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In case you're unfamiliar with the Blue... New Grass revival and Bela Fleck, the album is called Deviation and that is the title track from that album.
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It's about as good as... It's about as good as...
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as Bela Fleck has ever gotten.
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Not that he hasn't done it many times in his career, but man, oh man, that song and that album and those guys at that time, it's packed.
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That's Tony Rice, that's Sam Bush, that's just a...
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That's a lineup of young musicians that just can rip, like on the thickest strings, you know, for the longest time.
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Like these dudes are as high a level of musician as there exists in America.
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So if you don't know the album Deviation by Bela Fleck and the New Grass revival from 1984, it's not for nothing I choose these things.
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There's also a song on that album called Malone, just in case you care.
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Thank you for the show.
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I still have no updates from Rodney.
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I do know that he has some guy following him around and having him write a diary about, well, maybe I shouldn't say that, but he's charting his journey back from his hip surgery or his back surgery, whatever he got.
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He was a really damaged individual from so many impacts and falls and whatever else he's done with his whole life skateboarding.
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And so he just recently, at the end of last year, had surgery.
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And so I'm really curious just to see how, or to hear how that coming back to a new set of limbs and movement ranges is going for such a wizard like him.
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I hope his cerebellum can keep up.
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Shout out to you, Rodney.
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Thanks so much for making this stream possible.
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I think truth is good for kids.
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We're so busy lying, we don't even recognize the truth no more in society.
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We want everybody to feel good.
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That's not, that's not the way life is.
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But you can tell if someone's lying, you know, you can sort of feel it in people.
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And I have lied.
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I'm sure I'll lie again.
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I don't want to lie.
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You know, I don't think I'm a liar.
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I try not to be a liar.
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I don't want to be a liar.
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I think it's like really important not to be a liar.
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Mark, Mark, Mark.
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Hey, Pamela, I will tell you that there's no way for me to use the same key on Rumble all the time and have it suck up the title.
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Unfortunately, it's up to me to go and change them.
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And a lot of times when I'm done with my stream, I run out to do something else.
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And then it never happens.
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So I apologize for that.
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I should probably make a whiteboard that says, don't leave this room until you do these things.
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Because I also have to change the titles on my own website.
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The reason why I keep playing this particular audio over Mark's slides is because I want to make sure everybody sees this email where apparently Ahmed tried to become the chief surgical officer and head of the wellness company Europe and asked for all these crazy
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you know, things and whatever.
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And he doesn't say in that tweet to the right there that it's a fake email.
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He just says that it's taken out of context.
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But I think if you realize that, you know, he one of the few episodes of his podcast that he's ever put behind from the very beginning, a paywall was my first interview with him.
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I know Mark and I aren't the jazziest of shows to watch.
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We're not as punchy as he is.
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But the bottom line is that even when he seems to hear people, he doesn't really move his position at all.
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He just basically, I guess, is a microphone for other people because he's never really contributed his own analysis to anything except for to say,
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Bad guys bad and good guys good or something like that.
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I don't I don't really know what he does But I know he's not he's not on the side of of our American grandchildren So welcome to the show ladies and gentlemen, and I'm gonna get this going in a second
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I'm not sure exactly who he is.
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His name is J.J.
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Cooey, and I believe he's a consultant for CHD, and I believe he has a PhD in some sort of scientific discipline, from what I understand.
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so so
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Good morning everyone from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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It is 10.26 in the morning and we are here again to dispel just a little tiny bit of this enchantment or at least try to get an attempt on film.
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We are still trying to learn immunology and virology and biology, trying to be like Galileo and just say what we read and report what we understand.
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I can't tell if this is too loud for you or not.
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We are definitely in interesting times and people are still maneuvering to occupy our consciousness.
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And so we've got to get these people out of our head because it is a matter of what is perceived to be true.
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And right now our neighbors don't know what's going on.
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Some of our family members don't know what's going on.
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They don't understand what has been done to them.
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and how it's been done.
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And so we need to bring them to awareness so that they understand that there's really no evidence of spread in New York City or a lot of other places.
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There's reason to believe that the term infectious clone describes a molecular biological set of methodologies that are misconstrued as virology.
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It's very possible that placebo batches were distributed in maybe even large geographic regions to make sure that there would be no safety signal worth talking about.
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And transfection in healthy mammals was always dumb.
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It was always criminally negligent.
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That's why placebo batches might have been the only way to explain how it is that we aren't more damaged than we could be.
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The protocols were definitely murder and we haven't done enough to look into all the details of how many different ways you can shuffle that deck and end up with a dead person that you can call COVID.
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No one's talking about the use of supplementary oxygen with or without control mechanisms for humidity and oxygen content or blood pulse ox count, whatever.
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And so gain-of-function is a mythology that all of these people seem bent on our children believing in, and that's what the Scooby-Doo was actually all about.
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It was a mystery that we were all tricked into solving, and no matter which side of that answer you took, and no matter which bad guys you unmasked, you were always going to accept the fact that this was a gain-of-function virus.
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And in reality, the only thing that's necessary to make sure that this mythology is adopted by generations to come is going to be a spectacular commitment to lies amongst a certain people for a certain length of time.
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They are running out the clock.
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They are just running out the clock.
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And in the meantime, they're going to attribute bad motives to everybody that disagrees with them.
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That's how this works.
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And there's also weaponized piles of money.
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It may not be as simple as fractional reserve banking anymore because we got fiat currencies on fiat currencies that can be traded for other fiat currencies.
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And so who knows what web of deceit is, what web of deceit is working in the background of these banks and investment firms.
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Nevermind the weaponized piles of money that trade and move within them.
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We have to have the guts to show this to more young people so that they can see that this system has been used against us, their parents, and our parents for a couple generations now.
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And the people that understand and were actually using this system against us are now closing the hog trap.
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And because it's a multi-generational operation, it doesn't seem like... You thought the hog trap was just gonna close really fast.
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You thought there was gonna be some big event, and oh my gosh, now we're all in prison.
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First they put all the cage up, and they put all the food where they want you to go, and then they wait a couple days, and then most of the pigs go in, but not all the pigs go in, so nobody closes any doors yet.
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Gonna put some different food in here.
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Maybe we gotta camouflage that little camera over there or something.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we need to learn our history before it's erased forever.
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We need to have our kids learn it or we're gonna end up handing over the power that these charlatans have over us.
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We're gonna make our children inherit that same prison and we've gotta break ourselves out in order to break our kids out.
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And that is the only hope we have making Gentle the life of this world going forward.
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That's the only hope.
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We have to teach our kids the truth.
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I think that's the best I can say it.
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This is a wave of weaponized money.
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being used to fund Lollapalooza of lies.
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And no matter which stage you were on, no matter who or what government you were entrapped under, there was gonna be a narrative and there were gonna be people in front of you and behind you and on the internet that were gonna coordinatedly lie in order to make sure that you got run over by this wave.
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And the only way, the only thing you can surf on in order to escape this wave is the truth.
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And as far as biology goes, ladies and gentlemen, Gigome Biological seems to be one of the few places out there where you can get that.
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So we stay focused on it, the biology that is, and we don't take the bait on social media.
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And we definitely try to love our neighbors as best we can.
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And the way that my family does that is they support their father's work on the internet.
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The way you can do that is to share their father's work on the internet.
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My kid's dad would really appreciate it.
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I don't know why I'm talking about myself in the third person like that.
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Yeah, anyway, we've been here a while now.
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It's been a lot of fun.
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It's not nice to have to go on the internet all the time and try to explain to people what the alien looks like and have them actively tell you that you're crazy.
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It's not easy when people behind the scenes are actually threatening you legally because Because they know you're not crazy.
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They just threaten you legally they make the Accusations that you're attacking them when really just reporting the truth is now attacking people
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But the paradigm shift is happening, ladies and gentlemen.
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Like it or not, people are dropping their hands from their eyes.
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They're logging off of Twitter.
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They're blocking or muting people on Twitter is actually the cleverest thing you can do.
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It's the only useful function on that platform.
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You can get rid of ads that way.
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You can get rid of anonymous rodent accounts that way.
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You can do lots of things to, you know, engage in informed non-compliance, which is really what we got to do.
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Informed non-compliance.
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This is Gigo and Biological.
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do do
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Good morning, everybody out there.
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This is GigaOM Biological, a high-resistance, low-noise information brief brought to you by a biologist.
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It's the 24th of May, 2024, and we are still at it here.
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I am a human just like you.
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I've got a wife and three kids.
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I rent my house in Pittsburgh.
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I'm coming to you from the back of my garage.
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We don't have much, but we do have each other, and thank you very much for being here.
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If you're here for the first time, these may be shocking statements.
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And if not, I'm just going to try and get them out of the way to make sure that anybody that's meddling with the stream still has to ignore the first five minutes.
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Intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
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Transfection in healthy humans is criminally negligent and RNA cannot pandemic.
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The spread of bad ideas is much scarier and more dangerous than the spread of any RNA molecule, especially since an RNA molecule can't pandemic, no matter what special attributes you may endow the proteins for which it encodes.
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How's that one?
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Have you ever heard anybody say that?
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Because it's not actually the RNA that has this secret fear and cleavage site, right?
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It's not actually, you know, the RNA that has the magic changes in it.
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It's really the protein that comes from the RNA that they claim has the magic properties.
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And in fact, a lot of these people over here were pretty convinced that it was the magic properties of just the spike protein, which indicated that it was a gain of function laboratory virus.
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So early, in fact, that it's hard four years later not to see it as all queued up drama designed to conflate the effects of a gain-of-function spike protein with the known and expected possible outcomes of transfection in humans.
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Oh, I didn't change this, did I?
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Shabadabadoo, I'm gonna have to change it right now.
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And that'll be okay because you'll remember that yesterday I covered the pandemic strategies, lessons and consequences in international conference in Stockholm, January 23rd.
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If you haven't watched that video, although I expect to be the subject of today's video, I do expect to be very good, which is, how did I title it?
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I titled it Naomi Scooby Jones.
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And it is really, it's a very absolutely right now kind of thing.
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I think it happened yesterday.
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So I go like this.
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How's that?
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So this is what we're going to do today, Naomi Scooby Jones.
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I didn't bother yet to download all of the recent Alex Jones videos with Robert Malone and Brett Weinstein and now Naomi Wolf.
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However, I did, sorry, I did download Naomi Wolf because I have done an earlier program about Naomi Wolf because she actually made the mistake of interviewing Jessica Hockett and Jonathan Engler, who discussed with her the data from Italy and the data from New York, which suggests that those two events were more or less
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mocked up.
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It's not clear whether it's a combination of fraud and sort of accelerated or well-timed deaths, or if it's faking the death time, or it's just protocols and murder.
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That needs to be investigated.
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But clearly, whatever happened in New York, as detailed by Jessica Hockett, there are enough questions, and there are so little answers to the anomalies that she's identified.
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And so when Naomi
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interviewed those two and had it really well explained to her that a serious investigation needs to occur because if these two events were used to justify the modeling predictions, and then these two events were actually wholly fabricated from a combination of fraud and murder, then we have a very different kind of plandemic on our hands.
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And she whiffed
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on that interview in such a way, wow, you know, it's just too bad we don't have any evidence to really, you know, bother investigating this.
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It's really just too bad.
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It was like the whole presentation never occurred.
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And so it was when I saw that she was on Alex Jones, I thought, you know, this is really something that we can also do and will likely provide a very nice objective window for us to just say, you know,
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and then pause and we'll just say what she missed here, or start out with, okay, so where is she starting in the list of things that, you know, maybe GigaOM Biological might prioritize as how to explain people out of the hole of the pandemic.
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And most of the time, you're gonna see that Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone, all these people will start with the shots.
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They'll usually call them vaccines.
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And the whole idea of whether it was a lab leak or a natural virus is secondary or tertiary, even when it comes up and they have a very developed opinion about it, it's not something that they see nearly as relevant as the fraud of the shots or the adulteration of the shots or the SV40 or whatever other stories they're gonna tell you about
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the specific details of the transfection that are deadly as opposed to just the broad idea of transfecting healthy humans being criminally negligent.
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And so, you know, this disingenuous theater is gonna be continued to spread around the internet until we become succinct enough at pointing it out that people no longer pay attention to it or even better, optimistically speaking, at some point, we're gonna reach a threshold where just the existence of the theater already
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sort of exposes it because everybody understands that, wait, if you're going to talk about that stuff, then we don't believe you anymore.
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And so every time they open their mouth, they were going to basically have to stop because people will just get up and walk out of the room.
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Now, before I start this, I just want to drop this one hint here.
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There is a Brownstone Institute meeting that is scheduled for November 2nd, I believe, in Pittsburgh.
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And it says right now on the schedule that Jay Bhattacharya and Brett Weinstein and Robert Malone may all be guests there.
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And so you can verify that on their sub stack or whatever.
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But if you were ever thinking about a time when maybe there would be a spontaneous gathering of good guys in a city at the same time when there might be some significant, you know, people that we might be able to
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influence, get at, or be present at, I think now's the time to think about giga-ohm biological and as many of us being registered for that as possible.
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Even, I don't know what it costs, I'm going to look at it later if it's really expensive, then I apologize for saying it, but
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Somehow or another, I'm going to be present at that meeting.
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If I have to sit outside on the steps of that hotel and wait for people as they walk out, I can do that.
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And I'm just going to have, we can have materials ready to go, we can have signs, we can do all kinds of stuff.
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And I think it's actually really important that we make a serious presence, not in a harassing way, but in a serious way.
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So one of the things that I'm considering doing is organizing a small satellite meeting or a meeting at the same time where maybe me and a few people, maybe Mark Kulak, for example, could be in town and we could have a panel or we could have three presentations and a dinner or something like that.
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I think we've got to do something.
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It's too big of an opportunity and has too much potential.
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So anyway, I'm sure Brownstone is an op, my friend.
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There's no other way for it not to be.
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They're not sucking up the people that they suck up if they're not an op.
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And some of the people that they suck up are good, right?
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That's the whole point of these ops.
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But in general, you're looking at a very, very
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It's not real, of course it's not real.
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And just, I'm not gonna call these people out regularly, but I am being very forthright now in terms of what I know on Twitter and in my stream.
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So the things that I'm saying, I'm saying, I could have said maybe a year or two ago, but I haven't because there's some bridges that you wanna be very careful before you burn.
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But this is for all the marbles, ladies and gentlemen.
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And at some point, it really is for all the marbles.
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So I think it's better that all the truths that I know come out in as clear a way as possible in the right context so that people understand that when you're telling the truth, you're not attacking people, but you're just trying to understand what it is that
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why people behave the way they behave.
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Why did they say what they said?
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And why did they say it to me?
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So let's try to build a little more understanding of the illusion.
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Let me get the movie out.
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Did I put it out of the downloads yet?
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I think I did, right?
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Yes, I put it out of the downloads already.
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So let's put this on.
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So Alex, you know, COVID is a respiratory infection, arguably, right?
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It's supposed to be.
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Well, there's very little in the Pfizer documents on lungs.
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It's all about, not all, the centerpiece of it is about sex and reproduction.
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So what you've got is the lipid nanoparticles accumulating in the ovaries.
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and blocking the ovaries, and there's no way they leave the body.
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So first injection in the ovaries, second injection more, third injection more.
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And so what you have now is, along with women with horrific menstrual
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dysregulation, hormonal dysregulation.
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You've also got blocked ovaries, which nurses are seeing in women's abdominal surgeries.
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The lipid nanoparticles traverse the placenta.
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The lipid nanoparticles suppress semen.
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Actually, in the Pfizer documents,
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They tell vaccinated men not to have intercourse with unvaccinated women without using too reliable forms of contraception.
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In their own documents, they say a man can shed it to a woman.
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So this is literally a torpedo aimed right at the goddess, right at the woman.
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Oh, that's a beautiful way to put it, but that's exactly right.
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It's about destroying women and babies for sure.
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But also emasculating men because the lipid nanoparticles
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degrade the testes of baby boys in utero, including the latex cells and sertoli cells, which generate masculine hormones in adolescents and turn boys into men.
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So we don't even know if the babies of vaccinated moms will grow up to be normal men.
30:54.174 --> 30:58.438
And then they just say, it's OK, you're a mutant, you're really a girl, and now you compete in girls' sports.
30:58.558 --> 30:59.799
Yeah, we can see the plan.
31:00.459 --> 31:06.163
It's like a fire ant eradication program where they hit the ants with hormones so they have mutated babies or kill them.
31:06.183 --> 31:09.045
I mean, this is a depopulation operation.
31:09.085 --> 31:16.390
There's an eight-page report on pregnancy and lactation that shows that this injection kills babies in utero.
31:17.211 --> 31:20.673
They had two babies die that were in their moms, you know, in utero.
31:21.414 --> 31:26.297
And Pfizer concluded that the deaths were due to maternal exposure to the vaccine.
31:26.898 --> 31:29.179
And this report was sent on April 21st.
31:30.401 --> 31:31.272
2021 to the White House.
31:32.429 --> 31:49.661
April 23rd, 2021, Dr. Walensky, who had the report and knew this injection was killing babies and poisoning nursing babies, told the pregnant women of America that it was safe and effective and that there was no bad time to have your injection before, during, or after your pregnancy.
31:49.941 --> 31:51.482
And she knew that this would kill babies.
31:51.822 --> 31:52.803
Babies were targeted.
31:52.923 --> 31:54.084
Pregnant women were targeted.
31:54.464 --> 31:55.745
Nursing women were targeted.
31:55.905 --> 32:01.549
And now we've got a 14% to 20% drop in live births, according to government records.
32:02.409 --> 32:03.629
especially in the West.
32:03.669 --> 32:10.791
And what I want to say, especially to you, is that in the Pfizer documents, it's the West that's targeted, especially America.
32:11.131 --> 32:17.093
The vast majority of side effects are in America, the rest of them Western Europe, in order of political importance.
32:17.213 --> 32:19.754
You know, this is beyond ordinary politics.
32:19.814 --> 32:21.194
It's beyond ordinary medicine.
32:21.693 --> 32:25.694
these are the symptoms of a massive cosmic war between good and evil.
32:26.295 --> 32:49.603
And it made me believe in God a lot more literally than I had before, because clearly something demonic or satanic, or even I concluded like ancient negative entities like Baal or Malak, you know, in this takeover, and then in this rollout, and then in the subtlety of this injection doing so much damage to the things that bring us closest to God, right?
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divine like you know mothers and babies and nursing and you know love and intimacy that it rolled out perfectly.
