymore
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And so first they are transitioning to you to the idea
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The transfection and transformation with adenovirus
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Is potentially a completely safe and proven methodology
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And so swapping in and out like a cassette
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The RNA or the DNA that's in that gene application
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Could result in endless different therapies
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That could be specifically designed for you
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Maybe we could create a gene therapy that would make your muscles grow
31:01.600 --> 31:03.600
And your fat go away
31:03.600 --> 31:08.600
Maybe we could make a gene therapy that would make your skin less wrinkly
31:08.600 --> 31:14.600
Or a gene therapy that would solve any of the other myriad of problems
31:14.600 --> 31:17.600
That could be solved in other ways
31:17.600 --> 31:20.600
Nutrition exercise
31:20.600 --> 31:24.600
But could also be solved with a gene therapy
31:24.600 --> 31:28.600
With a transfection or a transformation
31:28.600 --> 31:32.600
And if it's personalized for you and it doesn't work
31:32.600 --> 31:34.600
Well, you know, that's the role of the dice
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Personalized medicine will get better in the future
31:37.600 --> 31:39.600
We should collect all the data we can
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So the next time we do it, it's better
31:44.600 --> 31:49.600
And the foundation of that biology will be your sequence genome
31:49.600 --> 31:52.600
Which will be part of your electronic health record
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So what's that going to mean?
31:55.600 --> 32:00.600
Well, as more and more of us have our sequence genome
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Our genome's sequenced as part of this transition from generalized to precision healthcare
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We're going to have millions and more of us have our sequence genome
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Our genome's sequenced as part of this transition
32:12.600 --> 32:15.600
And generalized to precision healthcare
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We're going to have millions, then hundreds of millions
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And within 10 years, about 2 billion people will have had their whole genome sequenced
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Are you surprised to hear him say this?
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Because I've been saying at the end of every stream for about a year now
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That's the whole reason
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That they're running out of time to sample as many people as are available right now
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And if they have their plan in a few generations, there won't be this many people
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And if they have their plan in a few generations, we will never have this many people again
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We're never going to make this mistake again
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But as long as they're all here
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And as long as they're not going anywhere for the next generation or so
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Why don't we invert sovereign rights over our citizens
33:06.600 --> 33:12.600
The sovereign right of our citizens into the sovereign right of the state over the citizens
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The ownership of them
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Their duty to the system
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Like communism
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Where your data and your medical data, you owe it to the state
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You owe it to your community
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It would be selfish of you to ask for anything for that
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That's where we're going
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They want databases and they want to make them available to as many people as possible
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That can make as much money off of them as possible
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And they want you to buy into it under the pretense that eventually it'll be all good for you too
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Even though we're the only ones who ever have to pay into the system
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Then with the genotypic information, what our genes say
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And the phenotypic information of how those genes are expressed over the course of our lives
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And using big data analytic tools, we are going to be able to decipher more and more of the secrets of the genome
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And that is very quickly going to transform our healthcare from the paradigm of precision medicine
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To predictive medicine
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Right now, what we call health care is really sick care
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You go to your doctor with a symptom
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But maybe that symptom has been germinating in your body for 10 years, 20 years, maybe your whole life
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And maybe when you go to see your doctor, it's so late in the process, your doctor can't do anything
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But what if, when you're taking your child home from the nursery after just being born
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The doctor says, here's your child, take him home, but just FYI
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Your child has a 70% greater than average chance of getting early onset Parkinson's
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Or familial Alzheimer's or type 1 diabetes
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Right now, you say, oh my God, why are you telling me this? This is torture
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But it's actually really useful information
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If you knew that your child had an increased susceptibility to type 1 diabetes
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Wouldn't you want to instill in him or her
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A sense of, a series of habits of x
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Now what you really need to hear here
35:24.600 --> 35:29.600
Is that this is the mythology, this is the religion of p-values
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It's the idea that we measured a lot of people
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This is presumably after we measured billions of people
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Right? That's the hypothetical here
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Because so far we haven't
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But if we measured billions of people, we had their genotype from the very beginning
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And then we looked at who made it to the end of the line with and without Parkinson's disease
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That billion, two billion people, we would have a much better idea of what genes
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associate with the formation of Parkinson's
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Much better than we do now
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And hypothetically, as Jamie's trying to tell you, if we had enough of this data
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Well, we'd be able to tell you it right from the birth
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Just look at the genotype and then say, oh yeah, you have this, you have this, you have this
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And it's based on this almost unquestionable data set
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Or is it?
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You see, the genetic variation found in the human population right now is so great
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I think it's a problem that none of us can really fully get our minds around
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And it's one of the reasons why I think in this race
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In this mythological race that Jamie Metzel believes that America and West are involved in
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That China is involved in, that Russia is involved in
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That in this hypothetical race
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Ethnicities that are more homogenous
37:04.600 --> 37:09.600
Present an easier target for understanding how the genome works
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And understanding how genetic disease manifests
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The more genetically diverse your population is, the more alleles
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And variations on those alleles that are present in your population
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The more difficult it will be to make strong correlations between clusters of genes
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Their expression and the phenotype that emerges 20 or 40 years later
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And so I think one of the things that's been hyped in the back room with lots of really smart people
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Is that the Chinese could be very far ahead of us
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Because their population is so genetically homogenous relative to ours
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And that genetic homogeny allows them to make great strides in identifying genetic weaknesses, genetic whatever's
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That potentially could be repaired with genetic technologies
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Now again, these are all hypothetical crazy ideas that I do not think we need to be worried about right now
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But, from the perspective of Scooby-Doo-like stories
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Stories that you need to tell people in suits in order to make them walk in the right direction
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And type on the right page and sign on the right line
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These stories are fantastic
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And I think Jamie Metzel is one of these people who is like in between
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The smart people and the bureaucrats
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And so he often gives these talks where, you know, he's the one who gets to go to the science conference every once in a while
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He's the one who gets to go talk to somebody, but he doesn't know much more than anybody else does
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He's just able to play this role of a guy who's really fired up about the future
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Really fired up about the future technologies, the future changes
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The things that are just around the corner
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You know, like when we have two billion people sequenced
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Exercise and diet?
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If you were at risk or your child was at risk for some terrible disease
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Wouldn't you want to keep an eye on what progress was being made in treating that disease?
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Wouldn't you want more tests?
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If you knew you had a greater susceptibility to breast cancer at some point in the future
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Everybody is going to want this information
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But as we move toward universal sequencing
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Our understanding of genetics and...
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As we move toward universal sequencing, which means what?
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It means sequencing every baby that's born
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Genomics is going to move way beyond the realm of healthcare
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And that's the second critical application will be through direct-to-consumer genetic information
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That has nothing to do with healthcare
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We don't have a disease genome
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We don't have a healthcare genome
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We have a human genome
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And that means that as we understand the secrets of the genome
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We aren't just going to understand more about our disease states
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We are going to understand more about the essence of what it means to be a human being
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Our most intimate traits the way our brains function
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Our personality styles
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Anything that has a genetic component
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And there certainly are many traits that are mostly genetic and partly genetic
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We will be able to increasingly understand the genetic component of those traits
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So that's going to mean a lot
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Because remember taking your kid home from the nursery with the information about disease risks
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What if you have information that your kid has a better than average potential
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At being amazing at abstract math
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Or sprinting or having an outgoing personality
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Will you send them to drama school because you have that information
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How will that affect how we think about what it means to be a human being
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How we think about parenting
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And then the third and most profound application of these technologies
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Will be in a fundamental transformation in the way that our species reproduces
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Right now about two percent of children in the United States
41:17.600 --> 41:21.600
Are born through a process called in vitro fertilization IVF
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It's about ten percent in Denmark
41:25.600 --> 41:29.600
And now when you have IVF, when a woman has IVF
41:29.600 --> 41:33.600
These embryos, the pre implanted embryos
41:33.600 --> 41:39.600
Can be screened for mostly single gene mutation diseases and disorders
41:39.600 --> 41:42.600
Things like TASACs and sickle cell disease
41:42.600 --> 41:44.600
Chromosomal abnormalities
41:44.600 --> 41:49.600
And simple traits like hair color and eye color and of course gender
41:49.600 --> 41:54.600
And all of that is in some instances controversial
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But when we have more and more of this information about complex genetics
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It's not going to be making selections based on just this limited information
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We already have the ability to rank
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Let's say, let's call them 15 pre implanted embryos
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From likely tallest to likely shortest
42:14.600 --> 42:19.600
Within about ten years we're going to have the ability to rank them
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From likely highest genetic component of IQ
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Now there he was again, in ten years we're going to be able to rank the embryos
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Based on genetic component of IQ
42:31.600 --> 42:33.600
Within ten years
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Just like Robert Malone thought, within ten years we would be having a geneticist in every hospital
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Using retroviruses to cure genetic diseases
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And that was in the eighties
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So forty years later
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And so I would caution you very much
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This guy is asking you to believe that a mythological concoction of data plus AI
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Is going to give us the keys to the book of life
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Make no mistake about it
43:06.600 --> 43:14.600
He's using those words because he knows exactly how sacred the things that he's talking about are
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The concepts that he's talking about are
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And yet making fun of the idea that at some point there is a sacred complexity that you just can't cross
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There is a sacred complexity that we don't understand yet
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I'm going to sit here and say that we might not understand it in three generations
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But when we come to understand it, it will be a much more humble realization
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Than what is being displayed on these screens in the last three years
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This arrogant malevolence
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You need to see it for what it is because this is a guy, again, who served in the Clinton administration
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Who's talked at a lot of these things
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It says in the chat that he's a friend of Elon Musk
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And maybe even was a guy who worked for PayPal or as an owner or whatever
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So it's a real dude
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That before the pandemic is talking about how we should be collecting the genetic data from everybody sooner or later
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Exactly what we've been saying
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And then before the pandemic, now during the pandemic in the first few months
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Sorry, the first year Tucker Carlson blames him or gives him credit
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For being one of the first people to speak out on the lab league
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And Vanity Fair says that he's part of drastic, which he wasn't
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What the hell is going on here?
44:45.600 --> 44:53.600
The really weird thing is that Billy Bo sticks in, the guy who started drastic and we still don't know who he is
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Foreign national, not foreign national, hell if I know, it could be Jamie Metzel
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But he wasn't very upset that nobody in drastic actually got any credit in any of those articles
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Extraordinary times, ladies and gentlemen, because these are the players
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These are the actors
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And it's not a few of them, it's many
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Many, an army of people has been carefully hurting us along
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I mean, I was just telling this to someone the other day, how many of you have seen the new plan to the apes movies?
45:34.600 --> 45:37.600
Not the old ones, but the new ones
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The new ones are about a virus
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If you watch the first one, which maybe is called Dawn or Rise of the Planet, I don't know which one it is, I think it's Dawn
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Rise, whichever one
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The first one, there are six different references in the movie to antibodies and their ability to stop a virus
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The second movie opens with a two-minute sequence where a virus is spreading around the world and kills all the people
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They have been telling us this on the X-Files and on the Simpsons
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And you know it because you've been seeing those videos being circulated
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But they've also been telling it to us at fancy conferences
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At big Google sponsored TED Talks
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They've been telling it to us in secret meetings for all the bureaucracy of the United States government
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And for the military and for intelligence agencies
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They've been telling us this story about the coming technologies, the coming bioterrorism
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The coming things that China is inevitably ahead of us on
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Because it's all about data
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And more and more and more and more data
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And if your data set is really, really, really varied as a high degree of variability like America's data set does
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And you need a lot more of it
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Or alternatively, we could just wait until China figures it out, I guess
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You see, these people know they've been making these stories up
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They've been telling these stories and retelling them at campfires for two or three decades now
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They're very good at it
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It's very enticing to think that human biology, hell, all biology is almost at our fingertips
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And there's no need to worry about fuddling with anything
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Why don't we just destroy all the microbes in our soil? Because, you know, we don't need those
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Why don't we just destroy all the microbes in our gut? Because we don't need those
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Why don't we just start changing our stem cells? Because, you know, what's possibly could go wrong
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To likely lowest genetic component of IQ
48:00.600 --> 48:04.600
We'll be able to rank likely most outgoing
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Again, it's not an entirely genetic trait
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To likely least outgoing
48:09.600 --> 48:11.600
You see where this is heading
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We are touching the core of what has been the mystery of what it means to be a human being with these technologies
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So there's gonna be no mystery anymore, you see? With these technologies
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There is no mystery, meaning there is no sacred
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It is a fundamental attack on everything that it is to be human
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The whole reason why we had respect for everyone
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The whole reason why human rights exist all vanishing now
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We're nothing but programmable robots
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They don't want you to think of yourself as being given a sacred gift
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Being the steward of a sacred gift
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Having some responsibility for a sacred gift that you were given
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They don't want you to think that anymore
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They want you to think that you're part of a much bigger thing
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And you should surrender yourself to it
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But right now, our ability to select embryos is limited by the number of eggs that a human female produces
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I mentioned 15, which is the rough average
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But what if you could have more?
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And there is a technology that is already being applied to animals
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Of taking an any adult cell, but a skin cell is often the easiest one
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And so you take a skin graft
49:35.600 --> 49:39.600
You induce those skin cells into stem cells
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Using a process for which Shinyi Yamanaka won the 2012 Nobel Prize
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So now you have, let's call it, 10,000 cells
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That have been turned skin cells into stem cells
49:52.600 --> 49:55.600
Stem cells then induced into egg precursor cells
49:55.600 --> 49:58.600
And egg precursor cells into eggs
49:58.600 --> 50:02.600
So now you have 10,000 eggs
50:02.600 --> 50:04.600
And you fertilize them with the male sperm
50:04.600 --> 50:08.600
Because there's about a billion sperm cells in every male ejaculation
50:08.600 --> 50:12.600
And now you have 10,000 fertilized eggs
50:12.600 --> 50:16.600
And in a machine you grow them for about five days
50:16.600 --> 50:18.600
You extract a few cells from each
50:18.600 --> 50:22.600
You sequence those cells and the cost of genome sequencing
50:22.600 --> 50:25.600
Has gone down from about a billion dollars in 2003
50:25.600 --> 50:29.600
To about 800 dollars now to negligibley within a decade
50:29.600 --> 50:32.600
So that doesn't cost anything
50:32.600 --> 50:35.600
And then you get a spreadsheet
50:35.600 --> 50:41.600
And in the spreadsheet you have all of the options for your 10,000 embryos
50:41.600 --> 50:45.600
And when you're starting with 10,000 you have a lot of options
50:45.600 --> 50:47.600
How far can we go with this?
50:47.600 --> 50:55.600
Well our ancestors who knew nothing about genetics took proud wild wolves
50:55.600 --> 50:59.600
And turned them into yapping chihuahuas
50:59.600 --> 51:05.600
Imagine how far we can go with the knowledge that we have
51:05.600 --> 51:09.600
About how genetics works and how biology works
51:09.600 --> 51:13.600
We can go a very, very, very long way
51:13.600 --> 51:22.600
And on top of that, then we have these unbelievably power tools of precision gene editing like CRISPR
51:22.600 --> 51:26.600
Many of you know that in 2018 a Chinese scientist
51:26.600 --> 51:29.600
So I'm not really sure what to say about that last little bit
51:29.600 --> 51:36.600
Because he was kind of equating breeding and selection with genetic editing
51:36.600 --> 51:39.600
And it's just not going to work like that
51:39.600 --> 51:44.600
It's really unfortunate but it's just not going to work like that
51:44.600 --> 51:49.600
And it's too much for this presentation for us to talk about it
51:49.600 --> 51:55.600
But it is the same kind of bamboozlement where this really enticing narrative about how we're almost there
51:55.600 --> 51:57.600
And we're at the cusp of all these changes
51:57.600 --> 52:01.600
It's the same narrative they've been telling us since the 80s
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And the only thing that's come true
52:04.600 --> 52:08.600
Is that it has become cheaper to sequence pure DNA
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It has become easier to make pure DNA
52:11.600 --> 52:13.600
And it has become easier to make pure RNA
52:13.600 --> 52:14.600
That's all
52:14.600 --> 52:16.600
Nothing else
52:16.600 --> 52:19.600
And as long as they can make pure quantities of this stuff
52:19.600 --> 52:21.600
They can do some limited things with it
52:21.600 --> 52:29.600
But they can't replace selective breeding in animals
52:29.600 --> 52:32.600
With genetic editing
52:32.600 --> 52:33.600
They can't
52:33.600 --> 52:36.600
And CRISPR has off target effects
52:36.600 --> 52:41.600
So yes you can hit the target but you can also edit other places
52:41.600 --> 52:43.600
So then what?
52:43.600 --> 52:50.600
It's a bacteriologic set of enzymes that was a protective mechanism
52:50.600 --> 52:55.600
And you're using it to edit mammalian genomes
52:55.600 --> 52:57.600
And talking like it's super precise
52:57.600 --> 52:59.600
Which I guess technically it is
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But talking as though it does exactly what you want it to do
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And you know that it doesn't
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And you know that we're not at the cusp of figuring out how to make it not do that
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And so it's extraordinary because
53:12.600 --> 53:15.600
Even the editing of DNA with CRISPR
53:15.600 --> 53:18.600
It's not the same as
53:19.600 --> 53:27.600
I get really depressed because it is so sad
53:27.600 --> 53:32.600
That people make such an attempt
53:32.600 --> 53:37.600
To divorce us from what is beautiful about our complexity
53:37.600 --> 53:40.600
What is beautiful about the pattern integrity that we are
53:40.600 --> 53:44.600
We don't understand exactly at all
53:45.600 --> 53:47.600
Even a tiny little bit
53:47.600 --> 53:49.600
Of how a DNA molecule
53:49.600 --> 53:52.600
Can somehow it seems
53:52.600 --> 53:56.600
And code most of the data necessary
53:56.600 --> 54:00.600
To generate and maintain
54:00.600 --> 54:03.600
The pattern integrity that is a mammal
54:03.600 --> 54:05.600
That is a plant
54:05.600 --> 54:07.600
That is a reptile
54:07.600 --> 54:09.600
That is an amphibian
54:11.600 --> 54:13.600
We don't understand it
54:14.600 --> 54:18.600
We have a general idea that this molecule contains codes
54:18.600 --> 54:21.600
And some of those codes are for proteins
54:21.600 --> 54:25.600
And that these pattern integrity are made up of those proteins
54:25.600 --> 54:27.600
We understand that
54:27.600 --> 54:31.600
That's like saying that I understand that my car has an engine
54:31.600 --> 54:34.600
And the engine has moving parts that turn the wheels
54:34.600 --> 54:36.600
And when you push on the pedals
54:36.600 --> 54:39.600
The engine moves faster and the wheels turn
54:40.600 --> 54:44.600
But can I really get in there and do anything about it?
54:44.600 --> 54:46.600
Can I really get in there and
54:46.600 --> 54:49.600
Usefully augment the function of my automobile?
54:49.600 --> 54:52.600
Of course I can't
54:52.600 --> 54:55.600
I can change the oil
54:55.600 --> 54:58.600
I can give myself a sandwich
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But I can't usefully augment the way that my immune system works
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By injecting something into my muscle
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And that's the way that they are planning to usefully augment
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A human is injecting something into the embryo
55:12.600 --> 55:17.600
Or injecting DNA into an empty embryo
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Or maybe I guess editing babies
55:20.600 --> 55:22.600
Which is ridiculous
55:25.600 --> 55:28.600
And so this is just pure snake oil
55:28.600 --> 55:30.600
In 2019
55:30.600 --> 55:32.600
About the coming genetic revolution
55:32.600 --> 55:34.600
The transhuman revolution
55:34.600 --> 55:38.600
The futuristic revolution of biology
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An unethical Chinese scientist, in my view
55:44.600 --> 55:48.600
Was the first person to genetically engineer
55:48.600 --> 55:50.600
Two little girls
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So unethical? Well then what are you talking about doing?
55:53.600 --> 55:55.600
And what stage will become ethical?
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Any humans
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And those children were born in October 2018 in China
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But they terrified everybody with those humans, right?
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Because we were right
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The Chinese are way ahead of us
56:09.600 --> 56:13.600
And they're so ahead of us that man, we better pull the brakes
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We need to get rid of this freedom stuff
56:16.600 --> 56:21.600
Because by the time we convince these people to give us their genetic data
56:21.600 --> 56:23.600
The Chinese will rule the world
56:23.600 --> 56:26.600
So it's time to do something
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And this was a rogue scientist
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But had he even not done what he did
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Still, two years from now
56:34.600 --> 56:35.600
Three years from now
56:35.600 --> 56:39.600
We would anyway have had the first application of precision gene editing
56:39.600 --> 56:42.600
To a pre-implanted human embryo
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That would have been taken to term
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We aren't going to be starting from scratch
56:47.600 --> 56:49.600
And creating babies out of a computer
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But we will be making small numbers of gene edits
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Whether it's one, two, three edits
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Five edits, maybe ten edits
56:58.600 --> 57:03.600
I don't think that we're going to be making 1,000, 2,000, 10,000 gene edits
57:03.600 --> 57:08.600
To a pre-implanted embryo within the next couple of decades
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And what is that going to mean?
57:10.600 --> 57:12.600
Because we are going to make changes
57:12.600 --> 57:18.600
In most cases to eliminate terrible and perhaps deadly risks
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And people have a gut feeling
57:20.600 --> 57:23.600
Well, it's okay to eliminate risks
57:23.600 --> 57:27.600
But we don't want to do things that feel like enhancement
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But there will not be a clear boundary between those two poles
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All of life will be in that gray area
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Because it is all about perception
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And these incredibly powerful tools will exist in the context of us
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Of our communities, of our cultures
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And we are all different within our societies
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People have all kinds of views
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Ranging from extreme people with strong religious views
57:58.600 --> 58:02.600
Who have a strong aversion to quote unquote, playing God
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To transhumanist biohackers
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Who thinks it should be all systems go
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And everything in between
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People who are religious who have a version to playing God
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And then biohackers who say gung ho, let's go
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See, this is the dichotomy that's like the lab leak or the natural virus
58:22.600 --> 58:24.600
They give you two bad choices
58:24.600 --> 58:27.600
And then they want you to choose the middle road
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You know, we're going to be real careful
58:29.600 --> 58:31.600
We're not going to be crazy like these guys
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But we're also not going to be silly like these God freaks
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And so the dismissed sacred is gone from the discussion
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The dismissed complexity which cannot be boiled down further
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Is dismissed from the discussion as if it doesn't exist
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And how will societies figure out how to balance those different desires and interests?