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It rolled out in lockstep beyond any kind of human capability.
33:04.619 --> 33:10.903
So as a result of that I really thought wow this is a negative force that I have not seen in my lifetime.
33:11.243 --> 33:13.785
It can't be explained by a bunch of bad people.
33:14.378 --> 33:17.783
It's a negative force beyond any kind of human capability.
33:17.803 --> 33:22.268
Not just as an intellectual, not just as a really respected smart woman.
33:23.130 --> 33:25.232
With the women in this situation, you go, this isn't human.
33:25.292 --> 33:26.394
Like, this is beyond human.
33:30.777 --> 33:36.562
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33:41.526 --> 33:42.227
Naomi Wolfsman.
33:42.647 --> 33:43.047
33:43.127 --> 33:47.651
So I think there are ways that she's not wrong.
33:47.831 --> 33:48.212
33:48.892 --> 33:50.413
Pregnant women were targeted.
33:52.075 --> 33:56.178
Um, look, I want to be very, very blunt.
33:56.559 --> 33:56.819
33:58.894 --> 34:05.000
This is me being very blunt with right there and behind me, that's a great big Catholic Bible.
34:05.861 --> 34:11.347
This is me being very blunt with that's right there, tragedy and hope.
34:13.953 --> 34:15.434
You know, this is me being very blunt.
34:15.474 --> 34:17.855
These are all virology books here.
34:17.916 --> 34:22.659
That one up there at the top is a book called Vaccines by Stanley Plotkin and Paul Offit.
34:23.299 --> 34:27.502
These are all books over here that are semi-related to the pandemic.
34:27.522 --> 34:32.085
And there's a frickin' giant book rack over here full of books.
34:33.185 --> 34:36.067
I'm trying to read my way out of this hole, ladies and gentlemen.
34:36.087 --> 34:37.328
I don't really know how to do it.
34:38.851 --> 34:48.499
But I gotta tell you, I think saying something ancient, negative, energy, something not human, something demonic is behind this.
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I get it that this is a spiritual battle, but it's a spiritual battle that is being fought with lies.
35:00.409 --> 35:01.910
The weapon is lies.
35:02.130 --> 35:04.673
The arrows are lies.
35:04.733 --> 35:06.054
The swords are lies.
35:08.032 --> 35:09.333
That's how they're attacking us.
35:09.373 --> 35:11.173
There's no other weapon that they have.
35:11.453 --> 35:15.295
Evil doesn't have all kinds of tricks other than lies.
35:16.376 --> 35:29.081
I find it very hard to understand why it is that people need to give superhuman energies any credit for what a few people that are committed to lying to you can do.
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And if it's 99.99% liars, and the other 1% is that those liars believe really strongly in something called Baal, then I have to say it's mostly liars.
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And if they think that they're gonna die because the weaponized piles of money will have them murdered, well then it's still just liars.
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And so I think this is kind of a cop-out and it, again, it puts everything that she says about targeting pregnant women in a weird sort of, okay, wait a minute, now Alex Jones is getting all fired up about a demonic, now do I really have to listen to this lady?
36:13.029 --> 36:21.395
Because there's a certain percentage of people that can't tolerate Alex Jones because of how well and craftily he's been used over the last 20 years.
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Then there's another half that thinks, oh my gosh, finally somebody takes him seriously.
36:27.280 --> 36:28.741
I always knew he was a good guy.
36:29.982 --> 36:31.663
It's no different than Tucker Carlson.
36:32.964 --> 36:42.712
It's no different than any of these other people that have a sort of a knack for having a polarizing face and pushing a set of polarizing ideas.
36:48.328 --> 36:50.551
So she said they're destroying men and women.
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They're emasculating men.
36:51.952 --> 37:05.688
So all of the previous ideas that Alex Jones had about putting atropine and other things in the water to emasculate men and to de-genderize kids or whatever he said, that all didn't happen now.
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Instead, now they're doing it with the shot.
37:10.540 --> 37:19.408
And so now we shouldn't worry about anything that Alex Jones said in the previous 10 years about all of these different ideas and all of these different chemicals and ways they're doing it.
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No, right?
37:20.449 --> 37:23.011
We don't have to worry about that because actually they're doing it with the shot.
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And so what exactly did you get from that first part?
37:27.836 --> 37:29.637
Does it go, I'll put that back up.
37:29.997 --> 37:31.698
Does it go to the testes then?
37:32.278 --> 37:34.459
And what part of it is going to the testes?
37:34.499 --> 37:38.881
Is it the lipid nanoparticle that goes there and it's the cationic lipid?
37:40.022 --> 37:48.986
Or is it the transfection of cells in the testicle and then the immune response to the presence of that foreign protein or what?
37:50.006 --> 37:57.291
What exactly, did she make that really clear for you that what the lipid, what's the biology, or is it just go and it blocks the ovaries?
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Is that what she said?
38:01.794 --> 38:10.841
You see how easy it is to listen to the short clips of these people, and if you understand the biology well enough, then you can see, what are they shedding?
38:12.802 --> 38:17.866
Did either of these two people enunciate, are they shedding the transcribed spike protein?
38:19.469 --> 38:21.270
Or are they shedding the lipid nanoparticle?
38:21.330 --> 38:25.893
What's crossing the placental barrier, the lipid nanoparticle or the spike protein?
38:27.415 --> 38:28.035
Could be both.
38:28.675 --> 38:32.398
Does the lipid nanoparticle go into the brain at all of the baby or the mom?
38:32.998 --> 38:34.659
What about this stuff?
38:34.800 --> 38:36.140
It's only going to the ovaries?
38:40.223 --> 38:42.465
You see what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen?
38:43.806 --> 38:48.629
It's a very limited spectrum of debate, but she's mad because they targeted pregnant women.
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But I can't understand why they would ever fake something in New York City.
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I mean, I see the points you're making, Jessica, but I just can't really see why it would be.
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39:07.904 --> 39:09.084
I can see it pretty easy.
39:09.124 --> 39:13.505
I'll let her have another crack at it if you think I did it wrong.
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I'll let her have another crack at it.
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unvaccinated women without using two reliable forms of contraception.
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In their own documents, they say a man can.
39:25.467 --> 39:29.931
So, Alex, you know, COVID is a respiratory infection, arguably.
39:30.031 --> 39:30.211
39:30.231 --> 39:30.832
It's supposed to be.
39:31.272 --> 39:33.814
Well, there's very little in the Pfizer documents on lungs.
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It's all about not all the centerpiece of it is about sex and reproduction.
39:39.938 --> 39:44.402
So what you've got is the lipid nanoparticles accumulating in the ovaries.
39:45.137 --> 39:58.961
and uh and blocking the ovaries and there's no way they leave the body right so first injection in the ovary second injection more third injection more and so what you have now is along with women with horrific menstrual
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dysregulation, hormonal dysregulation.
40:02.466 --> 40:08.509
You've also got blocked ovaries, which nurses are seeing in women's abdominal surgeries.
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The lipid nanoparticles traverse the placenta.
40:12.571 --> 40:15.673
The lipid nanoparticles suppress semen.
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Actually, in the Pfizer documents,
40:18.815 --> 40:22.277
She's repeating lipid nanoparticles every time she says it like a preacher.
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Tell vaccinated men not to have intercourse with unvaccinated women without using too reliable forms of contraception.
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In their own documents, they say a man can shed it to a woman.
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So this is literally a torpedo aimed right at the goddess, right at the woman.
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That's a beautiful way to put it.
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That's a beautiful way to put it.
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Vaccinated women,
40:45.017 --> 40:48.299
So when they are transfected, they become vaccinated.
40:48.339 --> 41:01.568
This is all, sure it's Pfizer's language, but I mean, if you really wanted to break the illusion, you know, five years into it, maybe you could use the word that I've been trying to get somebody to say for four years now and just call it a transfection.
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You shouldn't have intercourse with a transfected woman.
41:04.570 --> 41:07.712
I mean, it's not very hard.
41:09.155 --> 41:15.963
Of course, unless she's not really as bright and as forthright as Alex Jones portrays her to be.
41:17.745 --> 41:19.468
What do you think is the right answer?
41:19.548 --> 41:20.329
That's exactly right.
41:20.729 --> 41:23.272
It's about destroying women and babies, for sure.
41:24.874 --> 41:27.838
But also emasculating men, because the lipid nanoparticles
41:28.379 --> 41:36.144
degrade the testes of baby boys in utero, including the latex cells and sertoli cells, which generate masculine hormones.
41:36.545 --> 41:42.288
Okay, so she names two cell types in the tissue of the testes.
41:43.289 --> 41:50.854
So that's a little magical, you know, just a little bit of stupid complicated so that people think, wow, she's smart.
41:51.575 --> 41:52.676
I don't know what she just said there.
41:52.736 --> 41:53.796
That sounded really smart.
41:55.297 --> 41:57.599
I mean, you want to hear what she said again?
41:59.173 --> 41:59.554
the woman.
42:00.595 --> 42:02.477
Oh that's a beautiful way to put it.
42:02.537 --> 42:03.619
But that's exactly right.
42:04.019 --> 42:06.562
It's about destroying women and babies for sure.
42:08.184 --> 42:11.128
But also emasculating men because the lipid nanoparticles
42:11.670 --> 42:21.555
degrade the testes of baby boys in utero, including the latex cells and sertoli cells, which generate masculine hormones at adolescence and turn boys into men.
42:21.876 --> 42:26.358
So we don't even know if the babies of vaccinated moms will grow up to be normal men.
42:26.418 --> 42:30.620
And then they just say, it's OK, you're a mutant, you're really a girl, and now you compete in girls' sports.
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Yeah, we can see the plan.
42:32.761 --> 42:36.684
It's like a fire ant eradication program where they hit the ants with hormones.
42:36.744 --> 42:40.466
No, it wouldn't be possible, right, that this whole,
42:41.286 --> 43:07.664
You can I bet you you can see it already I bet there's some people in the audience already and some people watching this later who will go like oh, I know exactly what he's going to say right here It's not possible that they have been all along knowing that transfecting pregnant ladies transfecting young children might result in in dysregulation of development and therefore some of them might not develop normally as males or females because
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of the lack of production of hormones or autoimmunity to some of the cells that produce hormones.
43:14.587 --> 43:23.771
So we're not going to explain that actually these people who ran this thing might have known that lipid nanoparticles can cause this to happen in rats.
43:24.371 --> 43:25.752
I don't know, sometimes it goes there.
43:28.191 --> 43:41.499
And so what a wonderful way to seed the window for transfection and transformation to be rolled out en masse, even in pregnant ladies, by making sure that at the start of the pandemic, the sort of trans movement went ape shit.
43:42.820 --> 43:48.884
Does anyone else remember the trans movement going from like, who cares, to why is everybody talking about this shit now?
43:52.597 --> 43:55.879
I am a little upset about it because this is the heart of the matter here.
43:56.139 --> 44:08.546
If you can't see that there isn't a single part of what we've experienced over the last four years that wasn't already on the drawing board, wasn't already part of the controlled operation,
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I have a friend who tweeted Floyd 19 because the spread of the protests everywhere around the United States and he ended up losing his company.
44:28.228 --> 44:32.191
You don't think any of this is random anymore, do you?
44:33.972 --> 44:36.915
Because if you do, then you're still not surfing the wave.
44:38.436 --> 44:40.798
You're still not on a surfboard, you're still paddling.
44:43.328 --> 44:45.149
Ladies and gentlemen, can you see it now?
44:46.069 --> 44:47.969
Can you see why she's so focused on this?
44:48.050 --> 44:50.270
Why Alex Jones thinks it's so cool?
44:50.630 --> 44:51.571
Oh, that's what they did.
44:51.891 --> 44:54.872
They've been putting the chemical, it's depopulation, no.
44:56.592 --> 45:00.533
It's preparation for population-wide experimentation.
45:02.674 --> 45:08.196
Otherwise known as personalized medicine and the disruption, the dissolution of the FDA.
45:11.226 --> 45:14.708
And they'll probably do it with someone on a white horse saying that he's saving us.
45:17.609 --> 45:33.616
And in reality, what they will be doing is opening the door for sort of a permanent system of exploitation where informed consent doesn't exist anymore because you're part of this system and the collective good is what's important here.
45:35.597 --> 45:40.619
Community medicine is what Tony Fauci's wife called it a year before the pandemic.
45:41.892 --> 45:54.087
Tony Fauci's wife, the head of ethics at NIH, has never given a talk about the Belfour Declaration, never given a talk about the Helsinki documents or the Nuremberg Code.
45:55.528 --> 45:56.069
Nothing like that.
45:59.298 --> 46:04.840
Ladies and gentlemen, once you see it, it's very hard to unsee it.
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It's impossible to unsee it.
46:06.361 --> 46:09.562
And then everything suddenly looks two-dimensional.
46:10.502 --> 46:14.184
All the scenery just goes boink and becomes flat.
46:16.825 --> 46:22.107
And for me, this is what Naomi Wolf did to me yesterday when I watched the first five minutes of this video.
46:22.127 --> 46:24.148
It just went, oh my gosh, that's why it happened.
46:25.353 --> 46:31.235
That's why trans gender rights became so darn important in 2020.
46:33.636 --> 46:34.377
How did that happen?
46:36.157 --> 46:41.059
Why was it so important who the press secretary slept with?
46:43.900 --> 46:51.103
Why was it so important for us to have like a, what is she this, some kind of, who does she work for the Coast Guard or something like that?
46:51.143 --> 46:52.564
Or he, whatever it is.
46:55.106 --> 46:55.366
46:58.788 --> 47:00.188
Now maybe you understand why.
47:00.228 --> 47:02.649
Because she would like you to think it's the lipid nanoparticles.
47:02.729 --> 47:05.470
It's all a big, yeah.
47:06.771 --> 47:08.492
But she's not saying it's autoimmunity.
47:08.552 --> 47:10.693
She's saying lipid nanoparticle, lipid nanoparticle.
47:10.793 --> 47:11.393
Explain it.
47:11.433 --> 47:20.657
Wherever the lipid nanoparticle goes and successfully expresses anything, the likelihood that the immune system is going to come there and degrade that tissue is pretty high.
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And so you're challenging your immune system to decide whether or not to make an immune memory to itself.
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And if it happens to have, if it happens to happen, you may have a problem for the rest of your life.
47:34.887 --> 47:37.289
Nevermind if those go to stem cells, right?
47:38.229 --> 47:40.011
How come these people never talk about that?
47:40.671 --> 47:43.353
There are stem cells in your hippocampus, in your brain still.
47:46.016 --> 47:48.858
There are cells dividing all, you know, like what's going on here?
47:51.348 --> 48:04.701
She wants you to believe exclusively in a certain aspect of a giant bouquet of possibilities in order that you never really step back far enough from the elephant to see what they did.
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And so just like any other stage on this Lollapalooza of lies, you're gonna get a very furious, angry person who can say it's a depopulation event and pregnant women were targeted, but it's something ancient and negative energy and demonic.
48:23.328 --> 48:24.248
This isn't human.
48:24.628 --> 48:25.769
Oh no, it is, it's really.
48:26.189 --> 48:32.273
It's humans that lied to other humans and it's humans that injected this shit into pregnant women, pregnant humans.
48:33.353 --> 48:34.654
It's not demons.
48:36.553 --> 48:51.990
So it's a really weird set of dialogue to have when, if the goal is to save America, we don't have to invoke any particular supernatural force if we can explain all of it with a coordinated group of liars.
48:55.433 --> 48:57.174
They have mutated babies or kill them.
48:57.194 --> 49:00.097
I mean, this is a this is a depopulation operation.
49:00.157 --> 49:07.442
There's an eight page report on pregnancy and lactation that shows that this injection kills babies in utero.
49:08.283 --> 49:11.745
They had two babies die that were in their moms in utero.
49:12.486 --> 49:17.349
And Pfizer concluded that it was the deaths were due to maternal exposure to the vaccine.
49:17.970 --> 49:20.251
And this report was sent on April 21st.
49:21.779 --> 49:40.732
2021 to the White House, April 23rd, 2021, Dr. Walensky, who had the report and knew this injection was killing babies and poisoning nursing babies, told the pregnant women of America that it was safe and effective and that there was no bad time to have your injection before, during, or after your pregnancy.
49:41.132 --> 49:41.853
All true.
49:42.133 --> 49:42.973
They all did it.
49:43.013 --> 49:44.474
Of course, we're all aware of it.
49:47.281 --> 49:49.022
I think that was just me.
49:49.102 --> 49:50.063
We're all aware of it.
49:50.543 --> 49:51.584
I've said it before.
49:51.804 --> 49:52.945
Of course, it's terrible.
49:55.167 --> 50:00.891
Of course, it's crazy that Tony Fauci went on TV and said it was fine, or Walensky, or whoever did it.
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It's awful.
50:03.573 --> 50:12.740
And so like I said, on the stage of this particular stage of the Lollapalooza of lies, you're going to get a lot of truth.
50:12.860 --> 50:14.261
But it's going to be very focused.
50:15.062 --> 50:16.623
It's going to be a limited spectrum.
50:18.649 --> 50:26.452
And then we're going to argue very, very, very vigorously within that limited spectrum between Alex Jones and her.
50:26.852 --> 50:30.214
And it's going to feel like, wow, these guys are right on top of it.
50:32.174 --> 50:34.935
And that is called an illusion of consensus.
50:35.956 --> 50:38.517
That's what this kind of social media does.
50:40.953 --> 50:53.952
And so instead of having a thread of thought that is being led by a tutor or a teacher or a lecturer or a podcaster, whatever you want to call the person that sits in the corner of the screen like me.
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You're now gonna listen to two people that are pretending to explore ideas together spontaneously when that is the furthest from the truth.
51:06.829 --> 51:14.995
They are actively leading us through a garden of lies and actively pointing out flowers that they want us to see.
51:17.119 --> 51:25.621
and walking us right past all of the monuments and all of the truths that are right next to those flowers.
51:28.522 --> 51:35.223
And so it really feels like somebody's genuinely giving you a tour of the garden and showing you the most beautiful aspects of it.
51:35.303 --> 51:42.345
But if you just turn your head and look up a little bit, you would see that at the top of that rock is this beautiful marble statue.
51:44.514 --> 52:02.288
that says RNA can't pandemic, and another beautiful statue that says that transfection in healthy humans was criminally negligent, and another beautiful statue that says the entire vaccine schedule in America is a criminal enterprise because intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.
52:04.036 --> 52:07.918
But they keep your eyes focused to the bottom, and look at that flower, and isn't that cool?
52:07.978 --> 52:14.542
And that flower is pollinated by this one, and this one over here definitely needs extra help.
52:14.582 --> 52:17.704
That's why I have it wired up over here, otherwise the weeds get at it.
52:19.005 --> 52:20.546
Wow, these guys are fascinating.
52:20.586 --> 52:22.167
They know everything about the garden.
52:24.668 --> 52:27.550
But that's because they've been walking in the garden so much longer than me.
52:27.590 --> 52:30.412
I mean, Alex Jones has been in the garden for years now.
52:35.600 --> 52:37.141
And she knew that this would kill babies.
52:37.501 --> 52:38.481
Babies were targeted.
52:38.601 --> 52:39.761
Pregnant women were targeted.
52:40.141 --> 52:41.422
Nursing women were targeted.
52:41.582 --> 52:49.324
And now we've got a 14 to 20% drop in live births, according to government records, especially in the West.
52:49.364 --> 52:56.487
And what I want to say, especially to you, is that in the Pfizer documents, it's the West that's targeted, especially America.
52:56.807 --> 53:02.749
The vast majority of side effects are in America, the rest of them Western Europe, in order of political importance.
53:02.909 --> 53:04.049
So how would they have done that?
53:09.284 --> 53:13.005
I would argue that the best and easiest way to do that would be placebo batches.
53:13.866 --> 53:20.908
But of course, we have Sasha Latupova running around the world for the last two and a half years telling us that there were different batches.
53:21.649 --> 53:26.390
We have a peer-reviewed paper from Denmark telling us that there were different batches.
53:26.510 --> 53:28.991
Some had a lot of injuries and some had very few.
53:30.712 --> 53:38.375
So maybe it was that we didn't have the minus 80s where we needed them, or maybe they weren't shaken up right, or somebody didn't reconstitute them correctly.
53:39.761 --> 53:44.484
It could have been quality control at a particular place or something like that.
53:46.645 --> 53:50.527
And then you got in another Scooby-Doo van and drove around for another year.
53:53.568 --> 53:55.409
And so it's just really simple.
53:55.449 --> 53:56.810
Why would it be quality control?
53:56.850 --> 54:01.273
Okay, let's make 90 of these blank, 10 of them live.
54:01.673 --> 54:07.476
Make sure you record the numbers on the bottles so that we can follow up with the patients and nobody will know.
54:09.585 --> 54:13.566
I mean, this isn't rocket science, ladies and gentlemen, it is just coordinated lying.
54:16.106 --> 54:36.270
And you've got to have coordinated liars in the background and in the foreground, making sure that the limited spectrum of debate never looks up and sees the monuments that are the truth, but keeps their eyes down on the ground and is fascinated by the flowers and the bushes and the lichen and the rake tracks that you've drawn in the sand.
54:42.188 --> 54:44.709
You know, this is beyond ordinary politics.
54:44.789 --> 54:46.230
It's beyond ordinary medicine.
54:46.670 --> 54:52.293
These are the symptoms of a massive cosmic war between good and evil, and it made me... Ha!
54:52.393 --> 54:53.334
I never even got there.
54:53.374 --> 54:57.496
Thank you very much, uh... Tazikscube.
54:57.516 --> 55:01.118
I don't know what... how we want your name to be said, but yeah, Lost in the Weeds.
55:01.178 --> 55:06.260
I don't know why I didn't say... I really didn't intend to go there, but that's basically what it is, right?
55:06.300 --> 55:07.781
I mean, Lost in the Weeds.
55:07.821 --> 55:08.441
Wow, well done.
55:08.982 --> 55:09.042
55:09.895 --> 55:15.272
The garden analogy never got me there, but yes, they are planting weeds in your brain.
55:16.249 --> 55:21.071
And as long as you don't, you have to constantly keep pulling these weeds out, then you're never really gardening, you know?
55:21.191 --> 55:22.111
And that's what they're doing.
55:22.831 --> 55:25.732
They're getting you to address all kinds of questions that are irrelevant.
55:25.772 --> 55:31.815
And yes, I think we should be fired up about the people that were, the pregnant women that were transfected.
55:32.015 --> 55:33.335
Absolutely, that's a crime.
55:33.875 --> 55:40.958
But surrounding that very big truth, she's, you know, like I said, she's,
55:42.096 --> 55:49.718
She's asked a bunch of questions and limited the spectrum of understanding there so that you can't really see how malevolent that really is.
55:49.738 --> 55:53.538
I believe in God a lot more literally than I had before.
55:53.658 --> 55:58.159
We've been giving pregnant women the flu vaccine while they're pregnant for quite some time.
55:58.219 --> 56:03.160
I don't know if she's aware of that, but that's another aspect of this that's kind of weird.
56:03.500 --> 56:11.182
Because clearly something demonic or satanic or even, I concluded, like ancient negative entities like
56:11.542 --> 56:19.291
Baal or Malak, you know, in this takeover and then... You could ask yourself the question like, uh, uh, Hapazal Girl is asking.
56:19.331 --> 56:23.716
I mean, are they just making an announcement that actually, yeah, it's, it's, it's us.
56:23.996 --> 56:25.558
It's a bunch of satanic people.
56:25.618 --> 56:25.998
It's us.
56:26.759 --> 56:27.240
We're doing it.
56:28.476 --> 56:39.259
And sometimes I wonder, because again, you've heard this, I've heard it for my whole life, that they have to tell you the truth, otherwise they don't feel safe, you know, doing it.
56:39.319 --> 56:43.680
You know, they feel like karma or whatever, the energies, the world will balance out.
56:43.720 --> 56:46.101
And so they can't really not tell us what they're doing.
56:46.141 --> 56:50.462
And so why not go on Alex Jones and say something like that, if that's really the case?
56:55.185 --> 57:09.077
I'll be honest, the only reason why I don't really talk about that is because I don't, I don't, I don't want, I don't know.
57:09.137 --> 57:10.558
I don't want to acknowledge it, I guess.
57:10.619 --> 57:11.840
Is that a, is that a weakness?
57:12.280 --> 57:12.660
I don't know.
57:14.262 --> 57:14.382
57:17.426 --> 57:19.307
I know that that story has been there.
57:19.367 --> 57:22.088
I know because I followed Ted Gunderson.
57:22.148 --> 57:30.231
I know because I followed Alex Jones when I think he might've been okay still, or at least unaware of how he was gonna be used.
57:33.972 --> 57:35.973
I think we're in a very dark place, I really do.
57:36.233 --> 57:42.996
And I do think that these people who are willing to actively lie to the American public are traitors.
57:44.244 --> 57:47.305
because they are part of this controlled demolition of our Republic.
57:48.425 --> 57:50.886
That's why she was on Steve Bannon.
57:50.926 --> 58:07.832
I mean, even if you believe the craziest scenario where Donald Trump is actually a good guy fighting for what he believes is his country, America, he's surrounded by people that are connected to these people.
58:09.975 --> 58:17.838
absolutely surrounded, and he has been since he ever got let into the White House, which might explain why he was ever let to get into the White House in the first place.
58:18.258 --> 58:33.923
Maybe it was just a demonstration of how little could be done by the president that was out of their control, or maybe it was like a test so that they could find the holes of where they didn't have good enough control over the executive, and they've improved that with the Biden administration.
58:34.304 --> 58:38.085
It would take a lot of legal work to probably find out exactly that landscape.
58:39.298 --> 58:40.079
Isn't she a lawyer?
58:40.099 --> 58:40.799
I don't know, whatever.
58:53.433 --> 58:58.774
you know mothers and babies and nursing and you know love and intimacy.
59:00.055 --> 59:05.396
That's why I pulled out perfectly it was a step beyond any kind of human capability.
59:05.836 --> 59:12.138
So as a result of that I really thought wow this is a negative force that I have not seen in my lifetime.
59:12.458 --> 59:14.999
It can't be explained by a bunch of bad people.
59:15.606 --> 59:19.008
It's a negative force beyond any kind of human capability.
59:19.808 --> 59:21.589
Therefore, not as an intellectual.
59:21.949 --> 59:23.270
And see, this is the problem.
59:23.410 --> 59:34.655
Even if these people are Malik or, or the big owl or whatever, worship some with baby sacrifice, or they drink baby's blood or whatever it is they do.
59:37.117 --> 59:43.500
The projection that she's giving is wrong here because she's telling you that it's B it's not, it's not just bad humans.
59:45.313 --> 59:52.857
She seems to be absolving Fauci and absolving Dezak and Barrick and everyone.
59:56.539 --> 59:58.060
Or is Pfizer satanic?
59:59.821 --> 01:00:01.382
Or the FDA is satanic?
01:00:02.883 --> 01:00:05.884
Or the FDA is under the control of Satan?
01:00:06.365 --> 01:00:06.985
You know what I mean?
01:00:08.586 --> 01:00:12.528
We're not really just being honest here that bad people are enough.
01:00:14.016 --> 01:00:15.497
Liars are more than enough.
01:00:18.018 --> 01:00:22.780
And as much as I understand that it is a spiritual war, that spiritual war is inside of you.
01:00:25.022 --> 01:00:41.890
The spiritual war that I think I need to fight is against the weakest parts of my own being so that I can be a better father, that I can be a better biologist for you and for everybody that watches this stream and will watch it in the future.
01:00:43.339 --> 01:00:45.400
That's my goal on a daily basis.
01:00:45.440 --> 01:00:46.982
That's my spiritual war.
01:00:47.162 --> 01:01:08.156
And if I'm winning that war, then the energy that I project on my stream and the way that I, I efficiently or inefficiently can, can try to find the irreducible complexity of biology again, especially at this, in this molecular space.
01:01:09.197 --> 01:01:09.297
01:01:11.800 --> 01:01:14.222
You know, then the rest really is scholarly.
01:01:14.262 --> 01:01:14.982
It's biology.
01:01:15.022 --> 01:01:15.983
We need to just work.
01:01:18.285 --> 01:01:20.306
And because we're working against liars.
01:01:20.406 --> 01:01:24.329
That's all a solvable problem, you see.
01:01:24.770 --> 01:01:33.837
If it's really that we have to defeat a demonic force or some ancient god, then it's a lot more
01:01:34.887 --> 01:01:37.168
amorphous what our next plan of action is.
01:01:37.228 --> 01:01:47.574
But if we focus on the fact that irrespective of what God they worship or what spiritual energies are giving them power, it's a bunch of liars.
01:01:48.115 --> 01:01:49.596
And so let's out the liars.
01:01:49.656 --> 01:01:58.821
Let's inform our children about the lies that they tell and show them the pattern in the lies that they tell so that they can see these patterns on their own.
01:02:03.804 --> 01:02:06.807
That's the solution to this problem.
01:02:06.847 --> 01:02:19.356
And I think that she is actually showing young people the pattern that has been laid down by this Scooby-Doo narrative, the pattern that is the narrative of gain of function viruses.
01:02:20.217 --> 01:02:22.679
And again, bad guys that are out of your control.
01:02:22.699 --> 01:02:23.920
You're never gonna know who they are.
01:02:24.260 --> 01:02:28.463
How different is that than what Robert Malone said in January, 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden?
01:02:30.984 --> 01:02:36.207
where he said that the world from yesterday may never have existed, and it's certainly never coming back.
01:02:40.089 --> 01:02:42.710
Well, now our country is being wrecked by magic?
01:02:44.251 --> 01:02:45.391
And so I guess we're screwed.
01:02:46.032 --> 01:02:46.692
What can I do?
01:02:47.072 --> 01:02:47.412
01:02:50.194 --> 01:02:51.874
No, ladies and gentlemen, no.
01:02:53.395 --> 01:02:58.938
The spiritual war you need to fight is within you, and it is inside of all of us.
01:03:01.636 --> 01:03:02.596
first and foremost.
01:03:03.437 --> 01:03:09.438
And as we win that war, then we will be better able to help people see the truth.
01:03:10.859 --> 01:03:14.460
And we will better help people see the pattern in these liars.
01:03:16.841 --> 01:03:23.983
It is a spiritual battle, but everybody's got to pick up a sword or you can't pick up the sword for somebody else.
01:03:25.403 --> 01:03:26.864
That's I think the point.
01:03:26.944 --> 01:03:27.684
You can pray for them.
01:03:29.332 --> 01:03:31.733
But I don't think evangelism works very well.
01:03:34.153 --> 01:03:34.694
I just don't.
01:03:35.414 --> 01:03:40.675
And I think that's part of the reason why... No, I just don't.
01:03:40.976 --> 01:03:51.219
I don't think that even Jesus preached that, although I'm not a Bible expert and I'm not trying to be that on this show.
01:03:51.619 --> 01:03:55.380
I don't think he ever said that, as far as I know, it was supposed to be a private relationship.
01:03:56.263 --> 01:03:59.726
So the spiritual battle that I'm fighting is a private one.
01:04:00.106 --> 01:04:06.392
And the battle for truth is a very public one because the truth is public property.
01:04:07.153 --> 01:04:08.994
The truth should be public property.
01:04:09.475 --> 01:04:12.257
And they're stealing the truth by obfuscating it.
01:04:14.479 --> 01:04:18.523
They're stealing it from our children by hiding it behind lies.
01:04:20.356 --> 01:04:27.484
And maybe they have a spiritual motivation for doing it, to demoralize our children generation by generation and to enslave them.
01:04:27.544 --> 01:04:30.848
I don't know, but I do know that the truth can save them.
01:04:31.509 --> 01:04:33.191
This is a really respected smart woman.
01:04:34.032 --> 01:04:36.154
With the women in this situation, you go, this isn't human.
01:04:36.214 --> 01:04:37.576
Like, this is beyond human.
01:04:41.861 --> 01:04:46.743
Okay, so we haven't even started yet, I apologize.
01:04:46.823 --> 01:04:50.544
I will inform you that at 12.40 I need to cut it short again.
01:04:50.564 --> 01:04:58.407
Naomi Wolf was on the show a few times years and years and years ago, more than a decade ago, but she now joins us.
01:04:58.767 --> 01:05:01.028
Naomi Wolf was on his show a decade ago.
01:05:08.670 --> 01:05:11.151
And she is a globally recognized communicator,
01:05:11.986 --> 01:05:19.051
I'm gonna read her whole bio, Rhodes Scholar, all these degrees, best-selling author, former top Hillary Clinton advisor, dailyclout.io.
01:05:19.071 --> 01:05:21.753
You can follow her on X as well.
01:05:21.833 --> 01:05:25.776
She's been doing a really great job through the whole pandemic.
01:05:25.796 --> 01:05:28.638
Rhodes Scholar, former Clinton advisor.
01:05:28.718 --> 01:05:34.703
Wow, that's quite a resume of lying.
01:05:34.783 --> 01:05:37.885
Exposing it as a leading voice in that fight.
01:05:37.905 --> 01:05:38.966
So we're gonna talk about her being
01:05:40.146 --> 01:05:43.829
Ejected from the left for accurate reporting on mRNA vaccine injuries.
01:05:44.710 --> 01:05:51.134
She's not doing it now like Cuomo and everybody's doing to try to do this BS rehabilitation tour.
01:05:51.174 --> 01:05:54.157
She did it three years ago, four years ago, two years ago, a year ago.
01:05:54.977 --> 01:05:59.581
She's going to talk about a team of 3,250 doctors and scientists who volunteered
01:06:00.993 --> 01:06:05.294
to read through all the Pfizer documents and report the greatest crime against humanity ever recorded.
01:06:06.155 --> 01:06:07.955
Also election integrity, draft bill.
01:06:08.175 --> 01:06:15.937
See, so one of the things that Naomi Wolf did was put a lot of smart people at work running in a hamster wheel that didn't matter.
01:06:16.618 --> 01:06:20.159
Oh, I'm going to read these thousand pages for Naomi.
01:06:20.199 --> 01:06:24.160
I'm going to be the one that finds the text that wins.
01:06:26.818 --> 01:06:55.478
Man, oh man, think of the amount of hours those people could have spent just saying over and over again on the internet that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb and just put their own Facebook page with that on the header and just sent that message out to everybody that they knew once a day instead of wasting their time reading Pfizer documents, which may have little nuggets of interesting text in there.
01:06:56.493 --> 01:06:57.513
But they're all irrelevant.
01:06:57.533 --> 01:06:58.594
They got an EUA.
01:07:00.315 --> 01:07:03.396
The legal basis for suing them is not gonna be found in those documents.
01:07:03.416 --> 01:07:05.177
They're allowed to do whatever the hell they want to.
01:07:06.178 --> 01:07:16.742
And it's because of the PREP Act, the Health and Human Services Secretary can declare an emergency and it doesn't even really need to have any legal basis in reality.
01:07:16.763 --> 01:07:18.063
It can just go on a hunch.
01:07:20.824 --> 01:07:23.966
That's the actual truth.
01:07:25.482 --> 01:07:41.557
There needs to be no evidence the Health and Human Services Secretary is able to single-mindedly invoke an emergency, which he can or she can single-mindedly, I believe, revoke.
01:07:42.718 --> 01:07:44.760
It's incredible.
01:07:47.594 --> 01:07:54.718
And so we have this person who really, I think, used a lot of smart people's time hamster wheeling them.
01:07:54.838 --> 01:07:57.940
Which are passed in multiple states to clean up elections.
01:07:58.380 --> 01:08:01.062
Dr. Naomi Wolf, thank you so much for joining us today.
01:08:02.243 --> 01:08:03.764
Thank you so much for having me on.
01:08:03.844 --> 01:08:06.865
What a pleasure to see you a decade later.
01:08:07.286 --> 01:08:13.749
You were one of the first and biggest platforms to talk to me about the end of America in 2007.
01:08:15.077 --> 01:08:18.919
when I was trying to warn the world that this, where we are now was inevitable.
01:08:19.660 --> 01:08:21.401
Oh, so you were one of the announcers.
01:08:21.741 --> 01:08:22.261
I see.
01:08:23.322 --> 01:08:24.022
Now I get it.
01:08:25.343 --> 01:08:27.745
So she was allowed to announce the coming plan.
01:08:29.846 --> 01:08:32.027
She got to write one of the first books about this.
01:08:32.107 --> 01:08:32.427
I see.
01:08:32.728 --> 01:08:34.309
As a Clinton advisor, of course, right?
01:08:34.329 --> 01:08:35.529
Doesn't that make sense now?