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We're also different nationally
58:58.600 --> 59:00.600
That there are countries that have strong geo-Christian backgrounds
59:00.600 --> 59:04.600
That may have one view about the permissibility of messing with nature
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Other societies may have different views
59:06.600 --> 59:09.600
How do we think about sinking these different views?
59:09.600 --> 59:10.600
And if that isn't hard enough
59:10.600 --> 59:12.600
So what's the scary version of this talk?
59:12.600 --> 59:14.600
The scary version is
59:14.600 --> 59:17.600
That places like China don't have any ethics at all about this
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So there are decades ahead of us
59:20.600 --> 59:25.600
And if we don't fundamentally invert the way that our country thinks about this
59:25.600 --> 59:27.600
We aren't going to fall behind
59:27.600 --> 59:29.600
We're going to be left behind
59:31.600 --> 59:33.600
And so we're behind schedule right now
59:33.600 --> 59:36.600
We need to speed this up
59:36.600 --> 59:41.600
And so the only way to speed this up is to set everybody on their heels
59:42.600 --> 59:44.600
To reset everything
59:44.600 --> 59:47.600
And to reset particularly new public health priorities
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That in the end will allow us to prioritize the collection of medical and genetic data
59:54.600 --> 59:57.600
Does that sound like a plan to you guys?
59:57.600 --> 01:00:00.600
Because that's the only plan that I can come up with
01:00:00.600 --> 01:00:02.600
That can compete with
01:00:02.600 --> 01:00:06.600
Our rival over there that has all of our money
01:00:06.600 --> 01:00:09.600
That has a genetically homogenous population
01:00:09.600 --> 01:00:12.600
And complete control over it
01:00:12.600 --> 01:00:15.600
What are we going to do about that enemy?
01:00:15.600 --> 01:00:19.600
Well, if we're going to reach our transgenic goals
01:00:19.600 --> 01:00:23.600
If we're going to reach our utopian future
01:00:23.600 --> 01:00:26.600
Where we become God humans
01:00:26.600 --> 01:00:29.600
Then I guess we better get the show on the road
01:00:29.600 --> 01:00:31.600
Push the button, pandemic time
01:00:31.600 --> 01:00:35.600
We're doing it in a world driven by extreme competition
01:00:35.600 --> 01:00:38.600
We have extreme competition within our communities
01:00:38.600 --> 01:00:40.600
I have a friend who is Korean and lives in Seoul
01:00:40.600 --> 01:00:41.600
He has 12 students
01:00:41.600 --> 01:00:43.600
I'm sorry, 12 tutors coming to his house
01:00:43.600 --> 01:00:46.600
Every week to tutor his 11 year old girl
01:00:46.600 --> 01:00:48.600
Korea has a law making it a requirement
01:00:48.600 --> 01:00:50.600
That cram schools close every night at 10 p.m.
01:00:50.600 --> 01:00:52.600
Because so many people were having their seven and eight year old kids
01:00:52.600 --> 01:00:54.600
Stay out past midnight, seven days a week
01:00:54.600 --> 01:00:57.600
Preparing for exams, they were going to take a decade in the future
01:00:57.600 --> 01:01:01.600
When I asked my friend, if you could sort your pre implanted embryos
01:01:01.600 --> 01:01:04.600
To give your future child a 10 to 15 point IQ boost
01:01:04.600 --> 01:01:05.600
Would you do it?
01:01:05.600 --> 01:01:06.600
He looked at me like I was insane
01:01:06.600 --> 01:01:08.600
Like why would you even ask that question?
01:01:08.600 --> 01:01:09.600
01:01:09.600 --> 01:01:12.600
And then I said how about everybody else who are the parents of kids in your school
01:01:12.600 --> 01:01:15.600
And the look on his face didn't change
01:01:15.600 --> 01:01:18.600
And that may be culture specific, subculture specific
01:01:18.600 --> 01:01:20.600
But we have all of these different cultures
01:01:20.600 --> 01:01:21.600
And people will have different desires
01:01:21.600 --> 01:01:23.600
And if that's not complicated enough
01:01:23.600 --> 01:01:26.600
What happens when different countries have different entire approaches
01:01:26.600 --> 01:01:27.600
To using these technologies?
01:01:27.600 --> 01:01:30.600
Imagine one country called the United States decides to opt out
01:01:30.600 --> 01:01:32.600
Another country, let's call it China, decides to opt in
01:01:32.600 --> 01:01:35.600
Because it perceives an economic or a competitive or other benefit
01:01:35.600 --> 01:01:37.600
What would the opt out country do?
01:01:37.600 --> 01:01:39.600
One thing you could imagine, they would say well
01:01:39.600 --> 01:01:41.600
We've made our decision, you've made your decision
01:01:41.600 --> 01:01:43.600
Let's see how it plays out and we don't know how it would play out
01:01:43.600 --> 01:01:48.600
But people will be afraid of that because what if that other society has some kind of big advantage
01:01:48.600 --> 01:01:50.600
That society that's opted out doesn't have?
01:01:50.600 --> 01:01:51.600
What do you do?
01:01:51.600 --> 01:01:53.600
So you could try to say well we'll try to build a global standard
01:01:53.600 --> 01:01:55.600
Which is a great answer but it's hard to do
01:01:55.600 --> 01:01:58.600
But what if you try to pressure that other country and they don't change?
01:01:58.600 --> 01:02:01.600
Do you make it illegal for your citizens to procreate with people from that other place?
01:02:01.600 --> 01:02:03.600
Do you use force to try to get them to stop?
01:02:03.600 --> 01:02:07.600
Imagine all the crazy things humans have gone to war over in our history
01:02:07.600 --> 01:02:08.600
Is this one?
01:02:08.600 --> 01:02:09.600
I don't know, it could be
01:02:09.600 --> 01:02:14.600
And the ethical issues around this are so deeply profound that they hit us all
01:02:14.600 --> 01:02:17.600
What we are talking about is messing with very complex systems
01:02:17.600 --> 01:02:20.600
We don't remotely or fully understand
01:02:20.600 --> 01:02:22.600
There are equity issues who has access
01:02:22.600 --> 01:02:27.600
Wait, he's just going to gloss over that, isn't that the most important part?
01:02:27.600 --> 01:02:29.600
I don't know
01:02:29.600 --> 01:02:33.600
But we've seen what happened when European powers, for example, had slightly better weapons
01:02:33.600 --> 01:02:35.600
And slightly better ships than everybody else
01:02:35.600 --> 01:02:37.600
It led to the colonial era
01:02:37.600 --> 01:02:40.600
What will happen if there are real or perceived differences between people?
01:02:40.600 --> 01:02:44.600
And diversity, we think about diversity as a great way to have better workplaces
01:02:44.600 --> 01:02:46.600
And universities and universities
01:02:46.600 --> 01:02:50.600
We think about diversity as a great way to have better workplaces
01:02:50.600 --> 01:02:52.600
And universities and universities
01:02:52.600 --> 01:02:57.600
We think about diversity as a great way to have better workplaces
01:02:57.600 --> 01:02:59.600
And universities and schools
01:02:59.600 --> 01:03:01.600
But it's something much deeper from an evolutionary perspective
01:03:01.600 --> 01:03:03.600
From a Darwinian perspective
01:03:03.600 --> 01:03:05.600
Diversity is just random mutation
01:03:05.600 --> 01:03:07.600
You could say if it weren't for diversity
01:03:07.600 --> 01:03:08.600
We'd still be single cell organisms
01:03:08.600 --> 01:03:09.600
But you'd be wrong
01:03:09.600 --> 01:03:11.600
Because if we didn't have diversity
01:03:11.600 --> 01:03:13.600
Those single cell organisms could never have survived
01:03:13.600 --> 01:03:14.600
Once the environment changed
01:03:14.600 --> 01:03:16.600
Because there's not good or bad in evolution
01:03:16.600 --> 01:03:18.600
There's just suitability for a particular environment
01:03:18.600 --> 01:03:23.600
And diversity is our investment in being ready for a future scenario that we can't predict
01:03:23.600 --> 01:03:25.600
And we're going to have to make big decisions
01:03:25.600 --> 01:03:30.600
Before we fully understand the long-term implications of the decisions that we are going to have to make
01:03:30.600 --> 01:03:33.600
We now have a tremendous responsibility
01:03:33.600 --> 01:03:36.600
But also a great opportunity
01:03:36.600 --> 01:03:38.600
To bring our best values to bear
01:03:38.600 --> 01:03:41.600
In shaping this technology that is going to shape us
01:03:41.600 --> 01:03:43.600
And I invite you to join me
01:03:43.600 --> 01:03:45.600
See, so you have no choice
01:03:45.600 --> 01:03:47.600
Because the technology is coming
01:03:47.600 --> 01:03:51.600
So you might as well step up and bring your best values to it
01:03:51.600 --> 01:03:58.600
It's a really crazy thing to talk about right before the pandemic
01:03:58.600 --> 01:04:01.600
And now here's April 1st, 2021
01:04:01.600 --> 01:04:02.600
Kind of ironic
01:04:02.600 --> 01:04:06.600
And a bear breakthrough innovation forum
01:04:06.600 --> 01:04:10.600
And he's giving the keynote address at the beginning
01:04:10.600 --> 01:04:12.600
Of course he's doing it via Zoom
01:04:12.600 --> 01:04:16.600
With a funny green backdrop
01:04:16.600 --> 01:04:19.600
Let's just listen to this
01:04:19.600 --> 01:04:24.600
And then we'll, I'm going to take it as an evening
01:04:24.600 --> 01:04:28.600
Because yeah, I already did that show with Brian tonight
01:04:28.600 --> 01:04:30.600
So I'm a little bit more tired than usual
01:04:30.600 --> 01:04:32.600
He's got a blue halo here
01:04:32.600 --> 01:04:34.600
And bears are really good company
01:04:34.600 --> 01:04:35.600
I don't know if you know that or not
01:04:35.600 --> 01:04:38.600
But they make all kinds of things that make people really happy
01:04:38.600 --> 01:04:42.600
I'm delighted to be here with you today
01:04:42.600 --> 01:04:46.600
Because we are at a transition point in human history
01:04:46.600 --> 01:04:49.600
And we are using our incredibly powerful new capabilities
01:04:49.600 --> 01:04:52.600
Of the genetics and biotechnology revolutions
01:04:52.600 --> 01:04:57.600
To renegotiate in profound ways our relationship with the world around us
01:04:57.600 --> 01:05:03.600
Our species now has the increasing ability to recast the code of life
01:05:03.600 --> 01:05:06.600
And the essential question that will determine our future
01:05:06.600 --> 01:05:09.600
Is whether or not we can use this power wisely
01:05:09.600 --> 01:05:12.600
Conversations like this are so essential
01:05:12.600 --> 01:05:15.600
Because every one of us and all of our institutions
01:05:15.600 --> 01:05:19.600
Have a critically important role to play in this process
01:05:19.600 --> 01:05:21.600