01:08:36.650 --> 01:08:37.931
Doesn't it make sense now?
01:08:37.951 --> 01:08:40.772
You took that seriously.
01:08:40.793 --> 01:08:41.473
I appreciate it.
01:08:42.119 --> 01:08:46.940
Well, most people know who you are, and I like to talk, so just don't stop or I'll interrupt.
01:08:47.420 --> 01:08:52.221
Start wherever you want, because we've got probably 3 million people watching now, another 10 million are going to watch this one way or another.
01:08:52.481 --> 01:08:54.001
So you're talking to 13 million people.
01:08:54.982 --> 01:08:56.142
What do you want to say to the world?
01:08:56.182 --> 01:08:56.902
What's your warning?
01:08:58.742 --> 01:09:10.885
Well, starting in 2007, you and I both saw that democracy could end in the United States, that we could have a fascist or totalitarian state in the US.
01:09:11.738 --> 01:09:16.681
And this is a truism now in the circles in which we inhabit.
01:09:17.662 --> 01:09:22.765
But at that time, it seemed really marginal and surprising.
01:09:24.426 --> 01:09:28.949
So I guess my headline is, we're in it now.
01:09:29.029 --> 01:09:29.650
It's happening.
01:09:29.710 --> 01:09:30.330
There's a war.
01:09:30.370 --> 01:09:34.573
It's the same message that you've been bringing to your audience for a long time.
01:09:34.893 --> 01:09:36.174
And I guess
01:09:37.172 --> 01:09:41.187
What I bring that's different is a couple of things.
01:09:41.387 --> 01:09:41.849
One is that
01:09:42.609 --> 01:09:53.355
In 2007, I looked at times and places in history when a democracy was subverted or overthrown and fascism or totalitarianism was established.
01:09:53.915 --> 01:09:57.137
And by doing that, I saw that there were 10 steps to fascism.
01:09:58.077 --> 01:09:59.958
And the last one is martial law.
01:10:00.359 --> 01:10:11.024
And so when in February or March of 2020, we were told in New York State, where I'm sitting right now, that we were under emergency law, I knew that it was step 10, right?
01:10:11.064 --> 01:10:11.705
And I knew that.
01:10:12.525 --> 01:10:16.529
By June, I was saying to my husband, they're not going to let us out without a fight.
01:10:16.589 --> 01:10:17.730
This is not about a virus.
01:10:19.298 --> 01:10:25.683
And I guess the other thing that I bring in addition to that kind of framework, recognizing, well, what are the steps, right?
01:10:25.983 --> 01:10:26.864
It's really helpful.
01:10:27.404 --> 01:10:35.690
It's really helpful to know that there's a map to fascism because then you can see, oh, look, there, you can predict what's going on.
01:10:35.730 --> 01:10:37.392
They're going after our food supply.
01:10:38.152 --> 01:10:39.813
They're going after our communications.
01:10:39.873 --> 01:10:46.258
They're calling critics like me insane and canceling us off of social media.
01:10:46.538 --> 01:10:48.420
I mean, these are all steps in a,
01:10:48.960 --> 01:10:53.304
in a process that's been thoroughly hammered out by history.
01:10:53.964 --> 01:10:55.406
And it's reliable.
01:10:55.446 --> 01:11:05.394
I mean, we at the School for the Americas teach it to our own influencers and soldiers and agents and operators who go to other countries and do this to other countries, right?
01:11:05.614 --> 01:11:06.755
Well, now it's being done to us.
01:11:07.395 --> 01:11:09.177
And I guess the biggest piece of that
01:11:10.245 --> 01:11:18.777
over the last two and a half years, the update of that is, yeah, that's the 2007 book that you and I discussed that predicted literally everything that's happening now.
01:11:19.478 --> 01:11:23.203
And then the update for now is in 2021, in June of 2021, I began
01:11:26.787 --> 01:11:27.467
to warn
01:11:43.408 --> 01:11:49.311
In 2021, in June of 2021, I began to warn on social media.
01:11:49.451 --> 01:11:56.855
Okay, so in June of 2021, she started to warn on social media that the pregnant women, what?
01:11:57.055 --> 01:11:59.256
That women were having menstrual symptoms.
01:11:59.877 --> 01:12:01.818
So women were having menstrual symptoms.
01:12:01.858 --> 01:12:02.738
Now that's interesting.
01:12:02.778 --> 01:12:04.419
Who else came out in June of 2021?
01:12:04.459 --> 01:12:04.839
Not earlier.
01:12:07.349 --> 01:12:14.052
But in June of 2021, if you said Brett Weinstein, Steve Kirsch, and Robert Malone, you'd be correct.
01:12:16.593 --> 01:12:28.819
Is that coincidence that also Byron Bridle was absolutely silenced in the exact same month in Canada as an immunologist and actually vaccinologist?
01:12:30.327 --> 01:12:42.775
so that Robert Malone and Naomi Wolf and other Americans could be the global message system for this limited spectrum of debate?
01:12:42.795 --> 01:12:59.965
Is it possible that having Byron Bridle up there tell you that the lipid nanoparticle goes everywhere, and I'm an immunologist, so that's a problem, but instead have Naomi Wolf tell you that it's, oh, it's the pregnant women we have to be worried about.
01:13:02.389 --> 01:13:03.529
Not your grandparents.
01:13:03.589 --> 01:13:06.590
It's not dangerous for your grandparents to be transfected.
01:13:06.630 --> 01:13:07.530
It could help them.
01:13:10.371 --> 01:13:18.432
She's specifically concerned about pregnant women, because the babies are developing then, and the lipid nanoparticles can go everywhere.
01:13:19.652 --> 01:13:20.973
What about the mom's brain?
01:13:21.053 --> 01:13:22.353
What about grandma's brain?
01:13:23.833 --> 01:13:25.474
What about a 14-year-old's brain?
01:13:25.514 --> 01:13:27.374
What about a college student's brain?
01:13:30.819 --> 01:13:34.762
She was only worried about pregnant women, because I wasn't.
01:13:37.865 --> 01:13:41.688
From receiving this mRNA injection, and that's my beat.
01:13:42.649 --> 01:13:49.675
That's something, you know, women's reproductive health and sexual health has been my subject for 35 years.
01:13:49.735 --> 01:13:53.858
By the way, they called you crazy when you first warned of it three, four years ago.
01:13:54.218 --> 01:13:57.021
Now they admit it in mainline news and studies it's happening.
01:13:57.679 --> 01:13:59.660
They say, we don't know why it's happening.
01:13:59.780 --> 01:14:00.840
Three or four years ago.
01:14:00.920 --> 01:14:18.305
Is he mean like when she came out in June of 2021, which is a full year and six months or so after the pandemic started, after the operation was initiated, Robert Malone got his call from Wuhan on the 3rd of January or the 4th of January.
01:14:18.345 --> 01:14:19.425
What are we talking about here?
01:14:22.907 --> 01:14:28.310
Again, you have a interesting set of, I could put these people on the same screen, right?
01:14:28.971 --> 01:14:31.092
I could put these people on this t-shirt screen.
01:14:34.794 --> 01:14:35.434
Why couldn't I?
01:14:35.514 --> 01:14:36.935
Oops, that's not what I wanted.
01:14:40.917 --> 01:14:42.438
Why couldn't they be on this screen?
01:14:43.879 --> 01:14:46.220
They don't wanna talk about 2020, he just skipped it.
01:14:48.001 --> 01:14:49.462
He didn't say, what were you doing in 2020, Naomi?
01:14:51.448 --> 01:14:56.151
Oh, I was going on Steve Bannon's show talking about a lab leak, I think, or something, something.
01:14:57.992 --> 01:14:58.192
01:14:59.333 --> 01:15:00.194
Why don't we talk about 2020?
01:15:00.974 --> 01:15:05.537
Is that when she started speaking out was when they finally injected pregnant women?
01:15:05.577 --> 01:15:13.042
I'm not really sure what she's saying here, but it doesn't sound like the truth.
01:15:13.983 --> 01:15:15.804
It sounds like a limited spectrum of debate.
01:15:16.621 --> 01:15:18.407
We don't know why infertility has exploded.
01:15:18.648 --> 01:15:20.635
We don't know why suddenly heart attacks are off the chart.
01:15:20.675 --> 01:15:22.080
We don't know why there's miscarriages.
01:15:23.519 --> 01:15:24.039
Yeah, I know.
01:15:24.559 --> 01:15:26.480
I've been telling everyone for the last two and a half years.
01:15:26.740 --> 01:15:27.880
I'm not laughing because it's funny.
01:15:27.900 --> 01:15:29.560
I'm laughing because it's tragic, Alex.
01:15:29.880 --> 01:15:30.420
01:15:30.801 --> 01:15:38.622
In June of 2021, I issued this warning, and I was immediately deplatformed, not just from Twitter and Facebook.
01:15:39.042 --> 01:15:51.465
And it later turned out that it was the White House illegally putting pressure on Facebook and Twitter to censor me, that tweet, that tweet warning of,
01:15:52.105 --> 01:15:53.945
These are all fake censorship things, dude.
01:15:54.485 --> 01:15:54.766
01:15:55.326 --> 01:15:55.626
01:15:56.546 --> 01:15:57.726
It's all fake.
01:15:58.386 --> 01:16:05.068
It's the same reason why Malone got censored and Bret Weinstein got censored so that they could go all over the world and cry about it.
01:16:07.988 --> 01:16:16.890
Robert Malone told Steve Kirsch's podcast that he's been the victim of the psychological warfare for three years and Sasha Latapov is a part of it.
01:16:19.631 --> 01:16:26.816
even though he, a year earlier, traveled with Sasha Latipova to Stockholm to give a conference and they were on stage together.
01:16:30.379 --> 01:16:39.786
We're supposed to believe that a former Clinton advisor and Rhodes Scholar is now hanging out with the Trump conservative crowd because COVID woke her up to God or something.
01:16:41.627 --> 01:16:45.590
But she's sure it's Moloch or Baal or something demonic.
01:16:46.951 --> 01:16:47.712
Can't be humans.
01:16:48.729 --> 01:16:52.793
It's not, bad humans aren't able to, bad humans are not enough to explain this.
01:16:53.273 --> 01:16:55.155
Reproductive problems in the future, right?
01:16:55.515 --> 01:16:57.357
The president was behind that.
01:16:57.637 --> 01:16:59.238
The White House was behind that.
01:16:59.258 --> 01:17:00.339
Oh, let's not skip over that.
01:17:00.399 --> 01:17:05.824
It's come out in the weaponization hearings, the documents that you were specifically targeted on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:17:05.844 --> 01:17:11.930
and others by the government trying to silence you, not because what you're saying was wrong, but because what you're saying was true.
01:17:13.214 --> 01:17:13.454
01:17:13.555 --> 01:17:16.618
And even if it had been wrong, we have something called a First Amendment.
01:17:16.678 --> 01:17:20.623
But it was not only not wrong, it was true.
01:17:20.703 --> 01:17:25.329
And it was not only true, it was unbelievably important information.
01:17:25.850 --> 01:17:27.832
And the most powerful person in the world
01:17:28.576 --> 01:17:37.320
you know, his staff in the White House lifted out that accurate tweet of mine and went after it with all the power of global media.
01:17:37.380 --> 01:17:39.782
So overnight, my Wikipedia was changed.
01:17:39.842 --> 01:17:45.965
I was called a crazy person, and I was exiled from my comfortable perch in the liberal elite media.
01:17:46.325 --> 01:17:47.705
That doesn't matter, Alex.
01:17:47.745 --> 01:17:52.688
And so that propelled her to where she is now.
01:17:53.528 --> 01:17:55.169
That got her more followers.
01:17:55.229 --> 01:17:56.430
It got her more attention.
01:17:57.210 --> 01:18:00.732
It made her story more interesting to the media and the media promoted it.
01:18:00.772 --> 01:18:01.132
You see?
01:18:02.932 --> 01:18:04.133
It's not censorship.
01:18:04.333 --> 01:18:05.073
It's the act.
01:18:05.133 --> 01:18:07.614
This is fifth generation warfare right there.
01:18:09.515 --> 01:18:10.716
Oh, I was censored.
01:18:11.816 --> 01:18:13.117
You want to know who's censored?
01:18:13.177 --> 01:18:18.939
Somebody who's got 3,100 followers on Twitch after four years of being here.
01:18:20.080 --> 01:18:20.660
Was it three?
01:18:20.740 --> 01:18:21.040
I don't know.
01:18:23.171 --> 01:18:26.532
consistently people sharing my work, it doesn't go anywhere.
01:18:26.652 --> 01:18:29.853
My tweets that are actually meaningful don't go anywhere.
01:18:29.873 --> 01:18:34.195
You got to go to my actual profile, grab my tweets and retweet all of them.
01:18:35.315 --> 01:18:36.036
They're always good.
01:18:36.076 --> 01:18:38.496
I never waste any of my time with my coffee.
01:18:38.717 --> 01:18:41.578
I always have very, very rapid fire.
01:18:42.238 --> 01:18:45.599
I just, I drop bombs and I leave.
01:18:46.997 --> 01:18:52.701
So, if you want to help the Twitter thing, just go to my Twitter page, find all my posts and retweet them, any ones that you like.
01:18:53.221 --> 01:18:58.065
And look at how many of them get no views because that's how that whole machine works.
01:18:59.546 --> 01:19:03.048
She gets to complain and then, you know, Alex Jones elevates her.
01:19:03.128 --> 01:19:05.530
She gets to complain, then she gets to go on Tucker.
01:19:05.570 --> 01:19:08.732
And the same thing happens to Brett Weinstein and
01:19:10.106 --> 01:19:22.693
and Robert Malone, and now the conservative red flag flying people in America are somewhat enamored by some of these fake conservatives that are all playing for the globalists.
01:19:22.753 --> 01:19:28.736
They're all playing for the weaponized piles of money that want to enslave our entire civilization.
01:19:31.217 --> 01:19:36.160
And so she's got to tell you the truth, just tell it to you in a way where it seems like she's trying to help, but she's not.
01:19:37.571 --> 01:19:40.594
And that's why she can't summarize like we summarize every day here.
01:19:40.754 --> 01:19:41.375
That's right.
01:19:41.555 --> 01:19:42.796
What happened to me doesn't matter.
01:19:43.216 --> 01:19:50.764
What matters is that that information was suppressed and other information about the dangers and harms of this injection was suppressed.
01:19:51.431 --> 01:19:59.513
And so in early 2022, at the prompting, by that time, the only people who'd speak to me were conservatives and people of faith.
01:19:59.653 --> 01:20:04.374
And I was very happy to talk to conservatives and people of faith, because why not?
01:20:04.634 --> 01:20:13.316
You know, just like I've always been happy to... I don't understand people who demonize conversations with people who don't agree with them, because that's the only way I learn anything.
01:20:13.676 --> 01:20:19.177
But anyway... I'm starting to get the feeling that a lot of these people are fake conservatives.
01:20:20.393 --> 01:20:31.035
And I apologize to anybody in the chat who's seen that already a long time ago, but Robert Malone and his wife have a lifetime of a record of supporting Democrats.
01:20:31.335 --> 01:20:38.236
And Steve Kirsch is a lifelong Democrat and donor to the Democratic National Committee.
01:20:38.756 --> 01:20:49.038
It's very strange that all of these people in the course of coming out and speaking out against the vaccines, as they call them,
01:20:50.043 --> 01:20:53.124
in June of 2021, 2021.
01:20:53.824 --> 01:21:06.728
In June of 2021, they all came out at the same time and they're all actually former Democrats, former high ranking, big paying Democrats.
01:21:06.908 --> 01:21:07.809
Isn't that weird?
01:21:08.969 --> 01:21:12.190
Robert Malone worked for DITRA and the government for decades.
01:21:12.910 --> 01:21:18.612
Steve Kirsch likely was allowed to release military technology and pretend it was his brain that came up with it.
01:21:19.742 --> 01:21:22.364
And just like Jeff Bezos was.
01:21:23.844 --> 01:21:27.346
And so these fake people have been in place for a very long time.
01:21:28.887 --> 01:21:34.130
And then they've stepped up as fake conservatives because they're part of the same operation.
01:21:37.472 --> 01:21:38.713
It's amazing, actually.
01:21:40.553 --> 01:21:50.581
Steve Bannon prompted me to put together a kind of volunteers team to read through the Pfizer documents that were released under court order in 2022.
01:21:51.861 --> 01:22:00.368
And, as a journalist, I knew this was important, because, otherwise, they're so voluminous and they're so technical that they would be lost to history if we didn't have experts.
01:22:00.968 --> 01:22:01.848
volunteering to read them.
01:22:01.868 --> 01:22:05.109
So for nearly 400, I'm sorry, 450,000 pages, 3,250 volunteers, experts, doctors.
01:22:05.129 --> 01:22:06.390
3,200 people wasted their time with her.
01:22:06.410 --> 01:22:11.811
3,200 people wasted real man hours reading documents that were probably produced precisely to waste their time.
01:22:26.644 --> 01:22:30.828
so that they would never consider how stupid the story of the diffuse proposal is.
01:22:30.868 --> 01:22:35.972
They would never consider simple biological ideas like RNA can't pandemic.
01:22:35.992 --> 01:22:36.633
Come on, dude.
01:22:36.693 --> 01:22:37.734
Think about it for a minute.
01:22:42.478 --> 01:22:43.679
It's impressive when you see it.
01:22:44.399 --> 01:22:45.741
And that's a whole nother story.
01:22:45.941 --> 01:22:46.361
01:22:46.421 --> 01:22:48.763
Remember, Pfizer asked it to be sealed for 75 years.
01:22:50.896 --> 01:22:51.356
01:22:51.416 --> 01:22:52.297
Why would you do that?
01:22:52.357 --> 01:22:54.698
Unless there's something terribly wrong in there.
01:22:55.118 --> 01:23:00.641
Or, and make sure that 3,200 people would think it was a hamster wheel worth running in for a really long time.
01:23:01.041 --> 01:23:01.682
How about that?
01:23:02.202 --> 01:23:05.063
Maybe that's the best reason to censor it for 75 years.
01:23:05.103 --> 01:23:08.065
Of course, people are going to think that's stupid.
01:23:11.627 --> 01:23:15.269
I'm actually a little ashamed of myself that at the time I also thought, what?
01:23:15.529 --> 01:23:15.749
75 years?
01:23:15.789 --> 01:23:17.090
That's practically admitting it.
01:23:17.210 --> 01:23:17.630
Oh, wait.
01:23:23.183 --> 01:23:29.566
After this long, ladies and gentlemen, looking back and hearing them tell this story, you got to see it for what it is.
01:23:30.946 --> 01:23:33.007
It's just, it was always bullshit.
01:23:34.488 --> 01:23:35.028
Listen again.
01:23:35.663 --> 01:23:44.988
So for nearly 400, I'm sorry, 450,000 pages, 3,250 volunteers, experts, doctors, scientists.
01:23:45.008 --> 01:23:45.869
And that's a whole nother.
01:23:45.889 --> 01:23:51.152
Do you really believe that Pfizer was forced by the FDA to submit 450,000 pages of documents?
01:23:57.233 --> 01:24:14.319
Do you really believe that a diffuse proposal was just found on a military database and released, leaked to Charles Rixey, who then gave it to a bunch of foreign meddlers called Drastic and then put out a report the same week that Veritas claimed to be releasing the same document?
01:24:16.900 --> 01:24:18.861
Is that even remotely logical?
01:24:21.883 --> 01:24:22.664
Listen to this.
01:24:22.905 --> 01:24:24.707
It is absolutely absurd.
01:24:24.787 --> 01:24:26.890
They really think that we don't remember 2020 or 2021.
01:24:27.030 --> 01:24:27.912
Thank you very much.
01:24:36.244 --> 01:24:36.664
01:24:36.744 --> 01:24:40.046
Why would you do that unless there's something terribly wrong in there?
01:24:40.446 --> 01:24:43.647
And we found exactly why they wanted to do that.
01:24:43.927 --> 01:24:46.688
They wanted us to be dead before this story came out.
01:24:46.768 --> 01:24:59.974
They wanted you to be able to sufficiently and efficiently waste the time of 3,200 people, maybe more, that did it on their own, that would download these documents thinking they were doing something patriotic.
01:25:00.834 --> 01:25:06.122
and you spent an awful lot of time convincing people that reading these documents would be doing something patriotic.
01:25:07.344 --> 01:25:08.867
That's how malevolent she is.
01:25:09.788 --> 01:25:14.075
This is absolutely positively one gigantic L
01:25:16.773 --> 01:25:18.834
I was about to spell layer again.
01:25:18.854 --> 01:25:21.175
Here we go.
01:25:21.435 --> 01:25:22.776
But the judge did not agree.
01:25:23.036 --> 01:25:25.457
So, these papers were released.
01:25:25.977 --> 01:25:38.622
And my team of experts, under the leadership of this wonderful COO, Amy Kelly, who oversaw the project, they have been reading through these 450,000 documents, and they have broken now
01:25:39.202 --> 01:25:51.413
They've written over 100 reports, and they've broken, unfortunately, evidence, confirmation of the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history, and it centers on reproduction.
01:25:51.754 --> 01:25:54.837
It centers on destroying human reproduction.
01:25:57.619 --> 01:26:00.141
I'm sorry, Jason, but you're 100 percent correct.
01:26:00.161 --> 01:26:02.183
The only reason why I'm in front of you right now
01:26:03.177 --> 01:26:04.318
is because of intuition.
01:26:05.458 --> 01:26:06.418
I don't know where I got it.
01:26:06.839 --> 01:26:12.801
I think it's most likely because my mom beat me when I was a child, and so I stopped trusting adults pretty early.
01:26:14.122 --> 01:26:22.045
And because I didn't trust my own parents to protect me, I knew that adults lie.
01:26:22.105 --> 01:26:30.149
I listened to my parents lie about my childhood to other adults when we were in public, about how good of a kid I was and how easy I was.
01:26:31.149 --> 01:26:32.670
Easy if you beat him every once in a while.
01:26:38.823 --> 01:26:40.164
And so it is about intuition.
01:26:41.866 --> 01:26:42.847
It absolutely is.
01:26:43.107 --> 01:26:52.976
And if you can shake a person's hand and talk to them in five minutes here and see them squirming inside, that's a pretty valuable tool.
01:26:54.818 --> 01:26:57.560
And there are very few people who can lie to me.
01:26:59.982 --> 01:27:01.844
George Webb, you shook my hand in
01:27:03.935 --> 01:27:09.038
in the middle of Pennsylvania and within 10 seconds, I knew you were a liar.
01:27:11.200 --> 01:27:16.182
A lot of the people that were present at that event are not liars, but that one's definitely for real.
01:27:19.324 --> 01:27:23.027
The weird thing I can tell you about, you want me to tell you about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
01:27:23.067 --> 01:27:24.527
is I don't think he's ever lied to me.
01:27:25.368 --> 01:27:26.629
I think he knows.
01:27:28.090 --> 01:27:31.031
And I think he looked me right in the eye and knew that he couldn't lie to me.
01:27:31.111 --> 01:27:32.192
So he's never lied to me.
01:27:33.985 --> 01:27:37.283
He doesn't say a lot, but he's never lied to me.
01:27:39.386 --> 01:27:46.629
And I don't know if that's a plus or a minus, but for me, that's just the data point I got.
01:27:46.649 --> 01:27:48.629
I'm not saying I'm voting for that guy for president.
01:27:48.749 --> 01:27:54.552
I put him on the same page as all these other people because of the way that he behaves on certain things, it doesn't make sense.
01:27:54.612 --> 01:28:06.096
He can't possibly be the polymath that I thought he was from the very beginning if he takes such a weird stance on certain things like climate change or Israel or whatever.
01:28:06.903 --> 01:28:07.924
It just doesn't make any sense.
01:28:07.964 --> 01:28:09.244
It's not worth trying to figure out.
01:28:11.705 --> 01:28:18.949
I know for sure that that book and my participation in it was an attempt to get me to not figure it out.
01:28:19.249 --> 01:28:22.231
And now that I figured it out, that's why I'm not a part of that anymore.
01:28:23.231 --> 01:28:27.354
And that's why you'll never, this is what real censorship looks like, right?
01:28:27.434 --> 01:28:29.955
Because that's my business card right now.
01:28:30.015 --> 01:28:35.718
I can just open that book to the acknowledgements page and show you that the first name listed is mine and say, hey, that's me.
01:28:37.196 --> 01:28:40.017
This is why you should maybe consider talking to me for a little while.
01:28:40.057 --> 01:28:44.720
That's exactly what I did to Jimmy Dore about a month ago, and I've not gotten a phone call.
01:28:45.940 --> 01:28:52.163
Even though I annotated the book and I marked pages and I wrote a letter in it, he left him my phone number and email.
01:28:53.084 --> 01:28:53.444
01:28:54.504 --> 01:28:56.165
It's not to say that Jimmy Dore is bad.
01:28:56.825 --> 01:28:58.006
He can just be controlled.
01:28:58.046 --> 01:28:59.087
He can just be coerced.
01:28:59.107 --> 01:29:01.768
He could have just been told, don't talk about that shit anymore, man.
01:29:02.793 --> 01:29:07.335
You want to talk about the vaccine, you do that, but don't question the narrative.
01:29:09.276 --> 01:29:13.137
I mean, let's face it, ladies and gentlemen, a lot of people have heard that, I'm sure of it.
01:29:13.217 --> 01:29:15.378
Otherwise, they wouldn't be acting the way that they act.
01:29:16.431 --> 01:29:20.134
Peter McCullough wouldn't act the way that he acted on my program had he not been told that.
01:29:20.634 --> 01:29:30.482
That's why I didn't push him very hard on thinking about, you know, doing the thought exercise of what if this national security state just decided to lie about this?
01:29:30.562 --> 01:29:32.563
To what extent do you think they would be successful?
01:29:33.184 --> 01:29:34.425
He didn't really want to talk about that.
01:29:37.569 --> 01:29:55.031
And in fact, that's one hypothetical that anybody that has been talking about biological warfare or fifth generation warfare, it's the one possibility that none of them want to tell you, even though James Giordano in 2017 basically told you that they could lie about it.
01:29:56.240 --> 01:30:09.286
that you could use poisoning in a couple places and the internet to lie about it, and you could create an epidemic that wasn't even there and fracture the relationship between the polis and the government.
01:30:12.667 --> 01:30:22.632
But somehow or another, touring the world, telling everybody about fifth-generation warfare, the only message that they have is that it's either demonic or
01:30:24.255 --> 01:30:27.197
It's so complicated that you're never going to know who the bad guys are.
01:30:27.257 --> 01:30:28.418
That's what Robert Malone said.
01:30:28.478 --> 01:30:32.261
And, you know, the world that you had before the pandemic never really existed anyway.
01:30:34.743 --> 01:30:40.607
Pollution against humanity itself, which you've been doing a superlative job of your team exposing, they try to suppress it.
01:30:40.827 --> 01:30:49.593
So lay out, I know it's 450,000 pages, but the, I want to say the highlights, it's a horrible nightmare that you've documented.
01:30:49.613 --> 01:30:51.715
01:30:51.755 --> 01:30:53.096
Um, yeah, it's so,
01:30:53.985 --> 01:30:55.566
hard to even talk about, Alex.
01:30:55.646 --> 01:31:06.493
It's honestly like opening the gates of Auschwitz, you know, when the Allied troops first, when they didn't know there were concentration camps, and then they saw stacks and stacks of bodies.
01:31:06.573 --> 01:31:07.373
It feels like that.
01:31:08.574 --> 01:31:12.957
Well, number one, Pfizer knew that the vaccines didn't work to stop COVID.
01:31:13.017 --> 01:31:14.998
They knew it a month after rollout.
01:31:15.898 --> 01:31:19.380
The third most common side effect in the Pfizer documents is COVID.
01:31:20.919 --> 01:31:25.240
Pfizer's own language is failure of efficacy and vaccine failure.
01:31:25.661 --> 01:31:28.801
So, Alex, imagine what this means.
01:31:29.162 --> 01:31:42.306
Every single thing that followed, the mandates, the lost jobs, the children at home, the people dropping dead on the athletic field, the side effects, it was all based on a lie from the very beginning.
01:31:42.486 --> 01:31:45.067
And everybody knew up and down the chain of command.
01:31:45.627 --> 01:31:49.268
Pfizer and the FDA, who had custody of all these documents,
01:31:49.508 --> 01:31:52.249
And so the lie is that it was safe, you see?
01:31:54.229 --> 01:31:56.990
The lie is they lied about the shots being safe.
01:31:57.130 --> 01:31:57.790
They weren't safe.
01:31:59.811 --> 01:32:02.271
They didn't lie about the reason why you needed the shot.
01:32:02.311 --> 01:32:03.111
That would be crazy.
01:32:05.432 --> 01:32:07.592
They didn't lie about the reason why you needed the shot.
01:32:07.632 --> 01:32:09.393
They lied about the safety of the shot.
01:32:09.433 --> 01:32:11.373
That's why we have to be mad at Pfizer.
01:32:16.218 --> 01:32:22.722
Actually, Scott Shara, Grace's dad, predicted this a couple months ago on my show.
01:32:22.782 --> 01:32:28.345
He said that Pfizer was gonna be thrown under the bus and that they were gonna blame, you know, somebody would get the blame for it.
01:32:28.385 --> 01:32:29.986
And it's, there's no, they lied.
01:32:31.327 --> 01:32:32.668
The whole system lied.
01:32:32.708 --> 01:32:33.908
It doesn't matter who knows.
01:32:34.449 --> 01:32:41.253
We first have to get people to understand that a embedded chorus of traitors
01:32:42.807 --> 01:33:06.243
that probably exists within all of the Five Eyes countries have coordinatedly lied over many decades about the potential for pandemics in bat caves and in laboratories and set up that bureaucracy with either dumb people or dumb ideas so that when they decided to unleash the plan that she probably knew enough about so that she could write a book in 2008,
01:33:09.716 --> 01:33:13.079
Of course, economists have seen one side of this coming for a long time.
01:33:13.139 --> 01:33:21.185
That's why since the late 90s, they've been talking about the impending disaster that was going to be the Medicare and the boomer generation aging out.
01:33:26.291 --> 01:33:34.256
Chris Martinson is another person who was on the PBS NewsHour in 2008 talking about financial collapse and predicting that America was going to collapse.
01:33:34.316 --> 01:33:40.200
And so you had to go back and be a sustainable farmer and be off grid.
01:33:41.061 --> 01:33:51.748
Chris Martinson, the guy who was in the Signal Chat with me and Brett Weinstein and Matthew Crawford and Alexandros Marinos and Roller Gator.
01:33:55.000 --> 01:33:58.802
2021 where I was trying to convince them that you got to call it transfection.
01:33:58.822 --> 01:33:59.462
That's all it is.
01:33:59.522 --> 01:34:02.844
And transfection just induces autoimmunity when it goes wrong.
01:34:03.284 --> 01:34:06.225
And it can be anywhere and anytime and it's lame.
01:34:06.405 --> 01:34:07.766
Don't use it in healthy humans.
01:34:08.326 --> 01:34:10.627
And four years later, they're still not really saying it.
01:34:10.807 --> 01:34:16.890
They're still ignoring me, even though all the useful immunology that he ever spoke in 2020 and 2021 either came from me or was
01:34:20.552 --> 01:34:27.474
was a result of him not understanding what I explained to him and so he read something else, which is not very likely.
01:34:29.554 --> 01:34:42.297
And remember that the relationship between Brett and I ended because he told me in that signal chat that he didn't think a 30-minute Zoom conversation with me would clarify any of the stuff that he didn't understand.
01:34:42.337 --> 01:34:43.618
It just wasn't worth his time.
01:34:44.438 --> 01:34:48.299
If I couldn't explain it in a text message, he didn't want to have a Zoom meeting with
01:34:49.517 --> 01:34:50.577
And so I left that group.
01:34:53.659 --> 01:35:05.503
And now Chris Martinson has just recently done a stream with Steve Kirsch and Kevin McKernan to talk about the double-stranded DNA in the shot.
01:35:07.244 --> 01:35:12.366
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately, I'm right in the middle of it again.
01:35:15.145 --> 01:35:18.586
But that's the way, and that's the reason why I'm here.
01:35:18.846 --> 01:35:20.427
That's the reason why I can't stop.
01:35:23.428 --> 01:35:38.812
Because I'm one of the few people who has seen it from the inside, and I'm one of the few people that all these people are focused on making sure that people don't pay attention to by attributing bad motives instead of arguing with the biology that I purport to understand better than them.
01:35:40.313 --> 01:35:41.373
And the White House knew.
01:35:42.253 --> 01:35:51.184
Pfizer hired 2,400 staffers to manage the flood of reports of adverse events that they knew they would.
01:35:51.304 --> 01:35:51.784
There you go.
01:35:51.824 --> 01:35:58.592
Vilma says that he was on Steve Kirsch's foundation, the project board of his VRSF.
01:35:58.612 --> 01:35:59.774
So there you go.
01:36:01.203 --> 01:36:01.663
There you go.
01:36:01.864 --> 01:36:06.248
It's all just one big network of Democrats, I think, that are pretending to be conservative.
01:36:06.628 --> 01:36:10.232
And maybe they're doing something with Bobby.
01:36:10.292 --> 01:36:10.692
I don't know.
01:36:10.753 --> 01:36:18.000
But it's all just one weirdo show setting us up for a massive crash or massive drop on our face.
01:36:18.803 --> 01:36:22.286
And so you've got to engage informed noncompliance.
01:36:22.326 --> 01:36:33.514
And the best way to be engaging in informed noncompliance is to not listen to the people who are actively reciting the limited script that they've been given.
01:36:33.614 --> 01:36:36.216
Getting only three months into the rollout.
01:36:36.396 --> 01:36:37.436
And you just said a key.
01:36:37.677 --> 01:36:45.102
They knew in October 2020, the FDA puts out a document of predicted adverse reactions.
01:36:45.162 --> 01:36:46.383
It's exactly what followed.
01:36:46.423 --> 01:36:47.063
That's the key.
01:36:47.143 --> 01:36:47.624
They knew.
01:36:49.500 --> 01:36:50.741
They knew, but they didn't tell us.
01:36:50.841 --> 01:36:54.664
What followed was a gigantic propaganda and pressure campaign.
01:36:54.724 --> 01:36:55.164
01:36:55.545 --> 01:37:02.650
They knew by May of 2021 that children were sustaining heart damage from the injections.
01:37:03.050 --> 01:37:07.133
And, in fact, our lawyers FOIAed White House communications.
01:37:07.313 --> 01:37:12.577
And all the big top names were in that e-mail chain, Dr. Walensky, Dr. Fauci.
01:37:13.931 --> 01:37:23.740
So so far, we're not talking anything about the fact that in New York City, there's some weird data where it doesn't even look like it looks like a bomb went off and then everything stopped.
01:37:25.661 --> 01:37:35.690
Even though she did an hour long interview with Jessica Hockett less than a year ago, where Jessica showed her all this data, and I think very convincingly argued that we needed to reinvestigate what's going on in New York.
01:37:38.689 --> 01:37:48.091
And since then, she's talked to police detectives and other people that are all like, yeah, if that many people died every week for four weeks, I'd have known about it.
01:37:52.133 --> 01:38:07.497
And so it's interesting, right, that she's on Alex Jones yesterday and is still selling the same complaints and whistleblowing stories that she says she started pushing in June of 2021.
01:38:07.637 --> 01:38:20.960
Well, that's not very different than what Robert Malone, who was telling us all about the evolution of the virus and the are not, bought of the virus, are not, are not of the virus to Paul Cuttrell.
01:38:21.580 --> 01:38:32.449
in August of 2021, just one month later, after he had just been on Bret Weinstein's podcast and ruined his family's life by demonetizing their YouTube channel.
01:38:39.535 --> 01:38:44.860
So their stories don't really change very much in four years, do they?
01:38:46.954 --> 01:38:47.594
It's weird, right?
01:38:48.435 --> 01:38:50.435
I guess it's because they got censored for this.
01:38:50.475 --> 01:38:53.677
So then they think, oh, well, they censored me for this, so I better keep repeating it.
01:38:56.798 --> 01:38:57.858
15 White House staffers.
01:38:58.358 --> 01:39:07.722
And they were freaking out because there was conclusive evidence from the Israel Ministry of Health and from a pediatricians group that kids were having their hearts injured.
01:39:08.222 --> 01:39:14.444
And instead of telling us, they were freaking out in order to create a fully redacted script to continue to lie.
01:39:14.464 --> 01:39:16.185
And that's called a strong signal.
01:39:17.739 --> 01:39:18.939
I want to see at least.