To set the stage for where we are
01:05:21.600 --> 01:05:25.600
It's important to understand the magnitude of this moment in history
01:05:25.600 --> 01:05:28.600
When one of the greatest forces in the universe
01:05:28.600 --> 01:05:31.600
Human creativity is being unleashed
01:05:31.600 --> 01:05:34.600
100 years ago, 2 billion people lived on our planet
01:05:34.600 --> 01:05:36.600
With a roughly 15% literacy rate
01:05:36.600 --> 01:05:39.600
That means that around 300 million people
01:05:39.600 --> 01:05:42.600
Had the opportunity to fully participate in the world of knowledge
01:05:42.600 --> 01:05:44.600
Shared beyond their immediate communities
01:05:44.600 --> 01:05:47.600
Today there are nearly 8 billion of us
01:05:47.600 --> 01:05:49.600
With an 85% literacy rate
01:05:49.600 --> 01:05:53.600
Meaning 6.5 billion people can share their ideas
01:05:53.600 --> 01:05:56.600
Because we are networked with each other
01:05:56.600 --> 01:06:00.600
Everyone can wake up every morning and solve new problems
01:06:00.600 --> 01:06:04.600
Ending the wasteful redundancy of innovation our ancestors experienced
01:06:04.600 --> 01:06:07.600
Because our technologies are super converging
01:06:07.600 --> 01:06:10.600
With each technological revolution inspiring
01:06:10.600 --> 01:06:13.600
And being inspired by all other technologies
01:06:13.600 --> 01:06:17.600
The tools we are using to understand and interact with the world
01:06:17.600 --> 01:06:20.600
Within and around us are improving at exponential rates
01:06:20.600 --> 01:06:23.600
And because this change is accelerating
01:06:23.600 --> 01:06:28.600
We must continually challenge the evolved practicality of our brains
01:06:28.600 --> 01:06:30.600
To help us understand what's coming
01:06:30.600 --> 01:06:34.600
We must, in other worlds, all start to think
01:06:34.600 --> 01:06:36.600
A little like science fiction writers
01:06:36.600 --> 01:06:41.600
Because we live in a world that will increasingly feel like science fiction
01:06:41.600 --> 01:06:47.600
I would say that he's trying to encourage you to imagine a future that may not be
01:06:47.600 --> 01:06:51.600
In order to change your behavior based on that mythology
01:06:51.600 --> 01:06:56.600
Imagine a future that may not be so that they can change your future
01:06:56.600 --> 01:06:59.600
Based on that mythology, that's what he's doing
01:07:00.600 --> 01:07:03.600
And they've been doing this for decades now
01:07:03.600 --> 01:07:06.600
Where we're just around the corner
01:07:06.600 --> 01:07:09.600
We're going to be able to do everything we always dreamed of doing
01:07:09.600 --> 01:07:14.600
And it'll be like an erector set but for humans
01:07:14.600 --> 01:07:17.600
As exciting as this all is
01:07:17.600 --> 01:07:19.600
It can also be unsettling
01:07:19.600 --> 01:07:23.600
Not least because it feels unnatural to many people
01:07:23.600 --> 01:07:28.600
But we need to remember that much of what we call natural is not fully natural
01:07:28.600 --> 01:07:31.600
At least as experienced by our ancestors
01:07:31.600 --> 01:07:35.600
Our distant ancestors never went hiking in the woods for fun
01:07:35.600 --> 01:07:38.600
Because the woods were full of dangerous predators
01:07:38.600 --> 01:07:41.600
They wouldn't recognize almost everything in our supermarkets today
01:07:41.600 --> 01:07:45.600
Including almost all of the fruits, vegetables and animal products
01:07:45.600 --> 01:07:50.600
So the issue for us in our world engineered by our ancestors
01:07:50.600 --> 01:07:53.600
Using the technologies of their day
01:07:53.600 --> 01:07:56.600
Like the then radical biotechnology of agriculture
01:07:56.600 --> 01:07:59.600
Is not technology yes or no
01:07:59.600 --> 01:08:04.600
But technology how best to benefit humanity and our world
01:08:04.600 --> 01:08:08.600
We also need to recognize that while healthcare is a critically important driver
01:08:08.600 --> 01:08:13.600
Of our application of our new genetics and biotechnology capabilities
01:08:13.600 --> 01:08:17.600
This revolution extends far beyond healthcare
01:08:17.600 --> 01:08:20.600
We are moving from a paradigm of generalized medicine
01:08:20.600 --> 01:08:22.600
Based on population averages
01:08:22.600 --> 01:08:26.600
To our new world of personalized or precision healthcare
01:08:26.600 --> 01:08:29.600
Where interventions are made, were not made
01:08:29.600 --> 01:08:33.600
Based on a far deeper understanding of each person's individual biology
01:08:33.600 --> 01:08:37.600
But collecting genetic and broader systems biological information
01:08:37.600 --> 01:08:41.600
As part of our transition to precision medicine
01:08:41.600 --> 01:08:45.600
And placing those data in ever larger and more usable databases
01:08:45.600 --> 01:08:48.600
Along with other biological and life information
01:08:48.600 --> 01:08:54.600
Will allow us to use our increasingly powerful tools of AI and machine learning
01:08:54.600 --> 01:08:57.600
To begin to crack the code of complex life
01:08:57.600 --> 01:09:00.600
Ta-da! Let's hear that again
01:09:00.600 --> 01:09:03.600
More use of our transition to precision medicine
01:09:03.600 --> 01:09:07.600
And placing those data in ever larger and more usable databases
01:09:07.600 --> 01:09:10.600
Along with other biological and life information
01:09:10.600 --> 01:09:15.600
Will allow us to use our increasingly powerful tools of AI and machine learning
01:09:15.600 --> 01:09:19.600
To begin to crack the code of complex life
01:09:19.600 --> 01:09:21.600
We'll never understand it perfectly
01:09:21.600 --> 01:09:27.600
But even our imperfect knowledge will shift us toward a more predictive model of healthcare
01:09:27.600 --> 01:09:29.600
We'll never understand it perfectly
01:09:29.600 --> 01:09:34.600
But it'll shift our knowledge to a predictive model of healthcare
01:09:38.600 --> 01:09:40.600
It's snake oil ladies and gentlemen
01:09:40.600 --> 01:09:42.600
They've been doing it for a while
01:09:42.600 --> 01:09:46.600
But they're amping it up now because the pandemic allowed them to do it
01:09:46.600 --> 01:09:48.600
They took the reins of all these industries
01:09:48.600 --> 01:09:50.600
They changed all these industries
01:09:50.600 --> 01:09:53.600
They put a lot of things out of business
01:09:53.600 --> 01:10:00.600
And shifted a lot of this intellectual property space around
01:10:01.600 --> 01:10:04.600
Health and in many ways life
01:10:04.600 --> 01:10:09.600
Our goal will be to optimize and then expand our biological possibility
01:10:09.600 --> 01:10:14.600
With continuous feedback loops guiding precision interventions at the optimal times
01:10:14.600 --> 01:10:18.600
We'll move from our current system, which we call healthcare
01:10:18.600 --> 01:10:21.600
But is all too often symptom based sick care
01:10:21.600 --> 01:10:24.600
To a newer model of prediction and prevention
01:10:24.600 --> 01:10:29.600
But as I said, the genetics and biotechnology revolutions will
01:10:29.600 --> 01:10:33.600
And must extend far beyond human health
01:10:33.600 --> 01:10:36.600
They are already leading us toward very significant
01:10:36.600 --> 01:10:40.600
And badly needed changes in how we do agriculture
01:10:40.600 --> 01:10:42.600
The green revolution of last century
01:10:42.600 --> 01:10:47.600
Is what made it possible for us to go from 2 to 8 billion humans so quickly
01:10:47.600 --> 01:10:51.600
But its reliance on chemical fertilizers and engineered water systems
01:10:51.600 --> 01:10:55.600
Is simply not sustainable in our current form
01:10:55.600 --> 01:11:00.600
As our global human population grows toward an estimated 10 billion people
01:11:01.600 --> 01:11:04.600
Chemical fertilizers today account for 2% of energy use
01:11:04.600 --> 01:11:07.600
And 1.5% of greenhouse gas emissions
01:11:07.600 --> 01:11:11.600
Not to mention the impact of runoff to sensitive aquatic ecosystems
01:11:11.600 --> 01:11:15.600
We are reaching the limits of sustainable land and water use
01:11:15.600 --> 01:11:17.600
For the course we are on
01:11:17.600 --> 01:11:20.600
Clearly we need to increase yields
01:11:20.600 --> 01:11:24.600
While lowering agriculture's environmental and climate footprint
01:11:24.600 --> 01:11:28.600
Our new tools, like the ones leaps is championing
01:11:28.600 --> 01:11:30.600
Promise to do just that
01:11:30.600 --> 01:11:34.600
By doing things like manipulating the microbiomes in plant roots and soils
01:11:34.600 --> 01:11:38.600
To massively decrease the need for fertilizers and pesticides
01:11:38.600 --> 01:11:41.600
And generating crop varieties that can thrive
01:11:41.600 --> 01:11:43.600
And highly populated parts of the world
01:11:43.600 --> 01:11:45.600
Where climate change induce warming
01:11:45.600 --> 01:11:47.600
And groundwater salination
01:11:47.600 --> 01:11:51.600
Are threatening current crops and human survival
01:11:51.600 --> 01:11:53.600
Of course this is
01:11:53.600 --> 01:11:56.600
What I find so extraordinary about this is that
01:11:56.600 --> 01:12:00.600
Agriculture is pitched as the thing to fix
01:12:00.600 --> 01:12:04.600
Agriculture is pitched as the broken thing
01:12:04.600 --> 01:12:06.600
It's nothing to do with any other industry
01:12:06.600 --> 01:12:10.600
Nothing to do with any other industry at all
01:12:10.600 --> 01:12:14.600
And it's extraordinary because there's obviously other industries in the world
01:12:14.600 --> 01:12:16.600
Besides agriculture
01:12:16.600 --> 01:12:19.600
We're not talking about mining
01:12:19.600 --> 01:12:21.600
We're not talking about refining
01:12:21.600 --> 01:12:24.600
We're not talking about a manufacturing of goods
01:12:24.600 --> 01:12:27.600
We're not talking about manufacturing of batteries
01:12:27.600 --> 01:12:29.600
Or anything like this
01:12:29.600 --> 01:12:33.600
We're talking about the environmental impact of agriculture
01:12:35.600 --> 01:12:39.600
I mean it's extraordinary really because if you think about it
01:12:39.600 --> 01:12:42.600
Of all the fires that are burning in the world
01:12:42.600 --> 01:12:45.600
Of all the pollution that's happening in the world
01:12:45.600 --> 01:12:49.600
This guy is talking about working on agriculture
01:12:50.600 --> 01:12:52.600
01:12:54.600 --> 01:12:56.600
It's extraordinary
01:12:56.600 --> 01:12:58.600
Not all about new technologies
01:12:58.600 --> 01:13:01.600
We also need to invest in helping traditional agriculture
01:13:01.600 --> 01:13:04.600
Become more sustainable and scalable
01:13:04.600 --> 01:13:08.600
The question is not technology either or
01:13:08.600 --> 01:13:10.600
But how best?