01:39:19.539 --> 01:39:23.120
The sore neck thing is, where's my phone?
01:39:23.300 --> 01:39:24.600
Shit, my phone's not down here.
01:39:26.541 --> 01:39:32.222
The sore neck thing is called occipital, is it occipital myelitis?
01:39:33.042 --> 01:39:34.082
I might not have been on there.
01:39:39.943 --> 01:39:42.124
There's myelitis, see myelitis right there.
01:39:43.024 --> 01:39:47.105
And myelitis can be occipital, and then that goes from your neck up to the back of your head.
01:39:48.140 --> 01:39:53.805
I actually, the guy at the gym that I was telling you about last week, that was his symptom.
01:39:53.825 --> 01:39:58.369
He had pain in his neck and pain that went up to the back of his head that wouldn't allow him to sleep.
01:39:58.409 --> 01:39:59.870
But apparently it's gone away now.
01:40:00.831 --> 01:40:03.573
And he took a shingles vaccine after, and that's what gave him that.
01:40:03.593 --> 01:40:09.958
Telling us they were freaking out in order to create a fully redacted script to continue to lie.
01:40:09.978 --> 01:40:11.700
And that's called a strong signal.
01:40:13.360 --> 01:40:14.561
Oh, to say the least.
01:40:14.941 --> 01:40:15.661
To say the least.
01:40:15.761 --> 01:40:16.382
It's murderous.
01:40:17.282 --> 01:40:26.928
They knew that, I mean, if you go, if you went to get an injection, you would have seen that the warning signs, the side effects were chills, fever, maybe a headache.
01:40:27.308 --> 01:40:31.650
Well, they knew that the top side effects were joint pain.
01:40:32.170 --> 01:40:38.814
How many people do you know who now had hip replacements, knee replacements, have arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis?
01:40:38.854 --> 01:40:40.455
That's the number one side effect.
01:40:40.875 --> 01:40:41.996
tens of thousands.
01:40:43.116 --> 01:40:45.377
They knew that- I have three friends, sorry to interrupt.
01:40:45.497 --> 01:40:50.900
I have three friends that are middle-aged, 40, 50- Hey, I want to stop for a second because I really think it's important.
01:40:52.000 --> 01:40:53.461
I think the point is very valid.
01:40:53.501 --> 01:40:55.122
I'm just going to get out another video.
01:40:56.362 --> 01:40:58.143
Maybe I can drop it in here.
01:41:00.144 --> 01:41:00.764
Let me do that.
01:41:00.784 --> 01:41:06.987
Let me make a new slide and then I'll put the video in and then I'll put it up.
01:41:08.668 --> 01:41:10.189
I think I got it in the cuts here.
01:41:11.152 --> 01:41:11.852
Hold on one second.
01:41:11.892 --> 01:41:23.260
This is referring to the Jimmy Dore conversation that Yong Insef, I don't know how to say any of these names, so I apologize.
01:41:24.141 --> 01:41:28.003
Let me just play this clip.
01:41:29.264 --> 01:41:31.145
And let me, yeah, I'll just do it.
01:41:31.766 --> 01:41:33.227
Slideshow, current slide.
01:41:34.537 --> 01:41:39.358
So this is a slide with Jimmy Dore and this is a show from like a day ago.
01:41:39.958 --> 01:41:49.121
And remember that Jimmy Dore, if he is a limited spectrum of debate, then this might be it in the sense that he's allowed to say anything politically he wants to.
01:41:49.141 --> 01:41:51.741
He's allowed to ask political questions.
01:41:51.761 --> 01:41:54.842
He's allowed to take any position that he wants on Israel or whatever.
01:41:55.942 --> 01:42:01.024
But he's not going to question the starting narrative of the pandemic.
01:42:01.064 --> 01:42:02.664
The pandemic obviously occurred.
01:42:03.324 --> 01:42:05.166
A lot of times that's all it's required, right?
01:42:05.206 --> 01:42:10.350
I mean, novel virus killed millions, millions more were saved, likely gain of function, therefore it will come again.
01:42:10.830 --> 01:42:18.817
So he really does not question that faith, even though I gave him the book with the letter inside of it and with the pages marked.
01:42:20.097 --> 01:42:23.039
And so it bothers me a lot, I gotta be honest with you.
01:42:23.539 --> 01:42:30.822
But here's an example of a clip that I cut, because I do think that at least on certain subjects, Jimmy is allowed to say the truth.
01:42:30.882 --> 01:42:33.163
And that's probably the same with Naomi.
01:42:33.563 --> 01:42:36.304
But I don't think Jimmy is like Naomi.
01:42:36.344 --> 01:42:39.185
He hasn't been in on it his whole life.
01:42:39.285 --> 01:42:43.827
If he's controlled right now, he's controlled through coercion or through hints.
01:42:46.088 --> 01:42:56.913
Don't I don't think he's playing for them not certainly not wittingly And if he is then it's very recently when I met him he was not a liar
01:42:59.446 --> 01:43:02.688
And when I met, I can't remember her name now, and I apologize for that.
01:43:02.708 --> 01:43:04.890
But I also met his wife, and she's great.
01:43:05.591 --> 01:43:08.032
They feel very genuine.
01:43:09.113 --> 01:43:13.696
The only thing I felt was that I'm standing in a line with a bunch of other people that want to take a selfie.
01:43:13.716 --> 01:43:21.642
And so there's a certain, let's say, distance that you keep from anybody that says, oh my gosh, I like you, or hey, it's great to see you.
01:43:22.203 --> 01:43:23.904
And so that's the energy that I felt.
01:43:23.944 --> 01:43:27.666
But I really felt it warmed up very quick, and in fact,
01:43:28.703 --> 01:43:29.343
What is her name?
01:43:29.383 --> 01:43:30.064
Did you put it in?
01:43:30.144 --> 01:43:35.528
Steph came up to us after the show when we were walking out and grabbed my arm and said, we've got your book.
01:43:35.568 --> 01:43:37.409
We'll, we'll, we'll, we got your book.
01:43:37.469 --> 01:43:38.270
Thank you very much.
01:43:38.810 --> 01:43:43.773
And actually the guy who was selling the t-shirts when I went out to get a t-shirt said the exact same thing.
01:43:43.813 --> 01:43:45.074
Oh, you're the guy that gave the book, dude.
01:43:45.094 --> 01:43:45.755
I'm so excited.
01:43:45.795 --> 01:43:46.235
That's great.
01:43:46.255 --> 01:43:46.855
Thanks a lot.
01:43:47.876 --> 01:43:48.857
So there's still hope.
01:43:49.761 --> 01:43:57.543
And I think it's possible that they're just really busy trying to make ends meet and pay for all their travel, and they've got lots of shows booked.
01:43:57.983 --> 01:44:01.084
And so they may be like, oh, wow, we should have this guy on.
01:44:01.124 --> 01:44:03.505
But at the same time, what does that mean?
01:44:04.965 --> 01:44:05.846
So I'm optimistic.
01:44:07.563 --> 01:44:09.004
And I'm just going to throw this out there.
01:44:09.044 --> 01:44:12.767
I don't know what you think, but I might be on Viva Fry next week.
01:44:13.868 --> 01:44:16.430
At least there's some threat of that.
01:44:17.151 --> 01:44:19.112
I could show you it on my phone, but we just texted.
01:44:19.393 --> 01:44:21.694
And he is asking for it.
01:44:22.275 --> 01:44:24.116
I told him any time next week would be fine.
01:44:24.176 --> 01:44:26.498
So we'll see what happens there.
01:44:26.879 --> 01:44:30.942
So anyway, let me just play this, because about Cornel West, he's allowed to go bananas.
01:44:32.603 --> 01:44:33.124
Is it playing?
01:44:34.064 --> 01:44:34.745
I think it's playing.
01:44:35.866 --> 01:44:36.466
01:44:36.486 --> 01:44:37.007
Ruin his life?
01:44:37.774 --> 01:44:39.074
He owes child support.
01:44:39.154 --> 01:44:40.115
He's not going to jail.
01:44:40.455 --> 01:44:58.058
He's trying to get a sweet money and he never had an answer for any of that He never had an answer for how you become a half a million dollars in debt to the irs You didn't pay half a million dollars in taxes Anyway, and I don't care about his personal life with his child support, but he never had an answer for it either And i'm not coming down.
01:44:58.279 --> 01:45:04.800
I i'm not attacking the brother I'm, just telling the truth I'm, just telling the truth
01:45:07.045 --> 01:45:07.865
I think that's nice.
01:45:07.986 --> 01:45:19.995
Anyway, let's go back to, you know, I got a little hope for Jimmy yet, if only because he's not sophisticated enough to know that he's lying about the biology, or he's been misled about the biology.
01:45:20.035 --> 01:45:28.101
So I still have hope that like a lot of you, the first time you hear me say it well enough and calm enough,
01:45:28.781 --> 01:45:31.644
A light bulb goes on in your head and it never goes off again.
01:45:31.684 --> 01:45:33.565
I think that's why I don't lose followers.
01:45:33.625 --> 01:45:35.247
I just get them very slowly.
01:45:36.308 --> 01:45:48.799
Because if you catch the right stream or you catch the right stream of consciousness, it's very easy to see that I'm trying my best to tell the truth as it is, as best I know it.
01:45:48.819 --> 01:45:50.881
Here we go again, still just working.
01:45:51.241 --> 01:45:52.722
I have three friends that are middle-aged.
01:45:54.239 --> 01:45:58.141
that were great athletic, great shape, who literally hobble around like they're 90 now.
01:45:58.161 --> 01:45:59.722
And he never had an answer for any of that.
01:45:59.742 --> 01:46:04.124
He never had an answer for how you become a half a million dollars in debt to the IRS.
01:46:04.224 --> 01:46:08.947
There's another second symptom, myalgia, where people just have muscle aches.
01:46:09.027 --> 01:46:10.628
Their quality of life is terrible.
01:46:11.048 --> 01:46:12.889
So many people just feel bad.
01:46:12.909 --> 01:46:14.390
Pfizer knew that would happen.
01:46:15.410 --> 01:46:20.113
But then the other top side effects are catastrophic levels of strokes,
01:46:21.033 --> 01:46:31.677
tachycardia, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombotic thrombocytopenia, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, horrible clotting problems, epilepsies, dementias.
01:46:32.157 --> 01:46:33.637
And so now we know why.
01:46:33.717 --> 01:46:35.038
So I'm going to fast forward.
01:46:35.058 --> 01:46:37.819
I'm going to skip over kind of the lesser headlines of horrors.
01:46:38.279 --> 01:46:42.220
But my team now knows exactly why all these things are happening.
01:46:42.780 --> 01:46:54.325
These lipid nanoparticles, which are industrial fats, coated in polyethylene glycol, which is a petroleum byproduct, they don't stay in the deltoid, which is what you were told, right?
01:46:54.385 --> 01:46:55.165
That they stay there.
01:46:55.225 --> 01:46:57.186
As CDC said, it stays in the injection site.
01:46:57.286 --> 01:46:57.486
01:46:57.846 --> 01:47:01.108
Within 48 hours, these go to every organ in the human body.
01:47:01.648 --> 01:47:03.409
And they cross the blood brain.
01:47:03.589 --> 01:47:06.670
It's interesting that they showed Mike Eden back here, right?
01:47:06.710 --> 01:47:07.550
What's that all about?
01:47:09.211 --> 01:47:09.311
01:47:10.014 --> 01:47:14.077
I wonder if they're going to name him or that was just something weird.
01:47:14.257 --> 01:47:20.881
Lipid nanoparticles, which are industrial fats, coated in polyethylene glycol, which is a petroleum byproduct,
01:47:21.756 --> 01:47:25.499
they don't stay in the deltoid, which is what you were told, right?
01:47:25.559 --> 01:47:26.320
That they stay there.
01:47:26.380 --> 01:47:28.341
As CDC said, it stays in the injection site.
01:47:28.441 --> 01:47:28.641
01:47:29.022 --> 01:47:32.284
Within 48 hours, these go to every organ in the human body.
01:47:32.824 --> 01:47:34.946
And they cross the blood-brain barrier.
01:47:34.966 --> 01:47:38.329
They cross every membrane in the human body, right?
01:47:38.549 --> 01:47:41.611
So they kind of, I don't want to gross people out, but they kind of dissolve
01:47:43.550 --> 01:47:45.191
the integrity of the body from within.
01:47:46.051 --> 01:47:49.532
And I don't want people to freak out too much, although Alex, you go there, you're freaking.
01:47:49.592 --> 01:47:50.912
So you hear, right?
01:47:50.972 --> 01:47:57.614
They're not talking about maladaptively augmenting the immune system.
01:47:57.654 --> 01:47:58.855
They're not talking about
01:48:00.006 --> 01:48:06.792
about trashing the body's understanding of itself by transfecting random cells.
01:48:06.832 --> 01:48:14.859
They're not talking about the unbelievable, almost infinite bouquet of possibilities in this context.
01:48:15.360 --> 01:48:20.525
She's talking very specifically about a lipid nanoparticle that dissolves you from the inside.
01:48:20.945 --> 01:48:25.189
It almost sounds like it has nothing to do with the RNA expressing any protein at all.
01:48:26.417 --> 01:48:28.538
which some people think it doesn't.
01:48:28.578 --> 01:48:29.299
Maybe it doesn't.
01:48:29.479 --> 01:48:30.780
Maybe they've lied about that too.
01:48:30.900 --> 01:48:36.683
Honestly, I think we should assume that everything is a lie, including this.
01:48:38.664 --> 01:48:40.946
The explanation has never been good enough.
01:48:41.026 --> 01:48:48.150
It's not that that stuff doesn't exist, but anybody that's telling you that the lipid nanoparticle is dissolving you from the insulin, what is that then?
01:48:48.190 --> 01:48:49.131
That's not dissolving.
01:48:53.240 --> 01:48:58.182
And so she's not being very good at explaining the biology behind these different observations.
01:48:58.602 --> 01:49:03.984
And she's kind of implying that they're all coming from the same kind of shitty cause, right?
01:49:05.425 --> 01:49:10.147
There's no, I can't tell you really any mechanistic ideas about how this happens.
01:49:10.207 --> 01:49:18.810
I can just tell you lipid nanoparticle, lipid nanoparticle, lipid nanoparticle, dissolve lipid nanoparticle, inject lipid nanoparticle, dissolve vaccine, inject.
01:49:21.944 --> 01:49:24.306
I mean, that's what we're looking at right there.
01:49:25.186 --> 01:49:27.869
Well, go ahead and go there, doctor, because only the truth is going to set us free.
01:49:27.929 --> 01:49:29.030
And I'm not a scientist.
01:49:29.150 --> 01:49:30.191
He called her doctor.
01:49:30.851 --> 01:49:33.453
I don't think she's a doctor of medicine.
01:49:33.494 --> 01:49:34.955
I think she's a doctor of poetry.
01:49:34.995 --> 01:49:35.515
Am I wrong?
01:49:35.675 --> 01:49:37.277
Yes, but I do this all day.
01:49:38.037 --> 01:49:41.681
We have Gates bragging, oh, these are self-assembling nanobots.
01:49:42.261 --> 01:49:44.003
And so you get a little shot.
01:49:44.203 --> 01:49:47.365
Gates bragged that they're self-assembling nanobots?
01:49:47.486 --> 01:49:47.726
01:49:48.905 --> 01:49:50.766
And suddenly there's these clots they've never seen.
01:49:50.826 --> 01:49:55.367
And it appears to be some type of nanotechnology that's absorbing the body.
01:49:55.387 --> 01:49:57.228
And then we have Ray Kurzweil bragging about it.
01:49:58.528 --> 01:50:03.129
I haven't gotten that far because I don't know that for myself.
01:50:03.149 --> 01:50:05.190
You're just sticking with the Pfizer's own documents.
01:50:05.788 --> 01:50:07.088
I'm just sticking with what I know.
01:50:07.108 --> 01:50:14.370
That said, you always give me nightmares because things that you find that can't possibly be true always end up being true.
01:50:14.730 --> 01:50:17.371
So... It's just like Robert Malone said.
01:50:17.411 --> 01:50:20.611
He's one of the only guys in America who can see around corners.
01:50:21.491 --> 01:50:25.132
Such a patriot with a consistent record of being able to see around corners.
01:50:25.172 --> 01:50:29.793
That's what Robert Malone said when he was on his podcast thanking him for having him on.
01:50:32.154 --> 01:50:32.834
Stop lying!
01:50:34.152 --> 01:50:36.901
Like Elon said, all the conspiracy theories keep coming true.
01:50:38.197 --> 01:50:45.502
Yeah, and I can tell you, I'm a tech CEO now, and I can tell you that the dream of the whole tech sector is to hack the human body.
01:50:45.942 --> 01:50:53.267
I mean, why stop with... So she's a tech CEO, and she's telling you that the whole dream of our field is to hack the human body.
01:50:53.287 --> 01:50:54.708
She didn't say she's not like that.
01:50:55.488 --> 01:50:56.529
She's a tech CEO.
01:50:56.569 --> 01:50:58.871
She can tell you that all of them want to hack the human body.
01:50:58.891 --> 01:50:59.751
Does that mean her, too?
01:51:00.132 --> 01:51:01.973
Software, why stop with your computer?
01:51:02.313 --> 01:51:03.974
They want to get into our bodies.
01:51:04.094 --> 01:51:05.315
It's a goldmine.
01:51:05.797 --> 01:51:14.505
And that's why I personally didn't get vaccinated, because it was the biotech industry that was so excited about the lipid nanoparticles, not so much the medical journals.
01:51:14.825 --> 01:51:15.646
And I'm like, I read.
01:51:15.686 --> 01:51:18.528
She keeps repeating lipid nanoparticle, lipid nanoparticle.
01:51:18.568 --> 01:51:24.794
So she is doing the same limited spectrum of debate trick, but just a different aspect of it.
01:51:24.994 --> 01:51:29.077
It's a different amalgamation of words that
01:51:29.838 --> 01:51:35.940
It ends up being confusing to anybody that's trying to use social media to extricate themselves from the cave.
01:51:37.261 --> 01:51:44.083
Recognize a gold rush for an untested technology that that tech is excited about.
01:51:45.263 --> 01:51:50.745
You know, and then when the damage is done, that will walk away right after the after the VC bubble.
01:51:50.805 --> 01:51:55.047
Google was heavily invested in in the Wuhan laboratory.