01:13:10.600 --> 01:13:14.600
Our value chains will only be valuable if they are sustainable
01:13:14.600 --> 01:13:18.600
The incredible economic growth we've seen over the last 150 years
01:13:18.600 --> 01:13:23.600
Has depended on levels of extraction that are not infinitely scalable
01:13:23.600 --> 01:13:26.600
To grow economically in ways that don't decimate our planet
01:13:26.600 --> 01:13:30.600
We must shift our natural resource acquisition model
01:13:30.600 --> 01:13:33.600
From cut down and dig up to grow
01:13:33.600 --> 01:13:38.600
Using precision fermentation from genetically engineered yeast, algae and bacteria
01:13:38.600 --> 01:13:42.600
And other approaches to do what nature already does
01:13:42.600 --> 01:13:47.600
Build from small to big from the recipe of code
01:13:47.600 --> 01:13:52.600
This is the revolution of biology plus biology-inspired human engineering
01:13:52.600 --> 01:13:56.600
Where we can grow plastics, woods, fabrics, industrial enzymes
01:13:56.600 --> 01:13:59.600
And many of the other raw materials we need
01:13:59.600 --> 01:14:04.600
McKinsey estimates that 60% of all physical inputs we need
01:14:04.600 --> 01:14:09.600
McKinsey estimates that 60% of all physical input materials we need
01:14:09.600 --> 01:14:15.600
McKinsey estimates that 60% of all physical inputs to the world economy
01:14:15.600 --> 01:14:18.600
Can be disrupted in this way
01:14:18.600 --> 01:14:23.600
DNA data storage is another important area where we simply must think differently
01:14:23.600 --> 01:14:25.600
Using these new tools
01:14:25.600 --> 01:14:31.600
We are today on the verge of generating far more data than we can store with our current technology
01:14:31.600 --> 01:14:35.600
But DNA is the ultimate data storage mechanism
01:14:35.600 --> 01:14:37.600
Honed over billions of years
01:14:37.600 --> 01:14:42.600
It's a million times denser than silicon and can be stored for over a million years
01:14:42.600 --> 01:14:45.600
New frameworks for DNA data storage and computing
01:14:45.600 --> 01:14:49.600
Have the potential to be an important foundation of our information future
01:14:49.600 --> 01:14:54.600
Of course there are significant challenges of science, cost and scale
01:14:54.600 --> 01:14:57.600
In all of these areas which must still be overcome
01:14:57.600 --> 01:15:01.600
But human creativity is essentially infinite
01:15:01.600 --> 01:15:06.600
While most of the existing natural resources on our planet are finite
01:15:06.600 --> 01:15:11.600
There are also very real potential dangers which must be acknowledged and addressed
01:15:11.600 --> 01:15:15.600
Our technologies do not come with their own built-in value systems
01:15:15.600 --> 01:15:22.600
It's up to us to ensure that our most cherished values guide the application of our most powerful technologies
01:15:22.600 --> 01:15:29.600
Because what we are talking about here is manipulating complex systems we don't fully understand
01:15:29.600 --> 01:15:33.600
Which requires almost limitless humility
01:15:33.600 --> 01:15:34.600
If we are not in
01:15:34.600 --> 01:15:39.600
It sounds like the same thing that he said at that TED Talk four years ago
01:15:39.600 --> 01:15:43.600
We are talking about manipulating complex systems that we don't understand
01:15:43.600 --> 01:15:45.600
And it requires the utmost humility
01:15:45.600 --> 01:15:50.600
It's a really incongruent circular reasoning statement there
01:15:50.600 --> 01:15:53.600
It's like what?
01:15:53.600 --> 01:15:55.600
I mean
01:15:59.600 --> 01:16:01.600
It's sacred
01:16:01.600 --> 01:16:05.600
You know cheating on your wife has to be done very carefully
01:16:05.600 --> 01:16:07.600
Because you can really hurt her feelings
01:16:07.600 --> 01:16:11.600
That means that you don't think your marriage is sacred
01:16:11.600 --> 01:16:15.600
You can say my marriage is really sacred, my marriage is really sacred
01:16:15.600 --> 01:16:22.600
And if you cheat on your wife you should be very careful because you might hurt her feelings
01:16:22.600 --> 01:16:25.600
Then you don't really believe that your marriage is sacred
01:16:25.600 --> 01:16:33.600
And if you say that this is a complex system and we have to approach it with the utmost humility
01:16:33.600 --> 01:16:38.600
But we are going to be collecting all the data and editing people and editing babies
01:16:38.600 --> 01:16:41.600
And changing the soil
01:16:41.600 --> 01:16:44.600
And editing crops and all this other stuff
01:16:44.600 --> 01:16:49.600
Then you don't think that this is a complex system and you don't have any humility
01:16:53.600 --> 01:16:56.600
It's frustrating because that's what you hear in these talks
01:16:56.600 --> 01:16:59.600
If you can hear the words and actually understand what he is saying
01:16:59.600 --> 01:17:02.600
Because a lot of times they don't make sense together
01:17:02.600 --> 01:17:06.600
You hear people saying incongruent things
01:17:06.600 --> 01:17:09.600
My marriage is sacred, my marriage is sacred
01:17:09.600 --> 01:17:13.600
If you cheat on your wife be careful because you might hurt her feelings
01:17:16.600 --> 01:17:20.600
We're going to do this, biology is this, we're going to become gods
01:17:20.600 --> 01:17:25.600
We can change DNA, we're going to be able to rewrite the book of life
01:17:25.600 --> 01:17:29.600
It's a complex system and we have to have the utmost humility
01:17:30.600 --> 01:17:32.600
These statements are not congruent
01:17:34.600 --> 01:17:37.600
They're lies, they're enchantments
01:17:37.600 --> 01:17:41.600
They're designed to bamboozle the people that are hearing them
01:17:41.600 --> 01:17:45.600
And designed to make these people unable to compute anymore
01:17:45.600 --> 01:17:49.600
Just to accept what's coming
01:17:49.600 --> 01:17:54.600
As long as I get to go to the dinner tonight I guess this is fine, I'll clap for this
01:17:54.600 --> 01:17:58.600
I got invited to this Zoom meeting, I guess that's great
01:17:59.600 --> 01:18:05.600
Their salaries depend on them not realizing that this is a hoax
01:18:05.600 --> 01:18:08.600
That this is a elaborate sales pitch
01:18:08.600 --> 01:18:10.600
That's never going to come true
01:18:10.600 --> 01:18:13.600
Certainly not in these people's lifetimes
01:18:14.600 --> 01:18:18.600
Within 10 years nothing is going to change
01:18:19.600 --> 01:18:23.600
Nor amously careful
01:18:23.600 --> 01:18:27.600
And even if we are, we run the risk of limiting the diversity of life
01:18:27.600 --> 01:18:31.600
Which has always been the foundation of resilience and survival
01:18:31.600 --> 01:18:38.600
Given the power of these technologies, their uneven application could supercharge the massive equity challenges
01:18:38.600 --> 01:18:40.600
We already face across the globe
01:18:40.600 --> 01:18:45.600
But we need to recognize that maintaining the status quo also carries with it
01:18:45.600 --> 01:18:48.600
Existential risks, climate change being only one
01:18:48.600 --> 01:18:53.600
There's a danger in not investing in healthier lives for ourselves
01:18:53.600 --> 01:18:55.600
Our loved ones and the people around the world
01:18:55.600 --> 01:18:59.600
In not seeking a more sustainable future for our planet
01:18:59.600 --> 01:19:03.600
In not beginning to imagine alternative long-term futures for our species
01:19:03.600 --> 01:19:07.600
When we know this planet will not always be habitable
01:19:07.600 --> 01:19:12.600
But to increase the odds that we use our technologies to help us
01:19:12.600 --> 01:19:14.600
Individually and collectively
01:19:14.600 --> 01:19:16.600
And not undermine us
01:19:16.600 --> 01:19:22.600
We need to recognize that this is not ultimately a conversation about science
01:19:22.600 --> 01:19:23.600
But about values
01:19:23.600 --> 01:19:28.600
Ethics is not what we do after we've developed a technology
01:19:28.600 --> 01:19:33.600
But a framework we must integrate into every aspect of our work from the start
01:19:33.600 --> 01:19:37.600
And so really what he's talking about is that we didn't have ethics before
01:19:37.600 --> 01:19:39.600
And we need ethics now
01:19:40.600 --> 01:19:43.600
He wants you to make you think that this is an open tablet
01:19:43.600 --> 01:19:47.600
This is something that we can decide on now
01:19:47.600 --> 01:19:50.600
There's no previous precedence
01:19:50.600 --> 01:19:53.600
We don't have to think about informed consent
01:19:53.600 --> 01:19:57.600
We don't have to think about all these concepts like beneficials
01:19:57.600 --> 01:19:59.600
We don't need to think about that stuff
01:19:59.600 --> 01:20:01.600
This is a new age
01:20:01.600 --> 01:20:03.600
So we gotta have a new book
01:20:03.600 --> 01:20:05.600
A new ethics
01:20:06.600 --> 01:20:12.600
It must be at the core of all processes, products and interactions at every stage
01:20:12.600 --> 01:20:14.600
To do this
01:20:14.600 --> 01:20:20.600
We need to recognize our responsibilities as builders and shapers of that larger story
01:20:20.600 --> 01:20:24.600
Even if we are each only touching a small part of it
01:20:24.600 --> 01:20:26.600
We need the strongest possible governance
01:20:26.600 --> 01:20:28.600
Interesting way to put that
01:20:28.600 --> 01:20:32.600
That's very much what I would think was said to a lot of the people that are on the
01:20:33.600 --> 01:20:35.600
coronavirus novel, virus narrative
01:20:35.600 --> 01:20:38.600
Is that it's important that we all stay
01:20:38.600 --> 01:20:39.600
What did he say?
01:20:39.600 --> 01:20:41.600
Count of builders are each only touching a small part
01:20:41.600 --> 01:20:43.600
And shapers of that larger story
01:20:43.600 --> 01:20:49.600
Recognize our responsibilities as builders and shapers of that larger story
01:20:49.600 --> 01:20:54.600
Recognize our responsibilities as builders and shapers of that common story
01:20:54.600 --> 01:20:55.600
Is that what he said?