01:51:56.372 --> 01:52:21.684
Oh, it's so evil, yes, but also the whole cabal, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Nintendo, Facebook, all of them were part of the COVID-19 reaction project, COVID-19 response project in the very beginning of 2020 to amplify these messages of fear and this unified messaging that you saw all around the world.
01:52:21.764 --> 01:52:22.144
01:52:22.465 --> 01:52:25.346
Because locking us in our homes and then injecting us
01:52:26.126 --> 01:52:32.389
Locking us in our homes led to a 23% boost in net revenue for the digital technology companies.
01:52:32.489 --> 01:52:38.272
And they knew that, and yes- But she's a tech CEO, so did she make more money from the pandemic too, apparently?
01:52:39.972 --> 01:52:50.617
And again, we're not talking about the idea that this massive system that is influenced and run by weaponized piles of money would ever lie to us about the pandemic.
01:52:51.998 --> 01:52:54.339
They just lie to us about the safety of the shot.
01:52:56.308 --> 01:53:00.049
because they knew it was bad, so they had to lie about it, safety.
01:53:01.970 --> 01:53:16.294
Not that they knew the shot was so bad that they would lie about a gain-of-function virus and all the things that the spike protein would do so that when the transfection was rolled out, we would blame it all on the spike protein instead of the shot.
01:53:17.595 --> 01:53:21.816
Or maybe she wants you to blame it on the lipid nanoparticle instead of the transfection.
01:53:24.588 --> 01:53:28.950
And so then you have the same narrative that somebody like Christine Grace was pushing.
01:53:29.331 --> 01:53:32.272
And that was that the lipid nanoparticle was all we had to worry about.
01:53:35.794 --> 01:53:40.396
And there you see how this coordinated Lollapalooza of lies works.
01:53:40.416 --> 01:53:47.100
You go to one stage and you hear somebody rocking out hard about the lipid nanoparticle dissolving your brain.
01:53:48.063 --> 01:53:55.546
Then you go to another stage and you hear somebody rocking about how the spike protein has gained a function and it's got some amyloid in it.
01:53:55.566 --> 01:54:02.629
And then you go to another stage and you hear somebody saying pregnant women should never be injected.
01:54:02.789 --> 01:54:04.489
Oh my gosh, they're evil.
01:54:04.510 --> 01:54:09.531
And no matter which song you listen to, it's the same in the end.
01:54:09.572 --> 01:54:11.372
They're all singing about Moloch, I guess.
01:54:11.412 --> 01:54:12.373
They're all singing about,
01:54:17.745 --> 01:54:26.416
Please tell me this kind of work is helping people to see that I'm not crazy and neither are you for thinking that all these people are lying to us.
01:54:27.597 --> 01:54:29.419
Zuckerberg is invested in the vaccines.
01:54:29.760 --> 01:54:31.261
Google's invested in vaccines.
01:54:31.582 --> 01:54:33.544
Google was invested in the PCR tests.
01:54:33.865 --> 01:54:37.049
I mean, it's all a giant digital play along with
01:54:37.709 --> 01:54:39.950
The globalists in China, they're all aligned in this.
01:54:40.270 --> 01:54:43.992
But just to get back to what I want to be sure to tell them.
01:54:44.092 --> 01:54:50.115
The globalists in China are aligned with the globalists in the West, but I'm a Rhodes Scholar and I don't work for them.
01:54:50.736 --> 01:54:51.116
The world.
01:54:51.496 --> 01:54:54.357
I used to work for the Clintons, but I don't work for the globalists.
01:54:56.104 --> 01:55:00.487
of the horrors and the deaths, 1,225 deaths, right?
01:55:01.067 --> 01:55:06.571
The central horror, the central goal of these injections from the documents is to destroy human reproduction.
01:55:06.591 --> 01:55:10.013
By the way, you're just talking about their quiet secret tests they wanted to cover up.
01:55:11.213 --> 01:55:13.115
So speak after this to what we know.
01:55:13.155 --> 01:55:16.457
We hear insurance actuaries of 17, 22 million.
01:55:16.877 --> 01:55:20.019
We see Edward Dow with numbers of hundreds of millions damaged.
01:55:21.193 --> 01:55:22.175
Let's let's get to that.
01:55:22.195 --> 01:55:26.221
But first what we know from just their limited test that they try to suppress.
01:55:26.241 --> 01:55:29.868
Yeah well part of it is that.
01:55:30.603 --> 01:55:38.190
test before the emergency use authorization, which was completely gamed, like they hid dead bodies in order to get the EUA.
01:55:39.170 --> 01:55:52.762
But- Oh, so they lied about some people dying from the injection so they could get the EUA, but they would never lie about murder in order to convince the world that there was a spreading pathogen in order so that they could do that.
01:55:53.022 --> 01:55:53.563
No way.
01:55:53.583 --> 01:55:55.705
That's beyond the pale.
01:55:55.765 --> 01:55:57.066
Come on, Jay, don't be silly.
01:55:58.001 --> 01:56:04.944
But part of it, which is also scary, it's three months of data that include after the rollout, right?
01:56:05.024 --> 01:56:10.127
So they're already rolling out November, December.
01:56:10.747 --> 01:56:14.709
Yavall Noah Harari has no children because he's gay.
01:56:14.729 --> 01:56:18.050
So why would we listen to him about the future?
01:56:18.070 --> 01:56:18.951
Not to be a dick.
01:56:19.633 --> 01:56:20.334
But I'm going to be.
01:56:20.354 --> 01:56:24.117
If you're not raising kids, why should we listen to you about the future?
01:56:24.637 --> 01:56:34.225
That's my message to my brother in Texas who's decided not to have children because his career and the career of his wife are more important than the next generation of humans on earth.
01:56:35.065 --> 01:56:38.288
And he thinks that I'm being selfish because I have three kids.
01:56:39.048 --> 01:56:40.850
You know, we don't need more people on the planet, man.
01:56:42.182 --> 01:56:44.984
I think we need a lot more grown-ups on the planet, actually.
01:56:45.024 --> 01:56:47.426
And we need grown-ups that are willing to raise grown-ups.
01:56:47.466 --> 01:56:48.126
That's what we need.
01:56:48.507 --> 01:56:51.349
Right now, we've got a bunch of children pretending to be grown-ups.
01:56:51.409 --> 01:56:57.353
A bunch of people that have been faking it until they make it, since they were teenagers, and they're still faking it.
01:56:59.175 --> 01:57:00.616
They've never had any hardship.
01:57:00.656 --> 01:57:02.257
They've never been slapped in their mouth.
01:57:04.793 --> 01:57:09.259
And a lot of these people just need to be slapped in their mouth, and then they need to be off the internet.
01:57:09.339 --> 01:57:10.921
They need to be off of your mind.
01:57:10.961 --> 01:57:12.623
You need to stop following them.
01:57:13.804 --> 01:57:18.610
These people are lying to you, lying to your children, working for the slavers.
01:57:22.894 --> 01:57:24.556
2020 to 2021 is the period.
01:57:25.036 --> 01:57:29.100
And people are getting sick and dying and getting sterilized and babies are dying.
01:57:29.621 --> 01:57:33.645
And they're monitoring it, checking it, tabulating it, and they just keep going.
01:57:33.966 --> 01:57:35.748
So it's horror on both sides, right?
01:57:35.788 --> 01:57:38.250
It's the horror, the lies to get the EUA.
01:57:38.390 --> 01:57:42.875
And then homeschooling is probably going to be how GigaOM Biological actually makes it work.
01:57:42.915 --> 01:57:44.197
How can it be any other way?
01:57:46.957 --> 01:57:49.838
But homeschooling is tough and a curriculum is tough.
01:57:49.898 --> 01:57:53.699
And so if I'm going to roll out many courses, I can't just do it like I'm doing this.
01:57:54.219 --> 01:57:55.199
I got to be prepared.
01:57:55.239 --> 01:57:56.040
That takes time.
01:57:56.100 --> 01:57:59.401
And so I'm trying my best to get ready for that.
01:57:59.701 --> 01:58:11.444
And I think by the end of the summer, I'm probably going to be at the point where there can be many courses for adults and also many courses for high school or college age kids thinking about biology.
01:58:12.122 --> 01:58:22.070
And they can be online and then they can have little donation links that people who like them can donate and and then those will be kind of permanent things that we can have on peer tube and on Vimeo and.
01:58:22.594 --> 01:58:27.635
And that may be a way to start the cycle of, wow, you know, we can just run on this machine alone.
01:58:27.655 --> 01:58:32.176
I think that's the big goal of the coming couple months.
01:58:32.716 --> 01:58:36.217
Because again, we have till November, right, when the brownstone is going to be there.
01:58:36.237 --> 01:58:38.377
That's the next basketball season.
01:58:38.397 --> 01:58:40.198
That's the next school year.
01:58:40.258 --> 01:58:42.178
My son starts high school in the fall.
01:58:42.618 --> 01:58:45.599
So we need to start planning a little bit farther ahead.
01:58:45.659 --> 01:58:47.179
We need to start looking farther ahead.
01:58:47.219 --> 01:58:51.780
We need to start imagining what dominoes are going to fall and make sure that they don't.
01:58:52.816 --> 01:58:53.657
or get in the way.
01:58:55.019 --> 01:58:57.902
So that's the next evolution of our moves around here.
01:58:59.044 --> 01:59:05.692
And that's why I think preparing in this way, making sure that we populate this particular slide
01:59:12.108 --> 01:59:38.057
that we populate this particular slide as accurately as possible as we move into the future and use the pressure of the truth to try and get as many of these people that are still in this little matrix over there to move over to this side and reject the idea that we shouldn't talk about 2020, but instead realize that 2020 is where the real truth sits and before.
01:59:39.437 --> 01:59:51.523
and realize that the people who are just focused on the shots being bad and have a long history of being tied to the biosecurity state should no longer be trusted.
01:59:51.583 --> 01:59:52.884
That means Robert Malone.
01:59:53.264 --> 01:59:54.425
That means Andrew Huff.
01:59:54.825 --> 01:59:57.586
That means Brett Weinstein.
01:59:57.926 --> 02:00:01.068
It means Kevin McKernan definitely shouldn't be trusted.
02:00:01.248 --> 02:00:04.430
And Geert van den Bolsch definitely shouldn't be trusted.
02:00:04.470 --> 02:00:06.511
They've been in too long, too deep.
02:00:07.386 --> 02:00:18.654
Bret Weinstein's father was the first patent lawyer to be in the Department of Justice, and he was in the Department of Justice of John F. Kennedy, and worked under the direction of Robert F. Kennedy.
02:00:19.995 --> 02:00:26.280
So it cannot be explained any other way other than it is deception for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
02:00:26.340 --> 02:00:29.863
to have been on Bret Weinstein's podcast in November 2021.
02:00:32.199 --> 02:00:48.004
only to be released in February, 2023 and to have a three hour conversation with this man with whom your father worked with his father and not mention that interesting connection between the two of them.
02:00:48.064 --> 02:01:00.428
Maybe that's the reason why Bobby Kennedy ended up traveling all the way to Seattle or wherever he lives in Portland and recording a podcast in person with Brett Weinstein.
02:01:01.161 --> 02:01:06.546
Not because Bret Weinstein and the dark web are really good people, but because their dads work together.
02:01:21.047 --> 02:01:26.053
and they roll it out on a public that they're assuring that it's safe and effective.
02:01:26.493 --> 02:01:31.118
Meanwhile, they're just documenting the injuries, documenting the deaths, documenting the side effects.
02:01:32.380 --> 02:01:34.923
Shall I go to what I think is the centerpiece of this?
02:01:34.943 --> 02:01:35.043
02:01:35.103 --> 02:01:36.685
I said I wouldn't interrupt, but you're so on target.
02:01:36.705 --> 02:01:38.647
I just keep adding everything you're saying is on record.
02:01:38.847 --> 02:01:40.429
So please, go wherever you want.
02:01:41.883 --> 02:01:50.228
No, I just want to make sure that people understand this, what the true... So Alex, you know, COVID is a respiratory infection, arguably, right?
02:01:50.248 --> 02:01:50.848
It's supposed to be.
02:01:51.308 --> 02:01:53.830
Well, there's very little in the Pfizer documents on lungs.
02:01:53.970 --> 02:01:58.673
It's all about, not all, the centerpiece of it is about sex and reproduction.
02:01:59.973 --> 02:02:04.436
So what you've got is the lipid nanoparticles accumulating in the ovaries.
02:02:05.171 --> 02:02:18.995
and uh and blocking the ovaries and there's no way they leave the body right so first injection in the ovary second injection more third injection more and so what you have now is along with women with horrific menstrual
02:02:19.722 --> 02:02:21.965
dysregulation, hormonal dysregulation.
02:02:22.506 --> 02:02:24.168
You've also got blocked ovaries.
02:02:24.408 --> 02:02:26.450
This is a repeat from the beginning, of course.
02:02:26.570 --> 02:02:28.553
Abdominal surgeries.
02:02:29.254 --> 02:02:32.077
The lipid nanoparticles traverse the placenta.
02:02:32.618 --> 02:02:35.701
The lipid nanoparticles suppress semen.
02:02:36.342 --> 02:02:37.644
Actually, in the Pfizer documents,
02:02:38.504 --> 02:02:45.725
They tell vaccinated men not to have intercourse with unvaccinated women without using too reliable forms of contraception.
02:02:45.945 --> 02:02:49.206
In their own documents, they say a man can shed it to a woman.
02:02:49.426 --> 02:02:53.287
So this is literally a torpedo aimed right at the goddess, right at the woman.
02:02:54.327 --> 02:02:57.328
Oh, that's a beautiful way to put it, but that's exactly right.
02:02:57.728 --> 02:03:00.268
It's about destroying women and babies for sure.
02:03:01.868 --> 02:03:04.809
But also emasculating men because the lipid nanoparticles
02:03:05.373 --> 02:03:15.120
degrade the testes of baby boys in utero, including the latex cells and sertoli cells, which generate masculine hormones in adolescents and turn boys into men.
02:03:15.360 --> 02:03:18.162
But why would they just do that to baby boys in the womb?
02:03:18.222 --> 02:03:23.826
Why wouldn't they also do that to college age kids and 40 year old men?
02:03:26.307 --> 02:03:29.950
Why are we being so specific talking about baby boys in the womb?
02:03:31.593 --> 02:03:44.424
Again, it's a limited spectrum and she's getting very angry within that limited spectrum, but she's not able to generalize and say, not only is this bad, but think this has implications for every man that took it and every woman that took it.
02:03:47.246 --> 02:03:47.887
Don't need to say that.
02:03:48.263 --> 02:03:53.206
And so we don't even know if the babies of vaccinated moms will grow up to be normal men.
02:03:53.286 --> 02:03:57.429
And then they just say, it's OK, you're a mutant, you're really a girl, and now you compete in girls' sports.
02:03:57.489 --> 02:03:58.930
Yeah, we can see the plan.
02:03:59.550 --> 02:04:05.214
It's like a fire ant eradication program where they hit the ants with hormones so they have mutated babies or kill them.
02:04:05.554 --> 02:04:07.675
I mean, this is a depopulation operation.
02:04:08.436 --> 02:04:09.977
It's a depopulation operation.
02:04:10.257 --> 02:04:15.921
So by watching Alex Jones for the first 20 minutes, you've actually already heard this twice, you see?
02:04:16.946 --> 02:04:19.249
That's just obvious military.
02:04:19.269 --> 02:04:23.253
I mean, this is a military op of some kind, right?
02:04:23.934 --> 02:04:25.736
It's neuro-linguistic programming.
02:04:25.796 --> 02:04:30.041
It's messaging, very controlled because they repeated the best parts in the beginning.
02:04:30.081 --> 02:04:34.006
And now you're hearing them again within 40 minutes or 20 minutes, excuse me.
02:04:35.979 --> 02:04:51.987
And as Janet Reno asks in the chat, is she just telling Alex Jones about this or she's got some plan on how to act on the things that 3,200 people were able to read and 450,000 pages of paperwork that was submitted by Pfizer.
02:04:52.287 --> 02:05:02.052
What's really funny is that a day ago we watched Kevin McKernan complaining about the FDA getting in the way of all these EUAs and that there was like 10 pages of paperwork for an EUA.
02:05:03.888 --> 02:05:06.170
I mean, please remember that.
02:05:06.330 --> 02:05:07.390
It's not too long ago.
02:05:07.450 --> 02:05:08.111
You can do it.
02:05:08.831 --> 02:05:10.673
That's exactly what he said.
02:05:10.693 --> 02:05:18.978
He complained about it repeatedly in that hour on the Vance Crowe podcast, 24th of April, 2020, that the FDA was a pain in the ass.
02:05:18.998 --> 02:05:20.459
He's got a lot of experience with it.
02:05:20.499 --> 02:05:21.560
All they do is get in the way.
02:05:21.960 --> 02:05:25.643
The way this should have been done is throw all the regulations out and let the free market do it.
02:05:26.923 --> 02:05:30.266
But instead they made us get an EUA, which is like 10 pages of paperwork.
02:05:30.646 --> 02:05:31.907
It's just a big pain in the ass.
02:05:35.128 --> 02:05:50.654
Apparently Pfizer had to submit 450,000 pages of paperwork and it took a team of 3,200 professionals running in hamster wheels in order to read those pages to find out that, boy, they knew that they shouldn't have put it in pregnant women.
02:05:51.815 --> 02:05:53.055
Oh my gosh, they knew.
02:05:56.316 --> 02:06:00.138
Can you see how ridiculous the story is that we're being told here?
02:06:02.250 --> 02:06:15.975
The numbers that they use, the exaggeration, the, oh my goodness, I was censored because I was getting people to read and say stuff that we had to have 3,200 people read to figure out.
02:06:16.995 --> 02:06:17.556
You didn't.
02:06:19.836 --> 02:06:21.317
It was in the original document.
02:06:22.377 --> 02:06:26.639
It's not in the 450,000 pages of documents that your team read.
02:06:27.039 --> 02:06:29.880
It's in the very first documents that were available.
02:06:32.808 --> 02:06:33.468
A trial.
02:06:36.129 --> 02:06:45.192
And so this is all just huff and puff, smoke and mirrors, with the occasional cartoon about, you know, satanic worship or whatever.
02:06:45.773 --> 02:06:50.054
An occasional flash of, oh, there's Mike Eden, anti-vaxxer.
02:06:51.895 --> 02:06:52.775
No mention of him.
02:06:54.824 --> 02:06:55.804
02:06:56.085 --> 02:06:56.585
For sure.