01:20:55.600 --> 01:21:00.600
Recognize our responsibilities as builders and shapers of that larger story
01:21:01.600 --> 01:21:04.600
Even if we are each only touching a small part of it
01:21:04.600 --> 01:21:07.600
Even if we are only touching a small part of it
01:21:07.600 --> 01:21:15.600
Can you imagine that message being delivered to people at the beginning of the pandemic
01:21:15.600 --> 01:21:19.600
Telling them that I know you want to fight and I know you want to speak up
01:21:19.600 --> 01:21:25.600
But it's important for us to be all on one page
01:21:25.600 --> 01:21:28.600
It's important for the country
01:21:28.600 --> 01:21:30.600
It may be important for the world
01:21:30.600 --> 01:21:34.600
And we need you to help us
01:21:34.600 --> 01:21:38.600
And if you do, it could be a lucrative sub stack
01:21:38.600 --> 01:21:42.600
It could be a lucrative supplement company
01:21:42.600 --> 01:21:48.600
We can think of lots of ways that we can provide comfort for you
01:21:48.600 --> 01:21:50.600
If you go along with this
01:21:50.600 --> 01:21:53.600
You don't have to tell lies
01:21:53.600 --> 01:21:56.600
Just don't tell them that
01:21:57.600 --> 01:22:02.600
We need the strongest possible governance and accountability frameworks
01:22:02.600 --> 01:22:06.600
In our companies, universities, governments and international organizations
01:22:06.600 --> 01:22:09.600
Dynamic processes for public-private partnerships
01:22:09.600 --> 01:22:13.600
As well as systems for exploring and sharing best practice
01:22:13.600 --> 01:22:17.600
Dynamic processes for public-private partnerships
01:22:17.600 --> 01:22:23.600
We're talking about taking public money, making private business
01:22:23.600 --> 01:22:29.600
making private intellectual property
01:22:29.600 --> 01:22:33.600
And having new ways of governing it on a global scale
01:22:33.600 --> 01:22:37.600
That's why he talks about how some people, some societies
01:22:37.600 --> 01:22:39.600
Don't mind this at all
01:22:39.600 --> 01:22:42.600
Other societies have a big problem with it
01:22:42.600 --> 01:22:46.600
As somebody said in the chat, this is a globalist here
01:22:46.600 --> 01:22:48.600
All futurists are globalists
01:22:48.600 --> 01:22:52.600
They think that we are eventually going to come together under one church
01:22:52.600 --> 01:22:56.600
And have one world government with one world currency
01:22:56.600 --> 01:23:00.600
And those people also think transhuman wise
01:23:00.600 --> 01:23:04.600
We're going to have this command over our biology
01:23:04.600 --> 01:23:08.600
Or at least we should reorganize so that we can collect the data
01:23:08.600 --> 01:23:12.600
That will eventually give them to the AI and give us command over our
01:23:12.600 --> 01:23:14.600
Over our biology one day
01:23:14.600 --> 01:23:16.600
That's what they all believe
01:23:16.600 --> 01:23:19.600
And this is one of their high priests
01:23:19.600 --> 01:23:21.600
Or at least middle ground priests
01:23:21.600 --> 01:23:24.600
Frameworks in our companies, universities, governments
01:23:24.600 --> 01:23:25.600
And international organizations
01:23:25.600 --> 01:23:28.600
Dynamic processes for public-private partnerships
01:23:28.600 --> 01:23:32.600
As well as systems for exploring and sharing best practices
01:23:32.600 --> 01:23:37.600
We need to think differently about public education, empowerment and engagement
01:23:37.600 --> 01:23:40.600
By working with radical transparency
01:23:40.600 --> 01:23:43.600
By supporting ongoing and multi-directional public dialogues
01:23:43.600 --> 01:23:45.600
Where we are really listening
01:23:45.600 --> 01:23:50.600
And where what we hear has the potential to impact directions going forward
01:23:50.600 --> 01:23:53.600
We need inclusive and respectful processes
01:23:53.600 --> 01:23:58.600
That optimize positive societal and global outcomes for all
01:23:58.600 --> 01:24:00.600
I wonder if I could take this
01:24:00.600 --> 01:24:04.600
And write my own speech that just says nothing
01:24:04.600 --> 01:24:07.600
But comes close to saying something about biology
01:24:07.600 --> 01:24:09.600
Because this is extraordinary
01:24:09.600 --> 01:24:11.600
It's almost hard to listen to
01:24:11.600 --> 01:24:13.600
I know this is a very tall order
01:24:13.600 --> 01:24:16.600
But it's not just about where we are going
01:24:16.600 --> 01:24:18.600
But how we get there
01:24:18.600 --> 01:24:22.600
Because we are on the verge of an incredibly exciting future
01:24:22.600 --> 01:24:26.600
If we can have the wisdom and foresight to build it
01:24:26.600 --> 01:24:31.600
And building that better future is up to each and all of us
01:24:31.600 --> 01:24:33.600
Thank you
01:24:35.600 --> 01:24:37.600
That's what we're talking about here
01:24:37.600 --> 01:24:39.600
Ladies and gentlemen is some real nonsense
01:24:39.600 --> 01:24:41.600
Some real real nonsense
01:24:41.600 --> 01:24:45.600
And it is a consensus agreement on this nonsense
01:24:45.600 --> 01:24:47.600
It's gotten us here
01:24:47.600 --> 01:24:51.600
I can't stress enough how important it is to realize that
01:24:51.600 --> 01:24:53.600
This story
01:24:53.600 --> 01:24:54.600
01:24:54.600 --> 01:24:57.600
This story of a novel virus
01:24:57.600 --> 01:24:59.600
Is a story that
01:24:59.600 --> 01:25:02.600
Was told on pretense
01:25:02.600 --> 01:25:04.600
For a very very long time
01:25:04.600 --> 01:25:06.600
And many many secret meetings
01:25:06.600 --> 01:25:08.600
In the beginning of movies
01:25:08.600 --> 01:25:09.600
In the X files
01:25:09.600 --> 01:25:10.600
In Simpsons
01:25:10.600 --> 01:25:12.600
In every
01:25:12.600 --> 01:25:14.600
TV series
01:25:15.600 --> 01:25:16.600
That you can imagine
01:25:16.600 --> 01:25:18.600
They probably had something to do with
01:25:18.600 --> 01:25:19.600
A pandemic
01:25:19.600 --> 01:25:20.600
An epidemic
01:25:20.600 --> 01:25:21.600
A breakout
01:25:21.600 --> 01:25:23.600
Anybody's viruses
01:25:24.600 --> 01:25:26.600
And none of the most of those
01:25:26.600 --> 01:25:28.600
If not all of them are not innocent
01:25:28.600 --> 01:25:30.600
Certainly the
01:25:30.600 --> 01:25:33.600
The plan to the apes rewrite is not innocent
01:25:35.600 --> 01:25:37.600
And if you start to see it that way
01:25:37.600 --> 01:25:39.600
Then you can also start to see these more
01:25:39.600 --> 01:25:42.600
Recent additions to the real
01:25:42.600 --> 01:25:43.600
Play on the street
01:25:43.600 --> 01:25:46.600
The real play on social media
01:25:46.600 --> 01:25:48.600
You can see that this has been scripted
01:25:48.600 --> 01:25:49.600
For a very long time
01:25:49.600 --> 01:25:50.600
This is Robert Malone
01:25:50.600 --> 01:25:53.600
And the original press secretary of Donald Trump
01:25:53.600 --> 01:25:57.600
On a podcast talking about a lab leak
01:25:57.600 --> 01:26:01.600
You can't possibly believe this is the real
01:26:01.600 --> 01:26:04.600
Random world of humankind
01:26:04.600 --> 01:26:07.600
You can't possibly believe this is anything
01:26:07.600 --> 01:26:08.600
01:26:08.600 --> 01:26:11.600
A elaborate scheme to govern us
01:26:12.600 --> 01:26:14.600
Because it most certainly is
01:26:14.600 --> 01:26:17.600
An elaborate scheme to govern us
01:26:20.600 --> 01:26:23.600
The illusion of consensus
01:26:23.600 --> 01:26:25.600
Medium turkey chili
01:26:28.600 --> 01:26:31.600
It is an illusion of consensus
01:26:32.600 --> 01:26:34.600
That keeps you believing in a novel
01:26:34.600 --> 01:26:36.600
Virus that keeps you believing in an RNA
01:26:36.600 --> 01:26:38.600
That keeps believing in
01:26:39.600 --> 01:26:41.600
Again of functional viruses
01:26:42.600 --> 01:26:44.600
Because everybody else does
01:26:44.600 --> 01:26:46.600
Excuse me, I think you forgot my bread
01:26:46.600 --> 01:26:48.600
Bread, two dollars extra
01:26:48.600 --> 01:26:51.600
Two dollars, but everyone in front of me got free bread
01:26:51.600 --> 01:26:52.600
You want bread?
01:26:52.600 --> 01:26:53.600
Yes please
01:26:53.600 --> 01:26:54.600
Three dollars
01:26:55.600 --> 01:26:57.600
No soup for you
01:26:58.600 --> 01:27:00.600
It's an illusion
01:27:00.600 --> 01:27:03.600
And if you remove the illusion of consensus
01:27:05.600 --> 01:27:07.600
You can start to see it for what it is
01:27:07.600 --> 01:27:09.600
You might still be funny
01:27:10.600 --> 01:27:12.600
But you're not told when to laugh
01:27:12.600 --> 01:27:14.600
Medium crap best
01:27:14.600 --> 01:27:17.600
And the lab leak story might be real
01:27:17.600 --> 01:27:20.600
Or a version of it with clones might be real
01:27:20.600 --> 01:27:21.600
You didn't get any bread
01:27:21.600 --> 01:27:24.600
Just forget it's not as scary as you were told it was to be
01:27:24.600 --> 01:27:25.600
01:27:25.600 --> 01:27:27.600
If you were not told to be scared
01:27:27.600 --> 01:27:28.600
This would not have happened
01:27:28.600 --> 01:27:30.600
Bread, two dollars extra
01:27:30.600 --> 01:27:32.600
If you were not told to be scared
01:27:32.600 --> 01:27:33.600
This would not have happened
01:27:33.600 --> 01:27:35.600
If doctors were not told to be scared
01:27:35.600 --> 01:27:36.600
This would not have happened
01:27:37.600 --> 01:27:39.600
And that's what Denny Rancors
01:27:41.600 --> 01:27:43.600
That's what Denny Rancors data shows
01:27:43.600 --> 01:27:45.600
That's what this shows
01:27:45.600 --> 01:27:48.600
Because without the illusion of consensus
01:27:48.600 --> 01:27:50.600
In the form of track laughter
01:27:50.600 --> 01:27:54.600
Even Seinfeld isn't as funny as it used to be
01:27:54.600 --> 01:27:59.600
And with regard to the 20 years of consensus
01:27:59.600 --> 01:28:03.600
That has been created around the potential for coronavirus
01:28:03.600 --> 01:28:05.600
To pandemic
01:28:05.600 --> 01:28:08.600
Around the consensus of the last 20 years
01:28:08.600 --> 01:28:11.600
That we've had previous close calls
01:28:11.600 --> 01:28:13.600
With pandemics
01:28:13.600 --> 01:28:15.600
And over the last 20 years
01:28:15.600 --> 01:28:18.600
This consensus that there's ever growing danger
01:28:18.600 --> 01:28:20.600
Of laboratory leak
01:28:20.600 --> 01:28:22.600
And gain a function virus
01:28:22.600 --> 01:28:25.600
Is coming from ever increasingly cheaper
01:28:25.600 --> 01:28:27.600
01:28:27.600 --> 01:28:31.600
This is also something that has been created
01:28:31.600 --> 01:28:33.600
As a consensus in secret meetings
01:28:33.600 --> 01:28:35.600
Behind closed doors
01:28:35.600 --> 01:28:37.600
For more than a decade
01:28:37.600 --> 01:28:40.600
And so with this ongoing consensus
01:28:40.600 --> 01:28:42.600
Behind the scenes
01:28:42.600 --> 01:28:44.600
This ongoing consensus
01:28:44.600 --> 01:28:47.600
Reinforced by salaries and subsidies
01:28:47.600 --> 01:28:50.600
Encouragement, fame, etc
01:28:50.600 --> 01:28:53.600
You have a whole army of people
01:28:53.600 --> 01:28:55.600
Arguing on both sides of the narrative
01:28:55.600 --> 01:28:57.600
Lab leak or natural virus
01:28:57.600 --> 01:28:59.600
And none of them are talking about
01:28:59.600 --> 01:29:01.600
PCR fraud anymore
01:29:01.600 --> 01:29:03.600
None of them are talking about
01:29:03.600 --> 01:29:07.600
What was done with PCR in 2020 and 2021
01:29:07.600 --> 01:29:09.600
None of them are talking about
01:29:09.600 --> 01:29:11.600
Masking lockdown
01:29:11.600 --> 01:29:13.600
The lack of data for spread
01:29:13.600 --> 01:29:16.600
The Jessica Hockett has been showing time and time again
01:29:16.600 --> 01:29:19.600
It's just not there
01:29:19.600 --> 01:29:23.600
The evidence for this phenomenon is not there
01:29:23.600 --> 01:29:26.600
But plenty of people were killed
01:29:26.600 --> 01:29:30.600
Plenty of people were frightened, confused
01:29:30.600 --> 01:29:32.600
And ran around with doubt
01:29:32.600 --> 01:29:34.600
For more than a year and a half
01:29:34.600 --> 01:29:36.600
Because people like Brett Weinstein did
01:29:36.600 --> 01:29:40.600
Because people like Sam Harris insisted
01:29:40.600 --> 01:29:42.600
Because people like
01:29:42.600 --> 01:29:44.600
Eric Fingal-Ding
01:29:44.600 --> 01:29:46.600
On Twitter exist
01:29:46.600 --> 01:29:48.600
Because Kevin McCarran said
01:29:48.600 --> 01:29:50.600
There was going to be a billion people dead
01:29:50.600 --> 01:29:52.600
Because Paul Catrell said
01:29:52.600 --> 01:29:54.600
We needed a smash to curve with 60 days locked down
01:29:55.600 --> 01:29:58.600
Because George Webb was on 60 minutes
01:29:58.600 --> 01:30:01.600
Saying that it was a lab leak or a bioweapon
01:30:01.600 --> 01:30:03.600
Lee released by
01:30:03.600 --> 01:30:05.600
The Chinese at the Wuhan Games
01:30:05.600 --> 01:30:08.600
And brought back to the United States by an Air Force
01:30:08.600 --> 01:30:10.600
01:30:12.600 --> 01:30:14.600
That's why we're here
01:30:14.600 --> 01:30:16.600
Because the worst case scenario
01:30:16.600 --> 01:30:18.600
Native narrative was seated
01:30:18.600 --> 01:30:20.600
And because none of this stuff was talked about
01:30:20.600 --> 01:30:22.600
And it's still not talked about
01:30:23.600 --> 01:30:25.600
And that should tell you all you need to know
01:30:28.600 --> 01:30:30.600
So they misled us about pandemic potential
01:30:30.600 --> 01:30:32.600
And laboratories and in nature
01:30:32.600 --> 01:30:34.600
In order to invert our human rights
01:30:36.600 --> 01:30:38.600
Might have been a
01:30:38.600 --> 01:30:41.600
An infectious clone that was used to see
01:30:41.600 --> 01:30:43.600
That sequence around the world
01:30:44.600 --> 01:30:46.600
And if you need
01:30:46.600 --> 01:30:48.600
That sequence to be responsible
01:30:48.600 --> 01:30:50.600
For respiratory disease and other illness
01:30:51.600 --> 01:30:53.600
Then you just make more of it
01:30:53.600 --> 01:30:55.600
And so like I said million times
01:30:55.600 --> 01:30:56.600
This is a crime scene
01:30:56.600 --> 01:30:57.600
I'm just calling 911
01:30:57.600 --> 01:30:59.600
I don't know exactly what happens
01:30:59.600 --> 01:31:01.600
I don't know who all the bad guys are
01:31:01.600 --> 01:31:03.600
But I'm telling you a crime has been committed
01:31:03.600 --> 01:31:05.600
Please send the police
01:31:06.600 --> 01:31:09.600
Or we're going to lose our human rights forever
01:31:10.600 --> 01:31:12.600
That's what I believe
01:31:14.600 --> 01:31:16.600
And so yeah we are
01:31:16.600 --> 01:31:18.600
In the midst of this
01:31:18.600 --> 01:31:20.600
Thing where I think instead of scenario
01:31:20.600 --> 01:31:22.600
One through three
01:31:22.600 --> 01:31:24.600
Which is laboratory or bedcave zoonosis
01:31:24.600 --> 01:31:26.600
Where the earth is clean
01:31:26.600 --> 01:31:27.600
In the beginning here
01:31:27.600 --> 01:31:28.600
And then gets dirty
01:31:30.600 --> 01:31:32.600
I think it's a conflated background signal
01:31:32.600 --> 01:31:34.600
And they may or may not have added to it
01:31:34.600 --> 01:31:35.600
In order to control it better
01:31:35.600 --> 01:31:37.600
They may or may not have added to it
01:31:37.600 --> 01:31:39.600
In order to make it cleaner or higher fidelity
01:31:40.600 --> 01:31:41.600
But they didn't have to do that
01:31:41.600 --> 01:31:43.600
Because the vast majority of this
01:31:43.600 --> 01:31:45.600
Was created through PCR
01:31:46.600 --> 01:31:48.600
And conflated background signals
01:31:48.600 --> 01:31:49.600
All PCR needs
01:31:51.600 --> 01:31:53.600
And so it doesn't matter
01:31:53.600 --> 01:31:55.600
If it's an endemic background coronavirus
01:31:55.600 --> 01:31:57.600
The protocols for murder and transfection
01:31:57.600 --> 01:31:59.600
Is not medicine, it doesn't matter
01:31:59.600 --> 01:32:01.600
If it was an infectious clone release
01:32:01.600 --> 01:32:03.600
It doesn't matter if it was a transfection agent
01:32:03.600 --> 01:32:05.600
Or a combination of all of the above and more
01:32:06.600 --> 01:32:08.600
The protocols remain murder
01:32:09.600 --> 01:32:11.600
And we're conflating background signals
01:32:11.600 --> 01:32:13.600
With these stupid diagnostics
01:32:16.600 --> 01:32:18.600
And so that's why no viruses
01:32:18.600 --> 01:32:19.600
Is inadequate
01:32:19.600 --> 01:32:21.600
That's why it's just inadequate
01:32:21.600 --> 01:32:22.600
This is where we are
01:32:22.600 --> 01:32:23.600
Protocols of murder and transfection
01:32:23.600 --> 01:32:24.600
Was not, it's not
01:32:24.600 --> 01:32:25.600
Will never be medicine
01:32:25.600 --> 01:32:27.600
These people misled us
01:32:27.600 --> 01:32:29.600
They continue to mislead us
01:32:29.600 --> 01:32:32.600
Because they keep on the narrative
01:32:32.600 --> 01:32:34.600
There wasn't a virus
01:32:34.600 --> 01:32:36.600
We had to do something
01:32:36.600 --> 01:32:38.600
The mRNA worked for a lot of people
01:32:38.600 --> 01:32:40.600
And it's again a function virus
01:32:40.600 --> 01:32:42.600
So this will probably happen again
01:32:43.600 --> 01:32:45.600
You got to understand how you respond
01:32:45.600 --> 01:32:47.600
To a respiratory disease
01:32:47.600 --> 01:32:49.600
And I explained it pretty well
01:32:49.600 --> 01:32:52.600
At the end of Brian's talk today
01:32:52.600 --> 01:32:54.600
So hopefully that podcast will come out soon
01:32:54.600 --> 01:32:56.600
And you can see that
01:32:56.600 --> 01:32:57.600
But you've really got to learn
01:32:57.600 --> 01:32:58.600
About all cause mortality
01:32:58.600 --> 01:33:00.600
And put these numbers into context
01:33:00.600 --> 01:33:04.600
In America between 2.7
01:33:04.600 --> 01:33:07.600
And 3 million people die every year
01:33:07.600 --> 01:33:09.600
In the best year
01:33:09.600 --> 01:33:11.600
And that's somewhere between
01:33:11.600 --> 01:33:13.600
55 and 65,000 people a week
01:33:15.600 --> 01:33:17.600
Get your head around that
01:33:17.600 --> 01:33:19.600
When they tell you that
01:33:19.600 --> 01:33:21.600
500 people died of COVID this week
01:33:21.600 --> 01:33:24.600
Or that 300 kids died this year of something
01:33:24.600 --> 01:33:26.600
Get your head around that
01:33:26.600 --> 01:33:29.600
50 to 60,000 people a week
01:33:29.600 --> 01:33:31.600
Is very normal in America
01:33:33.600 --> 01:33:34.600
Get your head around
01:33:34.600 --> 01:33:36.600
How your immune response really works
01:33:36.600 --> 01:33:38.600
And how it is a balance
01:33:38.600 --> 01:33:40.600
Between the intolerant T cells
01:33:40.600 --> 01:33:42.600
And the intolerant T cells
01:33:42.600 --> 01:33:44.600
Get your head around the idea
01:33:44.600 --> 01:33:46.600
That there's one contiguous barrier
01:33:46.600 --> 01:33:49.600
That your immune system defends
01:33:49.600 --> 01:33:51.600
And it's the barrier between
01:33:51.600 --> 01:33:53.600
Inside and outside
01:33:53.600 --> 01:33:55.600
And there's outside in the tube
01:33:55.600 --> 01:33:57.600
That goes through your body
01:33:57.600 --> 01:34:00.600
And that outside is also defended
01:34:00.600 --> 01:34:01.600
From the inside
01:34:01.600 --> 01:34:03.600
By your immune system
01:34:04.600 --> 01:34:06.600
And learn why
01:34:06.600 --> 01:34:07.600
Transfection is not immunization
01:34:07.600 --> 01:34:08.600
01:34:08.600 --> 01:34:09.600
And learn why
01:34:09.600 --> 01:34:11.600
Intramuscular immunization
01:34:11.600 --> 01:34:13.600
Is also probably a pretty dumb idea
01:34:13.600 --> 01:34:15.600
That we've outgrown
01:34:15.600 --> 01:34:17.600
That we've outgrown
01:34:17.600 --> 01:34:18.600
Because our biology
01:34:18.600 --> 01:34:20.600
That this
01:34:20.600 --> 01:34:22.600
Jamie Metzel is talking about
01:34:22.600 --> 01:34:24.600
Means that we've outgrown it
01:34:24.600 --> 01:34:25.600
We've outgrown
01:34:25.600 --> 01:34:27.600
Injecting toxic chemicals
01:34:27.600 --> 01:34:28.600
And recombinant proteins
01:34:28.600 --> 01:34:30.600
Into the muscle
01:34:30.600 --> 01:34:32.600
In an attempt to augment the immune system
01:34:33.600 --> 01:34:35.600
We can do better than that
01:34:35.600 --> 01:34:37.600
And it's not transfection
01:34:39.600 --> 01:34:41.600
But changing our mind about this stuff
01:34:41.600 --> 01:34:43.600
Allowed the pandemic to happen
01:34:43.600 --> 01:34:44.600
And allowed protocols
01:34:44.600 --> 01:34:45.600
In treating normal
01:34:45.600 --> 01:34:46.600
A pneumonia
01:34:46.600 --> 01:34:47.600
And normal
01:34:47.600 --> 01:34:49.600
Old people problems
01:34:49.600 --> 01:34:50.600
Got treated
01:34:50.600 --> 01:34:51.600
Completely differently
01:34:51.600 --> 01:34:53.600
Like a highly contagious
01:34:53.600 --> 01:34:55.600
Deadly respiratory disease
01:34:55.600 --> 01:34:57.600
Based on a PCR test
01:34:57.600 --> 01:34:59.600
And financial incentives
01:34:59.600 --> 01:35:01.600
To pay attention to it
01:35:02.600 --> 01:35:04.600
They rolled out Remdesivir
01:35:04.600 --> 01:35:05.600
And gave it to people
01:35:05.600 --> 01:35:06.600
For what?