02:06:56.705 --> 02:07:01.647
I didn't want to say that, but I reached a point in the evidence where you just can't ignore it.
02:07:02.007 --> 02:07:06.770
Pfizer has charts of babies getting sick from nursing vaccinated moms vomiting.
02:07:06.870 --> 02:07:07.670
One baby died.
02:07:08.090 --> 02:07:09.571
They just passed that on to the White House.
02:07:09.871 --> 02:07:12.292
They have charts of tens of thousands of women.
02:07:12.312 --> 02:07:17.115
I mean, at this stage, 40 minutes in, she could pivot to say, you know, it turns out, I think that the whole
02:07:18.035 --> 02:07:29.024
Vaccine schedule in America is actually pretty twisted, and you probably know this already, Alex, but if you compare the vaccine schedule in America to any other Western country, it just becomes patently obvious it's got to be criminal.
02:07:30.225 --> 02:07:34.748
These people have no liability even on the regular schedule, even before the pandemic was declared.
02:07:36.410 --> 02:07:45.497
But of course, 40 minutes in, we're going to repeat what we said in the beginning, and then we're going to go on and on and on, and never, ever, ever help anybody escape the cave.
02:07:46.932 --> 02:07:54.055
and menstrually ruined, like bleeding every day, hemorrhaging, two periods a month, no periods a month, meaning no babies.
02:07:54.476 --> 02:07:58.157
And they just keep, you know, gleefully, they keep going.
02:07:58.578 --> 02:08:02.279
And lastly, I know we only have a little bit of time, but it's not last.
02:08:02.299 --> 02:08:03.020
There's so much more.
02:08:03.060 --> 02:08:05.021
But the main thing I want to tell people is,
02:08:06.721 --> 02:08:14.004
There's an eight-page report on pregnancy and lactation that shows that this injection kills babies in utero.
02:08:14.824 --> 02:08:18.285
They had two babies die that were in their moms, you know, in utero.
02:08:19.025 --> 02:08:23.907
And Pfizer concluded that the deaths were due to maternal exposure to the vaccine.
02:08:24.527 --> 02:08:26.708
And this report was sent on April 21.
02:08:28.346 --> 02:08:47.286
2021 to the White House, April 23rd, 2021, Dr. Walensky, who had the report and knew this injection was killing babies and poisoning nursing babies, told the pregnant women of America that it was safe and effective and that there was no bad time to have your injection before, during, or after your pregnancy.
02:08:47.566 --> 02:08:49.088
And she knew that this would kill babies.
02:08:49.588 --> 02:08:50.509
I remember the headlines.
02:08:50.809 --> 02:08:52.530
Oh, pregnant woman should take two shots.
02:08:52.590 --> 02:08:53.890
It's so good for you.
02:08:53.910 --> 02:08:59.393
And then you have the internal, which you put out Pfizer documents admitting it would do this to women and babies.
02:08:59.513 --> 02:09:02.475
I mean, you said it, this makes Joseph Mengele blush.
02:09:03.636 --> 02:09:04.276
No, it's true.
02:09:04.656 --> 02:09:07.818
I'm Jewish and my- What a funny name to mention.
02:09:07.898 --> 02:09:16.102
If you didn't see Mark Kulak's show from yesterday, where it looks like Mengele might've been protected by the Vatican, the same way that Hillary Kaprowski was.
02:09:17.203 --> 02:09:17.303
02:09:17.918 --> 02:09:21.919
and that they both ended up in Brazil, kind of.
02:09:22.919 --> 02:09:35.283
And he's making the argument that actually the story that we were told as children and as college kids that focuses on the Holocaust and the murder of six million Jews is actually silly.
02:09:36.892 --> 02:09:45.600
Because if anything that I've learned from Mark and I's friendship, it is that you can't throw away humans.
02:09:45.681 --> 02:09:48.904
They're the most valuable test subject on earth.
02:09:49.044 --> 02:09:52.447
You don't just kill people and burn them.
02:09:53.668 --> 02:10:00.155
You don't just depopulate the earth with poisons because you want to get rid of a lot of people.
02:10:00.195 --> 02:10:01.376
That's not how you do it.
02:10:05.373 --> 02:10:10.020
This is the largest and last biggest opportunity for them to use.
02:10:10.100 --> 02:10:19.154
The most diverse set of human beings that will ever exist on the planet again is this generation and the next one.
02:10:20.663 --> 02:10:35.616
and as population inevitably declines because of all these things that these people have planned, they will have used our kids and our grandkids as willing test subjects, wittingly or unwittingly, that's what they're doing.
02:10:35.636 --> 02:10:45.124
They're setting up a system where our sovereignty won't exist anymore, where the imperative will be public health in a community, communistic sort of way.
02:10:47.369 --> 02:10:53.032
These are announcements that they are making, ladies and gentlemen, and they are not usefully fighting anything.
02:10:56.534 --> 02:10:59.275
I almost lost my train of thought, so I'm going to let them cue me up again.
02:10:59.335 --> 02:11:00.516
Or after your pregnancy.
02:11:00.776 --> 02:11:02.097
And she knew that this would kill babies.
02:11:02.117 --> 02:11:02.197
02:11:02.257 --> 02:11:03.738
I remember the headlines.
02:11:04.058 --> 02:11:05.759
Oh, pregnant women should take two shots.
02:11:05.819 --> 02:11:07.119
It's so good for you.
02:11:07.139 --> 02:11:12.642
And then you have the internal, which you put out, Pfizer documents admitting it would do this to women and babies.
02:11:12.762 --> 02:11:13.903
I mean, you said it.
02:11:13.963 --> 02:11:15.664
This makes Joseph Mingle a blush.
02:11:16.880 --> 02:11:17.500
No, it's true.
02:11:17.900 --> 02:11:22.202
I'm Jewish, and my grandmother lost nine brothers and sisters to the Holocaust.
02:11:22.362 --> 02:11:24.902
And just objectively, this is worse than the Holocaust.
02:11:25.102 --> 02:11:37.846
And so what I think is really important to understand is that one of the lies we have been likely told about World War II is that the most nasty thing that the Nazis did was the ovens and the gas chambers.
02:11:41.718 --> 02:11:48.603
And I find myself wondering if those people weren't experimented on for a few weeks before they were put in the gas chamber.
02:11:50.124 --> 02:11:54.166
I mean, that would make the most sense if you're going to use the resource.
02:11:56.068 --> 02:11:59.870
You know, you don't consider them humans anymore, so what's the way to do it?
02:11:59.910 --> 02:12:01.992
Really is the only problem disposal?
02:12:03.112 --> 02:12:03.393
02:12:04.366 --> 02:12:07.627
That's what we're meant to believe, that the only problem was disposal.
02:12:07.767 --> 02:12:12.749
No, they did dispose of a lot of Jews, but I bet you they tested a lot of them too.
02:12:13.590 --> 02:12:15.710
And I bet you they kept a lot of that data.
02:12:15.730 --> 02:12:20.992
And I bet a lot of the things that they learned from those experiments have been used against us up until now.
02:12:21.593 --> 02:12:27.935
And I think we're only gonna be looking at a very tiny, tiny tip of the very, very, very, very deep iceberg of lies.
02:12:29.676 --> 02:12:32.337
That's the reason why so many Nazi scientists weren't hung.
02:12:36.758 --> 02:12:38.859
That's the easiest conclusion to come to.
02:12:38.919 --> 02:12:44.342
Remember, I'm not talking about them just starting to lie in 2020, I'm talking about long time lying.
02:12:46.263 --> 02:12:52.486
And you start pulling your head out, it's a long ways before your head actually goes, and it comes out of the hole.
02:12:53.307 --> 02:12:55.088
It wasn't a very good sound effect, I apologize.
02:12:57.569 --> 02:13:03.592
I think we need to really reconsider the breadth and the depth
02:13:04.406 --> 02:13:07.807
of the lies that we've been led to believe over our lifetime.
02:13:08.727 --> 02:13:30.991
And reconsider that if we realize where we are now and understand that these people that came before these people, like Gallo and Kaprowski and Plotkin and Gardner and Levy and all the people that Mark Kulak has been exploring their collective history together
02:13:32.870 --> 02:13:54.203
are responsible already for seeding this mythology of a biology that exists outside of us, that's composed of retroviruses and RNA viruses and DNA viruses, and a limited number of those signals in biology are probably relevant to us.
02:13:55.171 --> 02:13:56.312
in terms of understanding.
02:13:56.793 --> 02:14:07.163
And then a great deal of that biology is wholly manufactured by the biosecurity state with the idea of permanently misleading the globe about these ideas.
02:14:08.396 --> 02:14:33.725
And I think that it's very possible and worth considering the idea that there is an intellectual continuity between the experiments that were done during World War II, primarily by the Nazis and the doctors that moved through Vatican protection to Brazil that somehow have some association with the early biology in American society.
02:14:34.707 --> 02:14:46.014
The early public health in American society, the early vaccine science in American society is populated by ideas which actually probably descend from Nazi experiments.
02:14:46.674 --> 02:14:47.995
How is that so crazy?
02:14:48.436 --> 02:14:55.460
Given the geographic movement that we have documented of these people that everybody's known for a long time, not everybody was hung.
02:14:57.665 --> 02:15:12.350
And the most important thing to reset in your head is that six million Jews would have never just been loaded on trains and then put into camps and starved until they needed to be put into a gas chamber and burnt.
02:15:13.570 --> 02:15:17.352
That would be the largest waste of resources ever.
02:15:17.872 --> 02:15:24.014
And think, it's even a very genetically uniform set of experimental animals.
02:15:25.742 --> 02:15:28.904
There's no possible way that all they did was burn those people.
02:15:30.445 --> 02:15:31.786
Although I'm sure they did burn them.
02:15:34.027 --> 02:15:34.908
Do you see my point?
02:15:36.689 --> 02:15:52.960
And yet here she is saying that she lost nine people in the Holocaust and very conveniently has never thought in all those years of dreaming about her ancestors being in that camp, that she's never come up with the idea that, wow, I wonder if they got experimented on first.
02:15:59.540 --> 02:16:04.081
I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but I think there is a massive earthquake happening right now.
02:16:04.621 --> 02:16:21.666
And the paradigm shift that's going to occur is a paradigm shift that none of these narrative controllers were ever thinking was even a remote possibility that we would actually wake up about our past while it's still available for us to explore.
02:16:22.898 --> 02:16:24.459
cost, more people dead.
02:16:24.479 --> 02:16:26.781
And it's going to go on for generations.
02:16:27.082 --> 02:16:32.146
I mean, this is an attack on humanity such as human history has never seen before.
02:16:32.426 --> 02:16:34.929
You don't like to speculate, but you're so on target.
02:16:34.969 --> 02:16:35.809
You've done the research.
02:16:35.829 --> 02:16:36.950
You've got the documents.
02:16:38.071 --> 02:16:41.694
What would you call this system?
02:16:42.255 --> 02:16:44.597
Biomedical mad scientist fascism?
02:16:44.637 --> 02:16:45.738
I don't even know a name for this.
02:16:46.799 --> 02:16:49.041
Well, we don't really have a good name for it because
02:16:49.605 --> 02:16:56.830
even in times of war and slavery, the basic assumption of humanity is that humanity wants humanity to survive.
02:16:57.310 --> 02:17:10.039
So now we've got people in the world who are very, very powerful, who seem to not really want humanity to survive in the same way that it always has, and who are happy.
02:17:10.119 --> 02:17:15.302
I mean, the moral magnitude of what happened is so extraordinary.
02:17:17.105 --> 02:17:18.086
Babies were targeted.
02:17:18.206 --> 02:17:19.366
Pregnant women were targeted.
02:17:19.747 --> 02:17:21.028
Nursing women were targeted.
02:17:21.188 --> 02:17:28.932
And now we've got a 14 to 20 percent drop in live births, according to government records, especially in the West.
02:17:28.972 --> 02:17:34.416
And what I want to say, especially to you, is that in the Pfizer documents, it's the West that's targeted.
02:17:34.916 --> 02:17:36.076
especially America.
02:17:36.416 --> 02:17:42.358
The vast majority of side effects are in America, the rest of them Western Europe, in order of political importance.
02:17:43.679 --> 02:17:44.179
That's key.
02:17:44.199 --> 02:17:45.679
We got a break for some stations.
02:17:45.819 --> 02:17:47.199
We're on 300 radio stations.
02:17:47.580 --> 02:17:48.600
We're going to come right back.
02:17:49.380 --> 02:17:53.341
On 300 radio stations, they're broadcasting this nonsense.
02:17:53.401 --> 02:17:56.222
And you think that this isn't part of the control grid?
02:17:57.702 --> 02:17:59.703
They just lost control of Alex Jones?
02:18:03.564 --> 02:18:06.746
Ladies and gentlemen, this is all a great big trick.
02:18:07.607 --> 02:18:14.611
And unfortunately, ladies and gentlemen, we've been in the car with these people for way too long now.
02:18:14.631 --> 02:18:17.873
Way, way, way too long now.
02:18:17.953 --> 02:18:18.453
What is this?
02:18:18.613 --> 02:18:19.394
What's happening here?
02:18:25.638 --> 02:18:26.318
What just happened?
02:18:26.338 --> 02:18:29.220
I have to do something like Control Z, I think.
02:18:35.034 --> 02:18:35.274
02:18:36.795 --> 02:18:39.217
We have been in the car with these people for way too long.
02:18:39.858 --> 02:18:40.759
Why did that do that?
02:18:40.819 --> 02:18:41.199
Why does it?
02:18:42.160 --> 02:18:42.640
Oh, I see.
02:18:42.680 --> 02:18:47.464
I'm not, I'm not doing it right.
02:18:49.886 --> 02:18:50.507
02:18:50.707 --> 02:18:51.367
Here we go.
02:18:51.447 --> 02:18:51.848
02:18:52.128 --> 02:18:54.270
But we've been in this car with these guys for too long.
02:19:00.438 --> 02:19:06.090
And once you're able to see that the seeding of the gain of function narrative was done decades ago.
02:19:07.426 --> 02:19:14.752
They played around with it with Judy Mikovits and a previous person trying to blow the whistle on chronic fatigue syndrome.
02:19:14.772 --> 02:19:23.338
They've done some bait and switches with HIV and AIDS and this human T lymphoma virus.
02:19:24.819 --> 02:19:33.105
They've done a lot of little jugglings that involve some really interesting people, including Hilary Kaprowski and Alice E. Moore.
02:19:34.686 --> 02:19:34.807
02:19:35.583 --> 02:19:41.106
I think it's really worth trying to debunk the connections that Mark is finding.
02:19:41.166 --> 02:20:03.477
I think it's very much worth spending time on trying to understand how important mentorship is in academic biology, because unless you can work under the principle that the person that you're learning from might not know everything, your propensity to make the same mistakes as your mentor is very, very high.
02:20:04.759 --> 02:20:22.468
And a lot of these people, I believe, because they are part of a national security operation, wittingly or unwittingly coerced or by choice, they are participating in the enslavement of our children through this mythology.
02:20:23.277 --> 02:20:41.843
that there was a gain-of-function virus or a gain-of-function spike protein and that the lipid nanoparticles, lipid nanoparticles, lipid nanoparticles were just very, very, very obviously, no one can just call them transfection because if they do, that means that everybody that's ever worked in an academic setting,
02:20:42.443 --> 02:20:53.548
where they've transfected a mouse or some other animal or cell culture should have known better than to allow the national security state to call transfection and transformation investigational vaccines.
02:20:54.429 --> 02:20:58.330
And so you didn't need anybody to read 450,000 pages of documents.
02:20:58.350 --> 02:21:03.773
You didn't need to waste the time of 3,200 professionals to read all those pages because
02:21:04.233 --> 02:21:19.136
A lot of biologists should have already known that transfection in healthy humans is a pretty stupid idea if you're trying to augment the immune system, never mind to a virus that has never been proven to exist and sustain itself.
02:21:24.557 --> 02:21:33.119
Ladies and gentlemen, my hypothesis is that the WHO declared a dangerous pandemic that was never there, that was always planned to be agreed upon.
02:21:34.205 --> 02:21:52.179
and they rolled out PCR tests that probably were on a hot background that could have been used to detect the presence of a particular molecule that they could have planted in order to make the illusion that something new was spreading on a background that they aren't already characterized in the previous years.
02:21:53.120 --> 02:22:03.328
There's lots of different ways they could have created the illusion of a pandemic, but there are very few good biological explanations for how an RNA molecule can cause a pandemic.
02:22:04.130 --> 02:22:10.954
And that's why all of these people have decided that Jonathan Cooey isn't worth listening to anymore because he says RNA can't pandemic.
02:22:10.974 --> 02:22:19.159
He says that transfection was always a criminally negligent thing to do, to our grandparents even.
02:22:19.800 --> 02:22:21.501
That's why they don't want to talk to me anymore.
02:22:21.881 --> 02:22:29.526
Ladies and gentlemen, this has been another gigaohm biological high resistance, low noise information brief brought to you by a biologist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
02:22:30.146 --> 02:22:35.671
Please remember that the elimination of the control group by any means necessary is one of the last things they need to accomplish.
02:22:36.112 --> 02:22:36.993
So don't let them do it.
02:22:37.053 --> 02:22:39.595
Take your kids off that schedule right now.
02:22:40.837 --> 02:22:48.984
And if you like what you see, please share this stream with your family and friends as often and as widely as possible.
02:22:50.441 --> 02:22:59.410
And if you have the means and motivation, can you please go to GigaOMBiological.com and find a way to support the work of me and my family.
02:22:59.450 --> 02:23:00.230
Thank you very much.
02:23:30.677 --> 02:23:35.900
Hey, a big shout out to the 87 people that have subscribed to my sub stack already.
02:23:35.920 --> 02:23:37.161
Like, holy Moses.
02:23:37.682 --> 02:23:38.502
Thank you very much.
02:23:39.863 --> 02:23:41.844
It's really, really appreciated.
02:23:42.645 --> 02:23:43.205
See you guys.
02:23:43.405 --> 02:23:45.107
I don't know if I'm going to do a show tomorrow.
02:23:45.127 --> 02:23:46.447
Saturday is Saturday.
02:23:47.088 --> 02:23:50.490
But I will most probably be on Sunday.
02:23:50.510 --> 02:23:56.714
And of course, all week, 1010, or as close as I can get to the time when your watch looks the best.
02:23:56.754 --> 02:23:57.655
Thanks very much, guys.