01:35:07.600 --> 01:35:08.600
01:35:09.600 --> 01:35:11.600
Everybody that was given Remdesivir
01:35:11.600 --> 01:35:13.600
And died was a murder
01:35:13.600 --> 01:35:14.600
Everybody that was given Remdesivir
01:35:14.600 --> 01:35:16.600
And didn't die got lucky
01:35:16.600 --> 01:35:18.600
And all of them should be
01:35:18.600 --> 01:35:19.600
Reimbursed for the damages
01:35:19.600 --> 01:35:20.600
That they were
01:35:20.600 --> 01:35:22.600
It's a poison
01:35:23.600 --> 01:35:25.600
There was no reason to believe
01:35:25.600 --> 01:35:27.600
That Remdesivir would help these people
01:35:27.600 --> 01:35:29.600
From whatever was out there
01:35:29.600 --> 01:35:30.600
Especially if nothing was out there
01:35:31.600 --> 01:35:33.600
Ladies and gentlemen
01:35:34.600 --> 01:35:36.600
We've got to come to terms with this
01:35:36.600 --> 01:35:38.600
This is a real real problem
01:35:38.600 --> 01:35:40.600
This is not just like we gave a
01:35:40.600 --> 01:35:42.600
Maspurin and Aspirin didn't work
01:35:42.600 --> 01:35:44.600
We gave them a poison
01:35:46.600 --> 01:35:48.600
A Dazzalam was effectively a poison
01:35:48.600 --> 01:35:50.600
The way it was used in the UK
01:35:50.600 --> 01:35:52.600
Not giving people antibiotics
01:35:52.600 --> 01:35:54.600
When they have a secondary pneumonia
01:35:54.600 --> 01:35:56.600
It's basically poisoning them
01:35:56.600 --> 01:35:57.600
Come on guys
01:36:01.600 --> 01:36:02.600
So that's where we are
01:36:02.600 --> 01:36:04.600
I'm going to run that by one more time
01:36:04.600 --> 01:36:06.600
And that's why I showed Jamie Metzel
01:36:06.600 --> 01:36:07.600
Today because you know
01:36:07.600 --> 01:36:09.600
I think one of the stories
01:36:09.600 --> 01:36:11.600
They've been telling in the back rooms
01:36:11.600 --> 01:36:12.600
Of these meetings
01:36:12.600 --> 01:36:14.600
Is that we don't have much time guys
01:36:14.600 --> 01:36:17.600
We've got to change these people's minds
01:36:17.600 --> 01:36:19.600
Right now because if we don't
01:36:21.600 --> 01:36:22.600
If we don't change their minds now
01:36:22.600 --> 01:36:24.600
We're going to miss this peak
01:36:24.600 --> 01:36:26.600
This peak availability
01:36:26.600 --> 01:36:28.600
Of the most genetic variations
01:36:28.600 --> 01:36:30.600
Of the most examples
01:36:30.600 --> 01:36:32.600
Of human genetics
01:36:32.600 --> 01:36:34.600
And human phenotypes
01:36:34.600 --> 01:36:36.600
That we're ever going to have again
01:36:36.600 --> 01:36:38.600
Think about it from the perspective
01:36:38.600 --> 01:36:40.600
Of Go or Chess
01:36:40.600 --> 01:36:42.600
And how AI solved that problem
01:36:42.600 --> 01:36:45.600
It solved it by playing millions and millions of games
01:36:45.600 --> 01:36:48.600
And every one of the humans on the planets
01:36:48.600 --> 01:36:52.600
Is one game of the human game
01:36:52.600 --> 01:36:56.600
And so if you want many many many many many many games
01:36:56.600 --> 01:36:58.600
To feed to your AI
01:36:58.600 --> 01:37:00.600
So that the AI can figure out
01:37:00.600 --> 01:37:02.600
How to win the game
01:37:02.600 --> 01:37:04.600
And you've got to give it
01:37:04.600 --> 01:37:06.600
Many many iterations of the game
01:37:06.600 --> 01:37:08.600
That's why they need genetic code
01:37:08.600 --> 01:37:10.600
And all of the biological data
01:37:10.600 --> 01:37:12.600
They can muster from every human being
01:37:12.600 --> 01:37:13.600
They can get
01:37:13.600 --> 01:37:15.600
Because they don't know how much data
01:37:15.600 --> 01:37:16.600
They're going to need before the AI will go
01:37:16.600 --> 01:37:18.600
Okay, no, I get it
01:37:18.600 --> 01:37:20.600
And as we heard
01:37:20.600 --> 01:37:22.600
And learned from the
01:37:22.600 --> 01:37:24.600
AI winning at Go
01:37:24.600 --> 01:37:26.600
The moment the human played
01:37:26.600 --> 01:37:28.600
Rather unorthodox
01:37:28.600 --> 01:37:30.600
Than the Go machine
01:37:30.600 --> 01:37:32.600
Lost all of its powers
01:37:32.600 --> 01:37:36.600
And so there's a very very good chance
01:37:36.600 --> 01:37:38.600
That the first 10 solutions from the AI
01:37:38.600 --> 01:37:40.600
Will be close
01:37:40.600 --> 01:37:42.600
But no cigar
01:37:42.600 --> 01:37:44.600
And in the end this will be nothing but
01:37:44.600 --> 01:37:46.600
A mythology
01:37:46.600 --> 01:37:48.600
Run all the way out to the threads
01:37:48.600 --> 01:37:50.600
All the way out to the threads
01:37:50.600 --> 01:37:52.600
Because this is not the way
01:37:52.600 --> 01:37:54.600
This is going to work
01:37:54.600 --> 01:37:56.600
This is not the way it's going to happen
01:37:56.600 --> 01:37:58.600
It's not the right way for humans
01:37:58.600 --> 01:38:00.600
To go forward
01:38:00.600 --> 01:38:02.600
In a hundred years
01:38:02.600 --> 01:38:04.600
Everybody that's alive is going to be dead
01:38:04.600 --> 01:38:06.600
And there is no
01:38:06.600 --> 01:38:08.600
There is absolutely no chance
01:38:08.600 --> 01:38:10.600
Of us
01:38:10.600 --> 01:38:12.600
Usefully augmenting a human
01:38:12.600 --> 01:38:14.600
So that's not the case
01:38:14.600 --> 01:38:16.600
And the only people that probably have a chance
01:38:16.600 --> 01:38:18.600
Of living out
01:38:18.600 --> 01:38:20.600
This next hundred years and longer
01:38:20.600 --> 01:38:22.600
Are little kids that are
01:38:22.600 --> 01:38:24.600
Vaccinated right now
01:38:24.600 --> 01:38:26.600
And will not be in the future
01:38:26.600 --> 01:38:28.600
The fearfully and wonderfully made
01:38:28.600 --> 01:38:30.600
Little children
01:38:30.600 --> 01:38:32.600
That are not vaccinated
01:38:32.600 --> 01:38:34.600
Those are the ones that are probably going to live
01:38:34.600 --> 01:38:36.600
The next hundred years
01:38:36.600 --> 01:38:38.600
Everybody else is going to be dead
01:38:38.600 --> 01:38:40.600
You can find me at giga-home.bio
01:38:40.600 --> 01:38:42.600
Still trying to convert
01:38:42.600 --> 01:38:44.600
I'm really not on social media anymore
01:38:44.600 --> 01:38:46.600
And I think it's good
01:38:46.600 --> 01:38:48.600
I think I'm getting on stream every day
01:38:48.600 --> 01:38:50.600
And I think that's a better thing to focus on
01:38:50.600 --> 01:38:52.600
Thanks very much for joining me
01:38:52.600 --> 01:38:54.600
I hope you enjoyed it
01:38:54.600 --> 01:38:56.600
I need some sleep
01:39:00.600 --> 01:39:02.600
Transfection is not immunization
01:39:02.600 --> 01:39:04.600
Any combination of chemicals
01:39:04.600 --> 01:39:06.600
Injection intramuscularly is probably
01:39:06.600 --> 01:39:08.600
A dumb idea as far as
01:39:08.600 --> 01:39:10.600
Augmenting the immune system
01:39:10.600 --> 01:39:12.600
You heard it here
01:39:12.600 --> 01:39:14.600
Stop all transfections
01:39:14.600 --> 01:39:17.600
Because they're trying to eliminate the control group
01:39:45.600 --> 01:39:50.600
I think I'm going to do a broken science video
01:39:50.600 --> 01:39:53.600
Greg just put out a new
01:39:53.600 --> 01:39:55.600
A new video podcast
01:39:55.600 --> 01:39:57.600
I think I'm going to watch that tomorrow
01:39:57.600 --> 01:39:59.600
Big shout out to Greg
01:39:59.600 --> 01:40:01.600
Check it out if you want to check it out
01:40:01.600 --> 01:40:03.600
A little early broken science initiative